The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, February 06, 1901, Image 4

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... ~THE ADVOCATE. Published Kvrry Wednesday. Peyton Hartley went to Augusta Thursday. OllieSwvgert was in town several days last week. Mr. Wise, of Clouds Creek, was in town last week. Messrs. Riley and Long have returned from DenLy's. Miss Anna Thomas has returned from Ridge (Spring. Jim Rutland, of Mounetta, called in to see us last Thursday. Curtis Culleoa, with his goat and cart, Is king of Boyville. Misses Lizzie and Lucile Cullam have been visiting at Ridge Spring. Mr. W. U. Matthews, the solid old Roman, was in town Saturday. Rev. M. D. Padgett, of Mt. Willing, was in town on business Monday. Mr. Richard Watson returned to Ins home last Saturday?Come again. A large lot of cotton was sold in our town Saturday, causing the merchants to do a rushing business. The office of Lawyer Strother is being fixed up nicely, and will be quite attractive when finished. Mrs. J, P. Mathews left for Colum bia last Wednesday. She nas been visiting her mother, Mrs. Kernaghan. Mrs. Plunkett, of Graniteville, has been here several days visiting her brothers Messrs. J. C. A L. D. Cullum. Mr. Pink Watkins was in our office last week. So was Manchester Watson. Call again, we are alwuj s gland to see you. Mr. Mike Rutland, the horse-trader, went to Atlanta last week and brought back a nice lot of stock. Mike is ail right. Dr. L. M. Mitchell was called to see Sheriff Whittle, who is critically ill. The Doctor says there is some hope for liim. Messrs. Tom Kernaghan anil W. L. Rawl went to Atlanta Tuesday and returned Thursday. They reported a pleasant trip Mr. Maxwell, oT Saluda, lias been here several weeks. He is contemplating locating here, and a grod move it will be for him. Mr. A. Lake, the "hoe man," was in town last Wednesday. He is quite successful in this line, and is making it pay him handsomely. Mr. Jas. I'. Coolev. who is tenchine the Popular Springs school, is boarding in our town. Such young men as he, is an addition to any town. The fellow who paid his subscription because he thought we needed it, will please wait 'till he gets married. He will then think the Advocate is worth answer to ''clappings" of the dignified Senators. Mr. W. S. Hite attended the meeting of the County Board of Registration a< Lexington C. II. Monday. Mr. Hite tvas appoited a member of ths board about one year ago. The Masons held (heir regular communication on Friday evening. One "poor blind" candidate was started on the mysterious route The lodge is in an excellent condition. Mr. Owen Cannon was here Saturday with a load of fine turnips. This successful old farmer is a loyal son of Ireland. May he live to see the tyrant'.chain torn from his countrymen Dr. E.G. Ridgell not only subscribed for The Advocate himself, but for his son and daughter, who are attending different Colleges. He has set a good example for others. Will you follow ji? Col. J. Feaster Lyles, the Sage of tin Sand Hills, was in town Tuesday. Col. Lyles, is as well informed gen tlemau as our county affords. W need such men as he in our Legislative Halls. We are compelled to leave out several uriirtet iins issue we uiariK our friends and assure them their item will receive proprr attention. In tin inenn time, give us tlie news. We need it and we want it. Tue Woman's Missionary SocieO will meet in the ilatesburg Baptist Church next Friday afternoon ?t *1 o'clo? k. A full attendenre is very nam h dcsiied. Subject for the meeting, Mexico and Brazil. The big old fashioned candy pulling, at the residence of l>r. Harden last F.iday night, was "pulled" nil' as ad Vertised. A large crowd wa-* then and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. 