Lighthouse and informer. (Charleston, S.C.) 1941-1954, May 18, 1947, Image 1

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... - ' ^ * 0 . * : New Measure it* ? Hearings Start June 11 On Ives ???? 7~7*'r' - :, Senate Bill you mk iii.'M mhkh t* "wAaHtwrfoN t> c " \M'\ "V i -t, ... . . . - g2 BatnKoUiln Qeontc II Hftxlw *' * -' ''f ? H*puU>r?t) of OfUa__uitrrxiUffcfc'in a^ Ok* Houw bu( ?f?lt b>H u>' p?t>-^ lubvt # r*<* . or reTlfji --us?ttisrrimi- ] - g B J DAUoq, m employment in ir-'-unwUsa Mmuuy u**t ?.? > ^ hnrlnci vvutd Juft? ll'< ? rfE'vt li'SSl' |1 . (IM.. Senator I'nrrwl .< I of Mu?oun. fhaimmi of the 5f . u- M M M ^ ?tr Lftbor-oixTPubl* W?U^? tonunitiir wntch U \V? I Kif ^ mfimr* aatd it w^? i?nif'.i ^ *t "sB-M tka nkiM ?? ?* _. yj;un?ll> .aUi-UC ?: i??? r"= =1 = :?conrtudwi m six days " -mj. . At j i 'It is the heaUte or tj>r t- Itir.itAUTlfifl ?" h?r Knlh .iHi. w?l*t.n. r.. 1 'WUJWI W __ . Dill.' 8?n?Ur Donnell ?*ai. Anjr* ? g ? one drMrmt |o ?u?^t thr nwnr A1 Himin2llVlfl of ?ny ptrw-it to *pp?f bfinrp the III I IIII III |Q III 111.* should :MnatlMtOftl# ^ ; ?ith Mr fliltiv R Rofrts i-lrfli ft || on the C*m?mute? or tnd rIamvA UAlOrC V 1 ?ruuu,' ? ncyiu ? uici j?? *n?:i:r kvtihf action 3 ? The Rt*' Allan KtUght ft..?;??? ? ttui a Philip Randolph. r?>-ci??ir- Author Says He'll H..|| ?T [ .mi! 1 ;ot J ' ctlre CommlntHiii |r?rtnl fc-rn*tor ; SlllTc To O Dunn* lift BtUMXlltGMMnt fltlt an . w, Lu rxpr?uwi d..U)tlr "dfte^ uiiilurt- TcllThe I ruttl km **. ... : ;. * Members of 'he CoUh TAUlAHARlM r,'. ?STfN> ell for it f**rtn?:'em ?"BI1 and re- ~ ... ? . ~ . h> ft yn'.r of ."*0-4 he florid* Sen -- " of %ffMatrd and co- ^ Thur*da.v .rclcclcd a propoftrd t operant* rehtfcHU, labor. dv,c. hll; that wouln | ?natfla**. *?d minority nnram?ath>n.* ** -fvfmvrnt .-?prmwrrc - 4 - 1*30* .??!?.?.. dUcmnl_ aiactlon ff?m -stoat* ^n'ioT~and^tt-^ nation in nnpViymnu ha* ?? . turn U lo iMriy iupcrvlaion " rraaaad giocc tha war and J*- .] _ ' c ^ Hirer rna/J-n^^L- . "-"V F ' M"l:r"v '/'. i >tUL|l U>f set) carheat Jacksonville. author ol the bill, pro V.y IMmMT S^.;*qw??k *sJ. wMkmt' tefcevC'V fhr vr*r>y rmottv rw* ?r i i| ^Hkina nr Amiinrka ciliTjn'v* I h!? (m and wjnuunrtfl dfaina'-- | arc auffMlim dally. dl*>h call* thftt he t mm p IM!'Stale f In aBiploJinrnl be auv .of ra<c, re- a* a candidate for c i\r?iorahd~'teh \ . ||||?V color national ortain or an- the paop> .the truth ' j, tealry The total'u more tharl 30j TI1KU1 l.NS KAt'K ;* million L.:"You.. by -tin*- .action, have pro- i l 1 ? ; ilm pi! ii ao 1 ii i'r for ; t ern if. I ,i -pUfi bnlnallon tn aroftjlayrttetM t intend to take thu en avarW be-toad 1 1 Imwr 111 nil HUP (~TJ- .: I,? if; Hi riC^'TTTT :c,k| ^ . iv.r.lty RroupvPui all ??