The free citizen. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1874-1876, November 06, 1875, Image 1

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E. A. WERSTER. Editor am: Proprietor. A Weekly Paper Devoted to Temperance, Literati*v? snd Politi? VOLUME !I ORANGEDURG, SO11'll CAROLINA. S A Tl RDA Y \OVEMBER H, 187: xe M ni;ii 13 T? M IO LY TOiM( s. \ i .. s -TA . < ?eoigia. * * ! : i i i ? i - tho largest rut tun factory in tin- south Ko riv buildings aro in process of erection, arni houses i.. the value of .*:'.00,OOU have lie? " completed lhi< year. AcconniXii to :i Kreuch statistician, more than M thousand people have per ished hy lires i?i theatres from th?." I H"gi li ning of thc nineteenth century up to thc present date, while the pecuniary loss amounts io i?i?n,uM0,0?". Till? report that I ?oral?! Massey, titi* Kn ?il ish 'poet, han become insane is now denied hy M personal friend ? >l his, who say!- that tl at he i- 'iiow engaged - II tin greatest literary work ol' hi- life. Tm: St. Louis whisky distillorshavc vieldod to tlif energetic persistency of Secretary llristow, and haye withdrawn their plea "? "not frailty" filed in the most important counts, ami hy so doing lia Ve l'?r fei ted thc goods seized. , TIM: inl!u.en/:i ?>r distemper among th" h nr.- ..- has hecoine ahuoijt universal throughout thc country, and, though not to pared in severity to the epidemic of two years ago, it is -still the eau ?.? of considerable inconvenience and lo --. We begin, aLo, to hear of fatal rc-, suits from tin- disease; and horse-breed ers report the whole season unfavorable to the successful rea ri ii?: ol* celt- from tho fatal prevalence of the trouble among '.hem.. ? Tin? St. Louis Times, in referring to - t)ji>JatQ visit ol'.lay. ( iould,Sidney I >illon, < Uiver Ames and other railroad magnates, say: the mani object ?if their visit wa- to .perfeet^arraiig?hients to run through ears from bi San Francisco via the St. LiUlis ami Kansas City and -jS'iirlhcrik and Uiiioh'ami Cacilie'railroads without' chang.*, ?ii?l ultimately from New \HU-1C viii New Vork ( Volnil through this city. It is..|'?rtlter ?aid that this project i do'stiiiod to forestall the action ol* the iiatkmal railroad convention to he held ., Imo-iicN; month.-an-l -it possible, to kill .nie- Southern I'aeiiie railroad "project w'jieii has many strong friends here. Tin: great power- of western Ku rope . have exerted their co m bi m >1 influence tu smother the Servian rebellion and pro t e! the dominion ol' the Turk :i little linger, lt. i^ easy to imagine how the Czar smiles his sleeve ?it their jenh busy and tin- se? ret intrigues it leads to . ii ord^r to prevent I'ussia from getting :i foothoM on tin- Mediterranean, esjico .?ally as every*year she ?A extending lier empire to Centra1 Asia ami throwing the net of her diplomacy down, towards the ocean and IVrsian i?ulf. These Hank movehients arc of vast importance, an-! ii' emil inned a i|iiarter of a century will malo i: ol' M TV little moment what th. croat powers say, There i- little u-i in defending the front door when the enemy lue captured all the roi ol' thehoiisc. Wic an- imlehled, says the-New < ?ricans l ime-, tu thcslatc registrar of Louisiana for an adv?uce copy ol" a table showing ile- population of Louisiana, accord mg to stale eensu? of ,1870. .We present the toi il i? low, comparing them with tho li- nv. - ol the Knited Statesconsusol Clio and l-To. They show a very large in crease during the live years, l in it is con ? litie.l chiefly to tin- rural parishes, that ot' < Ml. an-, comprising the city of Ni-w < ?r loans, being only 12,0-1 : rum i. \TION 01 -nu: i Stii i. ism. I?;:. W ion .:;..7, l.'.i; mri |0|,<?|i? i i.lum! . IN'M: ?'?.I.-.MO r.".?;i 1 Slave-.-..:..:.\:n,7-J>> . ( 'Iii tie-.? ami I milan-. I ii|o j,.*?|"J Total.:70S',(M? ;?_'<;.?i i.". s."i7,(i:t?.i J?. * IM MM I Al lo.\ .. I ? S KW m: I. ?ANS. White i.".l i;?,!M?.*i I lo,'.?._'.'! i i."i,7-i I'ri i? eoloieil. irt.t?:ai ..0,1.-,.! 17 Glaives.:. H. I-1 . (.'liineseTiitil Imlimis 171 :,:> 71 ToiitI.17-UiV.i j(H,-I td ._'o:!, I.'.'