The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, January 08, 1909, Image 1

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I ' "PIPF UTe BATESBURG ADVOCATE 1 A TR1-COUNTV DAPE?R ESTABLISHED IW>I ' BATESBURG, S. C.. FRIDAY. JAN. ?, iq09. ^ $1.00 PER ANNUM J ALL (iRORGIA RAI AUGUSTA, Capital K2<)0,O00.0<> I In solcetinjf a Hank st r<ni^? one. With surplus unnv 1 lu capital we think ; | deposit ill# with us I 1 IVr tV.nt". 11lie rest WKI'I f ^ I ' ' |] ***** ?? - * -t'l m mm0 !. B0OI0 citi ;;,111 a pi of H _j ._j Lj LJ EijJ i n v it<*s <le|>() l " .<*" "^vM3 kcci u-rs as w ] \ l' Mnd an aecoi \ j# PB tw , it-i14" * iiii S;ivn'k5s i)ei , J-f i'J #?": Wo ,.a.v 5 fates ot (1<?|K i ?? ?MI!K?n?i COTTON MARKET. Batesburg Spot be. " PERSOMLS. " All those havinir visit,or.- whl cotil' !i favor up .;i llie Advocate l?y sen lit); mi tlieir names on or before 'lunula of each week. Mr Eft Ridgell spei 1 Xmas it town. Mr Edward Hartley returned ic Clemson Saturday. Miss Emmie Wise has been visit ing Miss Lottie Bodie. Mr Luke Rushton returned fron Johnston Saturday. Miss Annie Bell Whitten am James spent Xmas in Augusta. Mr K Mitchell returned to Colum bia Saturday. Miss Mildred Glover has returnee from Graniteville. Miss Lucile Conner left Sunda; for Johnston. Mr Eugene S Bodie of Holstein' X Roads is now in town. Mr U C Etheredgc spent Wed nesday in Saluda. Mr P W Barnes of Ridge Sprin was a visitor to Bateshurg on Wed nesday. Miss Grace James of Chester i the guest of Mrs M B Edwards. Miss Nora Long left Friday la< lor her home at Mt Willing. Mr T D Villard ot Ridge Sprin was in town Wednesday. a M _ .TV . i c miss iiva sooner returned iroi Charleston Tuesday. Dr T H Kinard of Ninety Si spent several days this week in low Mrs D W Daniel and Willie Jone left for Clemson yesterday mornin Mrs W P Timmerman entertaine Wednesday afternoon at her home. M-s E R Steadman spent seven days the past week in St George. Mr Arthur Lott has retinae from a t ip northwest. Mrs C T Wiseman has rcturne to August \ Miss Kate Dodd spent Xm:-.s i Johnston. Mr and Mrs Waiter Kennedy < Mt Willing were in town yesterda Mr Prank Aldridge has returnc from Alto, Fia. Mr Rodcricl: W.itson pent Tue day in town. Mr Kinsler Jonef; spent one da this week in Columbia. Miss Cora Fell Rogers entertaine yesterday afternoon at her home. THE NEV ILROAD liANK ? GEORGIA. Surplus S4 1 5,onO.OO be sure you select a 80 in twice as larj^e as our rou make no mistake in th< he on Saving Accounts. of 'B US. ,m< sul |* l. BANK DRPOSllORS s j St< b\* any means. Many wo- foi >und out how much better ho mint tor their expend it ures $11 yin|?" by cheek instead of sto don't have to worry about for ' money has none. They ^ mc returned checks. ?a for > rn~ _ T? ' W?i ZBNS BANK 1? latesburg, 3. C- ^ E sits t'roin women, House- g? ell as businesswomen will ^ mt here bus manyadvan- |J5 i [ per edit, quarterly on K)Sil"S. S> w? sta per cent. on time eertitl- \S "sit. ^ fie) "" ' ? tur Mr Paul Garber spent Wednesday ^ in Augusta. in Mr T H Kernaghan was a visitor ] . to Augusta this week. to Dr David LaGrone of Mt Willing his was seen on our streets on Monday. j r Mr .1 P Long of Silver Street was for i ( a visitAr here Sunday and Monday, urn Miss Lottie Bodie visited at the ] i home of Mrs V F Wise near here 1 j^vi | last week. hol Miss Anna Rikard is visiting j )' friends and relatives in Newberry. ?jt Miss Marie Pou of Wards visited hQ, S in town last week. ; -: I Misses Alice and Marcella .lones dIR ! went to Columbia last week, Mrs John Rawl was in Lexington ?several (lavs this week * Mr P R Conner of Columbia spent' Xmas in Batesburg. Cadets. Shuler and Sollee left Saturday for Charleston. 