Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, June 25, 1919, Image 7

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( 3- I i I The United States ^ ^m4* />av\^i^ufpq UUVCllIlllClll vuup VI W(?vw | I with the 7,600'member banks in maintaining the Federal Reserve Banking System for the protection of the business interests of the country. Through the Federal Reserve Board in Washington it supervises the twelvej; Federal Reserve ; banks; it appoints one-third of their^ directors; it , deposits its funds largely with them: it guarantees the currency they issue. This cooperation greatly increases the value of the system to us!and our community. Are you linked up with this new national ^federal reserve^ system as one of our depositors? If not, you should delay no longer. r The Home National Bank A.. Lexington, S. C. i % rvicr1 A oiro ^ ever^ man .wk? *s su^erIVIrlMS llBSrANrN ln? *rom an>T special disease or u condition to come and have a social chat with me, and I will explain to him a system or treatment -J? which I originated and have developed as tne sesuit 01 my wnuie ^ life's experience in treating diseases peculiar to men. If you will call and see me I will give you free of charge an honest and scientific opinion of your case. varicocele permanently cured, No pain or loss of time f blood poison a sPeci"^c character cured in less time than by the old mercury and potash method. hgr ' stricture cured without dilating or knife. ' hydrocele Sjfr or any swellings, tenderness or impediments to j the parts relieved at once. rupture and piles cured in few days. No cutting or detention from business, jtfider guarantee. ^ ' rheumatism in all its forms is permanently cured by my system of treatment. 4 ' ULCERS :- I ca>;e not of how long standing. I usually cure them in a short "ECZEMA Pimples, Erysipelas or any eruptive disease of the skin promptly corr^cTed. BLADDER AND KIDNEY TROUBLE8 . under my system of treatment show sighs of improvement at once SPECIAL DISEASES 1 cure diseases of a nature which most people dislike to consult i their family doctor, All treatment confidential. Eruptions or! contracted troubles cured. Permanent results. I also cure such! diseas s as Prostatic Troubles, Bladder and Kidney Affections, ! ' rr< 1 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ riicooccc r\T ATo Stomach and Liver irouDies, v^nrumu [Jl X y c'L' JL-/ lO^CirO^/O JL jLIX Vil j and Women. Consultation free. Call or write. Hours: 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. Sundy 10 to 12 only. Dr. W. R. REGISTER 1206 1-2 Main St., Columbia, S. C. C. D. KENNY CO DEALERS^N j "TTnrmnmmmmmrmrmnr*-! Coffees, Teas, Suga~ Rice and Grits. | Always have special brands of Coffe. Kennys special at 38c is very popular: other coffee to suit you; also j have Teas to suitjyour taste. Drop in to see us. NEW CROP RICE, Wholesale and Retail "c*>* '1 T /Ov Phnnp C. i>. K-tUNlX 1 ,5i".V53 I 1 037 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA ? - ??- " ] ?? - -v 1 ARE YOU WORKING WITH A PURPOSE "V j- of any rort is pure drudgery if it means merely earning yotfr existence. But with ? purpose back of it you are working lfr s ziward ai.d it lightens your tasks and makes work a real pleasure. ft purpose in life! Make your life a success I Start by J: build in.-; up a savings account in this institution. It will furnsh ^ A A Vl Am A S/M ?c.< v" l tne means to anam your oojecu n. cuuiivitauio . lence, wealth?they all come within your reach if you j... itly save. Saruc rate of interest (4 per cent.) paid on both large and small THE OLD RELIABLE Th Carolina National Bank of Columbia V. . A. Clark, President. Joa. M. Bell, Cashier. >. S. Bryan, V. President. Jno. D. Bell, Asst. Cashier. k THE FARMER MUS ?? 1 Many i *> I Catarrh in ? wymm viau mm / >. . Kl,# almost'every one wJJ Ppfe "World Famous Peru $mm catarrhal In flam m at j J?