Journal and confederate. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1865-1865, May 26, 1865, Image 2

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J . ... ' lff4 "$| ^ - ' -* * iilr* . v ?~^y EXECUTIVE DfiPAtlTMFXT,\ Columbia, Mav-20, 1S<!5. ) V THE PROCLAMATIONS FROM . this Department, bearing date tlie 2<i day j ,* xjf.Mav, 1SG5, is .hereby revoked; a ad the directions therein given arc hereby countermand- | ed. The fyJiowing correspondence with (?eir. * 12- A. Giilmore will set forth the causes wnicn hiive led mo to revoke that prvcianiiitio'n and counternnnul its directions: ; HEADQITS DKP'T OP THE SOUTH,') * Hilton IIjjad, S. 0., May i!, 18G5. j* Him. A. Or. May rath, Columbia, S.. C.' ' Sip.: I lmvc seep in t)ic public prints what piu oorts to b? a proclamation issued by you t6 tlj'PJjhople of til: State of South Carolina, d - ; ted at "Heaihjjuwti-iSjf./olum.biti, May "_\ 1S60," directing "that all subsistence stor-sand pnnpevty of the Confederate State's within the limits xrf the State be turned over to ami accounted for by the agents of the State oppointed for thfit purpose/The snHistciicc' and other s'tfcrc? to be used for the relief,pf? the people of the | State, aoctatiio other'propbrty, of whaToyei* jfl kind, to be.held for the common benefit of the ; ]Jy the cdh'vcntiocLbctween General Slier-*, ?n$n and J ohriston Agreed 'upon on tjie L'Srh 'day. pr April" uifc, at J>enne? sparse, near j>u;rltam-Station, IjT- &, au o.Hicial copy of- which I .enclose^ kll-a'cts of war on the par? of General - -Johnston's cowmand eea^cil, mid .the ormv and publib property,were -urrcualered to tlic United States. -"The Vlistrict covered by said convention includes.the' State of South Carolina, as, is 'correctly stated to yon in the despatch froTjl ; General Johnston, dated Grc nsiioio, A'. G.J"Ui p 7i]>ril.?l0, H&U5. . . ' AU-pa'blic property," tberofo'rb,' should be . 'delivered to.oncers of the tTniul States, j its.seiziire^Jyf;?Stato agents or bj any .'other o persons, ifaphtirpct- violation of the' convention;? is a| apt of war,"a crime against humanity, and' 1 .will be so regarded an'tl treated. At those hcadqnarttirs.'};-' ' " - , ,:H <* I con-ider that you jjannot properly* take ] any official.acfion in tins matter, except throng*. < "ttid ^'iS^eU States authority, to wrhoaifs this s J?i^^')>oloi)gs/.by>rigii^ of;tuilitary capture i :}rorregde^- 'Its gratuitous 'distribution ' . -ainoSi^pfersong.who, by persistent treason" o'n 1 i *tbe ^^.of their leaders,(hay? hewn, reduced to . ft'istijlpori of abjcet pauperism, in.' a senseless &nd|niitless atteju^at'revolution, toust bo an ^apt^^arity on^tbe'part of tlie Government %' wluch-Jffheyha\f$c tried to pfretyhrow.. 1 . 8tand;feadj, untfer the ,-orders, of ;Maj.i"*&en. iSd^rrqan^to.tAkepossession of .this "property, .aud-Jtp relieve present" -wants and encourage the inn?bi^pfeTesome their peaccoful p'rir- 1 K suits" ih tio; South, Garoliw; and 'I i ' expect.those who hold any,|erablance of authority in t*he State to act in aid of this benevolent i ..policy, if they attempt to act at alj.'