The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, October 27, 1911, Image 4

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^L TKRJI8 OF SUBSCRIPTION. H. Om r?? .... ti.00 Kf tlx XonttM - ? V> oonto 1 P"' No tklM m<mtb aQbaertptloiu taken, ] L 1 M I E ' auteradat UmP. O.. at Batuaburg, 8. C.. a# ft MtdtJ ubm BUktUr, FMk 14. 1*N. < | ? ? ' ftb , All Copy Mot is moat be written on one aide 1 ft only. , ft '- Whan changing addr?malwa|k??lvi? old poet Hp " f\ f*ce. otbnrwtna change will nnflkc nude. | ADVERTISING RATES. | i One Inch One Year f&.oc v.; One Inch Six Month* $3.00 r- One Inch Three Month* . fs.oo 5.> Pint page double the above amount*. Local Xnmrtions tVjta per inch. Ptret Page Bandars loots per line. Roaderat* take run o* | fnper 6ct# per line. I ?i i. I FRIDAY, OCT. 27 1911, NOTICE! For reasons best known to ourselves, The Advocate will be discon^ tinued with this issue, unless tore mediately transferred to someone jjy^?^H^hing to continue in Batesburg. W* OthCTwise the paper will be removed toWother point or consolidated with the Lecsville News. x. x S 1 ' r "" * v Last week it was fair (Trl-County) and bright; this we^k is fair, but colored in Batesburg. ===== > It is announced that the express laico arc iu uc icuuccu appivnuiately 15 per cent We will wait and see how much it will affect us. The qx press companies are not fighting it We guess the "pickings" are Kill good and they don't care to endanger them by making a noise. Wise old guys, they are. We have but one regret about G^ernor Harmon's yisit to Union. W Were unable to be there. Judgip \om accounts he is a big man c : v well capaciated to fill the of? ! Resident should 'be be callw J** AT>. ptJB'iien. What he.will, be Is i an improbability. t 'The Southern Railway shows Increased earnings of $1,000,000 over r Ihe earnings of the previous fiscal ^ear."?The Progressive Farmer f How much of that does the papons of the railroad pay to be applied to dividends on watered stock? Ve don't know and can't telL The \ } itockholders, or some of them, * j loubtless know, and will not tell. ' knyway, we continue to progress, > ind the railroad hasn't gone into Jhe hands of a receiver on account J the half cent reduction in pasnger rates. DR. J. A. WATSON DENTIST Efice over drucr store, next to decot. || At Ridge Spring every Thursday. : BATESBURG, S. C. (FOLEY'S KIDNEY REMEDY VS. f A HOPELESS CASE Hon. Ark. J. E. Freeman says: "I had a severe case of kidney trouble and could not work and my case seemed hopeless. One large bottle of Foley's Kidney Remedy cured me and I have never been bothered since. I always recommend it. Sold by All Druggists. CHURCH DIRECTORY. .. BAPriST CHURCH. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at 8 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH. Preachins services at 11 a. m. on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays in each month and at 8 p. m. on every 3rd Sunday. [Sunday School at 10 a. m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. MIDDLEBURG CHAPEL. Preaching ever/ Sunday evening at 7:30. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Prayer Meeting at 7:30 p. m. every Wednesday. The public is cordially invited to af.end all these services. "IFf VrTBTI! The Beat Tonic, Mil<l - Laxative, BITTERS Family Medicine. Has Proved Highly Successful The Initiative and Referendum and Recall is Admired by Majority of Cittsenship of Spokane Spokane, Wash., Oct. 2a?-Seven uHMiuiv experience witn uie commission form of government in Spokane, which is under the control of the people through the preferential election system, the initiative and referendum and the recall, has ptoved highly successful. Direct efficiency has replaced irresponsibility and incompetency, party boesism has been elimated, the laws are enforced, the tax-payers are obtaining 100 cents' worth of work for a dollar, minicipal improvement bonds command high premiums and the city's credit is gilt edge in the financial centers throughout the country. Charles M. Fassett, commissioner of public utilities, speaking for the commission, says the people, as a rule, are satisfied with the change and that it is doubtful if even those who were most active against