(;r and fhr tn|th - declared thr vrnator i ary earner* and buMneva and lu- [ ' I dratry a*?**11 oy tendlnc t<> da- It U Qrl.r.rtl tlr.?t the fjenatnr In ; pre** ?4?? and' wnrkinfc condition*' rncnUohlnfc the ' 'rillh nrtrrrrd to i ( ?aWl Ute wi jltl* proUo 1^ idrt:c*x wul^briiite j r arc twhini :i ?o havr 'Florida^ K ontlnuH ?n Bark P??ri' N'p^ro**. v ? l>eniocr?;.l ... " " V.\. ' I Prosecution Of 311 *'Lynchers ORKENVn.r.h H C . < SSS Th. bv. JiidK> ? M;?rtui .11 ?h? ^ ? ----- arlual pr???<cuunn ol. 31 (JitcnviU* dcclaftd to . Hie. clrfrii." m hit*,mrn /or the lynching.of Wu- 1 hrrr '* hp ;.r> (pi?- " H# brU hoo?ti ? ?-" . lf , , >< tux; inriiiwil . MXIUV > (II'H'n While' 'Hf r The morning court hour* had brer jury t* in tin* courtroom*" , u crauumnl with the choice'of three , The ,'urv w-?a returfted# to t J.r more veniremen 'to >oin the nine .room ?rv1 thl t/M prrareeded , t choaen Monday. ' ? - . n .. CompnMjig <jtie Tynnh- Jur; urr '* The state * * r>l pr?iwt uti<m wit- nine textile workers. ot?e farmer. * ^ ??nrssmns [)r J i Otivrtw. furniture *4r in.?.v .imi ? l*?Kii\ [ net k ph> urian, who de< >-*red that -alctnai. I ir> : .ren. .:? Hunt ^ a *h<>tgun blast killed 24-year-?EH Anderson . "; j, The doctor declare<t fri* t^- j nxt t wyqi Wtef that the ftVe iUib woundi chtru.K re e-howe o| the venire- It sustained by Eartc had ki.led him men It *'** revealed that seven jol a _ 1 rr- --examination l?'.n,<s , fhr .. . ,^rri ;..iLu ?r-Ottort?ey iomnaJr-ft-^Wanord. eaw jMry_ "efuiy had contributed to Th? i an in$llcaUtin nf-ttr^kind tA nefervwv of the 31 defendant* * feliar 'ActJc which would be em- n4#y Wfcfei_'o<< usod ffr>m Jury -duty U p toyed J*'1*11 he. attempted tr The proiecution. led hV*?fio)lcffar? It question _Wonvcr*e regarding the ' t'i a.k^^v ^ ?? j i. ? i~y Mil * itl )ti OB f II PC ' ' I ?**"? 01 T W. Bmwn >httr Orren Wafl fbs?iKn?l to the <*se by thV ? ;?vtU? UW drttcr?whom?Karlr?had miorrny?ImumI??3! allegedly, atabbrd and nibbed tempt ^ ^v, vnc ;ti Wmtc * .r m stopptd k r* Thereupon. ,U>? Jtf?air? RA *t<ippftJ <rnnl*iJBed ?n lUrk V*ir i '? I GANDHI'S SOW BUSTS ??| 1 BAR A6MNST NON-WHITES ib D A H CHAU t.CM rr,.:H *'* ? . < fcwierlca'... * I ' NEW IJBIJtl India ? ?ANP i PACE HI(iN IM)AR|)H "The ctfot bar. ahWb \*krs the ; The Hindudan "hrpce. which la *' form of a ban on Aatan* and Alrl- lertfted by Deyada* Ohanrtl con of.!" tan* fnt?niv| pubUc pUfwi and Uiin* IIaIbKIPI Qhapdl. mnttntin "Mot ( _ ' public tmfHy ?arrteevA la paUma-ionf aco even in I ? " Whenever aftd Wherever pn?