The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, June 19, 1908, Image 1

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i iSTAHIJS*' - l> 1001 ALL ^M'tV.*....... ...... .. GEORGIA RA 5 AUGUST/* Gte C CAPITAL AND 51 J? On January 1st a m was added to tliis ' posited therein li .*? e.?t Compounded -5 THIS IS YOU yt" | yWBBMj I ffl AN B |b> lit | $ should 1*3 acconip IS !,1 i I of il l,r ?P-'Oy ;; >| stocking: or even i ^ s c| to caro for it. I'll Th it will avoid all ^S&i. or rats. You can ^ confidence lint \v ^ iiil interest Paid on JPjjj W. II. TllM nk^^Pjnl W111. M. C \ > You are cordially S Savings Accc ) Columbia Savings Ban ? Absolute 1 y safe. S ;Aall Solicited. > I) 0 lit V\VW|>. President 13 itesburg Shaving] in rear ol' Post O.In E l;lKil:NK AZI:T Private Dining Roon Choicest i;tiil>les of tl POPULAfc I; very tiling Clean, N MA LAV I S37 Bread St. AUCTION SALE OF LOTS BETWEEN BATLSBU11G AND SUMMEKLAMD INN- THK BIDDING WAS SPIRITED BUT PHIC?;S LOW CONSIDERING LOCATION. < >n Monday aft in i at ' ?? Vlocl \ lie A merican !! ! \ ; A ik : ion < < < >n. a ;ii.'. o : . >l for M ,1. U illiaii. Mill'. 1 t \v ii l'-.U e l#iir< iiud Sumo i . . i 11,:. ! h. c caied coii i It :.. < e i111< r, A and . I rrfo crowd w re pi . tent 'l he I >' I;.-oiio|iI a sin.a price t nisid-riiio1 11 1 ,cat ton and a: I or or Id wei s I ' i .iUJi'nK l $ > > ?i lo sil'o (10 pe I t Mr. .Mitchell \vi Ik! cw the : ma. ider and slopped the sale. Toe purchaser.- as well as can lu: as S:-rt.lined were: .1 .1 Tjiylor, I,oe-.vil . 1 ii>>. $ i I!. II. 'J iimnerman, Iial? -1> j i rr, " " 1 * I. .1. Taylor, Lees\il, . " " ?">.c .. .. ?. .? i. .. 7(, ( NV. Asl>iU, " " " <>().< 1 " " 1 " i,( .1 io (I. I>arby, I'al < >1 .ry, ' " < I). Frye, ' ?i0.< M I., liutlaml. " " .'..I < . \v. Stewart, I . Kikard, Hal?. 1?.ir , !Ots. euiT. 1::oC. W. Stewart, l;uu .i. , J lots, each. \'2->. *' " ' Hate: tir,', I lot. 1). Ilikaicl, : .ots, oaeli s'? Li. VV. Stewart, Iiate> nv? I lot. > Fiuent? A/otta, J .nt*. each, 0! The BAT THE NEWS WW Wi*WWWt?wtiWWkgr 001 ILROAD BANK f i*at< t, GEORGIA. 2 ? - M j JRPI.US $550,000.00 [? ; 1) SitviiiRs Department ? ! j Bank. All money de- * 1 ears interest at I per m ' January and July. ? . " " ? Miss Miu R OPPORTUNITY ?: '<iusi?urk' WW^"' j he^wv ? Mr. :). I * ":,si" ? i Mrssi s. \ 'mil spent! VE l:OI< MONEY .win i!?. anieJ by the ability l<> lake care Miss IOuii Keep'n; if in ai old wallet, a i Salisbury, in your safe is not the proper way ^(5 Miss M u i?s ways are all risky. Deposit ' w;ls j,, |.;i >j* U'is week. riu - & ... & \u\ CUNS KAINK ?. u .... <- /- ^ I lie Miss itesburg, fa. c. risk i?i toss tlirou^ti lire. theft Misses 'J H<> oil miking 111 >.e with perfect g. j Win* ten ai I1.1t vou have 111 ule is safe and ^tL Sf?i .Mr. .loin Saving*. ^[section, wa deposit ttn\J>. f'ir Rent. Messrs T . . , Vjp maiia, wer V\hRM \N, President. ? I" |:, > Vire " ^ ' Mr* a,ul I Ihv, \kl m t. V JONES, Cash ^ t,iv JRT6R, Asst. Cashier. M\ Mrs.M ^IMiss Luei Mr I'N ' _____? ?. here :i bu > Alile, Ks.