The free citizen. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1874-1876, March 06, 1875, Image 12

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HOUSEHOLD HINTS. To REMOVE paint splashed upon win dow-panes, use a hoc solution of soda and soft flannel." .. . -If-A vftrrr< ?FTEB taking up a carpet, sprinkle tho floor -vvith very dilute carbolic aoid before sweeping. IF Y O U have been picking or handling aoid fruits, and have stnined your hands, .weeli them in blear water ; -wipe them lightly, and, while they aro yet moist, strike a- mutch and shut your, hands around it so as to catch the smoke, and tho eisin will disappear. To STOP BLEEDING.-It is said that bleeding from a wound oh man or beast may bo stopped by a mixture of wheat floor and common salt, in equal , parts, bound on with a cloth. If the bleeding be profuse, use a largo quantity, say from one to three pints. It may bo left on for hours, or even days, if necessary. APPLE SNOW.-Boast eight tart ap ples and pulp them through a soive ; take one-half pound o? the pulp, and, when cold, mix with it one-half pound of finely-sifted loaf Bugar, and the thin rind'of a small lomon ; beat the whites of three eggs, whisk all the ingredients together to a fine froth, and pile on a ghi?s dish. A little Bponge cake soaked in fruit syrup and laid on thehottom of tho dish is an improvement. CHARLOTTE BUSSE. -Line a plain mold with sponge oake cut to fit exactly, brash over" tho insido,' very lightly, with the white of au egg, and pat it upon ice. Boat up ono pint of rich cream with one ounce of isinglass (previously dissolved in sufficient water to cover it). Sweeten and flavor to suit, the taste. Pour this into tho mold, cover it with a poioe of Bponge cake cut exactly. tho size. Ico~ it, and but very carefully. IcEb'C?TO.-^M?x'ihoroughly one-half pound of flour, ono-half pound ground rico, currants, one:quartor pound sugar, one quarter o unco mac? and" cloves, sor?e mixed peel, a few-bitter almonds pounded, Borne Bweot almonds split, ono teaspoonful of oirbonate of soda, melt ono-half pound fresh butter in pint of warm milk, and the yelka and whites of four eggs beaton separately ; put thi? by dogrees on the dry ingredients, beat well ; put 'into a buttered mold, and bake.. CHOCOLATE ' CREAM. - Sorapo two squares of chocolate and put them into a Btewpan with two ounces of sugar, a pint of milk, nud half a pint of cream ; lot itr boil, mut il a third of it ia cou-, sumed, and when half cold beat np the yelks of six,eggs with it ; strain the whole tbioilgtr a-aeive, and then put the small cups or dishes iu which the cream is to be served into a pan con taining, enough boiling water lo reach above half way up tho cream. Cover tho pan, and lay fire on tho lid ; boil it till dono, and servo cold. ONIONS (TO PICKLE).-Choose Dmall button onions : au they are peeled throw them into milk and water, drain them from th?B when they nro all done, put them into ii jara?iLpour a strong br mo of Salt and water and a small piece of alum (boiling hot) over them, oovor clone, and sot them a<ddo till/the noxt . day'; ' drain and- dry-on - ai doth, put them into cold disti^ecUvidegar with a* W blades <d c^g?0ia^~-si^80*r-^?a?4| >vhdio^viprAfjr_8iKi a little mace, koop alway s - coy crea with vinegar, cork tho jar oloso, and put m a dry^jbold place. REMEDY FOB Cnou^r- ' pirita of.tur Ssntine is a sovereignIr?l .?dy for croup, at?rate a pie co of flannel with it, and. place it on the throat and ehest, and send for your family, physician. If the oase be very urgent, and the child in treat distress^ and tba distance to the odor's residence very great,.drop three drops bf the turpentine on a lump of sugar and give it internally. Or a good emetic of blood-root, or lobelia, or both combined, shonld be given. Every family should keep a bottle of spirits of turpentine in the house. ' THE bloom, or glaze, or facing oA gre.en .and black tea is generally arti ricial. In the case of green tea it is or dinarily a mixture of Prussian blue, tumoric, and sulphate of mime, or China clay ; and in that of black tea it is not umr?que?t1y a coating of black lead. The toa prepared for the English mar ket is notoriously subject to these adul terations ; and it seems that this arises onthf??y^ from ou? own fancy, and not from any desire on the part of the Chinese to pursue snoh a practice. The adulteration- ia easily discovered by treating the tea with^cold water, and then straining through, maslin, and al- | 10 wigg the fine powder to subside. To PRESERVE Mir^-<-Provide bottles, which mn?t'bo