Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, November 14, 1917, Image 6

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* TAX NOTICE t Office of County Treasurer, Lexington, S. C., Sept. 15.? Notice is hereby given that State, County and School Taxes 4r\* T.DYino+nr f!nnn?v will be ?V-V- > AVI JUViiUlg VVM x/v\?*?wy . ? received by me from October 15th to December 31, inclusive, 1917. The levy is as follows: Mills F?r State 8 % v Ordinary County ."...5% Vao/^O 2 MV/UUO; Con. 3 Mills 3 Aiding Weak Schools % i Court House Improvement..!^ TOTAL 20% Special Taxes as follows: For bonds and special tax in district No. 1 8 Mills For bonds and special tax in district No. 15 12 mills For bonds and special tax in District No. 18 10 mills For bonds and special tax in r District No. 25 8 mills ? ' - i i.i j H'or Donas ana special uia m District No. 29... 10 mills For bonds and spceial tax in District No. 37 10 mills For bonds and special tax in Distract No. 66 lft mills No. 13, i 8 mills Nos. 12, 35, 82 6 mills Nos. 2, 4, 16, 17, 22, 27, 30, 32, 33, 34, 38, 40, 42, 45, 50, 63, 71, 76, 77, 83, 87, 88 4 Mills Nos. 6, 8, 9,14,19, 20,21, 23, 26,28,33,36, 41,44, 48,49, 51, |65, 64, 69, 70,72, 73,74,75, 78, j to, so 2 Mais; r,Awivm+o finn "Poor! TftY 1 VUI1 111! UIOWVU AHVUU ? ?J $2.00, from 21 to 55 years.. Poll Tax of $1.00, from 21 to . z 60 years. , Dog Tax of 50c. All charged in Tax Receipt. Income Taxes are payable at same time. ' Schedule will an pear later. C. E. LEAPHART, County Treasurer. TYPEWRITER FOR SALE. A Remington Typewriter, reworked by factory and good as new for sale cheap ior cash or on installments HARMON DRUG CO. ?:?. JUDGE FOR YOURSELF j .Which is Fetter?Try <o Experiment ^ ..or Profit by a \i n&'ton CitV h icd'? T>^crt nee. : .?? ! ^ Something" new is an experiment. Must be proved to be as represented. The statement of a manufacturer is not convincing proof of merit. But the endorsement of friends is. Now supposing you had a bad back, A lame, weak, or aching one, Would you experiment on it? You will read of many so-called cures. Endorsed by strangers from far unojr It's different when the endorsement comes from home. Easy to prove local testimony. ^ Read this Lexington case: John J. Taylor, carpenter, Main St., Lexington says: "I had a constant pain in my back which bothered me so much I could hardly work. At \ times I was scarcely able to bend to; pick up my tools. The kidney secretions were too frequent . in passage,' making me get up number of times at night. I bought Doan's Kidney Pills at the Harmon Drug Co., and they strengthened my back and re ' ' ? 11. M lieved all symtoms oi Kianey rrouoie. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that Mr. Taylor had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. } NOTICE, DEBTERS AND CREDITORS All persons ^having claims against the estate of J. Sol Hendrix, deceased, will present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned Executrix without delay, and all persons indebted to said estate will likewise make payments to the same. Miss Ellen Hendrix, Executrix. Lexington, Nov. 7, 1917.? 4w5. Subscribe to The Dispatch-News, n/ j?BBk! h i w A iw M i fl BScEafe^* 1111^^ RHFT1ATISM SO BAD HE CUED NOT DRESS SELF Tried All Kinds of Remedies But Found a Few Drops of Iron In Water Each Day Brought Relief 1 Says Acid Iron Mineral Is Cheaper, Better Way. , Rheumatism, rheumatism, and then some more rheumatism seemed to be ; my lot in life. It would attack me I at unexpected times and almost knock ! me out for good and all," says L. W. | Sours, of Luray, Va. "For two years I wasn't able to do anything and couldn't even dress ,myself, and at night I simply tossed and rolled with agony and, due to the kidney trouble, I reckon, my dreams were fitful and bad and very often I would wake up in the middle - * 1-1 rrrVio-n T Wrtllld t.TV Ui U1C lll^Ub OliU VTAAVA* a *> ^ to turn over I couldn't I would struggle and the pain would become almost unbearable and my breathing would become difficult. Anyone who has suffered as I did, can realize my gratitude and appreciation of Acid Iron Mineral. I thought it might help me and I used one 50 cents