| invited to open a ) <iav an I Si ant /i t h the 5 ite\ w i k <Sc Trust Company. S " ' } Mr Clare Saving tooounts by ( johostonJ interest at &. ^ MiesLuu C'Jl.t M.t:.-,. .... ^ ?pring, wii ?arlors, Pool Rooms ie oil Hartley street [ot towels. ... 4 .. i> . i .' daughter a 1 A, Prop., ISatesluirt>*, S L i i ii tin.' i between rI ^ it no locale mJ I y\ | defeated b, he* a il"? ' in "" * rp. , 1 he Lot a i m i 11m W * i I K's 1. i jc1 jj -" """!.111 t(? . Ml ! IV ?-> . I , . M !i I I'l is lor I Ilealio I'arlit-s. ,,.r M ,,, ie Season. ; Mrs.Media | land. Iiav . very much i PRICI3S 1 ! s Mr !l Si. cat and Up-to-date. S BROTHERS / - i a '"'f-' ' Augusta, Cia. Mir M l S M.itii M. II. Rutland, P> itesluny, huiryesl 1 lots. each. Mr. U.ieS Walter J. MeCaitha Hutesbnrtf. i int. mi.' Mi"!? <1, Wade < I-"inch, Bnt^bnri,'," " 7ft.< m1,1 : n"1 . . S-, ( , " <vv. Stewart. " " " mm i ' W I. t'l ,011, I. ? -?vi.. ' ' 0.' ) ' .1 jj l.apiW Yu nn.di! > I i ll sliure 1 ? 2 lot-, each.- "Id" i iJANC1 (' M Slewai . Ihllesliur;!. I i t, lOn.t 1 I! I . r healy " |U\ ; .1, J lids each, Midi 0pt lli|lk, - hits. . acli. Ie' on ;md it j. i up Cok< :-II. Iiatcshiii-),'. 1 l"t, p,.. ( . \V . l v\ a . I, i*? pi ouiislots each, ,u ; M. It. H - it \vi ;ld Kateshiiitf his the i 1 !? ' '? I hlst'M V Ol Tile llO i,i ... , meet <' liooks ol Subscription. 11,.:i?, i1 No! ice of l he pen in# I t h I> ' '' in < : S'.iIim-' i|)l io.i to t lie cipilai s..) k of 1 ai<1"11' XI the I kit eitiiirt' iCiinerv. i>t< in m >ii i is it i-;kki:y <;i \ i;\ t .1 v :i" )? 1 !> V I t 'in Ol I he C< llimiss til issued |> C'lidilUM in t h i> 11 i- 1 !-.M 1 I1 ard of Corporator: mitnttJfCl LlO hv Hie lion. I! M Mel. -wn, m?t 'an -I'mmct iki i uf Stale lor ih Si at e of - - . I h ' .111? no I Una. dated I he till h da\ of .Inn I on ) ooks ol snhsi'i dp! inli \> ill he Op n I l>ai"l>C u 'j the nnd- I'sipned Corporator., at the ; oilier of K. ' uics I .1. in the town i I ^ ' ,N Ikite.sbuiK, m C., at I >a. in. on lli .peatS 1 d- "Jl'ii i day of June 1 >u7,and will ho. ke| iiopeil until the whoiO cf in id C.ipit n t ween 0 1 St ,ck is siilisenhetl. |u) R|| .om.i A C Jones, , 1 l ra ('. t 'arson, Corporator:*. . , C. I >. .Julie ,, ) ?.'? 0 t. ESBURC A TRI-COUNT L h KATIZSBUKti, a. C.,; I I .MY. > OF THR7l\ TON MARKET. CHlLilli ' 1 isburg Spot 12c ~~ ~ " AT MT. P? ERSONALS. ??' AN!) / -J PRi d i Minick, of Sardis, was in shopping yester lay. <' 11 i NI re t? ^ . church which t h lie Glover, of Denmark, Is , , ... . . ?. last will Ion;: he , > isit to Miss Ruby tilovor. , present, Jon or 1. rioatwright. of Samaria, 1 exercises or ft -s n Tuesday. were 11 'hi. r. V. t:. Hates and I'.vd ml- to whal lh' v a several days this week lis 11 - k'!l, ioti lias 0 I'M 1st., near bambino. the Interest b , ' <v m <|tiite a roi I'll hi *.