The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, November 01, 1907, Image 1

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TiTe EATESBURG ADVOCATE A TRI-COUNTY PAPER. " ESTAK1JSHF>> m)\ BATKSBURG, S. C.. FRIDAY, NOVh/VlBFR 1, iq07. ALL g???? GEORGIA RA! AUGUSTA, Once you open an account w closed - for we give you the I handling of your bauklng busil old. WRn Our Name Y( Everything that we handle is of tl S?cirf Pins, studs, llroorln-s, liahy Hots. Link Hutlons, Hair Harret Men's I'mhrclias. Gillette Razors! William Seh 77U2'BROAD STREET, : : : AN UNVAR^ Tho majority <?f on \ irviiiil story ??f sat i< ?c<nkimt suv iiiini'xla ii- in siij-'g*st that ji. eii wit ii our service Citizens Bank w- 'wfr # "W> ?m w- % The Harris-' BATfcSB ~ Headquarters: is Stationery, P< Come in (>> r Line is Complete Batesburg Shaving Have been put chased hr A/.ett: and will be conducted in the t Shaving 10 c In connection is an up to-.late i thepopu'ar plan. Frenel 2 l-2c per eue. AZRTTA& kilI Tax Notice. Notice is hereby Riven that tin kooks viS". bj opened at my oftic< October 1st for the year 1907. I'iti rate is f.s f >11 vvs: ordinary town ta: 3 mills, to pay out et; on towi bonds 12 mills total 15 mi'ls. liver person who has real estate or persoi al property in town arc liable to thi. tax. Sept. 1O-07 J. C. (Hover, Treas. \Watc!ies and Jewel rj -# } r\ 15n t in rir !iiifl Infil/ V "UM . w . ... at my Uf.-to-dato Jewelry, such \\Vntclie?, Clocks, I iainonds 'Solid (ioKt-t ijjpt t kin^s, Hand things. Lockets, Chains, Solid fiold ficarf Pins, Cull' Hulloiis Dre ss Pins, l$rcoches,Crosses Drat eletfi, Cut (ilass, French I ;;i Ad Painted'CliJ/ir Jcpanese Work flood-, Souvcii Jrs of Ii.,: SlwIinR a*) (J Plated Table Varc. Eye Glasses Fitted Examination Fre: Repair Work Quaranteccl to Ciive Satist'.ictior Prices Will Surprise Yoii. V. U, Batesburg, So. Carolina THE INE1 ILROAD BANK , GEORGIA. 1th tills bank the same is seldom jest facilities to bo had for tltc less, bat never lose sigh of the ?E US mr Guarantee m b ?st that monoy can buy?Rings Pins. (Inarms, Handy 1'ins. Chain tes, Cr tsscs, Watches, ladies'and and blades. weigert & Co., : : : : AUGUSTA, GA. ZING STORY r pa'ions tell an undacli'Ui regard in ir our t ions A ml 1 his impels >u also won id he pleas: of Batesburg, Batesburgf, S. C. S$ Mi ^ Cain Drug Co. URQ, S. C. School Supplies, 3st Cards, Etc. and see us. ; Parlors i \ Keller. two lirst-class harbors uturc on 1110 popular price scale. ts. Hot towels 5 cts. > tol room wliioh will also he tun on i po.)l 5c per cue and straight pool Props., ttaleslmrg, S C J COTTON MARKET. e Batesburg Spot !() 1-2. " FOR SAL.K l:ive yoke oxen. " 1>. M. t rosson, s Leesville, S C. Notice! Notice! %? All persons indebted to me will please call and settle as I am neetfj inn the money. wci Z ) jt. J. C (ilover. t LOTS l:0 i SAHi. ! Desirably I ;cateJ in the town or . Hatcsburg. See W.J. AlcCartlia of M. H, Rutland tor prices and terms. WAN i t:I). I'o buy some first class dairy cows. I). M. Crosson. I')-! 1 Lccsville, S. C. Hickory Wood Wanted. In sizes from o x <> inches an J up in diameter and 2S in lies in length. Quantit) 11 itliin 11 d Also white o?