Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, October 29, 1919, SECOND SECTION 8 PAGES, Image 10

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I By REV. J. H. RALSTON, D. D. ffi Secretary of Correepondence Departmect; ; ? Moody Bible iaathate, Chicago TE3^T.?I marvel that ye are bo sooo Tomovfed from him that called yon into 4be g&ce of Christ, nnto another gospel, ! Which ps not another.?Gal. !> . ^ now slipping from thim end' were trying to make a Mwii composite reiigiGji &&MUm that would ,better anion of faith and works. ' || B There is sugges^p|HR ~ Hon that there ^?||3flH was something \ fairly analagous I hotween the Gala ygm ft I tian church and the church of today. When the first c&itury closed there was a deposit of divipe truth left in tho form of some writings by prophets, apostles, psalm' lsts, Jbaerdmen, fishermen and others, all inspired of God. This deposit may be considered from some three different standpoints: First, it was something fchat was for all the world as such, all nations and peoples. It was Intended to be the foundation of the religiosi that the worid needed; and upon it grew up the system of belief which,iwhile varying in different countries and centuries, was substantially the same everywhere, and-should be so today. | TlfjSfj J J B V The ihureh feH heir to this treasure but failed to be true as its custodian. Teachers of theology were like the* Talmudists of old, and receded further and further from the original teaching as the Centuries went by. This 'deposit of truth also was given to the \ individual, for God I never intended that his Book should; be under lock add key. J But )b i.ulte rec^t times the aspects 4-hich that faith presents were greatlylvaried, and are quite different I from tie aspects in a previous time. The departure from the faith may be ft spoken|of under three general propoI aitions: H 1. That faith is still the limit of atB ttck aiPW'liJI '^g mies, although the form of attack has B^L radically changed. K 2. the Word of God on the part of a H^Bvery laIrge number of teachers of reDBiglon ind varfeus subjects in v&icb QBthe church in rits external ^lat^na; particularly are outwardly interested. I W What was the IHlpMjkfedl Hv ligious teaching "The ultimate denial of the supernatural. The result of this KB- with many theological teachers has Wr been in the first place the full accept^ ance of those views, and secondly a kind oi| teaching which leaves the pupil without any positive conviction. A j furtherlresult has been that a generation of younger men educated in seminaries where there was such positive, denial < ? the supernatural, or the hesitating j |nd uncertain?teadiing;-has grown \ j), and is at best uncertain in its com jctions. A stilj further result is that the people of the churches ministered to by such m|n- are ijot informsed as to the great truths of the BiWer and become the eas; jvictim^ralpMhds of heresies such at jChristian'SdCTW, theosophy, etc. Oi i if the?B&v$"n^t^one off into these h< fesies openly) aW^herely existing as pdles of toristians, with few signs oi real lifC* Agrfifcrototal result Is that! ye find^lte ^fhurjh of God today stfdily ind iff e refit sto the vital truths <8 Christianityriapd holding fast to its |?xisten<?e ?by% introducing all kinds off physical., buttseg^es. There are great church \ bi$4lnjgg, universities, colleges, etc.