<> t no.'Courtney Is visiting .11 n0l been in attcndanc *S|'' past. 'J'he program wai S iifler, of U'id^e Sprint;, sive and 1 ar? \ ! ' ' tesburtt shopping one day which are held in to in n assemblies usua'ly eontf ...... ... 'J'he success of t his oc M. Hartley, of Monctta, , ,. own t),is week. to the untirintf nerk'.o the enicienl superinlei -> vt>.ivibiit-iiauhi. ui umm' i. r>i .?i' assist ' uy 1 ii' <l in IiittesUui^r ihis svecU. iaud. Tli? drilling ot t Mr Brand, and Blv.ra M A ' ' re visitlnir In Augusta. Klrkla c Ihe w rk vas thon-ngl i Me( 11'iv, hi 'lie isai lis lyoa' ;<(! 111 Misses s here one da> litis week. aiul paisy Rlrkland k . i: ana Rd. Jones, f Sa~ ?nt,? tall U>y their e in town yesterday. mental selections. I ... , , session was taken up Mrs. Jasper Rusbey, from by M|,m| norbcrt r. \ illing. were in town Tues- anfJ () , StrinKrtek< Furtnan and <5. F < .1 llolesteiii and dan; liter, which was heartily en le. were here Wodn sday About uuuti the lauii gregation displayed ant iviiiiamt. ot Oik Grove, waa tuo laol to tliefulleit a , better cooks can he toi si.ioss \estord.iy .... from whence they conn > I Sample and Eugene W ious array of edibles t ha , visiied Hatesburg Sal-ur- from south Car ma'-, iint' ay. No one large or small I ' Y irhorongh spent Monday ant with an appetihlW|1 thoroughly appeased. l rogram wa- i>eaut ifuil ne Ash.ll spent Sunday .it appreciated : villi his parents .. " Song?To the Work. . 1 iMaw vidted in Mc-.c: '? "<.'i or. le.uihu ... Address of Wcloom at Wat kins, of Ridge C-cgory. s lure Monday. Exercise. By Twelve Song?Utile Soldier rceUu8 Sucadtmu. ot St Recitation?Growing 'e on a \ i. i < is uik le, Hy Jessie Sanders, madman. Recitation Children J.?.ies F.> i is unending Twolv ' ays dgelield his weak. LI-citation hy Luc .. . ... , , Fanny Sanders. Itei ! visited ins wife and , . . ^ Song \\ ork for t he .> it h raw the past week. n,,.,. , Sons' Sewing I nno sella game on Frilay list Margie and Owin Car v 'ronton and Kateshurg on Reeilat ion ? (>ne Lit iin n in i tli' visitors were Ten Little CI iris. y a se re of i to 2. Song Cast Thy Rri ,\ !.. ball te . s . over Waters alteriiooti and wiped the Recitation <> s witli hatesburg. Se re "> Rhkland. .. ot the visitors. * Recitation 1 no Mi? \innc Frank in. \iedlock and little d vugh- song?What Shall ti i. who have been visiting Recitation?The Fru k's inotln r, M is M S lint py Ten Children, returned to Ware Shoals Quartette By O. W heneiii.'d hy th ir stay in;wmis Daisy Kirkla i (iunter. r, ns was a visitor i Rates- Rritation Iwo'hp id iv. Franklin. Song I> tile Little ! i> black a d Mi 11 l nipt Recital ion the Litt lie St. 1.. s s in. w -r ,.:;ia Satcher visitors ; . Rates! irg last Rotation Chain oi V- Recitation Old II vit I.i,I .ii riiuuii.'d hv Mr Siaeks. . its : assed lliroiitfh Mates Sontf W; I 1 li r H i?lay cn : in' to Aiken in My Crown. ? ;iut i >hile. Ileeita i n I'lie 1! ..... i Appeal. I'.