The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, April 10, 1901, Image 3

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THE ADVOCATE. Published Kv?kt Wkdnksdat. Sunday was indeed a beautiful Easter day. Our subscription list is still on the increase. Kev. II. D. Padgett was iu town a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. llaitley visited relatives at Trenton Sunday. Mr. J. Frank Kneece made a flying visit to Columbia lust week. Sheriff J. A. Ilidgcll was her? Fridaylie to be in the best of spirits. Dr. Buster, the indefatigable pbysi rtnti 01 Mi. ?> tiling, was nere uunusy. The many friends of Mr. Jno. K. Watson will be grieved to learn of bis illness. Attorney General Gnnler, spent , Euater here. We are always glad to ste "X," Misses Annie and &eswie Winn's sweet facts gleamed on our streets last week. Mrs. A. I.. Hartley and children, of Xexington, spent Easter with relatives in town. Hiring us y our Job work! Our taritory is very rxstensive and our facilities unlimited. Mr. L. W. 'Jaughman, a successful , and industr o;?s farmer of Blacks, was in town Monday. Miss Kate llaltiwang?r, after an extended visit to her sister at Pelion, has returned homo. Our fair maidens appeared in their Easter costume< Sunday, which were indeed beautiful. Miss Blanche Cuughman of Mt. Wil ling, was in town Friday making pirchases for Easter. Rev. J. I) Rikird tilled bis regular appointment ut Kelobarlli church near liolley Fvrry Sunday. Mess Hartley A Qu.ittUbaum have erected in the rear end of their store, .u mammoth refrigerator. Misses Carrie and Bessie Mitchell of Xeesville, were in town Friday. They Jiave many friends here, who arc always glad to see them. We were glad *.o see Cap*. J. Feaster Xylesand his beautiful and most accomplished daughter, Miss Belle on our streets last week. It seem? that the "Ladies Fashion Club" have held their second meeting, ^ as one young lady appeared on our ts ''minus" her belt. 'teil as b<?tn in unities, iliey will currs. 'an Hartley ?is steadily > ere long, Jul lieulib. lu, was in Uncle Hull Treasurers the respect now liiiu. und in the e -dispenser By and hud hi in arrested. The clerk says the dispenser stole it himself.?Chester Latistern. On Sunday itflernocn a colored pasisenger came uear meeting with an Accident by conversing with her I friends until the train was making its l departure, .iieu attempting to get f Aboard. An invitation is extended to the public generally with the assurance of beat satisfaction, to examine our up-todate line of stationery. Prices tosuit the people. We are pained to annouce the death of the infant little son of Mr, and Mrs. Duvid Hartly near Itaxter. The little one a as bore irom earth to heaven on last Sunday. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family. jluy the Shelton Mills Flour arid get [ the best. Ask your dealer for their | brands, and insist that you get it. L Special prices on Meal and Flour for B the next few days. Get uiy prices. D. It. Hultiwanger. H A nuru her of young couples enjoyed the beautiful duster Sunday afternoon HT walking in almost every direction H Few limy have thought of the gloomy Hi past, but many clicerished a happy n future. Listen for the wedding Letts! i 0 The Kev E. T. Hodges, Presiding j am Elder of Columbia District, preached ISH a One serinon in the Methodist Chuitfli | Sunday night to a Urge congregation, i Mr. 1 o grs is always welcome in our! V town and will not lack for attentive HH bearers when he preaches. 