Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, October 29, 1919, FIRST SECTION 8 PAGES, Image 5

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;this f||&^ prisoners 'of iwar m%^sm hiflop&nfc ar-Ifed' Cross |pp^. of ^300 res from a ; : Frenclf;ijansporl A/'the right it jfe seen o \0bt* the American Red Cross e*mioi;%.;fleets of which^ were used ia rushing reiief to points, where the ?uf:.X ^cpras greateste;# PJf ff in # ?? ^ /$***$fr* ?:? Si- Z~?x* <&. 4 '" p ?JV ";' l? :-.' , .$* . Ia . _ _ RAILBOADSr KESTlRtf TO is f :. I P.' M 86: -Hon^Ti^nk W. Shealy, State railroad qpn^fi^'n^zv.' frjslt&iSfeS? ^lastweek from Indianapolis, where he at. tended' a meeting of the XationafAsCommissions. Mr. Shealy reports a pleasant trip and an interesting riieet ing. He was highly honored by being selected among the very first on some of the most important committees. . I The association was addressed hy j Director General Walker D. Hines, j * Chairman Etchinson of the Interstate, Commerce Commission, Max Theland, director general of public serv ice; and a response on behalf of the public was made by C. E. Elmquest, president of the association. The most interesting announcement made at the convention was the declaration by Director General Hines that the railroads of the country ? would be turned back to their original owners December 31 of this year, Mr. Hines. said .that the United Sitates-^was - tod big a country to have the railroads operated from,Washington and. .that the only practical plan was the one . of dual control* which' had heretofore existed, - with the -Interstate Comme rceqCom mi ss i o n overlooking interstate commerce and the .state commissions having charge of-1 * the intrastate end. Mr. Shealy, who has been working hard during the trying period of war control to protect the ? interests of South Carolina, and who has succeeded notably well, had hoped that his trip would give him a little rest, but he was kept busily at work during the convention attending the matters corping^before the committees of which he was a member. . RED BLOOD MAKES BEST COMPLEXIONS . Wholesome Complexion the Pride and Glory of Healthy Men and Women Pepto-Mangan Makes Red Cheeks BbSKE;^''"w1' WgVft Builds Up Tired Bodies?Helps Cliange Pale Complexions to Bloom of Health The healthy, attractive woman? is V and man too?with a wholesome complexion is the envy of those who feel : that, for them, such attractiveness is !>' impossible. iM And yet health and attractivenesst :ire much a matter of good, red blood and unless a man or woman is afflict-ntv. ertmo ^APn-spated or serious ; T cu mtii ova4*v ? ? 8| ailment, vigorous health, and persondl charm are within easy reach. >- Pepto-Mangan is responsible for the present health and happiness cf thousands who formerly were thin, -;<f pale, languid and easily exhausted. Pepto-Mangan helped place these folks in the full-blooded, energeticvigorous class?and it probably can do the same for vo?u Pepto-Mangan contains the elements that make rich/ healthy blood, And as a result of the increased supply of red bfodd that jPeptiqf-M^f^an creates, the Entire system i a^afrn*3the Kj vigor that belongs' to every man and|| woman. i Pepto-Marigan is prepared in two forms, liquid and tablets. They are exactly alike 4n ? medicinal value: Ask your druggist for VGude's"' when ordering Pepto-Mangan. Look rv for the name ' GudeVh on the -package. 5** ' :" r-.-v BAPTIST COXTEXTIOX TO MEET IX COLUMBIA j Greenville/Oct" To"' "('Special j? idE^ctolina-.arc planning to attend the 4^ta^J2aa44ai-Convenefen to 'be held in -' pv Q 111 U L' I' 1^1 VJgl&prautvt ,. |* ?,; >5:e'a<Tersr biffiis: :'..- ; ? -':. I \J?. "largest conl&ntaon ever held in point ..; : .of attendance and one of the I portahtfin phiht of constructive plans" ' "thai a&^-io be formulated. > 4a&t>?ay of tbfe .converlQon,,. it c -. . jr&J J - i/% .' < '" : ; was annpu/lced at Campaign hgad' quarters here today, will be ^entirety::3?' tjfe Baptist ' 7f> vM ill ion Campaign and mi order that this may -be.done tftfe regular business, will, tie conoeh^r^teJl^rrf the Sessions of the I tWo-- previous dpys. "The discussion of tthfafeiCampaigBf,! which Is/to . be held ] h&ovember 30 to December .7, will no (i^^e the chief featiife of the Con-.j & however, as this drive is the greatest; evei* -attempted by the de''! ; rSiSVeiui in-Qiortant meetings will, precede the main convention meeting^' among the most important of which wilV.be a e.onfpretrfce of ^organizers for the 75'jVjniSton./Caanpaigh ychiefr is to be held at 2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon, the 10th, which is to be atr:end-ed by^- associatioru|l^or^anizers ^ pastors, i^^iici^?Bir?c^)r^i and four mfeut$ jipe^k^Jev^. \i.iisi'-; '*tL A number of prominent Baptist ieaaer^'^li'^ak^ addresses * during 'ihe'^oiiventibn. h' ' % f; :? ^ - ijf ? ? - r' MILLER AUTO CO. ?