| piratoiy organs, stor , body. ! Hr. W. J. Temple of 300 Lincoln years with Inflammation of the m bowels. According to his own story without distress. He says: "I am :a farmer and must be exposed to all kinds of weather. After years of suffering, a druggist recommended Peruna. I took all together Ave bottles and am a well man. Formerly, I could not do a day's work. Kow, farm work does not fatigue me In the least Peruna is tie best medicine and tonic on the market Time only strengthens my admiration for It especially for Qitarrh and _colds. ' Lifetime 1 Had your grand father o] lent judgement in the se would you have those an so much ? This same kind of furnit us in Columbia, made bv / 4/ of the men who made yo ture. Or if you have not acher to you, what pleasure a out of furniture bought J you can pass on to future it will give them the sair you. Furniture like tha Let us show you our com A Vau Tirill Tinf Uo JLV^CU.* -LWL1 Will nut Do not hesitate to make quarters when in Columt VAN M LIFETIME F Funeral Directors Complete M 1313-19 Main St., Cokimhi ???ne?3MB??MB?aaJT wiiininfiftr.patiiJLiawma?? Shoes f or ^ i , Lmaranteea i and lc We carry shoe family in sizes fit every one. Our salesm( enced shoe : cash system sa 1518 Main Street , ?16 ? naBBB?BBMg? mm ww??m t 1 tin 20-Years Guarantee Si T-l T~. * .. _ J * ( J < rree jLxaminauc.n i T( We Administer Nitre. < Oxi I Baltimore D j 1329 1-2 Main St. COU Look for Large Electric Si? ; at 5 l E RUGGED HEALTH ! . ]owns and Failures osure and Hard Work Some of It's Many Forms as Thousands y hap its medicine cabinet and In. 1 be found a bottle of Dr. Hartman's ina. For coughs, colds and catarrh 's use is indicated in all cases of :on and congestion "whether of res-, nach, bowels or other organs of the Ave., Delaware. Ohio, suffered for ucous linings of the stomach and he did not eat a meal for five yeara Peruna is sold everywhere. You may buy it in either liquid or tab^ let form, Ask for Dr. Hartman'i Wrtl Known Peruna Tonic and If you are seeking health take nothing else. Insist upon Peruna. If you are sick and suffering, write The Peruna Company, Dept. 77, Columbus, Ohio, for Dc. Hartman's Health Book. The book 14 free and may help you. Ask youf? dealer for a Peruna Almanac. Furniture ; mother not used excel] /^ 11 r > r\"f" fnvnifnrp \JJL tiivii. XU1 v tique pieces you cherish ure is obtainable from the sons and grand sons ur grand parent's furniis'ned piece handed down nd comfort-you can get :rcm us?furniture that > generations, knowing le service it has given t must be good, plete line, so moderately urged to buy. ; our store your head>ia. | ETRE' URNITURE I " and Emhlmers, | [otor Ser 'Phone 111! ia, S. C. | 1 ?? ? mririTrHH?itni? t~firt " j I Everybody i i o wear easy ingest. ;s for the entire ; and widths to All Styles, m are experimen and our ves you money COLUMBIA, S. C. . RAY F. SOX wishes to tiounce to his Patients and iends that he is now loeatwith ihia well known ntal Office and will be id to see them at any le. Iver Fillings, 50c up }ld Fiiiings, -fc$lfup ieth Cleaned, 1.00 de Gas For Pai*:!ess Extraction ental Parlors .*MB!A, S. C. Phone 586 r -d Moving Dcnta! ExfciKit tail j. J IBUAJL-I." IMI II III ! tHEARTBURNh I| or heaviness after meals are \! most annoying manifestations |j of acid-dyspepsia, 1 pleasant to take, neutralize j j || acidity and help restore j normal digestion. MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION ; i Winthrop Examination. ! j The examination for the award off vacant scholarships in Winthrop Col j lege and for the admission of new stu dents will be held at tht County Court j House on Friday Julv 4th, at 9 A Mi j and also on Saturday, July 5th at 9| t i A M\ for those who wish to make ; up by examinations