Journal and confederate. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1865-1865, May 08, 1865, Image 2

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t ? cvmmu.'.KI*K:.vjs?I - ran ,A ? ATI; VI- sown i:.12i?2-K.Vi. i 1 ||p;lii? ! ^' V, '4 i ";'p?^i ? .* / V-!* ' : ' >" tj\ %} I ih i'-'V ':<" "W-fa .? A- } <.- * .;> , '" ' i : ' - --' /f' f ii i-iADQi:a w*n-:r:sf > | (ini s'MiiiA. XIsiv 'i. lSe.">. J I To the People of the State cf South Carolina. rgMIE SURRENDER OFT;IK ARMY UN-1 DER the command r.f Geo. Lee in Vir- j giuin, lias decn followed hy the surrender of j the army under the command of Con. .Inlistun j in North Carolina. To these armies, South Carolina has contributed, with wry i i<;??nsi?I- I era bio exceptions, her entire male population. ! The tirave t.ivii in tlie. e armirs who have j survived the^Jioody war of the na>r. four years, ate now returning home, as prisoners of war, on their parole ; and tillable again to t ike up j their arms until the comm.on- have b-?ni performed nj^n which their captivity has been terminated. Tiii- Government of '.lie Confederate Slates, in the creation oi watcu Niuili <'.coiina united t witii her s:>ter tHales, ims suspended its civil ! and uiiiilarv niitnuiiiy. anil tin.- {;:?ii duty of I providing mea.-tiirs for :rut wcithro ul ii> ciii j Hons, I'? u stoi n l:ece-si, \, na-v b.*i*ii I upon tiie (.iovciiitnont or i:,o I n tiii>. unexpected tc: adaa! fu "! tii:: active ! TKovers ??f (.M'Yurtimunt, in pemv !u.I i;: \v:,r, 1 wiii :n .Swath l/.iroisii;: grunted : i tin; ciiuiumu \ (jovorutneat of cite Cotiledel'Mte^iai.-s, eirctoi* j stances have lvndvit d iu? condition of this Sia' one of peculiar ci:i!>a; ra-suiept. JJccplv suit- :i g iVoiii the coii.-efpteuces of tiro war, it) ui;iv. .espcct-, it) inuu ; is lias; st:ri\.-ring m ?re peeio. v, inn:;' tli?u in t!i misery which now a.f-els a ennr-idetaiue portion of its population; which threatens a iarj r. |.i>i;ii.nt ami niav involve the wlioie of it in tiie sit-le.*i:?i? winch Want., approaching starvation, lias produced and will produce. '1 lie i O'ge supoij.:* contributed to tt.c support of the armies of tiie Confederation liuu Ua n given at a lime when aliUii'.lsince enabled tiie population to bear its wiilidrawtd wit bout aggravated stiffenng. But ! the great des'iuuiiou ot means of subsistence j at th.e present time, and tiie difficulties of si curing it, in the tuiurc in* the next cop, had, even before the reverses which befell the armies of the (Jolliedeialio!!, satisfied ail that it would l>e impossible to part with the supplies which had been gathered for the armies, without destroying the supp <rt of the population, in many port oiis ot the S'ate. And attempts were made to iuforin the authorities of the Confederate Government, that not only the apprehension but the certainty of evil eonseijueutms would prevent the teiiioval of all such supplies. With the dissolution ot .the armies of the ?l. j-... .1 . . is voiijvuv??u.ivii, '<"1' i'vutsajiij" lor III l.'sc supplies has ceased; with the removal ox iliat necessity arises the stronger obligation upon liie authorities or the State, to preserve these supplies for the mitigation of the sulfering of the people of tiie State. To thai end, therefore, it is now declared thai all subsistence stores and property of the Confederate States within, the limits of the State, should be turned over to aod accounted for by the agents of the State appointed for that purpose* The subsistence and other stores to be used for the relief of the