Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, November 05, 1919, Image 12

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- PERSONALS1 Mr. J. T. Berry, one of the progressive and enterprising young merchants of Swansea, was here on business today. Mrs. G. L. Rish, one of our valued subscribers at Steedman, came in Monday and renewed her subscription. Mr. B. L. Kyzer, one of * Black Creek's substantial farmers and a good citizen, always living at home?buys no corn, or bacon. He dropped in to see us this morning and renewed his paper. Miss Blossie Clark, the much admired daughter of Mr. Beiton Clark, spent Saturday and Sunday last week, wth the old folks at home. She is one of the popular students of Winthrop College. We regret; to note, that Mrs. W. W. Fulmer, from Piney Woods, found it * * " ^-1 T- i ~ necessary to go to tne uoiumuia. xius, pital for treatment of. an afflicted limb. and/ trust she may find relief and permanent cure. , > i .'.V *'Cy i "* ; A. M. B6bzerf Eke*.,..an did safe attorney, of Columbia, with his sister, Mrs. Antoinette^ Russel of Abbeville, and Mrs. 'dojdie 'L-awson and her son Russel, Mrs John McCaw and child* - . . . ; ren, of Columbia, were here Sunday afternoon to vjsit the old Judge Lemuel Boozer home. - t y Our old friend and fellow comrade J. A1 Calk, was in town Tuesday, and renewed his paper for another year. He is one of our first subscribers and . , a good substantial man. Mrs. Calk accompanied him, shopping. i It was our pleasure to enjoy the grand hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Melton of Columbia, Wednesday and Thursday while visiting the s\ate fair. It was certainly a great relief to Mrs. Harman and myself to visit ' * their beautiful home, out in Shandon, - after emerging from the -crowded fair grounds and busy streets of Colum, bia. Mayor-elect Barrett Jones of Batesburg was in town Monday on legal business. Mr. W. J. Jefcoat of the Pond Branch section was in town Tuesday .^v" Y /ftana made us a pleasure call. Dr. S. B. Harman, a distinguished physician and surgeon of Columbia was here on business Monday. Mr. la. W. Shull, one of the leading planters of the Cromer section, was I i?uw mm , j| n KSa jfl M wi i3 '-? - ! - >. , ' V I i fx ~ ; - ?v> . * When you bu know that you partment with pert mechanics' buy a FORDSO let's talk it ove DuPRE . J. M. PEAKE, i * ' . ' M '? . x- v ' ' 1MB sir ' %t?-yy-'-r?-r* ' [in Dexington yesterday. Mr. Eusebius L,. Derrick, ^popular member of the county board of commissioners. was a pleasant caller at | The Dispatch-News office Monday. I Mrs. Alien Perry, of Batesburg, nee | Miss A. J. Hill, county health nurse, I was here yesterday pursuing her dui ties. Mrs. Perry has become attached j to the people of Lexington and her j visits are always a source of genuine {delight to her numerous friends. Mr. X. 3. Wingard. a progressive young farmer and a popular citizen of the Gilbert section,-was here yesterday. Mr. John W\ Smith, a gallant old soldier from near Leesville, and for| mer county commissioner, was here j with the big crowd Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester C. Miller and j children spent Sundaj* in Columbia j with friends. j Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Humphries moI tored to Columbia Sunday afternoon, i ?raro tho of friends. V\ 1<L U 4 V/ CX IT V V4* V Q V. v ? ? ? 3 i , ^ ' Mi\ and Mrs. James E. Steele ancr children spent Sunday with relatives at Bateshurg; going down in their big r\ , ; 1 * j car. Mr. J. P. Hutto, formerly of Swansea ;but wTio has been living at Metter, Ga'.,: for the past four or five years, has moved with his family back to Swansea. Mr. Hutto was in Lexington Saturday and gavS" us a pleasant i and profitable call. I Capt. and Mrs. L. W. Redd, of Edgefield, spent yesterday in Lexington with-friends. | Mr. Will Powell of Orangeburg is spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Powell, on Depot ! Street. Mr. Heber R. Dreher of Selwood, one of the most popular men in the county, was here yesterday. Although i a confirmed bachelor for several I years, Mr. Dreher does not look to be i over "forty." ! 1 Mrs. James Caughman, of Route 2, j spent Monday in Columbia. . | Mrs.' Elizabeth Boozer, the very I ! popular proprietess of the Drafts Hotel, spent Friday in Columbia shopping. ... Mrs. F. W. Worrill and her very ; attractive and popular daughter, Miss Frederica Worrill, have returned to Lexington, after spending a fortnight most delightfully in Batesburg. j Mr. Roy H. Thompson of St. Mati thews, paid his usual week-end visit j to friends in Lexington. 1 , . ' e Follov % ly a Tractor is it no! have in easy read a complete stock of ? You are sure of ?N. Why hesitate? r.; AiiTnrn nu jl v w / fR., Manager L j a DEATH OF MRS. CLTJLOI. ! Beloved Woman Passes at Batesburg * ? Friends of Summerland Rejoice. I Special to The Dispatch-News. Batesburg, Nov. 4.?Mrs. Lorenzo D. Cullum, Jr., died at her home in this town Tuesday morning after an illness of one week. She is survived by her husband and son of Batesburg and one sister, Mrs. R. H. Hol?tein of Monetta. Mrs. Cullum was a native of Florida, where her pareats .and other relatives reside, She was woman of fine Christian character and a social favorite among her friends and acquaintances. The sympathy of the entire town and community is extended to the bereaved family. The first attraction given by the Lyceum at Summerland College Monday night was largely