Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, October 29, 1919, FIRST SECTION 8 PAGES, Image 8

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f, I PERSONAL | I ./ nr.- r""" 111 1 . > M^ss Pauline Hook has, as her fair S), ' V" ' >. -' < ? -f~ " ^ week visitoc^Rss Harriet Sircypson of ^ LaStOTC^g1 C.'-'G. AuspeH^'ol'Union and Misses Clifton and Clara Davis of ^ Greenville. Mr. B... |..rOswald left Monday for *5- Columbia, wlvejrev he will be employed ? by 'the^iti&hiand4' ^ garagk? '''?3V$.' Os^ wold's many friends wish him. much ^ suSefess h?1Sid^Se,?^hoflaiet:9?'5f !r.j ? J ?? | Mr. & progressive V ? 4.?, 1 v' was in town ?yester$ay and; added his s name to our long list of happy readg ers. He is a clever young man and ^ popular tirfl CJ |j Judge C. M. Efird left Tuesday for ? Philadelphia, to be gone a week on 5 legal business. 6 Mr. E. <ij. ar.d a mighty good man, was here on I business yesterday. kl X, > ski m 3 - Claude G. Kvzer, a young farmer ^ from route 2 was here Friday on bus" r /. // Mr. D-. J._ Taylor of the, Black. Creek section, was in town one day last week. _ * F idling farmers- enrou te 5', washher</on business Monday. __ "Chick" BooaSr ?aiflG& 3g<SfcSEKigaird * arc among the popular Lexington boys in attendance -upon the mefellng'.of the American, JLegion in Colurh'bia and taking in the big fair.. Mr " and Mrs! Paschal Hendrix and i attractive children of Columbia, were vJiatarSi at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1T!v . ji*- . : '[ T. P. Meetze on Sunday. Br.- E.: P. ^Derrick df Columbia, was?ant attractive Lexington visitor for a day last week." Mr. B. B. Caughnian of Columbia, was here for a?ew duyfc Mast week,.; the guest of .relatives. * i \ % I *4 > ++ ft i *-'?-* vJ '/ v a v/ X i ?. A v,' J Mr. R. V. .Porter, one of the clev- ! crest" and befst then in Brookland, was ] one day last >veei? and gave . us h;susu?l welcome call. .^He has an j industnbus and bright daughter filling: an important -pbSition with the Bffl > telephone: ?ompan^ in .Columbia. ' ^ if f 'r;; fj i hii;~ } 7' ii ? Mr. Jacob Kyzer, re^iding on Black cr&S^^ii'ne'i idf> bur^dldest subscribers. m and a comrade, was here Thursday looking after his pension and made us HI a : > I ea sa *?* jp , H| Mrs. o| Bancas&eih' ? * t l W jam i-J?*SsfVSSsI-J Mu!' i SV| K 1 If! an&rf^P JL Jt D *& t4jidr v f I *~f ! * 001 | V 'u >'-V <! ; ' , * r~7 s3 H;l4i J -* t '...: >. % . ; ? DEAR SIR; !?'/. | "O vT V r *. / ^ ... , | .. On.Saturday mornii) containing from 5 to 40 Each of these, tracts h * y.i,V.:,' Z 5 * * ' '* . farming land, at least h j We will also sell 2 r< j ] , . 'The sale will commf I . jt , >- . t fi. <vtj...iV>\/ . i auction to the highest hi ; ? Land is advancing r; i~~7 "Rdea|.that anyone purcl I i | yfear or twb for at least j Jt-Z - 'We will be happy t< T* s We #fll"give away twer j ) -* ^ftandv1 "'Ter??s-easyi.'i.'L: 4l to* Hrw H ihnl3li^tii u?i <u in,. 1 . 'lb it .v^tM &?M r?f> f 4:ifr> ?!?!? | 3JSL/JJ3"?! 'TJO r * ' . #' . , . r,v .*oj. pf&f+O ..Aucti n?srT. ?y .7? 