The free citizen. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1874-1876, March 06, 1875, Image 1

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??ft .. .??-r -^Sf^^VBBSi??rRf Editor and .Tr^?JrjLetor. -.-.-,-f.{ ?^TJlliTp"''.!,?"'0 1 ORANGEBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1875. -^ ... ,-.,,rrf.-.n;t::^.-jj;r : -;" ' ;?--. .?'-"?v-:? to--. A Weekly Paper Devoted to .Toihperance, _ Xiiteratuxe and Politics. NUMBER B?. Ut AX.MONT DAUSES. Burn low, ob light, and l<\t t?:o darkoo** in t ?'. . I-rt silence bo warre fitful rounds have been ; JAS? poul to body bo no moro a mite ; Let eaoh, too tired, bo sweetly den?tate. Yea, let the Boni, o'en as ? too-loved brido, Tarn gently fror? Ha sacred body's eldo ; I/> ve'B? umber inore than love ; turn and be still, Now that they both, or not, have had their will. What matters it i tiler both aro tired to de'alh'. They, married with tho breathing of a breath, ?. Would cather np'tho feet ?nd bo nt reet, Content to be oblivion? of tho best ; And happlor HO all discord to elude, All biltor pain, m that great FoMottudo f That reaches llko a-HM, cool. lcmuitc.* O'er folded baud* and lips to Toowory ?weet. A rea of granny wavca^ foato-frinrjod with flow'rn, Tho tenderest gift of any of our*} ;? For lo, tho last of all, with floral wile Wo woo the mutest thing, the grave, to sniilo 1 If ono goos gladly at tho close of tho day, : '.^'nts all tho playthings of IIJB world away ' Palls down tho cut lain, lays lila aching ml" And weary body on a downy bed. Divested of all care, but robed in Bleep, Vol any one wlU uni:o lt ca?en to weep ; Then af tor. QUO sigh, if thorobo no breath, ? ?> Whjjlt^^?lndUtr'ttiuii the nlcop of 'death? O soul, we each have wearied ! IJOI UH turn Both brea*t from brea?!. There is no more to learn. There .way be dawn beyond Hie midnight's pall, But now BWcct reel 1B botter- best of ali; HETTIE'S TXRST VALENTINE. Ii ?wasglover's ? mao! ing*? a J overo' parting, when Robert Grey, walking aoroBS the liebln in Ibe summer twilight, found Hettie Holmes at the stiio wait ing for bini. ' .There was no-light'rn^lier eyes when they caught Bight of his tall, strong 'figure. coming toward, her, no smilOjOn her lips whon lie "stood noar hor waiting frr her to speak. Humbly, . yot scarcely with the humility of a lover, he looked into" the faco beforo bim, so very young and Mir, BO Btern and pale. Sbo looked at his handsome face, bis talbformy.and a ahuddfcr shook her from head to foot. Very small, verjr slight, .there was yet a dignity in .ipr voice and look as'she s'Aid 'in alow tone : -I .. VJ-J...-. ?.! " I came to meet joh once more, as . yolr?reqn?s4;ed', Ttohert,' bdt you must not think to moya, mo from my .r?solu-, lion." ' if/ You cast mo off, then,'.'he said, Badly and very, .very bittorly. ; "^ypur qwiv apj.1,'; : " But, Hettie, I'r,m not tho only man who sometimes takes a glass moro than is good for him," be'pleadod. *' You are the only man that could work mi? tory-to me by drunkenness." she .urfiM. Mi.^i;];'. ??jd Morok'. -il?JsrZalLl -r-ovd, Robert- but it ia n twio one. *| You were taken homo from the ball on Thursday evening helpless from int?xl-f cation." "I3nt, ITettic, it was a ?o?tivo time; AU tho y ming men were mora or ICBS ii vii^ tho iuiluonoo of liquor." " No', all, Robert. Thank Heaven, ?orne bf tho raothors and wives i^ .o ?pnred that anguivb." .-Sv M Cornu, Hettie, don't bo too hard i}n i"?- _J.t -^?es.urvtli^vxT-^-.-^f>iif-sothv3ifi'' "jt has happened once too of ten, -Robert, for you and for me. I. told yon I would nevor marry a man who used liquor, and I will keep . my word. How often hare you deceived me I will ; not ask. Thursday evening I. saw you." "It shall not happen again, Hettie; upon my honor, it shall not !" "Will you sign the-pledga?" she asked, a hope for the first time lighting her soft brown eyes. "Bind myself that way ! Nc*!, Yon must trust me, Hettie. I think ft m rm pigna himself a coward, when he puts his naroo to such-*- paper,, as- if ho was afraid of his own resolution." -VTwice you havo frosted to your res olution, and I have truoted you. Twice yo? ii ave failed1 to keep your promise." The