<m^pe-Qharnel houses, for witlpn there is but decaying fieslnand dead meos-bones. fij fi? jf-ji 3. Bugthere is -another aspect of the day thagj is observabte--^b^ decay of individijl. faith5. The-wrifer has had paany sjyjto him: "We do not know what w?helieve any more." Inquiries being nfide along certain lines, such as the Seity of Christ, the authority of the Ijbly Scriptures, the subject of regenen jion, the sam-e lack -of * fa4th was stil j expressed. There is nothing sadder t ah this in the whole realm of religious ! phenomena?people without faith. his aspect becomes tragedy when w< 'realize that the young people of our ' nristian homes even express themseb b as having no belief. One place wjkre such faith is ruined is in the GcdRss colleges and universities of the 1&<J. The charge must not be placed 'the state universities, for the dan^r from them is not so great as frorq? the universities, that are founded &y Christian people and are under nfcninal Christian control. What the remedy? Before this remedy ?an be presetted, many will succumb ^s victim^ ol^Sheir 'ignerafcce, but the Slide may he' checked* :1f the world ccjp be brought back tft the acceptance of the great principles of the Protestant religion. The Chruch of God Gjuk do n?ich by positively requiring of ^^^vteaclfers that they teach nothing 'he fundamentals of our Christian HH^ FENCE OUT THE WEEVIJb Better fencing?Better livestock? foju ^ Liv(^ar^^rs b&ieve in roesto<Ji ? god^f wire facing *ancl ,-i'p,aj> a?big-harvest of - -profitable livestock. j Mr. B. Weevil, formerly of Mexico, ' has- moved to Lexington County and Do you know that boll weevils can't cros livestock fences? A sure jw&y to |^ace out the boll weevil?fence in ljrafctock. -..Pla^.a $ig andjfcultivate hij^-^yit^ ?oo(^:;^cii^> a^Mj^ pastures. # neith^sjhi* velvet beans, peanuts, nor hogs. Why play a losing game running a free hna:rdir*?r house for boll weevils when you can get good dividends from a boarding house for pigs? !/ #a-V3f. Jv 1L& o s,v O A * V~* y Would you rather feed hog's or boll weevils? Good fencing will help to. feed hogs and starve'weevils. THE WEARY WAY T HT^?V/v^/x 4rv JLrauy OCWiuiiig jjvss Hcausuiuc w Many in Lexington. i With a back that aches all day, With rest disturbed at night, Annoying urinary disorders, 'Tis a weary way, indeed. Doan's Kidney Pills are especially for kidney trouble. Ask your neighbor. Are endorsed by Lexington citizens. Geo. W. Corley, farmer, R. R. No. 6, Lexington, says: "I used Doan's Kidney Pills some time ago. My kidneys gave out on me at that time and my ;back-,a??e?Ua gveatrd^ah The' -tforst* ^twfuhie^v&s1 with -m-jr" hl^dd^r ^and i had a too frequent desire to pass the kidney secretions, .^especially at night.* 'in&lt jt&,e'& jallj j;l&iim.e. My coudi^' recommended Down's Kidney Pills, and I got a box and took them. My J3g?k bother*, moy. mucj^aftee, that iajid th^?'bladide^ trouble ^soon ft'j/ & Jt XJL* X K,J: Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney Pills?th$ same that Mr. Corley ;had? Roster-Mil bum Co.,Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y., ": ' : 666 has proven it will cure Malaria, and JLaGrippe. It kills the parasite that causes the fever. It is a splendid STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, r COUNTY OF I^X^NGTOM iX Qu^FT- OF G0MiioN |jf%S. Xi?C. McDuffie &ypon^an^,piaintiff, - fit 0 M iii. ??r Va E. M. Field, Jr., Defendant. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. Tia/I n v\f A Vv/\trA jl \J uxc xy^i^auauu auwc ^^ i You "are hereby summoned ahd re: quired to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to sfervea copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his office, 21 Clark Law Building1, Columbia, S. C., within twenty days'after the" s'ervice'thereof, e>a^us?<*?