\k 5 feet long and 6 indies i:i diameter. , Cash p ud for sain;. VVrile J. W i hoyk. Hatesburn, S C. j Oct 15 tf. y.r I) R. IJaUl * anger .Siv'k. ; f i one assidnnt cdjt.or and printer. | Mr. I?. 11 JJaluuaittfor. who has si.f J fered from c'liirrhal fever for nearly j ix weeks pasr? is liuw still very sick, his eiso deveh'pi"K ii 10 typhoid fever, hut ?v< hope with cave ami attention lie may hOon recover and he out again Our cltr/ens Jr.ive been very Kind to Id in ;uvi i,it (It at* wife, which I hey appreciate tx'yorui >'\pression 1 i L"J>?>p4lcll. WS OF T ONE DOLLAR IN TI Owing to the great advi ing material generally the s Advocate will be raised fro one dollar payable in advai that it cannot be sent to 01 same price as here tofore, I it will either be necessary t _ /. i'. oi paper or rcuucc me reaui course make the paper less On and after this issue the both old and new subscribe This change does not affect paid for the paper in advari be sent at the old price unt PERSONALS nlr. J. i5 Watson visited the J-tate Fair. m r. ivue co'iner went to Hie fair wed ncsday. Mr Boyd Crouch was a State Fair visitor. Mr. -I. YV. Cooner went t<? tlie Fair Thursday. Mr. VV. It. Aitman visited Columbia lliis ?eek. Mr .1. It-<i. Cooner spent Thursday n Coli.mhiu. Mr. J .1. l?a\l was a Fair week visit or to Columbia. I i Mr. Fred <!. Unit ley of Summit was here Wednesday. PAYS FIVE I. f <> The First Ne five (5) per "Certificate' w. w. watson, President J Mr. .1. 10. I)?*an ot ulania, (la., was here Tuesday. Mr. .1. I'. I'o.v of Wards spent Thursday in town. Mrs. .1. 'V. I'onfl went, overThurs ,1 ?i,. ti... e?..i v . i - , vi ti j iii tut- .vial c ran. ?lr. Kdward Hartley spent y? lerday at Lite Columbia Fair* Mr. S .1 Hare of Leisville routed went to Columbia tills week. Mioses May llite and Maude bates spent Tiursiiay in Columbia. Mr F K-nnerly was am the visitors wlin enjoyed the Fair. Mr. d ill Wal kins of Hi.lee Spring it. i I), was in town ."suiiday. Mr. sin J Mrs. .1 W. Drelicr are visitors to Columbia this week. Mrs. John I). Unvl of Augusta vitiled relatives in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Faiber a.tend ed the Mate bail I'liursday nielli Mrs. Sophia Kthcred^e of Saluda has been visiting relatives in town. Mr. i). K boatwri111 of Samnia trild :i V i v i I l.i ll'i I i.^l in r ? I ?. i -> O Mr and Mrs. A. J. C tilth mi spfn t several days at Ninety six this week. Mrs. .I. Waller Mc'-arthi is spend in# a wI) lie in Virginia with relatives Mr VV'. W. Walscii and llov. A. J. 1 < in j 11 ten visited Columbia Thursday. Mr R. A. Horn <?f Hid^e Spring was seen on mil' streets Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. I) l>. Kawl were a?> oiijj those, wlu look in llu Stale Fan. The Mioses Kirk land of Uidye j Spline w re jn sti ppi'iK V\ ed iisduv. Miss Mary stone of (' ihi'i hi i spent several day* in town tins week with I 11 ien s. Mr and Mr*, Frank Matthews of 'Finny were visitors to Haleilur^; . I in!sd iy. Mr. ivy branch spent Sunday in limn wiih his sisler, Mrs. J. A W Itilh n. i Messrs. Clarence and <'uhiu Ilrehar attended the I'air Wednesday and Thursda y. HREE C A YEAR 1E FUTURE. inee in paper and printubscription price of the im fifty cents per year to rice, we regret very much ir old subscribers at the >ut find that in doing so o