porfoctly clean," sweet and dry. Put the milk-Warm from the coj^into these, bottles/and, as they are 11 mal, immediately cork them np. and fasten the pork with wit e. Then spread a little nt mw on the bottom of a boiler, on whioh place the bottles,'with straw botica them;. Fill it up with cold water. Heat the water, and aa soon as it begins to boil draw the fire and let tho whole gradually cool. When quite cool take out the bottles, paok thom away io sawdust and put them in a cool place, but where'the milk will not freeze. Milk preserved in this way will keep perfectly sweet for years. To CRYSTALLIZE FLOWERS. ~-CouBtrnot some baskets of fancy form with p?a ble copper wire, and wrap- thom wi th gauze? into these tie to the bottom violeta, ferns, geranium leaves-in fact, any flowers but full-blown rones-and sink them in a solution of alum-one pound to a gallon pf water-after the solution Imo cooled. Tho colors will bo preserved in their original beauty faster than from a hot solution. When you have a light covet.rig ot crystals that completelyj.oqvex- the- articles remove tho basket carefully and allow it to drip for twelve hours. These baskets make a beautiful pwi-n- ornament, and for a long t?me preserve tho freshness of the flowers. HANO?NO-BAHK?TS.-A charmiugi and imxpomvro homo adornment may bo rarrdo by using a basket constructed in the manner given aboveor by procuring , a small wire-basket and , lining ?twitl/i colored tirisne-paper; of various colors nicely fringed,* take a t?e-po?nd cys^ u.-r-oatf, put A sweet potato in it, and till it wilbowa'**- ; pi ace tho c<?.n in tho cente* ?r^fie basket, and procure from any florist some gay: southern mo..s and place ii. the edge of the basket. In a . short time tho sweet-potato will send but a nnmbor of vines* Whioh may be guided by strings around pieture frames, twining through mantel orna menta over the cloak, adding beauty and oheeriuiness to tho room. It can be placed in any part of the room, aB it ia not necessary that the auu should shine on it, and the vine will grow all winter in wattr. Corm FOB DBUNKENNESS.-There is a curious prescription in England for the cure of drunkenness, by which thou sands are said to have been assisted in recovering themselves. Tho recipe came into notoriety through the efforts of John Vine Hall, father of Rev. New man Hall and Captain Vine Hall, com mander of the Great .Eastern steamship. He had fallen into Buch habitual drunk enness that his utmost efforts to regain himself proved unavailing. At length he sought the advice of an eminent physician, who gave him a prescription which he followed faithfully for several montbs., and at the end of thut lime he lost all desire for liquors, although he had for many years been lod oaptive by a most debasing habit. The recipe, which ho afterward published, and by which so many havo been assisted io reform, .is as follows: V Sulphate of iron, 5' grains ; magnesia, 10 groins ; peppermint water, ll grains ; spirit of nutmeg, one drachm-to be taken twice a day. This preparation acts as a tonio and stimulant, and so partly sup plies the place of the accustomed liquor,' and prevents that absolute physical and moral prostration that follows a sudden breaking off from the use of stimulating drinks. Arab Horse Maxims. Whoso rai8oth and trainoth a horse for the Lord is counted in tho number of those who givo alms day and night, in private as well aa public Ho v>ill find his reward. All his sins will bo forgiven him, and nevor will any fear come over him and dishonor his heart. . Lot your colt bo domesticated and live with you from his tenderest age, and when a horse he will be simple, docile, faithful and innrcd to hardship and fatigue. If you havo your boree to Borve you on the day of trial, if you desiro him then to bo a horse of truth, make him sober, accustomed to hard work and inaucossib'o to fear. Do not boat .your horses, nor speak to them in a lond tono of voice ; do not bo angry with thom, but kindly reprove thoir faults; they will do bettor there after, for they u intend and the language of man and its meaning. If you have a long day's journey be fore you, spare your horse at the start ; let him frequently walk to recover his wind. Continue this until he has sweated and dried three, times, and you may ask him whatever you please, he will not leave you in difficulty. UBO your horse as you do your leath ern bottle; if you open it geitly and gradually you can easily control the water within, but if you open it sud denly the wator escapes at once, and nothing remains to quench your thirst. Never lot your horse run up, or donn ?ii 11, if you can avoid it. On the con trary, s?aoken your pace. "Which do -yon prefer," was asked of a hprse, *. as Ofintor-decnnt ? .