Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, October 29, 1919, SECOND SECTION 8 PAGES, Image 13

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"^ll . I Cotton Associa Cotton Pricey ' . | The Dispatch-News is in receipt of; the following letter, defining the pur- j noses and aceomDlishments of the j Southern Cotton Association from Dr. ! D. M. Crosson, county chairman for I Lexington County, with a request for J publication: i, Objects and Purp?ses ot The Amcri- j: can Cotton Association. 11 s The objects and purposes of this j Association shall be: 11 1.1 To protect the interests of the j cotton producer and to improve his ' j Condition. _ |( 2. To promote economic regulation l;1 of cotton production to the end thatji supply shall be' so adjusted to demand j 1 that the producer shall at no time be j 1 ? ?<-?call V>?e* nrnrlnpt at loss ! A ^4UU UU t\J AiAkJ |/4 VMMWV vvv ---- | than a fair and reasonable profiit. j 3. To promote intelligent diversification of crops, and to develop mar- i kets for such crops, oiher tlian cotton, as may be profitably Raised. 4. To improve and enlarge presently existing warehousing facilities and to secure additional facilities to the end that the producer may carry his crop, or such part as he may desire, at the minimum of expense and physical damage and at the maximum of security and financial advantage. 5. To broaden the markets for raw cotton and to enlarge the uses for cotton and cotton goods. 6. To improve and increase transportation and distribution facilities. 7. To collect information as to both domestic and foreign consumption of cotton, the state of trade, the extent of acreage, supply and condi. tjon of crop, and all other information of practical interest to the cotton industry, and to disseminate the re- . suits through the several sub-organizations to every meirijber of every community, together with , directions as to the course to be pursued in order to secure the best results in view f of the facts disclosed. t 8/ To do aH^and singular whatso- * rj ever may be conducive to the stabil- ^ ity and profitableness of the cotton j s producing industry c What It Has Accomplished Already. With only a temporary organiza- 1 tion, the Cotton Association has saved 1 to the cotton producer of the South v j I To the I I Make 0 I Leave yoi H i * I you informa m RK r I you in any \ p |;v I and are at y m/m ifoB mm ?l? ft B H? fl You need H| I pleased to g J B woolens and ? B form and pe f-B a hurry" we I E| overcoats re P COLUMBIA Iff ** 8 1526 Main Stri tion Raised # " Says Chairmanj i already over .$506,000,000. It is very genqffiflly conceded thai j if the. A^ociatioiiPrfad not been plan- i] ned and partially organized that cot- ; ton would today be selling for around ;] 20 cents. The bears were in complete! control of the nfarOf last spring when ' the farmers first began to talk of or- (1 ganization. They had planned to dc-:( press the price of cotton to 20 cents ' this fall. Immediately after the 's farmers began to plan this organiza- i tion, cotton began *to advance. The Association has alreadv sue- ! ; 1 eeded in raising ov?j? $3,000,000 for ' :he erection of cotton warehouses over j. the cotton belt. This amount will j ^ probably be ddubled ^ithin the next j few weeks. . lV| i { Organizations for* buying "distress g ?otton" have been ^o^mcd in a very . arge number of coufct^ over the belt, j ind are being formed daily in other ( counties. These organizations are for j he purpose of buying cotton from } avo Toro oArhrr?^4'orl in Q.pll .ai UlCi O. H?i^y u* t. w w... . * i 'X * The Association has 3kept a close j heck on all government, reports and t las ever been watchful for the interests of the cotton producer. When permanent organization has >een effected the Association will be i\j I c n position to carry out all of its plans f md purposes and will free the cotton >roducer from the boncts of slavery. The cotton producer can then name he price for his product just as the f !ruit growers now name the price h :or their product and as the grain y )roducers name the price for their t )roduct. " a . > Fiamers, merchants, bankers and 1 >rofessional men -who arg. interested t n the welfare of the