The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, October 27, 1911, Image 5

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1 u I i * mtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?mmmmmmmm?mm?rnmmmmmmmmmmm GEORGIA-CA .ROUM I FAIR Vugusta, Ga., Novembe 6-11, 1911 v^ery Low Round Trip Fare Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY - Abbeville, S. C. $2.70 a :i c r~ uself makes about half the paint ed, and reduces cost by adding e oil. Thirty-five years use in N. A. & A. Holman-Cullum Hwd.C'o. Geyser Being Restored. Washington. Oct. 20.?Referring -day to recent publications relive to the restoration of the largt untain or geyser which for mail} >ars played at Round Knob, N. C., i sight of passing trains on tlu nithern Railway, President Fhiiey lid: "There seems t0 be some misaprehension as t*j the restoration oi lis geyser, uir a trip which lit lade through Western N. C. several lonths ago, Mr. George F. Baker, oi few York, noted that the geyse ras 110 longer flowing. Inquiries aving satisfied him that it woult >e practicable to restore it, he ar anged to have the work done enirely at his expense us a testimonal of his high appreciation of the freat service rendered by his friend Colonel Alexander 13. Andrews, o) Raleigh, N. C.t First Vice-President of the Southern Railway Company in the development of Western North Carolina. 'The work of restoration is now under way and the new geyser wil soon be in operation, throwing 8 column of water 250 feet in tin air." 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure an: case of Chills and Fever. Price, 25c 9-29 8w. L. M. MITCHELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Batesburg, S. C. Office Hours: 8 to 9 a. m. 2 to 3 p. m. 7:30 to 9 p. m Offi;i o.d National BankBldi AVERTS AWFUL TRAGEDY. Timely advice given Mrs. ( -Villoughby, vd Marengo, Wis., (I No. 1 pre;,?ir.i:il a dreadful' tragecl an ! s=i?Ad two .ives. Doctorts ha said Tier frightful cough was a '?coi surrf >tion" con h and t ould do litt to utilp her. After many remedi< fail J, her aunt urged her to tak lung's Ne .v Uibcovi ry. "I ha\ be{en using it for some time," si wrote "and the awful ccugh has a most gone. It also saved my litt boy when taken with a severe broi chial trouble." 'I his matchless mei icinehas no equal for throat and lui troubles. P. ice 50c and $1.00. Tri bottle free. Guaranteed by / Druggist* $1.00 Per yvar for :us paper. It's wor more ut we den't ask it. A dol will do. WASTF.l): LN>rty y??uiiK men t?> 1? Telegm)ihy nmt itocopt poeitione n* t?<loin operninrn <>ti u hi^ ruilron ' Hyatom. Addr K. II ROY, Sui>ervoeor, Nnshvillo, TVnn. it aj, tr. *I U K CHILDREN LIKE I KENNEDY'S LAXATIV COUCH SYRUP, O. V^. .(D Batesburg, S. C. 1.75 Edgefield, S. C. 1.20 Johnston, S. C. 1.25 Newberry, S. C. 3.40 Proportionately reduced fare rom other points. Tickets sold November 5 to 10 911, inclusive pood returning No 'ember 12, 1911." Aeroplane flights and horse rac ng every day?Magnificent Cori Show-Largest and best Poultry Show in the South; Unsurpassec \gricultural Display?Newest Mid vay and numerous free attraction; :very day. Annual Foot-Ball Game?Clemsor College vs University of Georgia 'hursday October 9. For further detailed information all on nearest ticket agent, or? J. L. Meek, A. G. P. A., A lanta, Ga. F. L. Jenkins, T. P. A. Augusta, Ga. 3eauty of bolor painting Nice shades of color like L. & M. axedo Yellow or Silver Gray, and lid trim of Olive or Shaker Green >th ornament and wear, when used adding 3-4 of a gallon of Oil to ch gallon of the L. & M. colors as oduced at Factory. Then the paint costs only about .60 per gallon because the user t L / Gumption on the Farm. ? Perhaps some of your crops hi disappointed you this year, bu