**>le. In the rfranlrtinm condition* hfcvr Iff In I|lln| method* M re- ;been OO tarter With all their on* " purlin iiU uppfwirjn faaaM -yimaUht ,or ihr o' '* ' Asta. Auv!h?:*1U are *t!li huealnr And no*here, U the attuation * their 'WfjXCf Aartrattm* potter fVv.itn * ar^ndalou* *a in the ar*a? intruded \frkn'? (fUrrl minatory attitude to- * > W?Uom ot whtrh tha *rh?? Uiand- - tem?? tonal ?^ue foe Indiana *rnn~? ' M *e? of IMtaln are aopcoud ob?-eT\ - ?here u )?rg? numtttm mtid I ?d the Hindu*tan Tttnra. In'l^ . wefl-tKwmnLMd. ha\e baetv v'.ntg?5'i.g M I nra?t influential dally, in a JMttvr and potttlral dteaota tj adttoetal cwnptalnlna a**in?t the ..u^g ^ K fa?? i- "But thoae arhn-tt??o U> -Ht\taut > " . M throughout the ?*rM.. ? 'i* | In the continent )t .Africa ahd In ' <f ?ntln*ed on hae* *i " ' . * ' ' * .oV.-" x ' : . : *? v.' -- V - ' ' - : - ~ ^ - I Bk 1 4 BB BB i MB BH ^kJf M lew Bill To-i \C ?-??? ?-(/ A ~NI- -D -- > '.. . OI1,1 Mill A. S, i.. -SI s "White Prim ++ " ; rp A MfllC HI Dining Car 1MI Jim Crow II 1 I , , Cb <r> M?t?i Dill"" I ? IVUIti t J?M Replaced Order - k|44l W\SJMS?.'I" >N. t> (N NVXf W i?4ju;^uaux\ uf. thr ^R^'t H lit Hv "' U?'>???> . (Ilif il?i. Sr hi)i?t ti rw/tnin for tfrr ?*x f . i, W,' " t tUSTW* -"VpT'^'nf rn>ttrr?4 f -'. .7^ .? . ?if.iL.?a>i..afltafcr.'.LU> ju"j ?<'" 4 IlQ 1' _ 1 Ih.m Ttu r??gulHUun^ ^ .n W. lUtttlrrftoti, r?Hintly ftp 1 H <>tnlW LXPOitlVr " wm 'mm of lh? KlioiiHl ' unril f<<r a TVnimiirut ; 'mi KlHi^iyltient I'rrtrtirr <Y?m- j *H tw\ MI?H V ,>< l>w I "!?" '.t :it I An-AWt/yrftT? OtTimiiUiiWh ?x?-rpti<?o- to IIMI Wb; -When the rlgiOcrhth annualmce? MtMrtl r?'jMnt of Walter. !) . Mr* ingtiiR of the Natu-Ti!*!. Pari-Hellenic 'loud, wii UX: fxannnci, who [Couix 11 coftvrnrd Here Friday Attd '"Viii<! The n?*w - ropul.itmn 1 ,h.uu:i1h/;?chief official*?nf Negro with the. principle* an- fColie?e fraternttle*. ai>*rmL?cd for the it'diiUnuol ?,?; *.< * Page'l Ir.h.y ..Whh b;?"d for an official picture Left to .* ' right are: Mrx Lullrta Hurrixoh'/OfJ me IZrta IUu Beta SortHty, AUy B*lj'il Hj Mii|)S Olalt ford VSLawnon. prtetdcoi of Alpha Program For Youth rni NAAPp (iUUMii- artlvlUni f"i ;>c?re. ecuiumtc .vofunty' arid . voting prtvt-]' ' ?< ?. ! t;h.iiph'r-d lead/ ~ fc ja B * r<p.m nVeti.:c of s.-,U'.hr OrntWU ig IIaI- " I | Mf pi.mtx-rv the Southern Negro B M-B^BBBm routh Congiexa.'held "at Allah Utn- . f ww crs;ty. Saturoay* : , '' IxjuiA, I. Bumbarn <>: Hirnuni.h?ni nw> K}i, Au ufflcUh xecuMv . Mrereuo tit Ihe vniihwuhv- NxA***^ A.sMKUt.uii for the rjfani?a,Uoa_ OVtlltiBT purpose*, o.f a.i^V**.