1 Miss Ruth Cooner has returned to Trenton after spending the hoi- i lidays with the homefolks. ? Mrs J R Hartley spent Xmas 1 with her brother near Williston. s Mrs C K Craven and children are visiting relatives in Charleston and "| St George. Mr W A Rawl and family have g moved back to Batesburg from 1- Florida. Mr anil Mrs P C Cullum after s spending the holidays here returned to Lumber Bridge, N C., Thursday, g Mr and Mrs T R Kernaghan and Lois returned from Jonesboro MonK ,lay' Mr and Mrs W A Crouch spent ! several days in Wards last week, i Mrs Albert Edwards of Augusta x' visited Mrs M B Edwards lastwctK. n' Dr V Seigler was in town during ,s| Xmas. ( Mrs Jabez Ferr :s and daughter1 _ ^ I Mrs Henry Tillman left Tuesday for ^ their homes Kershaw and Green- i. . I las w?0(l. I d Mrs G F Norris and daughter have returned to Cateechee, S C. ,1 1 Mice VI..:-. i .i v 11 it wiiiiicn spent last j j week in Wagener. (iTo the regret of his many friends, >tt Mr K C Mathis left last week for t?' . Marion. I m< in I .. ,1 Messrs Curtis Cullum and Rhodes 1 , Cooner left Monday for the Cit- J} >f! i , Sv adel. " Misses Edna and Klise Bates, le, *1 Ereda Rutland, A^ncs and Edith m Jones and Hattie Bess Cullum left W s- for their college work Monday. M The City Treasurer Mr. J. M. Mai- [T ly pass, will next w< ek ^ive the readers of The Advocate, a complete finan;(j cial report of the City and Com- m missioners of Public Works. ?S vs of r\ 00D PRICES PREVAIL- NI ED HE STOCKS SOLD FAR BEYOND PAR-OTHER ITEMS SHI T The executors of the estate of s late Dr. W. H. Timmerman Id a sale of his property in front The Citizen's Bank last Tuesday >rning at eleven o'clock. The re- Spe It was as follows: L 421 acres of land in Aiken Co. mo? s sold for $1,000 to Dr. W. P. sho< nmerman; 10 shares of Planter's co'-1 srage Co. stock to J. C. Cullum nort $250; 1 share Batesburg Ware- ^ use Co. stock to J. C. Cullum for cr'n 25.50; 20 shares Citizens Bank Wir ick to Mrs. H. M. Timmerman sPe( $120. per share; one lot in Still- It >re, Ga. to Dr. R. H. Timmerman that $1,600.; one cow to Dr. R. H. and nmerman for $20.00; one gold r^ce tch to Dr. W. P. Timmerman for *ror 5.00 and 24 shares of Farmer's * ilk of Edgefield stock to Mr A. re^u Padgett for $38.75 per share. ture _? negi " " ~ w M Mrs J Hope of Union and Mrs ^ ygert of Peak are visiting Mrs W n Timmerman. j Misses Nannie Gunter and Con- bein ncc Cullum and Mr Virginus N Hum spent Christmas in Edge- wild Id. the Mrs Will Cooner and Rachael re- ec*\ ned Monday from Anderson. , left s L M Mitchell spent last Friday to c Columbia. M higf Rev N N Burton has moved back phy Batcsburg much to the delight of C many friends. mat com Mr Marcellas Steadman of Wof- !on? d College is here on a visit to his nigf :1c, Mr E R Steadman. not Mr C E Craven has returned to lync >b: e, Ala, after spending the' lidays here with his family. i U Mr B Wallace Jones, Jr of Lake|thar y, S C, spent the holidays at the j helj; ne of Mrs Jessie Youmans. j the ' cent Mrs Y S Holstein of Monetta 1 1 Miss Sallie Courtney of Aiken | adjc re in town Wednesday. j fron I N I s t lie ?4 r<? in<i- inoi When yoi soin?'th I ntorcst, I 'works Wo pay i from s | posit toi Absolute our wat The F ? Mrs N Rogers Rayly entertained | I t night in honor of her guest j R. ' ss Addie Hayes of Ramberg, S C. Yen Miss Alice Piatt of Graniteville' and ent Wednesday in Ratesburg. ^ Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Mailman and tun le son of Sneads Fla. are visiting afu inter parents Mr. and Mr;. K. Mali :chii Mr. and Mrs. C W i 'allinan and 'cr tie Casper have returned from ma. iransea S C, Mrs. Hallman.s home. jt* Mrs. L K Brazcll and little ciaii^h- j c of Columbia spent last week with spe rs. Brazell.s parents Mr. and Mrs. tha L. Rawl. sin< r. L. R. Brazell of Columbia visited age ends and relatives here Friday and upiturday. an> Mr Ross Hartley ar.d Miss Bessie c one, both of Batesburg, were the arried on Sunday last at Monetta, tac C by Mr Henry Salter. N P. cor I iREE O IGRO BRUTE LYNCHED IN LEXINGTON COUNTY :RIFF CORIF.Y WOUNDED IN RYING TO CAPTURE THE NEGRO ?H E R SCREAMS HOWEVER, FRIGHTFNED THE NEGRO AWAY. cial to The State. .exington, Jan. 6.?One of the ;t brutal crimes that has ever eked the people of Lexington nty occurred about four miles h of here