Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, June 18, 1919, Image 3

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* / The United States Government Cooperates with the 7,600"member banks in maintaining the Federal Reserve Banking System for the protec- 1 I jj tion of the business interests of the country. Through the Federal Reserve Board in Washing ' i 1 T7 _ .1 J T*> I ton it supervises tne twelve reuerai reserve i \ ! banks; it appoints one-third of their directors; it f | deoosits its funds largely with them; it guaranI ! tees the currency they issue. f This cooperation greatly increases the value of the system to us'and our community. s %/ * I ^re y?u ^n^ed up with this new national ^federal HEsriiv^^> system as one of our depositors'. If not. j you should delay no longer. ' m II B,._L me nonie nauuiiai dme i Lexington, S. C. , I . a ^I v,ant every man who is suffer- j M f S ing from any special disease orj lYlJLl? condition to come and have a so- j cial chat with me, and I will explain to him a system or treatment j which I originated and have developed as the sesult of my whole; life's experience in treating diseases peculiar to men. If you will call and see me I will give you free of charge an honest and scientific opinion of your case. VARICOCELE permanently cured, No pain or loss of time BLOOD POISON of a specific character cured in less time than 1 by the old mercury and potash method. ! STRICTURE cured without dilating or knife. HYDROCELE or any swellings, tenderness or impediments to I the parts relieved at once. ^ I RUPTURE AND PILES cured in few days. No cutting or detention from business, ; under guarantee. RHEUMATISM in all its forms is permanently curec. by my system of treatment. ^ ULCERS I care not of how long standing. I usually cure them in a short i time. ECZEMA Pimples, Erysipelas or any eruptive disease of the skin promptly i corrected. BLADDER AND KIDNEY TROUBLES undep my system of treatment show sighs of improvement at once: SPECIAL DISEASES I cure diseases of a nature which most people dislike to consult; their family doctor, All treatment confidential. Eruptions or! contracted troubles cured. Permanent results. I also cure suchi diseases as Prostatic Troubles, Bladder and Kidney Affections, I Stomach and Liver Troubles. Chronic and private Diseases of Men s and Women. Consultation free. Call or write. Hours: 0 A. M. to 7 P. M. Sanely 10 to 12 only. Dr. W. R. REGISTER | 1205 1-2 Main St, Colombia, S. C.; C. D. KENNY CO Dll!iAsLiN j * -2 i a J 2 * a r- i-vrs vgaawjinaBBaii Coffees, Teas, Sugar Rice and Grits. Always have special brands of Coffe. Kennys special at 38c is very popular: other coffee to suit you; also have Teas to suitlyour taste. Drop in to see us. NEW CROP RICE, Wholesale and Retail | C. D. KENNY CO. flSKs 1637 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA i I ___...! ARE YOU WORKING WITH A PURPOSE j Work of any rort is pure drudgery if it means merely earning your existence. But with r purpose back of it you are working for a reward ai d it lightens your tasks and makes work a real pleasure. Hive * purpose in life! Make your life a success! Stait by building up a savings account in thi3 institution. It will furnah ?r~ . ttm+Ia fVia mo'*r\o Tr? attain ttanr Ahincf A Jf WltU W11V W V*VV?.?*4* J V V*& vvg VW, A*. VV?AAJ.V* WMMAV IUVUUV) independence, wealth?they all come within your reach if you persistently save. Same rate of interest (4 per cent.) paid on both large and small accounts. THE OLD RELIABLE The Carolina National Bank of Columbia W. A. Clark, President. Jo*. M. Bell, Cashier. T. S. Bryan, V. President. Jno. D. Bell, A#*t. Cashier. 