\ I lattie 1 on Wednesday evening. '. , , ,. . ... , Keritatn I i ae I. it 111 ,ne of t he lirid in . .. , , f in. ;i f t! Wis. > ( .. .itr ihivd (Iroueli. or ... s ip; lo i ui I J i tt i air! Miss Ivila Hrolhe. l w -lies then: a l.eifj and I?y I ?ats\ 1\ii ivland, scut; Throw < i .' II ?,> . m- ; t<- St t1 \T 1 : AI HARRIS SPRINGS. World. Hv S v eii ' i i r Trio Saved iiy <> avi hen. issue I tor the Kirklau 1 .Iniiiii lei l a., i: Harris Spring II't. V Sawyt enis ih niuht <>f duly did. I owcr Drill H> ii p i a i.ii Ke p;at tiering will h .-.tat ion Tin. I a mo-t nj ytible I'n 1 c, Vt \ (j( Hake. i line orchestra will > .uid a e< Mention we. in ! .. i \ 111ii> done to make j ,njSiSI IISi nost ineiiiorahle hall in lilt HARRY AND Ml 11'-in a X Wees, tonne i T^I^i 'I >. it hi At an a. an 1 t i Alilj' in Kichin aid D will I .1 on the in .1 i.bera! li. . PROPOSITION TO S? I lias In- l: llion I ell IV ? mi i inn i iin , ; I HtlAVYN AND 11 i' \ lni put iii iirsi > Wilful' i It th intention WILL ol I).-lit i aUe it l!i< \ ,|t .I n, 1 -iort in the south. jlcr |llls>.)iiii i i\ ? I oiled and will not h .eon-lint! I" a slaletnei cue at Summci l '.iul. iMmieio Koiii> i:\t, sel. Mi <> lit illy .k ill furni >h a lir.stel . .n e - spite tin* attitude i , .... . other members of ' ummcrlaii'l Mhu ial .^lunes, I ... who have been ? pp i Batestburg and LeesvllL , oiil fhAw,#iH \sii' wtfti i as the w i f it !Iai i > > 1 - 1' Alt ' Ine, 1 Mr, o u Uy saUl I s. I\ Alewme. domain ... New * or I ^communication wit i iADV V PAPER , JUNB 10th. u)08. E COUNT ? STATE OFFIl | HAVE EASY BLLtir" PRACTICALLY NC it. TION FOR REFLI Ml Pleasant by'u'S except in per : years ;ir>? the of litis kind. TWO lively speaking 1 If VF 'l ip- congre "... II . an I THE SURPRISE OF TBI isl M,inlay wan ANNOUNCEMENT ( .e ,\ito nave for SOUie 11 tr.e HENHYT THOMT i.uite pxtoit" m laroeea.-ions Wlu:" ?lie time for itlii. s whore largo Stale ollieor* closed I nest , at the office of State <ua Mission is due Io,uiS thcrc w'ls ,hut "" i ,>f entrv of State-wide iittpo id 'lit, Mr. R. "r Col. Henry T. Thomnst 11 A C, Kirk- ,)i:l ,ot' adjutant general. In children by ' aniiounoeint nt of < ill the Misses s0" came somewhat as ;t i:t mention ;is who thought that !\ and careful- bent, (Jen ('. Royd, wu 1 lev (Junter I oppositi< n. 'ion. Royd ep! tlic throng I-wo years and was I rmer h . and Insru- die First regiment. wit h 1 ii afternoon (;r. onviilo. lie is a wltli speeches veteran and since iiis iiles f \||;( i, lived in i'olumhia. I i n milling , JH?:np n has !). ' ' nivorsitles ,noniher nl tin militia at >.V'Ml b all. mantis the See md regi is oi ilie eon- lm>hal>!e that neither of t i do: >nst rated ,os wi" able to attend \l that ii:? meetings on account of t matter m?iit. wineh commence' h th, delle- Sullivan's Island, but let t was produced st'nl eacli of the count Sands Ii ills, i outlining the platform oft Ml I'Jeas- ,or election that was not j I''10 other state officers l ie following lioallyas mentioned sew v c.