The free citizen. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1874-1876, March 06, 1875, Image 7

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m TT n TIT) Tir? nTrnTr?TAT L'U?LISHEU S ATURD AY, MARCH 6th? 187fr. City Oiirejo to ?-yv CITY OFFICERS; MATOR - - Jbnti' NV. Moseley. CLERK. - - - - ?T. D- Wolf?. TREASURER, r B: Williamson. ALDKU.M'EHV--Iimu-y Washington. J I*. Harley, Ul Williamson, T. D'. Wolfe. POSTMASTER, - - W.E; Williams. CHURCHES. METHODIST EPISCOPAECHURCH-Rev Thomas Phillips, pastor. Services, ino*li ing, afternoon anil evening. UAl*T18T.-^-ev. MT. Norris, pastor. Services, llrst Sumlay evening, ami tho second ami fourth Sundays, morning, and evening. METHDIMST (*olith).-Rev. Sir. Cam pbell, pastor. Services morning and evening. Sunday-school, 9 A. M. PRKSUTTEUIA?f.-Rev. Mr. li'rown evangelist. Services, mornlnir and after noon.- Sttndliy-school, 9 1-2 A. M. El^S"COt*A ri-First and third Sundays Morning and afternoon. L?TriKRANCucitCli.-iRev.MV. Dough, pastor.^ Services, morning 101-2, even big at ? o'clock. C?TTOtf QtrC^TATY?I?S. FRIDAY EVEKING. Ordinary, - - - ll 1-2 & 12 ?ood Ordinary, - - 12;l-2 & VJ Eow Meddling, - - llJ: SYrlct Middling, - -' - TOWN CRIER. ?ales-day passed' off quite quietly. We are having genuine March weather. ?. G. Frederick and T. Summers have been appointed notaries public. Edward Argo has been appointed tr?aT justice for Brown's poll. Judge Reed has appointed C.- R. M?fcsT a'9 l?gal adviser to the grand jutty of Charleston. Col C. C. Puffer of Charleston, has ?>Cen appointed United States- Minis ter' to Brussels. Rev. D', tv". Cut?in? wi?f deliver a temperance lecture in this place on tircrZo'U iritft. We learn that Mr. Danish's loss by thc rCCcnt fire in Branchville, washed tween <??,000 and $0,000/ Mr.* J. Larkins has; been reappoint* ed Jin y Commissioner for our eoirt? ty. _ .. t; . There writ he on evins session, of tTreT-oui'? held Um hist Monday m May. The County Commissioners propose ta have a Court House that will cost from $20,001)' lo g 10.000'. Trial' justice Meyei-a has ftieeii crowded1 willi' busiuco.*- duiing' llu week. A-Washington dispatch announces the apY/bmftrftmt' and confirmation by tire Senate of AJ. Webster as pbst master of O'rangohurg. President Andrew D. Wliite, Ol Cornell ?nlvcrsity, New "?ork, has been spending a day or two in Co lumbia, while on a tour farther south ward. Wc learn that the town council in tend increasing the liquor license. No nclibrt Urey couM lake would con tribute' moi'c to thtf peace and pros, perity of our town'. Judge Recd, at tho close of the criminar' Court in Charleston, on thc 23d,- sentenced four colored men to death for murder-Denni.* R. Bunch and- George, Froyle and Jordan Har dce, brothers. Our word for it, there is no better place to atop in Columbia than Rose's HoteL A free omnibus from thc depot, ?nd good accommodation nt the hotel are always found in store for visitors to the city. T. Kohn & Brothers are doing n thriving business. It is a matter ol congratulation with us that while om local advertisements are limited in number they are also select. Wc have no scruples in recommending Kohn, Kortjolm and Dukes. Thc public soon learn in whom to place confidence, 'fire passenger trains on tho S. C. R. R. trill pass through Orangeburg as follows ; Day, from Charleston, 10.