The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, February 08, 1907, Image 1
~ ~~ BATESBURa S. C.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1907. =5=a-H5ss=S===*
Particular attention to
by n>ajh
MVe solicit your business
L- V rr ?
V? * HOT ANI) C(
7 cotton
datesburg spot 11
M im Ilass'e Smith of Gainesville
Fla. and Miss Rosa Lou I.a Grone of
JoliuHton the charming visitors of
Misses Vyola and Thsora I'odic.
Mr. and Mfa.'JoeMafTettof Leesville
were in town shopping yesterday.
Mr. Ira C. Carson has returned from
a visit to Saluda.
Mr. J. A. Uare of Leesvllle It F. J>.
No. 4 paid Tite Advocate a pleasant
call today.
Mrs Mai y E. Jennings and children
of Saluda paid The Advocate a pleas
ant call Saturday.
Mr and Mn?. M. It Edwards spent
Sunday at Leesville.
Itev. C P. Boozer of the St. Mark's
melton wa* in town shaking liawib
with friends on Tuesday.
Miss Alice Perry spent yesterday In
Miss Nora Crouch is visiting her
si.ter Mrs. E. A. llorne at llid^e
Miss Nora*&nng"of Mi. Willing returned
to Hates burg yesterday to the
delight of her m my frie ds.
Di. M. U. Boat wright spent
In Augusta on business.
' ' Mr. J K. Conner spent Sunday In
* Johnston.
Mr. I), it Haitiwanger and ?on INfim
Dayley of hcxington spent Sunday in
town with re'atives.
Mr. ("rater and Mr. Poland of
ville paid liatesburg a buhineis ca 1
Mr. F. Boyd Crouch is visiting ni'll
11 I., llw. ..I . ..
wvi rv>l III VHV L I V J
Miss HesSie AlLnian returned t?i A:lanta
Monday after a visit to f. tends
and relatives in the city.
Mr. Ivellers Mitchell spent Satutdey
and Sunday with his father Mr. YVa!yjh
teto Mifofcel'in Columbia. i
w..t. Ualcher, of Johnston, w. r
a'Visitor to l^ate^'miK Saturd tv.
Wr. Mims Hartley, oT Cohimha.
paid a brief visit .to his in.iiiei, Mrs.
J. B Hartley Sunday.
Mr. N.C, Ooner,otCuiumbia,spii t
- Sunday in town.
M iss Taylor. <>f Lexington, spot t
Saturday, and Sunday in town as tl e
*' fcifesf of Mirf. J. Walter Droher.
jM j;s; .J. (J Eiliot'edge, of Columbii',
spent Sunday in town will' relativ.p.
Mrs.1 M. F. Ilarman returned to
Lexington Sundav arter an extended
visit lo friends and relatives in tie
cUy. ..
Trt the ferret of liis many friend ,
Mr Homer 5 Parncll left Sunday f r
"Lamar, where he hasacuepiod a po-,
Iter. Malan Fadifett, "f the Saul s
'section, was a vipiinr 1 o
. - Mr W A Cmueh spoil I. Wednesday
.tn C-olniirbh. ' Mr
Henry Ilerlontr. of Co ?l ,
' waif in towu Wednesday on business.
\ / .
Mr E'/y I.tHroiifi. of J'.iuistr-,
sp<'iii Tuesday in town Willi n 11?iv s
Mr M. .1 Il'dstcin of Monet (a pa.(1
Itateslnn^ a business call yest"rda>.
Mrs Eudora Et l?er? d>;?'. < f the ln;P
p int, seel Ion, visited relatives lieic
Miss Mary Chan hers, f shelS-, n
O, spent, Saturday and < . v i
town, as tlie Kiii'.st ?if >i iss Cm a It !i<
HOgl'TP. ' *' '
Mr .Ino It jVVa?si?p,<'f Ki "jji?'-'j riiv
paid tin Usbuin a business ra 1 .--alu
t>i- iMvid I/iOror.e.of Au/usta. f?*
vUiicd tin mot iter. Mrs \V. x.crouci,
Su .dajr.
v Mrs -Fayette Watkhis, <>f Rd.t
Spring, town shoppii g >walui
RUFUS M. BROWN, Asst. Cashier
D PROFITS, $500,000.00
the conduct of accounts
and invite correspondence, i1
)l.l> BATHS.