use an inferior uualitv * ng matter which will of interesting and readable. Advocate will be to all, rs One Dollar per year, those who have already ce and their paper will ;il the time expires. Mrs. Tom Hardin of Chester visited i lier parents, Mr. ani Mrs. J. W. Coouer, this week. Mr. I). P. Hartley went over to Columbia this week in ids automobile to take in the Fair Mrs Sara Sliulcr and her tfuest Miss Moida llod^es of Ninety six were Fair week visitors. Messrs Grearir and Oseir Sinn.- ..f t lie Del mar seel 13D were in town Monday on business. l?rof. James G. Crouch oi of Aslicvilie hiffli school is visiting Ins sister Mrs. it L. Simmons. Mr and Mrs. T. li. Kerna^'bar. and little diu^hter, Lois, pent several days in Co'utnbia Ibis week. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. c;riilttli have eone to llirrs to toe bedside of Mrs. Grillltb's brother, Mr Oswalt. Miss Will-tie Mayes of Saluda bas m " * - >' #-? + . itional Bank of Bat cent interest for of Deposits." N. A. BATES, Vice-President b^en visitiin; at, tin* linn of Mr. M' E. Kiitland for soaieliiiii past. Mr->. J. O- S vy^ert aft-r a visit to bur daughter, Mrs. I'rie.i Tnnm 'raian lias relumed t-? h-:r li nn; in IValc. A fl nr a ft.'l i i'l 11 i n 1 vi.ii in l<i,i> cljin? Mrs-J. l?- (>111111, Miss lOlna Tnnnas lias returned t'> her h ?me in Florence . Mr. .and Mrs. H. G <?r>f?? of Aii<en visited at th>' h tie of lite 1.liters aunt, Mrs I! if. Sheiy, in Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. I,. It lira/. 'II of C iluin bin spent Sunday in town with the Infers parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. L. Haw I. Mrs. Thnir.psnn, mother of Mrs XV. A. Co >nt, who has h*en here on ?? uivil /*! wioi-ofo I ?. w.i... > 1 ' - * ...... ... mill mxus I IM III llfl' CO HIT near Anders n lids morning. ilev. and Mrs. Frank Wilcox afier a visit of several weeks to Hie formers sister, Mrs. L M Mitchell, left Tuesday rnnrniiiK for their lioine in Tortland, Me. Mr. T. F. <?riHi11. and family left for ihe.r old lioine at Lexington today Mr Griffith while in HatOshurtf I'll Itntfed at the Middlehtir^ mi is lie made many friends who regret very much ' ? see him leave. Mr. and Mrs. ! . K. Culltim, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. llolman, Mr. and Mrs. W A Crouch, Miss ViiK'ie hrodie, Mes?~rs. I>. I*, and l/iwton Itoilh*. IJ. Ktheredite, *V. J. Mc<;aillia and Dick son Crouch were anions tluse wlo at tended the State Fair. Mr. Wilhnan A. Carter, cashier of the hank of Taleshinv, is beintf wei Coined in Columbia, his former ho i e. by a number of warm 11 lends. Mr. Cart it will be annmc I lie number ?>l visitors at the ball tomorrow ni^bt. Tlie Daily iiec ml. MR. OSWALT DEAD burr Oct.HI.? Mr F. W, (Vv.tii died at Ilia home here at Jo o'clock tlib morning .Mr (>?walt was a Conledet ate veto rati and aeived through th( entile war as a member otjl.o-.iirstreiT< force, a as president of tlie Home bant of Lexington and one of tlie most prominent anu influent tal men of Mil! county. Sutler d will be held at Til P'U!) c in.c't at d o'cJ>i:k Krnlav. i 0UNT1BS [MAY OUR LIGHTS'AIK SHINE AND SHOW | I OUR GOOD WORKS WATUR, LIGHT ANI> SI?