attended and greatly enjo>ed. The friends of the college rejoice to know that a "greater Summerland" is no longer a dream 'but a reality. The success of the recent drive by the Lutheran denomination to raise $300,000 for Newberry and Summerland colleges has caused rejoicing among the friends of both institutions all over the state. The enrolment of Summerland is the largest this sessi'^t since the establishment of the college seven years ago. Mr. J. F. Ouzts, Jr.. a well known business man from Greenwood was in j town Monday. . j Re\*.' W? - J. Snyder, pastor of the j Methodist ^church here, is in Greenwood attending the annual meeting! of the South Carolina conference. Dr. R. H. Timmerman and Prof. W. C. Graham attended church service at Phillippi^ near Johnston last Sunday. The state fair was largely attended by people from this section last week. It is claimed that the exhibit of live I stock was the best in years. Mr. Eugene* Attaway, a well known business man of Saluda, was in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wright of Johnston have moved to Batesburg and: are residing on Highland Avenue near Summerland college. C. ; < This Means You. When you get up with a bad. taste in your mouth, a dull tired feeling, no relish for food and are consfipated, you may kr^ow that you need a ^ose of Chamberlain's Tablets. They not only cause an agreeable movement of the bowels, but cleanse and invigorate the stomach and improve tne digestion. :g r ' 0 &B8k> v ? fs The ; worth while to i a service departs and exthis when you -Come in and MPANY EXINGTON, S. C. . 1 i I COMMISSIONER Ft"KTK1v ! m ENDORSES RIDGFXL PLAN j FOR GOOD ROADS! Says People Are Willing; to Pay Taxes for Roads if They Get Results. Editor Dispatch-News: Please allow me space to express j my views as to good roads. I think j ! H that the plan Dr. Ridgell suggested 11 is a good plan, and is the only way ! we could get our roads worked at the | present time, owing to the scarcity of j labor. I have been talking with tne peo- { pic of my section and they tell mc that' they don't object to paying taxes for building and maintaining roads if they can get the proper results on their roads, i hope to see such a plan adopted at the earliest possible i time. Respectfullly. Wil. W. FURTICK. j CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our most sincere appreciation and heart-felt j thanks to all those who rendered aid j and tendered their sympathies to us I during the prolonged illness and sub- j sequent d6ath of our husband and: father, the late' John M. Caughman. I We cannot properly express our true j feelings in this manner, but we wish ! accnrn vftn rk ti t nn -a nt nf kindness i I and helpfulness however small, has! been overlooked, and we shall hold them all as great treasures. We cannot thank each one individually, so wc use this method for all. MRS: S. E. CAUGHMAX, * M'RSj. BESSIE BERLEY, I* MRS. H. X. KAMIXER, MRS. T. R. KEISLER. MRS. JAMES FOX, MISS MARY CAUGHMAX, J. SIMOX CAUGHMAX, JOE M. CAUGHMAX. Constipation. Most laxatives and cathartics afford | only temporary relief anil should be j used only for that purpose. When you want permanent relief take i Chamberlain's Tablets and be careful ! to observe the directions with each' package. These tablets not only j move the bowels, but improve the ap- j petite and strengthen the digestion. j j Rub-My-Tism is a great pain killer. J It relieves pain and soreness caused by ' Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, etc. ! - ' j Caughn I Invite You tc ^ A I Stock oi FURNITURE Our line of Furniture is con eluding everything for the hom< Iron Beds, Dressers, Rockers, C ets, Wardrobes, Chiffofieirs, Col sion Dining Tables, square and ] Buffets, Children's Cribs, Linol< Squares, Rugs of all sizes. We have a large line of Si Ranges, embracing the famous Heaters. Ladies' Ready-to-^ I A splendid showing of all ne< styles for Fall wear, in all the r date patterns and styles in SKIRTS, WAISTS, SWEATERS We also sell H Auto Casings, A Full Line of GASOI IUaugnmai i * YOUR BOY'S CLOTHES I . I' m\ Should be selected with I v "*??? ?as much care as v o u I f bestow on the garments for your own wear. The stock of Boys' : I Clothing which we have on hand makes it an easy matter to make a good selection. . Come in and see ouy #er ; 'otwv"THE STAMJAR0 OF AMERICA | E.G. DREHER LEXINGTON, S. C. r j BammuaBUSKBBSnBMEmMl JlfBm'JMMBBBBMaggBi^BgSgikll * ftkMrmmm irt ? "i Miss Jessie Smith MILLINERY 1 ? Call and See Us While in the city Exclusive Line of Fine Millinery ' J 1211 Taylor St,., Columbia, S. C. j * lan-Kaminer Co. I t* iSf : > Inspect Their Complete Fall and Winter Goods. 1 > r SHOES iplete, in2, such as Come and look over our stcck of Shoes I hina Clos- | for M^n, Women, and Children.-We have-w^| '... I them in the good substantial kind that rouna cop; aums Art give satisfaction?as to quality, style and 1 price. Among the rest are some big bar- | toves and gains bought before the high prices, which 1 ft Coal Blast we are selling at the old price. g Year :'/ Clothing || w, snappy Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Suits, nost up-to- / ^ ' COATS anc* Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, etc. >, ETC. It will pay you to look them over. i ardware of all^ kinds, Harness, - ' ^ ~ ~ 1 w d 'iC 11AO fl AO j IjrctS, WliS, ctliu \|ricaoc;D. . ' Staple Groceries. ... ANE, 25c GALLON i *? H i-jvaminer company 11 .exington, S. C. , II fl ma Bfl