young voice waa hard and btern again. But a moment later Hettie opoko in a gentler voicp. "Robert," sho said, "you have known me only-ns a nursery . governess to Mrs. Reid's children, an orphan and alone in tho world. Your love' was a generous one, are abovo ina in position, have Wealth, and might marry n fnr handsomer and richer girl thnn I am." "I Joyeyou," v/ns the*u implo reply, and thero tears in Hettio's eyes, as Bhoheardit. ^'Clf-si "Because I believe you .lova rac, Robert, -I; will tell you what I hoped m i ht ne vor havo beeu known here. (My . homo is so far away, all I loved tlioio ho?yo been dead for throe weary , yosrs, and'X hoped tho saree might bo buried forever. But, Robert, listen, my father died a drunkard's death after living a diunkard's' lile for- fourteen years. 1 con romcmbor, though dimly, a hand nomo house, my mother hnndimmn and happy, woli dressed, with ovory com fort within lier reach. I can well re? ruotnbor tho gradual downfall from ono homo to another^ eitch pooror than tito ?t\;:t, tho Warm, comfortable clothing growing ^nhbier'm>d shabbier, tho bountiful fabio growing moro und more Meanly* Worst of all, Bobort, eliild oe I was, I .could seo^tHc" chango from a aoblcj upright manhood to tho brutality ol a drirakardiw-I havo seen my.inothrr! cowering Under blows, while I shrank and shivered in a hidden corner. I have seen little brothers and sisters, one ititi r another Inid^in rudo coffins/ victims of want and sufiering. I have neon my mother die, bidding mo caro for the driveling, prematurely bid man, vailing inio his second childhood from drink. The" end came when he died Taving in the niadnoas of delirium tro med?, and when I ?urned my back upon his grave I made a vow to my heart that sooner than tie my life to the " But, Hottio, that /waa an extreme e.r.HO. Your father was, you say, the slave of drink, TtvydU never be my >UBH\nr,'J - ? -i-?--7--. L i? : ? - V Rna your.nmster now, since twice it bas made you break,a solemn pledge to rae." ' . - i . v' '' Bnt,! Hettie. oan? understand t A man may take occasionally ,a little more perhaps"than his head can bear,, and yet neVdr fal! intb the pitiable state ?ou have, described. Heavens, Hettie I" o oriedimpatiently, his tempor paling under tb? steady resolution of'the face that could bi so gent?o and sweet, "you pay-,mo a poor compliment when you want mo to bind mysolf by a written please hot'to make a.beast of 'myself:" "I did not como hero to; exchange compliments," said Hettie, sadly, "but to toll you that I wilinever fak? up th? urden that o rushed my motlier into her grave, voluntarily? . Never-with my eyeB open will I Knk my lifo with that of a mau who ever touches one drop .of liquor. :It ia use) ese to. repeat the old arguments, Robert." Moderate drinkers, occasionally intoxicated,' may1'live for years only moderate drinkers, but I will never be; tho wife pf ?ny. man who has, not bound himself by a pledge never to touchliqn?i in any form. ; : ( ; " A total .abstinence fool 1". * queered Robert, now thoroughly angry. "A total abstinence man," shu said flrraly.' I i - . .T A "I hope you-will, bo able to find the soft fool who will put his manhood un der your' thumb. * For myself, I will never hind myself. >to a temperance "What 1" ho argued, "shall T, the richest mau in M--:, who could marry almost any girl in my own set, bind my self io absolute slavery foi' a nursery governess, a girl who has hot one penny beyond the.salary Mrs. Reed pays her, a drunkard's child, by' her own confeB B.on? Never ?"' Ho waa- very angry, and like most an gry men, very unreasonable. He forgot to thinkjpf the long courtship by which Hettie was won, of the gentle maidenly reticence that had been enc of her great est charms, of her own modest estimate of the merits that 'had1 won hint, "He forgot the times .without number when he had compared her in hil heatt with all the maidens ho knew, finding her even prettier, sweeter, more winsome than any. He forgot how he loved her in his angor at her resolution. And Hetty, . walking slowly home ward, realized; t^a? with her own hand she had th?ai$^R3? brightness out of. hard lifo. ~;Sbo^?"ved Robert. Not; be canso ho was -nob, could'give h?y:a WOa'th; had f<ho loved h?ui, but for his teador ohivalr^ for h?r,'h?H noble int'ol hoj;ibis 'ovingreyes that had spnght her >wn with such constant devotion. She had behoved bim all noble, 'true and .manly when ah o bad put'h?r > little bond, in ids strong ono and promised to be hisy/ife. - Six Si iff months of betrothal 'bsd paoFcdjbeforo tho summer ovoning when (slip-turned from bim, na''she -though^,'.forevers .