11 was a success in every re>peei. Mr. Willis, the efficient a,eui of tin Southern, was here Sun .ay. It -e-m as if Hale>burg Ins-" rial .tlnn t u>nfor him lately. V. no blames him? Ce tain one- will protest. Look wel. to your laiin I friend Willis. We ure in receipt of an invitation to the (fyintrusion Exhibitioj of WofTord G< liege Mary thanks to GeorgtBates. By the way, George is a digni fled Senior. Like all of our hoys, he will be found among those at the top I)r Cro.-soii was in town Tuesday He added to our empty treasury. I?ong may he and The Advocate abide together. The Ooctor is one of the best inen in our County and is by no means a dead issue in toe politics of our Couu ly. The bank is attracting quite a number rf people to our town for the purpose of borrowing money. Of course, when tliey look at the nice displays 10 the stores of our advertisers tliey ar? compelled to buy something before leaving town. Reports show a greatly increased death rate from throat and lung troubles, due to the prevalence of croup, pneunionia.und grippe. We A vise tlir use of One M inute Cough Cure in ml of these difficulties. It is the only harmless remedy that immediate itsuits. Children like it. F. B. tiuuter. A large crowd was on hand to witness the mule auction. The auctioneer was a patient talking machine. No fancy prices were p*id, though there weie several excellent mules put on the block. The country is already tl 11ed up with stock. Several of our Saluda friends are complaining of the terrible condition of the roads. Is there ao plan we can lind to change the condition of our roads? We are staunch advocates of sand and clay. A good combination. Give us better roads! Persons who can not take ordinary pills find it a pleasure totake PeWitt's Little Early Risers. They are the best little liver pills evor mnde. F. B. blunter. Mr. Frank Shraly, Lexington's new Treasurer, was on our streets the past week. Mr. Shealy is a self-made man, and enjoys tlie confidence of his fellow citizens. We always will be glad to see Treasurer Shealy, We number him among cur faithful friends. Mr. Leavel Davis,one of the Sand Bill's up-to-date farmers was here last week. We will hereafter give him the news. People who believe the sand hills can't make gocd crops, should pay a visit to Mr. Davis and be converted. There is always danger In using counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Uazel Salve. The original is a safe and rertaiu cure for piles. It is a soothing and healing salve for sores and ?all skin diseases. We are now prepared to do jour job work in the most approved style. We have received a lot of new type and material which makes our Job Office the equal to any in the State. We have secured the services of an experienced job printer. Give us a trial order. Like bad dollars, all co'interfei's of DeWitt's Witch Uazel Salve are worthless. The original quickly cures piles, sores and all skin diseases. F. B. Gut ter. Our friends ha*'e called to see us generally the past week, that is the right thing to do. When you couie to Batesburg, make Tho Advocate office your headquarters. Plenty of room for your bundles. Leave anythiug but babies and dogs. We dont know how to pender to their wants. Recent experiments show that all classes of foods may be completely di- j ge9ted by a preparation called Kodal I Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely digests what you eat. As it is the only combination of all the natural digestants ever devised the demand for it tins become enormous. It lias never failed to cure the very worst cases of indigestion and it always gives instant relief. F. B. Guneer. We understand that one of the best entertainments of the season will be given at the li stitute, Thursday evening. The scene from the deservedly famous "Passion Plays" will be shown. We will also be teated to a delightful trip around the world in ho minutes. The masterpieces of the wo ld? 1110s famous artists will e reproduced by the laust ' Million>.u.