tonight, m unknown negro attempted to finally assault Mrs. Thomas igard, wife of a most highly re:ted farmer. is reported here at 9:30 o'clock the negro had been captured that Sheriff P. H. Corley has :ived a bullet wound in the leg n the negro's weapon, hose returning from the scene se to say anything about the capand it is safe to say that the o has been lynched. [rs. Wingard, who is 53 years was in her back yard when the < 0 seized her. She screamed i the negro ran off, her husband ig in a nearby lot at the time, ews of the affair spread like ; 1 fire and it was not long before i entire neighborhood was arousheriff Corley was notified and immediately with bloodhounds apture the negro. [rs. Wingard is said to be in a ily nervous state and is under a sician's care tonight, fpon receipt of the above inforion The State endeavored to imunicate with Sheriff Corley by j distance, but at midnight last it the telephone ope ator at Lexon stated thai the sheriff had returned from the irene of the hing. CARD OF THANKS. r. L. M. Mitchell wishes to ik all those who so generously >ed him to fight the fire during burning of his tenant house rely. He feels very greatful for way in which they protected the lining houses and saved them l being destroyed. TERES1 atost inoontivo towards > toy. u find your moiioy is cam iyou tool iii??ro I i ko sav ikoa much ad vortisod ronu w hilo you sloop." ntorost on saving's aoooi tip, and 011 oortilioatns ? 1 1* <; <?r 1 mouths' i iinn. sa tot y, I i I ?oral i t y ami oou rl oh word. irst National ha of Batesburj>? '? - =r.1.?r? )r. VV. T. Marsh anil and Mr. D. 1'hain of Columbia spent New irs as quests at the honu of Mr. , Mrs. VV I. Rawl. fliss Dcmseymore Scurry has rcted to her home at Newberry, rr a visit to Mrs S V Perrv. ,lr and Mrs N J C;:nte: an ! Id, Dr !) Guiiter ! i. C Gunall of Atlanta, Ga ;pcnt Christ i with Capl ami Mrs U X Gv.n in Hatesburg. Japt M S Guatcr c f I enoir, N C nt in Patesbn;^. Mi ;av> t the town is much irnpiovtd e his last visit of some months > and that Batesburg is a. more to-date place for its si/e than ' in the state. 3ol E lf Strother has bet n ill lor past ten days front a severe atk of the Grippe, lie is now ivalesi ent. OUNTIES REFUSED TO PAY POLL TAX IT. D MITCHELL AND ARCHIE WIL 1 SON ARRESTED AND FORCED TO PAY UP WITH ADDED COSTS Lexington, Jan. 5.?The noted T. D. Mitchell, who has so often been I in the toils for offenses of various t kinds, was arrested here Monday for t refusal to pay poll tax. Mitchell is s now said to be a resident of Colum- > bia but resided in this county at c Brookland, in 1907. Mitchell pos- J itively refused to pay * the treasurer, c claiming that he was not a resident c of this county and, therefore, was r not liable to pay a poll. County j. Treasurer Shealy promptly went before Magistrate Derrick and had a warrant issued for Mitchell. The c warrant was placed in the hands of h Sheriff Corley, who made the ar- r, rest. He was given a hearing be- Q fore Magistrste Derrick and was or.1 .1 ...... Utc ? ? ?.1 _ r.- -- h IU IUA dliu cUbU a Illic of $7 and all costs. Mitchell paid the fine and was released. a Yesterday Archie Wilson, anoth- c er white man, who resides near New j Brookland, was arrested upon the same charge. He was given a hearing before Magistrate Derrick and a was fined $7 and all costs and or v\ dered to pay his poll. p This makes the third case that ^ has come before the officers for nonpayment of pod tax. ^ A LIVE, PROGRESSIVE SOUTHERN ? COMPANY Ji Due to a lack of space in our is- w sue of last week, we neglected to a call attention to the page ad of the js Southern States Life Insurance com- ^ pany. of Atlanta, Ga., whose Gen eral agent for this territory is Mr: R. 11 J. Person, Jr., Columbia. S. C., the h local agent bejng our esteemed fellow townsman. Hon. W. C. Bates. ^ This ad. refers particularly to the v adjustment of the claim which Mrs. Annie S. Raw), widov* of our : ite c and lamented luiwin S. Rawl, held h against this company. The manner tl in which this claim was handle h was commendable in the extreme and should commend . e Souther* States Life Insurance company to l' all. P The Company is purely a South- g em, having a strong financial back a ing and is a company which is ^ ~ ~ e< ? ... ---?? i Sc I S( | s< H al w n ai "* ji in in? I d inM- y U ?dy. j| i 1111 s | | ti P I S 3i k | |v ?c i.