-And inly in the la?t ''few weektf had she knows of tbat fear= ini,"d<?idi^ foe to :her hope of happ?? ness who was fastening his fatal hold upon her lover. ^The first tine she? heard of Robert Grey intoxicated, a deadly despair grasped her heart. She thought of Hfe-long martyrdom from which she had. escaped BO littled time before, and abe wrote tov her lover sternly forbidding him to see her again, and thfn spent night after night weep ing for her lost love. But.Ribert Gre7, would not accept his dismissal, and pleaded so penitently that love conquere^ fear, and Hatt-o believed that neVe7i- again would he yield to tho temptation. Again the story oamajta ber, and half maddened, m-.-., iii ii if- to/believe the solemn pledge ^fljP' jjfefilfifo begged him io como to Uer^Sd^SplaTn-away the lie. But thc third tim? elie had a en him I Too well she knew what the red, wild eyes, the thick utterance, tho reoling step betok ened. Only in answer to tho most earn est petition had she nerved herself to grant one more' interview, and it had ended in Robert's anger and the failure of her own lost hope. ,She knew Robert Grey had a sense of honor as kctn aa her own. That he had failed in bis promise to her was booDusebe looked upon it as a pledge nu rdy givon to answer a girl's foolish whim. Once bound beforo. men .by a written pledge she folt sum he would keep it afc. whatever cost to himself. So she hoped to win him to sign suorrn pledge. Thoro was a strong temper ance rovival in M-at that very time, and on this eho built a hopo hot know ing it was her weakest bold. For Robert Grey, young, wealthy and popular, looked upon all this tem nofft?icff preaching nu diwwited against" tlfeiowcr olassi th . sots who rolled in 'gutters, tho frcqnontors of villago tav erns. That ho, a gcutlomni, should phico his narnu to such aplodgonn those wretches woro porauudod to sign,! sec nu d to him in a measurn to. place himself upon their level. Theiv, as li? told FIi ttie, ifrwaa a confession of ticfn against which ali of his manhood revolted. . The summer days woro- away, and ^hrso two, loving each othor fondly, met but fcoldom, only to oxchonge con strained greetings. Hettie sniTored most in her quiet, uneventful life ; but sho had-been educated in a hard sohool, and boro her pain patiently. : She grow paler, and moro quiet, but there was none tonptiee any change. While ehe ?vas faithful to her duties to alis. Reed's nursery* Ehe was eure of ahorne; and if there was no love there but tbat of the children she taught, so, too, there was np one Lo comment upon ht>r languid step or pale cheoks. Jf she ?pent many nights in "toop ng, no one Bought an explanation so long BE Marv's grammar was reoitcd, and Alice said'hor A B O's. But wbon tho wiataf mi lat Hetti? t< '-????? ? - ' -_, _ ? _ had another wrench at ker hen rt- * t linns. Without a word of farewell, Robert Grey left M- to travel. No one knew j exactly upon what errand the young man \ had gone. He had been in business, and j had .left that with an agent, giving no , hint of when he would retnrn, or whither j he was bound. Orphaned, wealthy, and j free,.he had no permission to seek, bis . anne caring for his house as ehe had ] dono since his mother died in itifanoy. 