Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, June 25, 1919, Image 1

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' WHAMS N^v 4^ LEXINGTON, S. CM V.'Kn.XKShAV, JI NK 1?19. Xo- :>>5 . BIG EDUCATIONAL F MENT W t International Harvester Company Demonstrators and Lecturers V*rill Conduct Extensive Course j cf Education among People of Lexington County. Under the direction of H. S. Moh- ; ley the International Harvester com-j pany will conduct a county-wide edu j national campaign in the interests of j better agricultural and farming conditions in Lexington county begin ning Saturday June 2S at Lexington, J and Mr Mobley and his company will j be here for several weeks using Lex- j ington as headquarters for extending! the campaign into other parts of this! county. | The campaign will be in the nature of demonstrations and lectures and it is proposed to carry on the work at ^ Lexington court house and Piedmont school house in the Dutch Fork. It j win rsonire. five two-ton trucks to j carry the paraphernalia and apparatus that the workers carry with them. It will include a moving- picture outfit^ cooking ranges^ lighting plants' dairy machinery^ household devices I and other things. The demonstration party will include Mr. Mobley and six others. One of the party will be Mrs A. E. Howie of Wisconsin who has a nai v J tional reputation as an author^ and authority on farming and country household topics and subjects. She was one of the first exponents of in* - ^ ~ . j ' '' ' ? i ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j H. S. MOBLEY Discusses Soil, Alfalfa, Corn,' Live Stock, Community Building. j T 1 tensile dairying in Wisconsin and, is regarded as one of the foremost wo 1 man lecturers and demonstrators in; the country on the subjects she is in- j i terested in. The campaign to he held in this! county is to embrace nearly every J feature of activity that will make the' farm more productive and the farm home more attractive. PROGRAM?Forenoon. In field and in lent machinery iec-! tures and demostrations. Cream sep- j arators. Babcock test. Feed and| food growing. Manure spreaders and! the subject of fertilizers. Tractor! plowing and the subject of seed bed! preparation. Motor cultivator and the subject of crop tillage. Seeders? disk harrows and other machinery adapted to use in this territory. I , 1 A i tem00:1. In tent. Animal husbandry. We include soils and feeds in these lectures and demonstrations concerning ?:ve stock. Special emphasis during this part of the program is laid on dairying. This part is conducted by -*r~a A/Mr> f Howie who is admitted to be America's most successful dairy woman- This afternoon also includes corn alfalfa the growing1 of clover as us!! as field operation and dairy houc methods. The thonght for the afternoon meeting is to begin with the soil and carry out the teachings and demonstrations of the system of agriculture that includes live stock as its most essential factor in maintaining permanent soil fertility. Evening Session. The e'cenin? session is devoted to the subject of community work which, includes business methods in which ARM BETTER- I iMPAiGN SATURDAY; : ~ hoth town and county are interested' ami lays special emphasis cn a practi >vi! lM^thoil for leaching in the rural; , . , I schools as matters ot education these great suhjets which are so essential i for our progress and prosperity. A practical method for doing this is pi'e^ r " i i i MRS. ADDA F. HOWIE j Discusses Dairy Cattle, Poultry, Home Conveniences ser.ted at the evening- session in conj nection with other thoughts and de1 monstrations concerning community ! life. i All phase? of his work are illusI trated and explained by many different charts and different reels of mov. ring picture films all bearing on this subject and constitutes according to I the Pontine Democrat the most won| derful delineation of what the other t fellow means to us and what we mean ! to him that has ever been presented I to the public. j- . - * --IFIRST (OTTOX BLOOM * I FROM