you sowed a few seeds of kindne as we advised last spring, that ci S did not disappoint you. Anotl thing: If you didn't plant them not yet too late?this is one of I best "catch" crops known. Try Scarcely any farmers in Cougre we don't like it. There are few things in life m< despicable than the man who blan it on his wife. s Looking at the sun through whiskey glass shows the picture i, the poorhouse and thin soup. In these di.ys of muck-raking, t farmer wb'? is able to rake up " good ccmpost heap stands to wir f Somebody has said that a d 4 with no feeth has a soft snap. We rather think that he has no snap ! all. Corn in the crib is juat in tl ! right spot, but is the spot right? ( , will the rats get more than the share of it5 Don't forget to save out corn f< seed while you are husking it. Ju because an ear of corn is larg does not necessarily make it tl oest for seed. See that the rov are straight from tip to butt, an that the kernels are all well forme and plump. In the large producing sectior cabbages are stored in specially pr< pared frost-proof houses. But the are often stored in cellars, barns c caves. Some growers store in pit and there is no better way to kec die heads crisp and fresh. The mai diing is to keep out frost and pr< vide for ventilation. Whatever tli plan of storing, don't wait for free: ing weather before harvesting. Many a good inan in such hast to let the world know where li stands on the tariff, reciprocity, an die direct election of Senators, tin his patient wife can not find ot where he stands on the importar loniestic questions of water in tli louse and a new carpet for the pa or. Save the country, brethrei .hat's right; but don't forget to sav die wife, for after all what is tl: country to you when you have lo; i good helpmeet? From October Farm Journal. JAMES C. DAHLMAN, "COV\ BOY" MAYOR OF OMAHA "THROWS THE LARIAT" Mayor Jas. C. Dahl.nan starte -as career as a cowboy, and is ; iresent Mayor of Omaha, and h; he following record, Sheriff < Jawcs Co, Neb., three terms; Ma; ir of Chadron, two terms; Demi :ratic Nat'l Committeeman, eigl /ears; Mayor of Omaha, six year ind in 1910 candidate for Govern if Nebraska. Writing to Foley Jo., Chicago, he says: "I ha aken Foley Kidney Pills and th? , aave given me a great deal of reli io I cheerfully recommend them t Yours truly, (Signed) James C. Dahlman. 1 Sold by All Druggists, i e STATE FAIR COLUMBIA, S. C. OCT. 30 TO NOV. 4, 1911. Special 1 rain Service ar Round Trip Excursioi Fares Announced by The SOUTHERN RAILWAY Special Train Round Trip I n Nov. 1 and cursion fare 2nd eluding one ; misrion to ? Grounds L Lv. Trenton 7:30 a. m. $2 >v Johnston 7:45 2 Ward 7:55 2 Ridge Sp'ng 8:05 2 Monctta 8:12 1 :e Bitesburg 8:25 1 'e Summerland 8:28 Leesville 8:33 1 je Summit ' :46 n- Gilbert 8.51 1 J- Lexington 9:15 1 T Ar. Columbia 9:45 a. m. Spe ial train to be operated N eml er 1st and 2nd and returi will leave Columbia 8:00 p. m these dates, arriving Trenton 1( th p-:n' I All tickets will be on sale Oc to Nov. 3, good returning No^ 1911. Ample equipment will provided on all regular trains l,n Fair week. For any additi M> information, call on nearest ti agent or, J. L. Meek, A. G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. nj Frank L. Jenkins, T. P. A. Augusta, G ~t YQUSDCOI You think right Corporatioi rop g|| ier flu, and Institutions succeed bea the this grade of thought never t the contrary, it gives them 1 ? too. will succeed if von thii >re gfelCS matters on a Check account the most successful men of < ofS* C eck Account which was s he thinking right you will disco 1 a , ^ not need you, but unless yoi ?d 4 your Check account at this bs 11? THE FIRST m ir OF BATESBURG, N. A. BATES, Pres. I or T- B. Kernaglian, V. Pre st