The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, August 17, 1906, Image 1

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Pmpo 9 this t-crfh. ?>NE3. m ? JACOB 1'IIINIZ Y, President CI1ARLG WILLIAM A. LATIMBR, Vice Brest. RUI-US I a ha ii nn a UCUKUi^v iv/AiL,ivvn AUGUSTA, GEORG CAPITAL and UNDIVIDED PROF Particular attention to the con by mail. We solicit your business and invi1 va&imtsmBKK 1 Accounts may b< lb p in the name of hi i and wife *?\Vllli the provision that in the An arrant 2\*e . . . ? . . of irreat cor vfi^cvent of the death of inther, the .. ,lhe parties Jyj&survivor may withdraw the funds, j will. Xfe TI1U FUNDS CAN HI: WITHDRAWN BY TIIE OUI' DELAY AND WITHOUT LUti p r 11 k e rr i/.eisrs O K I', AT MS li I |jj BATESBURG, - - - SOUTI Solicits your business and p< It Interest. jf? OR. W. M. TinnilRMAN, Pres't. U. X. Ci A. C. JONliS, Cashier; M. \V. PI % m massag SHAVING PARLORS AND l] Tin: BEST OF KARHHRS--HOT TOW I EVERvTMINO STERILIZE HOT AND COLO BATHS BILLIARD AND POOL PARLORS IN REAR J. J. ROBERTSON PROP. I COTTOK MARKET. .PROF., Cotton is bringing to day on 11 :o * t'TJ (f*' ^iatesbuitf Market 10 1 2 as reported ?ll< 'i)< oy L. 1). UuiliiJii. SOIL w ?n <r? **v m >n i>\ ?t tL? (' nut of Sessions convened h 're Monday with .Jtuljro .1. il. ^ oiuml.ia H Kl'itiffh pr?--*'?iin?f. Mr. Mel-Vat. the ,nl' stenntfrapher, did not reach lu-.e un Mi . J. 15. til Tuesday niurniiitf, and as a con- 'in'1 sequence no jury eases were tried on ^c,tr 10 ' ' r Monday Ahout fourteen poisons plead uuilty of ifaiuhlinr.' and were ''' '' ! ' 1' each lined If. dollars , isgouri si .... . ttiraroo tu. 1 he case of s. ft. Stockmnn & lay- . , . , A this rem lor murdei was continued. . sr.i ve n in a Ed Drafts was found puilt.y of I onU'i* tl sit housebreaking and larceny and was sent to the chain uann for -dx a arded a months. e assies am .lim Walker, charged with larceny the coiuiup was a 'quilted. 1 o<t suinmt Mate is. Poland for seduction was in the Mis? continued on account ol illness of election ifi> defendant. 1 i?tf is apj; State vs. 15 ri un for carrying un-! H|<,re' lawful weapon was c ntinued al.v>. ] lie Is a 11 The case of t he Stale vs. .1. Davis j wa* f"r smi (i rii ll. an l h e Stem inhere I '"'ry r'?r?te chained wii !i adultery was tried yes 1 years befor terday and resulted in a verdict of ,,ectcd wit not. pruiity. Thisease was holly contested. Messrs Asbill and Sharp ;l. Ti e pop. sided in the pr? sedition and (IraL'am mnn>1 ,s tj .... I VI ll.L ' I . II I 1 ll 1 | l|* I tl 1 I* IV ' . . . . t ?*sneu i>y II.lilt s. . , soda wale The Sta'o is. UjIiOII A. Mnikri clia wit It muuler, voh continued | on motion of Messis Lratiuni ami Ti e old i Kl isrk ic attorneys for defendant.. | v He (ilnr.e The rase of the State vs. .Marthaj 1 ?at iient Likud for mill lor !s beini; tried to- ; > xr* of pi day ( I liiiisda\ ) L. L. Asl.ill and * ' T. Lrahnm represent the defendant ; The Court of Sessions will probably , I"'1 ad ionrn tomorrow. Tlio Cou rt of | ' olnmb ( (iiniu jn I leas will open Monday ' Ill<" morning and will bold for two weeks j ^ ( j. , Misses ;.!?ry and lclitli (iiahain j f'?r' leit Wednesday for a vi*>it to tlieirjsi ion wit I aunt. Mis. W. M. llolman. m-ui St. j?any. jMatithiws. Little Miss Louise llol-' ) ( man, who has been spending the s past w?ek at f'ol. tiial ains acconipan- j 1 1 ' ' ,,lr n d them. ' !