PETER'S SECTIOx! I ! Mr 1? Ward Sheaiy a progressive; j young farmer from the f'eter's section I I ' near Lexington brought to the Disj patch Xews office Monday morning' the first cotton bloom received from j this section. Mr Shealy has some of the the finest, cotton to be found in this i section Mr Shealy has some of the; finecst cotton to be found in this com' I munity most of it being knee high and still growing w . HARLOXG?KEISLER Miss Willie Herlong of St Matthews | and Mr Lonnie L Keisler of Lexing-J ton were married at Holly Hill Thurs-! day June 19 at the Methodist Parsonage -A- M Harbin perfroming the; ceremony The marriage was a quiet: affair only a few close friends and re latives witnessing the ceremony -Mr and Mrs Keisler are now on aj short visit at the home of Mr Keisler'sJ parents near Lexington and will re-j turn to St Matthews in a short while where they will make their future; home Mr Keisler holding an important position with the DuPre Auto Co St Matthews Branch NOTICE OF ELECTION All qualified resident electors in, Magnolia school district No 4Y win: please take notice that an election will Ue held at the school house there in on Katurdav the 5th day of July 9 * 9 1319^ for the purpose of voting a levy of two mills for school purposes Polls i will open at 7 A M and close at 4 p m i I Bring tax receipts and registration J | certificates C M SHEALY j Julius R Bickley 1 j Trustees of Xo 4 7 I June -1, ! I'ARM FOR SAf.F ! T offer for sole niy home place con J j Tnining S2 acres of land 4 miles front| i Lexington on public road Xear! i | i good school and church "Well water j j ed Good orchard that never fails H L Roof j j I I Lexington rt 2 j [ 4t:ispd i l BAKHKCl'K j We will furnish a first class barbe-' j cue and refreshments at Mathjas' Min i e'*al Spring's Friday July 4 A L SOX C H AHULL i 2t36pd i I m ays i ok |)is( hargkd soldieks saii.ioks marines > J an i> other personnel 5 I RENEEH I ARIES ()E THE liUR-j EAl OE WAR Rlsii INSURANCE AND UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SEin iCK All persons discharged from the! military or naval forces residing in j and about this city can now receive! nicdica! attention and medical exaiui-! na'jon for the l'itin? of applications for compensation The United Slates Public Health S rviee the medical ad.' jkeve to 11;e Bureau of War Risk In. r Icve established o'lices in j late-sour? S C'4 and Dr W P Tinimer-! man^ whose address is t>atesl?ur? S C has l?een appointed as local Govern-, i ment examiner All persons desiring j to o: .ain insurance or filing ap7>lic:is-j tkm for compensation under the 11 u -; reae. of War Risk Act must furnish a medical certificate of their present physical condition: These persons, by applying to I)r W I' Timmer'-nrn at j Bates burg S C may he examined and j ' * ! all necessary papers filled out free of; charge Such persons will also receive at the expense cf the Government, medical relief^ or he sent to a Government hospital or institution^ should this he necessary The headquarters of the 5th District which comprises the states of North i and South Carolina Georgia Florida! > ' i and Tennessee^ hav been established in Atlanta Persons desiring further information hould write to Dr J A Watkins# 5th Floor# Chamber of Commerce Building^ Atlanta Georgia j r>; IE SAM MEANS BUSINESS Recently and some time past-Mexicans said to be of Villa's forces, have been at intervals firing across the line into El Paso Texas and to * * further prevent firing from the Hex ican side into El Paso last week .1600 United States troops were ordered to invade Mexican soil and in about ten minutes after the orders were issued our troops were re-tdy for the fray if necessary Tnfantrv Calvary and Ar ? ? tillery The object, being- to patrol the entire El Paso water front to prevent anv raids by Villa or any Mexicans J Rut everthing passed off quietly with nothing- nCW NEW MILL AT GILBERT v Mr. James Smith has opened a new Burr Rock Flour mill at Gilbert hav ing begun to operate on yesterday afternoon. This is said to be one of the best mills in the countq turning out 9 the highest class products. Mr Smith says lie is going to grind wheat for the tenth He makes only two grades unless requested to make more The mil wil fil a longfelt need at Gilbert and will serve as an inducement to get farmers to sow more wheat, next year Mr II II DRKHER BUYS VALUABLE LANDS Mr H If Dreher & Sons have pur-, sed from Messrs. E. J. Corley Bros the Ifook lands on the Augusta road near Columbia^ the purchase price being $15 000 :<"?