people of the State, and the other' property of whatever kind to be held for the eoinniou benefit of the State, and subject'to such distribution as may be hereafter determined upou * by the proper authorities of the- fS:ute. ' It will bo recognized as a duty in tho highest degree obligatory upon tho agents of the State who will receive targe supplies, to- provide out of I.ho utL Ireoly to the soldiers of this-1 and other Sillies passing through OEriiurttts-who; ij may need aid. Subject to this claim. alS sttdh, i supplies will be Jicld the the purpose of for- j wishing sttbslsteuee and supports to the thousands who in different parts of the Stale ure = * iinw ??t:siitute and in want, of fund, and whose suffering can only lie alleviated by this disposition of these supplies. By the Governor: A. ("!. MAiiltATI^ Ui'iiciai: W. S. Lt. Col. <fc A. 1>. C'. .May 6 STATE OF SOt'TH CAROLINA. t-d'A l;iiV 'I 5*. A Hp ?a; Circular* . iieatjquauters, i (v'ci-l MI'.ia, April 30, iSfii). j j the heltiesentatioxs whieil 'a " luucbcr.ii mailt; l<? i:iu of the jrer.prsl of distillation of liuuors by pecsou.i vviio liavo not ohlmituL that authority .which tint laws of the State require, arc so that there-can he no d*ou!>t or tin; great mischief which is now affecting the people < f the State. That the laws of the State shoe,-Id lie openly violated, is of it.-t-lf, a public wroti^, t!i:.m which none e ui 1-e great't an-1 Which must ho veiiw'Si'iL the purpose foe which X !i-M- l i'.vs jie violated .--lioni i be productive of the certain miserv ami unh.-ippinc-ss u? the people of the State, is an occasion which calls for the unit**! action of ail good e.itixens in maintaining the integrity of the laws, and piotcctii?o the lives fortunes of their follow men. g. i'or tin- inibimatioii of ail pei-.-on-, it is now pro.-iuiuieil that til.1 luvs which are of force in the Slate of (,'ai^lni, anil which alone by coi.-Jpii.nicc vritii their provisions render lawful tiie (!,s.illation of hipiors, am to he strictly. enforced. To these iaws att -n-'on is required; obedience-is due and must he givon. It is tin: duty of all persons lijivin ^ rea-onable ground lor tin: sn-picion that these laws .ire viuhiird, to give information thereof, that such violation may bo prevented and punished. % 4. Under whslcvcr oilier pretext, juslilioation orexeu-? may bo-sought for these praeti ces it is si.rlieicnt now to proclaim that the laws uf tin: Stat;: a Hon I the only sanction which can be had, and that ibesa laws-alone indicate the mode in which that sanction cuu he obtained. i 5. Sheriffs of the State, and all magistrates in tho different districts of the State, will, with all dxiie4 diligence, proceed to combine their efforts for the detection of those who are guilty of a \ iolalioa of these laws, and;- in all other respects, to secure that observance of tho en.actuients of the State, whid? is alone consistent wifli f.lia I'.xrioi.f. mi/? fii ihu mitlim-ifi? 'a ...... .? ..v..,.. .w .v.. .V. . ^ G. All persons cngigc.l in the distillation of liyuurs referred to in the Intra of the State, will be tmuiivd to present the evidence of the authority given to them to continue in such business. And in ;;!i cases when such authority i-s not exhibited, iiiforniittiou thereof will be communicated to the Prosecuting Officers of the State, who may be appointed for the enforcement ol" tho criminal laws of the land in that portion of the State, where such violation may be found. i. The Auditor-General of the State, James Xupporr Esq., will obtain fiom the proper officers the uaiues of such persons as have been only authorized to engage in the distillation of liquors,, ami publish tlie same for the general iuJ'onnation. By the Governor r A. G. MAG RATH. Official: W.S?Mullixs,.Lt.Col.