-18 a. m. 44 from Columbia, 7.30 p. m. Night, from Columbia, 11.53 p. rn, 44 from Charleston, 2.20 a. m. Wo learn that a petition bas been presented to tho Governor, signed by many of our citizens, and all thc prominent members of tho bar, urging I the commutation of the sentence of Gowan Reed, to imprisonment for life. Such action by the Governor Would' net. bb regarded so much an ex hibition of Executive clemency as a mitigation of a li ar's ir sentence. C. D. Kortjohn proposes to discon tinue the retail liquor business after tbe Kith inst. Wc would call atten tion' to his' advertisement, found in another column.- We take pleasure in recommending Mr. Kui tjohn to the public. Those iflio give him n eall need no advice where to procure first class articles at the lowest rates. Oh the IftUi of this month the peo ple of Orangeburg are to'winess a ter rible sight.- Two young men, Gowan Reed and William Auld, neither of them over twenty-one years of age, are to be publicly executed.- Cireum stances seem to indicate thal neither is guilty of a premeditated1, cold blooded murder.- It is to be boped that thi3 fearful spectacle will have an influence to deter others from t.?e commission of similar crimes. Wc notice that MY. Mellichamp re tires from" tho editorial management of the Orangeburg Times*. This we regret, as he is evidently a gentleman of culture and integrity, and with" ult Of liberal and1 conservative views. Wc arc glad, for his s*ake, be bas other and, wo trust, more profitable business.- A man who edits a news paper ought to have leisure to relish tins literary recreation, and" must ex pect Icicles instead of coppers for his compensation'. The following is Mr. Mellichamp's valedictory v " Finding that my increasing du ties as teacher anti surveyor demand my undivided attention, I feel called upon to resign my position in the Times with this issue. In jny editorial control o? tire pa per I have endeavored, in my feeble way, to advance tliosn principios ot' pure and liberal democracy, which, in lile language of Jefferson, mean, * equal and exact juslice to all men, of whale vcr State'br1 persuasion.' " As to thc present popularity i f these views,-1- bave never given any 1 serious ?ontf?-rii-, being thoroughly satisfied with their soundness UIKI'III . lunate ( ria mph. ? ' " Of com se, nfl cv ihx? ?nsuc I" will have no i niki once in the conduct ol '?the paper, bull ran albas- indulg? [the hope that lite chaii svh eli i nov, vacate may be inure won Inly Ulled." j Wa gladly give place in oared , i limns ita i be card of our pos tin its tor, published tn the last issue of the N'eu a. Wc presume these 'rebni'pl;iiiii? ; will soon cease tue 1er thu new :u rangemenls made by our, ? but wc do hope hu will lUien to the wishes of the people fty opening the r office ou Saturday night, so that the ( Columbia mail candie delivered before thc following Monday : Ji CAUD. Numerous complaints with regard to the postollloe under my control, having cotuu to my ears, il is doe tu the public and tu myself thal un ex planation be mudo. On account of bad health, which disabled mc, and ou uccoiint of th . r loss of thc vulunbio services of Mr. J : S. Bull, whoso syalcm uud ability in , sured my respect and confidence in tho entire munageuieut of the oflice, I was obliged to obtain a deputy fu miliar with the routine of business, and securing Mr. Ezekiel, removed the office to his store, that ho might 1 give the more undivided attention to it. Had Mr. Bull not received u het ' ter offer than I cotdd afford lo make I would stilt have bad his vulued help. And had hu remained with me, 1 i would not have removed the oilba:. ? Had my own health been '<etler, I ? might have seen less