*. I3ai.esbiirg, S. C
Il ick Hill, Feb. 5 ?There was ;i liv<ly
time In I lie yards en the Southern)
hU mornlnK about 4 o'clock when it,
was discovered by the cic v i f thej
night shifter that No in. tlie train
which leaves here about 7 o'clock a m
for Kingville, had "gotten away." The.1
train which had been standing'in the
yard all night was nowhere to be seen, !
consequent ly everything got busy An
engine, with a brakemau on the pilot
to Couple up, started South at oner,'
and when at Steel's crossing t wo and
a half tniies below Iiock Hi I a light'
was seen ahead. 'I lie throttle was!
opened and In about three minutes t he |
runaway train was ovcttakm coupled j
up and brought back to the yard In;
time to avert a collision with the I In"
idii (Iyer duo about .r) o'clock.
TlioalT.tir is u mystery pregnant
wi;h p risibilities?horrible ones.
The brakes weae ( IT. whereas I hey h ;d j
been securely set when the train was;
U fi for the night; it was on the maiui
meof the Snut! ern and was running!
sunethlni; iike 2*> miles an hour when
;;iueht; lherc were half men!
asleep In tlie riitt'erenl ears and the
Florida liver could not have been far j
'.way. I lie e >ns'ijuences would nave!
been t<H bad not the discovery!
been made in 11:11c
11 is a known fact that a rose ori
starling sou'h from II >ck Mill yards'
will run lor symr thing like six niil<s
{and by the time it reaches Ogder. will
lie uoing at. least 2"? miles an b iiir
spe- d ? lJx.
ItfUiTlfii? iJUlli.
? . :
Murv Adams n n? to wo in in, \?. s
! nr.<.'-: ('. down and runov. r I: a in-;! I
at. 10:4J ?>V u*!c l?v sMeot cr !>o ?'r_\
rutini-nf bet wi '? v npl.1 and II "Hi .
The accident, lvi ppe.i ! ' i f < r>> r
of M.iln and College strenls. w?
man's foot wis in im,;I *d ; tiiAam n
tal Ion w is n<*.ivssar v.
Just howth";i"ci! nt occurred con d
j not. tie !e inieu last ni^ it M >'
C.irkt*n\> ti-'i' Ii? wis nut rurid* jj
J over f ui" "t |jvi> mi! >s an h >ur eomJln^djwn
the era t wien tie s' n>< k
| the woman. 11 > c > dd not t ?ij .> t
1 how ih" accident ? i!n? aboii*. 'I t 0
car is .s aid to have c.iiiiod no tie <!' itt'it.
As s'khi as t!>? ? 'unan was hurt s e
! was p'a < ?! in li '' '"'.'I cini 'tl o
, t lie Taylor-La lie ho p!! '1. where I;, r
j crush fl '??or was amputated. The fern
tn is reported lo fit' r? -?! i well a- <1
bearing 11"'- sin 11> i i >^lit
The accident hipp-.wort near i he p' r. c
' where I he Colli don t o k ph.r las' w< > k
in which lire engine Vu. was l? i , y
d ini iu'eil. There nave been ini:i? >r?>i s
Cnnip'>l ils fr -in I he residents oi I! s
seel I'iti of t he ci'y I h it I he c irs at a n
:i too h'i{h r.i' e o' sp ? 1 o<> ninir (I * n
111* l' r i?I < from (?re 11 st reet. ill y
s:i v i hat ii K'ives rise to mucl: d:iu^? r
- Kx.
mouses i-oy r -:n i'.
'! iiree roeni cottages fee rent
\V. \\'. WAT?LN, ft.testii 5. r.
l'lf-iili u Killer 15 I '.own, of
< l(i i) lint pi died ?i v -i v mpc s e
0 nt' ii In n liny.? c .i uretfal ion of n',
te tiv hear r at ilie Met m * 1st
Church ' it id i c.
Mr Cert. Wi^htm-in. of or h Ai#
Ki.sia w is in ihe city Saturday > ii
, hiisiin ss.
I Mr .Sanies K Raw I, of la xSnt/l< r,
! I i o n Tui>da\ and Wdl ltd y
. J i.sivUik r. i.ui ves and he also pah! Ins
Irt^pcs to the Advocate.