* A.curso bb on *hoir-| point, of meeting ! " was Ibetawwer, Make your horso work and work again. Inaction and fat aro the gf?at perilB of a horse, and the main cause of all bis vices and disease. ' \ 'Observ? your- horse when he ?B driuk [ lng a't a brook. If in bringing down bis), head be remain square, without bending his limbs, he possesses sterling qualities and all parts of his body are built symmetrically. Four things he must have broad front chest, loins and limbs; four thiigs long-neok, breast, fore-arm ano- croup ; and four things ahort-pas terns, baok, ears and tail. A New.Grass. The Savannah Advertiser says that after Sherman made bis march to the Bea, all in the wide track of waste and desolation that he made with the tramp of'his footman and the iron feet of his cavalry there sprang up a new and un known grasa from the soil, which the farmers called "'Sherman dover.". It would grow up. in the most unexpected places, and it is said would root ont Bermuda grass ; and, as a strangesirai ! larity, we now hear that after the Fran vc?-PraBsitin war of 1870-71,|in many dis tricts of France a now vegetation sprang up, evidently tho result of the invasion. ?It was believed that this vegetation would becorno acclimatized, bat very few of the species introduced in this way appear bkely to cpntinne to flour ish.'In the departments of Loir and Loire.t-Chor, of one hundred and sixty three Germon species, at least one-half have already disappeared, and tho sur viving species diminish in vigor each year. Scarcely five or pix Bpeoies ap pear to manifest any tendency to be come acclimatized. Can any of oar nat oralia ts account for it. -Old man Wheeler of Minnesota wants a divorce from .his wife. She sent him down tho cellar one night last week after a bottle of yeast. Ho got lt and was trudging along np Btaira, think ing of nothing in particular, when tho bottle exploded, scaring Wheeler so that he fell with ono great whoop down in a soap barrel under tho, stairs. When they pulled bim ont he prancod around yelling "Cuss a wife ; cuss y oast ; cuss the whole of ye I" And the, lawyers say bo has got a good ease. Vi NIBO AB BITTEBS.-Dr. J. Walker,? regular practicing physician of Cali fornia, bas conferred a priceless boon upon mankind by tho introduction of \% ...Bitters" compounded' from herbs exclusively, which -may- he truly said j to bo Biipersoeing all others, and is becoming a bitter dose indeed for the. charlatans and quacks, oh account of i-itrf immense sile and universal popu larity. Not only are these Vinegar Bitters, as he calls them, an in val a* able .touicand lateral ive, brit they are acknowledged as a standard Medicine, ead the astonishing rapidity with which they enre diseases hitherto de clared inonrable, seems almost incred ible. -I After having been carefully tested, they ai*e kept on bond- in thou sands bf households, and used fdr any! ami ?very form of disease, many re lying upon them in preference to the mont eolcbratad physicians; They hwe become- a rocognizod "family remedy." and nroperly so. Sua't Hack, HRCU, ?oneil, Congli I Gough iq a symptom bywhioh yariouBdia eased conditions of the throat, bronchial tubo and langs manifest themselves.-"But whether it ariBoa from the irritation produced in tho throat and larynx by taking cold, from an at tack of bronchitis, from incipient consump tion, or from various other CHUKO?, nothing will allay it moro speedily or curb it more per manently than Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It does not matter whether it bo a recent attack, or a Ungering cough, tho Dis covery is in either coao equally well adapted for He relief rt nd permanent cure. In fact, it will enro a cough ju one-half tho time necee Bary to euro it with any other modicine, and it dooB it, not by drying it np, but by removing tho cause, subduing tho irritation, and heal ing tho affected parts. No time should bo lost in commencing tho uso of a proper medicino for tho relier of a cough, for nnlosB thin conrdo ia pursued, Berkum and dangorouR dis oaBo of tho lungs in liable to result. Goldon Medical Discovery ia Bold hy all dealers in medicines. _ By neglecting the precaution which common Boneo dictates, many fall victima to their own imprudence. We.bavo Been tho young and beautiful girl, tho hope aiid pride of her parents-h or chook-Hushed with an ticipation, and her eyes beaming with tho gay dreama of life-we