\? j^s j,.| Mi-s Im'/ Itiddle who has I ?"?e P ' :i visit inn her Mister, Airs S. M. Me j' I'rarey, i* turned to hi r honi * a! i i,,|; ?f itallenliiu nnday jab-rseve Mr. A. .L Fox and 1 ?r Julian 10 J v { W(i Kaiifman an* spending sometime In ! (J (|( (j( , Asheville N[.CI. j on-salmi! , M>A> Iceolino llarman has aic in- j a wo ' Ui K? '"in r the next ten days ie BATi 5 ti. (10 J!>RICH, Cashle DVD I. BROWN, Asst, Cashier D BANK . . Mr. Joe Atta town Monday. :ITS, $500,000.00 Mr. W. B. A at Lexington tl duct of accounts member <>f t ne < Miss Mjra 1 , was in tlie city te correspondence. Mr. Orover C. was a visitor t< M;?j. Tlios W of tlic U. (W V's ^ was here on Sat ^ Mrs. Wni. Ha MAn/ld Mary Coonor, is * Opened With her parent <35 Conner. usband ? 1dir35 Mr J. W. < o< ab' some lime In CI jement of this kind Mr M. I.. 13ml ive? I :nce where nil of vjg |y connected v die without lenvliij; ompany at (V ^ Saturday to 1m ? ?5? of his kinsman, SURVIVOR WITH- Mr. and Mia. Al COST lip lumbia, were tl Mr. and Mrs. V. 13 A 1ST their lorcly hoi Saturday and S L I 13 (3 . gJE Mr. .las. CJ H . ? _ , Wm Clover on Satur ti CAROLINA. /J* ncralofMr. (I IV 4 per ceill Mr. and Mrs. J 1 Hat.esbur^, d. ( intfsoine lime /Wl Sprint; Valley, UNTIiR, Vice-Prca't. Falls and will o ?6 of interest in tl RRY, Aas't Cashier. acu impanic(i Maty Hayly, d:i ?The Union, 'I &>; Col elms. it. ?v?> S. t' , forme* lj Kiiltiaiorf cou row son m ana evening.? Unit *OOL ROOM. Mr. and Mrs. lil.S ALWAYS were here on M (l>* Mrs. J. W. Iti OF BARBI:R SHOP. Rutland, of M Salesblirg, S. C. Monday. ? Mr. Carroll 1 boys and a jolly j. b. game giv- ?tii ? 1000 profes ship in misplace in llie 7 WHIR I irict where thi tJUUJLtl- ingion has mm . . i>. i . ni.. i .nfir 11; SI I (> i3ilt?'SUUI^I.IIl s. I lie lecord of A us:, lltli, will be of meeting l In: lasting friends (Same, M A . South Caro- While here he , and for the past and Mrs. I'- L. of a university scl olar- lions# near low Yale (Jraduate schoo', lias Mr. (' d professor of Latin in the ten day# trip l late normal school, Cape ton and ot ncr Mo . at a salary of ?-,0u North on It isil lest the board of repents Messrs.' J year's leave of absence in iK',i k.ft OM'Wl he might finish up Ids wm k t;ril markets, iversitv, where lie had been ..... " ., , n~ is ? We were ind university fellowship In , , ., , ,. , i. , r friend Ihnik K i comparative pliiloioev for . * looks vxceedn year. Mr. tiainc lauy t , r, also thr present <|iiai te , lU 1 1 ,<l " 1,1 oiiri state Normal and hi* re* evidence that histeael- r 1 ''ll uoved by the authorities ' Misy Kdith ! ative of Marlon county a'd { ^ r ll,v ne t i me reel or ot t In Coirs- Mrs M. \1. A renee school. For sever. 1 f Leesville, s e point? to Yale lie was co> -' Tuesday afteii ii ( id .ral College, Missour . [S j5 j () bom, is \ isitui it si S ?d? Fountain at Tim- Quaillebaain. ie pi ice to go sod be r - Sir. M..I. II. a most delicious drink of ||M>, (,f ,sa,iuda r' business TueSf Miss Laura management m{ the Fees- h guest of M ry promt ,es you courteous The Misses and the benefit of long ar(1 Ll), ir vlJ,u radical experience. j ?f I)ll0 west, ( inirK' 1 UeMiay cousins, the Misses Boozer,! Mrs. ' * ' ' ia, on a several weel s trip Vl!,,|ing at I ...r i.?.... I Ounter. iiildiiirt ' i ^ui I ii * 'ill uiinrt M r. and M r; i T. Craham 1* ft. rw-wlay lurned OII m,? .ill,., N (.to aeeept a P' - vlsittoAs,llV i 11|5cll Telephone Con; Mrs Hunt children, of " resa ?'