\ c ited and ; 'ho si itc. (Jov. Ath j some oppositi n front ( . Newberry. 1J is excellent 1 plt. Vei j dl< 'irwt ?> i?fpj (>f tl, 0. .Ry (ieot-e ui,In, tfr,i' il" of die S j even those who are unop i Little (iirla. -1ih ,lar<,'yprobable thai s <>f the King. pt !Ip '' : noro r a" 1 up for Je.sus. m('!' " "" I 'i Stat" superiuten !ei 's Ha y Ry '*s'-v'os R. Melhchami hut k'. K. C. Mi ii i i r* of V '?unter at.,I ,oh" Spring, formerly of Ivl ik'ht is< tuning. j ,n:Ilko 1,10 ra'" h\ Wade! " ral'roll(' commissi er. ' i 'nan R. I,. Caugl min of t tie Penny lit j 0,1 ,M 1 "" r,,olection. being I 'aines , Causletoi 1'ii/ali, ea I ITpon the i burn,,?f' mii-leston, .1. a . of Columbia and II. \V. |j m- I:. Claris!c?l.""'W:lI or < oinp1 roller getter.* tsion tux Ry ttn^vof 'his city will inciitnb nt, I Ion \ W. ir llarv st Ii.-. ol." 11 ; I J It' U < t I I lilt IV ^ 'I 1,1,1 ~ 1 il ,f the heed. uishopviiic. Attorney tfen- '"a!?.1 ' Siiwjer, Mike Abl)eVlIll. 11 1 a,vl Ll,cv Secretary ot state It. ol t'l (L'cuce. hai.s I5> I'earl sut(, troaj; ,IVI K u. i' iluml'i t. Sum Iteam . .. \\ OW. li\ ' ^o:lirn 1 l,Ml su The lo. iwiiig p v I'raj I candidates fui solicit trt us. K. Mar e i |.i -u I,' r 1 '111 St on.I circuit ?.'as. I*. A' St a is in |- liynas, \\ . M tiraha Phi i d circuit?.1 Ith-.t i ? lild 's |._ || si ... \. li. St uck* rank I: n j Fourth circuit .1. Man viiik'. ( ' >: ; I Ifii Circui' W 11 11 1 Christie licnct, d o. li. ?' ">* Is. it. Clarke. " t 1 hl\ s 1 - I. Cilv uit J. k ll< Seventh circuit I h s. it :o KitfhlIt circuit K A. n a irk. li i,at kite nf 1 he .it \\ . St. 'in. II IVu:il'oy. Ity I ?aisy I'eni h ciic'.iit ' ' M " I Itouhaui, A II. Dahlia.i. j l. \.illh circui1 tmm r's. merman <ok. Twelfth circuit I'. 15. an address Quatt" ?a on, Wait? II , '11 up for t'lnvton \ v in D \ ii > i t t: ( m ?i VM Th fuil?',vll|K i' ' i V Ci Li I PI WILED. tr::;. 1? 1 \V. s. Smith. PL'UATL WITH MUlillAGE iAV1'" nil I oil 11'? (I i.' : ricl .1 T 1 .11 h ills! let T. I?. I Kv \ ti Tiiaw j"luy. ^ ' ' I'ol!' t*k i I. if rei" >ii" j th lislivt Willi.i i.'d, iu ?' A. iI i!;'cv. i. k. i il (mliy I. \ ' .'u'? .1 ill . .' \\ . Ka.'S l> Tluivv\ emu - Scxonlh :i u rl. t.- v. 1:..11tod Lliaf "dt- The stale campaign 'lis. Thau and j -Matthews M o ines ley ; l? Tliavv fainilv, every candid tie was til".Mis ICvtlyu candidates 1 oi coilgriss I lie I pi is i i n ;t > I a Hi I spe.ik at the ii "I haw." lesp. ol ive districts ai iclvii Thaw wi i meel uu<s will he arrant so as to be in cutive committees t? tier husband, ^counties. * T. ; VOCATF Fes condep <111.5 (IflMPAHSN /iiijuu \\ TIME Scitutoiral Candidates Monck's Corner -Friday, June 19. Georgetown- Saturday, " 20. k nppnCI KinKrcstrt'c Monday, " 22. ^ ' urruol" Florenec-Tueslay. 