**. .. . ??- - - he . niffUnK in opening remark*, -?rrr? cndeit%urlim tov determine- the fcuhnt on youth to combat ?ky-hlgh {) ;?hl o( <?n County rire*. Hupport the-labor movement M>pll Tueaday jn the SAACP s a means of -preventing another described w a "panutt ttte '-' eprwuuqn. to win the right to vote rthe rn*n; Identified <r% Billy nd iftfteise supper of the t/ittted j Y\)iing tnd L B CAnnoti, had been iatiora Mi Bumh?w ?Pp?^^ either-arrested ?i forced ft am then tewident Tnirngn vrecpfnmend*tl?in .\n Columbia end twicen into f-mtuiary ald. In Ltrcccr and - Iur-v y "ttngtorr Cr?"tr'v w(n?-r?> 'im-v' uci> c.>, declaring if follow in Prapc# ettber- ^leTariZl-r* to t?d the .Bklkaiti. * it can only lead >re,?ril the *fc*,tUli ... of W A i ^AX-?!?i . *.. y 1^-Hfflr *y^|i?ic Mifry .Mrs A Vi RifrikSiis of ( r.umbii ^afl worked Up to ab-n.t' one motrtii dYlsory board mendier of the or- aKO when !h?V'<*in? Hen- because aniMtion, dlacuaafd specifu. ?u..v-, 0, 4 }l|i; ui muTk^.Uie and, |er projecu (tilfing obtained employe**' a- alunula' njtffl rymng that yc/utlu Mie to it fit their trac herv-rhftttatera snd^ thtr iradet ttyater to tote M Hlnn-n -stale NAACP AMI. PRAfrl I Kfl.MiATR " pr?- iufirrf! -n,, nr.r:. Been .nlVUM The a?Mifere.pce elected Able Wil- by the Department Of JuMire at >n preatden'. o# the -Mv'YC chapter Washington thai the <?** would be I A'..en. thJ? tt*Ws defer at* tirthf ; ..Tntr^d tntoaddlng taker thaj. X. A farht youth P*?tival !t? Prtfw, A C~ P~Coun?el hrrr -had reported reahAlCTvaitia. July 20-Augu*t 17 'th.i i?..i eni ? _ _ .arum ?i-ir IHM-1W drive to -ssaut Negro veterans in Mr Ktlttan mid the arrest or *dOplyUig.fOt temrtr.*! Jeavr pay be- j (tuctlOU of the dbe' h?d islten piere rre the NepaliXt T deadline during U*i wedti ir.a; -?w*hrrfMr* Bignkiha reported that HS^ atjout* were a mystery f which it ililkwi <Jo?lara ?u available to Hoped to clear within a day or vami Negro veteran* If they but ao. ppttert fnr ft under terminal leave Both V-otihc Jltnd tiatrivo? -ktrnmii?d umssed furlough provision* of ed to owhie Nichols a balance on re War JJeparUrieni money borrowed when '^ainu* fmPVvha for a state RNYC meeting ployment here and' hmr m*'rvie?*d rtnhrr HT-W - were ely* drawu -oo.-4heic employer -In c.n'iimr weekly trQrctay Nichols had been and emi (mhii -^awir.n jhtffr-rtif njntiry A planning board .1m behalf of 1 Each *md they had. left <N? *?