.I Tin: 'return io Hie I'?mi lora from an ?ill mininer cxjiedition to the arctic /.one with nothing discovered In;*, n warm current, a vessel ol' [foss's expedition abandoned twenty live years ago ami ? ill stuck in the ice, ami lin- headstones, ,0:' .im." ol' Sir dohn Kranklin's buried nit ii, i- Mi'- la-i brief ami uninteresting aci on ni til' .1 brio*'and unromantic cruise in rather hiiylfiirye'l seas. The I'a miora expedition weill wiihin about 1,000 milos, of the po||., or thereabout, and roached H?o Gestein longitude of lin- I Jed river seulement, passiug jierhaps oncrlhird of Ibo. .way _ weat ward Ihroiich the series ol' straits north of Victoria laud. Lein .' a * steam, r the l'a udora moVcd rapidly, am! had the 1101 thorn sea been ibinhsir neted , by ?er or fugs -he could, ut ,that reduced ol' (lie globe, have steamed ?through froiii .l??dlhr? Cay lo thc RifVuuoi Weo-h-an seas in ihre?.? or tour ?lavs a! tho utmost. Sin? sailed above seven de v rec- in twelvi flays, willi all sorts ?.l embarrassai r?- a.. ! -..opp.ij. K-yeiiJ ilfjiv- ni?>ro nf -i. aiuiiij over r<pm?ly j sli .i t parallels wotihl have can'??! !.. r quit'' through html obstruction- t.. i Ito ?supposititio?sly opiui Kolar -.-a un tie l<?iitritiulc 'ul'Hilka ami mi<I-1'.-i<-iti<-. Tin: expedition was Linly franklin's. Iii. best wc ? an say ni' it is thai ii was so in Iclligently and humanely dine:..I ilia'. Capt. Young brought home Iii- \. -..1 and Iii- lin n. Till-: tragic death of ('liarh-s l?eveiv hy hi-??wu hand in an uptown deli in New York i-'i- illustration of iii?' old iiinh that tlie way oj tin- transgressor i liard. le -vero liad beni a sporting cliar aetev. Iii'drove nisi, played deep, nial plunged into, all manner >>t Oxivsses. About t\v?? years ago he formed a Hitisnu with a wmiian ..ii whom ii i- thought Iii.' squandered s.'.n.onn. Lately he lia- lia'! a powerful run of ill-luck, niel with hi waning fortunes -'?ie began t.. look . .??A i'??r a well-filled pocket toset her lieu", np-.II. ll?- beca ni?' ilesper.-ile, an.I aft? r after noon and night of ?h baueli, at th?' eml ol' which -!ie re fi i.-..< I ;.. g?? willi hihi L >n.. c. he struck heron tin- head and then slutt himself at her feet. The ?li-e<?very of the self-murder iv yea led a ghastly scene nf pain,dissipation,ami depravity, and -h< iws how the pur-u'it bf plcnstire through their dcvioii-. ?nina.ral way- i- alway- unre warding and often fatal. The ? xcitcincnt -L al-away tl:.- lit', of the pleasure.'ami the delirium i- alway- degrading and ?leath-iuistcuiug. it seems as thoiigh thc expel imem had beeil tried Often enough with itiivaring results to warn overyhtxlv away front -neb perilous course.-. ALFONSO'S' Ki A NC LL. S'ri :::.?"?.? .Hl'IU'1'ill'?.. Ilse l'-.-iifi le.i' ?fili en ol' S|tllii'. The Kreuch g?yresp?ni-lent of the Lon don Times, inVonie extended comments bu Spanish politics, weave.-, a sk?'lc!i ?.f .frincess Mei'cc?los, the youngest ol' the two daughters of iho 1 hiede Slonpeiisier, whose engagement to King Alfonso was recently ann.nine. .! : . lt is c\ i u nt Iv thought that a mar riage between lin- King cud the l'i'iners Mercedes would produce cnjislderui'iii ef fect in .-(iain, ami re-unite, to the exclu sion ol tho ('a ri ?st king, whbm civil war .o?d iii ? blood which has been shed, cul oil'from the nation, ?ti ?ind tin- ame iutercsl. all members of the myal family, thu naturally this alliance would liol bc supported by thc pr?'sent cabinet, for i! would free tile king from the enervating guardianship of the I luke ofSesto, ami it i- in tin--ilent struggle; in this hievila bh) antagonism, that the anticipated ex planation ?ifevents which will happen in Spain must besought, lt was with those rcllcclions thal I spent the timmi uga 11 {a li lian. I observed the respectful enthusi asm w ith which the Spaniard- treated tlie voling Princess, who h:i> hecnnie '.In- ob ject ni' ih.-ir combination, and i: may bc said of their hopes, 'flt.- Prime .- liersell ju-- pa.- ?I fr?.m ehihlhooil, full ..:' grace and iiig?'iiiousuess, -eeined unaware of the j myal destinies which perhaps await her, as, with her eye- lixe?l mi (he Princess Christina,her sister, -h.- laude d ai thc awkwardness of 1'ri nee Antonio, lier lilt lo brother, while tin y ali abandoned thein sel vc- fu'fi'hi'i' /icusi '?. to thc pleasures ot croquet mi the -budy terrace nf Kantian. At the end of the ?hiy thc Due dc Mon pensicr was surrounded by hi- Spanish giiCHts, who had all resumed their C'asiil ian gravity and whose attitude Lo athed t h. . 1 radii ional respect nf .dd Spain !'??>. tim-- w tm .-it on the steps of the ihr?nm. Further bu, th?' duchess, in tin- midst ol a circle ol' ladie-.