9H ()n Monday night just prior to the BHMl c.'oslng of the stores a negro ooy in I) >n-aid# out of Perry Hro's. store stole : liiiusalf a limit p?ir of shoes ami ' ran. A trusty darkey reported the matter and went in persuit of him, the shoes were recovered, but the "negro is g ?ne on." Mr. Ni-a! Hartley having completed lit* course in Short Hand at MCfeat's School and a business Course at the Columbia business College, icft Monday for Washington, Ca., where lie will represent the Geo. I). Witt Slioe Co , in that Stale. We predict for him . much success in his new line of busi\ ness. | if troubled by a weak digestion, loss I of appetite, or Constipation, try a tew! [ doses of Chamberlain's Stomach ami ft Liver Tablets, Every box warranted. & For sale by P, B, Gunter. Tiie lecture on Tin* Americin Sunday nt the Methodist Church Friday night, I was well attesded. I>r. Thompson i-> H an attract;ve speaker and knows hew to entertain his audience. His lecture was full of thought and will doubtless ^Hdo much good. His arganient for a ^^Uietter observance of the Sabbath, were g^Etrong and convincing. M the conp^wlusVn of the lecture, u neat little sum u|^kvas subscribed for literature on the fflHahbath question, which will be disH^^ibutcd in the town. Money to Lead, At The First National Bank of Batesburg. Every accomodation consistent with sound bauklng guaranteed to our patrons. Your account solicited. W. W. Watson, Cashier. Mr. Walter Padgett was in town yesterday. Mr*. Geo. Dunt f* r*port?l ubtl?t very ill. Ex Supervisor Bodie of Saluda, wai on our streets Monday. Those famous little pill*, DeWitt'a Utile Early Risers will remove all impurities from your system, cleanse your bowels, make the regular. F. B. Gunter. Representative J. W. 'Seigler of Saluda Couuty, was In town yesterday. Mr. Siegler is one of Saluda's most industrious farmers, and' is held in high esteem by all who know birn. Skin troubles, burns, scalds r.nd chafing quickly heal by tbe use of DeWitt's Witch liazel Salve. It Is imitated. lie sure you get DeWitt'a. F. II. Gunter. Mr. W. W. Padgett of the Emory section, was in town yesterday. Mr. Padgett is one of Saluda's stauoohest citizens. lie left us with a warm heart. You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver is sluggish and your bowels clogged. DeWitt'a I.iule Early Risers dense the whole system. They never grip. F. b. Gunter. Col. R. Hoyt Hartley foraserly of Ilatesburg. but now of Atlanta, Ga ., was in town Sunday on a viait to his parents. Mr. A Mrs. I). P. Hartley. The Col. la employed as Chief Trace Clerk, of the Seaboard Air Line in Atlanta and ia deservedly popular with the Railroad official*. He has u host of friend* in this tuwu wiio are alway: glad to see him. Spring coughs are specially dangerous and unless cured at once, serious remits often follow. One Minute Cough Cure acts like magic. It ia not a common mixture but is a high grade remedny . F. R. Gunter. On Sunday afternooa some rude boys disturbed the peace by rolling sev?ra! c rs a distance of about 50 yds., causing them to run against each other making a considerable noise. Sucli is annoying to tho pcacable public as well as tbe railroad company. "Last winter I was conllned to my bed with a very bad cold on the lungs Nothing gave gave tne relief. Finally my wife bought a qottle o' One Min* ute Cough Cure that effected a speedy cure, i cannot speak too highly of that excell nt remedy."?Mr. T. K. Houseman, Tanat&ney, 1'a. F. B. Gun I IT. >Vbile the w riter did not uttenJ tb? B. Y. I*. U. Convcntion at Charleston, he feels confident that soiu. of prettiest of the pretty young ladies in the State was in attendance. \*e only judge from imaginary pictures drawn on our inind hy one of tlie B*5e>burg delegates; whose taste is l.igh/y cultivated. 'l'he clever young gentleman kinuly :\tV us to remark his love-ship, and set the sails in the direction of the City bj^ the Set. "llad piles so had I could get nor lind a cure until I tried Witch Hazel Salve. After usin^^rc orce I forgot 1 ever liad anything like Piles."