fjjK ie 444444444 fS Columbia Lumber & IS e_ .... Manufact ,y Sash, Doors and Blinds Interim >r Oak, Flooring, Ceiling, V ts Door and Window Frames. p n * COLUMBIA, ie TAX NOTICE. :e ie, Office of County Treasurer, Lexingd u ton county, Lexington, S. C., Se plt tember 20, 1911. it Public notice is hereby given that le State, County and School taxes will r" be received by me from October 15 11' to December 31, inclusive. i levy. t For State purposes 5 34 mills For Ordinary County purposes 4 mills For Past Indebtedness 2 mills j Special County (bridges) 1 mill For Roads 2 mills For Constitutional School Tax 3 mills :d Total 1734 mills 3S Special School Levy y- District No. 1 4 mills o- Special School Levy District No. 15 8 mills ^ Special School Levy & | District No. 18 8 mills ve I Special School Levy ey District No. 25 2 mills e Special School Levy 1 District No. 34 2 mills : Special School Levy District No. 37 2 mills Special School Levy District No. 42 2 mills Special School Levy District No. 75 2 mills Special School Levy District No. 66 6 mills id Special School Levy District No. 83 2 mills 1 Special School Levy District No. 26 2 mills Special School Levy District No. 35 2 mills Qruvinl fv'hnnl Ti?vv District No. 13 2 mills ix- Special School Levy In_ \ District No. 23 2 mills ad- Special School Levy ajr District No. 17 2 mills ; Special School Levy District No. 63 2 mills 45 Special School Levy .20 District No. 12 2 mills .10! Special School Levy .00 District No. 7 2 mills Special School Levy ' District No. 48 2 mills Special School Levy District No. 50 2 mills .65 Special School Levy District No. 84 2 mills 40 Special School Levy District No. 85 2 mills . Special School Levy District No. 71 2 mills ov- Special School Levy line District No. 16 2 mills on Poll Tax $1.0( ' Commutation road tax for 1912 J:15 lw0 dollars, is received at the saint lime as other state and county tax t 28 | es. ^ 5, Parties owning property in mori be than one township must so state t< du-1 the Treasurer, and when writing fo onal I information concerning taxes al cket ways give township or school dis trict, and name in full not initial; Schedule for collecting taxes i county will appear later. / E. L Wingard, la. w Treasurer of Lexington County. 7 ^ 512'SteSto Sift p !ED BECAUSE J is, Organizations, Associations ? Ufa S< ause right thinking guides them, Q( rifles with financial matters; on :he keenest consideration. You, nt ak right and plan your money ap -?*& ov basis. Facts prove that some of thi wi our day built their success on a ,^> $4 t : pa tarted in a modest manner. In -4^ pn or ver that a Check Account does IS 1 have one you need it Open ^ ^ 4ft < 4ft tot lTIONAL BANK 2te BATESBURG, S. C. Jo fiv? "*'15 an< RA C. CARSON, Cashier, J* . is. J. R. linger, A. Cash. ^ int( pre 44444444*1a" , in 1 l Manufacturing Co an V\ ' eqi 11 imj of 1 urers of - - api or Finish, Pine, Cypress ana UC? ^eatherboarding, Moufding, ste one sue 1 SOUTH CAROL 1 HA r ^==?9=s-9asEsefie^^? gre Bogus Cloth*. VUI What is paint? Some people think sue anything labelled "paint" is paint, t0 1 but there's a difference, /just, as s,u^ des much as between one kind of cloth ^ and another. Cloth nine-tenths cot- elit ton and one-tenth wool, ts:v bogus cloth. Cloth all wool wears to the is f limit. Paint at a price between 75 al j cents and $1.50 is like bogus cloth. ^ The L. & M. Paint is all. wool and jn wears to the limit. There's a rea- ^ son. Holman-Cullum Hwd. Co. No - the THE STATE VAfRm |jn The State Pair this year Will b? , held October SOth to and Inclusive of November 3rd. There are more reasons than ever ' ri] why the people of South Caroling c^; I should take this one holiday and meet at the State Pair. ha Reduced railroad rates have i hr, announced for the round trip. Dr( in ? ' , bil IS THE WORLD GROWING to BETTER. se< Many things go to prove that it is. foi The way thousands are trying to hil help others is proof. Among them wj is Mrs. W. W. Gould, of Pittsfield, N. H. Finding good health by taking Electnc Bitters, she now advises m; other sufferers, everywhere, to take SI: them. "For years I suffered with pc stomach and kidney trouble," she writes. "Every medicine-I used failed till I took Electric Bitters. 