The free citizen. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1874-1876, October 16, 1875, Image 7

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THE FREE CITIZEN. PUBLI8HKU SATURDAY, OCT. 16, 1875. City Directory. CITY" OFFICERS. MATOR, - - George DoUvcr. CLERK. - - - - TREASURER, ALDERMEN,-James. F. Izlar, John M. Thompson, J. W. Cannon, J. W. j Moseley. POSTMASTER, - - - A. Webster. CHURCHES. METHODIST EIMSCOPAI.CIU RCH-Rev Thomas Phillips, pastor. Services, moi li ing, afternoon ami evening. BAPTIST.-Uer. Mr. Norris, pastor. Services, tlrst Sunday evening, and the ?rcond and fourth Sundays, morning, and evening. METHODIST (south).-Rev. Mr. Cam pbell, pastor. Services morning and ?eveDinjr. Sunday-school, 9 A. M. PR?:SI?TTERIAK-.-Rev. Mr. Brown .evangelist. Services, morning and after noon. Sund?y-school, u 1-2 A. M. EPISCOPAL.-First ind third Sundays. Morning: and afternoon. LUTHERAN CHURCH.-Rev. Mr. Hough. ?iastor. Services, morning 10 1-2, even ng at 7 o'clock. Thc passenger trainB on the S. C. R. R. will pass through Orangcburg as follows : Day, from Charleston, 9.4.8 a. m. " from Columbia, 7.o0 p. m. Night, from Columbia, 11.53 p. m. " from Charleston, 2.20 a.m. TOWN ortiitiit. OFFICE HOCUS AT ORAKGEBUHO DEPOT. Jerona 8 o'clock A. M. to 2 P. M. From S o'clock P. M. to 5 P. M. Goods received and delivered only in office hours. -J. C. Pike has bot \ lace of M. Glover in tuts to* a foi v as -We learn that David SucU hit i bought the Dukes' house. -We learn that the wife of Judge Cooke is the guest of Senator An drews. -The Republicans have carried Ohio, Iowa and Nebraska by large majorities. We hop? (-.'resident Gran) will roEke anotlici speech. -Locals arc i?earee this wt ck. judge, h<-;f.e.ver, it. iii lite calna thai precedes a storm, AS pruui o? lu? see our advertisements of circus and fair. -Judge Mackey has informed Mr. . John W. Walker, shedir elect of the ?county of Chester, that thc Supreme Court has recently decided that a sheriff elected at a special election holds his olliee for four years. Mr. Walker's term will, therefore, con tine until August, 1879, four years from the time of his election. We think this rather a singular decision. - Williamsburg Republican. -The term of court commencing .next Monday is one of unusual inte rest and importance. We learn tiiat Judge Reed is not to preside, but that Judge Cook will take his plaee. It ne doubt will afford Judge Cooke pleasure to preside in this his old home and the scene of his former ef forts at the bar, but we are frank lo say that existing circumstances would with any ordinary man, render the discharge of his duties delicate and embara8sing except perhaps, to one who, like his honor, is bound to ad minister justice without fear or furor. THE GREAT SHOW.--Howes' Gr?at lLondon Circus and Menagerie. A mag nitlccnt street display, rare collection of animals, ?ind an excellent circus perform ance may be expected at Orangebnrg Wednesday, Ostober 27. The Memphis Avalanch says: Never, except on the celebration of Mnrdl Gras, has our city witnessed such a gathering of people as that which assembled on the streets yes terday to witness the advent of Howes' Great London Circus and Menagerie. Long before the hour appointed for the appearance of the grand cavalcade peo ple begun to assemble on the princnul streets, along the proposed line of march, and when thu tlrst. notes of baud which headed the procession were heard, every available space which could alford a good view was occupied. Windows, balco nies, awnings and sidewalks were crammed with people eager to seo the .street display, about the magnificence of .which so much was said. That they were not disappointed was manifested by the ?exclamations of surprise ?uni admiration that greeted the living panorama atcvory point. Unquestionably i( was more .beautiful than any similar street vnter talnmcut ever offered to our pooplo, ar.d -.vus but lin; foretaste of the inimitable | performance that was seen later tinder the canvass. The cavalcade was many | squares in length, and was composed of . cavaliers, knights and ladies on horse back, Kornau Chariots drawn by horses four abreast, a cage full of African bye- J ? nas, among which fearlessly sat the ne gro keeper, Irquois Indiana dressed in I their fbntr.stic costumes, painted, and ' carrying implements of indian warfare, the live performing elephants and a camel, a number of wagons on which were beautifully painted allegorical pic tures, and containing the wild animals belonging to Sanger's English Menage rie. The striking features ol' the display were two magnificent chariots drawn by richly caparisoned horses. These char iots were handsomely painted and gilded, and displayed on the sides a number of mirrors, which, as they moved along, | multiplied and reflected the gorgeous pageantry, producing a pleasant cfl\ ct on the beholders. To attempt a minute description of the display would be al most an endless task, as each feature of it presented something entirely new and far eclipsing any circus display ever made ii: the South. ECONOMY. - u Straw berries and cream" are far more palatable ami 1 conducive to health than either pork or pills. Flowers are among thc very best moral ami intellectual teachers. Give them a home, then, in or about the thc house. If you invest y-iur money in strong drink, it is lim same as turning hungry hogs into a com held-ruin will follow in both cases. If you invest your money in tools and leave them exposed to thc weath er, it is the same as loaning money to a spendthrift without security-a dead loss in both cases. I If you invest your money in a good farm and not cultivate it well, it is the same as marrying a good wife and so enslaving and abusing her as to crush her energies and break her heart. _ There is a holy love and a holy rage ; and our best virtues never glow so brightly as wheu our pas sions are excited in thc cause. Sloth, if it has prevented many crimes, has also smothered many vir tues, and tho pesto! iii helter wjiei i roused. Passion is \. virtue iviial j i wine was to uEschylus and io F>nnius. ; under its inspiration their po wm.- '. j wore at their height. I A writer in a Presbyterian paper I calls upon every honorable man to hang his head for shame, because America pays 822,200,000 for liquor, S 10.000,000 for dogs, and barely squeezes out $0,000,000 fur preach ers of the gospel. The best navigation-steering clear of the lacerating rocks of personal contention. Publisher's Notices. -Rev. Mr. Blakely is an authorized agent for this paper. -A. W. Plnckney, of Branchville, is au autuorized agent for this paper. SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. School Commissioner Phillips has his office days on Thursdays and Fridays of each week. His examinations are on the first Monday of each month, jan. 30-tf NOTICE. THERE WILL BE A CAMPMEET ING at Shady Grove, commencing on the 27th and continuing over the Sab bath'. A quarterly conference will be held on Saturday, by Dr. Webster, P. E. Arrangements have been made with the S. C. lt* Ii. to carry those wishing to in tend to Reeve's Station for S cents per mile first class, and 4 cents per mile sec ond class, and return free. REV. R. BLAKENEY, Pastor in Charge. FOR SALE. ONE AND A HALF MILK FROM Orangeburg, my FARM, containing -acres, together with the dwelling-house and out buildings there* on. ALSO, ONE GOOD MULE. CORN, FODDER and PROVISIONS siillicient to run the place for one year. Call on me on the premises. I. R. TUCKER. Orangeb?rg. S. C., Oct. 7, 187?