-.e ^Pliar with | DeWitt's Little Early Risers and those ? who use them fl nd them to be famous j little liver pills. Never gnpe F. B. Uunter. Rev. Yancy V. A. Riser, a popular young .111mstor of Et heredge in Saluda County, was in town last Friday. Mr. Riser has recent ly located in that aectioa where he is pastor of several churches. Ue is thoroughly prepared ' for his work and is one of the must 1 eloqueut young ministers in the Lutheran Synod. Brother Riser Is a warm fr:end of The Advocate, and he is always a welcome visitor in our ollice. Our (Lid About spent a day with the Court House folks over in Lexington Monday. A pro (liable and pleasant day was spent. Lexington, is all right. For various and many reasons, we think more of our court house people than ever before. For ti e weakness and prostiation f -Cowing grippe there is nothing so prompt and affective as One Minute Cough Cure. This preparation is highy endorsed as an unfailing remedy for alt throat and lung troubles and its early use prevents consumption. It was marie to cure quickly. F. 11. Hunter. Rev. E. W. Bowen requests us V>Hli noiince to tiit; members of his emigregrations in Saluda county, that lie will be able to fil his appointments next Saturday and Sunday, Feb 1Mb and 10th. lie has been sick several days with La tlrippe. Bev. Bowen is is a leader among the colored people i.r .iiii. int. .1 ... .1 ? - ?I-1 - 1. V. VUI-U 4.MU li> UUII.5 ? IIUIIIO ? 111 R id trying to better the condition of his race. Yf e welcome such of his class in our midst. School Claims. Cashed at The First National Hank j of Ba'e^burg .it a reasonable discount. > The Hest Prescription for flalaria. (.'hill ail Fever is a bottle of t; novr.'s Tai ikMM C HifcL Ton 10 It is -iuipl iror and f tlnlue In a tasteless form* No -ure?repay. Trie# Site Lexington (iranil .lory. Tlie following are names of the (J rand .1 urv of Fr x i net mi Coiiotv for the ensuring y ear : W. I?. i>eu(,<.'. II. Eleazer, W. C. Weptl,(ifniTal Lucas, .1. K. Ruclianoii, J. I. Leaid, J II. Derrick. J. Andrew healy. E. Si Us Hall nan, K. F. Met/.. 1 To tlie I'uhlic in General. I'nder (he new storage rules all persons allowing their freight to rtinain in this depot over 19 hours will be subject to the following storage charges: For less than car load i|uantiiies one cant per 100 pountls for each day of fraction thereof, with a minimum charge of five cents for any one package or lot (Property of one consignee,) h it not more than one dollar per day for any one consignment not in excess of car loads). This rule will te rigidly enforced. Very Truly Yours, 1). P. HARTLEY Jr., Agt. Fou. Ky. Co, ' A % BATKSBURO COTTON MARKET Prices subject to change withou notice and corrected by W. U. Cartldg weekly. Low Midling 0 1-16 Strict 9 1-8. Middling 9 1-4. 9 3-8. Good ' 9 1-2. Tod* of market unsettled. To Cure a Coltl in On? Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the monej if it fails to cure. ?. W. Grove's signature is on aach box. 25c. School Claims. Cashed at The First National Hank of Hutethiirfr or a ratinnithle ii i?u>niinl Teacher** Examination. Saluda, 8. C., Feb. 2nd. '01 An examination will be held in the court house at Saluda, on Friday, Feb, 15, '01, for those drairing teachers' certificates. Applicants must furnish their own stationary. W. S. Wightman, Supt. of Ed. How to Cure the Grip. Remain quitely at home ami take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as directed and a quick recovery is sure to follow. That remedy counteracts any tendeucy of the grip to result in pneumonia, which is really the only serious danger. Among tlieleusof