bot tie and two $1 bottles before I could see much change, but on the third dollar bottle I felt like a new man and can do a good day's work and rest well at nights." "I urge people to take this iron medicine wherever I go because it helped me where a great many other remedies failed and after trying four and continued to get worse I gave up being treated and found relief in A-I-M. I want to caH special attention of folks to the fact that when they take A-I-M do not stop with one bottle but be sure to continue and you will get relief for I kn<flv what it will do," declared L. W. Sours, Luray, Va., R. F. D 4. Rheumatism, when it grips the system, chases around through the veins, sometimes in one spot and then in 'another. It must be temoved from the blood. It needs the help of I iron to enrich, purify and cleanse j the blood and Acid Iron Mineral, I in its hiehlv concentrated form, test | ing over 10 degrees specific gravity makes the ideal remedy. All druggists have it. "Acid Iron Mineral is sold here by the Harmon Drug Co., Palace Drug Co., and Murray Drug Co. Advt. BREAD. Washington, Nov. 11.?Definite steps to standardize bread, and lower its price will be taken tomorrow when President Wilson issues a proclama-* tion placing all bakeries under government license, December 10, and subjecting them to food administration rules prescribing ingredients and weights of loaves. Prices will not be fixed. ! ( An Old Man's Stomach. | As we grow older and less active, less and less food is required to meet the demands of our bodies. If too much is habitually taken, the stomi ach rebels. When a man reaches I the advanced age of 85 or 90, you j will find that he is a- light eater. Be j as careful as you will, however, you I will occasionally eat more than you I should and will feel the need of Chamberlain's Tablets to correct the disorder. These tablets do not contain pepsin, but strengthen the stom| ach and enable it to perform its i functions naturally. They also cause a gentle movement of the bow. I ers. HARMON DRUG CO. Advt. The Presbyterian synod, which met at Seneca last week represents 30,000 Presbyterians of this State. See Or Write Us For SELECTION PACKAGE of anything in the line of Presents for Weddings, Personal or own use. SINGLE DIAMOND OR FANCY DIANOND JEWELRY. WATCHES, CLOCKS, STERLING SILVER. CUT x GLASS AND ART GOODS. 1 JEWELRY of the newer patterns, both in plain and fancy jewelry. WE HANDLE ONLY SOLID AND GENUINE GOODS, and compete with all mail order * ^ 1 r? 11 3 _ 4. I houses. uraers iiutru <ii uuce. TRY US SYLVAN BROS. Jewelers, SHrersBitfo, Watchmakers Cor. Mai* ad HuapteaStt. Pbvmt 1045 COLUMBIA, S. C. CITATION NOTICE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA 1 ?County of Lexington. By George S. Drafts, Esquire Probate Judge. j WHEREAS, J. R. Brown, made suit to me, to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of Nelson Sims. twese are THEREFORE to cite { and admonish all and singular the kin J dred and Creditors of the oaid Nelson .Sims, deceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of, Probate, to be held at Lexington, C. H., S. C., on 20 day Nov. 1917, next, after publication hereof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. GIVEN under my Hand, this 5 day of Nov. Anno Domini 1917. Anno Domini 1917. GEO. S. DRAFTS, (L. S.) ;Probate Judge Lexington Countv S. !c Published on the 7th day of Nov. 1917, \jn the Lexington Dispatch- ! News 2 weeks. EXECUTOR'S LAND SALE. By virtue of the last will and tes-' tament of Jonas Mathias, deceased, I, will sell at public auction on Monday, the 3rd day of December, 1917, at 11, o'clock, a. m., at the homestead place of Jonas Mathias, deceased, the two following tracts of land belonging to said estate, situate, lying and being in Fork Township, county of Lexington and State of South Carolina. The first tract being the Homestead tract, containing thirty-six (36) acres, more i or les. adjoining lands of estate of J, C. Meetze and R. T. Hook. The second tract containing eighty | two (82) acres, more or less, adjoining lands formerly of Maj. G. Leaphart, now of Earle, John J. Jackson, and Bush River road, estate lands of S. S. Meetze, and Saluda riv_ er, and known as the River Tract. <Plats of the above land will be exhibited on day of sale. Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and revenue stamps, j LUTHER S. MATHIAS Executor of the last will and tes tament of Jonas Mathias, deceas.' ed. Mr. Roy Swygert, of New Brook-1 land, killed a large goose on the Sa-i ^ luda River near the steel Dnage, Saturday morning." Subscribe to The Dispatch-News. * Long?Sii^fl I B Using Herolinli I The new discovery tint causes new hair to ? sprout all over your head?maiesall your nappy, m 1 coarse, kinky huir.solLsilkr, long, fluffy, straight S3 so yoa can do it up any style. Lengthens your f'\ i 9 hair 5 to 15 inche-. STOPS DANDRUFF AND ."J i B ITCHING SCALP AT ONCE. HEROLIN is de- 'J I B Ughtfully perfumed and not sticky or :t jemy. 2 B SEND 25 CENTS (rtsspt or K'n) for f big box lfl| ' B HEROLIN MrO!C2NE CO., il Jaata, ioorgia J I AGENTS 36&J0TJM gg | j, We Are Price Main | Enterprise H r I Lexington. Si ?O ' ^ ! ! We carry a full line of Cutlery, Axes, Tool tion, fully guarant ons, Cole Planters,! ments, Majestic Ra line of Kitchen and Engines, Paints an Cut Pri Automobile Ti Mill Supplies, Valv ing, Screw Bits, 1 Material, Doors, Sas and a full line of *1. i Builders V |l / ' . CITATION NOTICE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ?County of Lexington. By George S. Drafts, Esquire, Probate Judge. WHEREAS, G. W. Assman, made suit to me, to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of J. W. Assman. THESE ARE THEREFORE to cite! and admonish all and singular the | kindred and Creditors of the said J.1 W. Assman, deceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Lexington,; C. H? S. C., on 19th, day of Nov. j 1917 next, after publication hereof: at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. GIVEN under my Hand, this 3 day of Nov. Anno Domini 1917. GEO. S. DRAFTS, (L. S.) Probate Judge Lexington County, S. C. Published on the 7 day of Nov. 1917, in the Lexington DispatchNews 2 weeks. CITATION NOTICE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ?County of Lexington. By George S. Drafts, Esquire, Probate Judge. WHEREAS, L. A. Hallman made suit to me, to grant her Letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of E. M. Keisler. THESE ARE THEREFORE to cite and admonish all and singular the kin dred and Creditors of the said E. M. Keisler, deceased, that they be and * appear, before me, in the Court of (Probate, to be held at Lexington, C. H., S. C., on 15 day Nov. 1917, next, j after publication hereof at 11 o'clock; in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why said Administration should not be granted. GIVEN under my Hand, this 1st day of Nov. Anno Domini 1917. GEO. S. DRAFTS, (L. S.) Probate Judge Lexington County, S. C. CUT THIS OUT?It I* Worth Money DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address cleafvIy. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's ?.'?ney and Tar Compound for ooughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets. SOLD EVERYWHERE Advt. >L 'ALAt./L.&AtAi.AtlALlAliJjklAiit Our Accuracy Quality Service give you "Well Fitted Glasses^ ELMGREN Optometrist and Optician 1'07 Hampton St. COLUMBIA, S. C. ;rs; Others Follow ardware Co. ? outh Carolina shelf hardware such as s of Every Descrip eed, Buggies, WagPlows, Farm Implenges, Stoves, a full Table Ware, Gas d Oils. | ices On j res and Tubes I es, Injectors, BeltBuggy and Wagon sh, Lime, Cement, i Material i, . M i Pale Faced Women Take Cheeks and B< Men need Phosphates to M; Atheletes increase their strength, ei more by simply taking a few we) Atlantaa, Ga. Dr. F. A. Jacobson says that phosphates are just as essential to any man or woman who tires easily, is nervous, irritable, worn out, or looks haggard and pale to make a strong, robust, vigorous healthy body, as they are to cotton to make it grow. The lack of Phosnhate is the cause of all enemic condi tions and the administration of 5grain Argo-Phosphate tablets will increase the strength and endurance of weak, nervous, care worn men and women 300 per cent, in two or three weeks time in many instances, and their -ontinued