Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, April 10, 1918, Image 7

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WITH THE COLORS AT CAMP SEVIER ??? Mr. Editor: DEAR SIR: I will give you a few items oi aews from our camp as we haven'i forgotten our home county nor oui J J xl many loved ones ana inenus wieie. We are enjoying our army life fine for we are members of the bes1 division in the U. S. army and are known as the "Old Hickory" Division and are very proud of our different units especially the 105 ammu nition Train. We have the very best company ('G') in the train. Al so we are very lona 01 our um^io viz. Capt. Wm. M. Carter and 2nd. , Lieut. Wad. D. Allen, they are both gentlemen of refinement . and culture and understand their responsibilities and duties consequently we get the best of treatment. We are also famed over the entire division for our mess. Our cooks and mess Sergeant H. J. Kiser are the most competent in the Division. We have the neatest and nicest mess hall on the word of the division Surgeon, consequently we are a well fed bunch and that is a very important item in a soldier's welfare. All the boys from Lexington are getting along nicely and I may re ' mark that all the folks may be assured that if we have to take an active part in this war, they will perform their duties in such a manner as to reflect credit on their belov d country and state as well. Quite a peculiar incident happened last Friday while policing our company street An alligator about 8 in ches was found in the street evidently out for a stroll he was immediately captured and elected mascot and now seems to feel the honor and dignity f his position and is resting peaceful ly after a large meal of steak. We have another mascot also, a small Mexican Shepherd dog that was procured from a Mexican while on the Border last year. She is our alliga tors most aeaaiy rivai aim it vau? decided yet which will win out. I must now close, you may publish it if you like. Best regards to all. I remain, Sincerely E. O. and E. L. Shealy, 105 Am, Train Co. G. Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. TRESASS NOTICE. All persons are warned not to trespass upon my land by hunting, fishing, hauling wood, sraw or lightwood or in any manner whatsoever. The ? -"H ncftinnt law Will K7Q OW.AVWJ ?0 ? all persons violating this notice. 4t Henrv A. Barnes. FROM SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE. Our Lexington boy Engineer Downie Boles writes from over there. " says he has some real experence in France, although he's faring fine gets plenty of good things to eat but not much cigarettes, cigars or candy its .scarce over there. He says he is ? right along the line where the big guns roar and it takes a real man to be a soldier but :ts the life for me. I am as happy as I can be says young Boles and I am not a bit afraid of any German that is living and I fully expect to return to dear old Am ca with the Red, White and Blue. Subscriber. 11 Women! KI h n Here is a message to [j [ | suffering women, from g Mrs. V. T. Price, of R Public, Ky.: "I suf- g H fered with painful...", || W she writes. "I got down y y with a weakness in my gj Tjack and limbs...I || 3 U ' felt helpless and dis- 11 m [ 3 couraged...I had about g gj given up hopes of ever g j?3 m I being well again, when K sji 1 (B n a *rien(i listed i I aKe The Woman's Tonic fl began Cardul." In BT a short while I saw a || marked difference... m I grew stronger right along, and it cured me. ps T om c fnrjf-pr fhan T tilLfj y yj x aiu wvv\*vw* v? J M appreciate what it S | 8 ? means to he strong and j 3 I . veil. Thousands of wo- [| >; 7* H men give Cardui the OL W BH he .1th. It should help I 11 druggtliL^^ ^ 73 B i BALLENTINE NEWS. Miss Mary Derrick from Colum bia, is spending a few days with hei uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. P. D, Metts. .' Mr. E. A. Ballentine and family ;! spent Easter Sunday at Greer, with *! Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Boozer. Vooiv Davi?; from Orangehure I J.TJ.13. w w ; is at home with her parents Mr. and ;; Mrs. S. J. Riddle. h Miss Olive Shealy from Columbia .; spent Easter Sunday at home. J Miss Lula Shealy from Summerij land college is spending the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and j Mrs. J. W. Shealy. Miss Elvira Shealy who is teaching 1 school near Orangeburg, was at home ' Easter Sunday. ,T- ^--1- T IJ iVIl*. I\ODfcjrX V_/UUiv Iiurn iJCAm^wu spent Sunday with friends at Ballen tine. \ A number of the young folks in | and around Ballentine- enjoyed an ' egg hunt Saturday afternoon, given j by Mr. a*nd Mrs. Frank Keith. Mr. Henry Moore from Ridgeway was in Ballentine Sunday afternoon. The teachers of Ballentine school spent the Easter holidays at home. Mr. and Mrs. John Lowman spent t Easter Sunday at Greer, with Mr. ' and Mrs. J. S. Boozer. Brown Eyes. WHOOPING COUGH. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to keep the cough loose and expectoration easy. It is excellent. CITATION NOTICE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of Lexington By George S. Drafts, esquire, Probate Judge. WHEREAS, John H. Cumalander. made suit to me, to grant him Let. ters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of Arthur H. Cumalander. THESE ARE THEREFORE to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Arthur H. Cumalander deceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Lexington, C. H., S. C., on 11th April 1918 next, after publication hereof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. GIVEN under my Hand, this 27th day of March, Anno Domini 1918. Geo. S. Drafts (L. S.) Probate Judge Lexington Co., S. C. Published on the 2nd day of April 1918 in the Lexington News 2 weeks. Subscribe to The Dispatch-News. m iWMi "Trn?If* c ? '; ' - % \,r~- . i 1 ? / ! if I it \ j> Ifiy..;.jfc 1 ' j r* Where Yoa Scelii:^'^ NM ; f ?0 -;. I | 11 Ofil I 1 fgSIECURS ? P?si{ ?'-ros< ? Hwieea g 1^:3 assure j is Hearken to t 11 * American motorist S| F leets in six wide!} | g Tires, and with ligr 11 and rock roads ex v i s? I* ?; * /TTnrsa I f r2*-^ i& M ? I b.l I ?? fl'^h I -xsfc '4 ! ip ,r { *X? |3 What there t" They fought r:: *| conquered the rose S BLACK SAFETY T ? Let ALrr.er:cs:i from America's re 3 saved them. They ? that have won tlie | | THE B. F. GOO] 8L a ' Charlotte Branch; | Notice Debtors and Creditors. All persons indebted to the estate of S. J. Wiggers, deceased, are here ' | by notified to make payment to the 1? * i . - t- ? j-i i ?i. J i undersigned on or Deiore me abl. ua,y of May 1918, and those having | claims against said estate should pre! sent them duly verified on or before the above named date. Emma F. Bouknight, i March 27, 1918. Executrix. | | r i P Ss*C!^ 1 tS i aur ?5 I Dr. William Brady in an article about calomel in the Atlanta Constitution re. cently said: "Calomel is a cathartic and a very ! crude and superfluous one. It proi duces no special effect upon the liver ! or upon the secretion of bile. It hasi ! no more influence over biliousness! I than any other active physic. It is I just the ancient standby, cheaper 1 than most other physics and retained i in use because old doers seldom learn | new tricks." As a substitute for a poison like calomel modern physicians prescribe purely vegetable: cathartics. MarSOLD BY P HELP YOi and You Purct ? LIBERT from your I purchasing ceries f The Cayce Co-Operati Five Pounds Good G T IN THE LONG I wmmmmmmmmmm. - ,A li^rNfs . .