- ron versed in a disorc?'t loni1 of voice, ami raised her head from I time t <, time to foll? iw the ch ?I? I rei i's game with a satisfied air and tn .smile ai the bur-: . of laughter or frequent discussions entailed by tim rr? iq net, while she i- cnn detuned In lile -eVelitV nt' SpUlli-ll eti quette. l b?- Prime-- Mcrcedo- is ?nie ol j the most graceful personages w ho could occupy a throne. K.vhleiitly thc Priii ?i - i - vol too yoiiug to !.. come immedi ately a royal bride for she is not yid I I . I hut I a.ii -ure that the young king, win. I knows her and who must have preserved la rec? ?licet iou bf her, will easily IH-COIIU* j an a> . unplice of those" who dream of giv ing to Spain that Princess who to-day breathes grace, and wlui to-morroiv at thc wisliedd'or hour will add l?> this grace thc kindly digliitv bf a ?|U< en and the seduc tive charms of a woman. .1 do not know ! how far Spain is in a [tosilion lo give up it.s st rugidos, competition and incessant war. 1 ?lo imt know bow mr one ought to wi-h that titi- young prince-- should I become tin- inst ruinent of this dill'muli I itudorlakiiig. I d?? not know, should it I bl'accomplished, if ono day I !..;!! not think with -idii"- nf '...i- vining haly whom peppin'are t ry i ug lo thrust into the Spanish lui iia.e ; but in lea vi mr L'andaii. and while laughiiiu a' the thought that I had been assisting al the sup|.lion siiiralors' least, I was obliged tn ???nfess that thi marriage hugill w? il I., pleasing ! t.. Spaniards sincerely desirous ol procur ing a halt fin* their country bu tin- path pf agitation which it ha- tr???l <> lung. " j -A merchant who, (rom 1 oiug .! very j po?tr liny, had risen to weah ii ul re nown, w'us once asked hy an intimate I friend to wlial he attributed lc- m ee lin life "To prompt oltcilicncc to my 'paient-," was tin- reply. "II! the mid I ol limn y Lad example- of youth of my '. own ave. I was alway; able to yield a j ready -ubiiiissioii lo t?a^ w ill of my j t lei: a hi? -itej lia-, in cn-i qm in c. ri : i ' upnii me and upon all my ellbrt-? r !-. :> ? it t vr i ?? \ %. i Ti. . ut - .:. l in ..Ihr ?..I l ii- !.. 1.tie til. ll I-.. Il- .Ill; Tlti'v liili-l Iii- iniii.l ??r!i l.iii .. Th.' ..iin r'~ i v.- ki-iit f lu- ?l" Oui j : .: i!.-: ?vir. !i !?.- >..-? -il I'm- mi... eil. liant i nj u (nv lin. li.?-. 'I ii.- ili-ttim wa- .tivtni-ty .lim. Tlii' liiril- il. ii tliuieriil ..u tli.- '.i. .?/.. iii. lr i >. n y lil'tiil- tor lum. Tin- ?>t lier - ai. il y -a'?v lin- llntvi-rs. Alni ii. ?, r kn.-'v iii?, n. . - ?v. ?.. m uni, ll.- tllil Inn ...nut iii.' lia} - an.I h...i.-. Till In- tai :l.t li'iu ii lin' rt..I.ii-''1 laml. Ami ..rn-, a lllllti Iciilil . tiri -- WmlM t.. a t. ml. r i .lp: ti rem..'.. : ll" ..III'.' i.liivl Iii- lil- 1? Ml - I li.- ?....I v. Im -av.- Iiim thins- !.. Invr. Th. r imu ne ve. I ..a hi- ??ny, A Ira 1.1 t..' ur l..4ini.'li : ll - '.ni;. ..[. -I lu- I., jii'?y ll.- lill ;i.i liol !...... a lliitii; t.Hi liiui'li. Wilt, ii u.i th.- I..-: ' I.'lo ul", . an. Y . why -lioulil ??it .1?' 'twixl ilii-iii,? WV inti j approve th" in-an nial niau. Not yi'l t lo-joyful man ...tnlcnin. H.- i- ti i iir'niitin wli>> lia- fou iii! Thfil . nth. ti- w. ll i- li.-av. ti. i- -w. t. Not I. I:- h- ?' h... li. i?, ! la -mn m .1 th.- rai iii l*-neath Iii- f.?'i. iii'?ll'.., ;. I'A< TS PKOJI A Lil SOL*Ht.'KS. i : i. i . i i:i iii: itv WINI:. A (-?iiTi's|Miiiiii-ul "I' lin* Mn - a?hils?lts I'lniighiuan ?rivi's tile following IIM'?|K>. ti- having Itc?ii used for years with pet li'ri -tl.r. - : Tn lill a live gallon keg, loki; liv.- i|u.-irts nf ripe herries pieki'd froni ila- -lint-, li?, gallons nf water, ' titeiii together . ?I i ?--. j un i" t . - r "f an hour, -train lin- liiplor. a.hi fourteen pound-nf brown sugar, 1> ul again hail an li?.nr: put into a Ititi thu o pounds of raisin-., |mur ii:.