-F. I.. Boice, Soiners Point, Look out for imitations. l>e sure you a*!' for I?eWilt's. F. It. Gunter. 1 Miss Clara Smith has for the past few months pleaseed the scholars and patrons of the Spring Branch school so well in her earnest effort in prepaiing her pupils for a seccessful career in this world that the was elected unanimously as our teacher lor tlie next term of school, and as she accepted it seemed to place a look of cousolement upon the faces of {her pupils. It was very aid to see the tear stained faces upturned towards Iter's as they bade good-bye. May happiness always attend her.?"Pupil" to Barnwell People. "I have been tiouliLd with indigestion fur ten years, have tried many things and spent ranch money to no purpose until I tried Kodol Dyspasia Cure, I have taken two bottles and gotten more relief from tlirm than all other medicines taken. 1 feel more like a boy than I have felt in twenty years." 'Anderson Biggs of Sunny Lane, Tex. Thousands have testified as did Mr. Biggs. Verdict Sustained. We omitted to state in our last week's issue, that the State Supreme Court had sustained the verdict rendered in the lower court, allowing dam aSe< to the extent of $2,700 in the cass of J. B. Youngblood against tit# So. Ky. It will be remembered that Mr. Youngblood lost bis right arm while in tlie employ of ths So. Ky , in tbe city of Colombia, Feb., 8, 1898. Soil for $10,000 damages was instituted ;i nil u veidict of $2,700 secured secured in tbe lower court?this, tbr bibber court sustains. You will waste tlrneif you try to cure indigestion or indigestion or dyspepsia by starving you reel fN That only makes it worse when you do eat heartily. You always need plenty of good food properly digested. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is tbe result of years of scientific research for something Hint would digest not oniy some elements of food but every kind. And it is lite one remedy tlint will do it. Final Marie A LI. l'KKSONS INTKKESTKD 1Y will inke notice that the underI signed will apply to lion. Ceo. S, Drafts, Judge of Probate of Lexingt<oi County at tliis ofllce on Wednesday 22nd May 1901, for a filial discharge as Administrator of the estate of WilliamCorley deceased. Samu*l Howe, I Administrator of the estate of William Corley, deceased. lob Couldn't lluvc? Stood It. If he'd bad lu lling Files. They'rr teribly annoying; but Bucklae's Ami en Halve will cure ttie worst case o piles on earth. It has cured thousand* For Injurea, Pains or Bodily Kruptlor its the best salve in the werld. Prtci J 26c a box. Cure guaranteed, Hold by F. B. Cu liter. Save your Money , And keep II In the Savings Depart* meat of THE FIRST NATIONAL 1 BANK of Batetburg. Four (4) p*r. cent lottrnt on dtpoiiu. Dividend* ' ?(ni*80Dually. Both largo and small 4 accou n ts * so' ic i ted. W. W. Watson, * Caalilor. A Dispensary move is quitely being circulated in our town. If all who us* the beverage favor lis establish wtui wuat win dc in* miKuriif voie. a Marriages ? Are Lng remembered by the friend* ? and relatives of the bride and groom, ? when they are requested to be a fiwt n by receiving one of Tbe Advocate's ' beautiful wedding invitations. * Far Sale 5.00olb* ol fodder, 100 bushels potatoes, 3 yoke of Oxens. | 3 milk cow*. Joseph Burton, lloiistta, S. To Cure a Cold ia One l>ay. Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money . if it fails to cure. E. W. Urove's sig- m nature is ou each box. 25c. e BATESBURO COTTON MARKET. ? Prices subject to change without notice and corrected by W. C. Cartldge weekly. I Low Mldling T 7-8? 1 Strict 44 4 * 8. Middling 8 1-8. 