the present charter would vote to return to the old system. There are some, of course, who honestly believe the old form is better, he added, but the chief opposition to the adoption of the charter and its continuance comes from those whose private selfish interests are being interefered with by the beneficial I change iD administration introduced T>y'the present government Enumerating the chief points ol advantage of the commission form of government over the party sys tern, Mr. Fassett says: "For the first time in its history the community is not disturbed by political wrangling at the city hall Our commissioners often do not agree on various measures, but differences are soon healed and there is harmony and good feeling be tween them. "Each commissioner has charge under the authority of the whole body, of his departments and the tax-payer knows to whom to applj for his needs. The result is thai business is dispatched in hours anc days, where it formerly requirec weeks and months. rtStreet and other improvement! are made for from 20 to 40 pei cent less than in recent years without reducing the city wage scale or decreasing our standard; of quality. The contractors ring ii broken and most of our work goe: to those who have done the besi work in the past For the firsi time in our history a contractoi has been fined for delaying public work. "Our tax levy will be the same a! last year, notwithstanding a deficii of about $90,000 left by the formei government ana ine settlement oi many claims and complications neglected for years. "The various departments are being managed with efficiency and common sense. The water department, which has been permitted tc run heavily in debt, has been placed upon a business footing; free water has been cut off, the number of meters has been doubled in seven months, wastes have been stopped and an adequate supply of water furnished for all purposes during the hot months, where every year heretofore there has been a famine in certain districts. "Our streets are well paved and kept clean and sewers are maintained; the health oi the city was never so good; public service corporations are encouraged and enforced, when necessary, to give good service; back franchise taxes are collected and the affairs of the city generally are conducted along modern business lines. "The preferential system of voting, the short ballot and the election of commissioners at large, who select one of their number as mayor, are other features which have strong arguments in their favor. Hereafter not more than three commissioners will be chosen at any election, giving the voter no excuse for ignorance of the men or their duties. We require a nonnartisan affidavit and restrict the use of money for election purposes to $250 for any candidate. "By our system of voting the results of the election express the will of the majority much more closely than could be obtained by caucus, convention and ward representation. Cn the whole, we be-lieve Spokane has the most advanced and characteristic commission charter yet adopted by any city ,n this or other countries.' ' !' Si . ????1?1 W. H. ] THE L FURNiT Furniture Fi ! Futrr STOVES ONE TBS TO BABY C1RBI3 I PROMPT ATTENTION ( * 1 % % ; Agents for Chas. W. Duplex ,Windo r ~ ' vrv '? * i " ' 3 miTTl T T\ I lib l. v. i run BATES Avoid Frauds. JURORS FOR LEXINGTON A paint fraud is paint that looks COUNTY fair for a year or so, and then makes repainting necessary. Don't waste your money and ia- First Week-?November jure your property. The L. & .Paint has been in Aerm use for thirty-five years. You make one half of it J?