<? A. 1>. C.. May 8. Kixkwood ? lour and Grist Mill. TELE iBrE SCULL. BSUSTG JIKISHJJD: IS. ttiwjjciiffiisreii KO'.piiuii Cou^. Aft li eat,. itice and. . BR. 1?-. dD'LR.URlN:. M;Toh Si ? , > Special Notices, "i "COUNCIL CIl AMBElh a April 27tii I86iu AT AGISTING OF COUNCIL THE FOLLOW j IXfi resolutions were odopted and ordered to be pub! lislied. Uesolved. Tlmt the time Tor removing obstructions | from thejjid-? walks and|buruod cotton, and a!! oflbni sivo matter from the lots, bo extended to the 5th of | May next. 1 i Unsolved. That the penalty for violating the t-nii-. j tmncii against liriitgguna withiu ilio bounds of tho | town, aino for hogs remaining at large will be rigidly j enforced. , W. E. tiUGLls'JN, i May 1 1 Clerk. Will Stand for tie-Season, A FIXE IMIESNCT ST.U.LION, AT UOBKIRK HIT.L, at one hundred dollars or its equivolent i" provisions. lie is out of a thoroitgiibr.d mare, by a I Morgan and ridesVind draws admirably. No j mare will be served until tlio money is paid, j Groom fee*. ?a.' ! April 7?12- JOHN- CAN'TKY, ttKcUL'AM.' ~~ IIeaoqcarssrs Post op Camden. ila cii 15, 18t)5. IX BEHALF OF THE CITIZENS OF CAMDEN [ mid vicinity, any and all persons having provisions j in tiieir possession ore earnestly requested to send j their surplus to this point or sate or distribution to the needy. It is known to nil that tlie enemy in his course let very en* horses or mules, and in many plows ail the provisions were tnk-ii; so that those who may have a surplus to dispose J liavo no means o gelling it :o market. There are a large sumbern persons living in tne town able to purchase supplies, but they* are not to j be had at any price, and unless help comes rotn abroad great sntVcring must ins'ie. I Unt^niiu Km rli-livor nravisinns o anv kind on the Rniir.nd and they will be brought up and delivered to V!r. .Tames Dunlap, liitoniant o tiio town, who will soil or distribute as the owner mav direct. It is requested also that persons near the Railroad Will seud up wood by tho trains, as it is impossible or many to bo supplied by the etv wagons around. All articles sent up to Mr. Dtinbp will be promptly attended i?. atvnbovc mentioned. Citizens ladow Oanidon: tlie acts are before you aud your sulfericg brcthereii appeal to you or assist ;ri!ce.. Are you unwilling to respond, cdme and sco or yourselves, and your heart sunust be mored. r alex'dr. colclougn, March 17 Captain commanding Post. BARTER office Post commanding, May .7, 1865. PARTIES HAYIXG'CORX MEAL OR BACON to exchange for sugar, cau do so by calling at tha of. flee of the undersigued, next door below Mr. Ilenno dy's store, on Main street. SAM'LJ. BAY, May r> tf mmissary. Hail Road MilL I i STK \M MILL FOR GRINDING MEAL AND J\ grits, is now in successful operation at the old Depot. Grinding done at all hours of the day. A share of patronage is solicited. ? J. JONES, Agent. May 5 tf " NOTICE. pUB UNDERSIGNED IS NOW PREPARED TO i do all kind of repairing on' Watches,1 Ac., A.? Ciill at my residenco, one door above the old pest office. C. BOFJCNSCUEN. May 5 tf UlT _ A* ? ^ iNOiiue. My thoroughbred horse ucliye". by Eutaw Shark, dam Julia by Monarch will stand.atCol. Shannon's plantation 4 miles east of Canxleh. from Momlay to Wednesday,, each, week, during the spring season Terms One Hundred Dollars payable in advance-. May 1?1 JaS. H. McLEOD. FoticeHats will be pressed- a yd all millinery Work done-on application to MRS. L.. KAAtMERSLOUGET',, opposite the Market, at the burnt buildings, ! April t . 