have Boon all thia changed for a shroud by neglecting a common cold which had Bottled upon her lunga. It might have easily been cured if it had boen attended to in timo. Now, when your lungs aro firat diseased with the incipient stages, ot con sumption, yon should uso Allen's -Lung Bal eara, which will relieve them withont fail. For salo by all medicine dealers. Premature loss of the hair, which is BO common now-a-daya, may bo ontirely pre vented by tho nao of Burnett's Coooaine. It baa boon used iu thousand* of caaoB wtiero tho hair was coming ont in handfuls, and baa nev er failed to arrest ita decay, and to promote a healthy and vigorous growth. It is at tho samo timo unrivalled BB adroaaing for tho hair. THERE are more than one thousand diiTorent kinds of pills in tho United states. thom aro worthloBH and injnnpnB, o thors aro Rood and beneficial. --Old Dr. Par Bona invented tho boat anti-bilious pill wo over Baw or hoard of. Thov are now sold under tho uamo of Parsons' Purgative Pills. "Wu understand that the whopping <-"iigh ia quito prevalent in tho towna around us ; but that no caaeB have proved fatah-Som? families uso not lung but Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. Our Doctor, however, aayB a little iniuae, to produce vomiting, would be an ad vantage._ Qo to Riverside Water Guro. Hamilton, II], Tho CouMiimptlvcN or Riifforer fr<m any pulmonary disease will find Tnlt's Expectorant tho mont general restorative ever offerrd an invalid. VBURTABLi; ?M J I. FTC O NA I? V BAL SA HI! Most approved, reliable and well-known rem edy for Conchs, Coidn ft Consumption. Get thc gen uine. Price$l;unat160c Co-runt Baoa.& "Roslnn MARKET REPORTS. ??aatvrUl??. cXOUR-Superfine.,....? 4 2B XXX. S3? <*J 6 M? Family.6 75 ?JTVOO CORN MEAL.'.. BS HORN. en OATB.-.... 75 WHEAT. 1 C'S UAH-Beat.W 00 BRAN."..'.. :.:.2r> en PEANUTS. . .75 ..?} BACON-Olear Bides. " ti?c HAMS- Sujar Cured. . (4 LAUD. BUTTER....;. EGOS.-.. GINHKNO. WOOL-Unwashed. Tub washed. "WBieBV^Pcmmronr. Robertson County, Bourbon. 1 39 Lincoln Oonnty. 1 75 m HIGH WINES COTTON. Ordinary Good Ordinary..... 13;*^ Low Middling. KX? SE OTB-Clover.?..^.^ 8 00 .. Timothy.r.".v.. 8 2? Orchard Grass.. 3 40 . Blue Grass.._... 128 **JW?ovll!e. TOBACCO. , - . M*ht . gides Common Inga.$ 0 nc.aiu 00 $ fl Good ln.iB..10 rogll ( 0 10 Oemrnon leaf..7.....12 60913 60 12 Medium lt af. ...14 40<?16 60 14 Good leaf.?.16 ?0320 CO 17 Choleo leaf..21 00?23 00 22 WHEVT-Krtl and Amber.$ 08 O Jan-Sacked. 66 i OATS....;.-.. 61 BUTTER-Oholoe. 20 HAY-Timothy.... 18 00 ii GINSENG. 1 80 ? 1 FRUIT-Apples. Green.. 3 00 <s Lemons, per box?. 8 00 Qt Orangen... ll 00 ft ] POBK-Mesa. 19 E0 c\ LARD. lP?/# BACON-Olear Sides. HjJS OHBEBE-Oholoe. lc'if? FIOUR-^Sopernne. 4 Ol & Extra family. * f 0 gk Fancy. 6 76 9 WOOL-Tub-washed....". to 4 Unwashed...83 da POTATOES-Irish- WbbL.. 2 75 ? OOTTON-Middling.. ...... ? Good Ordinary .14 <a Hew Orleans. FLOUR-Extra. $ 6 00 ?ft XXX....'. t o', a OOBR.. 87 9 OATS. 71 cs HAT..... 34 00 m POBK-Mean. 30 75 a BACON:...'..:.... 12V* HAMS. 18 S LARD. UK* BUG AR-Fair to Prime. 7 va WHISKY-Louisiana.08 (4 Cincinnati....,. loo 0 OOTTON-Good Ordinary. 12J?* Low Middling."? 14 M . Cincinnati. ' ... FLOUR-Family."....$ 5 IO A WHEAT. 1 07 ? CORN.".. 621?? OATS..... t9 (rt PORK-Mesa.;.." 19 00 a HAMS-y o Rar cured." 0Xr* BIO ON-O loar aldea.? 10 * .1' esp *15 t 00 ;i ito a po .... '10 25 Agenta. Ch ring Chang sella at sight. Necessary as ?oap. Goods free, Chan? Chang M'Pg Co , Boston. 1>aicnt Novelties. Largest utailonery pack Ago in . the world. Felton ?a Co . 110 Nassau St., N. Y. i'Nn for Illustrated Poultry circular, free. Ad dress llr. O. Lewis, Marlboro. Stark i o , Ohio S ?<S/f "? P?W?I"? Weipny Atenta. hUatly Work. ijp^fc Send for term*. !The Oiobe, is Liberty ?i.,r%.Y. A DAY. Terms to attenta free Address If. L. Bhopal? h Oi.Bost'n.N.York.Ohto'KO or St.Lonls. ?O SUS PER DAY-Send for "Ohroroo" catalogue. 3. K.BuyyoBo'oHONS,Boston. $10 %R?4%Ol1f P;'r rtny >t home. Terms rr re. Address -POHW?U Oxo.fiTTjcsoif ?*Oo.. Portia-id Maine aweofc to agents, ci.culara free. CAmple 2Sc. G. CitAnwioK rt Co., Hi, loni*, ?o $6o A WKKK. Agents ivanted everywhere. For out t\ i FstTuu it WA LU KU. Dayton, Ohio. $200 ionia rivery wh'p^e. Address 'f'oCo., Buchanan. ?-ieh. *dTho A merl can I'At rou Is the niostpopti nrgrango -nod farm naper-}I.2? A year. Specimen free Ad W flress J. X. BARNO, Publlahnr. Findlay. Ohio. . A GENTS WANTED- Men and womfln, a:tt a ?TL week or ?tm rorfelted. 77i? ?