\VI;RAUI? Ail< IN ALL PARTS OF THI; CITY. show THI- PROPOSITION. k ?li t lis c A domestic water supply, water lor art> u the sprinkling of the streets, water ken c all o^'er t. iwn in il.n for. .. .. i, accon Lions for doin -stic purposes a.s well as Aer l.hc business districts, L.vo I re d rink- _ - '' Inj; fountains for man and b ust , sew - I ^ j -(J., era?e all over lowu, lights all night, prope both on sir tets and residences is and e. what tl?e town of Ha teshurg w ill en- joy before many months roll by. This matter w ill go before the rrty $ people of H.itesbuijc to vote upon e-tati sometime in t he near fut ore, and it is I >-u to I e iiopid that 1 he eili/ens of this place will not let tins ??j?,ort un | s > ity of opportunities pass by. The do ()j tueslic water supply will be measured ^ by meter on the same principal as ^S)i. the electric light ai.d t!>e ch irge for | ,j(,^s l fl .. 111 1 * .liniL ?iii iiv i?i.'iny !i\c cents per j f ,nJi( thousand gallons. Tliis water will be (llrn for drinking as well as other purples a| ^)n and passed upon by C'lermoi college vai?e I chemists before it w ill be accept* <1 by ,-0(lni ! the people. Tbere will be twenty rry l3( I hydrants or water plugs to boused llinis I in case of lire located at convenient oiaees all over l >wn so licit lite res 1 idenlii portion will be protected in ,. I 11 *. ? j keeping with Hie business districts. I The sewerage -ysteai will d> away sos>e with all privys, <>ut house and dry wel's wliic i wiilj,'.) ;? great.way in orlM, as a valid ' INTERESTS AJL1 A JLIAIIJk/ JL V llll.l ~ \ mifl i i that esburg- pays ,, Deposits on io" A i by I! (the i ret ui kui >v ira c. Carson, llie Cashier >,,r,7-;' j i,oy.; eradicating all malarial germs, , the < In o.der to have l)ie above installed jchm the commissioners of water and lipdit i ami l ave passed the matter up to the i not town council and in turn the council e l 1\ [will place it before the pe <p'e oi I.ill ' Matesburn to vote up >11 at some near surv I time. sutm This is'the proposition: Mr. Fred j 'elu: jMinshall of Abbeville t aether witl ciain . nis as^.K'iates have cllere I to buy the '1 1 the present liphi ami water plants i v? ar for the sum of *2),(i"0.U0 iuchnlin^ I'ue the franchise for a period oi t nrt> Stab | J I -> M ' I ! I I IC I '1 H I V I 11^ tilt' | jCity a l itflit lo redeem the sai 1 Iran j | chisc at 11io expiration of lilteen I years for a sum to he 'I lermined by disinterested parlies. Nr. Minshah press proposes to p'o to v\?rl< at once and tor,,? expend .sutlk-i ynt money I i nivcall v'urui tin- ahove re<|iiirrments in the very latest methods and will have en > ffi' : i raclH drawn tut hai end g THE THING THAT CALLS i I he loss of a fc .V 11 in I red t ! n >a let ] nr iniiIi >ti or Lw <lnl .lis >! i b, < I ' [ pensary Krafters is a in liter o! very ill I I tie eotiM ijuenee lo I lie p opie of >outh Carolina No wholesome minded eili ' /.en caiv. sandy tiling l ill Tne lliin^ tha hurts is that these yrr Hers si,oil Id be t < <1 I o set deeeney anil integrity ill denancc to treat the w ii i t< | IJI , people w ith cntempt and go uhmmI heri W So far as the p <lil c.s ol tin* tiling i.s concerned we care absolute!; nothing jar > lint ii I*, g illing. very g tiling. IoUiioa [ that the State of South ( arol'na can t'.mi - he t'eatcd as it lias hecn ! reati d l' "1 s and that the people whoa^p re to p >i |1| f itleal leadership do n il even try t<> Vindicate the la as Vorkvihe k.i<iuire, CONDEr OMmwr .wi^i-nitw?T.IX ;EN COUNTYVALOESli SHOW LARGE IN | CREASE |c t :en, Oc'. 