thousands who have used it for the gr:p not one case has even been reported that did notrecover. For sale by F. 1$. hunter. A powerful engine cannot be run with a weak boiler, and we can't keel up the strains of an active life with a weak stomach : neither we can we stoj the human machine to repair*. If tin stomach cannot digest enough food tc keep the body strong, such a preparation as Kodol Dyspesia Cure should b? usid. It digests what you eat and it simply can't help but do you good. F B. Ciunter. At tlie Institute Two Nigrhts. The Hillyer's "Wonders'' Co., ant Grand Gift Carnival, will be at tin Batesburg Institute Friday and Saturday, February 8th and 9 h. If yoi want the full value of your money don't fail to attend. The company comes highly recommended and elegant and costly presents will he distributed to the audience. Everybody receives a number with a paid admission ticket. Give them a large house For Sale: Old newspaper: at lbs cilice at 1.' cents per loo. Gentlemen of I lie.lory. The following are the names of tin Petit Jurv of Lexington C ounty, foi the February term of Court, w liicli convenes Feb. 18th: J. II. Wessinger, Jqlian G. Kargle, H. G. Riser, J. W. Pond, J. M. Boon, Thus. L. Williams, II. H. Rice, Geo. I., Dreher, C. T. Weed, Alfied Hunter, I). W. Frick, John J (-oiler, W. C, Lorrick, Lee Muller, J. T. Craps, M. L. Youngener, J. E. C-?on, Jno A. Burgess, .1. B. Hilton, Daniel Fry. Geo. H. Cooti, K. N. Simons, O. M. l";ihkjvs j\ Iff.-* ulmvr, J. ii. Shealy.N, D. Htll, r,. H. Bick ley, J. A. 8. Metz, r. N. Sheaiy, Manuel Long, (4. C. Kook, W. L. K. Johnson, G. David MoOartha, J. W. Limller. 1*. U. Sheaiy William Sharpe. Planting Irish Potatoes. It is almost time to begin, and the first thing to consider is the Seed. You may prepare carefully and fertilize freely, and without good seed make a failure. The genuine Iilis* Triumph, or, as often called, Stray Beauty, is a flno variety tor this climate and soil. They are early, yield well, are of good quantity. Then too, being early and vigoriotis they are not so much injured by the bugs as some kinds. However, as we said at first get the true seed. We saw some at Dr. Harris' Drug store yesterday that are beauties. They are grown in Maine especially for Head, and are certainly as fine as we ever saw. Go and look at them and you will educate your eye. SOUTH E KN TO HAVE NEW FAST TRAIN. Will he Put on Sunday. January 27tli 1 DO 1 Between Atlanta and The East. Another fast train to the Kaat will be put on the Southern Railway next Sunday. It will he known as the 'At la ii t a and New York Express." This is an entirely new train and ir no wise affects thrpiesent echedul i of the other trains of tl < Road. The object will he to pro vide improved pa senger tin several points between Atlanta am c narioue ai w in n Hi* trains stops and at tlie same time, relieve tin "Washington and South western ited'' of heavy express and road travel whieli that train now handle*. The new train will be No. lit north lionnd and 38 soiitliho .nd. It wil leave Atlanta daily it twelve twent; p. in. (12:20) Atlanta time, one twent; (1:20) Eastern time, twenty minute behind the Limited, St,. p* will b made at N uniss, 1 u ont, Gninsvi I* Lul.i, Mo nil Airy, Tneeo.i, Went mil) ter. Senan , Central, Kasley, Grcenvill Greers. Spartanburg, Uatrney, Blacks burp, Kings Mountain, (iastonia an Lowell. At Charlotte where the trail will arrive at nine ten p. ni. (9:10] connect ion wil be made with tlirough train from Columbia, 8tvan nan and Florida, which reaches Wash ington the next morning at 7 :5f? a. m and New York at 2:011 p. in. Southbound the train will leave Net York at S :2i p. m , Washington 0:0 p. m. and arrive in < 'hnrlotte 8 :0"i a. in leaving Charlotte ai H ;'Jd a in. Th train will stop at the same station soul noon mi as ao, r>i ti.