<w?et tren. Wrtie .tonne to ?"OWEN A CO.. 8th street. Now York <?Z t)f\ Dally to Aecnrits m new ari ides and Um *tp*?4\J best Family tMpp.r lu A m- rica v. 1 ? n ?wo f?chromoti. free. Am. M'f'? tO..i00 Broadway, N.Y address K. R. Cochran, Middletown. Dela v/jre, for frc R.taldztto nf cho'cest p ach trees, small frultc, e c. Bottom pr ces. " ALL_ (On? box of Car^alnxtoat talc F*ow<Ser \ ?111rc?*??(in!Of BEST BLACK ??X IS AT?ajouta? I Sl.?r<j< H. QiO. 0?5T, T^iwrrUKyOV /. ni! <<i|,rnrca lo nil. Article? j ?'? itiiur. Sample Irtfi.' tl^St. \ Wlf*llBI>.;l?.V. orOhlcagu ^50 ^$90 ?;3i $25 ??AV il. Appirtl PHU DAY co-nmlMioitoT gSOa WMK salary.And rsronse?. Weoittrr ll nnd ^11! iiiV.??.Wetilbar ???<?. Marlon GUNS. Cataloguo Freo. Kn ?loipii dc to, mis N bili Btreet st. Louis, MO. Conn/ant Su-ploument.-At borne.-malo or remain. *3U a week warranted. No capital required, far tlculoro ami valuable rnmple sent free. Address, with 6c. return stamp. O. Ku>-8, \? llllarnsburgb.N.V . In Alt M KST Peach In tho world. Indorsed by Jbcitlruit men In Amer! n; Downing. B.rry, 1 houins. Warder, niismanii. hcrckmuns. ?c.,<ko. Send fur circular. J C TEAS.'Cartbage. Mo. A DVEKTIBKAMl oen? *? ci?. lo HBO. P. Kow A. ttuh * CO., ? Park Row, N. T., for their 2\m Sum ot IOU jxiffM, oonialnloc lisle of twa new? >. ft ti - - * .??! Mtlmtlw thaw1?? .--?.i nf *?vorttal?. A MONTH.-AO KNT* wanted every, where. Business honoruhle mid llrat cl MU. Particulars sent free. Address WOKTIl & CO..-8t. Louis. Mo. rrvllIS paper la printed willi Ink furnished by J t:iinrii'fi Encn Jnhnsoi & Co , WM Hu. luth st Philadelphia mid .19 Gold str. ei. rvew York. For lalo lu lU and IS lb cans by SOUTIUKN MKwB PAPER UM'IN. Nashville. Tenn. 260 mAOKNTH WANTKI) K'VNBTW choicest I . Ibo world-Import largest company In A mrrlcu-s MARRM? llOIDli ssa^Sa valuable Information lor Hmso who are man lcd Or contemplate marriage. Prlco ll fly cents by mall. Addre s Du. BUTTS' DIB PK NBA KY, 12 North K.lirhth ?trrpf. Mt. I .nu ls. Mn. _ V KUY WU KHK.-The riers' prices -staple article -piiasns everybody-trade Increasing-heft lu iluceuoiit*- loii'i wnste time-send for circular t i Robert "'ells. 41 Vesey M . IN. Y ; P. O. Box 1?W. AND ARMS\ illKlu-st nwun? wherever exhibited. Satisfaction guar anteed. I-uti-M I inproved LEGS to KOMIIRRK on div I order. Applv for blanks to CHAS. M. F VANS. Marni) 'mr, 1S2 W. Fourlll Street. Cl NCINNATI. O.. or S.W. Cor.-4th and Murki'! Sis.. LOUISVILLE, KY. LEGS THE FAVORITES, FA MIT, Y FA VOJtT P k\ MAN UFA C T Ul! Eli ft1 FA VOR ITS. . ORNKRAL FA VORJTit J the ) The 11 tics . Indicate J the Uses Fur full Information reflecting our Goods or -Agencies for paine, nddr m WK? DSKWINR MA CHINE COMPANY nt Ilitrtft-rd. Connecticut, or our Branch Ufllces In lea IHR cities Tho America? Ncwspn)irr Union number* over ltG0O'papar8l soparatod Into Bevon subdivis ions. For sepvrato lists and cost ot advertising, a ii d rc so B. 1\ SANBORN. Ill Mo mu o St., Chicago. The Tribune Almanac rt N I) Political Register for 1875. OLDEST, LABOES/, ' EST. HS PAOEd. Thc standard Political ?nd Statistical Annual. Price, postpaid. S?cenla, seven lor #l.tO Address Til K Titi HONE, New York. SENT FREE A Hook ripening tho myRlcrloa cf TIT A T T Oin and how any ono may operate BIIC- Hil bb l) 1 . coisfully with a capital or 950 or S . *><>". com nieto liistiiiclliinn and llluslr.illiins io any nddroH*. .riJiHimiOfiK Ct?. BANKKBHand UfltlKKW, ? Wall Htrect. New York TIN WIRE RINGS. .Will no?. Runt oe mnko tho . HOB'S Nose Hore. \ Itnrdwnro Dealers nell them. Buger. $1.00; Tin Ringa, por 1100, OOo .; Coppoied Bingil, AGOc: Tongio S1.S?; by innll. fi postpaid. Circulars free. /II.lV. Hill A- Co. Decal u r. I ll. PftQU and Ihn N V. SATURDAY JOUIt UNO ll NAL, tho errat literary weekly ol A mei Ira, for ono year fur ibo regular subscription price, 13. poi!agc paid. YJ7? Names entered Impartially nn received, and flesh DOulutunce lu overy ft Tl h mibscrl'ier. Clubs ur ll vo (at W each) timy reta-n tho fM Thin li our " chrnnio'"-a catii premium of 15 lo every Illili subscriber! 'I he linn name ls a sn llidem I.|nfaoty nf f .Irncvi ai d [ii'llllmeul. Sonn M.y order or regtue-o i biller n> ?ISA III.K A-ADAMS, I ubllnliern.PS William .?tu? I. New Vmk. OVViM PRINTING! J-p?lINTI-NG PRESS. ?Kor I'tofi'h^loniil ami Amateur VrlRlor-rti Set.I?, Soelctlew, Mun iii;i-. < iit-cr?, McrcliuntH, mill othcri iii? lli? BEST . vi r iiivi ntiil. m.OOO In use. J*"yles, Triocn from ffiG.OO to $100.00 J. O. WOODS A CO. Msmirramid .^--_-=-u .1.. .nui^-L... O.UUi.n w^tnrlnl, cwl iliuiiptar-Cauilugiii;.) 