use will build up the whole nervous system, and give new life, vim, vigor, and vitality to the whole body. I always prescribe Argo Phosphate to patients who are pale, and colorless, and it is surprising to see how quickly a few weeks treatment will transform a pale face to a rosy cheeked beauty. There can be no rosy cheeked, healthy, beautiful women, without their system is sufficiently supplied with Phosphates. In recent interviews with physicians on the grave and seriousness consequences of a deficiency of Phosphates in the blood of American men and women, I have strongly emphasized the fact that doctors should prescribe more phosphates in the form of ArgoPhosphate for weak, wornout, haggard-looking men and women. When the skin is pale, and flesh flabby, it is a sign of anema. When the phos/mama 4-1A A kl A A/4 A (jnaics gu iiuiu tuc uiuuu, uic ^mn NOI The Peopl Is running every t) pay the ver pvice for seed. V I 1 I 1 good quality oagg AA t ARE YOU WORKIN Work of any Jiort is pure dri your exist :nce. But with / pui for j regard ai d it 'ightens y pie: jure. Hive i rmruose in life! Ma ' " w " X" X - buii ling dp a savings account i yc - with the means to attain y independence, wealth?they all persistently save. Same rate of interest (4 per c accounts. THE OLD The Carolina Natioi W. A. Clark, President. T. S. Bryan, V. President ^V\\\\\\\^\V\\V\\\\V\\\\\\\\\\\\V\\\VV> | SAFETY I ? I dl KHJ I IT IS OUR DUTY as well a I ^ every way consistent with the jg the financial strength and growl p community. Come in and let i p more than Bankers?we are a % it is a nutter of pride with ns, | we have developed in tnr basin ^ ?hm mi those whom we serve. (Prosperity is reflected to t perity of our patrons. The Bank c ? Columt \ Phosphates to Make Rosy eautiful Forms, ake Strong, Healthy, Vigorous Bodies. nergy and eudurance 2CO per cent, or -1? L L Z. -I i r?L eiu> ireaimemi; 01 nrgo-r nospnaie. j cheeks go too. The muscles lack tone. They become nervous, irrita! ble, despondent, melancholy, the ! brain fags, and the memory fails, j Therefore if you wish to preserve* i your youthful vim, vigor and vitality, j to a ripe old age, you must supply the ! deficiency of Phosphates lacking in (your food by using Argo-Phosphate, | the form of phosphates most easily assimilated. , NOTICE: Argo-Phosphate which is recommended and prescribed by physicians in all enemic cases, is not ,a secret or patent medicine, but one jthat is sold and recommended by well j known druggists everywhere, and | physicians are daily subscribing the constituents contained in it. Beine' | entirely unlike many other phosiphates, it is easily assimilated and will be found effective in the treatment of indigestion and stomach troubles, a well as for care worn, nervous conditions. The manufacturers of Argo-Phosphate will forfeit to any charitable institution $200.00 if they ! cannot treat any man or woman un!der 65 who lacks Phosphates, and inj crease their strength and endurance jfrom 100 per cent, to 300 per cent, or ' more in one month's time, if they are Tree from organic trouble. It is disjpensed by all reliable druggists. If your druggist will not supply you | send $1.00 to the Argo Laboratories, 110 Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga., and | they will send you a two weeks treat| ment by return mail. ICE! es Ginnery \ day and prepared j highest market Je are putting on inrranrl rrirmirirr "fnr* lli^ CbllVA gXXXli.Xi.1^ JLV/i *er Bale I - . ? " G WITH A PURPOSE I idgery if it means merely earning * pose back of it you are working ' our tasks and makes work a real ke your life a success! Start by in this institution. It will furnsh our object. A comfortable home, . come within your reach if you ? :ent.) paid on both large and small RELIABLE lal Bank of Columbia Jos. M. Bell, Cashier, t. Jno. D. Bell, Asst. Cashier. Y\\\\\\\\\\\VW i NGTH | SERVICE I principles of SOUND banking, :h of tbe business interest of tbis | is get together?we are something a! lnilnnilntU ail A TCI J UUUiau 1UL vi tuuiiivmo) that aside from the responsibilities ess, we have cultivated the friend I his Bank from^the increased pros)f Columbia \ % >ia, S. C. 1 p '