*ale )ro)ku wa? mgaijfcrd. Mr* jimlll k>b because lately ikUrt M tJfflw; of Mmuk* (>nn*t uae | iwt more than a *???? twod# ***amed pre?wient ot the b^ajd *fi** 1 weegjy and pay from ttyla le:*' atir* Oraham of Irmo and lleorge with practically nothing af??y tile . Ho. man. Jr. of Monck* Corner employer deducted tn? Ave dollar ?re ftUo roade ahr.rctary uitf uru- instalment " ' * ". nef. ft^pfrtivtly ' ;?T?6iwm ago the 'ii> ^.Otber member* Inc&idt; MUa ported that Nichols hau.antD -Out Hiel Wtgbj. Devin Oaruly. (>?* ** iimf far th> i?m?< of bath aefi til Franklin. UIm Bernke Primal \one of whom, tn the outodF of % ev J J Ahum. MUa Dorothy Lexington county deputy wm given /yward_Leruy Aiken Miw lnet jthe alternate* going to .Jail g r Ada ma Sn Naomi M Jackaon returning to the M^wmiil )otr Mr ?d H wrighten. )gbo? the latter but after oorday* -/ . ' t , ?' - ' ' / ' 1 ProkMfit^Mmpl '? i ? . f ==mmt -?:~ ~i' ?:--~ ^ pffcu I N FORMER I M'AV, MAX IS. I''l? lary" Bill Defea' ? * * - . t ; -:- ; - ?- - ' ' ---'.' : " , '~. ~ j-j - jl -rnjt: y [ inn] ^fw j^r^h (! liMB j i 9^.' _ ^ *^JBI|j!v "* "'TTv*' - Phi A'ph.i Prater n||y who deIt\rr-.. Ai The MNudoti Saturday, ! ..(1 n;? -).nt).||utl IHIIIIIV III Hn Ullaam Hi II r'm U-.ui ??1 r)f>< *>. Mr* Mw Wmht Downs of i pa Alpha >M . wa? reelected rhalr- J I Dr!' ? H t ifTTTi TheU f*?ron?y. ; man of tl>e Pun - Hellenic Council.!^ I Of.i m Parker, of' Phi Bet* white Mr* Maude Mruwii_JiL Jjuuial-VhiMnlty; Mm Edna. O Or*y ??f I ville. Alpha Kappa Alpha. ?? ham- j , ? Alpha Kappa Alpha Boron ty: Au- <*d v+** <li*nuuii Hi H p. John- } |dU>iHa Packer of Kappa. Alpha Pil unn,?of Atl*rila?PW?Beta?Btyrna.1 - fraternity Mr* Kthel Rivi Hmlth ' secretary and Mr* Vlvtnn lUya i of 8l?ma Oatntna flltd Hoi*ally and Orand Treasurer. Zeta Phi" Beta J Qol "Caippboil johoiMWi. of Omrita MNH 8t?ll> Plint<i by W A ScMI^IH f| r(P*t Phi Fraternity , -:?'v / / :.. , Seeks Whereabouts Of i ? - - rrry ? L led By Sawmill OwnerTrial Of Earle Lynchers ' Underway At Greenville s\ ' -\-V ' ' 11 * sun < orrM'Hmilrnly. The l uort presided o\rt by Jud#e ,4 < yftEKNVILl-K H-C The- M tal - J- Robert Martfn. Jr.. tamed ?T i i,1 31 white men. HO of them Inral \electirm a jury froty <i 20-htwtf J? ?nctn- driven, tha?n?'d w ith .i^r Mi ^ !?*?"> A'?fft rvi tunc.?alrjuL 1 3Q It 17 kidnap lynr*r?*?i of 23-year-old |p nrr^rmlY tiro had fe*ett aeaied. t # Willie E>t\c, sot .underarm?' m the and Uk afternoon, beginning al , r ^ r t" but oyrrrrrrwdW 2 Sf? netted seve?-r5>tb^e )ur?>t <r but<>reen\tile County- oourtltmw# here the entire panel had been rXhauat' j, nh-?ftiy"~*fteT ten o'clock Monday rd and Judge Martin ordered in n* i iiioniAu. ' 7;" .""77 trm M>m*H panel-, from which .the^j | r w~ -Wrfc ,.f *T X remaining three JUt'lT* ?