40 Federal Ut. Booton. DO YOUR ?O?rTG FOLKS? HISTORY UNITED STATES. By T. W. lUUl?lNSON. " It has a c'rar title to siin?rlnrity over nny sim ilar work ''-Motion Acti-crilsrr. .' A book wnere there IM everything to praise ant nolhin ; tn condemn "-Ar. Y. Tribune.. '.TheMvi- of Ibo btu* Is admirable."-?V. Y. Svenina Pott. .' ?At. Hlgul son was well nualltied to-writ" such a b'AloTy."-Sprn<pflei,i Re. ubllcan. ?"q lRmn., with over IIX) ilbiHtr-lions. Pi lco Ecui post paid on rec. (pt ot the price. LEE & Hil K t'A ttl). Boslon. YUK li ".NT In the World. II (tlv M UnlverHHl ^atlsfnc:lun. Wt?'I IK ll KUI. ICconoiiiy. ill Ita innre Rreari to bbl. Flour SAVIO? MILK, KUU.<i, One y CH r's ^avlnl? will buy a isiw NO no UK HOVlf llUlvM). Whiter lighter, nweeler. richer. KVr IC YIIOOY Prnlara lt. The lad ea -neall in love %? Lb ll SKI.t.S like HOT CA IC MS *..>"?.'i'd at linet, for circular to Vi^?' *? ?1ICANTZ O? Ct?., 170 C Hillie S'., Kow Vol li. MAGIC LANTERNS lix'A Ulai er? t'.it.ii, artupilcun. The mou power ul Magic Lament ever made; with n r.Hlant till Lamp; for Home, Sunday rt hool and Lect ires .HoieoDtlc H *c tildes at reduced nrlitts. A pf fl able Rittliie*? for a m m witn tmall c?pl <U Caialoguei st nt on WAI. V. U'A 1,1.1 ti.iL. I'll I ln.I el pu ia. Pa applicallo . 1 til Cilest lint Hlree This now Trnss ls worn with perfect comfort night and day. Adanta itself to ovety nimloti or. the boily, retaining Ituptnre under Hie hardest exercise or ne Tcrest strain until mr manently cured. Sold cheap by tl" Elastic Truss Co., 083 BroBilw?>'i Nonv York city. Pent by mall tall in, mi for and be cured Mynnnnal Catalogne ..i Vegetable nnd Flower Heoo lor li<75. will be /rte. lo all who apply, < ustomeninr last reBtini cecil not write for it. In lt will be found nevera: VH;",,?r |o varieties ot now vegetable? Inti minced r..r HM first tinto this season, having made new vi getnbies H ?peelaltv for many years.- Growing over v hxmtlrcii mut Jt/ly vnrltlH.s on my several inrms, T would p?riic?u?riy Invite the PKUOIIBRO of marliel g^rdonersand all other. who aro esreclally deftir..ii . in have their seed pure and fri nh. and of the very l?i.l ulrnin A ll se eil sent out from m$ esiablitlnuriii aro covrrcd by three warrants BM elven In mr catalogue, JAMES J. il.GREGORY. Marbleneod, Mans. . - WILBOE'S COMPOUND OF PURE COB LIVER I OIL AND LIME. Wllbor?? ? ott Livor f ttl ?nd Lime.-Person* whotntv. been takim; Coil Liver Oil will bo pleated to huir n I hat Dr. W itmr. IHSU.CB dcd.lrooidirrc ilom of several nroin.inial gtiniiemeo. tn com ht n h i.-- the pure oil and Um . In, Mich a manner thal it is'plCKSaiit io the i^ste ?ii I Iis ?rfectH lu lung coniplairi'B oro tru'y wouderful. Vcy m tn y per sons who.e c??e< we o pronoanced hopsioss and A? ho t)pd liken the ? oar ntl for a long tlpae with out raarkoi eifect. ? *vf> b^ea eniir-ly cured by using this preparation. Kc sure and get the. ..ti". Mau ii lin:, iiien ni/ by A 2 WILBOR i hemtn, Boston Poid . v H1| druggists. B H-.vf . .iii. i . * n.t,/ fnVIiiM? amt r~<? lav? .liri ?IT. . linn ff ?ny jtrrr. n ttl, > .-l>-lii.Uullr, Thia I..... ... in-.-, liy mall l.ciii.; t.,i;rilH'r willi a M.rrl V;si|.|i.u iii<i>|a, Prr,.' .. Ulm- tn I ..ll?.,Ar. l oon,?) ajuaar twA. AiMim I' fiM.Ulli * W.tVvViil'h rt all ran iftaOutiir, .?on mill, A 'htlad.lplila. Largest Accident Insorance Co. TN THE WORLD. -TECHi - TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT Insurance Company -OB1 HARTFORD, CONN. Accident I'd I Iden written,. 340,OOO I.I Tc fol?eles written,. Ul,OOO A H fl c I s.$:S,?50,000 Surplus to Policy Holders,.... 1,UUU,UUU I'nlil tn Benefits to Policy Holders,.- 3,000,000 ma,Write to TUE TRAVKI Kn? INSUHAP-CK COM PANY. Hart loni, Conn ., or apply t?* any Agent. Ratea, blanks, etc , sent by mall. HOTELS, BAKE ES, i^POE GBOOERS, * ZTT HOUSEKEEPEES, A?J?I BOAEDING HOUSES, AND PEIVATE FAMILIES. I have an IMPROVED tbS?KlP P :or making a PUK K BAKING or YEAST POW DIOR ecpial lo tb? best In tb" market. With which 1 will end a book gl\in?r40 new and liXCKLLKM" M HT li ons ior usluu lt In cuoktng. Wy Puking Powder can bo made for ir. rems u poona. Why nay 60 or 60 oeut8 per pot nd wheo >tu cnn olly make your own for Ki couts? Pnro cu my receipt il 28 I?, will, however, bc r-ent upon receipt or ?too BY MAIL, willi din ci )<n s (in KngDsh nod Ocrman) fir MAKIN? and i-siMi li IheNAMKOf trie NHWHPA P?K lu given In wlilch.thls advertisement in seen. ThC CURT Of tills KVCKlPT IH HA V KO IN KV KUY TithKK POUNDS of the powder linnie. Ingredient:; kept by t rocera and di ugglsla everywhere. Adilress X). W. munns. Practical Druggist, Chicago, 111. FREE OFCHARGE. SPECIMEN COPIES OF THE ?Ml ?trot ^porter, A weekly I" pago i|narin, liniinniid .journal, containing full icpni la ?duales nt tho Now York Stock Exchange. The no\l IIiltiilt.