1 JJ '' f j." * V*X - $? -i*p?-/*?> i? ? . ? ./ ?* j ^MENTION 1 1 . .r. .v\ .r. . * has returned home after spending .sev *> eral davs with her daughters, Mrs: Ira ' M. Sligh and Mrs. J. M. Moorman. J1 i Mr. uc<rer.za Crout was among; the old confeds here Thursday and? re- ? newed his jJZjw. ,> ,= *,. :-j*\ 3* i : 1i K-.j j ' i < * Among the out of town victors hetc on^hu^frie^s Msf &&&* we noticed, M". "C.- TvahxiherM?r6hnAKite, J. "S HhwJ,2Wade.iMojytjs^'JjQAtixme RoECerts, M* M v Seik^.^ jhawxuiner, Gj W i ?/ ?otller suc^essfn) and.. weil-t,o-do farmers. The}- all find1 Lexini^on^a'go^cl^iiiaifket. . yr'nGvf &My e$mAd ^Broojaimd NvaM^irt^ttfcvit? ThtoTsOagrf^of last Week, and drqoptf^n^ He $ h*?' been feeble for some time anii j wfe * ; 1 were pleased to find him greatly im,d prifcved anjjTfloing v#;j?JWell. > ! t ^aS^|iaJt of Colti^ribijL visited her father; Mr. Pat Seav^ lasft 3tS? 1: I Miss Agnes Sprowles, one of (Skirtlotte's admired young ladies, voting" i Airs,. JrL ,B.. 2?I&lron. o^ .Columjjia,;. and Miss Geneva Lance. Mrs. Melton's niece, .attending school in Columbia. both acomjianied %nd Mrs. Meltop j on Spa^tey -a rpppresavisitllo Mr. and i Miss Ada Hancock, and Miss May rip df -Colttmbia spent Thursday afternoon and night with Mrs. G.. M. ' Ha ririafc. 'tliVj. "31(0 - Ts ' h j : j -Mrs. Hyler-xoutfe .3, near depot spent | Monday in Colnnibia' shopping. ; I We were glad to see Mr. A. 8. J Metz of Baldofek, S.. C. in town la?tj week. He left with us an order for^ 1 is stationery. He is one of oy I twenty year Customers, and our work; follows him wherever he goes. Mr. G. M. S. Roof of ; Charleston I spent the week end at. home. Mrs. Fi. H. F?earden and little son | IV? H. Jr/spint the week end with j her mother:Mrs.':P. r. Wingard. ' i i i> " i i ..... Mr. Franklin E. Wingard of John j ?. <">. 1" ? ' ; f 1 ston spent Sunday with his home folks in Lerxmglian. \r : i ' .. jMrs.. tC Fort^ accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Rast. and two , stfhs, ArttuiV and Gordon Fort, came u0 frorft FKlioh for the ibig^fair. \ j Mrs. Cj. >T. Effrd. after h delightful; \visit of several weeks to her daughter, (Mrs. RobtrV. feoVe lit"N"ew York City, l^bas ^etarne^l tft I^xington. ; Mr^nd^I:rs. J^Perry Goodwin; and 13 REAL ESTATE jJMBIA,! .V I i u * * "V y , ; --y jsr-. ' '/ ! fc ^ i 1 ? A ig,uctooer isi, we are acres each .in and adjoining v.'*-...as a frontage on a street alf of it being under cultivati esidences* 2 store houses anc ,t0#il I i " " jnce at 10 o'clock A. M., and JS?r.?e - idder, rain or shine. apidly in every section of the lasing one of these tracts of 1 dotible the-amount" they pay 1 > hdye yod "attend"' the sale wl sty-five SI.00 bills during tb adies especially invited.: FOURS,'"" : !: .M si,! -?-d -V .e-sr.Vih.'l: >!}'?!?.?.." | ?"'?t.1/ "''Usf -i ? I f . H k! tfj#- | , P / ;. jj JMT i # . ftilftmy p: 4 H< 4 t?i>: >>?' ? .it-*.', . ij y ,,, , 4?1 Na* ' COLUMfiiAySr C. ... yj. ? : j | >7 ^ 0 ^ .. j 0 ^ kJ ,J , ; children of fijharpe's Hill, were hercj i': yia? tb*<o n r><^ Jforlne fair last week^ Mr. - Yo'ricd-.' ^ifV^essU'il >-9^ tr 4?!i Tuesday." *- 'V- 'i H f? .'Ji d B Mr. ancl Mrsu^\. ^Luc^ andI of^^e^ai-mick^re ^isitigp j$?