< ! f ^ to bff CTK-vtriilvrry j&ACd through four ?f??cnu iwwiiy r imUcUvAt rouiiti In which all Of KI.ANSMA.N Kf.JEtTIJJ the, defendant* were charged with I ei?riU>m<?ni r<w?*ri the co rn I ' murder and pOncrrirac y to wotroti-thMM Jhtn ft?lltltof j">w W. W?U ! murder or. two count*, and Ito'ise.- of Spartanburg. Tevfi 'nTTTa'" vaU Car lt? Hurd. ?f . ptgwudy ton.ry Ornerai Joh, M DgttMb-M rni t '.fird at urgatw/.cpan3~Tf^fr?-7~~gfea?er?4f?*y~ renin a prni-ncfcUrkA . the mob ami '.rtn^ m*n. drawing -Juror. W C Vanre Jr . adrnUaiou twn extra Aw<(?r count* wHile the flhat he had been 001 vwved in Spar-': .thirty other dwfendanU are chalked ttattburf County a few year* t?o of I (i+thMQf iec?uoriea before ifnd belonging' U> a "*ecr*t'pfOM.' ?** [ "aftef th* fact Of murder ?nM member* from which had been ' ri.HO "XOT unf.Tr (Jailed for , unlawful OMernbly and -=?At 12 SO the lei.nral ?ll*^tder7y- * 4 cotiri." conducting the irifd. "* heard'J*TilFATHlRKR* RAKKMi nun )H-r<rT ovrrni.M ?iu?*r iniaruu. wm oortouf'ien nmduona tA reduce th?- count*. The 'ctrop'iot) of proapr*?tve I juror#, ^ "couH then turne>Tnv unmnf r,fra#,l*ld^mfvh*v? on finding wb<uhmot h Ill* defr-Hi^U atdr<J. by rout".^ ? ,h* h^ mnU1buW*l. of ^ , pVadthfc "not ni]]ty" and elw'tm 'hrr" aafcnn Jf> fOfluflniM ?3_:_ i IP ??r tried "bv CVrfi and' my rotin- f*hae fund 4 cmimiMw of whites . ry . ihad been r.aUiha ?tn<c the arreat of rr- ?-? . Una. defendant* frr aaktn& th* u?u*l ? ? aue?Umi of f*l*tlonj?htp to the dc- n .work returned to report the matter jfcnd^JU. Jud?e . Mkrtln added an o the tfolufhhtt employer. JUehola. ,,H(Uiry mux relationship to E "L c fthr Coiun*>t* roan said. hha reject- craigr>. l,uke toneater and J U 4 |Hi an Uffai uf the flolurdbiabuai <HamUum r>ur( a "ache* tdrfrittflad * neaa pay the lndebtedneaa pi th' u?d?r? of the defense fund movei 1 awn. . ?, < NAACP l**jrr% advised* the mm The court room ?n the "main floor o to continue on their .Columbia job waa Jammfji with white spectators I and It la praaumed that It waa from and court attaches while the gallery ; * ttda place the two ware spirited .Wl* cap* J J y_ Jacked wth Neyroea a away during laa: week. Abol^t'fjOOO peraon*. urTSWTJPw h - . g . : v . " . ?? .. ? P^f"'" ~-i% rAcr..THtus* , 1 1 h:E- r^rwti m itte+% NAGE 8e^ . k wuikl MUftltiy l, HwH f T T r n#W*pepW^ r :?i'hJT^ KST '.... J/f v (VjA ^Uif .lW n?r*^ A #* Mfek "ku? ut of tu profr* > t oyment -j .? ? -?i? tnV r -J& Principal Takes IJPm Post July I Hampton Feoli ^ [ Keenly Lots Of E |,|(H 1 Administrator r~ 1 [ i?amwx)n iNH-rrnn*, va ? L '?N8> J?mw A. OoUton. Ditto* f j tor of Public Relation* lor Himp | I . . ton inMitil'te nine* July. 1?4?. arte ? .tnrmec president of* Bethuna- -J '. I Cook man college, haft MecpUxi * * ^ I the pntldrncy of Oeorgla State , ?. ^ ! Coll***, ; ?Sv8?y?imah. altera he ?a.