1 ] TBE FARMER MUST! Tr?r:: Many Brec I Catarrh in _ almost every one w; - body. Mr. "W. J. Temple of 209 Lincoln years with inflammation of the n bowels. According- to his own story without distress. He says: *T am a farmer and must be exposed to all kinds of "weather. After years of suffering, a druggist recommended Perana, I took all together five bottles and am a well man. Formerly, I could not do a day's work. Kow. form work does not fatigue me in the least. Peruna is the test medicine and tonic on the market Time only strengthens my admiration for it, especially for Catarrh and colds. I ifpfiFUfp I Kacl voar erand father o lent -judgement in the se t/ k,j would you have those ar so much ? This same kind of furnit us in Columbia, made in, of the men who made yc ture. i-P ttaii Viovo not 'a pUoy i. IX V Uv 1 JLlCvVV^ 11 v V/ LV UJ V X t/ to you, what pleasure a out of furniture bought: you can pass on to futun it will give them the san you. Furniture like tha Let us show you our com priced. You will not be Do not hesitate to mak< quarcers when in Columl VAN M LIFETIME F Funeral Directors Complete M 1313-13 Main St, CoRimfei SF"" HOES r OR Guaranteed t and Ic \V e carry shoe family in sizes I ht every one. Our salesmt enced shoe i cash system sa' 1518 Main Street Bn? ? i ?r?w?tamm tiir 20-1'ears Guarantee Sil f< i?aa i? om lnoi i nn '1 * Jl i.j.\cunu:cun xi rp s L We Administer Nitrcus Cxic 1329 1-2 Main St. COLL Look for Large Electric Sigi at S ummmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmm mm ???ma IAVE RUGGED HEALTH ik Downs and Failures mure and Hard Work I .QATMO nf ft'e Wonw pAVm* afwuiv .VI AV O tllOUJ A Wlllia ms Thousands i ly lias its medicine cabinet and in ill be found a bottle of Dr. ITartman's una. For coughs, colds and catarrh t's use is indicated in all cases of Lion and congestion whether of resmach, bowels or other organs of the : Ave., Delaware, Ohio, suffered for iucous linings of the stomach and 1 he did not eat a meal for five years Peruna is sold everywhere. You may buy it in eitfcer liquid or tablet form. Ask for Dr. ITartman's Tv'rfll Known Peruna Tonic a'nd if ! 3"ou are seeking health take nothingelse. Insist unon Peruna. If you are sick and suffering-, write The Peruna Company, Dept. 77, Columbus, Ohio, for Be, Hartman's Health Book, The book ia free and may help you. Ask your: dealer for a Peruna Almanac. r mother not used excel'lection of their furniture itique "pieces you cherish XI ;ure is obtainable from j the sons and grand sons c./ )ur grand parent's furni'ished piece handed down .nd comfort you can get from us?furniture that 0 e generations, knowing ie service it has given t must be good. .plete line, so moderately urged to buy. b ^ our store vour head- ,!l )ia. SETRE' |: 'URNITURE and Embahners. ' [otor Ser 'Phone 111 1 la, S. C. |! ! j __ -- |, 5. < Everybody !: : o wear easy mgest. js for the entire , ; and widths to All Si vies. ;n are experimen and our ves vou monev COLUMBIA, S. C. I i; RAY F. SOX wishes to lounce to his Patients and ends that he is now locatwith thia well known ntal Office and will be d to see them at any ie. I vcv v ining?. _ _ .. . ouc up j 1 1 T ^ M # ^ i >hl i liimg.s, _ .... ,:?x up ? eth Cleaned, .. 1.00 | !e Gas Fcr Pr.inlcri Exfr.:ct:oT I ental Parlors | fMBIA, S. C. Phone 586 I [i and Moving Denial Exhibit tairs. i I HEARTBURN U or heaviness after meals are j ? most annoying manifestations |j of acid-dyspepsia. P plsasmi to take. neutralize ? i 'iM acidity and help restore j i ?j riorrnal digestion, riAOS dy sccrr & BOWNE & KAKEPS OF CCOITS EMULSION ; & ! ; I Winthrop Examination. j, The examination for- the award of j ' \a<ant .-ciioi:! rsii ips. i a. Win thro p Col! . hare and fc v the admission of* new stu ; , i deals will he iicdu at tin County Court House on Friday Juiy 1th. at ' > A .M ate! also on Satin day, July fall at l>. .v ?