44 2::. K ^PTIflN Marion?Wednesday, " 24. jUiiUn. Conway?Friday. " 20. Darlington?Saturday, " 21. Kishopvillc Tuesday, " 20. II IID^ I Jen net tsv I lie Wednesday, July 1 T ***" Clkcsterlield -Thursday, " 2. * fl k CJFO Camden ? Friday, " 11. IjAoLo. Lancaster Saturday. " 4. Winnsboro Monday, 44 0. E DAY WAS (: hester?Tuesday, 44 7. I Yorkville, Wednesday, 44 8. 1 )F COL. (JalTney?Thursday, 44 9. ipftM Spartanburg Friday. 44 10. Fnion?Saturday, 44 11. ^ pledges for Columbia Tu sday. 44 14. lay at noon Newberry?Wednesday, 44 1"?. i.iiiun WUie creenwood?Thursday, 44 1G. e additional Abbeville- Friday, 4 17. rtancc that Anderson?Saturday, 41 1*. jn of Co lu m- Walhalla?'Tuesday, 44 2 1 . Dickens?Wednesday, 14 22. ' "ol. Thornp- Greenville?Thursday, 4 4 28. P surprise to Laurens- Frldav, 44 21. w the incum- Lexington?Tuesday, 4 4 2V. w uld have no Saluda?Wednesday. 4 4 2'.?. D lias served iM^efield -Thursday, 44 JO. f ly colonel of Aiken?Friday, 14 31. " liead.Iuar.ers Hamberg Saturday, Aueust 1. '' Con federate Llarnwell?'Tuesday, 44 4 . t* election has Hampton?Thursday, 44 >. a; Heaufort? Friday, 4 4 7 . n a lifelong altcrboro?Saturday. 44 8. id now com- Charleston -Wednesday, 44 19. ' imcnt. It is St. George -Thursday. 44 20. he Candida* OraoKeburtf?Friday, 44 31; r the lirst few St. Matthews Saturday, 4 4 22 J( lit Ulluamp- ? TIIK -TAIK ? AMI'AIMN. i today on ters will be 'he schedule for t he candidates for m ,y chairmen, ^tate oHic< s is as follows: N and teas ns St. decree?Fi iday, June l!? i Charleston Saturday, ' 20. ti re .Tain prac- VValtcruoio ?Monday, " ,22. w ral days uj,"> Heiufort?Tuesday, " 23. hi icl will have Hampton?Wednesday, " 24 L. Hlease of Haruwell?Friday, ?ti. p jy will attend Haiti hern Saturday, ' 27. u en'upai.'U, m? 'ny pit 'I'ur .'H? \, , " 30 n tate officers, Saluda ~Wednesday, July 1. Si posed, but it I'idr'clield?'Thursday, " 2. G this will he Aiken Friday, ? 3. p .he first lew Suniter? Tuesday, " 7. a Manning?\\ edi.esdav, ,l s. fj ill ul ed iea M 'iiK'sl iriu r Miuisday, " <j. ti t> of OiaiiK'e" ' Oi'ifelown? Friday, " lo Spartanburg Kingslree Saturday. " 11. ti en ol Cedai ' eueia Monday, " 13. ei Igelidd, will Marion 1 uesd i\, 11. i>> v t a i\ Tours lay, " HI. id onei < hau- x Darlington Fri 1 ay, 17. ol hi- l ily will iMshopville -Tuesday, " 21. opposed by Hennetts\ille Wednesday " 22. ai F. Fish- ' hesterliuld? Thursday, " 23 pt .Summerset 1 < am leu -Friday. " 24. at .'.eliardsi'ii ei Dane i-ter Sat urday, " 25 TI v/inasboro?Monday, " 27. ec 1 Mr .\. W. Chester?iuemlay, " 28, .11 oppo-e li e) 5 orkville?Wednesday: ' 2'.i. Jones. The CalTnoy? riiursday, " 30. di j Sparteuburg Friday, 31 ~ m G.MeLeod.j I niou Saturday, Auk- 1. ei < olbmhia Tuesday, 4. o< - 1 v .. ?. itr , i?.. ,... . P> ' r.lSIM I '?i:. '? * ? : ' J ?