3 Hettie had not realized how hope had i still, been strong in her heart until < Robert was gone. While Bhe could see i him, though they met almost as Btrang- - exe, she prayed and hoped still that be < would retnrn to her, and give hor the . pledge he wonld value'most os his safe- i guard. Bat he had gone in anger, and tho little governess looked a very hope- i less future in the face. ' She was a woman whoBe love, not oaaily won, would be given for a life-time, and no thought of another, to roplaoe Robert, 1 ever came to her faithful heart. She had given him np because she thought duty demanded the Baorifioe, but she could never cease to love him. Winter festivities loft her often alone. Mrs. Reed took tho children to their. grand mother's for Thanksgiving, and again for Christmas wook. In all 'this time ; Hettio was left in ob argo of tho house. Somo Christmas .gifts were put upon her dressing table, testifying tho chil dren's lovo and Mrs. Reed's anpreeia- i tion of lier oare; but though Hettie val ned these highly, they could not lill tho dreary void in her heart. Sometimes in her lonely weeping she : questioned the resolution she had thought only duty, wondoring if her . sternness had driven Robert moro into the. path sho wished him to avoid, whether her influence might not have Baved him. Then.?be remembered hor i mother's prayers, her patience, her i pleading, -end felt how powerless a wo man is when drink is ker rival. i January wore away, and Febrnary was half gone, when ono morning Alice '. Reed, in the midst of her babeB, ex- 1 claimed : i "It is St. Valentine's day, I wonder ? if I shall have a valentine !" i "Papa will bring the mail at dinner," i said ten-year-old Mamys gravoly. "I know consio Ben will send UB a valen- i tine ; he always does." i " Will you hav? one,- Miss Hettie?" j ciuestioned Alice. ' .. j "No, darling,.I think not," Hettie said, emil in g. uer, hud tho chdSren mobed otu. tb raeot him, Holtie l?o?rd him Buy : '.Take this'-letter to MieB Hettie, Mamy." .>'' . A letter foj hOT.'J There was no ono in the'wide'world/to write a letter to Hettie, except-. dA/wild hope ppranor in her heart. Cou:^. Robert have ten? \ Ic wa" a bulky letter, and Mamy, ooger to Buef'if^?!^?- ftdher hod a valen tine- for her, Joft Hettijb alone to open it. t is*letter, closely ;wri't en, was ioBide, end folded within this a temperance pledge, and at the foot of it the bold BigiUtnVe, " Robert Grey." The letter was Hetiie'e first love-let ter, and I have EO right to intrude upon her piivaoy j but in the spring, Robr?t Grej came back to M- to find In's bride, who put her hand in his, loving ly, trustingly, won by the love that had prompted tho sending of her first valen l*n?* - . . The Suez Canal. A lotter from Cdro to the Eastern Bndge*, dated the "1st December, says: " The present stile of the Suez canal is far Ifom satisfactory. Tho canal is neither completed nor in good repair, and if inatterB are ieftas they , are ot present it wilt becomo uj&less in a .few. years. It is broad eriorfftft to accommo date three steamers abreast, bnt its depth is fo variable tba*, ot? ship only can pass through it at a time. Whf n a vessel comes from Suez tbe ships c rm ing from Europe must wait at Port Sud, and if the chip getsapronnd on the sand the whole communieition is stopped nntil it is set afloat again. This, of courso, canses groot injury to trade, and complaints aro freqnont. The chief cunee of the evil is thi> want of money. The Eogliph, who uso tho o vnol moro than any other notion, havo long been thinking of ge tl ing the cionl into their own hands, brit a majority of two-thirds of tho shareholders is ncc36sary in order to chungo tho management, and as thc viceroy ?B tho possessor cf one-third cf the F h aros,-ho has practically tho o ?st ing vote. It ?B into that ono third of' tho share'; aro a'so in ino possession of Englishmen, bnt tho ottompts which huvti been nuum lo indue j the vicei'oy to dispose r f his hharoi have hithorto b en fruitless. Tho khrvlivo ovidontly feared that Enalind will, hooom,* too j owerful on 'bo cinol, und thrroforo worcrn the Hiatus quo. As for Bf, Do Dragons, ho contin?es to send protests ty Constantinople about tho canal duos, and h's finances aire becoming wor.