>r. for those who wish to make \ up hy examinations additional units < .aired for full admission to the > i Freshman Class of this institution.! The examination on Saturday. July. ; ."ih will he used only for making ad-!, mission units. The scholarships will j , ho awarded upon trie examination', held on Friday July 4th. Applicants'. i!11!st not 1)0 less than sixteen years . I * r'f age. When scholarships are vac:. ;nt after July 1th. they will he award , .1 to those tanking ti:o highest aver < pee at tltis examination. provided they t neet tc- conditions governing the In r information and eataloguo. nd ress President 1? P Johnson Lock fill, S C. For the Kolief of IChcuniatk* Pains. When you have stiffness and soreness of the muscles^ aching joints < and find it difficult to move without' . pain try massaging the affected parts with Chamberlain's Liniment. It' will relievo the pain and make rest and i deep possible. Mr. YVislcr Cured of Indigestion jr "Some time in 190D when I had an i ittack of indigestion and everything^ looked gloomy to ine; I received a j ^ free sample of Chamberlain's Tab-,^ lets by mail. I gave them a trial and ! , ( they were such a help to me that I bought a package and I can truthful- i , ' ' l 1 v sav that I have not had a similar at. I t tack since.' writes Win. B Wisler, !* Duuglassville Pa > It I " ! i ru:.\m\<. prkssixg and dying _ > t * I1 T wish. t?> announce t<> the public t i that I have bought out the Pressing^ < Club of Poisy Davis ami will contin-|? ue to conduct the business. I have : had several years experience in \ the pressing business and guarantee to: ? - ire satisfaction. I will make a spec i 111v- of Harming and oresisng ladies' i ' Suits and skirts, (.'all telephone Xo., i I "7 and I will ho slad to call or send | 1 for your suits in any part of town. A t trial is all I ask * ' Sam Howard, ! ? Lexington S. C. Peels Oil Corns j; Between Toes ; Fbo Great Corn Lcosner of the . r Age. Never Fails. Painless. A Olil! h.C. . . :: . . ri u.'hed an ' :? . i -vcm \ we; ?; \ i t m: dc,;;>crate, ; i "treat' c v , \ ' v.'-; : 1 < HIV vv.Mi.T~ M*? ?,7nj[ri OA1J... 1 L, ?1Llt _Q < ~ j, i ( (Lit .: (: . t i '. V i ll*> i'v .-: ->j:.lo : ; "! '< : -1?x* v- -;v ? ; i ' i c :<i r>\'. : 1"' >;1 " ' : '':" -< !.' ! . .: !- . .' : -P- I ?i? ' i ' 'is '? ! '.i.-.iv.i. it. .-..Hie- on ij'P < ;: i n. < 'V- i : 1':1 * ~ t 1 . t'J 1 L O I - '".i : ' !?i iVCM ' ' ' f ilr.1 >. ' i> t [ ..' i i: i iI i o .' . 1 .1 , <. :! ii! wii'il It" 1 'till' -! ' ' : in ti'p ( :)!*. i'i i \'.'i ' in.'. !r docs iiu?. iu.rt tito trut' l'lcsn Pry it. trot ami smile! !;'< a Messina; never fails. "Gets-It,*' the guaranteed ,money back corn-remover the only sure way costs but a trifle at any drug store . i?. tp T? c, r>v,;?o JL 1 a U V JLJ. -LaV.iCHLC Ow 'UlLcV < go, 111. * Sold in Lexington and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by Harmon Drug Co.?Adv. i CLERK'S SALE State of South Carolina * ( o.inty of I.cxii'iS'ton Court of (ir-mnicn Pleas i* J> iioatv. r:eh: in Ms own ri?ht :i*;rl a - Ailininiruii tor of the estate of \V P. P?.?atWright I>ecMf et al Plain tilts versus Kate Ihnitwrignt et .! ! > .'!*oubants ?'y virtue .'if authority vested in niQ )>y ; a < :f i( r made in this case by his I J a hue J W i >e\Vro# I will sell to i::y highest !?i?.l<1 c*i" on Salesctay in Tv!y no\; the same being "he "til day if sap! 'month i'efot'o the t'.JUrt I lOUS? ioi.r in L aingt'-n S at public anchor (; :! 