'J i. ?The tax returns on [inks of All lit or Dave II. Wise some very inlcrcslin? facts re i (1 the va'uitir,) of pro >erlv in " ounty. It is shown that there n c< lousands of acres of land in A unity winch are not aec Minted The following are the returns, n \ litstf to lln' auditor's books: vs o! land r?03, value $2,ot>2,VI iiililiu :s iu country O.oJd, value '.,32">; total vane of country p< rty $l,074,a07. Lots in towns ts itles 2.7UO, value $ ",<?billid - ll1 n towns and cit ies 2 2o7, value u' i total value of town prop- ? fl.ttn.o7;t. Total value ot real $ > M-i S'JO, mber of liors -s 2, 1.72, value ^ l li?, att ie 5,It t, value $73.93*; mules value $31 I ..TO 7: lions 8.0o7. value c 2: sheep and ^uats tb*?, value ol watches, vie., 331, \alu> $03.43 cc vehicles <1,307, \aluc $122 oor>; h< II,*>%, value $35,1)1) >: household p< ure, etc., $1,394,939; bank re- it $123,710. Total value of rerson- b< perly, $1,739,291. Total taxable 11 ot real and personal properly in III y $10,778, K?l. This is an In-1 si c of $-717,SOU over last yer i \s re ; iv If is re fere to i is to tbe \ is.iL! tax-! II pioperlv and does not rcpi-vr.t L rcfiiil value of property ' Ai ii county. Aiken property is ;is- 1 Is Ion a basis of no cents, >,i us'I: i 1 value. Properly in Aiken ti y is probibly as c?|U illy a.-- . sud i> iv where in the S ate. TI. > li_'y;iveil he'ow show tlie a. V iti'-ns to be as folio<vs: Per acre, n ; buildings in the country, iiib p lots in the cities and loans, is ach: horses, *'i i each: int:!. >->7u 11 riu ? i nvhv averages snow ;i d | ltic 11 <?ii horses and mule . cilj | .ov.n real estate is .v< n 1 ; t < d and | everyb tby in ?1 ?c ? nnlry lives!" ajf houses, aid f-rni some \cry *' land. ' I ntllu-r intcrestinu mutter shown leahovo Ii?4?.rt s is the ai puvnl| epanc.v in the : imber ufue*esi rued as cmpai* il with the : efledged area <?:' Aiken county, ' * i total number of acres returned I i<K>, Aiken county an art a ol' 1 ; square miles, which means 101. icres or acres in excess ol returns. Allowing m,0ih> acres for i city and town lots, school and J eh pr<?, erty and other exempt ions ! : there i-> a balance of .'!> !).?7 acres ,1 reiurnetl. I his d* licit in account 1 )i i.i one of three possible ways- ' ! icr i lie acknowledged standard j ey i i A iken c .unly is an error, or b iiy lias been making false j? rns, or there is u wis' lot o!" u n ! iumI land in A iken co r.ity. J1 ic increase in returns over last ! 1 i>1 over a h.ilf million dollars, i1 ;i u'.o )i i-. ver >>, in. I mi in^ ! ' \ scho .1 an i raa i assessm ents. ;' EPISCOPAL SERVICES. 11 ?