I i
Columbia. Fob. 4.?(Sp. clal to The,
Advocate) ?Tim remaining two week- j A
of the legislature ??"ssion will bo largee
lv do voted to securing agr e m.nfc; h?? i1
tween tho hou-o and senate on the ll
various matters on which each houso ti
lr?-! ilready passed. For insbneo the a
ikuiso i :is o::v.v'i, 11/ ;i liirj'e inajurr.y, ii
:i bill 1o rep ? i tp t lie lion law and I bo p
;i n itc In* r( j.-ctcd .1 bill that Is i rac- T
Meallv to nl.fcal; the two houses mav p
refus to agree af nil, in which ease j h
she Ii( ii law w 11 remain as at present, |?
r i h'*y im i v agree to a different bill s
rone-ding only port I ns <f the law or u
in'dif>Ji 'it. There are ?.e?-cral tr.eai r
ares or ih i' "?i t i t! on I he calendar, fi
Then ; f coutm! there Is tho ever o
present di p rosary ?j j sstion. c<
T in senate. by th? Smith resolution,
has declare 1 ' hat the state dispena iry v
shall h; ch?-:t: iyed and the house has
passed a bili wire!) provid sforanoth ei
or system when the slate system is u
destr tyt d hut the senate miv not u- d
greo to Mio hon ; * h i in which ; one- tl
tinner el <e or n >' iih-Jw' e'so may b ? done e:
Th newspaper jeadcrs have proh ti
ahly lir.d a; much di->pcnsu.iy as they . ti
care to h iv > and in drsirc to i n
dwell on the subjoo', except to say j a
that that the dlsponsaiy ?ae> ion is v ry | S
conthicntof carrying the day in the Jo
senate despite the Smith "resolution j n
declaring against the state dis, eusurv ' ei
and for local opt Ion. ! h
1'Hfisonaro iris pissed senator rome in hour bill, for winch tho Aiken I
semi tor fought so hard when lie was , t>
a 'lien 1 her of t lie hour.e. i n
'i'iie b'll has been amended so as to In
jiuiit the hours of work in factories to I]
fi.l hours per week on after .luh 1,1007, \ \
an 1 do hours on ar.d af or Jan. 1, luOS. jl
The house c.uiviiitUe made a favor- '
alt* r-poit >:i t he similar hill by Mr.jb
(Jvies, also of Aiken, providing for the i l1
law *oko in'o elTec' at oocc but it, is p
thought ..liat rather than have a dan- e
ro'i er'unglemeiit which might epd
c Hie hill the filoir's of the a
m' -.<?ure. in the house will accept the b
senate amendments*.
T he heu-e lias sent to t he senate t lie "|
b:ll,alsoby Mr. (Ivies, r due ng rail- *>l
road lare from three loiwi und one- h
hall Cents per mile, and i' is now nil- u
d r consideration in the .veaie and Is "
having somel hlng of a hard light t'
There were introduced at the boginn
ing of the session a number of bills j
:iim>d to regulate railroads and only a li
few of them have so farpassed In ('
the house Mr. Rnekvr of \nderson lias
{. ot. through three sueli h-1 Is, one to
d> el a re the dm y < f the railroad c< m- ''
mission as to enters!ate rat'a. one to
prevent and fairish t It" negligence of ri
railroad employes. and the third to n
fully amend t he act rni|'i m ring the l>
r li!road commission to rrquire depots "
at other'hm Junctional poinds Mr
Ke .shaw's hill minting railroad tele-j
graph operators to stand an exaniina-'h
I >an and pr.?v":!i ; a n examining I?oard I s<
It is pi-,v (i i he house after a haul fight- 1
The hnnp is ml the present (Set r ; 1
s;i.? law isi "v ir! to l?u lfei s11- ; .. ir t1
l id'ug to accept :c a sutMihitu the o
o I pr v ot ed h\ Mr Nash of .> p.i 11 a i ' p
h ir.; which is in l> i| that the senate l?
hi |ii s d 'imI which is the same as."
the I>i! pi'8-uied in !< rmoi years hy j "
1 - r . . t l. , , i?
11 l? I > ? m nj'.u tauui^, run y x. <x i
ii v. u la ih M?na?e by Mr Carlisle <>f "
.v ..tihurg. 11S;hm1. > ? is It'sv v<
ilr.'i11:- than the .1. T t.'ibsmi bilijsi
1) !i t ho |i?Ml i" passed. it. was."