&|vej 1 clay at the t^air. * 1 1 'LiCT- i i.k\ixgto.n mooi, *:xnri*nrfc.' >-.T? r)-"V y ' 1 ,'d':J" :) )> ^ v t ^ The community'exh'vtd? at tHe1 ' gotten trpivby Oali :Grove'j^haol &Hsjj trict So. i.' in Lexington-coynty, attracting much favorable comment. In' this may be., found exhibits..of ev,eryi; kind of vegetable'. "gFa in Of- ' fee ft' crops grown in the fertile Lexington territory. . .Large, .and...luscious svaJtfcfcmelons occupy a prominent place -wit h-'-Tnanv -carieties- ot fruitiontatoes and country produce. Glass jars of the different kinds of soils are also shown to advantage, asiyell as small blocks of the many kinds! <3*:? timber grown in Lexington. jthe"Readers In the moVement of getting the exhibit was the Rev. j. i A. Cromer, who has preached more thaih 4/> years,-,, |n * 4'th.e Luther.api churches of the community, where" hev was ' raised.';; Another who talker great pride in^ showing the visitors around is C. S. Roof.' one of the triis-' tee3jOf the. sehOQl^The; State:M K<$ C& HKSft; E V ER. 1:: I 'T .r: /<'?!'; V '} j* T * ,r: / > For the first time in tlie history of jLexinWton eggs are sell-ins:, at 75 cent si per do^.erijftntl they cannot be. badeven at that high figure. They are quoted in Cofuiubia at '"? > cents? '"fresh country eggs." THIRJ> ROLL CALL FOR THE RKI> CROSS Washington. Oct. 27.?The only "election" in which a receipt is given j for every vote. That is the wav\the third Red Cross i ;g fie roll caR-has been described. Every person who joins the .Red CJrotss during the roll call. Nov. 2 to 11. will be given a button and a window service flag. These indicate that that person has cast a vote of confidence in the American Red Cross. The service flag' is''7^ 1-2 by'11 f-2 inches and consists of a large red cross on a white back-ground, with the figures "1920" in blue beneath the cross. Three blue stripes around "the outer" edge of"'the "sen rce"TIag 'indicate the three annual membership - q-f-v .s;' . - ;= ; > ; ; V.; ' r-:; -'''j b^qoloyB) rt rt ns*? --f iitiiS !/ > r 'y ) } j t : ;':<??? v; , >. LI fr.Ai; hMV? H.T) .; x. g to sell 10 small farms g the town of Gilbert. and all of it is first class ' j on. I several business sites * * ' \* x ' ' " the tracts will be sold at ..' ~4 j ..TT state and we feel coni ? j -ii .v ^ lanu can sen At wiuuu a for it. hether you buy or not. e sate. Music by ? goody * "rvrrr-' v i . . vTtfi s-jiM :v"f ?,{ /Vrjv/.J \q ?$, ; !>:} / I-, * OJ *>ft / : 1 3f riii rjH ci i' qcrt'f , * J O0GES;^^__ '1 Li>-& E. -Itk?]Bfdg.!, H A ilfHU JtW |ni Jo (iiauKiiLi 3.:: T [roll calls. The flay; should he disli, snom %% ay; ; I played when ^he, first luemoer ol the ' t ftZ&c II oft" 'Joins ^ntvd sKou Id" &b" kept I: ^dS^pl^^^servi"ce 1 Vtrrjr? - sQjfeijt?5(l -AifaiiO r during j / - - ! A*- - *. ? ? ? ^ 1.1 Uu* JasUfcwo -iittjrJfor- tncrotJ t ari, 3 " -ftWXl ;C< >C.