-gof tha, day of such service; a^f if jyou-fSu| tti answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in'this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. LOGAN & GRAYDOX, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Dated September 9, 1919. To +he Defendant Above Named, E. M. Field, Jr.: You are hereby notified that the summons and complaint in this action, which is an action for the foreclosure of real property in the County and State aforesaid, was duly filed in the office o^ the Clerk of Court for Lexington County on the 13th day of September, 1919, and that you are required to answer the same in accordance with law. LOGAN & GRAYDON, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Dated Sept. 9, 1919. 2-6t I wil sell at public outcry, before the court Jiouse door, in the town of Lexington, 1 during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday, being the 3d day, in November, the roilowing described property, being a part of the lands belonging to the estate of the late N. J. Burgess: A tract of land consisting of (11.2) acres, more or less, lying in Chinquepin. township, on the waters of Chin queplir'clree'kT" Sixty'6(T) acres of j tract is cleared, balance in -woods,;i The place is well watered and has good fruit orchard,. Plenty-of timber, sljioxt lea.f pine, oalc and poplar. In- j terefeted parties can. see place fey ap- j 'wSu ' f > -. itplying to William Westmoreland, j Samaria, S. , -;;v. Terms of sale: Cash, purchaser to pay for all papers. . . / J. J. BURGESS, Administrator. CLERK'S SAtiiv Carolina, C^rif^bf Rob^ GaMt, et ^aintifY??^v$ Hannah ||antt, Vl.^DefendajfcftsI ' **Ski??*Court %t*Comtiw>n Pleas. ***** By~ virtue Of authority vested in me by order of the Co.urt in the above entitled cause, I will sell before the ?Court House door, at Lexingrton, S. C.f -o'n'rfcfriFffi'St Monday in November, the same being the 3rd day of said month, to the highest bidder, the foltowtragp described real estatg, to wit: ?jj| S| er^cfflti, pTe<Re?f|parcel or t^t sit|fet% lying fihd being j,gft & L.llingtoB$>45tate of South Carolina, containing one hundred and sixteen acres, more o*r, less, bounded on-the North and Eagt. by lamls nf "R. Hall: South bv Long Branch, and West by lands of Oscar jBisifig^."& ffL \ / ' i ".?4 AIT that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Samaria, Lexington County, State of South Carolina, measuring one hundred feet in width by one hundred feet in length, and bounded by lands now or formerly of Franklin Hall, William Westmoreland, and right of way of Southern Railway Company." Terms of Sale: Cash, purchaser to pay for papers, revenue stamps, and recording fees. H. L. HARMON, Clerk of Court. Oct. 13th, 1919. CLERK'S SALE. State of South Carolina, County of Lexington. F. L. Schwartz et al.. Plaintiffs, vs. Murray Schwartz, Defendant.? Court ofr-Common Pleas. w r\ ?x f ay -j i ft t *f * > / ?"B-y Virtue' of'authority -'vested in me by order of the Court in the above entitled causewill sell before the (<?6^urt P^of^e|do"^, at Lexington, S. C., during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in November, the same being the -3rd day ot^said month, to "i 5 ( M & if ^hej^nighest|bidoer, %e^following deNr%it##eV? %i.t: "One hundred twenty (120) acres of land, more or less, in said Ccrtmty and State, in Broad River Township, lyihg one^oile from the C. N. X.. Railroad Company" between the towns of Hilton and Chr.pin, and bounded by lands now or formerly of John Lindler, Michael Slice. Samuel l<;-e. G1 m : ii, oLunaii^. oiiii I'l u as. the Adani-Si"hv.aui^. itwiuestea4U.>.- Terms of Sale: Cash, Purchaser to a?d." -recording -fees. -j *?1?-?* H. L. HARMON, I| j^Clerk of Court. % Oct. lltlt 1919. 