-rt liiimi n I, am will reach .Atlanta at II:l{1 p. in. At lanta time, 4 :S5 p. in., Kustern tim wluch is twenty minutes ahead of th Limited. The " Washington and Soul hwestrn Limited," which is to lie relieved u .oach-travel by the Kxpress, will b made one of the highest class passer ger trams in the Country. It will h a solid train of Pullman cars, wit! Diner attached. Agents of Southern Railway wil cheerfully furnish detailed iiiforma lion relative to lh;s improved service w. H. TAYLOR, a. <;, P. A. 7 t e Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats Heating Stoves, Cooking Sto1 : GEN] : C LnGrl]>i>e Quickly Cured. ( "In the winter of 1898 ami 1899 I was taken down with a severe attack of I what is called La Grippe" says F. L. llewett, a prominent druggist of Winfield, III. "The only medicine I used was two bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It broke up the cold and stopped the coughing like magic, and I have never since been troubled withCrippe." Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can always be depended upon to break up a severe cold and ward off any threatened attack of pneumonia. It is pleasant to take, too. which makes it the most desirable and one of the most popular preparations in use for these ailments. For sale by F. B. Gunter. $1,300 worth of up to date clothing , must go below cost at PTE ADMAN & RILEY'S i _____________ ) | SOUTH CAROLINA GREAT , snow. | (Continued from l.ast Week.) The main Exposition buildings will | t the Cotton palace, the Agricultural Palace, the M iningand Forestry Building, the Auditorium, the Administration Building, the Machinery andl I Transportation Buildings, and other structuresdevolrd t<? railroad exhibits, to restaurant purposes and to public i comforts . Besides all these there will | stand on the Wagetier place the United i S'at< s Government Building, the Woman's molding, the several : tate and City Buildings and the Negro Department. , The Cotton Palace will he the moat ' I imposing of the Exposition buildings.' II will cover upwards of 5t),00o feet ot I uoor space, will be Go* feet in length , and at least loo feet in width. One of 1 the features of tliis building will rise J an imposing dome to a bight of more , than 1G0 feet. At the northern end of the garden ' there will be a grand Plaza from which 1 a splendid view will be obtained of the main Exposition buildings. The vistas i opening out from tli s point through > groves of palmetto trees which will lino the outer edges of the walks ' around the Garden will extend for a distance of 2,000 feet. Just north of the grand Pla/.a will stand the Auditorium building, directly opposite the Cotton Palace, from which a view msv be &.( /Jtv* H-.'av .Touri Tl^' Palaces, with the Sunken Garden, and its trees and flowers and the sloping hanks which surround it. Each of the Exposition buildings will be 400 feet in length, with an average width of KM) feet, and, us already stated, will be connected by colonnades can be used for exhibits. Among the special attractions of the Conrt of Palaces will be fountains and bits of statuary and handsomely designed colums of the Spanish type, all contributing to the beauty of the scene At one end of the Sunken Garden, a music stand will be erected, tud at tlie other end a pergola or lattice work screen, against which will grow during the Exposition period, the most beautiful of tropical vines. In the centre of the Plaza there will be a sun-dial ten feet in height ami thirty feet in diameter. Which ever way the eve looks, there will be visions of beauty Toward the south, tho great Court of Palaees, toward the east, the towers at the entrance to the Midway, and looking across the entrance way the groves add minarets of the Wagoner place. : .mm ;i wbsm ;i I1MM AND ENCYCLOPEDIA. cA Statistical Thlctme of Facts and Figures Containing Over 600 Pages, OVER j,ooo TOPICS, OVER 10,000 FACTS. 