11 But this great remedy j^elped me 0l; wonderfully." They'll help any wo- "2 man. They're the best tonic and finest liver and kidney remedy that's !: made. Try them. You'll see. 50c at J. All Druggists. - ? ^ TARING CARE OF THE FAXQ A CROWDS. 4U'_ 1 -H Those Who Cannot Remain In Columbia Longer Than One Day Can See the Fair. ' I With the railroads granting r?? t 1 ducod rates, and with the State Fair V, larger and better than ever, it la believed thut banner crowds will attend the annual event, which will be held T In Columbia October 30 to November 3, next. The railroads not only have offered k the usual low rates, but have made ^ arrangements to run apodal trains , during Fair Week for the oooomodn* tlon of the throngs of South CartH llnlans expecting to attend. These special trains are so arranged, as to offer to people outside the capi-tal city a chance to moke a one day. trip to tho Fair with no Inconvenience caused by lack of train*. Tho schedules call for morntng trains U> Columbia?which will reach the capl^ tal before 11 o'clock In plenty ot tlmo ^ for all festivities?and for livening > trains returning after tho eventa ot the day are concluded. % Tho railroad authorities look fofl good crowds on these epodai trawjty I | " ( Mouse of Jones. l i Jones painted his house last year. 1 ) It looks dull, dead, no life to it. * , Smith painted his house 10 years ; ago. *1 It looks clean, nice, and don't | need repainting, because he used L. e & M. Paint, and added three quarts 31 of oil to each gallon. r i The Oil gave life and preserved U _ , ! Besides?ad ling tV.e Oil reduced its cost 40 cenis a ga.lon less than II other paint. Thirty-five years use in N. A. & S. A. Holman-Cullum Hwd. Co. Vizes to Apple Growers c th* South. V'i (Mf ? * Spokane, Wash., Oct 23.?Rober Walker, managing editor of th )uthera f ruit-Grower of Chatta x>ga, Tena/says in a "lettdf to th ana^fm#?nt nf frho Nofmnol Annl. O- ?? v. V**v nuiiyiiw low, Inc? that the value of the an lal competitive exposition h takane, November 23 to 30, to the pie growers of America cannot h er-estimated. He has entere< e Southern States special; ii lich are offered cash prizes o 0 to first and $20 to second wkl tented fruit buckets, as addec imiums for exliibits of one barrel three boxes of a bushel eaeh, lited to Alabama; Arkansas, Floa, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, ssis^ippi. North - Carolina, South rolifia, Oklahoma, Tennessee, icas, Virginia and Y/est Virginia 2ash prizes and premiums of a al value of $20,000 are offered in ! various competitions ranging m full carloads to single plates of b apples and all contests are free 1 ?pen to the world. i 'When a body of men become so erested in the* things which they iduce that they strive to out rivLheir competitors in a friendly t of way," Mr. Walker continues his letter, "it gives that business .i . i ii? L impetus iiiui inu uaruiy ue laled. It interests others and presses the fact upon the minds the public that the growing of lies is an industrv requiring edition and has become an art, inad of a business iri which anyi may leisurely engage and be icessful. rheu the value of apple lands i apple orchards are enhanced afly. The demand for apples is tainly increased; the apples from ious sections participating in ;h an undertaking are advertised the' world, and the publicity reling therefrom is worth a great il, and is as valuable an asset to is the goo d will is to any business erprise. , J3eing world-wide in its scope, it ar reaching. When the NationApple Show was first launched, sd with jealousy, apple growers various sections hastily proclaimthat it was a net scheme of the rthwestern growers to advertise :ir apples and to sell their fruit ids. 