(,x I ins returned to Mr .1)IC} m,s. in Cold At >ro, N r. Messrs I'-oyi nili- Elevens, who 1 ia-> Ik en Crone itpcnl > iss 1'iiiiiiii Itiillotit ilie lias ^ ^ Krnest lo,ne- die, jire visit i <'<>iirt Ceorire is out uKainjul New Jircoi ml days illm ss. j ^ r u \\*. re pained to learn of l! c NV lN "ll 1 ' diss M iiv Taylor, of Irene. Mns Alma ay the lllli inst She was r,atesbur>! Us man ami mucli loved hy u ,,f i^r many f ilier ot relatives ami friend?* we will give exceptional bi SSBURG BATBSBURQ, S. C.. FR1DA> Im hi i*i i. njftiiioy i idision, or A1 M MliN was in town Saturday, Mr. O. M. Stone, of the ] tection was in town Sa an day 1; way, of Saluda, was it 11 jiiss Boulah Watson, of Spring, was here Monday. attended court Miss Marie Boatwright. Of Mi lis week, lie being a was a visitor to our city Monda Lira ml Jury. Mrg Lucy McLena. of Jol dvingston. of North, visited relatives in town Sotur Wednesday. The Sunbeam Society of the 1 lloisteic, of Monctta, church will give an ice cjcam fi j Batcsburg Wednes- this evening in tlie Baptist < grove. The public is cor-.' a I , vitnl. . Carwile, commander t. (>r South Carolina, M>. ?' Henry Bodlc, of Let ,urday. was here on Monday. mill Marvin, nee Miss ,M - J; Hther-d*. ?? , .petiiiin/ sovpral .lavs l,c 'f"c? "'?l ''imc,d?"n u Mr and Mrs. J. w. U> atleiwi tlic funnral of Mr (,o Bates. Miss Clara Harrigal, of (Irani t, of rellon, MW'nt a ono ,,f t.tic most attractive an e Monday am tured young ladies as well as* cessful educator, is kpending mer, Jr., is spending time with ber kinsman, Mr. [tester. C. lover. . ? , Mr. A. B. tjua.ttlelaum of St? iMi, who is prominent , ,, was here Monday, iritil the < lover Mfg. over. S C-, came over *:ol. ; 11 1 Mrs- J'>hn Bell Tow i present at the burial on Monday aftornoon for Lake \lr. (?eo. c. Bales. way and oilier resorts In the > country. They will be gone foi A. S. (latllalrd, of Co- tw0 wcck9 i? charmin^ quests or m. Charles Farber at Mr- Cl?rencc Dreher is off to 1 me, (1 roc 11 Gables, on hi lor a few days stay. hmd&y. (' H. F. Strothcr and bis i . have gono to Hendcrsonville, art In came over from , , , , ' , . .. ... , for a couple week's stay, day to attend the fu- . C. Bates. Miss < ante Glenn lias re from a pleasant visit to Johnstc N. Rogers Bayly, of Augusta, to the delight of her who has baen upend friend., at "Lystra," Green ... ' . _. have gone to Niagara . Miss Salome 1 mnncrman Is ,ISO visit other points ^ some time with relatives at ie North They were y Misses Fannie and Mr. l,enc Hartley spent T LUchters of Mr. Bayly, night in Johnston. 'owson, Maryland. The store next to the First >i Rogers, of Batesb'urg, al Bank is undergoing a genuine f school examiner of >'ig. It will be rearranged. It uty, passed tlyough occupied by Dr. F It. Gurtci ut.nUM.blle on Tuesday September 1st. whose increisini in. Tov son, Maryland. ,u'.ss demands more room. L. W. Able, of Saluda, Miss Nora Long is visiting lie onduy, Miss Mvra Glenn, the bcuulif atland and Mrs. John tractive an.' owr accom?>.t?