* < >"" , . (Sreeuwood -Thursday, " <>. t< M. McC'own Abbeville?Friday, " i-s Anderson Saturday, " s. tl Jennings f Walhalla?Wednesday, " U C riekons?Thursday, " 20. tl (I hnvillo? Friday, ' 21. si i.u i ion. , . . | leiuie. is? Saturday. 22. t? v?>i" - tiled is ii MEMORIES OF MY ' FIRST SCHOOL. 1 \. _ s roe Spears. upL? n (' >bb. ' ON 11 N : Ku y 15. In mv loiter of last week 1 forp'Ol " 'i : "lit i ii 11 e fa't t Ii it t lie seholas I 11 ic year was eleven months, and that i Seast i the school limns were fiOm s o'clock s >| ei , K L.. ! a. in 11 ''in lie.iir tu f. re sunset in the alternoon. with no intermission ex- i ten l?-rve>'.. (?ept one Ivur at n<K>n for dinner ami i "pla t line.'" , eSwain, I". A.. My second year's experience ai J M I* up. scin? was under a dilleient tcacliei !>' I'nii-1 oi i ore culture than the formtr ...t iess discipline. In tact the schritellers, l 1'. ars ruled the teacher instead of him \V lis, W. i I eoveriii^' t he n. The school was com- . posed of * ?m< grown girls and young ' ..... men svlio t mk such liberties as !they Iiusc. The result was but lit ill" prof! ' v nfju - r, was made in their studies. Two if tiii so voting men, years afterwards. S l.e^aie. volnnteed inC'apt. ITeston S. Brooks ' laitei oi'. ompuiiy, fro ii k l^elield. for service in the Me\ run war and w killi I '* Ayalt tu hatlie i?y the same cannon had alontf with others who fell from t' ? same .lolii.son. missile of death. I tut icr. I'. I . | ?ever knew whence tin true er aine h ?r wlnlher he went. Ti e Inn il in Mnrehisoe, jn^ j(J whieh he taught was mon eon. l-iieiW\ 'k> niodiotij and hotter equipped. It. is a ad rt it elion. when I call to nun.l how few there are no a living who opened in St s|iau-.(l with me the inconveniences tod practically ln>l rudeness of oin primary edueat on. present. The ,.-i( ?? and for solidicet in^'s in t he | ' nl the oilier Lor SillC. :cd l>y the exe j Two Jersey milch cow* with youn, f the various Lakes. Apply to Kiltfene L, Hart ley. BaLcshtirtf, S. C. ' $1.00 PER ANNUM ^SED CANDIDATES FOR THE SENATE. IIX1N THE RACE FOR THE LATE LATIMER'S SEAT. JUMPKIN AND GRACE GAME IN I *1 nnmmr /\n w? r\ * fvlfntriil tit LNitiiut ran. Lumr&in CHEATED QUITE A SURPRISE AMONG THOSE INTERESTED. Things happened rapidly at the ilic.r oi State Chairman VVilie Jones 'uesday just before the time for tiling ledges ended, and as a result there ere several political surprises. There <-re two more entries in tlie race for iesenatorial toga?John I*. Grace of harleston and <'ol. \V. W. Lumpkin r this city. This makes seven eanidates in all, and as a result all who ike interest in such are speculating s to results. Those who have entered >r the place in Washington are: John (Jarv Evans of Spartanburg, eorge Johnstone of Ne.vherry, C. B. lartin of Columbia, II (J. Rhett of