-ie everyday. The cod, of tho maint cOanoe of the canal and (bo Iginp-works ia from 15,000,000 to ?20 000,000 francs a year, wbi'e his total roeeip?? this year bave only amonnted to30,009.000 francs, and it vory upcaitain whether tnoy will bo mamtaiuod ot, lhat figure. Mer chants hero are unnnimoiu ly of opiuion that something must be done to pre vent thi?iiHeful work from beiug ruined, and that M. Do Lesseps should either be allowed grfaler freedom of action, or be given an oppottunity of Beding the shores to a new company." -According to Kepeay, the surgeon to the Austrian Polar expedition, ohoo'a late, as a beverage, proved most .valu able of a] I ; the preserved meat and vegetables in tins being elso of the greatest service in Bueta?ning the atrsugth and npirit*. -''--- - ' ' " Tall 8erv?nts, Mr. Conway, in bis last Commercial eltor, aays ; " There ia no doubt that ?he English nobility have a way of cm ploying servants whioh offers grand op portunities to rogues. In most oases ?ho ?ntiide of the servants is the ohief ?bing. If tho coachman or footman is jood looking in his livery and of the .equirtd dimensions hie charaoter is lot inq-iired into. ? A well-known duke recently' advertised: for a fooimsu ol ?xaotly! five feet elevon and a hall nobe.lin height, whose'Bolo business il ivouhl Ve to stand at the back of hie .onch beside another of like station. ?V. yout'i, now in the. employ of a ladj jf my acquaintance, applied for tho ad vertise:. : position; -and says that hil ?haraotjr. was not asked; for;, he wai taken ii to tho sei vants* hall and meas ?ired, rind" dismissed for laeking thi half ireh demanded by the duke lb ero ? a passion,for tallness in ser rants, and of one'noble family at least it is a rule to admit no man servant .uidcr B:X feet., There aro six of theet smiuent personages ia their fi ne man sion. The English servants are good looking.', neat, and constitutional nun keys nuil flunkoyesses. They aro vorj dirowd, mid havo thoir class mles at ?voil defined as trades-uni o nu. Down iug slr Tts doo3 not possess mort ligeon holer; and red tapo than a man don of ibo wealthy. An uppor house maid wc nhl die at tho stake before she would rm n bit of work that carno with n tho province of tho under house naid. V swell but 1er woult.- throw nf tis pos'tion in the face of tho Lord DhancolAor himsolf if ho were expected o blnck his own boots. There arc nany boys of thirteen kept in bras* m I Lons, and in many an iustanco the solo duly of this boy is to brush"thc dothes ^and boots of the butler thc mister of the house having his own ?oparat<_-, valet. Df course it is not jride wj&ioh has made the inflexible aws of i tiri netto among these servants, iy wbjo?".they refuse to stop ont of ar ifiicial 'groove of function. It is thc letermiijcti?li ot their class to pre leive'jtuNVjconventional number of the ierva?fs A required lor any first-elasi lousshp' p. They particularly ditdiki ?ervants^lfronL^other countries, espe dully tb (Uermnns, because if,well pait ind web. (featest they will do an} Mi i nj: eq ueste, jif-them." Effect of Exercise. IL ft ot?i?fi by observation "(hid'Hit iffoct of,p\-raining," or the persistent iso of g-^nastib oxcrciscs, is to enlarge he hortrjfc" and lungs both in size anet lapaoit- v Archibald MoClaren, super ntondeuf of tho Oxford, gymnasium, mel author of " Physioei Education,' nys^: '?fono of the army ofilc?rs suil o mo fcAU,e instructed in gymnastic* jained i' A* inches in girth around th< i?SsSl ;?w?e?s than three month?." Thu' Ids gr^th ;r, ?iot; -explainer.!' by tin aero ?U?tiu'goniGnt nf the p*v?tior?Y nnsclosj is .proved by tho inereasee rolttmo.P? air which tho lungs rire -en iblcd fcJexpire, as ?9 demonstrated bj he spi romoter, and post mortem: ibnndat tly show an increased capacity is well i UH tizo in the heart and Jnrgi dood vessels. The lungs.increase h eDgth \nd breadth, forcing the rib: ititwan and the diaphragm down wards [t is foe this reason that athletes ane fyranaeKs aro enable to make prolonger md vioJfnt exertions without gettint mt of yind. ?Th^ capacity of the hear ind central arteries being enlarged hey cnn accommodate more blood Dheir contraetilo power being inereasee >y this, now demand upon .them, the; ire ens:bled to send on the curren brough the lungs with increased ve 0 ci ty, and timo by their greater capac ty are able to oxygenize the blood a hst as it is supplied to them, and BO m on gestion takes place, at?d no i neon ?en ie uno is felt. The normal eapaeit, >f the lungs of an adult male in abon 100 cubic inches. It is