1 1 v \ n [i School Notice- H HENRY M. BliUNSLLD., LATH PRIIC r jRt'?CIPAL of the High School of ChnrleRtonrespectfully announces to tie citizens o I JCamden tlint lie will (D. Y.) open a Clas. <*?&' __ steal, Mathematical, Jingli-h and French . *" Sc ool in this pl? co between the 1st ami 16th inst-.? . cr 50*soorj as lie can obtain transportation front. Co.lumbia, wha-o lie w^is a sijfferer. in the oonimon oalumily. . j. His long experience ana success as a teacher Mm.' povetnor of youth, hejrustswill secure for him tbo coulidence of those who may be disposed to plaee thel sons under his care. ' He pledges nothing but aa earnest nnd honest discharge of his duty. , . . For terms; uni il. liis arrival,, apply at Mr; McDotf* alu's residence or to the Rev. jl T? "Wiqetiu>". < April 5 tf , <~i -i. - -.1 TVT^i^ DUIIUUjL isumuc. The subscriber's school was opened* on the inst., nnd is now continued at .thoSchool room of ilie Camden Association, where appli*cation for admi&s'on can be made. The. proaeut eion will continue to the litt August, and the next, ffons 1st September to 15th December. ' 1IENRT M. BRUNS. Jlny 1* S Notice. SECOND S. C., HOSPITAL, Flo?KKCE, S. C., March 28, 1866. J PRIVATE J. HAMEEfrON PRUETT, CO M, 8th. ? S. C., VI u ecrs, and T. P. Galloway, Co , Hi 21st S. C. Volunteers; who were employed asnhrtes in the Hospital, left suddenly on the night of the 2#th, February last without permission aqcTare still' absent without authority and against ray wish, aod do 6ti.* thomenny in authority to arrest them wherever they may be- found. Ldo therefore publish, tliem as deserVera. ' . . T. A. DARGANw April 3i Surgeon in chaigh. NOTICE. : " M Y pAUGFlTER^ARAHCITESNUT, IB HERBBY authorized to give receipts i? payment of anv moncv received ou my account. ' JAMES CHBSNUT. April 5 2 Barter, WANTED TO PURCHASE, A SINGLE fiUGGf* nncriH?rness, for wbteliprovisions will be paid. Apply at th ^ office. April 3 if Notice. y earnestly rfqufst all those indbbt. J. ED to me by open account to .settle the same< promptly, 1 have been a heavy loses by the raid, and, : it is roost important to prevent serious embarra##;. ment, that I should have my affairs settled up. * March 31 3 ROB'S -10. KENnS&Y. Notice. QTRAYED OR STOIJEON, FROM the PREMI& ' O ES of the subscriber, in the lower part of Camden*, on the afternoon of the 26th inst: Two sorrel mare#, and one medium sized biack mare mule. One of lh?> mares was quite small, and had marksofage, being a li ule gray about the eyes. The other mare wa? vetfp young, and of good size, having a white streak in theforehead. , Aoy information by which they may be recovered will bo liberally rewarded. April 28 A.. TT. BURNETV WANTEDBY MRS. BOB'T. B. CHAPMAN, A TVBLL commended nurse, for a child 18 m'ontha olA Apply at Mrs. Cotracra, Hpbkirk Hill, Kirkwoed,. April 24' NOTICE TO THE LADIES. SUMMER DRESSES FOR SALE t A JEW SUMMER DRESSES MAY BE. HAD,BY" ri. APPLYING SOON TO ) J. SOMAPERS;. uoxt door to Dr. Zeanp'a atora;. April 5. ff ; W- - Carriasre Wanted. 1 i TT7*ANTED TO PUEGIJASE: OR EXDJMSBSK I VY for provieions, a;four seat one hors# 'oarrilijCgo. Apply to- B. P.. GORBH33L ' : April: 5j . " Lasi* tumi' ofK Mumsr street' OR: wm&asDasr i ararariii^. rndtnrffifiblbCitEaaH-TcHL. J& 10te*il wandl TuiUl be- rprirti fhir 3".mp < iflfefti at HDb.\ Ajnffl T, *