additional units oquired for full admission to the Freshman Class of this institution. The examination on Saturday, July I 5th will be used only for making ad-1 >. * .1 mission units. The scholarships will be awarded upon the examination! held on Friday July 4th. Applicants mlict nnt- ho than sivtoon vears of age. When scholarships arc vacf ant after July 4th, they will he award cd to those making the highest aver< aae at this examination, provided thev ! meet the conditions governing the' ther information and catalogue, ad-' dress President D B Johnson Rock! Hill S C. St. For the Relief of Rheumatic Pains. j When you have stiffness and sore- j ness of the muscles aching joints! ' and find it difficult to move without! pain try massaging the affected parts j with Chamberlain's Liniment. It; will relieve the pain and make rest and j sleep possible. Mr. Wislcr Cured of Indigestion "Some time in 1909 when I had an j attack of indigestion and everythingj looked gloomy to me^ I received a j free sample of Chamberlain's Tab- i lets by mail. I gave them a trial and | they were such a help to me that I! bought a package and I can truthful- j ly say that I have not had a similar at; tack since,' writes Wm. B Wisler, j Douglassville Pa ; CLKAXTX~Gy l>Ri:SSIXG AND DYING I wish to announce to the public! that I have bought out the Pressing! Club of Poisy Davisy and v.'ill c-ontin-; ue to conduct the business. I have had several years experience in, the pressing business and guarantee to j give satisfaction. I will make a spec! ialtv of cleaning and prcsisng ladies* Suits and skirts. Call telephone Xo. J 137 and I will be glad to call or send) for your suits in any part of town. A trial is all I ask 'Sam Howard Lexington S. C. i Peels OH Corns I i Between Toesi The Great Corn Loosner of the Age. Never Fails. Painless. A corn smashed so.needed and i crushed all oc-.v long, in between two : toch! n try the desperate, i "treat' em. roi.gh" way ou-' to dig ?:nv ? mqi.?Mr-sjof)' jo sffoj a HHIIHHIM II '' ""V Wi fe t? 1^"' : ' V..".- .<? -V.T.-v ' - - . V -w*c- ,-. h": t LXX-Kjf . .urn . i " So cm . : ({ kii!. Gi, you cu'n liv tt*c : ?II>I?, lC I'.-.Cilll I>:iii"-!c . ca?V V;'-- v / ; ami i '-'Get--I. ' .? :*- :* "i-i.:H"' (C , ciliovo CCHVJ i?1 C.'i(Gj;o-.^Oi places. a li ?a \vcndor.'X.: ;.:;tnk'.-s i:u mr.Ia?ic h.i> v; r Peer. ;-:tccessiul!y I ?;Itiitocl. It settles on j-Ti-. - ,,im 'ir.1 imm-fli klv. I" stead 01 d'r.gina out the corn, yen reel i: cr.i: iiairio.v iv. Therob. "> i '." icdvV planter that dee/"> *'. -tav 1 c "it v.. 1 vc that is r: tarns or i uh?; o.'+. Ycu reach i..c com easily with the little glass rod in me cdi'iv of every Geis-It hctile. It does not hurt tne true flesh Try it. trot and smile! It's a blessing; never fails. "Gets-It," the guaranteed ,moneyback cora-remover the only sure way costs but a trifle at any drug store M'f'd by E. Lawrence & Co Chicago. 111. Sold in Lexington and recommend ed as the world's best com remedy j oy Harmon Dru^ Co.?Adv. i (1,1'KK'S S\1 : "j % Si ittt of South C:i i < ( <; mty of i (.-"or-ton ' oui't of ( r n:: = tcn i'!( as F Ii'?ar-.vr:pl?t in his own ri.^ht O ,1 \ .1 , I ii> ;<;r? T/.r ,.f t rlof \V B Boatwriitht Deo'd et nl Plaintiffs versus Kate Boatwright et al Defendants By virtue of authority vested in me by an Order made in tliis ease by his Honor Judge J W Devoro I will sell to the highest bidder on Salesdav in July next the same being the 7th day of said month before the Court House door in Lexington S C at public auction during the legal hours of salej the following described real estate: The land wll first be sold in separate parcels as described bclow< and then as a whole; if the sale of the land in parcels bring more than sold as a whole then such bids shall be ac copied otherwise the bid for the land sold as a whole to