. i l am, sir, respectfully;' yoiir obedient ser- i vant, , Q. A..GI.LLMOUE, ' Maj. Gen. Commanding. M.'BISSELL-J>Er?T3f?T, " WILL A.TTKND TO ALL GALLS IX 11 IS PR0-V SESSION at his residence iaRatlcd^e street, between \ Market and Lyttloion Streets.^ * . * TERM^ CASH, or Provision? at cash, pf ices. But- ' , ter,,Racon,"Larcl and Corn will be taken in part pny ment. As. the Coi^erato money is uow quite useless, - - "persons requiring niy services must provide some other means of payment before tho servico is renderetttk i ,May19* * iM < ' ' : ' , ' SPECIAL1 WQT'ivu: ' - :* t; I* TTIE* SI7I3SCRIBER.;Hi514iP^ CONSTANTLY OX hand a fresh supply of MbaPahd 1 iominy in exchange -" ' or.Corn. Ajaply at Mr. ilcCrejglil/s shop' on Aiding , street. V ' J-. -J?. SUTHERLAXD. 1 ' ' m ? * 'V ' :? > ' < # . " . . -Ay or SOUTH cakoltoa! ^ rV. ' . JMllMP ".:' ' EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT,) .ColuSjUIA, Mny 22, 1304,' f , Toi the People of the S tate of -**. '. South Carolina; TTIAVE THIS DAV RECEIVED INFOll NATION" of an on!or issue)! I-y Major-Genrat fi. A.Uiltnofc. I deem it proper, with oat.delay, to present it to ynu for, your information', sac!) portions thereof eftbet inc and concern you; because they create for, you a conflict with'tho forces o'f the United StiUes, whicli cafi only bo avoided by nry forbearance to exercise the functions of.tiie Executive t)e.partinont of tlx: State : ... . HEAQ'liS DEPT OF.TijE SOUTH, , U i lton" II k Ait, S; 0., if ay 15,' 1865. " GEtyXR L ORJ)ERS'NO. 68. 1. The proclamation of A. G. MngrajJi, stjf1 ling him-olf (lovcrtior of South Carolina,,dated* at J-Ieadqnart'or*, ^,'oluiifbia, ^outli -Carolina, May 2, Itn>5, ileclariug.tbat' all subsistciico stores and thp property *oP the Confederate States wi-thio thc liinits of* the State should be turned over njid accounted'for by t|ic iigcuN of tbe State, Appointed f>c &ut "purpose. *;uul directing that the subsistence ;rud qfljbcr stores shall bo used for tHo'relief of the people of'the State, and the'' proclamation 'of.. Joseph - E. Brown,.s.fylinv Kffasclf Governor of . Georgia, dated capital (if thjlt State, on the 3d day--, iff. May,*18(50, r^qniriug the officers and members of the General Assembly -it), meet in extraordinary session at the CapiLokiii Miilftlgoville, on Monday, the 2:*J day of ISOp ; and the prbojeraation of A. K? Allison, styling himself Acting Governor of Florida, plated atrial-. lebassce, on t'/J 8fb day of'ApriJ, lS6f>, giving notice and dit&ctirrtf"that.-au election be held . on \arediicadny, the 7^h day of J if no, 1865, for Governor of'the State bfiTorida: are, each, and nil. bf^bein,-. decTkreiLnull and yo& it having become l^fown to me,"-rr natwojrthy'infbr-. matronj.that the aforesaid AV>'G. Mngrath, Joseph E.'liro\vji and* A- K. Allison, uresis m to the United States, diavin^ cqmroitefl I itindry .aAd divers acts of treason against the' >ajne> in. adhering to their - enemies, giving! theiu*aid and coiiitbrt*; *' The persons and peoples to whom the ^rdc-, lunations. heroin.ibqve referred lo have been respectively addressed, arc, therefore, enjoined ind commanded to give hb; rIieed whatever" thereto, oc'to any orders, proclamations, commissions or commands