4 4 4 8 1-4 Good 4 4 8 8-8. r Tone of market unsettled. ^ A Card of Tlnuks. To the voters of Saluda County : As it would be impossible for me to meat each aud .very one personally 1 desire to thank you for the vote 1 receivtd in th? recent primary elections for sheriff through the columns of The Advocate assuring you that 1 shall spare so pains in the diecbargc of my duty. And for tlieee who seen fit to vote otherwise 1 have kind re- C garJs, and respect thsir views in asak- ^ ing a choice. Respectfully. J. A. Ridgell. A ltagitig, Hearing Flood. V.'asiisd down a telegraph liae wLich ' Cha*. C. Ellis of Lisboe,'la., had to repair. ''Standing waist deep in icy water," he writes, "gave me a terrible cold and ceugh. It grew worse daily. Finally the beat doctors in Oakland. Neu , Sioux City and Omaha said 1 had C onsumption and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottle." Positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung treuhies by F. B. Uuuter . Price 50c audll.OL See 4* W H ITT EN'S" bargaius in tlfie week's i.eue. New cases of fever Ijjvc developed in his store. The Mafd'? >t t.ll? S.ail U?n.. 1.11 .. ? [riseV," will ioou be (one. Get jcur Applies quick. I i LAMP OK LEARNING. | ? It still uvbnr bkiohti.y at tiik Soutu OaUolina College. (By tbe Rev. E. A. Wingard, D. D.) On the granite hills which tower O'er the rapid, rushing tide, Where the Broad, wltn murmured j pledges, Greets Saluda a? bin bride; ' Where the mingling of the waters In their union full and free, Give an olF-spring bold and mighty, Iu the tawny Cougaree. On these lulls now v.rni and bur. niahed With the glow of summe* skies, There " the pride of State and City" Meets the (lance ef loving eyes; Where our fathers wrought and builded, There our college proudly stands, And her pillared halls are sacred W |th the touch of vanished hands, 9 It was here that Maxcy guided To the lealnts of higher thought, It wan here the glorious Barnwell All his mental treasures brought, It was here that Preston lect'tred With his golden tongue aflame, It was here that Thornwell added To these walls his deathless fame. Lo her sous! They start with liar, per, One without reproach or shame, Whom wo rite to hold in reverence At the mention of his name; And front then till now her chi'dreu Have been leaders of the State, ( W inning glory fro.u disaster Beating down the bars of f?.te. Not from piles of sculpured tu trl *, Though her halls are f.iir to see, Will her fame be spread in story i _ <i.- ..... AM VIIV m?wo ?Cl (1/ WU, But the one who writes her hi?to>y, Will inscribe with buruitif pen, How site tarred her noblest rrcord* In the lives of noble men. Let the hoetile hand he palsied That would tear Iter pillows down! And the breath of judgment wither All who smirch her fair re town! By a thousmd sacr?d tnanorie* She is wedded to the Slate, And for ((lory or dishonor Kadi must share the self-rfauie f. te. But I see a glorious vision Springing from the days o he, When our schools of learning scat* i tered From the mountains to the * a, I Shall he nurttiug mothsrs for her. Sending hundreds to her walls; And things who h now divide us, ' Be as ruilied leveled walla. As the hilltops cast their shadows In the river windi-ig near, Ho her glory will he mirrored lu each swiftly passing; While her children's deeds of great* ' neas. Hound her form their light wit> ' all d, * Always gathering added hrigl.tnoa1 From the lustre of iter dead. delivered at Cominsiicsment of fc>. C, r I College, June, 18i?7. I g^Brinjc us your Job Work.JJ There is no demand too small and no ?rder too large for OUR STOCK OR FACILITIES. wwwwmm TO THE DEAF. A rinh Imlv rurMl nf hnr ud Nome# in the lien4 by Dr. Nicliolon's Artificial Ear Drums, gave $lOKN> t bis Institute, so thai deaf peo>le unable to procure the Eur Drums lay have them free. Address No. 1080-c. The Nicholson Institute, 7^0 eighth Avenue, New York, C. 8. A.J WILL EVANS. Haberdasher, Shirt maker will, ;ive your niai. irdcrs prompt and careul attention, at 148'2 Main Street. -IS'01. Cnlumhis. ?. C!. Jones & Hardin Laundry Agents^ .auudry must be left at E. JONES' tore by Monday aftemoua. Deliverd every Saturday. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J. W. DaVORK, J. N. O. GREGORY. EdKtOild, it C. Saluda, S. C. 3eVORB & GREGORY ATTORNEYS AT LA IF. All business intrusted to our care eceives prompt attention. pfl^OOtce up stairs in Etheredge lullding. E. K HARDIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Offl.C9 at ,Home. iG. L. Trotter. PHYSICIAN A BURGEON. Iffers la is Professional Services to tl.e eople of Batesbur^- and vicinity. P. P. Asrtt.T, Watches 'Clocks, and. Uewelrvl lie pairing. IcLena ltuildin^, BATES BURG. s. C. J as. W. Pitts, SURGEON-DENTIST? rWOflT.ce at Etherediie building SALUDA. S. C. Eugene W. Able ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR. Offices at?? EoocriaLD C. II. and Saluda. C. II. Prompt Attention Giien to All Busies*. E. L.-ASBILL. Attorney at La\?."? .kbsvillk ' - SC. Practice in nil Court*. Business soliit ed. go to sam howes. i.estuarant for fi r s t-c 1 ass iieals, at all hours. WATSON & t'ToWI LL. IF^re) [Ins., -A.g:?2nts. Town and Country Risk. Office in ADVOCATE Iiuihiimj. li. L. HARTLEY. THEO. A. QDATTLEBADH, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON; Dffice over Harris' Drug Store. Money to Loan. lotiilu V.. r M -w >?> inhu3 j hiring, ?fo commissions charged. Borrower :>ays actual cost of perfecting loan. John. B. Palmer \ Son. Columbia, S. C. Ki oknk W . Able, Atty., Saluda, S. C. W anted! Everybody to Know Ti at I bat# fur aale a largo and beat a! sele -tioa of framed Pictures. En : ravings and Paintings. VLSO P1CTUBE FRAMES MADE 1C ORDER. Call and see and be convinced. K. L. KAMKY. Saluda, S. 0. Tbla ilptiui* I* on ovorjr box of the (taulai Laxative Bromo-Quininc Tablet* Dm W?if Uat tare* a mM 1m rW ( 1."^ " v K+. \jr * ?r - ?**" ; Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. "Wasrener's High. It artificially digest* the food and aids ?1 AND Nmure lu strengthening and recon* Capital Cotton Fertilizers structtng the exhausted digestive or* (sus. It is the latest discovered digest* ... sot and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efllcleucy. It In- .Tust received 1,600 gallons flno S\ Stantly rclievesand permanently cures one or our One Excelsior, New Leu or Li Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn and prices. f. iH. ^ ?So4,r Stomach, Nausea, ()nr llorse Wagons- Russell inske? 1. \H??<l?ehe,Qiatralgla.Cramp8and Hewing Machines for *13.6>. Astool all other results of imperfect digestion. Big Line of Clothing. Pant*, Dry Go V- targe isscoatatossHtimes Guarantee' to please you. I wai cnallalse. BookaUabouidycpepsUmalTedfree ' v 1 pr???rus ty c. c dswit-t a co, c^i?afi? puronasinj,, . USTEAAT YORK | :R.a.C:ES:E:T The extraordinary Bargains offered the last few weeks, has involved every department or our increasing business in A stupendous rush. Sales Show an Increase OF 40 PER CENT. To say f at we are satisfied, does not express it. To show our appreciation, we have redoubled our efforts in bargain giving. We have secured the services of another bujer, who represents us in Baltimore. lie is provided with the ready Casli to snap up any bargain that may be offered. We now ha?* a close grip on the New York & Balt:inore Markets and expect bargains from both places weekly. THIS WEEK WE OFFER ioo dozen Neck-ties-Reprcsenting every Shape, Color and design?ic to 8f>. 