J^oiith should S MR. MOTOR We said that Miracle Motor Gas Tablei 'or three cents, and we meant it. If y hree- tablets in your tank you will get 1 our engine and spark plugs of carbon, md be out a whole dollar, eh ? All rignl enow: It will do all rhat<is claimjed for ire the loser, if you hands off. Gasolh lown with Miracle Motor Gas. One doll Jarre HardwarejCo. LEXIXGTOX, S. O. < vState Fair / ur Store \ ( \ * ? % i ? ir packages here. I it ion; use our telepb vay possible. We w< -Yt our service. And If . a suit or coat v ."t;: jive you a selection <9 ... K l have it tailored t irsonality. For the i carry a stock 6f sady to wear. 1 , TAILORING I .. ,< y ;> z & C D. SEXTON, Manager .1 COM .(*( ioin. Join The South Carolina-Cotton Association. N "Organization will win." ? START VKTOKV SC IIOOLS," TO AJR BAKfTST DRIVE \ Greenville. < >et. 25 ' (Special)?In ^reparation for the Baptist 75 Million "Vi m t\m i < n tn hf> mntlo XoVGIllbei' 30 tO l^ecenrber 7. "Victory Schools" a-vi11 jc conducted in every Baptist church n the state during November. accordng to plans worked out by state headquarters for the Campaign here. The students in these . Victory schools will be the church teams, roosters and four-minute speakers. The classes will be taught, by the hurch director or organizer, and wil: neet as often and us many times as lecessary to thoroughly get ready for 'Victory Week"?the week of the actual campaign. The objective of the Victory Schools s announced as "putting over the top md beyond the 7", Million Campaign n every Baptist Church." The studes will embrace canvassing the1 .hurches for millions, training in the nformation and arousement of the jeople and in the talking task. A j lumber of the pamphlets and book- J ets on the campaign will be used as j ext books. The Victory schools it is expected, rill put every* church in readiness to nake the Campaign thoroughly, effi iently and expeditiously during the' irst week in December. Forerunners of Sickness.' Indigestion and constipation are the orerunenrs of half the ills of man- i ;ind. When food is properly digested j ou are free from biliousn^s, gas, | iloating, sick headache, sour stom- j ch, coated tongue. Foley Cathartic Mblets cleanse the bowels, sweeten he stomach and invigorate the liver, i >old everywhere. 1ST, LISTEN! ts would give you a gallon of gasoline ou put three gallons of gasoline and 'our gallons service; besides cleaning But you are afraid you will get stuck, :, we can't make you use it. This we it and more; and, Mr. Motorist, you le is too high, but you can bring it lar a box of 100 tablets. For sale by Hendrix Hardware Co. XEW BROOK LA YD. S. C. ii mil mm rours I liet us give I one or help I ^lcome you I ve will be 1 rk UK from our 1 o fit your 1 ! "man in I suits and I ^Bp v * BjKj lAimiiTir m JUMrAlH | IMBIA, S. C. I n !Ttti3Cf Qt? w i OCT CP7 g 1 ? j Tile BRIGHTON' | Do You Buy Prices, or Shoes? ? ' ) |? * n You've heard about the carpenter who bought 1 cheap_ saw-after saw because he broke so many; I * he couldn't afford to buy a good one? There are ? I a lot of people who buy shoes that way. Buying I our Walk-Over Shoes is no extravagance, butj I very real economy. The many shapes fit you to a I 1 T. They fit you with coming, not going, style J 1 And Walk-Over Quality holds the customers 1 Walk-Over Style makes. These shoes have never 1 been cheapened to sell at a price. ? I E. G. DREHER I Lexington, S. C. ^ ) \ p ?: r-: 1 Dry Goods??Wholesale-?-?-Notions' j M. CITRON | WE extend a special invitation to one and all to ' visit our Wholesale Dry Goods Store in Columbia. Merchants from other cities, especially, are urged to visit us while in the city. : , > \ You will find here a full line of Dry Goods, | Notions, Blankets, Sheets, Hosiery, etc., and ' ! having a central location we can save you mon-; ey on your freight bills, and in addition thereto we sell our goods much cheaper. We hope to have the pleasure of seeing our friends and cus- v . tomers during fair week. "Kill Two Birds With One Stone" i Enjoy the fair and at the same time do your . necessary FALL BUYING. Make one trip do both. . ,VJ > > t ' M. CITRON | Wholesale | 927 GERVAIS STREET COLUMBIA, S. C. | .* tk : * \