occasion lo move thc of Dec. W. E. WILLIAMS, P. M. Bishop Haven. Bishop Haven has just made us one of his welcome visits. He preached at Charleston Centenary Church on Tuesday night of last week, to a large and deeply-interested con gregation. On the following day he visited the Chum University, giving words of cheer to tbe students, who always anticipate his visits with more than ordinary pleasure. Thc Bishop i endures the peculiar phases of this Southern life and labor with remark . able physical vigor, and an cxhaust ! I lees fund of cheerful good nature which seemingly rendors it pleasant for li i m si; If ns well as others. He is bound to win in spite of Southern prejudices. We only wish Iiis means in all respects were equal to his inter est in our work. None of our young preachers would lack for books or the means of improvement,- and our churches nml education at ional insti tutions-would be above all pecuniary embarassmcnts. STATE ITEMS. There was quite a large fire in florence on the 27th ult. The house and store of Mr. A. W. Lvons were destroyed. Loss, 831.000. The grand jury of Lexington County have increased the retail liquor license from fifty to two hun dred dollars: The Town Council of Hock Hill, for the present year, has lixed the re tail liquor license at $300, and thc quart license at SI50. Colo i el L. C. Northrop^hs been employed, by the' Attorney General, to assist the solibilir in disposing of the heavy criminal docket in Edgo Qeld. Hardy Solomon's store, in Colum bia, was broken into on Monday, and a small sum of money and n detached c'oupon were stolen-. Mr. E. Ai Scott', who for several years' bas be?n the postmaster at Newberry C. H., has been rembved. Mr. Scott has given general satisfait lion in his conduct of the ofllee, es pecially among the business men. A young miss,- of fourteen, ot Co luD)bia<S*. C., who is good at twisii (rcation, has compounded 307 words from the letters composing the word 14 Charleston." How is that for ti variety ? The Phoenix says i "The all-im portant question now is, who will stet into the Comptroller General's shoes. The nui/Tes of the candidates are le gion-General Stolhraud, Colonel Pillcbrown, Lieutenant Colonel Dunn Major Jones and Captain Little The names of the privates are omitted Jack Lee, who was under the sus. picton of being implicated itt the mur der of tlio old colored man, Vi.wA Bickley, at thc seven-mile post, nea Columbia Hurreurterod himself, itu i i safely i.. >ii in vid. l.eo-ii'iiif liaVi ug an villi iii? todo with die ina, 1er, anil says he Can prove an ttlihi. The Two Newsboys?, I While passing along Washing to I street one eVeningi my aMeiiitoti WM j ;ti K's-'rd lil si iii; le iM!.vs!>oy, who s..i iva ins companion > '* Say, Charlie, how much moue lia? 0 vu inti'ii - ;" " 'L'y, dil \ -1? \. I'liulS." .- ,Ji ?I i \ ! ls Ililli so? Don't Ic your iiioiher hm- mu eb jon hui made; keep purl of it yourself/" The little fellow straightened ti] and. '.villi great earnestness, e: claimed : .* Do you think I would tell ii mother a iii?'(" Turning to the Iii th- fell ?v with ? approving smiley I -.dd< "Tlnu light? 