1 & ? \i 1 ft 1?i EXOTORS' SALE"" ESTATE OF SAMCEL M. ROOF, !. < i ."i} DECEASED. ' Whereas, Samuel M. Roof, late of ?if , * .? r *' _ ? - the County of Lexington, and State of ^Squth Carolina, "died on the 23rd day of August, 1919, leaving of force his lastt will and testamentr which was duly admitted to probate in the office *bf* .fe* "Pf'Obhte" Jiicfge"'for Lexington County in said State on the 16th day. of September, 1919. ? And whereas, We, the undersigned, Job S. Wessing-^r, EL JB- Roof, and Samuel P. Roof* difly\ ^qualified as Executors of the ' estdte" of the said Samuel M. Rd'of," deceased, on the 26th day of September, > 1919, agreeable to the terms /and provisions of the said last (Will and testament and had issued to us Letters Testamentary by the Probate Judge-ip-and for said County and Stafte. 4 * And whereas, "It is prdyided in said last will andB^ tes.t^ifknjt that the Executors thereof should, divide a certain tract of 'land Hbelo&^ins: to the estate of the said Samuel M. Roof, deceased, into; smaller.Jracts and subdivisions and sell the- same either at public or private sale* on such terms r t V as the Executors mi?htsjleem advisable and for the best interest of the estate. And whereas, The said Executors have determined that it is for the best interestmf the said'"estateTo self it at public auction and have pursuant to the terms of- the said last will and testament had the "Old Home Tract" of the said Samuel M". Roof, deceased, surveyed and subdivided into six smaller tracts. Now, Therefore, Notice is given that the undersigned as Executors as aforesaid will sell at public auction on Thursday, the 6th day of November, 1919, commencing at eleven o'clock a. * m~ at the Old Homestead of the said; ^jamuel Roof, ? decehsedi within' the County and State aforesaid, the same being about three miles east of iLexington, on the Eeaphart Road, all. of the following described tracts of land, upon the terms ana | conditions hereinafter named, to i wit: i Tract No. i: The S. M. Roof House tract and containing fifty and fiftyfour hundredths (50.54) acres, more ior less, bounded on the north by lands ^Drape, on,the?5ist by (Jporg-^ggor- r ^ ley^n|$tra|ft Nojpi; on th|| sc$l?i<b|l: ^racts ant^, and o^^te $es$j[' sr oy ii'au^s i\?s. ^ <oiu o. 77 , . ^ Yracti^o. 2r Containing tbirty-Uxree and seventy-eight hundredths (3? 7 8) ; * acres, more or "less,"bounded on the north by lands of Drafts; on the east by tract Xo. 1, on the south by Leap- i; hart Road; and- on the west by'TrmdS" 'lot? D. J. Caughman. a _ _ ) jaract Xo. ?: (. ontaimng ninety-six < ai& seventy-two hundredths (96.72) i adltes, more or less, lying on south i si<|e of the Leaphart Road, and boundedj|.on north by Leaphart Road and 1 Trfcct Xo. 1; on the east by tracts Xos. 1' 1 |nd 4; on the south by Twelve Mile Ci#ek, and lands of D. J. Caughman, an2 on the west by lands of D. J. Caughman. Tract Xo. 1: Containing one hundred thirty-seven and three tenths ; (lip'.3) acres, more or less, and ' bounded on the north by Leaphart Rc^d and lands of Corleys, on the ; easfjt: by lands of Corley and tract No. 1 5, on the south by Twelve Mile Creek, anijl on the west by tracts 1 and 3. tact. Xo. 5: Containing fifty-seven 1 acres, more or less, and bounded ' onithe north by Corley lands, on the ea^t by Sox lands, on the south by j' traSit No. 6 and Shull lands, and on | thejfwest by Tract No. 4. Tfjract Xo. 6: Containing fifty-four j | an# thirty-eight hundredths (o4.us; acres, 'more or less, and bounded on . theanorth by tract No. 5, on the east ( by jSox lands, on the south by Addv ( lands, and on the west by Shull lands. I h | < i^br a more accurate description of