60 dozen New Spring Shirts at prices guaranteed to be 10 to 50 per under any competition. The Styles the latest, Color and Make the Best. 30 Doz. Men's Drawers, 15 Cents up to 75. MC3-H.O-VEJSII1IM For months we have becu trying to secure a drive for this department. Success has crowned our efforts and we offer until the Lot is closed, 10 dozen Imported Samples Kid Gloves, wort li from 1 to 2 Dollars ^?r. at 56 cents the pair. Every Color and Size. 1/5 dozen B ack Silk Hits 10 cents to 39 cents. 10 dozen Black, White and Colored Silk Oloves 25 to 43 cents pair. A full line Broadway Kid Gloves 9 ) cents. Every Pair Guaranteed. ?^>CI_iOTH!I!N - >\ e have been accused of buying our Clothing from Fir* Sales. For once, w* plead guilty. The Baltimore Bargain House was burned in December. To settle the Insurance, the StO.k had to be Sacrificed. We have secured a portion of it at 40 to 50 cents on the Dollar. At the price we nan.e, it won't last long. liow about a 5.50 Kersey Suit (a? 2 08 44 " 0 50 Bl'k Cheviot <& 3 7a 44 ,4 2.00 Satinet 44 (d) 1 50 How about Dozens of other's equally as good at as low J". PropM oney back if you are nui satisfied. . I ANY M IS UNDERSTANDING WILL BE - ADJUSTED BY THE PKOPRIETOR. 4 Free Trip during Merrymaker's week, appu 22-27. Wc pay your railroad fare both ways. The only condition is that you buy $15.0() worth of goods at prices that are uumatchable, aud we leave this to your owu judgment. I.oek over this li?t and see if there isn't several articles you need. If so, come to us. and we guarantee the piices will be the lowest Mahogany Suits, Willow Rockers, Dinning't ables, Typewriter Desks, Walnut Suits, Fancy Rockers, Library Tables, China Cabinet, Birdseye Maple, Bedroom Rockers, Center Tables, Writing Desks, Oak Suits, Sitting Chairs, Old Dressers, Standing Desks, Cherry Suits, Fancy ("hairs. Odd Wash Stands, Book Cases, Birch Suits, Morris Chairs, Sideboards, Chifloner*, D...,. II..I. D..AT..*.. /!_ 1. at iur on 11^$ urans uru?, nuut'iit, ijruucuus, Fancy Odd Pieces, Iron U?d?, Folding Beds, Lounges, Mattings, Toilet Sets, Lamps, Art Squares, Rugs, Hat Racks, Holltop Desks, Hat Racks.. Specials Our 115 00 Solid Oak Bedroom Suits. Our $1*2 00 Solid Oak Sideboards. Our 5 50 " " Hat Hacks. Our 4 60 " " Kxtention tables. Our 150 " " Center Tables. Our 3 50 " " Iron Red-Leads. All we require is for you to buy 16 I Ua. s worth '.nd we will then refund your money paid for railroad ticket. Augusta Housefurnishing Company, 836 BROAD STREET AUGUSTA, GA. The following reputable salesman will take pleasure in ssrviug you : W. T,. Piatt J. I. Palmer K. B. Gibson, W. K. Latimer, F. T. Cody, L. F. Piatt, E. B. Pilcher. - ? ???? i THE MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company Of New York. llicliard A. McCurdy, President. T The T.u ro'rxt St rut) c; est. Jlfuxt PrndrAisirp T i /V? T? i? - mice Company in the World, Paid to Policy holders in liKX). . $20,3(51,863.83 Total Income in PKX) . ... 60,582,802.31 Assets December 31, 1900 / . . . 325,753,162.61 Insurance and Annuities in force . . 1,141,497,888.02 And it Leads Again in South. Carolina. ' From the reports of twelve lead ng co.n, trills, no (lie in the Comptroller's | office, it is r-liawn i That Tot* Mutual I.ife of New YoA paid fv?r forty-nine per cent, business . in South Carolina in lS.v.i ihan any other company. Gained fifty eight per cent more insurance in force than any other company. ' Cnll-c'ed in ea- h pr? tnium* $79,521.31 more than any other company. lias 3 more insurance in force in South Carolina than any other company. The Mutual Life U now selling a Single Premium Guaranteed Three and One-Half Per Cent. Bond, which does not require an examination. The Five Per Cent. Twenty Year Bond policy cannot be equaled. Better than a Government Kor.d. No impaired or vicious risks solicited or accepted for insurance in this Company. A few first-class agents can secure desirable contracts. For particulars as to plans, rates, etc., apply to J. G. ETHER EDGE. Special A^ent, Columbia, S. C. i AT 1 k .