*r will Contain valuable informa tiou regal ?li ug il?' moil HUT, >aalitl method ni op miling with STOCK PRIVILEGES, 4. (nil e.\plaiinii? i will I^O.gjveiyjf Pulu, Call i, SpriNiila ?mil Sli.tdilhs in which $10, $100, or $1.000 , Can ho invested with a chanco of realizing enormous prout?. Tho anbei ilptiou pi it o ortho Ri. roui i u ia ?l.oo i\ year. Specimen number* will ho malled free o? charge), hy addressing Wall Street Publishing Co., 135 & 137 WJIIani SlreoJ, Now Yotk. Burnett's Cocoaine Prevonta tho Hair from Falling. . Burnett's Cocoaine Promotes itsHea* h^^nt?t^" Burnett's Cocoaine Ia not Greasy nor Sticky; Burnett's Cocoaine Leaves no Disagreeable ?dor. Burnett's Cocoaine Subdues Refractory Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Soothes tho Irritated Scalp-Skin, j . Burnett's Cocoaine Affords the Richest Lustro. \ \ Burnett's Cocoaine ls not nn Alcoholic Wash. .. ' Burnett's Cocoaine Kills Dandruff. Burnett's Cocoaine Gives New Lifo to the Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Remains Longest in Effect. Prepared only by J08EPH BURNETT & CO. 27 Central Street, Boston. And Sold Everywhere. DB. -j-H No. 617 St. Charles 31 rc ot, St. Louis, Wo., continue* to trent ?ll ca*? of oh?tac1ca to marriage, blood Imnuri'lci, ever/ ailment or alckncaa which mulla from lD<U?irctloD or. Imprudence, with unparalleled ?noc? Dr. W.'a e.lahihhrncnt I. eharlrrctl by the HUlo Di III. aourl, WM rounded andh?? beru catabll.bed to ?coure aife, oerUIn And reliable relief. Pieing n grad?alo vi sereral medical collrae., and haring ibo ciperlcnuf dt a Inn? and auocea.ful Hf . In hi. apcclaltlea he h.. ..ri../->?/t remedlr? li?t aro effectual io all Iheaocaaca. III. patbfjll aro bring treated by mail or exprr?, errrywbere. Mt ?natter who failed, call or write, fruin tho rresl nija> ber of application? he I. enabled to kitji hi. -ihnrt.t low. fltl pngr?, ching rull ?ymplonia, Air i-io ?tamp? MARRIAGE. CUIDE, J*i p.gc.. a popular bv>\ whiih ?hould l>o read by -verj rv-ly. So married pair, or persona 'cobUrnplntlng mar. ri.??, can artoirl lo do without lt. ft contain, the al -.Heal literature on thia ?abject, tho re.ult?rf (J,..W ?. .ons ripcrlcnce; al>j tbs beat thoughts fro? la'* werta, 'n Kump; ted America.? Hem aealed. poaopald for&llcU. PIUM Habit Cured Acertain nod Htire euro, without inconvenience, and al homo. An antidoto Umt ?lauds piiroly on Its own merit*. Bend for liiy quarterly magnzlno (ft cort* von nothtno), contalnlngecrtlilontca of hundreds that have been permanently cured. I claim to havo discovered and produced the ri m r. ORIGINAL, AND OMLY > nu i: OUBB FOB OPIUM KATING. . " DR; S* B* COLLINS, La Porte. Ind. B,M. VVOOLBV, Sole Agf, Southern States, _ _ Atlanta. Ga. .#& Oft I Efl RA HABIT* CORED at nomo. No !4 r1 ..'??'J ' !' l'"l)l''ciiy. Terms m Klerato. HU flt BlBllfl 'Hmo ebert -Vonr yearn-Of un Wa I Wall paralleled SUCCCHH. Describe caso. dOOtgi?won<(i/a.Addrc?sl)r.F.KMar?h.gulncv.Mlcll. itOAA onrt cxrK'nPcr.a tiionth to agents. AddrcM &?UUA.USTODDAUI3, Jonesville? Mich. ,v'*,*^?"~'''""**irtfirriMwii in? m mi ii miiwuuiri. VINEGAR BITTERS 4aBff,ii,?iUi^.rii^;.ir>ffl nixsM Dr. J. Walker's California Tin? egar 'Hitlers aro a purely Vegetable prepara; ion, made chiefly from tho na tive herb? found on tho lower ranges of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tho medicinal proportics of which aro extracted therefrom without tho use of Alcohol. ' Tho question is almost daily asked, "What is tho causo of tho unparalleled success of Vi NEG AU BIT TERS V Our answer is, that they remove thc cause of disease, and tho patient re covers his health. They aro the great blood purifier ami ahfe-glving principle, a perfect Renovator* and Invigorator ;if tho system. Never beforo in- tho history of tho world has a medicino been compounded possessing, tho ruiuarkablo qualities of VINEGAR BITTERS in bealing the Kick of evo-t disenso mini is heir to. They ttre a gcntlt i'urgativo ns woU aa a Tonio, relieving Congestion ' or Inflammation ol tho Liver and. Visceral Organs, in Bilious I Diseases. Tho proportics of Da. WALKER'S VINKOAR BITTERS aro Aperient, Diaphoretic Carminativo? Nutritious, Laxativo, Diuretic Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Alters tive. and Anti-Bilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim VIN EGAR BITTERS tho most wonderful ?n vigorant that ever sustained tho sinking systoiu No Person can talto these Bitter? according