< onetta, were here on operator of the Southern Hell phone Co., has resigned. Miss :ther?l? cf ..ur ";l?bcen ll"' "H-ralor here I ,?oud fellow, speut a P"sl lwo whlcl re this week, visiting ? "as given eiit.w wthtfaet r. and lit, Trial, Km- ll"' !>"'""? 'atcsburt; that slie has declined to serve i A. Frank Lever was Mr. and Mis. W. II. Sills lu ; while last week nbng turned from a pleasant visit riends. There is no atlves in the Dutch Fork. til. Congressional dis-, s gifted son of old Lex- . ? -n * jTmTfiTTf rnnfT) c friends than Bates- ft tiAUlllUL 1 IllD t and unassuming way j ,"rTO THE LATE GE was the guest of Mr. PI TOTQP A T FQ llaltiwangei at their uLiixilvOlJiaikjIji!/ ies left on Tuesday for a BATES. it Kielim ill-1. \\ aniline place -? ol interest iuthe| 'Heath rides on overy bre< less and pleasure. j 11? lurks in every tlovrer " Pawl and Homer l'ai-1 We desire to place on rec idneadhv for the Not 11 - -.umMe tribute to the mem Ceorga Cllnkreale.x Pates, who eed glad to see our old few days ago In a strange la inard on Monday. He away from home and kindred, gly well, despil# the S< in alter gradual Ion at \ id a very trying trip, lie College, he was employed m ai milled the remains < t lotion with which we were eoi ties ad the way fr< ni in an official capacity llecar :w Mexico. comparative stranger to us, pe Miiiiiions is visiting at He soon, by his uniform c ., and ut lent ion to Ids otlicial >N t*r iv . | won our confidence and high 1 til hews and children | which contlnu; d to the close isiled nienos in town ^ OI1 ijf4? was a most voting man. Honor, honest ja.ltlehftum, of Winus- t rut h were conspicuous virtue p her son, l>r. 1". A. life and were exemplified in all i cial and husincss relations. II virtue- la-spoke his high ch ilsto.u, a pu.Bpe.ous far- whIch was ,.ul,_ county, was hi town on lav. "That tower of strength , , , i Winch stood four-square Hlease, of Newberry, is T<) alI ,h, wj|1(ls lhat ble i : s. J. I- rank Iv nccee. It tills o.n heart with sadnc toghurn, of Monetla . , , . . , our eves with tears to realize t mis. tliu MisSSS I >evilli. > so v< ling a> d manly and wit wore visitors to Hates- , , , , . , , bright p;o-peci.s f<>r a long anr li!.- should h- cut down by the ullibrew, of Kdgelield, l? ss hand of dent h. Iiut as tli die* home of f apt t*. X. ex presses it ; Leaves have their t line to fn i. S 1J. Cart ledge r< And (lowers to wither ut nda\ from a two week's! north wind's breath, ille, N. C. And stars to set: hut all, and Mrs. Peterson and Thou hast all seasons for ayo, Fla., are visiting own, O Heath! W. A. < much W. H. T1 M MEU1 il Crouch and David L;>londay In Columbia. Low,s NV' l,askc>' ? r experience Legal business ni Ilarmaii and sis-er led ?tary A clean record and goo ng liieir grand-parents 'land. (1. L. Walker is the Candid Courtney, -.f Monetta. Comptroller (leneral. y Saturday. j i iu |iifiMimi oniia v uuiiiriii \\ liilllc rotunif.I to , . ., , . , moil s is Hie place to go and ' n '' 1 " ' (tsi.eii h> a most delicious d (us"'U soda water. ? BRAVE YODNGFUNI ? WOMiN FOUGHT ; GE( about Tj A U f| HI- Thc rcm k U il li U il anaccoun ^ irK'?i- jtl %ve) II K on Moiula ? Ul .iiatclyca N. t_ , lorsofMr TZ DESPERATE ATTEMPT ""ny MADE AT GIRL IN -o""- FATHER'S STORE, . The rerr uesriay BPPTin nrfT f nr> t uunnm in 11 ' ' 011 11LUI1U WILL DL LI WLULli II Conriro ration- George clean- CAUGHT. luf young