' vid. n' t'i I I ii?* iions*.? wanted surr.e(ii
L'dras'ii*. i f sentiment against
hueket. si op b.d.i vi ry strong t
I lv a. pi-pi i: I-, ii i i ' ft d I he so,- i
ply Mils v ill tamo presented at d j I1
then w'II c jut? the days and nights1
w h m? a l? r must be up and <lo }'
i< g If he is tf.init > w tto 11 every t long :l
lint may vlT ct pe pie fur go. id or
ill. The ipprap in i : bill tn.\ early
i -(jeruinoinits than I. slycur for sever- *v
al purposes but. ii issttli hoped '<> re- v
doCO t he t '?X levy, as the t ix ible !
?: 8 are greater T here |>:is i.eeti pa '
edtiv be senile i very inp'irtunt In |, j 1
ir j.'"d by Sup: lintft ??t lit Mai I in, a [ propil
t ii jr $">0 OfM '>r a liijjh mum u
oytit>iii. Titer wiill) an apprupi ia- :
i mi f"i in) r vi the stile I ii >|] i?
tfomiis 'lli.'ii? will lia $10,000 r i a i
si line nf J'lhn ?' '"aih unl in Me,
in liotial c pitol There will b-ap ? ba1
1c increase in|e isions i k m o,0 o
j to ?2 ]"?.0
There will bo $2 ?.'0n for a praiV he
school ai Winibri p a'ul in in i<piia-{
. i it. or p mm ent '? or?>v< no o's
at the I Diversity of ou h Carolina.
A oil so the in re v r es.
1 iu! this Iceislat no hi not 10 be
extrav.ts'fiii It is fully r?:ni/tM that
^liiici i t i< kr.>'-NIutf >i11ft (idv.ti.v *
ln^ U'p iiiii m ul pr? mm?i a- not ??\? r
prosperous and t be\ v* i I nr nugl t lo
g i ?d i.v lluwi v t. iin cxper irn*?-? 1 lot i
lul >r, a in in who ii t> b en in p ,i> tc
life foi 2 1 vimts ; nd m >rv s< v iiiL' irjiti,
j curs of I lii < I imc off and on in I lie
lochia:urc, in both houses, to'd tit* ir
waiter a It * lava : ?I li it hello w I. t j
this w ttlic trtoil i,k1 ical ! tfislaltiro,
he had ever seen and when it came tol
^ealing with corporations there wa?
) doing anything with them lu comIttec
(ii) ihc floor. And he was heie,
o when the li nos were very radical.
J. II.
< olumbia, Feb. 7.?(Special to The
Ihc local optionisU, supporters of
lie Carey-Cothran bill won their
liiid important engagement Wednes..y
night, when the senate by an aye
" i nay vote of 21 to 16 killed the
?..???? I)l?i.-?IT .11 ? - -
...... .. i?iiini|i'iviviiaiu'i 1 i I lli CL II
urlfiuatlon btfl
his sel tied the question ro far as
uriHrfion is concerned. Die house
avlnjt killed the Richards bill, which
i a copy of tl?r Kaysor bill. If the
ta?c dispensary stands it will stand
opurlflcd. The vote was really 20 to
7. as Senator Li lease chat uted his vote
rum no to aye on the last round in
rdor to bo in position to move to re*
sn.-ddcr later on.
The scene In the senate when the
olo was taken was an interesting one.
The Galleries and side aisles were
ruwdul with Indies and others and II
as Hearing 11 o'clock. The Slate I
Upensary ad"0catcs evidently felt
loir danger, for they made desperat*':Vu;Ms
l.o adjou*n. hut tbe local opionists
confident moved up to the
ring line and demanding an engage
lutit The crowd had juot listened to
particularly able defence of the I
tale dispensary fro.-n Senator Walker
f Go rgetown, about the best and
iosi entertaining and polished speakr
in the t wo hulls, lie was followed
y Senators Milkier of Charleston and
le.isc of Newberry.
I hose who voted against the Itaysor
ili were: Senators Appolt, Hates,
;lease. llrice, brooks, Carlisle, Carpen
r. Chris^eiisen, Crouch, Hardin,
laynes, llolliday. Mauldin, McCown.
IcKeithan, Otts, Mnkler. Sullivan,
'albert, Toele, Williams,-21.