-9-26 NOTICE. THE A. M. E. DISTRICT MEET INO will be held at Aiken, S. C., on Saturday October ?loth, lo7."?. The A. M. E. Camp-Meeting of the Bull Swamp Circuit will commence on Wednesday Oct. 20th 187">, anti will end on Monday 25th. Bishop ,T. P. Campbells appointments will be as follows; Aiken. S. C., Octo ber IK) and 31, Hull Swamp Circuit. St. Peter's Church, November 2d. Thir Quarterly Conference November 2(1. J. M. GILLINS, Pastor Bull Swamp Circuit. FOR SALE. A FINK MAKE, AND TWO GOOI iVORKIKti IIOKSKS. Apply to W. A. MERON EY. W, H. REEDISH, ITUAL JUSTICE AND ATTOR NEY AT LAW, BRANCHVILLE, S. C. July ai-st-tr THE NEXT ANNUAL EXHIBITION Of the ORANGEBURG A.jU?iriciiltuirii.l ?ml Mechanical Association, wi I.I. iii. IIKLD AT TIIK TOWN OK Ox-ang?lDTjix-g S- C.? At the Fair Grounds of tho Asso ciation, beginniug Tuesday, October 26th, 1875, AND CLOSING Friday, October 29th, 1875. The Premium Lint has been nearly Doubled as to NUMBER und VALUE. Articles can be entered till Tues day Evening, and be alloiccd to compete. J?\ oitAJVi} WILL TAKE PLACE OX WEDNES DAY', THE -JTTII. >v. or BASE I3_A_LL ON THURSDAY, THE 2STH, FOR TUE CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE COUNTY. OTHER AMUSE MENTS WILL TAKE PLACE EVERY DAY OF THE FAIR. The Ayuuai Addi^sB Will foe delivered on 'I ;i .... the L'iUh In COLON Kr. D. WYAT'i AIKEN, Master of State Grange. Every accommodation possible will be provided for both Exhibitors and Visitors, Arrangements have been made willi (he South Carolina Railroad for the transportation of all Freights for the Fair nt ONE RATE BOTH WAYS, and EXCURSION TICKETS will he sold to visitors during the week. For further particulars see Premium List, or address any member ol thc Board of Directors, at Orangeburg, S. C., or the Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS : Du. WM. F. BARTON. PltKSlDKNT. LAURENCE lt. BECKWITH, ESQ. SAMUEL DIBBLE. ESQ. CAPT. F. H. W. BKIOGMANN". GAIT. MORFAN J. KELLER. ORAN B. RILEY, ESQ. 1IAHPIN RIGUS, ESQ. Secretary and Treasurer : KIRK ROBINSON, ESQ. Bids for the Refreshment Stands and fables will he received until Tuesday October otb. The same will hu handed Lo the Secretary and Treasurer. Sept. IStb. 1S7"), 0-5 Photographs. 0 TO RISER'S GALLERY ON Plain street, if von want the very best PHOTOGRAPHS, made with thc new Glace Borders, repesentlng Marble. Stone, Wood. Frost. Lace work, ?fcc, at the low price of $:i.f>u per half dozen ; extra Glace Portraits $">.00 per half llozeu. Call and he convinced. A. M. RISER. Columbia, S. C., Sept. :10. 1875-y-3t SCHOOL NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING been elected by the Trustees as teacher of the FREE SCHOOL, known as the ..Grove School,'1 located East of the R. H.; notice is hereby ?riven that said school will he opened on MONDAY, Oc tober 4th. AH pupils will receive im partial attention, and their progress be regularly reported to their parents. Mus. ELEANOR BULL. ?;. II. -WILSON. J. T. WILSON. SAM'L H. WILSON & BRO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers PUJE fcB.ftP E;IU E;S " TEAS, WINES, ALES, AND LMPORTEP SEGrARS. 