computed tha m enlargement of three inches aronui he ehest gives au increase of lift, ncheB of lung capacity. By the Pacific. Wbcu the titlo is cut, Panama lie 1 randed -an inlantl town. It look ?dd lo flee vast troops of buzzard dackening hore aud thore tho sen veeel-buc thoy are the scavengers, c he tropics ; their lives protcotod b aw, nntl thoir Bwift scent for carrion i cally tho protrotion of tho people fiwi niasmas that else, would coon be pc?ti euee, j Panama is a denen little place Juchit d upon a rocky peninsula juttioi ntn thu Sea from tho bare of tuo vol iamb 'A^eon.' Leaving tho pier, on oJlowJi a rather struggling street, whicl viuda; among negro huts, grog-shop* md jnauy curious varieties of roi ?suite .-.nd live ??toek,'until it deliver lim wii inn tho walls-no gates are visi do, mr does ?ny ono exactly know whe: m gt|B inside, ox'cSp; by a vague fool ng that ho i* in---?h'r'o semblances o ?wiog a'id side walks appnar ; there i m occasional corner with ils siele st reel ?ho I oiiKOs indu'go in verandac, some ?mer. of three stories ; epteer lookin ?horn- -including Horne where beef i told by tho yarri-got thicker ; mulei lonkoys, dogs, poultry, pigs, pioknnnii lies, grinning gul? and turkey buzzarc ibontod, anti horo anel thoro an ol 'burch ia pe?n, until, of a sudden, ya ?re in the pinza ; the cathedral, with i ; wo towers with their shell-ornamentei pyramidal termini, on whose lofty sus initn-as well as ia all inferior crevice ledges, aud all other possible pine er, jrress ts growing, and plants ate flou iehi?g'and blooming with the most a bonisning nonchalance, is on your loft the not very magnificent state hom and palnco of justice is on your righ and beyond it is what is left of the ol tvad vrhat is finished ol tho new "Gram hotel of Tau amii. The- average travel er finds little beauty ia,hia surround ings ; bat there in a certain newness about tho picture which' ploaees hirri-^ for the sc HBO of novelty i? a pleasure in itself. -, The. Polar Wave. r The cold weat h or wo have been having of late in these latitudes ia. ns thobalmy breath of the jMny time' nv comparison with what'they'llave'bean ?having in Montana,- according to a correspondent*.. " Writing from Silver Bow,'in that ter ritory, ho Bays'that tho prrivib?a mid night the thermometer marked fifty-six. degrees below zero. . Tbatwas.thonight, when Chinamen and whisky froze, aa r?por ted by telegraph. t| During a severo cold snap, in Iowa > some years ago, when the mercury ranged for many days botwetu fourteen and thirty-six degrees belowizer?. tho teamsters, used, tab-'it was currently reported, before starting on their long trips to liny a cgallon of whieky, bore a hole through it and sling it by a string to tho coupling pole of the wagon; then they could knock off a piece with a hatched when they wanted a drink; The' Montana correspondent tells of his success in freezing mercury. A tumbler full of tho Ordinary fluid metal was exposed to the air on a cold night. At forty degrees by tue j&ex>-. momoter it was still .fluid ; at forty-ono degrees it had begun to barden on the outside,' at forty-two degrees it waa solid. Of courso spirit thormomotora are employed there by weather observ era. One of them, a very-careful nmn, wishing to bo accurate, ordered a spirit thermometer from New lork, to. "be made with Special attention to correcL ness in the scale. It o mo in due time,: and was a very fino instrument, but waa, only graduated to thirty degrees below zero. The disgusted meteorologist pro-' nounced it.a good enough Bummer ther mometer, but not calculated for north- I ern Montana. " '! ' lt Ci 'WV* '-vwM -r--- I . A Ch i ne so Comedy, The Ban Francisco Call speaks of a performance by a newly imported' troupe of Chinese actors and gym?i?tb' aa: fol lows : "Th? piece i prep'enteel watgvi? dently in the low comedy Hue, judging from tho great merriment of th? audi ence, excited by tho dialogtie ; but the leading features were tho grand military spectacles, jugglery, and acrobatic per formances. At difiefont Unies Chinese J floldie/v. of tho old style, app&ared j npbullie stag. . - ?;;.?.>'.