thefabove sub-divisions see a plat of < a survey of the same made by J. C. j Wegsinger, Surveyor, September 23, ( 24, ^nd 25th, 1919, which said plat is on jjjile in the Probate Judge's office ^ for ^Lexington County, South Carolina, ^ andpwill be exhibited at the sale. { "TOe will further offer for sale upon the&erms and conditions hereafter nan|ed: j All that certain piece, parcel, or i ^ tra<^ of land known as the River Pla|e of the said Samuel M. Roof, ^ dec^sed. containing thirty-nine and j one^alf (39 1-2) acres, more or less, bou:?ded on the north by Saluda | - . . i Rivfr, and adjoining lands now or forr&erly of Adam Shull, Daniel Shuji, J. X. Carter, and F. M. Mathias,. the iame being the tract of land con| rfevsjS to. the said San- ci -U He ' r.v ; ! ' a II IP it. Coriey. Sheriff. deed d'-te* | !thc f.th. Jay of Xov-mib-- r, J 909, ad; jrecorded m the office of the a- of;. | ^ Olli't ?Ol IUaa L/C ull iv? ixx uccCi book 3D, page 159. psyjjfty-ftjft tether, giy^. -flie j tracts. referred,- to?in. thia - advertisement as tracts number one to six re- ] spectively will behso^ lrst in the Subdivisions as descried above and vthat aftei*Jv*a^d^the^' sa$T together/j?T one 'IM c^ta^in^'flSurJ hundre^thirty-thve& af&ff-^'verrtV-t^a^ ?'* (433.72) acres, more or less, and if the amount bid forrthe entire tract is" greater "than fhevaggregatfe of the J amounts Dia on ine sraaner tracts ut ] subdivisions then' and -in' that event a deed. .will., be. executed to-the, person or persons purchasing the tract as a tyholOj otherwise,,' 'deeds will be. exe. ? i n v j : . i -i * ^ cuted to the person or persons bidding in the several-smaller -traets subdivisions; and in case the said ,tra?? i^ sold "jas a whole the heirs-at- < .law ofvthe--taslid.-?Samuel M. Roof, de- t ceased, and the legatees under bis ] said last will and testament will join t the undersigned Executors in the exe- < cution of the deed to the premises. ( And Notice is further given that at ( said time and place the personal pro- j perty and effects of the said Samuel j M. Roof, deceased, will be offered, for ^ sale at public auction to the highest bidder therefor. Terms of Sale: For the real estate one-third of the purchase price sTiall be paid in cash and the remaining two-thirds in two installments, one ~ and two years respectively after the date of sale, which said instalments shall he evidenced by a note and bond for the same, secured by a first j j mortgage of the premises purchased, j land the deferred payments are to j draw interest from date of sale at the] rate of eight per cent, per annum, the purchasers to pay for papers, re- ' f-cording- feee-, revenue- -stamps, - et-e. fFor the personal property all CASH, j on date of sale. JOB S. WESSINGER, j E. B. ROOF, , SAM P. ROOF, As Executors of the last wiLl j and Testament of Samuel M. j Roof, deceased. 1 : 1? October, 1919. I j ' j I . CLERK'S S.^LE. ' j [The State of South Carolina, County j \ I ? V ? ' 1 ;bf Lexington. } * >* | Mary Ann Jumper, et al., plaintiffs, vs. D. J. S.' Derrick et al., Defendants.?Court of Common Pleas, j By virtue of authority vested in me | by order of the Court in the above en- j titled- cause, '! will sell -before the Court House Door, at Lexington, S. C., during the legal hours of sale on the 1 4" J#>y in November, the same " third day of said'1 , month, to the highest Didder, the CoHowi ng -detijjgrihed g?ea'} ??pate#to Trfak Xo.#i, e o n t'a in i ng??fiffv W W gp. fcf f y 5* (52) afcres, g?iore or less, houaded oli the north ^ Coitus Price, fxfo t'nl east'hy estate of Paui.^aps.