- boiling li.?u..r mi them: win*ti milk-warm add hali' a pim of yeast, ii i ii stand three days. strain ?ir... ti.ash. If there i- inore jillu??r i iuiti lill- the e:;i;-. use i: to lill up willi a- ii -. ttl. - while fermenting: it there is linne left water will answer. Keep i: lull about two wceksj When a hon I .Int.' fernlen ting, eork tin- cask tight: Iel it -t imi ahnui three months; then .haw mf int.. bottles. i OI.OltiNO AI'I'I ,'.s, lite Sacramento llceord says "Mr. ? liarles l'aine, who own- an extensive orchard near San .lose, ha- a method of giving in red, -triped and yidlow apples a high mlurhig. The fruit i- picket! am! laid upun the ground in Inti", thu piles, limier ihe i?:il!' -had. of tin- trie-, lt is desirable t.. -jive them a- much sunlight ns they will hear sunburning. !n two o ? three weeks the apples "ii the lop will be richly colored. These an- re moved, boxed and sent io lite market, and lin- next layer ex iii ?ed t" the -nu. Iiis apples thus colored. es|M'cially the Imldwin, Si...?i.'s filler, and Spit/.en luirghs, challenge the admiration ol'all w ho see . In-iti. Hy this priicos apples that, when picked from the trees, were almost without t'olorj will h?coinc bril lianl a- lin' reddest iipple .rn tin-tree, and Cipially a- tine a- lite liest." i ri iniiii in!: ST'i it.'K; I'll.' Western b'ural says: l-'armers i-i tin- west not having had experience in feeding cut seed ;<i stock, do not hilly ap preciate the advantage i" be derived I':..m ii. lt will I..- ?..'?lid thu! 'In- -ame amount nf Inn or straw et:: ami inixeil with :. liitle brail or smash '.'.ill do nearly doubl.. the ;.uni -?!' good :.- that let] In.... ?.. linrsi . or ciit i ii-, which are -ta'd i'ed. When thisjdan I.. lu-more practiced, the advantage i-f tin- im proved ci md 11'mn .>:' the stuck will he MI great, that the cutling-hox will become .??i indi-peii-il re<|uisile to every fanner admiring good stock, lt rei|ttircs i rilli hie. lint lite -tuck needs tlii extra care at a i?III?' when the ordinary work of the Iii: liter i- m.; pressing; The ex pi usc i- not great in ihe use ol' a hand nuit lune, ami if ,i larger machine is used, the work iiiay be don?' innre tat-idly, ami '.h. j lower used lo drive il may he used for ot lu r purposes . .! en, un! advantage iii th.'- farm ecoiicmy i or-i ii. li--1 Ni i MICA I IOWS. 'flu results of a -ingie top-dressing on eight pl"t- ..f nearly hall' an acre each ol' sandy, warm -nil. ol' ihe Michigan State Agricultural ' "li' gc farm, exhibited ihe following lads al ihe > nd nf three year-: The top-dressing wa.-* applied in I .Sdi, and lin- grass was cut twice each season in |Sii-l and ISi??. and once in ISi?i?. The prod lice i d' cadi entibio and "i each Int wa- weighi'd separately and a perfect record kept, l im results fur the four seasons were a.- follows: < )n Ihe pint in which u11 manure or fer! ilizer was applied, l|ie Kital wi ?ghi of hay yielded per neri wa- s,7!h puund-. W het.- two bushels of plaster per aere ivas applied, the yield per acre was b'./JiV. pounds, a gain of 1,17-1 pound-. Wileri' live bushels nf wood ?ishes were applied, thc yield per ere wai 1'J."'7 pound.-, a gain of-1,1 li? pound... Where threi bushels ol': sail were -own per aere the yield wini l??.?l'?'.i pound-, a gain per acre of ~>,'2'J7 pound.-. Where twenty load- "f muck per acre ivas laid nu, llii' yield per a?re wa |:!.N|I'I pound-, a rain i if 0,ti7l pound-. Where iweiiiv load- "I horse manure was laid ..u t!i'eiyii-lil was I l.'.-'i pouiuls, again of ?.-:'! pound . These are the results which indicate tba! there arc fertilizers which will produce a- good results ?is I. i : t - : i i. Kor instance, the plaster yielded a gaiii of lifty-one j ter cent, while the horse manure gavenn iucrea.-e of seventy one ju i; ccu!. nearly a t m iiiiire"gi'?iss per acre in t he t hrcc . ar.-. i" l ui: Tm: w Aibix-nox! Tlie American \grirulturist Int- du li.II..wing: When lint ?Il UM- ihe WitgOII liox i: :t cumbrous thing to -tow awav. lt i i." costly lube allowed to ho ..nt anion.-i the plows am) harrows, and too bulky '.o lind a place ju the tool-hoilsc or ihe -I' d -. ? ii needly ?I iii- up against tit.' li !."?. "r M the' hack "f I lie bam. where ii i- : min li injured in oin- yciir hy ex|.o-ure us it Woli'd he hy several y eil is iii u-- \ \ . : . cOuVt-iiiriit pinn i !.. ? ..i-: it up t.. ihe ceiling of n wagon ?Mci. o VC I' fbi' (>!.:?.. Wileri' i! .? V.;?j. ii.-U;i?ly -J ill?!?: livre ri eaii alwav- I?itv. er. 11 ? in. i. i ; lie wogi >ii ia two ni ii ri ?'-. and it i- out oj tin'way a tiri -ale from. S.n." n .. lt i< neeos-ary to have lour rings on ila wag?>n-lio\. One near each cbrurr. t\y?? -lion ropes anil two long ones: anil nv,, -niall pulley-block- fastened tin- brnins . i verlieao!. The short ropes are i . . -? 