he accepted 1 All that certain lot or piece of land with improvements thereon in the town of liatesburg County and State aforesaid fronting on Hill Street on South Side commencing at a point on said street and extending along same 72 3-4 W three chains and Fifteen links to corner and thence South 17 1-4 F Three (' >) Chains and Sixty five (>15) Tanks to corner on line of Middleburg Cotton Mill land and thence along said line S 72 C 4 E Tlvce chains and Fifteen links to corner and ther.ee X 17 1 4 Three chains and Sixty Five (65) links to starting point on Hill Stree^ East by land of Eazil Hartley South by Middleburg Cotton Mill land West bv iot formerly owned by L Fink: The above described lot contains One and 15-100 of an acre more or less 2 All that, parcel or tract of land lying in the Town of Eatesburg S C in the County and State aforesaid and known asjots fourteen fifteen^ thirty and thirty one( (14-15^ 50 51) as shown on plat on Nov 1st 19OS and re corded in the county of Lexington and having a frontage of one hundred feat 100 feet on Summerland Avenue on the North' and extending to Hill Street on the South this block of land being a part of that tract of land deeded to C E Jones by the Merhim Land Com pa ny 5 All those certain tracts lots or narcels of land Iving being and situat 9 e?l in the Town of Eatcsburg. County 7 of Lexington State of South Carolina known as lots ten CIO) eleven (11). twelve (12)^ thirteen (13^ thirty tw. (32 and thirty three CO:;) on a plat made l?y W A Crouch and on record in the Clerk of Court's < >ffiee for Lex ington County said lots being a part of that tract of land deeded to C E Jones by Concrete Stone Contracting Co and having a frontage of two hundred and throe ami three quarters 103- 3-4) feet respectively Lots thirty three (33) and thirty two (32) having a total frontage of one hundred and five (105) feet 4 All those lots parcels or tracts J " of land lying being and situate in the Town of Lateshurg Lexington County State aforesaid known as lots thirty four (34) and thirty five (35) as shown en plat made by W A Crouch Surveyor on November 13th 1008 and recorded in the Office of Clerk of Court for Lexington County: each lot j having a frontage of fifty < 50) feet on [ Tliil Street and extending an eQual - width to lots eleven (11) and ten (10) ion the North respectively Lots nun; ! her thirty four (.14) extending onehundred and one and one fourth < 5 01 j 1-4) feet to lot number thirty five (3:~) i extending one hundred and one j foot to lot number thirty five ("3/ j extending one hundred and one i feet to lot number ten r> All that tract parcel or lots o: land lying being and situated in Lex j ington County^ South Carolina known 1 as Lots Number Light Nine Thirty Six and Thirty Seven us shown on pint i made by W" A Crouch surveyor or. i Nov L'lthe 1 S and recorded by the 'Clerk of Court of L-xiruton Ci-i.r.ty South Carolina^ said Io{s being within the town <>f llatesburg having u :rontage oi one bur. trod feet width 'on Summerland Avenue or. tho North: and extending an oriai! width to KiH i . Mroot on the South this tract of '.and hefncr a part of the land deeded ? >* the Stone Contracting" Company ori;..:i.tally to r t: Jones The following is a description ft' ir.o | premises ordered so].] as a whole All 1 that lot or parcel of laml sliatcd in i the town of Ttatcsharer l.iex:p.^tor. j Countv South Carolina containing i ' 4 { throe acres' more or h-ss with all 'no j improvements thereon and hounded j hy lands of Warfjlaw Nrooce Cjv.we'i , Whitman and. others^ and h<i:tg The ; same lot and parcel of land of wIii< ii "W It "Rontwrierht was seized an pos. sossod in foe at the time of his ' death Terms of sale" Cash purchaser to pnv for papers rccordin.er and revenue stamps 1T I. T I.irn.or __ Cleric of Co art .1 j nc i t I:< 1