-'on the south by tract Xo. 2, and on the west by Alonzo Prick. Tract Xo. 2. containing fiftv nine ! and one-half <59 l-iij acres, more or j less, bounded on The north fcy'_tract Xo. 1, on the eastr bye state of PauT Craps, on the South by Thomas Loner, I \ . i and tract Xo. 3, and T. S. Sease. and i on the west by Alonzc Frick. In this J tract\ there should be reserved the cemetery and the road for the use of j the family and such persons as they j may consent to be buried there. Tract Xo. 3, containing forty eight j (4S) acres, more of less, bounded on j the north by Tra'ct X'o. 2. on the- east j bv lands of Thomas. I>on?r. on the south by T. S. Sease. and on the west j by'C. Taylor. Terms of .Sale: Cash, purchaser to i A< - ,< pay lor papers, revenue stamps and ; recording- fees. H. L. HARMON, Clerk of Court. \ Oct. 11th. 1919. CLERK'S SALE. I State of South Carolina, County cf j Lexington. Carle Shealy, Plaintiff, versus Eugen- j ia. Shealy. et ai.. Defendants.? j Court of Common Pleas. By virtue of authority vested in rue! by order of the Court in the above] entitled cause, I will sell before the i Eourt House door at Lexington, S. C., ! 3n the first Monday 'in November, the' * f same being the 3rd day of said month, ] luring the legal hours of sale, to the ; highest bidder, the followinc describ- 1 id real estate, to wit: '"All that certain piece, parcel or: .ract of land situate, lying and being ' n the County of Lexington, State of j ?outh Carolina, containing thirty one : md sixteen one-hundredths acres. ! (31.16) bounded on the North by ( ands of AV. IC. Shealy; East and South ] :>y lands of Mark Shealy and branch;! md West by lands now or formerly of ! Ella Hook, and being the tract of' and set apart to the plaintiff and the : lefendants, Eugenia Shealy and Lo- j aine Shealy by order of the Court in :he partition and division of the real j ^ ^ Tf T> nr. ? i? J J ? ui. >v. Hj. janea-iy, ueceaseo. Terms of Sale: Cash, purchaser to j 3 > for papers, revenue staiiips .-nd ecor<Tng tcos. H. . ~ HA >. MGX. ; C'ertc <j "Oi'rt. - ;th. 132 r I ? i CLERK S SALE. State .Carolina,/County of' -Lexington;-* ? *" Freddy Lee Lindler, Plaintiff, vs. tfrey J. Lindler, Carrie Pearled iler, Claude^ Kejlar. Ltpdley liarriet Harman* $fargare| SfarSnmn, Rosabel $hujhpe?t, LFanhi& Hattie ^ \feiiclc, ^ger.ia Adams, Fred Harman, Thomas Harnj.an,., Brady Harman, Godfrey Erriest Harman, Xa'hnie K.' * Har- [ nan, Samuel E. Harman, John Har- j ' per Harman, Fred Crawford Harman. Frank Kindal Harman, Hattie Pearle Harman, Sallie Gertrude Brown, Minnie Ethel Harman, and Julian Pope Harman, Defendants. -^- courr of Common Pleas'. M Notice is hereby given that ,.puivj' ;uant to the terms of the Decree hi! he above entitled case made by the I e honorable S. W. G. Shipp, Circuit I fudge presiding / in /the Eleventh | Tircnit, on October 7, ^913, I will sell j f>T ? C- | it public auction in tfront of the j i: ??ourt house door at-Lexington Court louse during the iegai. hours of sale 9* " * r Monday, November 3rd, the following :ract of land, to wit; A ??- ' - j All that -certain- piece, parcel or j tract of land, ' containing four ! hundred thirty-three and two one- ! hundredths (4-3^03-) acres, situ-j - ... - . I ? ; Great Cle; -o PIANOS, P and Phor THE JOHN CI - Factory \ 1612 Main St., [Some Splendid Bargaii ments, all standard makes Be sure and make a seh fore this sale closes. ate, lying- and being in Hollow l|jjlina,^|ikh is $aB?ded bysLndV- bf ^Vlsiafc" Li'ndlgr. Dr-^Jarnes Startfian,' "' -'Mrsi W.