* Austin H. Mack. John D. Rol>erts ding three-fourths of a gallon of, _ ....... Linseed Oil to each gallon. It then I L B Reynolds, G. Willie Koon. cost about $1 60 per gallon, and is En:ory L. Stoudeniire, E. P. West, the best paint that can be made. j Ben P. Neese, Chas. W. Eargle, Holman-Cullum Hwd. Co. Chas. B. Lindler, George F. Long, ' M. Luther Younginer, S. Ed Hendrix, J. W. Linder, Lucius D. HuLo, Wil f Vs S. Frank Derrick, Ranse E. Mack, JL 'wXw. jr >5 Sam'l J. Cannon, David R. Pound, Tyy n Hudson P. Seigler, Cline J. Tavlor, \ fMm *1 fj Tfc Mat J. Rucker, Frank L Addy, ,1 R. Thomas Drafts, Joe A. Dyches, IJP T T L. Hinkle Sheuly, Noah F. Frick, JL Jfc Oft I J. Rufus Shealy, Job Smith What They Will Do for You Willie E. Bnrr, Perry L Lucas, i TK??ni ? . Ed F. Monts, W. Maxcy Oswalt, They will cure your backache, n . r . ' . ? trengthen your Mdney.. cor- >g. h ? . rect urinery irregular! tie., build . ,n oilemme, op th. worn out tU.u?, .nd Jo9uph D' ? v . eliminate the excel* uric ecld George C. Hammer. that causes rheumatism. Prevent Bright's Disease and Diabates, and restore health and EARLY R I S E, L\ fi treafth. Refuse substitutes. The famous little pillo. I V y | 0 I C / 1 * v"; '' I s<&\ ' =================^^ i , r ALLAV SUCCESSOR TO D. CULLUM CO. URE DEALE *om Parlor To Kitch ;i JIBS?NEW HOME ians Organs MOBS GUARANTEED ILLINOIS RANI m, mm and cradl PEN TO SPECIAI ORDERS OF ANT Brenneman & Company, Bren >w Shades, Made to Order, at rnunu PAMn nullum war, IffiTDKB STAND 5BIJRG, S. C. PRESENTS. j VOIT w Jewelry, Diamonds, S t i- V fi jj& hif * linvc Silver, Wat. he<, ! ?r?11 1 - ? ? * Cut Class, Art That question will be asked yon Mrvices, if you qualify?take the Dr GOODS. More BANKERS indorse DRAUG ness colleges COMBINED. 48 Coll< All UI'W .111(1 absolutely Banking, Typewriting, IVntiinnvliip. Eng k ;i,, I i >. . Law?EUKK auxiliary branched. Bocl I'OSIT be.iut itu f~, i >. ( Oinc ill Bookkeeping. Bookkeepers all o wllCili ever you luxve ail op- tho United States say that Drauglio . , New System of Bookkeeping saves til pO I i ll 1111 ,y . from 25 to 50 per cent in work and woi Remember we only lian- Shorthand. Practically all U. S. c ,ii? . i, i ..? > I ,, i,..;.. ,1 cial court reporters write the System (UcsolMlinlCClumi^uuds. Shorthand Draughon Colleges tea It" not convenient lO come H'/n/ Because they know It Is the b, in. send in your mail order, DltAlTGHON'S PR ACT which always lias our per- Creeavillo or Columbia, S. C sonal attention, with a k'tiar- ? to please. Always^lad I T'S EQUAL DON'L" EXIS1 to see you at- t M0 one has ever made a sa1. r~\/t %/a vi im, ^ rinrmnnr or Kalm to rftmnarc u 51 I.VAIN ttKUS., - - H.Vckie.'.'s'"ArJ.ica"SaTveV It". Jow I'lera, COLL'Mil .\ S. (J one Dcrrect healer ot Cuts, Cor Main & IIampt;in Vis. Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Bo , . Ij:< i:s, Eczema, Salt Kheum. I TAKE YOUR COM MON CULLS Bore Eyea, Cold Sores, Chapp SKRim mi v i H nds or Sprains its supreme. L r ? "Vi ic i , ! rivaied for P;5cs- TrV !t- 0n1V 25c Common colds, severe ami Ire- A|1 Ur ists. quenr, lay th? foundation ot tnrcnic diseased conditions of the nose and , u \ l> i i r\/ throat, and may develop irto bron- V' lAK I Lh i , chitiS, pneumonia and consumption. iATESBURG, : : S. For all coughs and colds in children ' Survtying, Leveling, Terracing, and !n grown p-rsons take Foley's' All Work guaranteed and promp Honey and Tar Compound prompt-! ' done. 1/. Sold by Ail Druggists. 1 RATES $5.00 PER DAY. # 5T ' * SflRdl V i+J ' ' ** * / -4 \ . ' ^5 4 'v*V ' *' " ^ ^ ' . \%' -4, >$. ! . FH :r en iES lis KIND lin and ' I I ? II ! < I ? ! II I ? ?bes2sw:23x2zzzbk:.. sj^oert: ANT IAB9 fetter j MMj almost dally by business men seeking yotif aughon Training?and show ambition to rise. 1 ION'S Colleges than indorse all other busl:ges in 18 States. International reputation. Ilsh. Knelling, Arithmetic, better Writing, business IONS GUARANTEED under reasonable conditions, ver Home Study. Thousands of blink cash' n's iers, bookkeeptrs, and stenographers aro em holding good positions as the result o? ? ry. taking Dranghon's Home Study. \ >fli- CATALOGUE. For prices on lessons \ of /? Y MAIL, write Jno. F. Dkaiv.iion, \ eh. President, Nashville, Tenn. For/)vrcat- J est. alogue on course A T COLL lit.Is, writ* ICAL BUSINESS COLLEGH / * or Augusta, Gsu, or Nashvillo, Tod*. J GIVES AID 10 STRIKERS. vc. Sometimes liver, kidneys rial ith bowels Leem to go on a strike and the refuse to work right. Then you nSi need those pleasant little itr'keUs> breakers?Dr. King's New Lite <"or Pills?to give them natural aid and ,ed gently compel proper action. E\-fn_ cellei.t h alth socn follov.-. Try it them. 25c at All Druggists. GEO. BELL TlMMKRi AN, J. WM. THURMOND. c' Thurmond & Timai a tly Attorneys at Law. Will practice in all the State and U Courts