1 ___j SPECIAL FEATURES:? * n, The census off TJ si ?>^2? >9C0- National "I and Sute ?Iection returns. ? ^oufC^ntu"eso^ " American prog* *"* ~ Political fjr$^ ii record of 1900 SpJ, 1 (c o n v e n t i ons ? ! -toSs** and platforms). . , American rulein - Sir>* the Philippines. jg&A - New govern- U2?_/ . ments of Porto Rico and Hawaii. Polar exploration in 1900. v Conclusion of the South African r> war. Pan-American Exposition .. of 1901. China?Its present conP dition and status among nations. ! D?... .* - - s ?vosicr 01 general otiicers ot th? tl Regular U. S. Army* 1789?1900. > A Political Register. n Facts that every patriot ,f' and voter ought to know. ; Standard American Annual. h ??????? , ! fojtpiiJ to any addres*. ' 257c * THE ' j S. i ^ ** Pulitner Bid a-, Afc?y York J pp _ e7 jokes; ----- DEALER IN I, Caps, Hardware, Groceries. TrunUs. Olotliin^ Fine rea, Sewing; Machines, Wagons, ltrick, Lime ERAL MERCHANI |AND I '.otton Buyers Hew Y ork Racket, Store c A] House Cleaning Time Twice* year its customary to clean house. W?'? gone through our Stock in the same way, and have cleaned out the broken lots and are offering them at prices that will make tliem go quick. l Ladies Wool plated Vest, 60c worth 75c. ? Cotton 4 4 25 4 4 40c. 4 ' Wool Vest & Pants 75 suit 9Sc. Mens Heavy Fleeced U Shirts 81 pr. 98c ^ 4 All VTool Under Shirts 1.25 Pr 1.76. ii 4 4 Il'vy Merino U Shirts 75 worth 98. 4 4 Fleecy Garlaad Draw's 59 4 4 75. P Ladies anil Misses Jackets and Capes j at less than Cost. T Art Squares 9 x 10>2 at 1.98 worth 2.69 JJsans Pants at (>9r sold at 90c. * F Best Oil Cloth at 19c. Wool So* lie. * Clothing Has Never been Offered as Cheap. The Sheep that were sheared to make ( the Suits we are offering at $<2.95, .1.75 4.50 and $6.DO, would shed tears of agony, if they knew their wool wer? being sold at such low prices. .THE* ?I ~ > *" t?u ?i ucjluuiui Heiection or Valentin**, We so' cit business only, only on L the basi * of perfect satisfaction. i ^ Youts for Bargains, J. A WHITTEN, Prop., ] lamsburg, S. G. WAVTID-ACTIVK MAX OF GOOD CHAIUO .1 ter to delirer and collect iri South Carolina for it d established mauufactiM-ing wholesale house. I ? I'M a year, sure pay. II onesty nacre than ex- \ . rienc, required. Our reference, any bank ia ij it city. Lnr.lose self- addressed stainpel en\elopc. Manufactuiers,. Third Floor, JM Dear j iors St., Chicago. Hew Crop g? Cigars, Totnccc Everything to be found Store, we have. i Hartley & 0 LIVKUY STABLE J J. J. Raw! DEALE1 General Merch For tlic next oO days ve offer Clothing. Pants, Shoes and He ^ 4" ^ ^ ^ ^ WltfcLUIIlcLIl -"Dealer 3ENERAL ME A full line of Funiture on hand. The R (Jet our priors on Fertilizers. None I $1 ,801) worth of Clothing must be sold s believing. JOB 1MUNTL\(J?? We ure putting in a First-Class JOE will then be prepared to print unything fr MOTII l*OSTF.K. He patient, friend lob Work in the best and latest sta les of FKINTURS Employed. ( r pr Sh:ngles, Fertilizers, Leather, J , Cement. VISE J J La stc 1 eu 8 Wanted! ~ D Everybody to Know, rei That I have for sale a large and beau ^ 1 selection of framed Pictures. En- bu avingsand Paintings. LSO PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. Call and see and be convinced. R. L. RAMEY. Saluda, S. G. _ 1 p ENGINES, ? BOILERS * GINS and PRESSES. 0I Complete Cotton. Saw, Grist, Oil and . ertilizer Mill (Outfits; also Gin Press J ane Mill and Shingle Outfits. Buildig, Bridge, Factory, Furnace and Railmd Caalins; Railroad, Mill, Factory, nd Machinists' Supplies. Belting, acking, Injectors, Pipe Fittings, aws, Files, Oilers, Elc., cast every " ay. Work 150 hands. jombard Iron Works Supply Co. " AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. 