^r- / ar I 9 E. -JONES, I n . . . 9 Orftd.6 Guaiio] Uik? larftr and better crop^ 9 ,,u? > by U4s?imt these Bruudt. 1 Ac id.8 and. Kainits. Prepared to suit you. I KUPS in Brazil package8-?10. 16 and 2-1 gallon ke>;s; simply delicious. Buy 9 ttls Dandy Cook Stoves an J please your wife. lliuJIe other kinds, all* sires 9 Steel Axle and Thimble Skein. -9 shin< is itiiotf AI-?o a .ins of better grades. "99 ode and Stoves ju*t arrived. B.'K-k, Liuu and Cement a specialty. ^^9 ?t your irud.>. Got tr?y prices and terms before .9 xtaxtkd?activk max opooodcharac ter to deliver and oollact la Huatk Carolina far V|H > ?-* I <" + > jj-- >?? | k. I I ??l?l entatdiatied in.inufacluriu^ wiialataia knaaa. X k-* 3^ cj K*" I J *U00 a year, rare |?ay. Honesty taara tfcaa as*- > Q c5 rp III perienca reunited. Our reference, aay t?*ak la 3 ! <?' >?* r-^ ?S 1 I l :,"7 cily- Eucloaa aelf-aUdreaaed alampaf aa j _< ?a. i n | vnfojie. M iuuraeturera, TUlrd Fiver, iM Oaal 2.1 qb 3 jlh j toru St., CUloazo. , h| EllSglllO iTM. MITCHELL.' V x ^ ^ j t jxjolu physician & surgeon s-' s ~ ! t? it! ^ ti office hours' ? 3 ! 2 8 to 0 a. trt. 55 ! 3 * ? o !<2 r 2 to 3 p. in. i?k ; rz ' ^ j >a j 7:30 tu 9 p. m % ? l|C a i-ICi ENGINES " I III? E A BOILERS . ~ & 5 is ^ kj:vj -gins and presses. ?~f x? cfs s* - . . " Complete Cotton, Saw, Ori?fc, Oil and 4 s s i -s1 s ! ? ? Fertilizer Mill Outfits; also Giu Press ,j. x -* i o *t< ! i i i Cane Mill and Shingle Outfit*. Bulldn 3 a i i i i injf. Hridffe, Factory, Furuaeaand Raili? rewi ^.j va/ road Canting; Railroad, Mill, Factory, igi ^ o ' it' bnt* Machinists' Supplies. Retting, s 2 ^ w i Packing, Inj -ctors, Pipe Fitting*, o ^ o ^ ^ ! s Saws, Files, Oilers, Etc., cast s*ery / " - x 25 i?< q 0 g?rej day. Work 150 hands. ? b % ? ( v i ,h Lombard Iron Worts Snpply Co. o c eo i f?kj n z q? ? m 25 si l|| augusta, georgia. < * r* <r+ x ^ ^ ; .-41 Fouodry, Machine, Holler and' Gin 5 j ? ? 3* ?j t Works. Repairing Promptly Dure, -i 5* ar ? 2 ??, u-io-.-u " 1? ** f 3 ? n i Brill iz G. P. COBB. ||(^ = ? 2 c ^ II Z * 5"% s H auo-aiBs. o c. ^? (* 22 o I i _1 cj ^ x ij ' 5-j? 2 & ^ gj^lll 23cua.^3>tes is ^ rs* s* ^ s m ^xt^3stxtxt^3b ? V kw* ^ 'X. i JTm ^ o s- c ^ ^4 coffins. waluays w s ^ ^ s3 ^ c -c "" -1 XT 3 CASKETS AND On w TZ <?t- II ~ | ? p- 7 MEI'ALIC CASES- h..J, " Johnston. $ . . S. CJ R F. FORREST&C0. ^ Staple and Fancy pBHHI 1 tMt OCE It I E S'T^y J TOBACCO CIGARS, HARDWARE, LEATHER, CANDY ^ "We have our candy made by reliablejpeople especially for our trade. Guar. mUed to be fresh. W Dry Goods Low as the Lowest. SALUDA, SO . 4 Hew Crop garden Seed. Cigars, Tobacco,HGigarettes. | ^ Everything to be found in a first'classlDruer Store, we have. Hartley & Quattlebaum. LIVERY STABLE IN CONNECTION It May he Shameful. But every chance we get, we jump on our prices and tread them down. DDottsI IE3IsL*tsII Straw and Felt just received at prices never bafore offered, and quality equal to any Slioes! Sh.oes!I We have a line Ladies and Childrens Slippers that is yours for economy and solid satisfaction. Dress Goods Lace* and Imbrodfrief at all prices that equal any on the market in price and quality. Come to-duy, don't wait 'till to-morrow. CT-C- GLOVER Steadman ,& Riley, ' ?"Dealers Inzz? General Merchandise. A full line of Fuaiture on hand, The Reliable Stndebaker Wagoni. (i t our piices on Fertiliser*. None but the beet brands. $1,**00 w?>rth of Clothing must be solJ below coet. Come and see. Seeing l? believing. For Commercial Print ing . COME TO THE Co