111 \ Milk hov, ? always tell il nulli." Nohle lillie fellow \ if lie ai?.des t that principle of truth? he mai, ri from his bumble, position lo one i usefulness and honor? Honest boys insike honest mc und honest men make huppy home Stood citizens, fair dealers, true Citri linns, and just legislators { while di honesty (illa thc laud with sutler., and wickedness, and peoples jails ai prisons with holli \oung and ol Could granite walls and iron ba speak to us? they would tell us t! sud fate of thousands who begt their downward career by deccivii and lying? This is a wicked and pt verse generation, and honest men n bard lo find. Children, if you wi to ?hun tho downward ruin j if y\ wish to bc successful und respecte* if you wish to make glad thu heurt your parents ; and, above all, if y< wish to please }'our Hcaveuly Fallu tell thc troth, for *? Lying lips are i abomination to Ihe Lord ; but lb that deal truly ure His delight." HEALTH SRKHEKS. It is said iii Jacksonville, Florida, is overrun wi Northern visitors, so that hotels a boarding-houses are uncomfortal crowded. Those who seek health that section Luve to pay a dear pr for it. Tho people will learn in tir that other sections of thc South i moro favora ble for health. Publisher's Notices. - Kev. Mr. Blukely is an authorized agent for I his paper. -A. tv. rinckuey, of branchville, Is ati niitnortzcd agent for this paper. Now Advertisements, SCHOOL COMMISSIONER.* School Commissioner Phillips has his office days on Thursdays and Fridays of each week. His examinations are on the first Monday of each month. j?ui. sour C. 1> KO RT JOHN i .sites thc attention of THE1?! TRADE To a-fresh-supply of S E S ISL O ? T S , -AND To bli -OUTED' STOOlt of GEN. EUAIJ M UKt:ilANDl"E. consisting of DRY GOODS, lb ?OT. SHOES. HATS, &c, &c. -: II : Caixned. Fruits, OYSTERS. SAURINES. PEACHES, TOMATOES. -:o: Choice Groceries, Ba : \ alt. Coffee. "i?>- muiiikwl. Sujrars, Hams, h uriied. Teas, Pii kb'd Beef. Tili Waru. Winos ol'all Kinds, Pearl GriM. SmoklnirTobacco, Bolted <?ri-t, Chewhi-r Tobacco, Meal. Liquors, \lo and Segar?, I'wn hundred hnrreU of Flour to be sold wir'.in ililrty days. Agent foi ilasslitt & Co's Bitters. C. D. KORTJOHN. i li ni"; iiurg. Feb 27, 1875. i:. As u DUKES, J> D Dealer in all kinds of Dru$;s and Medicines. Dr I'M . ,has had Nine Year? Experl uiii ubi I.' .. "-ami Medicines and Ihorouh j,. ..'fni..i .... .if. iMtsbii;?.". Tlc keeps i i j i ti large e-1f i?i?l\' of Goods I ii lb .; .i.,ii:iu a j ' ? :> .??.< .-ass Drug Store, ; . ? : ? , ! .rttfentinn paid lu thc com j jj . ;. . reFuriiilipii* ;i'ai all HKICV-.. I ; tiileO r>. t ..'.i Iiii.i uri I ; . ur l ?niir .So re. ; : ; !. I-Vb. ia, l$7.j; iv - .ir ? I I I" I. jl l ll'Motl . vc Ciilii'li:?liin LINA RAILROAD, i ! i .ttti.KaroN, s. c. Fcli, |.">, is;r>. T..I-MI:?V, KcliiliK v I?IIi', lh?s fntj tn Schedule ?:f ihi.i Kviad will . DA V PASSEN?. KR TRA IK. ) .rn . iU"? A X .nove ;a.I nt umida - . - SMS I* Ml I ...:!?.<. O? ?..ia ... 4 3? I? M .\i ii\-.if ? lenton - . - ll.tft I* M STA DAY PA&-EN?.ER TltAlN. < *> I* M 0.3> A M i i ?LUM RI A Sflitlt EXPRESS, iimday* o :eeulcd. i. - . i i . . ion . - - 7.00 P M .vi MM ti Columbia - . . &3> A M Leave Humilia . . . 7.1? P M itrrifc fci Charleston . . - a M J A M AUGUSTA SIGHT EXPRESS, [.cave lariwMon . - . P M o rivi it Charleston . . IV30 A M The liiluinhln Day Pa?sehgor Train?, which leaie: * ' A. M. lind arrive :il ll.?Ul I*. M. Will (he.IWi lin Cha . lc?tuil anil III auch ville) ?top only ai -nu r :ei ville ami Oeorgi-.'a. This uppliea hula t?> ilk) ,i i and down trip*. Ry il'i-i iioiv Schedule nelone connection ?ill bi* mi..- willi thu Ulm*.lotte, Columbia amt Au-1 I'M .ia lt . ;ii al their CiOMilntf near Coluinliia, .iii.,- i will uv lid thuti a ii Mor through Colnimbin uni ? ni mi (Ulick ll schedule lo Wiibhinglon piij ii- North a? by thi-oilier route. Slee|bii* Carn on ult night train?. [luggage I uheokei du nigh. S. S SOLOMON.