to directions, and romain lonft unwoll, provided their bones aro not de-' Btroyed by mineral p^'sou or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond ropair. Hil ions, Remittent and Inter* mitteilt Fevers, which aro so preva lent in the valloys of our groat rivera throughout the United States, especially those of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumborlaud, Arkan sas, lied, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout out entire country during the Summer and Autumn, nud remarkably so during sea sons of'unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied byextonsivo de? angements of tho stomach and liver, irid other abdominal viscora. In their treatment, a purgativo, oxerting a pow? orful inUuonce upou these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to DR. J. WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS, as thoy will speedily remove tho dark colored viscid matter with which the UQAVRIS aro 1 (>;>.'!cd, .-ct; tho-sumo-thoo ^X-*> stinuilatihg tho secretions of thffitv?TT*^'^ and goncrally restoring tho healthy, functions of tho digestivo organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all ita milds with VINEGAR BITTERS. No epidemic can take hold : of a system thus, fore-armed. . % Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, JPain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest,, Dizziness, "Sour Ernetations of tho Stomach*, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tation of tho ITcart, Inflammation of tho laings, Pain in tho region of tho Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, ard tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. Ono bottle will provo a better guarantee . of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcora, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitro, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Soros, Eruptions of tho Skin, Soro Eyes, atc In these, aa in all other constitutional Dis eases, WALKER'S VINKQAR BITTERS have shown their great curativo powers in* the most obstinate and in trac labio coses. . For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit- ' tout and Intermittent Fe vera, Diseases ot tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, theso Bitters hnvo no equal. Such Diseases 1 are caused by Vitiated Blood. f Mechanical Diseases.-Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as numbers, Typo-setters, Gold-boaters, and Minors, ns they advance in life, aro subject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, take a doso of WALKEB'S VIN EGAR BITTERS occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet>* a ter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles,' Ring-worms*"' Scald-head, Soro Eyes,'Erysipelas, Itoh, Scurfs, Discolorations of tho Skin, Kamora and Diseases of tho Skin of whatever nam o . or nature, aro literally dug up and carried ' \ out jf the system in a short timo hy the uso < of theso Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in tho system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed and removed. .Nd*, j system of medicine, no vormifuges, no arv thohuinitics will freo tho system from worms Uko these Bitters. For'Female Complaints, in young or aid, married or singlo, nt tho dawn of wo- . manhood, or tho turn of lifo, theso Tonio bitter.-, display BO decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible-. - < , Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you find ita impuritiesbursting thron g h ! tho s'nin in Pimples,-Eruptione, 'qr 8/.>l?8i-r cleanse it. when you find lt obstructor] And sluggish in tho veins j oloariBo it when it ia \ foul: your feelings will toll you when. rieep , tho blood puro, and tho hpalth of tho :,ystom will follow.-. , ??j. ?L?? . .,-?. ? ' II. II. ltfcDONAIiO AV: CO., * Dmggixta and Gon. A g ts., San Frp.ioisoo, California r ?aa nor. of Washington and Ch/rlton Sta.. N. Yl ' Sold toy nil ftrngtscUtc iui-1 Dealers NO. Sin North Vmh Streek St, Lotti*. Mo., ESTA a I.ISHKD 1K?7. Curca ?ll sufferers without tho ut* of - Mercury. Charge* reasonable foe?. % ' : r*r-I>r. H.*? ?Tr??Uw on Special DUcase*." whltta fully explains tho nature, canoes, symptoms, and mean? to euro nil forms of Nervous Debility, al) Diseases r-ansi-l ' by th? " Errors o? Vontb," nnrl valunhlo Inform?tlotvrm nthcr delicate subjects, tent rum in plain t caled envelope . .... j WHEN writing to advertisers plenao mention, tue name ot ?bl? papeW /%o.4? NiO. ^?^^^^?^^^^^ R?V^VERS, Of anynml ?TcryVI??. Send atamp NanT7 ?ar#l.??i WMSN V?T* ??.>*?<*r?, PA,