- sr.r.-iaearr'^r^.' writing as irtuch, if not more than j' any Insurance Company in ti c South today. Notice of the death ?>i Mr. R ?wl , was received at the home office on , Dec. 10 and on Dec. 12 a cheek for < , $10,000.00 in the '. -m ! o: M '. . . Annie S. Rawl. henei i'^ ry. l*o . ? ?n, . in re rd to tii'..', >mpany, address Mr. J. F.lj Person, fr . L. & L. Bank Bldg., 1 < Room <)0;. Columbia, \". v .. or Hon. L .7. ( Bale.-", li tes: lu ?, S. (J. 11 I > r v,?!v 11.. Iran ot la? dm !oru *.ta, i5.1 C. known as the n M. L it ! ply* v, o ): ii.ii.." I o r? . v.! : jom rut-; i ?*. MI i an : and; pen ; ii: itv. \vi ' wr.ur. 1 e d'/ (H' Apply ' J M. II. Lott, AiiMi:.!.' <i CON D BP D18PEHURT STILL IRjl ACTION | LEWIEilALE RUM SHOP WILL NOT S CLOSE DOWN AS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED--FIRE NEAR I SUMMIT v ? g Lexington, January 5.?The dis- tr jensary at Lewiedale will continue o deal out "booze" to the thirsty of s< hat little town and section. It was ^ ;tated a few days ago that it was ^ eery likely that the shop would be st dosed with the coming of the new H fear, for the simple reason that the' gi )wner of the building in which the g' lispc nsary is located had refused to * erent the building io the county ^ >oard for another year. This was m rue, but when Mr. R. L. Keisler,1 T of the county dispensary tr toard, began to pack up making ^ eady to close the shop on the 1st tc f January, the owner reconsidered is former action and told Mr. Keis- fi: :r that he might have the building ! s long as he wanted it, and as a I nncKnininro * T ' ^iiov^uv.uvvv- uiv. uupv.iioai y Cll J-?CW- | UJ ;dale will continue in force. er It is not known what action, if to ny, will be taken by those who d* rere instrumental in getting up the ec etition asking that the dispensary e "cut out," but it is said that they n nil probably push the matter fur- 0 ler. But since it is generally beeved by a great many people of lis county that the Legislature at ae coming session will pass a State ride prohibition law, and thus do way with all of the dispensaries, it ? hardly probable that any steps 8l rill be taken by the Prohibitionists ntil after the adjournment of the .egislature. j On last Thursday the residence of ^ Ir. Anderson Sligh, near Summit, Jfj* ras destroyed by fire, with all its fe ont^ots. The origin of the fire is as not been learned here. It is said th lat Mr. Sligh's loss will be very; se eavy. I cc Yesterday was salesday, and t;r lere was a very large crowd of i re eople in town. There was not a Si real deal of property to be sold, t0 nd the clerk soon cleared his books . . ot here was a lack oi the usual spiritd bidding, but this was due, it is lid, to the fact that the property wi pld was not 1 ated in the better 11 ;ction of the county. The personproperty of the late J. W. Long, hich consisted of several thous- ' ?,i ii.i nu;idis win lit Ul Illlllllij.; blOCK i distant States, as well, as the pen accounts and unpaid notes ot |K lr. Long was sold. The prices !V aid, in each case, were nothing1 ?% ampared to the prices paid for the, imous Seminole stock, being ri- ice iculously low. I ^ 'HE S.S. 15. CO. HAS OUT a INTERESTING CATALOGUE !? The Southern States Supply com- I*'1 any, o t Columbia, w h i c h jut s s t e a d i 1 y d e v e 1 o p i ng a tr; lernenclous wholesale business in hr Limbing, machinery and tinners, (Jl upplies, is at present distributing everal thousand copies of a remark- n.! bly complete catalogue of the maerials it handles, The catalogue is a landsome volume of over five htm- tc I red pages and !.