emanatiitg.from persons claiming the right to exercise the functions and iuthority of Governor in eithereof |he States of Softth Carolina, Georgia or Florida, unless he -8 'in} shall have . been *promn|gated by be advice or consent of the Ufritq4 States authorities. risv. . ? ljL? * , * "> * . * t * district and I*ost Commanders throughout this Department \7ill at once'caiyo this order to be circulated tar and-wide, bjj special couriers 0 broth crwisc, and will take such steps tn Roo.iim its enforcement as mav bv them ho dceiiid necessary. * * v , Q. A. GILMORE, ' ?// Major-General Commanding. ^ j Oflicial: G. F. McKay, .1st Lieut, and Ai A/j' A. General. ' 0 I cannot, ufiller all tlic circumstances which surround you; .expose you to the consequences which will-he prodncpd because of any effort on my part?fruitless, if not mischievous, as it in list be?to exercise tkosfc functions which you in your^confidence have commitcd to mc. Nor am I willing that, without such consequences to'you,. while in tno l^xceutive Chair of the State^I shall be held* forth to th&yvorld charged with crime; without tfio most positive declaration, that I am ready-to meet and repel it, whatever and by whomsoever made. , tfk Itf'that peculiar condition 'of our ^affairs, ' . . T' . ' ' iti ' ** * 3 k ' . ' ' . ;'. W0;: - 0 *' A ? ' . . ? j which is now disclosed' you, I fjp&l that toy 'duty, whether considered; iir- heganf -to inysejf1 as vour Exoeutiye, or'to you as a pcopli whcpt* wolfar.-' is dey. to me, is atpnce plain and imperii tivo. I will not introduce within this State discord or contention. I will not allow myself to famish the occasion by .which a single atom of suffering can be added tcf that load which now v;ei<*h$ so bearily updn' you." I will not.givc opportunity for citoilict between the Governmcnt'of thisJ^tate and the "Gov^giinent of the Tinned States; the functions,, therefore, of tho Executive,.>nrc. si&peridod by. ine from this'-day. -' V; \ V . *' i finder oth.ej; circumstances and at o%hcr times, 1 would pause-in doing .that which I r.ow do without hesitation j aitdwith a perfect conviction tliat it is due to you'that it should be. done.. The exercise of the executive now .cr in tbo proclamation of tho\ 2d ,M:vyv 1*865, which tiv4 complained of. lias been rectified'} and tbo proclamation, recalled. Before' my letter was received containing the ^'explanation 1 of the circumstances which k?d to, to-the. groi> lauiation, these orders' hare been" issued j in. which, lcc*tise of ."trnstwortby information" of"t'clisloyftlty^ and ''sundry nhd. '.divers acts of. treason," tire functions q? tire. dbVerndi* 0P..the "State fu;e suspended' and his authority denied. T.o exercise, my fanctions in th^.fape of these ^rdcrsj^is t^HnvOke force to sustain op- positiou^to that which will be displayed pgpinst me. Such, a oontcsc conid have but one result: While to those jn the' State. w)io would give their support to" the'e penalties and suffering withoutn.he possiility" cxfcjpdvantage. ' ' Whatever, therefore, may ,bi, the feeling which belongs to me Us a man or a citizen in a fhse like this; where^convic.tip.K.precedes.thc^ hearing,.and