'oundry. Machine, Boiler and Gin Works. Repairing Promptly Dore, y-lO-l-'O. y 3. P. COBBc Dealer in BUGGIES, i "W-A.0-02STS II^RIIES ^ lterhmitutike: COFFINS. i^-^Iwaya BASKETS AND On " II 4ETALIC CASF^' "?nd. obnston. . . S. C L M. MITCHELL, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON m iffice Hours: 8 to 9 a. m. 2 to 3 p. m. T :30 to 9 p. ni I 11 vrden Seed. ! ), Gigarettes. i in a first class Drug luattlebaum. j IN CONNECTION. I & Sons, , *S IN ancJise, fitc, : ;i I special iiuluceinents ju 3ur t I < T "v / \ 1 ?avy iiresj uooas# &. Riley, s In~? :rchandise. cli afc-Ce Studebaker Wagons. 1 >111 tkt*' >< *( brand*. be ho w e ost. Coinr nnd see. Seeinpj ? i '_r r ? + r r ' f > * .WsV\\\ t PRINTING OITTriT 1 .bis week and )iu it VISITING ' AR I) ton MAMs, and wrt will be prepi.reil to do v?air the PViutfr's Art. We haw Kxperl, r 9 G. l. Trotter.} II PHYSICIAN &. SURGEON. V [Vers his Professional Services to the ople of Batesburg and vicinity. - C ^as. W. Pitts, SURGEON-DEN T/S T, WOffice at Etheredge building SALUDA, - - - S. C. hi " lb Jones & Hardin, o. Laundry Agents % undry must be left at E. JONES' >re by Monday cftetnoon . Deliverevery Saturday. ATISF ACTION GUARANTEED. " " N . W. DkVORR, J. N. o. GREGORY. Eilgetleld, 8 C. Saluda, 8. C. eVORE & GREGORY ,v. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ^ All business intrusted to our care n ceives prompt attention. ?vi ^^OlTlce up stairs in Etheredgt ilding. .Jr E. K HARDIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office at .Home. PAULSPANN. !: 'resh Meats of All Kind. lu estuarant in connection. When in , >wn eat with me. Parties having attlo for sale will do well to see nie fore selling. Ko. jnil5?TOS. K. II. WKLCH. J. II. BDItlEl 0 OHNSTONE.WELCH AND HUNTER attob n kys-at-i. a \v. Offick up Stair- in Ethcrcdgc IhiildSaluda, - - s. c. P. B, ASBILL Watches. ClOcks.'and , Jewelrv llepa.irinjr.iJ IcLena Building, BATES BURG, s. C. '* J. V. CULBREATH. C. J. RAM AGE. :ULBREATH& RAMAGP |attobnkyr-at-la\v.' Office up Stairs in Ether edge Build?K iau'da, - - - s c Eugene W. Able ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR. Offices at EDOKFI M.D C. II. ANDSAI.UDA C. IT, -??jrnmpt Attention <!i\en to All Busless. "--v. E. L. ASEUHL. Attorney at l a y,->. iB.Re-VW-.LK, *?'-"T" S Practice in ail Courts Business soliitcd. ( GO TO SAM. ROWES. ? od 11 o ro 111 firtr* fl t* c f.r* 1 1 C Q ueals, at all hours. * ~ WATSOM & TOWILL. F'ire Ins., -A^grents. Towm n?Jd Country Risk. Oflirfi. in - WfJCATE DuihUmj. K. Ij, HARTLEY. Refracting Optician. ; EYES EXAMINED f-REE. Gordon's Jewelry Store. l!r|i:iiring of line Watches a Specialty. Ratcvburq, . . . . S. C. N? E Ru HAND \ mi pQUct-s ,ti liis friends a.iri cmomers lh?i he Lis a lot of lirst-c ';WS ntilrs. Sie (lesir.e?: his friends in am.' 1 iround I'Mdjr* Spris?<; to known thai ie lias opened a first-class sale ami red stable " tli;*i -town. An excelnil lot of hookers su;d yaod lookers, live me a all. SATISFACTION- CI A !?Ar>*TF.K'>. TEEO. A. QDATTLEBAUM, PHySICIAN & SURGEON, i Dffice Aver Harris' Drug Store, i Money io Loan. J/ii fnrniiiij; Easy payments S't? ?<unmis->iniip rliaxgeil. Ilorrowei tays ni*j.t4;?1 I ??<n &( perfWtinfc loan. Jon? iB. I'ai.Mkr A Son. Columbia, S. O. Ei wink w . Ahi.e, Atty., Snlu.ia s. o. aia ifAturo in on av?