*,, M. H I'ICh h\S, G. T. A. Supci intention t. Keb. W. 'A Repository of Fashion, Ploasuro I ntl Instruction." I^1 a rp ex?9 s Bazar. I LUSTRATED. Xuticea of the Press. Tho li .7.AR is edited willi a contribu tion >it luci and lulen! thur, we seldom lb il in any j Hinno; und the journal h .-f,li-Hu-i.ryan bf, I Iii) great world ol I fashion. - Boston Traveller. Ttl* UAZ-AR comiiieii?d itself lo every : im inl cr of the household-to thc child ren bs Hie drud ai?d pretty pictures, rp Mn* yoting ladies hy its fiisbloii-phites in t-ndlc-s va rifely, to thc providem matron b\ ii-i pm I ems for t lie children's clothes, i ?o |?iii i familia** b.y iliiinsleful designs for iMiiuoidci Islhipers awl luxurious dr?, s b'g yuwus. lint the reading maller ol itu Bazai is uniformly of great excel lence i l:* paper has acquired a wide popiilarb,\ lor the fireside enjoyuictit it affords. -A'. J*. Keening Post. T E ? TH ? : Postage free to oil Subscribers in the United Slates. HAI rm -, I! A rv ii, one year. ....... SI,ro M.pUIncludes prepayment of U. 3. postage by thc mihllMrurej ? Sidi?eri)illO|iA to MuriTer'? Magazine, Weekly, ail'I ltiirai'. lo ouu luhli-eKH for orro your, rlu.On; or, two <>r liai per'? Poi indic?is, to true udUroBO f?r oe? year, >). 0O) pontago free. Ati i-'Mra Cony ul either the Magazine, \Vcok> ly, or Rural will ho Hllppllctl giulia for evevv oluh ol Kite Snh-ACriboiB at (4.0U encb, In one remit! net j or, six Copio? fur ??<J.0o, witbout t xi in copy : noftagu fien. liiwk Nui/ihem cati buatipphcii .anny time. Thc ?even vulumea ul Hui per'? Rasur, for the year* o*?!, W, *?0, ?ll, >7?, '^J, 'H. elcguully buuail in grci-n morocco cloth, will bu *ent by oxpru?-, i, :,t prepuhl, for >7.oO euch. Nc**.?i.apera tiru not lo cony thia advertise luint Miibotit the Mproai on for? uf luitruit .t i'SOlUbua Andre?? UAnrciI & DyroUBBS,Kew York, A D V E ll T I S li M E N T S . MISC KLEAN KOUS. SOL THE ASTE RN .AJD'V' OCATE. There i? soon to be ii paper entitled as above, issued from this office, and pub lished in thc interests of the M. E. Church in this portion of our work1. Since the unwise removal of thc Ch :irh-M on Advocate, our work- has been enlarging and extending in this section and demands multiplying for n local or gan. The Charleston .ddcocaie was for two years published In Charleston. It was during this eventful period in the history of our cause* in the South, one ol the most important auxiliaries of our work. Its removal left a vacant place here which has not since been filled. It is an old saying,l* that blessings brighten as they take their flight." This was cm phatlcidly true in reference to our daper tor this coast. Many were taken by sur prise at Its sudden removal and were anxious for its return. If wc had been as fully advertised of tho wanta and wi.-hos of the people in this section, be fore the transfer of that paper to Atlanta, Ga., as wc were after It was done, it would never have gone from us. The Methodist Advocate is a good paper and ably conducted, but it is too distant from the Atlantic coast to meet our local wants in this section. Our work on this coast differs in some particulars from our work in thc section of Atlanta, or thc valley of the Mississippi. Its peculiar phases can not be met by those who live nt a dis tance from us, and arc not conversant with the exigencies and demands of this section. The people will have greater Interest for Their Own Paper, that lives and sympathizes with them than run bc awakened for one coming to them from a distance, and managed by com par?t ve strangers. lt will be larger than thc FKKE CITI 7.KN, will be Issued Bi-weei-dy, at the low price of O IVE ? YEAH Payment Iii advance. Some of the ablest writers of our church in lids section will con lr ibu tc to ifs col umn*. Methodist Ministers of the M. IC. Church, traveling and local arc Agents ir th':-; |iapt.'