1 to tho ri nus, ra rh crossing one em! Ol' the whgoii-liox. Then' should lie a loop in the middle ol' cacti ?if these -li rt r..pi-. t/i which the lon- ropes eau he tied or i.Iced. When thc wagon i- hackcilint? t he proper plaec t he ropes are fn-teiio?! to t he wagon-la>x, anti each end of th? b??\ is hu?ste?I a I'. w feet alternately ? it' . ?-"lily one person to pull it it|" Until it i- high enough. The rojK'ji ai'' inst? in 'i around cleats li xe? I t" tin wall of the shi.l. Tin: (.'nori' AMI II- TI?IIAT.MKXI. Tlii- disease causes death hv siillbcati<?ii. The entrance of the windpipe i- very ?niall: (t little cold cause's the lifiilig . .! the part called the mucous membrane -well. Thi . ?linii.-hes the opening, w hich i- made smaller -till hy what i- called siihniucoiis?till It ration- thai is. this inii '."II- nie n i Ina i ie. hcing inlhlined, throws out an extra amount ol'Huid. MK" the eye. when ii i- intlniiicd. Thi- Huid hardi n- and forms at length a kimi nf hiver which i- soinctii.i an ali.t leathery toughness: "men n-inj in thick hess until the tiri lice i- sit marly rlo-r?i that the h rea th i- ol.-t ru ctr I. Nan si '?it i hg niedieines diluti- titi- formation and thus aid lo hring it away. A favor ?te prcscri|?tion \><r a i | tia ri er "fa cenitiry ?iinohg eminent physicians was to mix a teaspoonful of powdered alum w ith a I'it th'sugar to make it palatahle. The im uiediate effect i- t" nauseate, giving great relief in a minute sometime-. Flannel- dipjied in iee-eold iva ti '.hanged every I wo mimi tes, ami sq un /''?I :i little.-?? a- o. drilil.le and wet thi- cloth ing, is au .'Xcellent remedy. because it coiijs tin- part- and diminishes th" amount of hlood sent lhere, and a- the phlegm is made out of tin- hl"...I a lr amount i- linnie, and relief i- certain. Ititi Hamid dipped in water a? hot as eau I l.e horne and applied to the part,changed i every two minutes, earrie- oil" the Ina! i hy evaporation, and. irritating the nir face, Illings thc Mood away froth the in- I terior, Mini thu- diminishes the pi legln. Cond Advice. 'flu- Ailinn- of tlii- i- not known, hut he or rtiiv. is certainly :i wis? man or wo niau: Would you show yourself really gund to your daughters*? Tlu n lie gen eronsjt them in a truer sense than that '?. heap llg li inkots on their neck-. Train them fir indepemlenee first, and then la lair to give it lo them. Let thom, a?->. ?II a- ever Uiey are grown Up. have Iii t lr ui"u v. or mean- of making money, lo la1 their own, and teach them how t,i deal Willi it. without nee?Iiug every tn., m. nt somebody to help them. Calculate what yoii give them Or will bequeath !?> ihein, tint as i- usually done, on the ?.hailee-of their making a ru h marring) . but on the probabilit y ol'their remaining singh?, and according lo the -eal'- nt' liv ing to which y "i i ha ve accustomed them. Suppress their luxury now if need be. lott do not leave theta with scarcely have tieecssaiies hereafter, in striking contrast | t?i their present home \liove all. Ir l), them to help ihemsclve-. Kit th. II; id Iii- abie t . i add to their own nu au- nit lier I liait to he forever pinchhii-; arni rroito ini/.ing lili their mind- are na rio we? i and their hearts arr sick, (live all the cul ture yiai can to every p.iw.r whit '1 ihry may possess. If they should marry after all, they will h.- the happier and ile 'u t ter for it. If they should remain among the million of the unmarried, th. y will lil?-- you in your grave, ami say <>f v.u. wliat cannot lu- -ai?! of many a ?I ?ling parent hy his surviving chihl: My fsith u" cared that I should he happy after his death tis well as while I was hi- pei am! bi- t?.y. >Y i i y Professional "Hen are Th rill less. 'I'la- laborer who ha.- saved money i hetter lilted, perhaps than ??ny one t" employ t" advantage ihc kimi of labor in which tie himself is vi i ? ,I. Inn the lawyer or the author who ha- si veil nioiiev ha- no way open to him ?if 'uni in/, at ike same t uno, both hi- knowledge aiid hi- money !?? ac?-ounl hy ihc suci'i lui eniployiuclll.s of tin- tah-ul . "t' oilier lawyers or oilier authors in iind?Tl:ikin?.s like milo hi- own. I'erhap-. indeed, something of this kimi happens when > pi'punir an i hm like I Hckchs turns, editor, anti collects around him a .-tail' of ?'lever writer.-, wb" admire hi- genius ami an even ?lispose?! t<> copy his mannerisms Hut thc case is exceptional,and a- t t ub it so seldom turns "Ut that thc very stn cessful author hajqieiiii tn have the qual ?ties ?if :?. sm"-ful editor and journalist, that exceptions of this kind may i>?