i will be Qn Tuesday one of the ir.ost dla- About t r after i^u^al attempts at criminal assault er Kinard { busi- NTRS ,nage upon Mias Jennie llrooks, Coleman, the pretty twenty year old daughter ^ ,ee : ;re. of Mr. and Mrs. J. I', brooks, of the ul. at- Moriah section of Creenwood their heal >daGng county, by a negro, Bob ( .:wis. panied th I Tele- while the brute did not accomplish and comrj Glenn his purpose be came very near ntur- lasting re 'or the dering his victim, who at this writing j h time Is not yet out of danger. ' Ion to Mr- brooks is u farmer and lives son' U A regrets between Greenwood and Ml. Moriah Rikard, .1 longer, church, about four miles from town. George In connection with bis farm he runs rnong us i i\e re- a store, the building being about lifty ,. to rel- i , , i ?i .... world?In 1 yards from bis dwelling. It is in a public place a.ul it doesn't seem pos- with hand sibie that the negro would have made We shall ITT X? audi a bold attempt iu broad daylight neither w U 1 Li Mr. and Mrs. Brooks had gone to lie- |,an,i.shaV hobotli church to at md protracted meeting. '1 hey left Llieir two elder 1,s memo daughters and their grandmother at ''is home. Miss Jennie was called to the brother i store by some negro customers and ;lgAju ext while they were Here the negro, Bob j^a,. fi lUvis came in. lie waited until the others had gone out of the store, '/c? then he asked to see some shoes. He nRl) I selected a pair and bought a pair of A * ord an P^hts. Then he said he wanted some DTTl iory of bacon. He was told by the young lt?l 1 I died a ''Tdy that they were out of bacon, lie inct far iu some in i ne nox wmcn i.e .sail suited him. The young ladv iVoflford stepped from hi-hlnd the connter to Mr. C. 1 i !usti g'(J to tlie box. As site d.d so lie grab ?d fi'om a ineeted ben the moat knife and cauie toward "rattlebo ne as h ber. exclaiming: "You are what I visited lb ruonal? want. he purclu ourtesy J ,'e negro made a niurdcro'is on- handsome duties, 'aught with the knife and .Miss brought t esteem Hi'ouks threw up h?r hands to nor Mr. Stew, of ids faee The blow of the knife almost ' >r Hatesl worthy veredtwoof her lingers. As soon Hotel. I y and as she dropped her hands the negro "nest pla s in his again struck her with the knife, this winter an his so 'imo making a terrible gash across Hie Nort is many her throat. In sonin manner, the forested i aructer young lady says she doesn't know bilityistl how, she got in possession of the bring mui knife. The only thing t hat saved her We are wasa passerby, who frightened the Stewart I ,, negro and he tied. Miss Hrooks was here who able tocall to him for help. A posse <?f the liai ss and was Immediately organized and is in Mr. Ste bat ne hoi pursuit. If the negro is caught, sojourn ii h such and no doubt he v. ill tie, it wilt lake no place 1 I useful a regiment to keep him from being linalosp relent- lynched. ie poet Miss Itrooks is in a serious condition | |,e |_e hut the attending physician thinks nevv out1 ii she will recover glne, new Itrhig your cotton to Leesvllle l>ron,*sea w here vow ceil net it vIiiih-iI In lltn minutes, sell tho green seed and Vote to ' 1'"P cotton ut the highest prices. 