-.. '"-r'cpy-^ or fifty, nnd exhibited tho ruodo o/war- ' fare wi iii spears and other ancient weap ons. ' he fencing ezeroiseB and com bats w?th the double swords display marvelous dexterity and agility, and demonstrate that the Chinaman on his native heath, and with his own style of ~\? weapon, 1s a dangerous antagonist. Tho mode of combat with haters j. andj mfat- choppers and the utility xii thej onmberaomo^bjuj?boo shield are a?ecj diepla;ed.^V$p? ??ajglcrj,'.whioh eon-, a'ets in rnn?ing each" other tbimagh with swords a&TfB*qrsr'b'raining . cntfj another with moat-axes, etc., is rTOril)f-'.| ing,- but rather ghastly in ito e fte ot, and ' most wond?rfull,deceptive. The'blood is seen streaming down tho naked bodies of the apparent victims in appearance that is wonderfully real, and, after b;> ing decently slain in one of the temuc combats, it is quite surprising to ob serve the deceased arise again, ai.d go prancing off the stage with a meat cleaver stuok in his skull." A Parisian Extravagance. Writes a Paris correspondent : "Fur niture and utensils for doll houses are in groat request this winter, and a Jarge wholesale house that is exclusively de voted to this branch of production has dono a larger trade thiji year than ever before. This house ouiplojs 60 hands, male and female, all tho year round, and turns ont this class of toys to tho amount of ?80.000 per annum. The chef post ? set* cf * furniture' turned ont by this firm consists of a box made of deal, a glass deoanter, two dishes, and four plates of china, two glasses, a pew ter dish cover, two knives, forks, and spoons ; the whole for three sou?. From thia price the lets mount up by i (gular gradations until they reach the nb.urd price of ?2d0; no fewer than} six . sets' dolls' boure- ti : tings have boen sold this winter by this firm at this pi ire, Those miniature articles, care fully arranged in cases of morocco leather, consist of overy variety of ob ject in silver, silver-gilt, fino porcelain, sparkling crystal, doliente loather, cost ly woods, ivory, bronze, silk, velvet, ?fea., tho whole thing hoing of the most exquisito workmanship. Tho same house Mills tho highest daises of dolls, with their (rotisitcaux, nt tho modest price of ?120 each." OnioiK OF TH;: AYnarnnKB.-A poor larmer ?D Buotlnnd, in 1750, finding it id ino.-.t impossible to subaiat, took great iain? to have h'n chihhin drive his co v whore abo could eat the richest and ihiekott grasp, to house her in the win tor, ami to feed her with ci ref nil j -stored hay; in fine, took unheard of caro of his cow. The grateful animal rewarded her owner with a fine calf and au UDUC ml abundance of milk, aqd thus the celebrated breed of Ayrshire cows was producid, though it was not till about tho first of the pr?tent century that it was brought t> perfection. -Human intellect, though irving in oapacity in different individ?ala, nas ita limits iu all plans of enlargement hy acquisition ; Bnd these limita cannot be' transcended without aggregate deterior ation in distracting the attention; over loading the memory or overworking Mio brain and sapping tho foundations-of health,*--Jacob Jiff/clow, ?Vt X>, i-.-_ _ -L_-. FACTS ANDJFANOIES. -A Now York tuan waa recently sen tenced to three monthB' imprisonment for barbarously Miling n cat. -CincincaSi gitlei refuBe to hie? their beaux who 'were shaved by female bar bers, and no tho enterprise waa starved. -A. woman recently' died in Alabama leaving, to Homebody, it is said, an inher itance of no lesa thnn^ 267; ho'op-ekirta, Tka*_wpmanwas aa well hooped as an imported barrel ot French brandy, -''Fd like to. giro Eomething to tho poor,- remarked 6 Toledo 1 i?y, i " It'a hard times- andthey must be-Buffoying?,"' but Fve got to use thia $i0 to buy an other switch. v.. ' . -There's i nothing in women,. after all. Gail Hamilton and George Sand have both said they would willingly relinquish their talents if tho eacriQce would make them pretty, ri - A gentleman by tho name of Har* ott has been.haunting tho approaches,, f? a cerc.iiu notepaper: ?ia?? in Sft? Franoisco, looking, for tho editor who. called his Clara (?ce Morris) a "Blondo Bonanza." ..