^untr^ dniim inn aummtr, _i I ?I^La NtunfftfT! "* n?p*??it4 'T. ? H HSTtv rhaiicrltoi tlw Unlveralty I V | ftytUm ot Owrfta, annouuoS Hr> -~H ... elmmn by the State Hi H llnard ReweuU :T Kir l*nhtmi*ir agttainliv-"* r-j ' - - . 1 V lanlrlV Mi i reablt ^ hlk WW* Bft VnrnnH I fin ?-?K?v*4pal of Rallard School tn Ma- i /CvUIIU I I IU 00,1 flroiRl*. wi<rk with the Iflgh ? ^ ? r rMh.M-.i pnnnptto?nf?the ?Ute. w ? f rn I . teachtnr^*'*l>rrlenrr at Atlanta I f\ ( n3|r r 3f 3| tr?tvr??lt\ aucceaatul ndniiniatra- ' |U VIIQII I CHOI '""i "r Utthune.Cnokman; and rk|N?rlrnce in public relatlona at f f . Hampton Iiutllute '} I A hr^nfK Prwlrtrnt itaiph P Brldgmen. ifnnttnawt ?h Pack Pagti ? m y . ^ 18-Year-Old Youth [ _Tricd Vainly To Appeal Decisions tfT MAItTIKV!t.UK. 1-4 ?HNH1 1 I -year-ohl Willie whoj a year-tons | tie In *tAla . hair Prld.lV Bffiltingty he art tied nmwW tttl? (4w> chair -at 13 a J p. m___ ? 3BT. the awltrh a a* thrown at a -ter-aiwt he wa?4-pt-,|"'Hti '-d <t<^l? ? " J l? 12; HJ. Ihtu-he inadr hi* aecoiwl I Sm^iI Ift h*4 W?U^*lgPC3W?WM^ H7' V walked urityUh . J f~ to*. after a looac connection had , > .1 aU*ed thr deadly to * TfWd fi oin lii> 'hn<trand |nl? th? t pound Following tliU mitoW in).' ??-i>o? ? I tup waatoin rtm. J/HHEB \ roUTON H? > <?>i?ii three ilmw Ur th> tnnl>- . , . . r ^ .. ^.: ': j Imr*' "."thr ' UuWnnT1 hupiiS BoVs Club Od^iicd ourt and twtc? t? the U H, ?u- JT " . . irrmr; Court *>h m\r occaalon the I).,-01 .u .. ., D I* a. - t 1 H Huprrmr court ruled agalfiat DY dlfi[lllH l\HO' * by a nv-to-fowr 4yt?. Pram u wa* ronvtcteg of murder- U/nmii? > ng Andrew Thoma*. h white drug- ?? Ulllull flat of Ht MartlnaVfllf. during 1 ? xjldup which netted him * watch . Columbia* firat Hoy * Club, availviid |4oo ! ahIr to youth* between the ? ? #! Claude m.mM. who wU police 1* ?'?d U wtl to opened under eponihlef at'the time of the Maying and 1 *"*?? 0T ??*"?? T ' wot her h. the *iam rruui. wa* *?r?.Z 'Ji flVnAnn! *? M???* ; " MBonii thr wane**- at the egrcu- , ?? n *>"..maintain hour* be- v I tween 4 and- T pVgfo'i ' -^-r,? :??;?rmmnM i- ,ti.n niprrvmmii of the? . - ; OuUlde the {ell milled aft 'jrd.-rly dl,-g ?,.Uvtt1eA will to provided bf 3 t(' Al1 "1 '-yme?f?Q<i about WO?of 'iiiehfoi ,. ,,{ a,^ ity on a vol-? rltom wrr NeKrr>er. who waited in ! ,r,,.hiv fl>t of .h?ir W?1 xpectatlon r<?r new* oT Willie * < campaign again*!JUvenha delln t? uueiicy- instruction in tond muaie, 74 1 .": ?