(> This is one of the most desirable farms on the Augusta road anywhere Two handsome residences are to be built and other improvements made AVARMXti All persons are hereby forbidden to, hire harbor or give help of any kind to Lonnie White 16 vears old and 9 Mansel White 15 years old : JESS WHITE i ItoSc ! ' i MTLUH COW AN D YEARLING | For Sale one good young milch cow with heifer calf three weeks old Price $100:00 to quick buyer Also one good beef yearling for sale at a bargain John J Shull Lexington Rt 1 wo ROOF?ROAVM.W Mr and Mrs C S Ftoof announce the manuasro of their Hausrhtor^ T!:? Pearl o to Mr Monroe Pownian, the wodftinq- to take place Sunday evening July ?) at n:"0 o'clock at their home near Lexington T \j !ial!?nan the veteran cu? :st from flilhert route was a business i ' isitor in Ixjxinirton Saturday and | while in town called at our office and rcne<vcd his subscription for a year in advance Mr Halhnan says he will 5,ri\e a barbecue at Gilbert on the 4th of July that will make everybody sit up and take notice SWANSEA PLANS KLIvCTiON j [ The executive Committee of the democratic clubs of Swansea Sandy Pun Gacton and Pools Mill met in Swansea^ S <' Saturday Jane -1 R L. Lyljrand vas elected chairman and W IT Wannumaker Secretary and Treasurer of the cotton wei'Pntws c-iec-; lion for the town of Swansea and ayrced that all candidates for cotton wc-iuhor be* a-" <1 (tv.'C'ity <!< !In!*: ) nnfl th"* s;;cf ossfi;! candidate to pay i.ii additional iVe oi' 50 pot* cut and be governed by the county i?eiro-i 'jratic election. The nrr-t primary election to e held on lie 22nd of July and the record primary if any on 5th day of Au' asI Tin: election to be governed by the club roll of - 101 s Candidates to file till pledges on or before the 12th day of July 12 o'clock, noon with W H WAXXAMAKER Secretary and Treasurer PKOCPiAM BAPTIST ASSOCIATION*. UPPER DIVISION Bateubnrg June 12?The following :S the program c! the ttjiper c.ivision of the Lexington Baptist Union which meets with the Middieburg church on Saturday before the fifth Sunday in June Program < >rganizaion?11:50 to 12:00 o'clock | Devotional service?11:50?12:00 j Enrollment cf delegates and report , from churches 12:00?1:30 i Recess for dinner First query; 1:50?2:30?"Right at 1 titudO of the young christian towards :fhis own church and denomination? | Rev J E Pasco Secod query: 2:30?3:00?"Rela tion of young people to the church j and their attitude towards it" Rev J J Corder . . . Third query: 3:00?3:30?'"How to j increase love for the word"?Rev H ( ]; Jones x i S:00 P M Sermon by Rev R 0 Jeff.coat, Sunday June 20th i ?10:30 Sunday School by : Superintendent 10:30?1 1:00 S S address bv Rev y Z\I Crowder 11:00?11:45 Missionary sermon by Rev J E Pasco ' * Miscellaneous and adjournment 1 HARMON"?A MICK Miss Lydia Harmon and Claude Amick were quietly married at the home of Rev C J Sox Sunday morning 9 at. 10 o'clock in the presence of a few relatives and close friends Miss Harmon is a daughter of Mrs Lottie Harmon of near Lexington and is a young lady of beauty and fine traits of character Mr Amick is a son of Mr P E Amiek and is a oung man of strong character ! and business ability The happy young couple has the best wishes of i all their friends for a long and prosperous life The Boll Weevil Active "The boll weevil is already showing considerable activity tins season in western Beaufort county and also in parts of Jasper and Hampton counties says Prof A F Conradi of Clemson College NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS or NORTH EDISTO TELEPHONE COMPAX Y There will be a meeting of the stock holders of tho above corporation at Stecdman S. C.f Saturday June 28} 1910 at 5 'clock P M for the purpose of disolving Corporation and Dissolution of charter of said company U. K. Oantt^ Vice Pres. Almon Gunter Secretar.. r PLAY AT PIXKV-r.W ON Jl'LY I. i I " There will be given at Pineview ! school house on July 4th an exorcist including a short play entitled "A Tip On Wheat " beginning at 0 o'clock A smail admission fee will be eli -rg ed- After the exercises the Lad ices Tnijjovonient League will serve a box supper and also refreshments. Every body is cordially invited. Lost?Sunday afternoon between Datesburg and Golumbia one new Jtx 1 1 - it Eirest-urn cod tire and rim with Stearns?Knight tire cover on same binder will be paid liberal reward^ if r< turned to Harrow Motor Truck Go 'j 1 J Main St Golumbia S G r> I ! / . v I."1 1 ' A v I II' ' ? > k * I 'JV" i 11:1 r. j >< 1 j I VOTING SCHOOL TAX Mr. !-Miti>r: With your permission^ I would like through your p per to j<ub:dy e^iue-ss my pleasure ut sceiny s'o many people volir.a i;..\es for school i . os As- scan yur columns inuiii.y dc11r when 1 see so many notices of elections for school improvements Kcports show that .some "f our ceople have not availed them jives < !' the ,*?.<!* at !:>.; res offoro.l '..roug h-li'o ; 1 as t'ioso in other ' oti '!lie;; h.crco toy (".coin hi ( h? :ji j. me arc their ; i'1-v. T. e 1 1 *. r^uislat'ire v.":?s ilium! wit:i . '-hoe's nr.il the epj.roini-: lions will <>i>io front tlio t"\ payor, so hooves o.ti i>? ojijr* i>< meet the re-1 quirnmts u> net what is available This .i j pen Is to the business j?0 :"S0 j l in ev-. cry district to seize the opportunity as ? -rood financial proposition t'ur i people possessing busin. <s acumen : one' ago ois<r\ : that peoj?]e were. i locating in districts containing good schools thei'efi re tlc- ir willinrvaess to the cause where they !:.t\e pt'OPorty ' | iU:* the strength ami stability of a community oi* county :e happiness ami woii'ure of its people e?insist, not ' 1 material wcaith but in the know ledge hnd character of its people \\V; ' should thoroughly equip our you us [people with knowledge that they may comprehend themselves and their cn viror.mnts and with good character, that they may be steadfast and praoi tice the Golden Rule With such a ; goal in mind should we not exert our; 9 j selves to reach it and rejoice when it | is accomplished? I heartily congratuj j late our people on what they have ! acheived and are acheiving for their schools and wish each community sue, , cess in its future efforts j E C Ridsell I :* _ C.VPTrRED RATTLESX A K E i Jesse J Spires captured a rattleI snake alive Firday June lOthFound I him in the wheat field while cutting j what Put a slip nooe around him and j put him in a box and how has him alive The snake is 3 -fee; and 10 in j ches long witr six rattles and a but, ton Mr Spirs will bo glad t<> comI municate with anyone wishing to purchase live rattlesnakes t : METHODIST PR'XIC AT J , ( SAXE-GOTHA j The Methodist Sunday school at , Paxe-Gotha will have their annual pic i nic at Daily's pond on Saturday July i r>th. Several speakers are expected j " and the public cordiallv invited. I I T NOTICE. i "We have contracted with the nian, ul'aeturer to handle Agricultural Lime i j Persons wan tine; lime in la ire. or small j quantities will do well to consult us | before buying. Lexington Cotton Ov Fertilizer Co < 21:? 