\;<1 ShaiiiionliU'ise will ' jli in K tiiiioer Hall Son I ly at ^ Kin at I o 1 o'clock. The p iV. c i ; ally invited. he Poop of Lee (>1- l it' I'. .1. Kt hcretl^e, Presidt?ni I . lv (;oiiler, V iec Preside! !? i; ill I I'. ?. >i idue. M fK'. IV. A. -lu' l-ookweep t I'. S!i tly, Parmer I". S. Sense, Mere liu ot. ' I'. Kueece, Farmei .'1. I t Si red) The Peoples isiness In its :ie> 'e invite you to c< u! start an accou \Ve rail \our at tenl it n lo our II l lra\ i'v Implied ? dicers under ti ilina ami l lie sup Tvisu.n of expr rt. I>, k absolutely safe. y our Savings l> your Mon 3>1.00 I'tR ANNUJVI SSED lALHOUN COUNTY ELECT10N. OV. ANSEL PASSES ON PETITlOf PRESENTED MONTHS AGO. I ? Gov. Ansel yesterday issiedanorer for an election for Calhoun countv ?b hild on December I7. ri lie ter ory embraced in the proposed new >unty takes in parts of bexington tid Orangeburg counties and there avc been several legal objections liscd to the election However | ?v. nsel decided last Thursday to order u election after a rep' rt of thesur:?yors had been fited > ><? ?J? ....x. jc^icruay shim! tin: official proclamation. The ?..plo in tl:c counties alTt?Ted are iki:ur much interest, in tin; election i:l there will prohahly be a very use contest. DGEFIELDTO HAYE A TROLLEY. Kdgclield, Oct. :5'J.?In response to a ill issued by Chairman B. K Nichson, a meeting of the citizens of tlie immunity was held yjsterday to ;ai the report of the committee ap liided to make investigations rel .ive to the building of a trolley line ; ween t'ds place and Augusta. Tlie iii. ('. Sheppard. chairman of ie committee, orally outlined the tu ition and 011 Ills motion ten in rt-nratrirn ? ??> - , -WWII ?V?Vy klW IIU I latCU (&I) IUI (J. Sheppard, L. T. Williams. . k. i" k'IihIsom. Win. 1'. Calhoun, a. r.i'ljrctt and \j U. M lis, of Klgcl?i. (icurgeC Wheeler, of Saluda. . c > 111 c I h ltaker, of (Irecuwuod and ; ll.Aull of No.vbjrry, with one ro:n I lie city of Audita to be na-ned y the chairman. Messrs II. K. Nicholson, J. W. I>. Vare and S, Mc(J Slmkins were ap oinled to prepire and secure a char cr from the Ueneral Assembly. a urvey of the r mte will bj made in he near future and ritfVsof way rc '1'ved. VANDALISM. On Monday 111 >rnin^ tliere was a mi ?raI and r?K''it"oiis indignation moritf our people -on the nitfht t>c on* sonic malici mis person had brown from the streets and broken It of the windows and lamps at the Commercial t-lub. On one of tlic .oji tables there ware a di/.en bricks. \ i) ac l iva clTort is be ink made to lo ate the pwilty party. rUBERCULOSIS LEAGUE FORMED FOR CAROLINA. Columbia, S. <: , Oct. :to--The South Carolina Tuberculosis League .villi the ohjtct o.' working to slump >ut the disease in the state was or jani/.ed here today. Dr. itclliune I'.itterso'i. of Har.iwell, is president, la agues will be formed in each ?\?unt y. Dr. Meyer, of Ne\vberr>, Dr. Croft, if Aiken, am1 Dr, Williams of Colli in in. were designated a committee to iraw a liill on the subject of tuber .Mitosis '<?r passage a', the next session >f the legislature. Trespass Notice. All parties are warned not to trespass on lands that same will be prosec.iled to the full extent of he iuw. Signed, l)r. L. M. Mitchell. Oct .5 ??t. VVm. C Mitchell. Jos Hank sville i. \V. Aug. shfta'v, Cashier 10. L Ashill. Attorney )iJS: F. It. (Junior, Druggist ,l (J. Swygert, stock dealer m K. I Iodic, Farmer !. It. K.herodge, Physician .1. Austin. Minister ,v, Fertilizer mk will open for oo huilcline- tnHnv ? >me to the opening n( with us. >;ir.l of Directors, lie iron clad banking laws ?>f South mk inspectors will in ike the Peoples apartment and see ey Grow