- pm i aside a- irrelevan;. No doubl oiieoj the great reason--why professional incn ari', ?III the whole, sh I |i ri fl I? ss in proportion to their gain- i lliis that tia.upation which absorbs their energies i- nbl One lin* gains of w bieh can IM' ?. Mended I'V the help of ju dicious saving ami investment. \ mau can not be sneers.-li tl Iii commerce, uer, ?mired, wry sneer -ml even a> a skilled lal inrer. without sinnig imo ive foi" -av ing in or?l? i I" . ?eui? moir Mirers-, fit ?iel'Ol' the -aim soil, Ol at lea-i of a closely ana!"', "i!.t, Ihtt :: ?.nil?? -iona! man who i yen -u?.?--iii! randy lias a sj rici ly prof? -'..nal motive Hu" -aviiig. I'll' auu'e his hrart i-ab?n ind hy iii- ivoik, ?li? '? - li?1 he think - "! providing foi' him ? it iii ii reel lillis which arr in no way hound up in hi work. I III Ml', is lio chaiigi s to ?1 <.! iii the i'lcclli'tl teiiiin- holli low i. I lt?' !.'? inil I li? an nnijoi it v is about Hill t \ 1 -an?! ni v. s min - ; r ALI.. ??l-l 'MIMI ? iiiilil ll :?v?' lili von au K|?|. . '?iii- Hail. -i I....,,. lt. |.i|l.|i. .oi. ? ?n't '?i ;i vvliilo something happen.- in |!n ivo'hl.-o far remo vc?! from thc natural, |iii>|ii i ?u-dcr -it" iliin?is. ?n thoroughly ami awfully almiirmal in it- i|uality. sb rom plctely preposterous in its ?'??nsequenees, that thca\vrngc man ran almost we?'p Initti .-'?'ir wrath at ?in ?vince?! disregard ol' thc eternal j ?rb i ii* rt k's. They may weep over ibis -tati-nent nt'an actual fact : In j sri:* ?ii -j. m li man. whose uanic tx-c'd .i-.j bc given, closed tip a {iiol?talilc (Ihjii I nisi ness, .-mil retired upon a d?'.-ervc?I ?'<ini |.ete?iey. A la-ie HT tin- .I tilings ot" thc world bad t iii - - ie 11 ?ni I Lu-inc-- man. ?ild win ll lc- ri>tj|'ed ic -elected from lii -toek ?.! Ii<|m>r- a supply nf-tho best, furl I n i\ at- e. >i i-i i ni (.! inn. lia !.. I ti n i rbi ii 11 ive ii ty vi ar- ..!?!. wuscarcfull.v bestowed in l??t tlesand dtyaiitors; sun ?ot li. oily brandy ?a ?miiil.-irij po; aside: rieh port and brown '?' rrj and ptveioiis cordials were ??ri - served willi c?|iijd ea re. and when he final- I jv wini out <?f business, the ^etitlemaii re ferred Io had in his |.?-inn a rar- Lit , . .I liquors contained in a variety nf ?">;t l> -. '!. canter-, ju irs and other reecp-1 C?eles. Theil caine a stuhlen death, and lb?' I tu-ines- man - poi-ses-inns doeetided to ?ii- kinsfolk, fin- bottled liquors wein j i*i t? near relativ?; whose family were let in ila- habit ?if looking upon thc wine when teil m- any (tiber color, or of cou-j sinning Injinu- in tiny (orin. The bottles .ind ileeaiitei - and jugs were put away, as -.. inm-h rubbish, in ile- gsirrct, aid lett utdi-'.u ii"'l. There, in thc lonely jr.srn-l, tho injinu -ttiycii. and the year- pa--..I by. I'la I tourism grew richer, th?- brandy oilier, tin- wine- snore hui ty; the cordial more' like the v iv elixir of lite. 'fi:.eail cable I teen i ne i t'aet. (lermany look ?sj -li?e of Krahec and 1e r milliards, Stan ley found Livingstone, aid other meat thin ? happened, and still, by days aid weeks and mouths aid years; in bottle-1 .nd deni ii tera and jugs, hidden away, half forgotten, in tin- dusty garret, tile rieh Itourboii grew richer, the oily bandy ' oilier, tin- nutty, wines more nutty, the I precious cordial more like tin- elixir of lite. 'fine, ibc irreat distiller was doini:! hi- liest. Time -till passes, a- time alway- di tes ?uni in the household win n- tin- liquors wer . the thrifty lums-ewile aid lier a-i-t- ' .ou ilaughter- kept all things neat aid ?.nlerlv. and furnished a well-provided i table." They do so .-till. lt lia- alway-' h. en tin custom of iliese ladies to pm np! in autumn a large supply! of pickles ami preserves aid jam- and such delicacies. ] ami a while ago tiny began the usual work. Tin \ hail accomplished much, when at a c.nain stagi with a irreat deal of fruit mi their hands, tiny found them-, -?.Ive- without Imttles to hold thc various essences and extracts aid other doppj'i tieci'ssaricrt for lin- work. Spine one sjtoKe up. "There; a rc a lol ol nhl bot tl?'