-> prin'ect on extra ;n ;ood paper. Hie catalogue is ,. ompletely illustrated, containing h everal thousand pictures of the !' -arious goods handled by this firm, ft Nothing that they handle is eithei b oo big or too small to be illustrated y n this e iPdogr.c. Pres: lent If. Lee Harvey, whose c iggressive management has shoved hi- eompai " die front as one o w he leading wholesale concerns of d Liol imbi; . h"S an ah! iin ' :'t in the fir ire of V.'umoia ; < r?c oi ii cli> cf i .crs c* ii.c h :lit I ie ' a. , r<' 1 the *' > i Carolina, b: t successfully nr. efts c not v :n !>.!'.. ' leorg'a, , North Or: \ . Virginia. W. Vir['* T. ; riv' 1 "v. r, ill' I.:, . ; C c a HiJ'J ' r S ;t\ -Mi t ' .;c. Liu !*? ' :vt . : C. . r i tn.i- ? ' i W ) l . . i. I VI l! J v. V s-a v 1:1 ? ill ,.i i' .> ' ni C/lKo $n?hl . i> . Ml ti Q; .. .? ?V . , .1. A!s - : ? - i : * ' *' * ' .... i o f. . i . i 5>. t!? / . CO'.' v I? li .. p::r C- <1 ?>H t M I.IS . \> i I ! '( i.J. VI . .1 . ?i'v? t p??n c.v.i-m any Iirr.e . I . ?? <innter. MSED IICRT RIDERS I CONVICTED. 1 IX TO BE HONG APO TWO WILL GET 20 YEAB3 EACH Union City, Tenn, Jan. 7.?With a eidict of guilty in varying derees, the jury in the night rider iais reported at 8:45 p. m. tonight The 12 men found Garrett John>n, Tid Burton, Boy Ransom, Fred inion, Arthur Cioar and Sam Aplewhite guilty of murder in the rst degree, with mitigating circumanccs, and Bud Morris and Bob Huffman, the other defendants, jilty of murder in the second deee and fixed their punishment at 3 years in the penitentiary. The unishment of the six first named efendants was left to the court and lay be death or life imprisonment, he defense filed a motion foran^w ial, which was set for hearing Satrday, and which will be overruled > indicated by the court, when sen:nce will be pronounced. The court will sentence the six rst nahied defendants to death. The jury had been out since 2 p. ., but because of the illness of Ju>r Rosson had been able to consult itil 6 p. m. There was a differlce of opinion among the jurors as ' the degree of guilt of the defenmts, but an agreement was reach1 quickly. IH1EF JUSTICE POPE HANDS IN RESIGNATION :nds letter to governor an sel or south carolina Columbia, S. C., Jan. 6.?Chief istice Y. J. Pope of the State Sueme Court, today sent his resignam to Governor Ansel to take efct on April 15. The resignation given in the following letter to e governor: "Realizing that my time of acti/e rvice is drawing to a close and mceiving it to be rny duty to ree from office. 1 hereby tender by signation as Chief Justice of the ipreme Court of South Carolina take effect Apri' 15, 1909. "With love for all the people of tr state." iEW OFFICERS TAKE CHARGE On Tuesday the new county of:ers took charge of their respecte offices. The old officers turned er their books and other paralernalia in good shape, without ex:ption. Countj Treasurer Prank W. Shea succeeds Samuel B. George as erk of the court. Mr. George aves the office in fine shape. He id been in the clerk's office conuiously for 16 years; first as depy under H. A. Spann's adminisation and eight years as clerk. He made a very efficient clerk, one the best in the State and has ade many improvements in the ofre. Mr Sheturned over his office > Mr. K. L. Wingard, who served this capacity during 1897 and :>98. Mr. Shcaly leaves this ofce much to the regret of his many lends. He has made one of the est treasurers th- county has ever now and he will make a most excllent clerk Mr. Wingard is loi.u to all the pople and that he '11! serve his o.iice well, no one cubts. t ;u nintendent of Education J. E. ; K e. oes out and Mr. A. D. e : him. Mr. Kyzer vrv< ' i > ty weil for sevr; : tcru . and did -tot stand for re^ ti V.. Mr. Martin ii a v. mo ^ / v -"'b v< y. He is a graduate i ; 11c- i): .e'jsity of South Carolina hi ; : r rue practical cxperin the S' hool room. Educa.. he overlooked in h's t ft C 'dty and Auditor Dent ivn in t; ivr cftices unmov cd. Neither had opposition in :k i.1. > .uiinary, which is ample jUjM of their efficient work.