-Walk Whitman has begun to sing khont tho cold weather. Warbioth Wait : - I howl a whoop, And with the howlmeut of tho whoop I yip a And^wlllia million ohUI-botinglod volua I bow me to tho wintor'a aoyoroignty ; O bit ormino breozo ! O qn?l?&aoino wave's! hod V all oongloineralo olomjonta of gelid thiogqj \ ! "-An observant usher in ono of th. theaters hu? got so he catt tell 'ti mon's business by the way ho asks for pror, gramme. A real'?state mon wants ft' ' " description of the play," a hotel pro-. pHotor " the bill of faro," a politician ,wthe iran of'tho play," au editor 11 the points of, tho plot.", and a lawyer al ways aoka : " Will ypu bo good enough to'hand mo a bill of particular? ?" -In ono of thrv court?. intoiy;.there was a long lind .heated disouscion be tw'?en-th? o?unsel as to Whether a wit- ' noBs should be allowed to, answer tho following question : 14 What did Mary say ?" ? Three. judges took. ..nearly an hour;to. decide tho point, and ut last answered it. ! Tho question waa put to tho witness by tho deioG-s", und tho repl- " Vt ?uni sw'?et -" Not ' "....'! ; well-bred. nfiin .' bbe^"t'jy io'bo pleased ; it atiybody tries to astonish th^m they fcavo thocoiutef-y to bo aR'touisln^l ; if people beeomo lire Fome, thoj.orik^^i.V.ii ty oho to play, pr . sing, or wba\ >i. but they don't criticise " And J?ju?? Ruskin holds that.. this ?B the way it sjoVild be in the world ns well aa in tho drawing-room. Ho not like critica ; and j ot wh?Ve?EO io lie - A coincidence in thc matte r of iv will bo noticoab;o in tho aenute of iii o forty-fourth oougreBH. Thero will bo '" two CaniiSrons, two Jone?ef., '?nd two Marrilla, and, with tho ^exception o? a t. ?WQ' Johnsons-Senator Joftiibton, pf , Virginia, and Senator Johnson, o? Ten nessee: Did not the tern* o?^M?.~ '?.y Ht on. Ot Maryland, expire on tho itti bf March next, thero would hav.e been no )off* than J3vn couplets of similar names in tho senate. -It's a deep mystery-tho way tho heart of a man tn rus-to one woman out of all tho rest ho's Veen "in tho world, and makes it er^ier fo? him. to work seven years for hex*, like Jacob did for Raohel; tooner than havo any other woman for tho asking. I often think of . these words : "And Jacob se?ved seven years for Rachel, ?nd ..they bi- ?ed, but, a few nays, for the love he had for her." -Qcorfje Elliot. -A rich old widower cf OswcgP told a young girl drop her other beaux. She obeyed. He off on took her out riding, and assured! her that " when wc get ready wa can go off sod . den like, and snrpriso tho gossiiuv v Tho young lady did. not demur. Tlieh ibo rich obi v (dow'?r popped off very sudden like, an^ married a lich obi widow abont his own;?f[e. The jury ia . sked for $15,000 dam; \<cu, -Dr. Wilkes, in hia recent work on physiology, remarks that 44 it is esti mated that tho bonos of overy- adult person requires to bo fed with lime enough to make a marble mantlo ovot-y eight months." It will bo perceived, thereforo, that in the course of about ten yeaTS each of its oats throe or four . mantlopicces and a fow sots of front door Hteps. It is awful to think of. tho ^ consequences if a man would ?KI shut. V off from his supply of limo "for a whilo and thon got loone in a cemetery. An ordinary tombstono would hardly bo. enough for a lunoh for him. -In -a few remarks npoti Ibo action of lightning:conduotorR, Secoht, the1 woll-known astronomer, drsctibes tho storm of November, 1872, in which tho cathotlral and palaco of Alulri wet o struok by lightning, theno structures having been free (rpm Mich visitations for many years. Tho damag" donn on this occasion was, as hi shows, due ia great nu-aauro to thefact that tho light- ? ning-rods, i ns! ead of being directly connected with, tho motabo gidtir^and . other portions of tho roof, w?ro isolated from them. Tho fluid, therefore; Fought t? make ita own way to such other good conductor? os were'near, After quoting other inotancea, he ex - pteased the opinion that tho conditions most favorable io Eafety conaist in join ing tho lightning-rod direcstly to all the metallic portions of the roof, and pecially to tho rain-water pipoa, in or? der that greater facility may bo offered to tho elcotrio fluid tn its pringo lo tho