30? King St., Charloston, S. C. May 15-tf . K li T 1 S K 31 Ii N T 8 . MlSfKi.I.ANKOfS W. LINLEY & CO.. Stroot. Charleston, S. C., i l) IM PO li TE It S OF -al Merchandise. ifjht to Pay! Nb freigltt to Pay ! wiro below Hmso of nny oilier deal ?teri stillos. Nu oxiru charges tor v.inK <>r freight . freights an?' delivor ^onds free at II tl?? lim-ol'th?' .Vorth lOnstcrn. WU I Columbia, Son Ul (.'anilina ti titi - nil Savannah Kail Houris; also, tu South ('anilina, (?corgiu ami Klori licet water coiniuiiuiviitlon with .1. Coons C?rAUANTKKU. dose li?a advertisement w illi onler :-.t. I*HICKS. No KxiTNSKTo Aid?. illy You UK Hyson Ten-quality un x?utslte flavor, ami strength, #1.0" Tea specially reconimeric?!. Finest mi;. Souchong, t.?utipowtler, ami $1,00 pct Iii, Second ?juulity Teas l'hiril ipiahty TVas, soM hy other ncr Iii, yuii can have ?h?'vorcil hy in. Crushc?! Sugar I.'lc. i cr lh. ; ligar 12c per lh.; granulated A. n-r Iii.; exlra (.' Sugar, 10c. p?'i* Kiowa Sugar, lo eta per Iii. Kin s Family Flour, our own brain! hes! Virginia Wheat-mi elegant is, for $ i, ?ir f.? per barrel, itoori r, -I lbs fur fl, or $".'>,, per barrel. . Kinely Havorc.l Hagged Hams, limns, l.'lc, per lb. Kxtra Choice rips, P".|.,c. per lb. Choice Tumbler .size, li?J?c euch. lb' Canned lo each: :i lb Canned Tomatoes, ldc winton. ISc. per can; 2 lb. Canned Pouches, Damsons, ami Pears, ?.!.''??. ins for liest Ituulity Mixed ?les-pints, 17c. ipiarts, 27? each; ti caeii. Condensed Milk Eu Cairlc Brand. 25e. each. Gant/ -2 Mr 25o,; Ibis. 50 cents, per on Su^ar, Mle, per call. I loo Powder. 15, 25, 40c. per can. okin;r Soda,or Package Soda. \ Hoxcs Sardines; 20c. ; 1-2 n dues,,'15c. each. Shadincs. l-l each. Cox's S par kihi Gehi icr pack. Capers, -ldc. ; Olives cliestershire, Walnut ?ind ii Sances, ?feuillue imported 40c Imitation French Mustard, .line French Mustard, 25c. inc.*. 15c. Itaisius, 20c. Clt ;urrants. 10e. Cheese, 20c. , Candles, first quality. 23e tkcr's Chocolate, 15c, per lb per lb. Drouin, 00c. per lb. nculate, 'Mc. per lb. Onli ittee, ll lbs tor 61 ; choice Hie is. for $1 ; choice Laguara 2 lbs, fur $1 ; Old Govcril Coflec. 3 lbs. fur 81 ; Boasted I Coll?es, 5c. additional, each ryeti's Starch. ?? 1-2 lbs. for lc', ncr . . ? li i.-' Siiio';in^ 'i'- i'ii- i, til. . . .?? i Iclebi a' .'d Gill ) . ? 15 li lt.'' I . ? ' - -Soda, 12 11)8. for $1 ; Kxtra Oe. Lemon. Wine, Ginger and lae per lb.; Nie Nacs, 18c; ! . s, 25c. per lb. Black P?p ier lb.; Nutmegs. 15c. per o e, 15c. per oiliiee; Ginger.25c and Vanilla Flat Stick Candy. >. 25ii, per lb; Ordinary slick c. 20c per lb; Kock Candy 2c. per lb. Colgate's Toilet ; Veroni kinds, a speciality of itlfiietures prices-front 25c. r do/en cakes, Colgate's . - d' Extracts, 50c. per holde. titpiel Powder, "25c. per box. Pomade Vasaliuu, a Hestont lled for tin* hair. 20c. per (Joni Whisker. 81.80 pur giil vhiskeys, $1,00, 8-1.00, and lion. Blackberry and Cher i pleasant drink.; $1,80 per iii i. ; i J Port and Sherry Wini;, lon. Fine Old Madeira. 84, (lil . Klljrlisll and Scotch Ale, I il. 2.70 per do/en. Bremen I,?i? bottled, 82.70 per dozen. ! r Liquors, extra 1-2 gallon ?ll . 55c ; -2 "niions, (!0e. ; li gal ? ? ? ? gallons, 81.00 each* \ vei ntsive Assortment of Crock - o ?iii lassware always on hand. I' '. ir size. 81*50 per do/en; H 25; Desert $1.00 ;T?u. 85c. pi i-ups and Suacers, 81.00 per si , Dishes. 05c.. 75?., and -SI. 00 i 'I ii?biers. (50.. 7;"),. 81.0(1. SI.25 ai - . dozen. Table Goblets.81. 20 0(1. 82.50. and 8:1.00 per dov Glasses 81-00 pur dozen Latin r's Sun O and A's. 4 '*>r 25 . 25c Student or Arg Chimu . 