6 c i I I CHICKEN STEW AT LONG BRANCH ; There will be a chicken stew it Long Barnch school house Friday ev ! r-niny July -t111% beginning ;it. 6:30 o'clock. The public is cordially invit ed. PICNIC AT CHARTKIt OAK. i The Indies School Impovement Lea | srue will have their annual picnic on (July 4th. Everybody is cordially invited to come and bring* a well i i filled basket. There will be several prominent speakers to talk to you on ; the issue of the day. Lot everybody : come and spend a pleasant day together at Charter Oak school house : on July the 4th. | CIIANCr] DATR OP EI.IXTION f j ! By mutual agreement of the trustees of (Center) school district No. 7 the date of election has been changed | from July 1st. to August \'oters in this district will please take notice and act accordingly. notic'k if persons wanting nitrate of Soda, will eive me their ord' rs ! " ill order on: a car at once. W \\* MAiilU:, Lexington S. C. !::::>< for saia:. W'c now haw in stool-: < snpply c i !:icken fee'1 made from uroimd oyster products that are very vooj for fredinsr chickens. It keeps th.en . h.oartly and makes thorn lay more. Harmon Drttu: Co. It I i TWO AUTOMOBILE THEFTS SATURDAY NIGHT. H.j I U iW < ? rl? i r? i ni'T ik lji , j li. ifiaunuo i-i'joi - vi ?jl iiacusier and Mr, Bryan Wingard Ford Tc -iiltig Car?lio-h Machines Recovered by Sheriff Miller. "V, 1 wo ant->niohiic roi?ocrios occurred :a Lex i outer. on hist .Saturday It J t'i .M;uhi?s *]..j jd.A-.,. 1.1. I !?iti rondsu-i ua<"i?v' Liio shod at the . ai'iv Aiii" .t.'iy to shelter it !': v-ill t:!v lain ".V;",S STrpViSOd tO I'illcl his mailt ine gone when lie went for :i a ' out 11 o'c!"ck. Tiie news of the he ft spread rapidly and in a iittle while a urea! crowd had leathered a ad posses headed hy dhoriff tidier v.vrv fo-med io track the missing" car. Alter a long search the machine was found side <T the road at the foot of the hill leading1 to the depot. The ro'mer had evidently ran into a tele pnone ])oie: and xor iear oi ociiig caught abandoned the machine. While the search for I>r. Math las' car was being made Mr Brvan Win9 gard became apprehensive about his own car which lie had left in the lot in the rear of the Win gard Roberta Company. Although Mr. Wingard had the switch key to his car in his pocket he naturally felt uneasy^ and all the moer so when I>r. G. Frank Rob ; crts announced that the key to his i switch had been stolen during the ev1 ening. I f*' When Mr Wingard went to see 1 about his car it was gone. Another i posse was formed in short order. Sher ^ r: ? i f A pAlnniKio o n A ILL Viiiicr It*ifjniuncu iv c4,*av* ' other points notifying- police officers # ! to be on the lookout for the missing ! machine. /V. i . ? . ?-y I The search was continued through out the night alia nil dav Sundav but J not until Monday morning were the | efforts of Sheriff Miller successful. He found the car on the roadside in I the upper end of Columbia near the ! river bridge where the Greenville rail j road crosses the river. It had not been damaged and the Sheriff brought it to Lexington and delivered j it to the proud owner. It seems that automobile robbers -j. <2 j turn their fancy to new cars.?-Dr. Ma j thins' car having been used but a short time and Mr Wingard having \ ^ j purchased his a few weeks ago. \ Reports of the stealing of automobiles have appeared thick and fast in the daily papers for the past several months; but the thefts Saturday njght have brought owners of autoi mobiles in Lexington face to face with a serious proposition. TAX NOTICE I now have tax executions for 1918 in my possesion for collection. All persons against whom these exec a! tions have been issued can save costs I and mileage by calling at my office and settling same between now and ; July 1.1th. After the above named date I will he compelled oy taw to collect full amount with costs and mileage added. Sim J Miller Sheriff. * casolim: kx<;ixk FOR SALE?One 6 horse power | Fairbanks Morris gasoline Engine^ in good running shape. Cheap for ^ 'cash to quick buyer. T A Shealy New Rrookland Rt 1 ; wp WANTED?Ruyers for good Jersey milch cows and beel cattle. Fairmont Farm Lexington Route 2. 1 t" I * i ! PICAS \\\YXTICL>?Wanted to buy Id bushels oi" see I pens at per bu j hoi. Iron pons preferred. \V I' HOOF Lexington S C (,?.t ki:ai>y for wirr ji ly Parmers: Oi-t your crops ready to turnl a wet July which will be one i ;he Pa. a vies: mini::!! months in the ' yea r Jake Sjicl^rove M j ! '< >I-i SALIC? 'ne Lord touring car in excellent condition. Cheap for cash. H ra ire.