11" a the ban] hours of sale Lho foil'>\\ ing described iva! estate: 5 The irr.d wll first *h> sold in sepai;\ parcels as descrii ? <! :>o]<nv alid In-n as a whole: if the sua- if the and ;n parcels bring more than sold s wiioie tiior. such bids shall be ac I<ie-i otherwise the ; i?: for the land -oid ;:s a whole to he accepted 1 Ail that <ertain lot or piece of and with improvements thereon in he town of llateshttr.ir County and hale aforesaid fronting" on Hill Street >n South Side commencing at a point on said street and extending !o:tir same three chains nb Fifteen links t-- corner and :henoe South. IT 1-1 V. Three (o) 'iiai' 1 s and. Sixty five ??;"? Links to orner on I ?: t * of .Middiehcrc <"otton Mill 1. and thence alor.y said line ^ T- :: ! Three chains a:ai Fifteen inks to ca-rtiei' and thence X 17 1 4 .V Three eh iin> and Sixty Five (65) ^ start in < point on Hill Street^ Fast by Ic.nd of La/.il Hartley^ Souths SB Middic'ot:ri;- Cotton Mil! land V.'ost y lot formerly owned by L Fink: The li.ove described lot contains >ne and of an acre more or less - All that parcel or tract of land vine- in the Town of liatesburfr S C n the County and State aforesaid and tnown as lots fourteen fifteen^ thirty iml thirty one (14-!." 30 31) as : ;ho\vn <?n plat on Nov 1st 1908 and re orded in the county of Lexington and laving a frontage of one hundred feet [00 feet on Summerland Avenue on he North and extending to Hill Street >n the South this block of land being a nirt of that tract of land deeded to C 1 Jones by the Merhim I-and Com'j All those certain tracts lots or arvels of land lying being and situat H Hi in the Town of Batesburg County V jf Lexington State of South Carolina a ciown as lots ten d0)t eleven (H), | ji weive 11 _ >, thirteen (13C thirty two 1 ;3i'), and thirty three (33) on a plat na le by \Y A Crouch and on record n the Cierk of Court's Oftice for Lex ngton County, said lots being a part >f that tract of land deeded to C E i lone* by Concrete Stone Contractinff^^Kll ?o and having a frontage of two Kindred and three and three quarters J lO-- 2-4) feet respectively Lots thirty t ;sj hree (22) and thirty two (22) having i total frontage of one.hundred and -l A!! those lots^ parcels or tracts )f land lying t being and situate in the r.iwn <>f i;atesl>urg4 Lexington County i 9 ^tato aforesaid^ known as lots thirty ?.'JB our (21) and thirty five (25) as Ja d . n plat* made by W A Crouch^ IjB t'irv>1^ on Xovemher I2thy 1908 (! -e' .-rPud in the < Mfieo of Clerk of - '^|B *au?-t for Lexington county: each lot jiioj u ' g " f onta :< of fifty (50) feet on </? til! S:-e 't and extending an equal id:h to lots eleven (11) and ten (10), !aB9 n * North respectively Lots num. ??Ba . thirty four i:: 1 > extending one : .it" ' *n?! one and one fourth (101 -it >'t *. > lot r. in::!'M-t ii': :y five (35) np xtonding ?>ne bundred and one Tot to lot number thirty five (35) Iple vtonding one hundred and one frepj '. I to lot nunihor ten ' ( PyCAI! tiuit tract # parcel or lots of ;i?il !. may ">t i?;*_r and situated in Lex m.toi: r.u;nt>\ South Carolina known. is Lots Number Eight N'ine^ Thirty JjjjgS mx and Thirty Seven as shown on plat CpLs nado by \V A Crouch^ surveyor onjgffip \"ov Ekiy lf'Os and recorded by* th^aE^ "!erk of Court of Lexington Count^^^^j South Carolina^ said lots being1 within !:e town of Eatesburg^ and ha\jng.^B^^ frontave of one liundred feet widthvJBP^ >n. Summerlund Avenue on the Xortigy^jjfeFl extending an equal width to K^^yTf"Proet on the South^ this tract of laaE^y,^ oir.g a p.art of the land deeded by *tone Contracting <'ompany origin? yy~;Ssr?f The fotjowina- is a description of $r.$ + ~ "ris?*5 rr.isos < dor d soid as a whole All ^ a ?,; ?. ! el of land sito-ted in c containinijSp^ ' '"oy or 1 ess with all *; . o >,)s ,hore"n and bounded j^jv of W- K no-a e CroweUfC^ A'hia and otk.vs^ and being tfrfe nine I"t and pare! of land of wh|ch""r^>N^ A' E Eoatwright was seized ad fros:ess< d in feo at the time of his " y lcath 4 Terms of sale-' Cash purchaser to >ay for papers^ recording ana revenue stamps H la Harmon Clerk of Court lur.e 4^ 19IS