> < SEALING MANY CARS. Three automobiles in one week is the record made hy Mr. Lester C. Mil t:t< . .. TerV' Stales manager of the Miller Auto co., of Lexington. This well known firm handles' the well known and popiilar Studebaker cars, ad tliree big sixes, right out of the factory, were ? V :? f ; placed in the hands ~of Lexington owners last Week, which goes to showthat the new Studebakers arfe growing ' ' - *> * ' ' ' in popular favor.,every day. r One car was sold'to Sheriff Miller; 'one to Mu-r i-DliSert W/ Taylor, a big farmer of the Gilbert section, and the third to Antoinette Suber, of Lex| ington. ! New cars are being received every week now by the Miller Auto Co., but thev.don't stay on their floor long. T A Good Opening:. A'flashily dressed young lfian entered a large office antpi^uired tof^the busy boss: "Have yoi^A-opening fojr. k bright 'young man?" "Yes," growled the boss, "and don't slam it as you go out!"?American Legion Weekly. - . r ?. LAND FORSALE The undersigned,for the heirs j of j the estate of Ch^tlitte^B.v Leaphart, . deceased, offers for sale 187 acres, more or less, six miles southwest of Chapin, S. C., two horse farm open, balance in timber, plenty, of white !oak, poplar and pine, well watered; one good seven room! house; also barn and stables. Fcr information call or write Samuel M. Leaphart, Executor of the Estate of -"'harlotte B. Leaphart, 2426 Laurel S.\, Columbia, S. C. Phone 2559-J. . 50-tfc TRESPASS N < TICE. Hunting either by day or by night - ' ' 1 ? * - ? ? n 4 /-. 1 A /I f on ray lanus ctuu *jh csiaic ianuo J. JJ Harman, deceased, is forbidden under penalty of the law. 5 < 4tpd. Mrs. Amanda E. Harman. TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons are notified not to trespass on my lands or-allow stock of any kind to,run at large, under p'nalty of law. H. S. jCrim,. Swans*"i. S. C. 4t50p 1 TRESPASS NOTICE. The public is warned not to trespass on lands of the undersigned, known as J. J. Fox estate, by hunting or otherwise, under penalty of law. 4tc-l MRS. J. J. FOX. TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons are warned nc^ to hunt or carry guns or dogs on land owned or controlled by me. G. O. Wooten. TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons are warned not to trespass on lands of undersigned or estate of Murphy Hutto, by hunting either day or night, or fox hunting, or gathering pecans from, my trees, or in any manner whatsoever under penaty of law. "" B. C. HUTTO, 3t-pd. Pelion, S. C. Warning To Hunters! Ther? l^m^cf^e^arpfevailiBg' idea that it is not necessary to have a hunter's license to hunt game except yvhen i a gun is used. The law is very clear I nrtol-oe n n i-liitirtCt.ion ana jdUU j**v y.-.^ as to weapons used-. ' It'is against the t I law to pursue gam,e without a license 4 , */ .. i //" J' * ^ or to hunt with; si frig .shots or other weapon as much as with a gun. Notice is hereby, given that all violators of th4 law-.wHl be tiealt with. JOE Mi. CAEG-HMAN, : i! f ! Game Warden. TFRX FX DEE. FOTTOX STALKS TO LESSEN WEEVIL DAMAGE i-; '! i Vlemson College, Oct. 27.?The conditions this fall for spreading olr '% wide ^ tdfi'iSfeiy. Wlieifffc$.e <Ky !e?|&athefe--!^triij?'a^d#;tl^j dPrWftijjg' st$|p'eff, ffco I present time rfee ytce^l lnts n>acOicd&i $ikfe*sout h of Grcfi[[%bl/i(pan. Oamden, ;|pd approximately Darlington. si: M i I... [l^nfa gj?. on ' iff: jjh Xr $& r m <mh thcejsoutiicrmjest ptu't of the state w$s >%-; 't 'vi^r; *5 *>.** 5fi, Severe 'dtrriti;? tire'"'past season, hugfea i portion oi mt u;unu.t,*e rw \muu Blc weevil is Ji'e.ld resiyo.nsipl?.was.'.du ?o ; weather conditio;^, ,says- Rrof.. A.^p. Conradi, State ' Entomologist. Sori?is injury in ay He .ex'pi?cted^ in .Charleston," ..... jjam^ton.' ^iflendSb, Barnwell, Colleton. and.- JJambifrg - - " ' W& Counties next season: It Ji$ pytrenfigy important, at this time, that 'tVie \mty best attention is given t<fc the- desti4gption of all cotton s&)ks;tj#'the ;earl^4ii possible datp^ . ^.