sentence db'u cs before the trial; I feci that it becomes nie to bo' niifidfijl of the considerations wjiich involve your.peace and, affect your welfare. vl have said to you before, I <$\y to you-now, the war is over; hostilities have ceasedand it is your duty to forbear, opposition which is hopeless?contest whicjfi? . unavailing?and reconcile to yourselves rli?tt . submission, which thogoveijiment of the United States-'cag. impose^and you cannot resist. - : While the considerations which I have'now ' CTtpces^cd Jo-id \s\a to this ^forbearance i^ t?e exetciseiff the firatnotfsjjf the Executive. Dfe parLinenf of the State, T' myself, to you/ tO'tiiu State, the Legislature of which, accordin#'to the constitution of thi^ State, elected,mc the G'ojjfrnor c^the'Statp-, to make my. .protest agjijnst the power,, claimed 'Vajnd \e^er.cis<#l by Gen.- .Gillihorc. . .It, involves a*queytion~ which concerns .not alone the State, but-atl<tbe States of the Uni.^d States.* It aferots a prin-, ciple is not now necessary for"*me to j*1 - ; ? : ' * * . discuss. . .. - ,. , &| Whatever may ?e your condition of availing p rcsisjencc on,.your part will but make it worse. With J^n earnestness? or "the sincerity of Which' I need hot giye 3,oji i'assurancer I .urge npo? | you the resnmpti^of your ,ptj(weful.' pflrsqitflj add the .adaptation of your yQursqjflp to'tbose ; changes which may. be^ade. jp youiiftonditiOn. Do not be misled .by excitement^, give no heed toxpassion;? deal resolutely with tacts;' look thetruth calmly in the .face; spill no more blood ; accept with the dignity whicn ever'misfortnpe. can command, tj^.con^tion whicii you canpot; In thus snsperiding the active exeroi^fii^tlie duties of my office,' f dOj^with the tapat^anest wish TOat*your suffonngr may'.iwoa^ find mitigation.and relief; that ^y oa .{nay retrieve the waste and loss of property which yoii havekpdured in the progress of the" war; and th^t you may experienefc thoso blessings, intellectual serial and moral, which,: under tlje. favor of , God were, thp-great ends which *T desired to accomplish.. To bavgsucceeded in these would .. have secured to {he a reward,4 the richest arid only inheritance which I could havedefl&to my 1 children. ?, . With regard to myself, so far as I am affect- -J cd .by-the charges which arc made against rr.o, I am ready to answer to them Or-a'ny of them. ! At any time or place, wherror where toy presence may "be desired pr required for iuvestiga- 1 tiou, I shall be tfifere, dr notified. thereof, with the least possibly delay.. Whatever.^haves'aid, . I believed lto be ri^ht. And with /t|i?oon I? IP . ~. . ft * \ '.h y ' " i ' j? bj ' i. ' ' jf-L-il C.iVV. - , . ' ' * >,. aciousDG3s of the rectitude of my purpose, ahi / o/l?o.ii!tcgHty:pf;rijy co?duct|J siiill not avoid.* delay or brack* the aioaests^uti'iy.; dytloan be dcSfrea.. .. * " . -''"I;"';- '/* w i'~ To-jOu, among wlipm,I wW.^ojrn.; to .y$u, i with whom "ray. whqlc; life hao been."spwt ; ' you," whose confidence: 1 hive'enjoyed ; to yodj." wKosc testimony I feel I^could wejl"inv(ike fott;' ray condnctt I b?ve but to express, Jthc.'