25c. Niunberles arti mr linn I Information cheerfully x'r . "rm was established in IS business reputation and fill ' the highest tinier. Wc will i e promise. All orders Silo ' iSSI'll tO r,ii N W. LINJ.KV di Co., x ISL) 1!)0 King Street Cn A li I,HUTON. S. (J. N KN KAI mo AP COMPAS v. I.KSI.ON, s. (;,, Pee. a, 1874. Or ? ihito Trains mi this I toad ?.arr Mails will bu run, daily, nf folio Leave Ci;I i at 7 A. M. ami fi I'..M. Ari ton at 6.15 A. kl. timi 7 I'. M On Mo i '? ruins will Icu wa I 7 A. M., m arri ve l'a ? lioraw ami Darlington Kail rouil i \. M., ami arri vu nt 7 I'. M. l'a: .?i ? illlinhitl can leavu bj either Trull i olinublii, bv |>ay Train, ?it ft.ll) I Vi ight Train ?it I A. M. I*?? i . North can leave liv eilher Train, ?ITO i uko close conucj.'i inns nt Flor ence wiib ii I ,, for thii Northern nuil W?;>? orn ( -*)?-??? i I ie lound on t|jc Night Truina lor Ct point* uorlli nf I-lori-m-u. I'. I..( J.I- APOK, Mar General Ticket Agent CAI- V ' k$S?ftS wanted for twu supei ? nih art, ..Little l?iu? away i IN >." and tin- pretty pair' .?Tho I tinier, md the Nap." 'The. pict in - - ythtj of o ?il,tri in ftitffy hows ' pensive enough for the shiiph rapidly, and TA UK ON SlOIII . .intee rcaily sales. o?>ml prolll. i. returns. Any active pnrsoi viii take boll] can make a hand.- icomc. Send fur our best tenus i . J. B. Foitn .Y Co.. !< '.'ark Place, New York. ADV E lt T 1 S E M E N T S . MISCELLANEOUS. rp UK SOUTHEASTERN j^D^r OCATE. There is soon to be a paper entitled as above, issued (rom this olliee, and pub lished in the interests of the M. E. Church in tli?s portion of our work. .Since thc unwise removal of the Charles-ton Advocate, our work has been enlarging and extending in this section, nnd demands multiply lug for a local or gan. The Charleston Advocate was for two years published in Charleston. It was during this eventful period in the history of our cause in thc South, one ol the most important auxiliarles of our work. Its removal left a vacant place herc which lias not since been lilied. It is an old saying, "that blessings brighten as they take their Hight." This was em phatically true in reference to our duper for this coast. Many were taken by sur prise at its sudden removal and were anxious for its return. If wc had been as fully advertised of the wants and wishes of the people in this section, be fore the transfer of that paper to Atlanta, lia., as we were alter lt was done, it would never hr ve ?one from us. The Methodist Advocate is a <rood ?taper and ably conti neted, but it is too distant from the Atlantic coast lo meet our local wants in this section. Our work on this coast ditlers in some particulars from our work in thc section of Atlanta, or thc valley of thc Mississippi. Its peculiar phases can not be met by those who live at a dis tance from us, and are not conversant with the exigencies and demands of this section. Tile people will have greater interest lor Their Own Paper, that lives .ind sympathize? with them than can be awakened for one chining to them from a distance, and managed by coin par ai ve strangers. Jt will be larger than the FltEK ClTl ZKN, will bc Issued J3i-\veekly, at thc low pr loo td" OIME DOLLAIt a YE A. Il I'uymcnt in advance. ll M. S ic- Will COIlCtib ?!? lo \U Col-1 ? ..!,(.- *?! - un .':-t Mi'iir' ? r on h? jil li. ? ' .