- .} tailor int. athletic# and handicraft* j-?-J |77T " t will to given the buyt ? llinnn . 3lmr riir. for rtdrng lu Jhe p-irk will b? lUUUt LflUtlN j provided the boya freeof coat, ** Mi> Annie ttelle Woaton U beat--. .. a. . Irus t* Columbia chapter ( Negro Cops Bus IncidentNets . KAVANNAII. Oa (fNflli fvcHt he nr^ly-.p^MiUrd Nrgro om.^ /\ [TCStS Alld BORCIS i fiprfi rrd In PlnilM Court Xvtxt in ^ TlTiud'ur\ mmiiIinrMm Mr& rt*r,jld t)?vU' ^etmry to . ' atWTJTT Judi^+.mmanuell*\? t* . prejkl<jfn( H ft HiR?ln* at Allen fhr arreted peraon a M-yeaf- unherklty. AAert Walker, a'vetemn 4d who lor din ' J ?rdrrly rhmnm ' identified white man wt|e arretted I After Uw raw; *?* diaper kaed with ' Matn ? I udtre l>rw)s ?ortirnrr>dedhlghly U?' 1,1 J! i *? Manner In whteh the two oOrers i-t hwrgea ^ dlarrrderly conddO^t . rrwented their ?? ? ?>'** heridouartera rhe ?4K 'of an Incident pn >n idtewood tout i i' II '' *? ' i I :? I Mrs I>*viv well known and hlflfoI|??_A *** U/s..c/k 1/ respected aald that the toua toad / ifOUSC- 10 HOUSC atnpprd in front nf hitr and Jutt U t*hr began boarding It for fork. the O? II 1?^- Ikl A ipD whiut man puahed her, almost mak? 0811 ror IN/Y/\Ol [ins htr low? her .footing. and prt . - -?.?1???!<f<im hai Hi Incensed uvet tht M1 Memberships Set ^.rsrS-.^ upon the bu* driver requested two Worker* In theiP47 membership officer*. nearby to arrcit thfc wro Irtve Will vUU Columbia home* on men., lundajr- afternoon to enroll mem- Mrs, Davis. agaiiut whom the iera toward the 3.000 membership driver made do complaint. A1*b ;oal for Columbia and outlying dU- [ ?tept>ed dtrttnr toua, letting Wallcefr^- / iloU. ? , {that since he had beep so nice Ipr OUInen* also are urr*d to pXn her sake aha wou.'d (o along w*>* K hrbugh their school* and rhurches. him to he of any noaatbte assist n weir a> dlrrrtly ' arnpalgn tTurntrw t? e*? - '* vr / [rrmd. wm packed 111 while BIW [ Otm of the offlem u The trial. Ijwh /UMiuUeatlon dfUw^iloLr, mm rettUed tn tfcu beetion, haa *h* wma end charted with irawn never*l reporter* M wtiMe betna dlaoi dotty aHhouMi iba aald IOT l"Mr the WUU aewatldd rire eervtcea. local aad *tatf p?petn Bond of PMB ?u fo<M tefHil* >nly color?d>Sfpeni with reporter* Iter wftow IHterv?ntlon Mi Dwrte ----A n the *cene Monday were The aald oxMMtod a manhood too often ichthouae and Informer and The ticking in colored men. MM. Da via tuaburgh Courier, although corer- pooled a bond of $lMt. Bond fir r^^SSrar - * ??$ t ?* totuw*v - : : ~ ; yv