? and j ii wit'i nasty li? pu ?rs in them up in th garret. The suggest ion v?'as enough' '1"' ukasv wa- i -in -I by the i_'otnl mother, and oiie wa- --lit tn til kV :?? I tile bottle- aid jugs 'ii th" ga nv I and prepare them for use. I!.. .. wore al I brought down and thc c<?u-i I cn I > emptied ?ill thc groll lld in '.he bael, jard, thai thc vessels might ?ie used for hbii-ehold purposes! fin- Lii?li-Ii language i- a vert goo I language for -am- purposes, hut theil; I Voil ii i- totally inadequate tin-the' purposejitst herc. The thirst v earth drsiiik up the ph chins lbj not' aid gay?' lin sigh* but had it lip it '.von h I have smiicked ihciii; had i: eve tt would have rolled them. The greedyJ WI ri li toni. al!, tile lilli I'lOUI-hoU, tile '?ijv brandy, the nutty wine-, lite cxqui-it< i-onlials! W hat an amma. ii'. t?? tickle the niisi ri ls ??f gods upon ? Mynipus, mn t have ari-eii ! What delicious agon;. "1 exhalation V Thc sweet inaudible wail ot a I"-! -pilli! I '? un prc hem I it if von eau. I >? ?II rln ?II huty-t lire?- vea rs old, oilier ner ta ra- priceless, all east away a- common -tull', lit liol even I'm beasts thal perish aid im earl ho, mike, no lighinjiiir from the sky, im coin ulsions of nature to pun ish the thing. "Think ol it, drink of il tim. you can't drink of ii. because ?ts ^oiie),'dissolute man !" Wa- ever stich an mit rage before".' This i- mi n tc ie -ketch from thc i maj in iii ion. tlii- isa -imple statement ot a loi rible lac.. I- it- knowledge not enough to make tin- man u ?th orgaiisof taste ami smell a Uunpoiniv maniac, enough in make him want to go and dash his head against a pillar of iron'.' (Mi. ghost of old Siblin- : Newest Fashion freaks. I..i Lu ti tense (the cripple) is the name thc I'ronch modistes have given an over skirl thal i- om- -iilcd. er mail.' to look so c. heing draped higher on thc right side than on tie- {efl. The over-skirl ilia: finds most favor hero are those ibu; have very drep aprons, teaching ?pt i tc to ila loot nf (lu-skirl beneath. I he- apron aie now verj much I rim med, sim I tia te.I-I populni one o. all ba- large ilpridil lolil- thai meei in tile middle of the a j ?i bli. ari hehl ilnie liv bows, ami ila lolil- ti'i li -lope up tl',,- -ide aid ale In-; iii the ilraperj nf lie- back. l in ii,int ni cn-ftimes .-. ti.Ljcetivc |M?iiit foi ila- trimming this -.a-on. I'a i i-iciuu - have been abandoned tour nures atnl all I .< m llb ii t ctli'cts. and thc . M nit o i ? i- nov massed in front or on tile; sides, .labot-. ti.hi-, low-, tabliers .-.lal picket- Him itu iii ut ami -iii abumlaii! ly. yet thc fa-hi<ill nf t'y i IP thc -kilt back reiuaiii-, and thu-the I'ulltic i ma -- i I behind, Sleeve- aie al-o \. iv much Iriiuiiie?! .h;- ia .!!. lhere i- ji'ss shirring am pltlblli tl poll llu'lll. hilt tillie i-a taiicv tm nov - ..t iiori/oiital told- foi irivguhe . an.: - [lu: whole" front ?il the . CV . all'! t?.;- -li-rp < lill'- that trim till' sloeX i.- t.. tllC clholV. No! W i?l-l ;l IM I ? ll'j' tVilIgt! ?II hlt'OS HIV WI ?shiv used, 'lu i.- ?~ a lilli' style fourni in the untrimmed ?rarinonts that 111:1 kos theni popular. Thoi?* aro overs!.-iris and |M?lona?M's ..f i!. ? richest lYabies that aro mendy hemmed ur faced, and t'-us the ?uiroliascr ? MM tilford t?. i ny cit nwrv money in tho material nf her -nit. .Mull- air made i., match thc how eos niii. -. l ?ro-.-c-ol'hrueadod wl\-et llll<j -ii!;' tin- velvet ornamented xxdth small hoiitpietsol' Howers, r'oathor ?nulls, i-v.i edinglx ?-_rlit. sm : 111 ami wami; .?ru al-1 shown toimiteh iii- foal lu r hnr iroi's ol costumes. Wide ruche-are made ? .i li 'a 1 . a * rs thal aro >t ri ?-? ?. ?< I .mu? t li. - -Lin-, anil so wet I un straight instead of hoing I'ttrli'il. I ii-n- i- thou .1 iiiiill' tu inati'li. Titi - ni alls a:u very handsome in Manual gray ostrich leathers, in ia.-: ra I-..ti!, ami in thc dark green cooks' fi at lu i -. 1 if all liai incuts thal have groxvii longer, 'toaks -hoxx tin- most ilooiilo?! uievea-e in length. Th?"; long pelisses ami hasipiitios, M. arly littet! t<. tho liguiv.aro rovivod lui" .[..til oloaks, wtiilo loni; I'reneh sacipios .villi I. harks aro used for those ul -ilk that arr liiioil with ?Cuv. Dolmans uro tilso longer, anti have, ample sloe vos IVoiii tito oliiows t" tin xx'rist. There ?tnt .'.lui 1 ir iv wraps thal rc.-cnildc thcdoulil? iMJM - ..;' . .. ar- ago, Inn li haw tlx fronts luriio.l up m lorin -io.-vos. Now jacket-- ?,f ligured oainol's hair have .I?i-etj .-loovos.willi Outside pago sleeves laiigiug jonir ainl square, ami slioxviiig a iuinir ?.t"' vol vol. Now \v?*?lilin*r <lir-.