'or Adjut n young ^ Vote Ford. L. Walker for Comp* ,irt' m"'' troller (leneral. A,?he\llle njn of land, has nd Alii- Islature For Adjutant and Inspector tiend in an eral vote for Alaj. Lewis W. Haskell, j )ie ate for * son of Mn)' 1 u,,Kdon Haskell, of mon's |s Abbeville County. freshed I s >dn v a of Tin WANTIil)- A lady Operator for the! ?, " Southern llell Telephone and Ttl-' be re- , . W AN I I,ink .1 *""" At,ply .U.lilpu or by letter to l.? Bote. Lrnost L. Il.rtl.r. (|| liate.burii, S. C. argains in Buggies. L. D ADVOCy {, Aug 17. i<)o6. onclta, Q Dclmar <.? ist. Ridge ^ it cmetta, y- ^ inston, \^jt) ji,e i-irsi Natio day. ^ interest on depot baptist lends money on Jatival 7*1 endorsers. I'roi church customers assur ly in- 7J7 ?h. This bank w y rowers, leil yoi ... \h Bank of Hatcshur ! 9 among ^ I oiiday Drge V. tcvilic, ^ <1 ti.i ' ' V - i ? k:. ; Cullum'Co. "Now Is the time I *y. Try \TE " nal Hank of Datesburj;, S. C., pays ills in the Savings Department, and approved security or satisfactory not and courteous ?tlt>nlinn #n all ed. A fair deal anrl a square deal to ants good depositors and good horur friends about the First National g, at Ualesburg, South Carolina. * ML OF MR.HON.A.F ). C. BATES. AT STEA ains of Mr. (ieo. C. Kates t of whose death appeared ek's Advocate, arrived here ^ SYNOPSIS OF HIS y morning and was Imine- SPEECH-TELLS rried to the undertaking par- IN CONGRESS U . M. K. Rutland, after winch taken to the hum? of his MERS TO RAISE 1 r_ j ,, . nnifviTTr ? m ir. and Airs. a oates. nUwlN I A1 HUlHI icral services wcro held in mpr prnDi r QU disc church at 10:30 o'clock. riUFLfc 811 l<1 rites being performed bj THE GENERAL EL , Dr. E. T. Hodges. lains were laid to rest in the _ _ _ ? , (By D. R. Halt cry. Bates was just in the prime ( onRressman Fran! nanhood. troclucod by I'hairra in a few complimi wo years he, with Mr. Luth- an(j vvas cordially , of Lecsville, and Mr. Ware audience which qul< of Johnston, formed a party catch every word tin md went to New Mexico for "PS()' this Rifted son , , ... . These people are th, and Mr. Kinard accom- ... young representative, e remains of his late friend his every act, his c> ide from Silver City, to their mont; his reputatk sting place. a"d nation, all belong llieaiers were: W. W. Wat- men w'l? made bin . ,, , support him, It wj ( ooner, A. (,. Jones, remart> heard al, it llolman and D. B ltawl 0He man who woi Bates lias passed from a- tlnuance of their cor i to that brighter and better as he was pleased to s to tbat house "not made ke\er was at home a , pie, and from his nu Is eternal in the Heavens.' ? ? . ant and unassumtug neve, see ills face again, his friends, no one wi 111 we receive that hearty ed that he was a rep ce which lie had for all, hut Rreat people hi the ry we will ever hold dear. lative body in ail tl . , . . , ... Domocratic simplicit Knof-stricken p.renw, I,Is a? ?a(ural with film. aud sisters, I lie Advocate representative of the ends its deepest sympathy. sense of the word, nal rest be In peace. The attention and . plause given him 1 1X7 C!TF\I7 4DT speocn nearly an J. VI. a 1 L If All 1 wa? both a p ofoum aud a compliment to URNS TO BATESt'nly a synopsis of RIIH ff spoech Is here undt DUllU. Kan by thanking tlie IV. Stewart lias jast return- past support, at tin vi.dt to his old home in pressing his gicat pi ro, Vt. While away lie also permitted to meet yston and New York, where face to