\-(V>|.A" ; ib\itCtkcsGV^ ^ntillafe^I-'or an! f (T/'? t5ti^k' real <-oc:i-coIa is simply priceless/.stimuf; , > > -v.*-. i -\n - < .? ? M r? 't lautinjr antb clolijar4itl'n 1. We nr?e servIt^triie coca-cola at the K^Foun-l tain. Try I.iggetts grape juice. orW.' I'Hir Peerless" ice cream has no ^ _ J_ (! They Oct Action at Once. ; Feiey Kidney. Pills - >invigoratfe. , IfctengtHeh, ap&nfi&shi lidhetiVe, Weak and diseased kidneys and bladdery Mrs. O. J. Elis, r?05 8th Av? Sioux Falls, S. D. writes: "[ suffered with kidney L trouble: used to have severe pains j u,cross my back a^id., fe^t miserable' and" all' tired oit't, vbut after tkking^i FoDey Kidbt-r Pills T am 'well." Sold : everywhere. 1 I > > J '' I i = ' I ' New Brookland Property for Sale, j ''' '['have for sale in the town of' Brookland one - splendid home of j seven rooms, built about two years; ago. large lot enclosed with good deep purrtp supplying- an abundance of good water. This property can be purchased at a very reasonable price'i and on terms." ~ ' <rr. . "%f. Also >.r * ' A large lot containing one and one- [ half acres adjoining the new school building on the East, enclosed with high wire fence and has out" bi?T|lyi4gs|-'Of value." enough good j clean tjricls<?ar |jl dwelling lip use chim- j neys and pillows, numbers of bearing j fruit trees of all varieties, grapes, as: 1. -- ? ) para gas bed. scuppernongs. and ten . pecan trees of the Schley paper shell ! variety part of them bearing this vear. ;r ?? f r j* . -> This lot can be purchased at a veryyj! reasonable price and on attractive terms. \ . . Address W. W. I [awes. Columbia, S. C., 16 Hook Building. or phdrttl ? 861. 4t. 'i: ' -i -3 - '' ? j ?? I'S/i bns \ : ! Tn< : : \ ".aKri' ' ! And Hi ! ' \1|! ' : "*' m. I *'V L i rj I The farmer, mo 5 vij /V^ 11 .) o0 r .J'- " ' ' the services of a bar ! 1 V ; r' fT? , - ^ : | | ~ ?T ; While he has no nee< Ki ' " " . every transaction m; out large sums of mi :, reference is highly h for cash, a neighbor 1 ,: . ; the farmer who pay of such payments wl he has a record of tr v , -book:; | 'j * > V. . V-. s ^ . JK'sv- v To'the farmer, ! ' - H extend an invitatior yJM^Q D ' vt ri~<: ssT ^33^0D ' tjsbsqs overt ay^v.!/. tUrqoq visv ir; ^ ''"'if ry .K. * .-dT " jofttt T.. Sox, Manager ? .m ? *1 .4-^ _ . ?_ . r \ C. M. Eflrd, i STOKE COTTON AM) STOP LOSSES Clemson < *oIIck**. October "_'T.?It is estimated that cotton growers in America are losing every year about $::<>.000.000 from weather damage to, cotton left unstored and unsheltered. The estimate is conservative, for every bale left in the open loses enough "picking", to represent $2.50. Greater losses are frequent. An instance that is not. far I'ropa typical concerns a bale that was left exposed to wind and weather for si& tv*/-*?*+TV>/. 1 "v.* r j mvutu.^. lac JJiiu: IUM 4 0 [JUUIllK?,. which at 23 cents is $17.t8. South-, ern fanners are urged to store their cotjU^^nd -stop this unnecessary and '-waste.' " jj|g now Ucen^d -.jirjd^bndeGHeh ^ited SkitC^"" Warl6$i^^^^Xct> in wl^fe^R'cothe st<ii'^B^^?