-inrot ai jj$- .7 Over many farms, in .'tlae-b?^uthKn part of the state the fruiting of c^ton-is over, and the stalks can be j|pLStroyed without any loss in the crw). This may be accomplished by chapTilt-ic tl-io ctolL-c -n-ifh o ctflli: PnttP?" dfad j>1 owtngWhere honfe-ppwejfc is available they may be picked. under .by having beam attached to the plow to knock down the stacks i;. yx-z .. rj. j'% so that they may be' covered. It* is L- *"*"*., ' -fvj IJf, ^ ?4? immaterial what method nay suit the 2 a'Vr. <tt-; ' %? ii individual farmer best, but to aljfpw salks to remain on the cotton fielcfis a most dangerous practice under boll weevil conditions and is a sign of very careless farming. Destroying the cotton stalks is the most effective control against the weevil. ........ ? ? ? . . ...J COLORED FAIR A SUCCESS. . j The Lexington County colored fair, which was held Friday and Saturday of last week, following the white people's fair, was a decided success in every way, particularly in view of the J ifact -that this was the first year of the fair. While the exhibits could have been more numerous they were entirely creditable 10 the colored people. A good crowd attended and enjoyed the meeting. Green I Richardson, promoter of the fair, and the other officials are entirely satisfied and. propose, to haxe another and better fair next year. ?y ' i t J .X.:. J j v/ U i 'yI The Fs j I H. A. TAY1 FHem I Lookers are ers. Come Look and Bi TWJ 'w ,V ^ H A IT V\ X. * . i i . P^Mie 490 i WORKS IN FIELD. ! Ji-Uiie. ^Ottbiis responsible for niapy unusual things, but; nobody would have believed, thai -jtl would have so extended its influI ence (you.may take your choice as to whether we ought to say benign or' I baneful) as to cause certain we LI j I known citizens to perform manual j labo;'. It is a fact, however. that Joe j Caughman. game warden and town i I clerk-. was actually seen at work in i the broiling sun of Monday .with a! cotton sack on his |>ack picking cot- ! ton. to heat the band, which, according j to all reports, is picking some. Joe ' savs he didn't-need-Ah* Hgone.v but cot- ! - C.s. I I. _ WfflLfi-i V , i *'? C r w f '? ? ? 1 liT e i t our store M ' plete assc at reasoi family. i I S s i imous M< ICabine keep? One. 1 : . v-J ,OR, Inc., for 2 . ,-s d to the House\ as Welcome a 1 One, Come A! jy a Bill. . . ' i i Taylo: "iAI TTIIDTA C P |' jULUittDl/l, 3. t. i T; W < \ '? . r ? ; ?... > . ' " is!' i|p | | MHnHBBBBHBSaraHEmBBOB ; :c ,; * :? ...'-W | :tor. was worth just too much to sro to i waste. ... .? _ ? f~~; os fjGHT * !,. ?ur soda fountain is running" in full blast and we are dispensing- delicious [and refreshing drinks made from absolutely pure sugar syrups and flavored with the finest fruit juices and fruits obtainable. We boucht early * > . * in the spring the largest shipment of fountain supplies ever brought to this place and we are now prepared to give our customers the best the market affords in fountain drinks. Rexall fountain supplies is a guarantee of quality. Our "Peerless" Tee '"ream lias no equal. Harmon Drug Co. U ' i ' ' 4 . i J J 1 _ T71_ J1 ?i_ ai tne r air uon i ia where you will find irtment of high grc lable prices for tl anHKHBHEnHBHI ?ri/\iirrol ?1S*/Ugcil t. Every r Should hree Siz< .; A. J\.?- . .4v^r. ? P I#;-;- ' RE ?0 Years a D 1 wv+ /\ " " f0ll sol! nes s Purchas- t' tho 1. Take a % - roo prf< 9 9 9 9 2 ) > r, Inc. I ^ ?# 7 i 722 Main St ' ' ' >.<o "* " , 666 quickly relieves Constipation, . Biliousness, I.oss of Appetite an i j Headaches, due_t>o Toiqiid Xiver.?=Ad 7, MONEY TO LEND ; n A -Po vm 1 o mrlc j V_/H V V CU ?0,1111 ia,H\jLi2, '5 to 10 years, can close loan I | in three weeks if necessary, I Easy Terms/ JAMES B. MURPHY, S*J- .. .7 . 11113 Palmetto BMg., Colombia, S. C jthe f611oTving"historical sketch of tlie il to visit I a comide shoes le entire Kitchen HouseHave is. t ? ULLMAN VOLVING SEAT BED AVENPORT THOROUGHLY ^ JS satisfying to practical ? ' T V.?N * . fgf : who want the most j d comfort and usefuls their money will buy?- [? t as pleasing too for se who delight in the | e which a piece of fine ? aiture will give to any m?most attractively & , oi-A, * I Pullman Revolving Seat Bed. . ;j j- J Da venportsconvert at a touch into sleep-wooing beds?soft, luxurious, springy upholstery ?many different designi and o! -x-ic ; variety cf coverings.' . |