-. t-'-i. i-ti ve'? ny; i Ad local ave ii^on!? t- ll ! AU communications for the Advocate should be directed to us. at this place, A. WEBSTER, Aug. 1874. Oranjreburg, S. C. -BKOS TO INFORM HIS FRIENDS, patrons and the public generally, Unit having disposed of his entire STOCK OF LIQUORS, now respectfully solicits a continuance of their patronage, by ottering to them, under the motto ol' QUICK SALES ??d SM LL PROFITS, a com plete assort ment of General Merchandise. Anti as my stock is TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, I respectfully ask an in spection td' my goods before buying else where. Ooods shown free of charge. C. I). KOTJOHN, GANCEB Cured by Dr. Bond's Remedies, with full directions sent to inp part of the world. Send for pam phlet and particulars. Address I!. T. HUM). M. U" PENNA. CA MER I\'ST% 1319 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, I*a. T\K. A. C. PUKES, Dealer in all kinds of Drugs and Medicines. Dr. Dukes has had Nine Years Experi ence hi Drugs anti Medicines and thnrouh y understands his business. Ile keeps ionsiantly ?>n a laY<r,e supply ol doods isnally toonil in a First-claas Drug Store, VTS"^ '?refill attention pani to tho coin immtdhig 6.1' Proscriptions and all orders promptly attended to. Call on bim at Iiis Popular t>rog Store. Oran^ebnrg, Keb. i:t, Ifi7.">. Wm. M. HIRD & Co7, IMrOKTK?S AMI lUM'l'U'Tt'RERS (IF Oils, White Lead, Zinc, Colors, Window-G-lass, &a, i?Ol Bast liny, CHARKH??T?N i bo. Ca. July 17,49-0 ADVERTISEMENTS; MISCELLANEOUS. ^UUUSTUS II. KNOWLTON, Attorney & Counselor at Law OUANGEBURG.S.C. ^UGU3TUS|B. KNOWLTON, Land .A. gent, Thc undersigned lina opened an ofiice for tbs 3 A LE or LAND. Persona having HEAL ESTATE to diprose of ?sill do well to register the saino for sole, Large farms subdivided and sold in either sra or Rtnnll purccls. Good farms for sale nt from two to five (lollara lier nore, on easy terms. AUGUSTUS H. KNOWLTON, 1 ,lf Orangcburg C. IL, 8. C. \. WEUSTEU, E." TRIAL JUSTICE, Business faithfully and promptly at ended to. OFFICE for thc present in with A. JB. KNOWLTON^ Esq., Oritngebur<*, Jan. 23, 1875. Rare 'Oar^c \.\ AT KO N'S r. K0HN& ll ll W I I Having removed to their New Brick Store, are now better prepared to meet tfte wants of their customers than ever. Their elegant stock of SPRING AND SUMMER SLOTHING cannot he sur passed anywhere, Call at thc old stund. Theodore Kohn & Bro jpAYLOlt FORDHAM AND LAWBENCK: Attorneys at Law, )fllees nt Charleston nnd Ornngebufr. ,. J. TAYLOR. J. MMOXD FOEDMfl, F. 0. LAWRENCE. J^^Speohil utfenfion <r?von to the CON cut lou ot ulaiuis au? promut returu undo. Ornngebtirir, March 20, 1875. ?KWTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. Ctum vatros, S. C., Feb is, 1KI5. On and after Tuesdny. February 16th, tho fol owing changes kn Sttb*sln)o of this i(oad vi) ;o into ede?! : COLUaiBIA HAY TASSKNGKlt TEALS, .eave Chariot lon ... 5.4s A 31 Vrrive a? Columbia . . ? P M .eave Copi mLVa . * ?J 490 P ?1 Write nt ChavtestoD ?? ? V M AUUr.WA DAY PAiSKNUKR TRAIS, .eave Charleston . ? ? 7.W> P M Vrvvve a? Charleston - 1 * 6J? A Hf COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS*. (Sundays excepted.) l eave Charleston ... 7.on p SJ Vrrive nt Columl?s ... UPA II !. ca re Columbia . US p Ai Write at Charleston . . - WA? AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRES*, .eave ChurietUua ... iC?> M irrive at Cfcar?esto? - - WP A J?, Tho CedB?abfai I ?ar Passenger TaM "^J* aavo ai 1 A. M. ?,.-d arrive ?1 U-P..!4*- Jg* l.etHCK? Charloaloa ami Urajeara*") MJP ?MT t SnarvntevriHe nu) George's- Tfci? ?PF** ?*?? lt Ii*?- up and ?Vow? Irip*. . ?, Wy \h\A mew Se.Ue.lttU> m tm*?**W9?** WW a Made with Ute Charlo*!* Cttfa?l^ ??0, A? ?lala Railroad ni U?tn> S?5?*??? hWh will avoid th.? ?r??*fter Ihr?^b tntaujr-M nd t-ive ns as ouick ? *f b? nie to ?fittAi ?>.! M>W No. lh a? by the other iggW, ~^ ,.wWnK Car* a" U'1US ^^MS?^ *! s. H. P1CKKS8? G. i. A. bu^vex ?ie?A?aii, Vak. 13.