^ re'e^ip^^^ke'n. 3 "^ffflnolile sxt miu&vM . ~ :cT Insure y our car aj by Fire and agai My policies g j J - '' >. : tection. ........ -5i Cost Thi EDWIN G. DI Lexingti wm$r*?E, 1517 Mam Street 0! *11. f ' . yrr ^rrt ~ !?i iVt .S *... p "j ? a a u & a 5 Faro T : > V;-'! J n :?-' "i >'' * f * " i ?? *.'?j? ./ ? 1 ?*r. i : J ' { rTJr; 9 \ I' :'J /r i u* ?k? 'j> w .J /. t vvr" * ' y ^ s Bank i ' } ri 'i , . , : re so than any other bus lk, if he manages his farm ii i for a set of books in which ade, yet, during the course o . _ _ ? oney for various purposes an ' ^ i ? % ' V /'i \ * / ? Ji * \ ; i * '* nportant. Merchants may J may not recall the payment s his obligations by check h hieh any court must recogni; ' v -3 , f loneys received by the depos who desires such a record f 1 to open an .account with (y - : : ? " C, '..I i 60,-i ' . , rttrrn :,f -V -n.ii.r ji , ':T . . U ?J-1rtV , ;V , Western ( , ,R E. Cook, Asst. Mgr. '' H. Local Director - W. J. McCar LEXINGTON, S. C. " those sfod for cash ac banks# .Stte^fstjbrin^ o| cotton carries cheap'insurance and >$ood serviip^. But. whether, stored iu r-roveigunent .warehouses....or, iiot,. coiton; should be protected. There - are, commercial :T" - ; 'J Y r flv ( .: ... warehouses available, and it is possible,.Lop farriers , individually or coyp^i-iUiv>ely. ro, Jxqxe-- pr.jViU.eJy owned storage facilities at reasonable cost. .Store your cotton rtoyr. : V V'-I- .i; :;j i \ J,>'J Change of Sceno. e ' #>*?<,> ? ' > - * ? V "'1' ? si s.V,Z)i"i' * "Anv old-fashioned ho rsev it hi eves - J .*, v gorv*rj; around Crimson Gulch 77 pasted, the : visitor in quest of a<lventtif&. 'f' - , - 9i;; t ' "No'V- replied ??actu? ?J#e-r "The ! hoss thieves have all gone "?as? an' took to stealing-motor cars; which is less risk^^ftS VeTftitfihrafive.''? Wa sh irrgtbh 'Sfar. -u y ' * ' * '' " h - ' oj 2ls atsTfjl d-95?a.'"> ?= T sat i i .i.. i SGteSoti sat ..neill i.-'m-- r.Vr; Insurance :-f- ? r : cun iibii -v ifi ~T j?! !T ?X . . gainst destruction 1 loss by Theft.' iveV absolute pro* > : .J' te: a<) 0 T.ji'r n&cCS? - -ft ?< .* > :vr ban : : ' - - .} 9 Lowest. ^EHER, Agent, on, 5. C. s ' ^ * * " ' '? It's All in the Lens . Fancy frames and patent holders mean nothing- on a pair of eyeglasses if the lenses are not precisely the. ones you should have in front of youreyes. Wesare interested'fri 'fitting your eyes \ C i ' -) W 77,7.- ; \t J and giving you, glasses \ytyicb are be.coraing.r.Our examination; and consultation cost you nothing.-" CaH and"" let us advise you as to your eye^ Optometrist. Columbia, S. C,: ''' ' ' ... I ^sjS %<??; -u zort ' ? w :' - . t ' ' ' : ' ' 35ft# r 9,-/t <:r 8ft .ICI I * .* Z - z'JOf Account ? i ' > . * * v ] . . . IJ iness man, requires ; V V *: r! / . ti a systematic way. to keep a record of. f a year he must pay . ! d a record for future 1 fail to give a receipt I ; of monev owed, but ? I %/ ' J' h as written evidence if le. In the same way 9 hK it entries on his bank ffl 'or his; business, we II this . strong institu- Jffi < y y) - 'I - ^ -1 ? r-W'# >' I ^arohna I H. Lmnptfcni Asst. Mgr. ,ri 1 tka, Finance 8