-arr tit'stilt, lustro ? - faille, triiit 11104.1 with a gntlonof white ii I lo', xvrotight with pearls, anti al-. tvi't'i lioot tdvpeiissoe, that is nen Hopped ?inti Hushed with a narrow ''purl edging" uai'l. Thosedrosses haw. ?..jujiro murt rain-, elaltorntc talilors, ainl cuirass 1-isipto.s. Tilt'Howers an v l.:to orushoil osos an.I eglantine. Kiolius scarf ashes are on other xvoddimr tir? t's, ami m tho tullo il rosses ol I u i-i?-mai< i 't ho Cut'itisit?es ol" l-'ever (ufccUnu. Mon ot' soil noe speak ot' epidemic va vos, alni ? scarlet lever hoing eojn iiuniciilcd i','.' 1110 few drops ut' mill; vhieh voil |"inr into your lou, or the .roam dill'uscd tn a cl ?.-si 1 nf st rn xv horries in a late occasion at a I'n-liionahle dinner ?arty in London, ..- nitor. eight orton ?iit'StS, ?tiiil seven mom hors t.?!' tht! hoasc loli.'. took soarlot fivvor, (V.iviously, the n foot ion must havo liecn 0:1 tight at ino limier party : hill how was 1! puzzling natter ol iuoiiiry, for no "?" in tho tiiiu Iv ..f th'- li..-; \,..- known to have hoon itli'i t. .i v.iili t!., li-or-l. r. Was tlio.lis .a-r I untight !.> tin- house hy a wailer'.' iVas i; - .ikVovi'ii in tin- lablo-hiien from lu- washerwoman'.' Was il somehow iii .orpdratod in lt?' cream thal hail hoon i-.-I in tho de--oil ' Ali investigation m tiu -r ami ijthor jHiints, ?is wo under lain!, was imalo, hut mil xxith any salis* ari.uv result. Tho orra ai va- thought .. IH; tho nu.-- likojy vchhio Ol' ijitet i<?ii : luit how multi any out: ht' certain >n ilio |M>iiii .' 'flu- cronin employed in a-hioiiahle dessert iii London i- jiossihly nsido np of half :: dozen ortrams from ?is liaiiy tiairies, ! ini?iiiry mids univ in ain ot?njoottir?'. Katlin- a hazardous :ii om- wtitild say. going ..ut to dinner . ii you may run tin- chance of living :iilod in ?i maimer so very mysterious. ' il. th- il- UltlilOCIICC. ?11*0 liol aWalO i tho inaiim-r in whit ii contagion- di ?ast - may i>< ouniniiinieat ii hy ptil.ilio -< .ii vi *va io 'i's, hx articles of iii.--, hy IWoi?ins?S, l.y ihr v? r\ afvosphen . Wo isiVe in ' heard an instance of iVe eoni iiuuieiitinii ot' searhfI ?'eyer hy uioiiiisol i "kist," iho ?am? usually given in Soot l:iud !.. a . rvant'- tri!uk. A sorviiiil girl in Moiav-i.irr i' ll i;! willi soariot foyer ?mil l?i?il. li-; i.i-t.a pailiit'tl xvotitlon Skixj i-otifaihiiig hoi' worldly gum!-. Hoi' later clothing; ?nehided, wa- sent home t" h- r relations, .un! lay for sonic xvei i;- al a station on lin- Spevside rail way l..ioi" an u|?port unit \ occur rot I lor roinoving ii hy a earl lier mother's cottiigo among ila* hill, huring this in Iorval the station ma-ler's children, in romping id iou I. cniidu?tcd their gnnihols m t'hr ki-t, ivlueh wa- a ivpositiiry o . ioiiiagioii, and in due roa;-" xx'ero strtiek l?xvn .\i:!i -rai!. ', l?-vi-r. At length ihe ata! ki-t was conveyed io it- destination, ind tho contents wire dispersed nhioiig friend: mid neighbors. 'l'lio doiiatiohs ?von kintllx liioanl; lui', they proved fatal. No pi'ioautious had hoon Inki'li lo likifif.. ; tin itrttolos, ihr rost? lt heing that wherever tho chit hos'nf the deceased ..iii xvoiv ttikcli in scarlet fever lunn.I it- viotiius. I'or -owrttl liiont'.is the fever ragi'd, until ihe wave of it- infec tion wa- ox pen? loth Nu\x i n-iinl a re liiarkalile event. lin- outhreiik proved io |ie au o|.|...-in.: Iiarri<'i to tho spread of a m.-ir v.iruleiii lype of senrlidin? ad? ant ing tr..m atiotht r ijtiarter at a hiter p?rioij of ;':.. year. 'Mi reaching the former ne ?if ihe disesi-?>? il xvas arri'.-led for xv a ni ol iiiaii'vi.'i) lo I'eed upon. ..' -ooo:al iiitack lieiiitr very unusual.-: C. ./ Vu... company, iniroduein?! ?t novel tonn of hisiir.'uii'c, lias :..var.-... iii Next York. 11 i- eiillod tho national hurglarv insurance com?iany, aie! i hums a capital ol' .<l;otio.oi?o; pal-', up. lt titi, s'.iaicit'l?ly iiidhaies its purpitso, xvhieh i- to iiisiiri oxx norsofj roperly ofexorx kind and description, in tl wei j? iiigS. -tot.-, iiiaiiufaeloi'i.'s. churches, piihlio hiiihlihirs, xvarehouses. etc.. agiiiiiH I..-- I.-, ihe lieprodatious ul hurglarsi I h." i ollipailV ail ?ei ii . li a', il Will ?nip'oy ?i special patrol and doti't'ivvc loir- tn prut oe ! ll . pr??i'?erly Ot ?'?. in -iiir<i. ami I.? ir tivi i l''?' ino stole;1 it' ii it I'tjeovet ! withiji -ixty oays alter ii i- -lohn, titrion.; no agree to pay ll i'?ish xaloe at th- :i???: "I' ?lo tl??