* ; : :- ;- -* ?-^ -'?< ;; V j IfMSl ig 1 * .h ^ i *. ? ' . i*'i l(t BE !*-' > *> -- - ' . - -- " Hi. . .-'.-r fiiMvivP'' Ky ;:- ' '- . ifi%i + ;:' ,1-:' . ._ 1 _.__ _ J'Y- .& k". ? ' W?S?ti2S. -.V.-.i'. vA.v/i.'J'V f'-is ' ,; -<i - ,ii ! v.;. M 2\ ills m c< }'t v,. ;y- -<__ *<<. Ifo ;>:. xx&.T' ?'?^ -dr^^V5jBfgSk ^ f '\ * T^ >C7 !A pj^/. iis. $ ll'-i^' ?MK> ^4*SL ?& | ? illA ii sL 'lV*.->- ^Jk. 4?~i- ~-=^ " I C e^y&imfy of service :* i "Jeered T/r ize.tce ii*cc?vrse Li i.eo/c i : z*V"CC? r d mileage have hezi Droved in *czileaco io the :;:vol- c?i ilia ca. ? ? hdC- 7C; 18 ** -* ? _ W* J. &. W .JlvV ? . . '_ ?1 1 ...>./ ... ' - - <- J vy . "Q li \ 7~.' "* ( -/ ?# ?- ' "~J.,.d. . " ; ? r different rsrrlcns of cur coun it r-nd hr.zvy c:n : ~rv 1" \i 1 .3, CO.CCi 13 u." 'C ?C'-.I*--- ? - Kr"rT:> "\ n;"'-> 7"> p : ii- r 1 '' ; ? "**< js';xv .,1 j; iiaslPj 2 ' : :/ ri ' . . .*. : .' 1 * _ . . ) * J C?-. v "I V !o - i f - ' , : : y u .COiMC i :" j?. to this messa >a< A H means time and no: get lasting service with the tL j title, ''Americas Tested Tire DRICH RUBBER COMPAN 435 So. Church St., Charlotte, N. Y OF GOODRICH * AKRO mti Kffn?tiKMimnamBiMam i FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that I wil apply to Hon. George S. Drafts. Pro; bate Judge for Lexington county, or April 12th, for a final discharge as j administrator of the estate of Man j Lucinda Mathias. deceased. All pei ! sons indebted to said estate must | make payment and those having ! claims against said estate must prej sent them duly verified, on, or before i the above named date. F. II. Mathias, !-*r i o. r\ ( m O 01 \ j i i 1 I iviarcn uu. -n. /vummistraxor. 9 O ^ '.1 V. / ^ > ' ' t--bThI S3 y ^ Lv: -/ <w & 2 <*/ fc & jjr ^ij7 'kj^ i^c.i ^MsJ,' i& JL lai ?*a2' 1 tin's Liver Medicine dees ail the good calomel docs without producing calomel's injurious effects. Martin's Liver Medicine is a standard proprietary preparation for constipation, sick headache and other stomach and liver troubles. Purely vegetable as to ingredients, pleasant in taste, mild in action and fully guaranteed. If not satisfied with it, take the empty bottle to your druggist and get your 50c back. Try a dose or so of Martin's Liver * ? 1* i r* _1 ii i. Meaicine wnen icei inai yuu need a liver regulator or a dose of physic. All good druggists sell Martin'a Liver Medicine. ALACE DRUG CO. lCOUNTRY irself bv w tasiog i sr BOND Banker and your Grorom us. ? - ? ft ft ye Store, layce, s. I. round Coffee for 80c fa "S/, ;* * *wv A*V '. J? *v >5*^^** zcuifon v .j*k\ -> s^'\:: ''? .&$% *'' * v / ? ' '/ /: ; ? A/ OS'-- -a ^:Si fa" -fa g i^v =r?^^|^' i *?rt, -">: ? \ J * : - W si . )isf s i;mm i iar % mm I ffl^O K si i'9 J}m CP.. They ?ive ?? Their en cur- (-* ic one way to ;on the rc:i<l."' r:= s? of America send :hiner six Test Car U ? ? <i try, took Goodrich i over sand, gravel ^ Kf ' Tp h a ;L~?.p 'r. ~ ;rT! VVi/ - * ': yf<r ?"-roc* y '. . I u U . .1 ?.o 1..^ hrc roiles. They nal mileage, those ye J % ,pr <i ||<j {j Every War Sav- s f?3 fi in? Stamp is a step 5 j . ? ? \ towards Peace. s v3 * l For sale at every jj ? Goodrich Branch and |j ;.