'Time has proven that this is imle. The men who have been in arge of this great undertaking, ve proven themselves to be lad-minded; have implicit faith their own sections and its possiitieS, yfet have been broad enough realize that there are other good :tions, and they have made an ef t to see that all competitive exaits have had equal chances foi nning prizes. "With a continued broad-minded anagement, the National Apple low is certainly to increase in im irtance, and the barrier of jealousy at may exist, if there be suel kiir u'ill conn tnrn onroir I r '? , TV ill OUU11 UU IU III C4TTC*/. ii ir opinion an apple grower, m atter what section he hails fron iould give his support to this enrprise, national in character, and he can do nothing else, take the me to pay a visit to the show ir ov'efnbef." " : 1 t MEDICINE THAT GIVEi CONFIDENCE Is Foley's Honey and Tar Com Dund. ' 'Mrs T-. J. 'Adams, 522 Nc an:as Ave., Columbus, Kas., write [<or a number of years my childre rve been subject to coughs an )lds. I used Foley's Honey an ar Compound and found that ired their coughs and colds, so eep it in the house all the time. efus? .^lbstitutes. Sold by A ruggists. Negro Fair AUGUSTA, GA. November 14-17, 1911 ' ery Low Round Trip Fare VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY Tickets on sale November 13 1 6, 1911, and for trains, scheduh o arrive Augusta before noon No 7, good returning Nov. 20. Aiken, S. C. .75 Batesburg, S. C. .1.75 Edgefield, S. C. 1.20 Johnston, S. C. * 1,25 Newberry, S. C. 3,40 Proportionately Reduced fai from other stations. Many new attractions, excelle Exhib *s. Consu t nearest ticV agent for fur her information. Jno. L. Meek, A. G. P. A. Atlanta, Ga. Frank L. Jenkins, T. P. A. Augusta. Ga = ' ' ? PLEASANT EV1 t A Column Dedicated to Tin e >: Home Circle at e The woman whose life-book has 9 love written on every page; who makes a home for a ???f\ a home | in a house and in a heart, a home ' that he is sure of, a home that is ; full of love presided over by one whose price is above rotate*. She | is the model wife. i t t t I Of all the evils prevailing among 1 young men we know of none more blighting in its moral effects than the tendency to speak slightingly . of the virtue of women. Nor is i there anything in which young men . are so thoroughly mistaken as the low estimate they form of the integrity of women?not of their own mothers end sisters, thank God, but of others, who, they forget, are , somebody else's mothers and sist t t 1 Success is never obtained in a i country like this without effort If i you fall once, try again. If you fall ' down, get up If it is dark, strike a light If you are in the shade move around; if there is shade on one ( > side there is sure to be sunshine on , the other. It takes longer to skin an elephant than a mouse, but then the skin is worth sometning. Never be content with doing what anoth- , er has done?excel him. k t ' 1 There is an old saying to the ef- j feet that an untidy mother has disobedient children, and, while neith- * er parents or children may realize * the why or wherefore of it, yet there is always a lack of respect and an indifference to the authority of a mother who takes no pride in I her personal appearance. t t t The meanest men in the world are those who have allowed themselves to drift away from their mothers and forget all about them. The best and bravest men in the world are those . who have never been so proud as when doing something pleasant for the kind old mother. r t t l'f ?:,ou think a t house should have only one head, and that be yours, postpone your we ding indefinitely. t t i Special Train FROM Columbia and Intermei diate Points ! TO f Augusta, Ga. and Return ac, count G eorgia-Carolina Fair, Nov. 8th and 9th on the Following ; Schedule. 