\ Let those who read tin';: notice lint ul once in getting up a list ol' .subscribers. All eoininunictitiofts fur thc Advocate should he directed to us, at tl?is place, . A. WEBSTER, Aug. isr i. OrangclMffg. S- ?* GET THE BEST WED STE K 'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. 10,000 Words and Meanings not in Other Dictionaries. 3000 Engravings; JS10 Pages Quarto. PRICE ?12.00. W' commend it as a splendid specimen ol learning, taste and labor. [Montgomery Ledger. Every scholar and especially every minister should l??v? t his work, [West. Prcsb, Louisville] liest beek for every body that the press has produced in thu present, century. [Golden Ern.J Supcilor, incomparably, to all others, in its dcmiitious. [lt. W. Mc.Donold, PrcF. Climb. Univ'y.] The reputation of this work is not eou llucd to America. [liiehmond Whig.] Every family in the United Stares shotffd have this work. [G allai in Rep. J Remarkable compendium of human klluv ledge. tW. a. Clark, Prca't Agrlciil. Ced. ALSO WEBSTER'S NATIONAL PICTO RIAL DICTIONARY. IClO Pages Octavo. 1500 Engravings. Price $?. ?TO TO 1. The sales ot Webster's Dictionaries throughout thc country in lS7Jwcre20 times as large ns tho sales of any other Dictionaries. In proof of this we will .end to tiny person, on application, the statement of lhere (lum IOU booksellers from every section of thc country. G. ?fcC. MERRIAM. Sprint;Held. Mass. Publisher!* Wobbler's Unabridged. -o- * Webster's Primary School Dictionary, 204 Kngravings. Webster's Common School Dictionary, 27-1 Engravings. Webster's High School Dictionary, 297 Engravings. Webster's Academic Dictionary, 311 Engravings. Webster's Counting House Dictionary with numerous illustrations and many valuable tables not to be found elsewhere. Published by 1VISOX. BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., New York. roz. 7 tf A D VE RT IS EMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. J? UGUSTUS B. KNO WLTON,. Attorney & Counselor at Law ORANGEB?RG, S.C. ^L'GUSTU8_B. KNOWLTON, Land! -A.geiit, Thc undersigned bas opened an.offic? f?r th? 8ALE Of LAND. Persons having BEAL ESTATE to dispos o of will do well to register the same for sale. Largo farms subdivided ana' sold in cither large or small parcels. Good farms for sale at from two to five dollars' per acre, on easy terms. AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON, "t .tr Orangeburg C. fE," S. C. .jg A. WEBST Ell, TRIAL J HST SSE, Business faithfully and promptly at j tended to. KJ-OFFICEfor the pr?sent in reith A> B. \ KNOWLTON, E?g., Orangeburg. Jan. 23, 1875. J^ENKE & M?LLE?, Merchant Tailors, A KD DEALEB8 IN MEN'S YOUTH'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, &e. 1298 KING STHEET, Corner of Went wortb, CHARLESTON, S. C. ? Complete Pictorial .Histortf of th? Times"-" Tlie oesf, die?peet, and moat successful Family Par per in the Union Harper's Week ly. ILLUSTRATED* Notices of the Press. The Weekly U the ablest and mort pow erful Illustrated periodical pubttshetl I? this country. Its editorials ure scholarly and convincing, and carry much weight. Its illustrations of current events ate fifi! and Trcsliraiid ar? prepared by our bert designers. \viib a circulation of lo0,00?