*y No* of Iho genuin. .axuiivc lirumo Quinine t?m< < V ? remedy that rum * rnI<1 lu on* day J" For Sale or ltout. [Land near Emory and in Orangeburg o. Building lots in Leesville Apply to D. B. Busby, Moiietta, S. C. k Don't Trespans. All parties :?re hereby forbidden to iat, llab or tresrass upon any lauds 01 le undersigned situated in Saluda junty on pain of the penalties proded by law. B. B. Pou, K. G. Pou, VV A Mit< hell Sr , ^~Ti T P Pou 1 Mid J LI LaGrone. fl otice Not to Hire or Harbor and lteward. I All nersoosar* hereby notified and J irneil not to hire, harbor or keep 1 Ifred Yarborough, a black clean I laved negro about 24 years old. lie is 1 ider contract to me. Suitable re- fl ard paid to any one who wilt arrest I mand bring him tome. W. A. Mitchell, Sr. * . I no-ll-C-'OO. Rickhardsouvi tie S C. TO THE DEAF. A rich ludy, cureu of her Deafness id Noises in the Head by Dr. Nichtil?ii"d Artificial Kar Drums, gave #10- / OO to his Institute, so that deaf peo- ) le unable to procure the Ear Drums lay have tbem free. Address No. gN 1980-c. The Nicholson Institute, 789 'ightli Avenue, New York, J. S. A. * Notice. 'j All parties are hereby forbid to bust Jf if any kind upon lands of ilie underlined situated in Saluda County ou ' tain of the penalties provided by law. / C It Adams, S J Turner, W J McGee, L 11 Hawkins, It I. Cau 'lim.m. Our Clubbing Oiler. The State (semi-weekly edition) and Pre Advocvte for $2.25 a yiar, $1.25 - * lor six moutns. Regular j.ri e >f both papers $3.00 a } ear $1.59 for six months, liie Thrice-a-Week World and The Advocate for $1.05 a year, 85 cents for six months. Regular price of botn papers $2.00 a year and $1.00 for six months. The News and Courier (weekly edition; and The Advocate $1.75, six months 90 cents. NOT ICR All persons are hereby forbidden to enter upon or in any manner trespass upon any lanosoftlie undersigned for bunting or any purpose. Geo. 1.. Salter, J. 11. Watson, E. P. Watson, U. J. l'oTre?t, 1*. 11. Watson, J. 1'. Rodger*, \ It. F. Rtsiiston. All persons are hereby forbidden to enter upon, or in any manner tresr,n llnrtti 1 .i..O i""'" "i/v" "?' - % ?? .-iiwiucu 111 o.iiiiua bounty lor hunting or any purpose. F. M, Yarborough, R. L. Prater, E. Id at hew, I>r. G. I.. Trotter, tin. lO-fll-'OO. tm. ll-L'l-'tO. Tresspass Notice. A11 persons whomsoever sir hereby notified not to tresspass or enter upon for any purpose our lands situated in saluda County South Carolina touching lauds of O. M. Able, J. R. Bryan and others. Any violation will bo prosecuted to the lull extent of the law. Myrtle Rnshton. ___ William Rushton. Prices will be made upon application I for other combinations than above. Subscriptions also received for any ot the above papers singly. The rat us quoted are strictly for cash in advance. ilie Advocate and Atlanta constitution weekly 1 ycai $1.75 cents, six inontlis 9 cents- rhs Advocate and \tlanta semi-weekly Journal, 1 1 \v.y *1.75 six inoiites im c< tits. Seinf V'eekly Journal and The Advocate 1 year $1.50 six months 75 conts. The Farmer Student and The Advocate 1 year $1.25, six months t'>5 outt. Write to < r cali on u? f >r good reading. We <>ll<t you only Tiie 1' -t. 'i'm: am ocatk, SuHi-..i, t>. (.'. THE NEW YORK WOLRD THRICE-A-WEEK. Kir. i ION. As Good to you as a I'aii.v and You < ikr it at tiie Price of a Wkkki.y. It furnishes more at the price than any nth. r newspaper published in America. Its news-t r, vice covers all the globe and is .-iled l>y thai i tew dailies. li- report* from iiio Boor u i Uitu * ' t been execlled in tli .roughness ami and with the pr< -iilontial campaign w l< pio>,.ie.?"? it will l>e invaluable. It- politli'* Vivi' "? ?d*>lutely Impartial, 'I hi* f. ct em >k,-? i' of vaJ.110 t.? yo.. at thi* tiinr | if you wa ^ to watch every move of tl.? great IK.liti.-al .am.^lgo tak? ,Ltt n.rieea-Week World. 1 f you waut to 'oU out' Tn.-t- ami tl.ey ...el etching- take the Thrice-a Week World If J<n ,. ant to know n t foreign development*, take the Th. " ? aCci World. The Thricc-a-Week World"* repular stibserlpV'Ui is only St.00 per year. Wo olTcr this un <iraled newspaper and TiibAJ'Vooa ik together oue i'tar for f The ?. ular subscription p i<o of the two papeniii- 3.1.00.