1 Special Train Time Lv. Columbia 7:0J a. m. 3 Cayce 7:05 Arthur 7:15 Lexington 7:27 ' Barr 7:36 s Gilbert 7:49 j Summit 7:53 d Lnesviile 8:05 it Batesburg 8:10 }t Monetti ^:23 .. Ridge Spring 8:30 Ward ' 8:40 Johnston 8:50 T?J. r.1 A jLrcnion >:iu Miles Mill 9:2S Vaucluse 9:37 Granitevillc 9:44 Warrenville 9:49 :S Ar. Augusta 10:30 Returning, train will leave Augusta 7 30 p. m. on Nov. 8 and 9 arriving Columbia lip. m. See ret0 duced fares advertised in another :c* column. Call on ticket agents for v* fuither information. John L. Meek, A. G. P. A. Atlanta, Ga. Frank L. Jenkins, T. P. A. Augusta, Ga. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS i?s Supply just the ingredients need ed to build up, strengthen and re :nt store the natural action of the kid neys and bladder. Specially pre pared for backache, headache, net vousness, rheumatism and all kid ney, bladder and urinary irregulat ties. All Druggists. does not make fatontdf &* acter, cities, villages and all H?*m its HyiHnp, Tfle0|ff '> .. name of this serpent is staMAH'^ We hope it has no abiding pUce in rhe Home Circle department is the iHuH ^est antidote yet discovered for his vile reptile, and seldom fails to irive it from the home it weekly t t Let the sunshine into the gloomy rooms, have a couch to lie on. a pimo to play on; in fact, a home to ive in; one wherein a sense of hospitality and good cheer exudes rom the very tables and chairs, instead of a mausoleum of gloomy ilegance, wherein everything,'Is for (how and nothing to be used. Round Trip Excur I sion Fares SOUTHERN RAILWAY, I BATESBURG. Atlanta, Ga. and Return $6.90 Account dedication Old Guard Monument, Oct 9-12, 1911. Tickets sold Oct 6, 7 and 8, 1911 good re. O-. Ol TT?^ - vutiau^ v/uii X^JCICUSIUHS Richmond, Va. and Return $15.95 Account National Convention IJnitcd Daughters of Confederacy Nov 7-11, 1911. Tickets sold Nov / +, 5 and 6 good returning Nov. 20, 1911. Augusta, Ga. and Return $1.75 Account Georgia-Carolina Fair, Nov. 6-11, 1911. Tickets sold Nov. 5 to 10. 1911, inclusive good returning Nov. 12, 1911. Augusta Ga. and Return $1.75 Account Negro Fair Association, Nov. 14-17. Tickets sold Nov. 13 to 16 and for trains arriving Augusta before noon 17th. Good returning Nov. 20. Atlanta, Ga. and Return $6.90 Account American Federation of Labor, Nov. 13-J25, Tickets sold Nov 7, 8, 11, 12 and 13, good retaming Dec. 4, 1911. New Orleans, La. and Return $20.90 Account American Banker's Association, Nov. 20-25. Tickets sold Nov. 17 to 20, inclusive, good returning Nov. 30. Extensions. Savannah, Ga. and Return $4.65 v Account gianrl prize Automobile Races Nov. 27-30. Tickets sold 1?v. zo, zr, zs, zy, good returning :c. 4. 1911. Proportionately reduced round p fares from other stations. For :tailed information, call on nearest >uther.: Railway Ticket Agent mthern Railway offers convenient .3&|I hedules, attractive service. Pullan sleeping cars and Sonthern J ail way dining car service on rough trains. >hn L. Meek, A. G. P. A. Atlanta, Ga. Frank L. Jenkins. T. P. A. Augusta, Ga. * After exposure, and when yem | eel a cold coming on, take Foley'i % ioncy and Tar Compound, ft hecks and relieves. Use no subititute. The genuine in a yellow package always. Sold by All Subscribe for The