Voting for the Raysr.r bill Senators
lack, <'lit*ton. Eurle, Kfird. Griflin.
lough. Jolutsi n. Kr Uy,Laney, Raysor,
togers. Stackhouse. Towrscnd, Walkr,
Wells, Weston. 16.
The pairs were Gray don and Smith
nd Black, Me.strs black and Graydon
eing state diAfnsary advocates.
At every clip a of arms the lucil
pi ionisis have won so far. Home
jlendid generalship has cliaracterlzed
nth sides, an.1 a noticeable and com
lenaauio feature throughout has been
k unrailiiiR good nature and courtess
at hive characterized both sides
Xuhody lias losu his temper or head
Cutside of this tight in the senate
;ie session So far this week lias been
evoid of feature.
The senate killed the marriage li?>nse
bill, the president casting tlie
eeiJing vote a :ahist the measures,
'the bi'l required a reeord of mar
iag-s in order lo check ill adviser
mr i'i^es in the mill districts and t?
revent litis State being used as the
latrimo'ial dumping ground for
fort h Carolina.
The house on Wednesday after a
mi ;t liy deliate passed I lip. Kaysor high
Ik.ul bill front the senate, but amend(i
on motion of Mr A ver so as to limit
in establishment of these high schools
0 t'>w ns ot one t bousantls inhabitant b
1 less The bill carries an appro
r ation of $.ri0,')>;0 for State aid to the
01 er districts seeking to establish
!. se high sch h>Is. A district in order
o est ahiisli a high school is to have pn
|.-ct ion, and if this is favorahie a levy
I't wo mills mav he made. The high
..hool course must be not less than
mcii vtars and must have two <r
lore >.ra !es ah >vo the seventh of tl e
minon schools.
The house by a large majority kilWd
he tililvan senate r? solu. ions endora
ng s'ciiat imer's federal aid good roads
I'ojic t. There were only III votes for
he lesolution. all members of M r. Latiner's
own home delegation voting
gainst it.
To re are out-of I he ordinary resout
ions ihiw pun lug before the liouse
., i . , ii. t I lie riillrnaHii nf llin 6)<tla tn
jive I?i-11? r facilities f.ti hamllii #
'rci^li' : i ?1 to ;i!-k them to double
r."k t 'a ' ti'irs. A hill has been in
ducod i:i tin- house to make corpoa>
i "i lol>t>\lr>K a mi-demeanor with a
ii.iI' y ? f ni t less th in The
1! f rh:?is i "corp >rat ion attorney
liking to i r aii," inn with a member
:i any mending measurealTecting l hs |
irporutLn." |
W. II. McCaw. 1
iSiteshurg, Fob 2.?Col P. T
Yi of liatsburg is the owner of
it e i f l lis o d< si violins in I he country.
11 was mad : by St radi vurius i.i the
year 17, and is therefore more than
200 yea is old <!?)i. Vili-i#d's vi..lln is
hi perfect slate ( f pres? i\ati in. is of
heau ifnl patlcin ai d of ex?iuslte lone.
This violin h.i> i e n in I i i o session
[ )T . ore I ban fo \e?is and lie knovs
ts list- ly for a much longer period. ?
Katesbnrg Slice fc Clo. Co., s?em to
buve "something doing/ in the prices
of Women and Children Shoes. Judgng
from their ad this in sue..
Carrie Nation will be in Augusta
Monday, February 11th. and on that
night will deliver an address in the
Miller-Walker hall Tor the benefit of
thelocal FlorenceCri t*nton home, the
contract bringing her to Augusta having
been made yesterday by the managcrsof
that institution.
Atlanta and Augusta are the only
two points which the famous woman
wHl visit in <'*?orgla on this trip?
whether because they are the most
prominent municipalities or are the
most in need ol her hatchets and sermons,
has not been stated.
Mrs. Nation is traveling through
Jeorgia fully equipped with saloonsmashing
apparatus, but thus far her
march has been marked with ' bloodess
victories." While she seems to
nave given up her erstwhile destructive
methods of emphasizing her
teachings. .Mrs. NatiOiistillicd'nuea
to wage relentless wa^jare against
" 1 am no tcmperanco woman. Neith r
am 1 a local option 1st," she said. "1
am an aniiiiiilationist. I want it
wlp<d t ut and a law made so that
liquor cannot be made, sold, bartered,
or given away.