harleston. K. I?. smith of Florence, dIui I'. Grace of Charleston, W. W. umpkin oi Columbia. The tirat three named have been anouneed candidates for some time, r. Rhett. the mayor of Charleston, inounced his candidacy just after ie withdrawal of Former Gov. Heyard, who is now in Philadelphia for Is health. Mr. K. 1) Smith uf Florence, who is rominently identified with the Cot in association of this State, announc1 liip-.c'f ,'r-t "Tter tlie d -ath of enator Ijatinier. The entrance of race is therefore somewhat of a surilse. It is known that Mr. Grace is utagonislic to Mayor Rhett and, in ict. during the State convention at mptcd to split the Charleston Ucleation on the nomination of deleg ites i the national convention, being a ludidate for delegate ai large. Uis itrance, therefore, is construed to can a movement against the Mayor ' (diarleston. The entrance of Col. Lumpkin was lotlier one of the unexpected hap riings. <:ol. I.umpkins two years jo ent ered the race against Senator illiuau, but later withdrew on ac ?unl of the orders of his physicians ui with the determination to run ;ain. lie has for years been a resi iiL of Columbia, has taken a proini nt part in the wo k of the C ?nfedate veterans and is well known all er South Carolina, file other candidates are well know ) tue people of the state Mr. Evans a former governor and ran against ie late Senator Latimer six years ago. ol. Joliiist me was also a candidate at hat lime. Mr. Martin has been State iipenntendent of education tor three eiais lie announced some time ago i >n interview that lie would not run i reelection, hut would lie a candi ate for the l oiled States senate. 'Ins was before the death of Senator -a tinier. The senatorial campaign opened at. unit r Tu.j.v.iay and there w;is niucii ilterest iu the lirsl. 111 clintf, as tin* osition of each of t he candidates was Tit lined uultheatt allele of each dodied. For weeks several of those lirst 11 the race have been preparing themelves for the campaign amthe late ntric> will thereforeb'- w died with ousi ferable interest. HENDERSON OFF FOR EUROPE. DECLINES TO tNTER RACE roll THE SENATE A SECOND TIME. A ? Ifj.n I.inn 1. HCnllnl,. ?* 41\? ii, ip vi iiv. i *p ? i u ?.^ iiu? ut u iiui'i; settled that Hon. I> S. Henderson v\ill not re enter the race for the Tinted States Senate, as h- left on uuday night for New York, thence to sail on Wednesday for London, and wi.i spend the summer in Europe. It i-, under.stood that he has been strongly urged to reenter the race since the u uudrawal of (iovcrnor 1 le>w:uil: and a great deal has been said In the papers of this section in regard to the matter. Col. Henderson, Ins, now ever, never consented to i nter the race the second time, and his departure settles all coujucture as to any action in this direction, as lie will not return to South Tarolii v before the tirst of September, or perhaps Later.