.paifl which thia'conditioDK)f tho State has cast moj and -to ,wisb- you all the happiness which a peo-( pie ar'evever pcrmitcd to enjoy. *'; ?? ~r : v " - - -. *L;'G. SiAGRATfl.r';- < V;^.24. . | Two Hundred -Bipllar^: ReS! ..ward ufe ?peciejg STOLEN FSLOiSi Mx SfAfcife&ON TS&NlfiffP-'. #of the5th insf. two (2) fine CAT if ARES, one a#.. I.iige ba^ raare, .will fold ih" the firs! df the fell,'?,years ... ofttf^eoiOr a deep bay,Sola CK'lDgg, train and ta'l,. very sipall fbIre topi^oa short to be kept or . placed :under \ .the brow baud; no whit? about her," unlessfeddle >< ?; a srnall?car 01^ tlie right hind leg .at the raeb .1 Ifejoint, outaiJp of'the leg, recehtfy' done by Etfngy a yery: hea^ madelahim^^jHlh great.. .iimscu&Sr power,- line action,. gentlejand kfud. i|ttliar^ ncra or under saddle J gates, walk trot, and && ''' , I>lso,^ono BAT ?IBLEY,-1 rare gfl,"* hands high, darkly color,'black legs, maji[f$pd tail;- i a"#very handsome iuiimal," l^utifupy lfoj^^.^fjUi *" rathcra helavy-main and-tail. rparia, except? email scar orifco near- tire '-.root: o f the tafi;-4h tbe'stypfbf&jjffitrppfy- causdd by 'a kick, .. Theso two animals are*'vqt^r|Mptt ' ctr,-aftd. when.separated,reandimeasy*'.' ? ' I wBlagythe aboyp reward in specie or'its eqnijoV lejijt-for Hfe recoverjgfeiny iijtreSr pr'-one vlpindred .; djjjjhirs f&fr either'of wgnr. 4Dy"infi)rmarion, fcs'to the*'_ tlue.Cwilf be duly .appreciated, and ajqmdilfrcnihtioa '.. "aaiptlic marcs cdh be'giTe.t to, '^inner^/Cittetpp, ESg^dc Dr; B. BfjloHnstoh,"' Oamde^^ C2gtoif,Ho)i; James A, Witbeijagren,- Lancaster .Taylor, Ootamfoafls. C., orreyseH' Pipwai^ft&3TOb/ ' -/' * . Hntr'oM?A ^ J.VA^'-ITa -fU, M At ' J." 1 . -? . Jfc.**' VIX f . - gSff* Columbia. i^otrttt-wilicopy four" tiroes, k6ncd a wcek, and sand bill'to this 'office. ->To' be -piiid: "in. BftecieL 'y.,v--v. . '"'r'j:,. Kail Hfad Mill.. ~ *; i~- SIEAM iritL ?0?KHNDiNI}.MKALAND A grita, is ,^now ia^wecesaful oporation at thfe-.. old'Ddjiot. Grirfding done fit aH-!hourf. of thp day.1'A v; shljfoof patronage is solicited;' *>i ?V..,V. r, 1" % Call atW'road(Bdfefon"e ^or aboVeitjie.old^pji o? ->v --i TpOR S ALE OJ3|tJ3 A#TEE? A! 0OOD ?/ HOBS 8 ; A Wa3oiL^iLh,',iron akefa' aid 'sptt' or HanaeeS.'-^ Appiy-to ms%:- V j , ': ?" & ?. v. Cook", 10 mUes^no^ , .ToLccb^B^pv;"nrvtf?TTY BOXES NO 1 TOBACCO" 1ST JBTORH '! ; JL.>'?^QP.8?6jfor ' '?? JJ 8' 4""'''slr." >.^, . ,/./ FOR SALE ,6Rf^tTSE^';'.| A LOTk OF PLOUGH IRON. ^PPIITAT'\ f.'' ?* f- *; V \ MATHELONj' (fc GQ. - >? a?24 i : \->r ;; I F# S#e ^ E^cl?wi^.r; ;. A YOUNG HORSE OF J\. TO JE&6EE ARTHUR, CrtjirieaXSA Cjl :>>?-? :>j cuti nirnct Dn iurt nb nb* rrm>^ '.vi'' . ALL PEES0?3V.dWJNk ?AXES?^ S^boatjTBice and this Boa^ undiar wf$jp3|jl of the Legislature aif.Deoember^^.who are reaidenUh / $ of Ky^ohNo^d^OamdenJiaro Veq^ted^to' d^yej* .! J& ;lie sama.ito Mrj^j^er .JDeiiosits&ry, forthwith.^ fo&V-yf rax payere-are Squired the law to hadl their taxes): ,'jj* vny distance' under twelyemiles.v ' 'if: Mam&cttfrers of Leather and Shoes must dlscf* dc? '. ' ivertneir taxes. * _ V:j JBy order oflho Board, :.h . \\ ' .ij &' ; JNOi if. .DeSAUSSUEJS,' . :)l: May IT?S . \ Chairman of Board; ? '& * ' ,'fc' i . . 0. . i