' And 1 am carrying this gospel
everywhere. .Jesus went to hell and
preached there. Why should I not go
to dives and brothel and preach Ills
word? lie ate with publicans and sinners.
So will I go everywhere aiid
mingle with the lowly and preach Ills
gospel "
felling aloulher latest experience
i short lime ago at the white house
when she cudeavoicd tc see President
lto ?Rcvelt. Mis. Nation said:
"See him?" Of course I didn't s<-e
him. First of all, let me say I'm anti
Unosevelt. I'm attains, him. No, they
didn't let me see him, but they didn't
throw me out and didn't have n>e arn
sted, like they did once before. But
1 had ray say and told them what 1
thought of him before I left. I told
them that any hum, thief, rogue, crook
or drunkard or cigarette fiend in the
country could see the president, but
not Carrie Nation, and 1 told them
what to ask him. Finally one of the
men coming out of the president's of
tice asked me to leave. No. they didn't
have me arrested t'me."
I it has teen justabouta jear sine
Mrs. N; t on smas n-d h?*r la* t saloon.
That saloon was In II< usion, Texas,
and was known as the Carrie Nation
*1 sent word," slid Mrs Nation.
'Several times for them to lake the
sitfn down Iroin over the d<?or, and
i,hey didn't. So when I went to Houston
and was h>okintr over the tele
phone hook I noticed tlie name. 1
went into a hardware store and bought
a hatchet and a stout sack. Then 1
gathered some rock a from a place
where they were putting up a new
biilldirg and started for the place. J
l?egan at the side door kuo finished at
the frontdoor. I smashed even thin*
in sight, and ordered the b'wlldenc
bartender to have my name takei
down before noon the next day. Tbi
sign was taken down and they didn'i
have m'i arrested that, time nor put m
I In Jail."
Mrs Nation uses atones and rock
in smashing saloons for the reusoi
that the Scriptures tell alioui th
stone* crying out and she mjth the
' are the means of carry ng out he
i work.
Each confederate soldier in the four
years of War Between the States per- .
formed deeds that would make 1m
mortal thellvesofa thousandordinary
men. After the wareachConfederate
soldier, when he redeemed the State
from negro rule, performed deeds that
would make immortal the history of
a thousand years. When be came back ^
from the war he stood and heard the
blare of triumphant bugles eounding u
requiems over the graves of the noblest
men ever born. *
All he had was honest v. Asking aid "
of none but God he redeemed this land
of ours and gave It to his children, E
and today it is a land full of blessings
and teeming with prosperity. He it _
poor today, but he sowed the seed and L
his children are reaping a harvest of q
riches. He fathered a new nation,unfurled
a new flog and fought tor glory ^
and daily bread. He did more than
any other race ever did., When tin- y
armed and unshackled he foroed his
conquerors to deed back to his children
their homes and their brightest, l
Ninety-live per cent of the old Con- 3
federates arc poor: all of them are old l
and broken and rent; all they have is g
their memories. His sons may not
understand it. but lie loves to meet
with ids old comrades in reunion. He
has asked the legislature to appropriate
fiJ.&oo, so that lie may hold his
reunions each year. He is not begging.
I lie money belongs to him. He earned
it with his own blood in the Wll- ?
derness. at Shiloli and at Gettysburg. .
S ime may say let the citizens and town
ask him and take care of him. in 11X6
he was not asked at all. In 19o6, in* ^
vlted only to one place. He Is being
The Confederate veterans are en- '
titled to tbe tu.aou they ask the leglslature
for. It is no charitable gift. ,
If South Carolina refuses to give it,
then whey refuse to listen to the cries
of the bent oid soldier for the first
time. They will cause the gray to be
bowed with grief. Refuse, acd let the
.u i-i ?i ? - r
uiu wars uiecu ano suner nun i ^
the blow of his sons. And when they *
refus", they dig up the old battle flag b
and spit on it.
Old Soldier. n
Columbia, S. C., Feb. 5, 19ofl.
Crcenville, Feb. 4.?Saturday night
hI Piedmont Herbert Phillips, a white
man, was assaulted by two brothers .
named Hridgeman, Just as he was com- <
ingout of a barber shop. lie was
struck in the head with a bottle and
his jawbone wae broken Atthe same
time and place Policeman Aiken was
assaulted by Jack Fisher. Fisher used
a stone. The Brldgemans and Fisher
are cotton mill operatives. 1 bete is
considerable feeling against them In 1
Pledmond and they were brought to <
this city and lodged In jail for safekeeping.?