* b _ Deuot __ls ' * y " ^"1 ?; Free Flower Seed '| Hastings' Catalogue ij Tells You About it Ji No matter -whether you farm on a .' Iaflge scale or only plant vegetables ; j or flowers in a small way, you need j Hastings' 1918 Seed Catalogue. It's ' : ready now and we have a copy for j [ I you absolutely free, if you write for it, j 1 mentioning the name of this paper. j | In addition to showing you about all i the varieties cf vegetables, farm 1 grass, clover and flower seeds, our :! catalogue tells how you can get free 1 five splendid varieties of easily grown, j , yet beautiful flowers, with which to ; beautify your home surroundings. Good seeds of almost every kind ; are scarce this season, and ycu can't j afford to take chances in your seed i supply. Hastings' Seeds are dependj able seeds, the kind you can always ! depend on having "good luck" with. ? | You are going to garden or farm ! J ~ *~ TT71. <nm,r.n eii/ir.nca , LXIIb w liy liVt Ilioui^ , ' j so far as possible by starting "with the j right seed? Don't take chances that , 1 you do not have to in seeds. | Write today for Hastings* 1918 j r Catalogue. It's free and will both **"- j ' terest and help you to succeed in 1918. j I ?H. G. HASTINGS CO., Seedsmen, j Atlanta, Ga.?Advt Send us your job printing . 1 P I rYNF 1 U? \/ A 1XJ Suite No. 7 Caroli Cor. Main and Washington St Buggies, Wag We Have a Splendid Lin We have every style and size in Come in and see them on our fl i OUR GUARANTEE IV Gregory-Conder I i I 1115 Hampton St., - - I l . ^ | f g in footwear, at as they can b< "* /+ carry shoes h family in sizes fit every one. Our salesme enced shoe n cash system sa\ o Be 1518 Main Street .-TTLIL/"., l! ^ ^ mo j I * 5 have vour set ready same c our estimate before havin, ! I save vou money. i ^ ^ /?}..* r-;=r Ui?r*rantefi. a FREE EXAMINATION j We Administer Nitrous Oxide Baltimore De 1329 1-2 Main St. COLUI Look for Large Electric Siga at Sta StUB"!?! fc * a s?$S?9 Will cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ecrr omr-> <1 ct/, A TlflCOTltlP A W.flvno used internally or externally. 25c j SEEDS Everything To Plant Now Garden Seed?, Grass Seeds, Flower Seeds, Plants and Bulbs. Come in and let us help you select plants and seeds for a good garden. FLOWERS Choice Carnations, Roses, Violets, Sweet Peas. Freesias. Bouquets and designs mailed or expressed anywhere. Ro3e Hill Greenhouses 1542 Main Street COLUMBIA, - - S. C. In adveritsing, always say what you believe if you want people.to bebelieve what you say. ntracted Diseases I ALSO TREAT DISODRERS, NERVOUS DEBILtfADDER TROUBLES, ETC. ? Kidney Troubles, Piles painlessly ithout operation or confinement, trpstmpnt are that unless vou re ctory results, no charges are made, woman is too poor to receive his none so rich tha} they can procure tea than he is qualified to give. Fer you the results he has given save the payment in your own hands lials on file d Other Examinations Free onJMonday.and Friday m. to 7 p. m. Sundays 10 to 2. ILL, M. D. na National Bank Building s. COLUMBIA, S. C % ;ons, Harness. e of Well Made Vehicles Hackney Baggies Washington Baggies Colambas Baggies Nl Brown Baggies ^jNissen Wagons Old Hickory Wagons j Qf Hackney Wagons above makes oor I " 1EANS SOMETHING \ V!ule Co. | - COLUMBIA, S. C. ng Styles- i! 5 . I i prices as low J -4 5 sold. We ; . Dr the entire and widths to n are experinen and our res you money )otene COLUMBIA, S. C. )U7-GF-TOWN Fatients, have every convenience your comfort when visitour offices. We will -i ?^r?nnc>i /v.-? r\-p vt/yitv I lii i |.;i ccdivju ujl vuui i %J uth in the morning, and lay, where desired. Get g work done. We will . Silver Fillings, 50c cp i Gold Fillings, $1. cp Teeth Cleaned, $1. Gas For Painless Extraction sntal Parlors ViBIA, S. C. Phone 586 1 11 : n _i.i r_i.:L^. ana moving lsemai union lirs.