face in a fri ised ( lie of the largest and bis record in Congi st- lines of pianos ever belongs to the people o this section of the country. a|)(J you are ei irt says be has been talking wbat 1 have been dol wrg and the Summerland. "rst time I have i le believes, this to be the five years and I had t cc in the world to spend the ''red and tifty miles i ,d thinks that the tourist of wanted to see you h are becoming greatly in- t.o seu m?? to sec 1 n Batesburg and the proba- wearing the same hat Hie coming winter will that my belly-band tiy new visitors to Batesburg any bigger." indeed glad to welcome Mr "The representat ark. lie lias many friends '"ingle with his con are glad to give him a shake ('cr that he may kn id. is Retting too big . . and It is then time U wart had a most enjoyable ..You can't repreae a the North but says there is |()U kQow wl)at they like Hatesburg, South ( aro- fec| an(, what af( end the winter. needs." That Is my bere. "1 want to ti esville Olnnery has a brand (|mi 0ut what yjil an fit of two batteries seven to learn wliat service r entitle and all where It ji,aL I may better p-rfect work. Congress. I want yr let, ,ne know your r Major Lewis W. Haskell your paid servant an ant and Inspector (leneral, of my time, all my man of military education thought, and whatcv ary experience, a native of pericnce 1 have belo county now living in Rich- so help me God us lei been a member of the Leg- ed by your coniidenc 4 years. * yours. (Applaui No man can serve pular Soda Fountain of Tim- |,aVe no other busint the place to go and he ie- representing the p< >v a most delicious drink of lindeitake nothing e tcr. am in Congress. M ?- These remarks madr lil)?at once two good men pressloii and were sltlon a? clerk In the town frequent cheering, iburg. Apply at Advocate appioval. (Continued ot. to buy that BugONES. & IK O U U O 0 1 If $ gi tit &&&&&& lEVER MAN. REALLY GREAT OF HIS WORK RGES THE FARfHEIR HOG AND &. TLLLS WHY OULD VOTE IN -ECTION. iwanger.) k Lever was itian Glover Abies entary remarks, received by the :kly gathered to it fell from the ofold Lexiutfton proud of their . Tliey feel that rery accomplish)n In the State, \ to them as the i, and who now is the universal iy, that he was dd merit a conifidence, so Ions ?erve tliem. Mr. mong these peo inner, his pleaswav in meetlnn tuld have dreamresentative of a greatest Legis ie woild. lie is y Itself, and it is lie is truly the people in every enthusiastic apf.hfnnirKAnf l\lu i hour's length, rl tribute to him the intelligence his really great :rtaken. lie bepeople for their j same time exeasure in being his countrymen endly review Of ess. My record : who have made ltltled to know ng." "It is the iddressed you In ;o travel one bun.0 be with you." and wanted you Lliat 1 was still No. of hat and had not gotten .ive who lails to stituenLs, In oruw their wishes, for his treeclies ) make a change." nt people unless want, bow they ? their peculiar reason for being ilk with you to s thinking about; i 1 can be to you, represent you in ai to feel free to wishes. T am <1 every moment energies, all my er ability and exngs to you, and igasl am honore, it all shall \x> se ) two masters. I 'as than that of :oplc and would Isc so long as 1 y time is yours. ! a profound 1mreceived with and remarks of i hut page.) 1