Ex. ,
A ithough having made lots of money
selling her sou venir hatchetsand cop- 1
i??? or Her monthly publication. Thg
Httchct." Mrs. Nation declares it is 1
the wish of her life that after she dies,
the papers will say that Carrie Nation <
v.aa buried by charity. She sold her
home for |B00 and gave this money to
found tier "home for Drunkards'
Wives," in Kansas City, Kansas Since
i i hat ti me she has gi ven the home over
I to the Associated Charities of Kansas
City, and with It $7,-r>00 she has made.
, The home is dally sheltering women
made miserable through drunken bus
, bands.
From here Mrs. Nation will return
! to Guthrie and from there she will
> r<> to Washington. D. C., where she
1 will devote her time to the public*I
ion of her monthly. The Hatchet.
C 'Whiskey is thedevil?the serpent,"
1 said Mrs. Nation, "and if you want to
\ kill a snake you don't cut off Its tail,
? do yon? No. So that's the reason I'm
t uolng to WashinRton where 1 can
2 crack It on ihe head with my hatche*.
I'm r< Ipr to headquarters."
k A Rospel automoble Is another feaii
ture that Mrs Nation will add to her
e work in WashinRion. She lias an aay
omobile ai d with this the will go out
v of Washington to the country and
hold services. Chronicle.
nam mm.
t lATtnne, i. c., n m
niTEtrt. g., iTTBcua
it ,
oaas and DlaoonnU
terdnfU, secured tod
unsecured 902.48
8. Botods to secure
ctrcelaUoo Jfi.OtOito
rraaloxHn U. 8. Beodt 918 99
ends, aeeuiHiB. etc 1,169.91
anklog house, Ywmtture.
and fixtures t,tt*.C9
toe from National
Banks (not reserve
aKsnts) 10,98t.t4
ue rrom approved
reserve ignts 1,816.91
bee and other
Items 79.66
otes of other National
Banks 606.00
fractional paper
currency, nickels
and cents 47 61
awful ifonbt bs8ervjr1n
Bake, tic:
pecle 2J00.09
ega) tender notes 6,900.00 90,6)4.46
ademption fund
with U, 8. Treasurer
{b% of circulation)
Total 6100.618.S4
npltat stock paid In 86,000.06
urplns fund 6,000.00
fndlvided profits,
lens expenses and
taxes paid 11,696,80 42.006.26
I ational Bank notes
outstanding 36,966.60
lltManda nnttaM TltA
dividual deposit* - ^
ubject to cboek
ashler'* ctveck* out*
Total fiee.ait *
ounty of Uitnttsa, ; 1. W. W.
7%t*on, President of the there niwti
aok, d0 solemnly swear aha* the
bore Lav-went I* true te the best of
ij knowledge and belief.
W. W. WATMOH, huHwI.
Subscribed end aworn to before a**
Vila WnH ila* nf k'ikmin Iflffl
J NO. C. GLOVEK, No tarj Public.
V. L. BAWL, V Directors.
f. A. WRITTEN. )
niGRiTioi coinntE or
CliKLEtTOf cut mil
bead? to ill count*
Charleston. Feb. 6 ?OjI. Henrf
chachte. chairman of the committee
if Immigration of the Commercial club
hlch la cooperating with Commit-1
W.?~.n I hin/llnir Ik* *nmill?
11 * 'I1C I n?U?U IU XVUWIMB mmmm
Immigrants by tee atesmer Wlttekind
request* those firms or parties to
Charleston who may be desirousef employing
any of the Incoming immigrants
to communicate at once with him.
The kind of mmlgrants should be
Htated, the number desired, wages to
be paid, whether with board or lodging
that the committee may be able U>
proceed about the matter In aa Intelligent
way. The steamer la expected
in on Friday or Saturday and arrange*
ments are making for her banding*
he committee of the club standing
ready to cooperate with and seres in
any way Commissioner Watson's of*
flee? Ex.
WuU4 toon or w?Ma If I* It
years of if* to loom the mekteg of
'Bombayrood" |ardhrioroo at oor
factory. Piece work - SoAdry pad
while loarolo*. Addroaa,
Subscribe to The Advocate.
r<0 cents ft* year It