>, tile WEEKLY i> read hy at least "half, a million perseus, and it? hirtucueoa? an tiyun of opinion ls simply tremendous.- . I'hu WEEKLY" maintains a ; posh i ve yeal' lion, expresses decided v'.ews on political and social problems.-Louisville Churitr ./oumul, ' , '.. ?Uiloa :.-.JT. i?^ylols of liirb-toucii' discussion, anti ?ts p??rT?^! Itttisfrathin*-^ art? o ft eu corroborative ariW^fjrtToT ito small force.-?if. 1". 'Examiner and Chron Irs papers upfebj^Went question.? and it?; inimitable euWpK^help to mould tim sentiments of tUSKouiilry.-Pittsburgh OnAmcrcial. TERMS; Postage free to all Subscribers in the. IT, ff li v KI1!.UM WKRKLT, one year . . , aso M.?Uinclude* prepayment of D'. 8. postage by tho publishers. ? f Subscriptions to Harper's Magasine, Wceklr. and Ilusar, to one address for one year, $ to eft . or, two ot'Harper's Periodicals, to one for oas year, *7.00: postage. frne. An ExtraCopy oiel?.i?r the Kfnguilnc, Weekly or liazar will be suppllcu gratta for everv Club of Five Subscribers at 8 i.oo each, ttV orte rcr.nt lance; or, Six Copie.-* for O'-U.OD, without c?Us copy: pos t a KU Inc. Jiuuk Numbers eau bc.uppiied at any time. Tho Ampml Vohime qt Harper's Weekly, ia neat cloth htndhig, wiTT Bo tient by expresa. A>r of oiprnse, for ?7.0o each. A ooiimVic ??ri comprising Eighteen Volumes, sent tm receipt uf oashat UiuratooffS.2? per vol., freight at pensc of purchaser. ! Newspapers are not to cony this adverUcment without tho cxprn.s orders of IIAUI>:U & nuuTUKits. Address JIABPEH & UROTIIEBS, New York. "Unquestionably tho ft?ttt ?est titted work of the kind m tho ^?t rid**' Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Notices o? thc PrtiS. Ak Tlic cveHnereashur circulation of?idl?; excellent monthly protea Its continued1 adaptation to popular desires and needs. Indeed, when we think into bolt manv homes it penetrated every mouth, We must consider lt as ono Of the educator;; as well ad entertainers of tire publie mind, for its vast popularity bas been won by no appeal to stupid pr?judices or d cpr av* cd la.-ues.-Poetan Globe. The character which this MAGAZINE poscsses for tarfety, enterprise, artistic wealth, arid literary culture that has ijept pace Whh, if lt baa not led tbs f?mes, should ciiffsetts conductor* to regard it Will, jiiSt'i??ab?c cr.iiip?ii?vi?uy." it niuo cu tilles them to a greut claim upon tho pub* lie gratitude. Thu Majriizlue liss done good and not evil all thu day* ot its life** Provklyn Eagle, T?RMSi Postage free to Oil Subscribers tn the t/nt?edx llAVLK'a M4UAXthB,' oao rear . . < ?IC0, $ i 00 includes prepsyment of V. H. postage tr thc publiions Bnbscriptlona to lisper's Magazine, Weekly, and Hsiunr, to ooo address for ono yea^ $104)01 or, two of Harper's Perl?dr??p, io ooo address for one year, ?7.00: pasts go free* An Extra Cony of either tho alagixtno, Week?, ly, or Bnsar will hu supplied gratis fbr every Olahol Five Sutuoribcra at *t.UQ eaoh, IQ OJ& ruinittanco: or, ?Ix Copies jar l^J.OQ witbovt extra copy: poatuyc Irte Buck Numbers ear? he supplied ai ?ey limo. A Cqtnplelu Hut of Harpm .* Magarliis, now comprising 40 Volamos, in neat cloth binding, will he sent by express, freight at expos*? or purcbasore.far U?x per volume. Bingle vol. umc*. by mail, postpaid. 83.' 0. Cl/*o Asses, tor btu ding, 8 > couW, by mail, postpaid. Now spa pars ?rp ?ot to copy this edderfgm. nicol without ibo express ordere cf Uiiqrjn* A C110IUJU8. Address IIA PEU & ITROinERS, Sfliw Yorfc