-'3fc T. M. Kanady, and the Saluda ___ River, the same being known as the Harriet Harman estate lan??s. ^ : 1 And Notice is further given that at ... .... .... .. w -* ? -j- . said time and place immediately after ~ said 'above described" tract -of laud been ottered for sale as a whole it will be offered for sale in six narcels. each s $ of said .smaller tracts being numbered from one' to six, arid respectively contain eighty-five and one-quarter (85 1--U acres, eighty (80) acres, one Hundred eighteen and one-half (118 -f.'.'IWL * ~*TT_? * ?--a. Vm*~. ? '?v?y? - ? . JUK 1-2 j acres, nineteen and one-tenth <19.1> acres, seventeen and seven-' teen one-hundredths (17.17) acres, and one hundred thirteen .(113) acres; rand if the aggregate amount of the bids for the separate tracts or sulidi- " ;] visions of the whdle tract arrrountj to ' ' - . more than the price bid for the fa- bam tire tract when first offered then the . . J sale of the six tracts shall stand and . 7- : \ wO . papers will be made to the purchaser? of them, otherwise a sale of the emtire tract shall st&nd and papers will ' ' be made to the purchasers of the- - *? Vv/\1a /> /"? * n rv-i rt tn ' - ? L; ^ CLLC ucovi tion of the premises -in question may, . . .be had by reference to plats of the '"?;f t same now on file in the Clerk of-.,-: -j Court's office for- Lexington County* \zM f^outh Carolina, "which said plats wili e be on display on the day of sale, r c viz Terms of Sale. One-third cash, <; mr and the balance in two equal installments. payable in one and two years, 4z:^- \ with intertst on the deferred pay- / ru. * ments from date of sale, at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, th? purchaser <tr purchasers to pay for -. :r; papers, plats, revenue stamps, re- ?/ | cording, etc, -"i:. H. L. HARMON, ^ Clerk of Court 13 October. 191S. . J j ? -j v' ; CLERK'S SALE. State cf South Carolina, County yf Lexington. The Home National Bank, Lexingti, :V/ S. C., et a!., plaintiffs, vs Florem . 4* ' 3 Taylor, et al., Defendants.?Court of Common Pleas. : f By virtue of authority vested in ' ' j "liti me by order of the Court in the above /i t xvill sail before the Court House fi'rc-.r, during toe IsgAl hours ci sale, en the t.rs: .Monday In. Novciii; : r, r.r.v me 1 eing .he 3rd U"y of said month, to the highest bidder. the following described-read?* ~j, tate, to wit: L uiCAll ^that^ pdeeie, land' situate, lying and Leihg'l'n (JiT-"'w:>flrv |f' Knnt XTAllAnr in +V? ^ pAiirsfv J. l x?\j n\j ir j. \J rv Iioixip, xii. i * s ot Lexington, and the State of ?<juth &" LrVy ; ? ffl* Carolina,..containing,-fifty .^50) acres, $ nfore or less* adjoining la^tds of H. S. P*fkaj:d ajid. perhaps other.^ on the north and east; Fred Taylor on the &. south; Jasper Taylor on the west, and being the same tract of land conveyed to me by Jasper Taylor by deed dated the 16th day of January, 190S, and recorded In the office of the Clerk of Court for Lexington County in deed book UU, page 353." "ALSO all that piece, parcel or tract of Jan d, situate, lying and being .. ' | in the County of Lexington, and the ?tate -aforesaid- containing eighteen ? ; (18) acres; rtlore or less, adjoining lands of Jasper Taylor, Fred Taylor, and H. C. Taylor and being the same tract of land conveyed to me by Fred Taylor by deed dated the 2nd day of April, 1904, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for said Countj in deed book WW, page 372." >? Terms of sale: Cash, purchaser or purchasers to pay for papers, revenue ft stamps and recording fees. H. L. HARMON, Clerk of Court. J 1 Oct. 14th, 1919. ; * ?| : m-Up Sale 1 F- ? layer-Pianos | j) ,, |j logaps at j II T1-* ni I O/MP fiuiu^n wja.,j Vareroom, ----- j~ j) Columbia, S. C. ; ;** -- ?* Sp V : ' & jj i f s>' : ? i | is in slightly used instru-^ S action for your home be- . a mfiM n