Lighthouse and informer. (Charleston, S.C.) 1941-1954, October 19, 1941, Page PAGE THREE, Image 5

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i.. *' 'W' SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, it I ^ i , i ji i, , , . a l;l "Mrs. Christine Hudson fa. visit tag . to Washington, l>. O., with nn 1334 LfWls, wrong sne wt/l Mtfp m^PhlUxcld-tingt relatives wish TUiTOT ~ ri nopy returns to. M|rs ftaqhei Mc P?fcy on her birthday, Oct. 14^. '"N ;' ' . RpVv Wttv,..H;. Simmons Sr ?nrt tiP$S^pwericiolyiv and 'Jr., were ; the guests of the ReV. -gut! Mrs. T, - Q. Mills and Miss Oenevc ?f*Tern ?777 of? pffl ululft ' tiunday. ythey report a pleasant tjip, and that they met * thnhy, fi'Jpiids "afi<f readers of tin? - . lighthouse and Infoniicv. ~~ ~ ;i~ .... ' - . . ? * ? Mlsg I'uUiMlhe Hamilton of No', C Sires Street, cntertainrri many giis&U, in irTiouse party on last 2 (Saturday night. CAROtlNA DUKES TO ' SPONSOR PRE-H^il.r.O"^ TV ?pmcE? BSidS^evehing October 24. the ...' Carolina Dukes;- presented the first of their fall dances, with a Danclhflr Casino . - *?? r , The Carolina Dukes nre doin?<1 1 everything to make thts clffnce or/c \ of the most enjoyable fall dances to be held in a tonf^tTmc "The hull -1??Will be Artistically -decern ted ;? r.timulate the Halloween spirit. The | ... latest strains of melodiottv musir Of sweet and swing, will be playpfa | by Robert Miller and-his J^ipctb Carolina Stbmpers' orehesTra"; / i The Carolina Dukes, a men's ^-i.j r t : i - ' ' ' 1 Hi J. Cummins 'or Quality Groceries-and-rGood | nmfrntf ? ITm J ^==^- - r HONE 911- / ' SUMTER, Si C. \ \ I Phone Us Before Having Your shoes repaired Dantzler Brbs. Shoe repair ser/vice i-ir- Featur'ng TT?v'aihlp HatfSoling 337ft fit*'**'''? ?PjfSn.e 9231 .Cotumfc**, S- C(. ? ?- -Dhkfc=j * W- W^. -J Reo Pressing Clara Open < amj to 9 pin, 1% W??hin?W grog. T The Best Sh'ow in Town! LINCOLN THEATRE ?4b ; 7^ - ' _-i # NnJ[ljgh OlepsJ.6 ," 0 No SJide Entrance! ? Your PatrfoHijeU Alwoyf ~~ ; ?, " Appreciated * ' * . ' i " . } 11 v'Rest, By Taste Test" 1/ Royal Crown T Bottling Co. v -3BS Mwlinfr StAtlantic C< . In?urai ' "THE golden; f St&- Claims Paid W I Home OPfwvf Rmlfh jmrt Wet v i v. \- 1? a ;' 9 m I '' :-.' t 7 :\ ' ? ' ' "." ' . ' * 1 "' " -A ' ; " 7 -w<fr " I . :. ... . : iiJitirw m m " ' Hants.:. ~ 5 ? ? rrtf?iTi i club, was organized about fotii gys h*? ana baa no tfotrtsgrngiB with RihUlar organisations, bearing ?>m. iuT mntam mi1.1 b Miller, E. Randall. Q. Bona Parte, S, Da3kei'vltte; tr, Miller. R^-Rose IL. .Russell, _A, , Mf?lnnry?L. WllgttfSna c. Allerh 1818 WORLD WAR VETERANS 1941 ~ Proclamation: r Tuesday. November 11. 1941.-will mark that, .has passed rlnce the Aitnistlbe was .signed, ending the Great World War: In Oratltude-to. God and ps a token yt * respect" to thousands of our comrades who gave their lives for democracy, it' is .ordered that all ( itlCS. \ylth -wltnoid ' Innni pm.tT togetherwith their ladles auxiliaries. hold afmbllc celebration on i Tuesday, November 11, 1WT. t Is also sucRpsf^d thv ?'** | erans who are organieed, march fromnTheir headquarters ' to the place -PL- th& public meeting, that an appropriate program be arranged with a prominent sneaker; ~rhnt patriotic songs be sung and prayer* of offered ?np; that the actual program last notr longer" than one hour and onehalf and that a- full report of your Tirceung- bi - mailed her^~ within three days after your celebration. O. S. Porcher ?*\ O. Fox 33h r'-frv: "T Georgetown. SC. COMMUNITY CLUB PRESENTS FI,A(? Hill School Sunday by the 'Cotrvmunity Club ' which* presented a flag-pole to the school. Appearing on the program were Mr? Mabel Alston, Mr. Isaiah Abraham. Proi. J. Thomas Wilson. Rev. Charles Grant. 'Rev. B. J.__ Whipper and Rev. W. H. .Wilson. The p-TA of ; the school met Monday night. Officers elected art Mrs. Mabel Alston, president; Mrs Edna. Jenk/ns, vice president; Mis? E. L. Winds, secretary; Mrs. Emllv GOulph Aiken. frreltir-"r; M4? -Ruill cr2c her, program chairman; Rev. "Charles Grant, chaplain anc Mis. Helen Joy."assistant s?c'y. Monis College Vesper Musical The - Morris College depattmen ox music win present the inltla Vesper Musical on 8unday Octobei 19 at 5:30 p. m? in White Hall. Th< college choir, the male Quartet, th< mixed,qUartet and piano selection; by?students-will be featured. Prol Andrew E. Jenkins will be gues soloist. The public is cordially in vitcd. Admission free. F. P. Abra ham' Musical Director, Dr. J. F Garrlck President. The students of Morris are stil moaning over the severe drubbini the college received from Paynt -College of Augusta iir the firs home game of 'the season. The gam< ended bv a score of 46 to n Many ^ the best football nlav?r? rst Wi' . - year?htm??ctttrer graduated" oi have not returned- for the prcserr term and the coaches have a ^yerj hard time whipping the new reemits?into shane ??The college is enjoying the great esl registration in its history nnc the~ faculty has been greatly en lnrged. It Is rumored that nigh classes for tnpn^r>rv be btarte< sdon. . Your Flower Shop Flowers for All Occasions ? Artificial ?nd Ffenh -?ig n r~ titHnrra .Many* E. $park$r~Propi. UAUA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA y m E Good Clothes On * Credit Men *, Women'* and Children'* Clothes . . Spreads, Curtain*, Window SKadea, etc. Wm. H. Simmons, Sr. , 54 Line Street _ #t <C-?11 er WHte fo* Yottr*Nffed?| .ENROLL NQMLKDB coWTTexk course Including Tool idt ^ Palmetto (Poro) : School Of Beauty Culture * - ? ^TAcerodiCe) * ? spiv* in as nwnrain Graduates - EJlTiyl JL Brown, In?tr?rtor * 218 ST. PHILLIP ST.^ Charleston, 9. C. oast Life Hoe Co. fnr rntitnTrr 'ithin 24 Hours ifwarTh Sis, Charleston, S. C. ' *rtv - * * . V * ' Note fromTheCapBaf Mr. and Mis. J. P. Holley of the r Holley mm .earns Funeral Home have returned home from a trtn tt?m ~ lull. .WIHI6 IKere Mr. Holley attended the American Academy of " Embalmings from ?hlch-ii?-received _ his diploma Mr imil Mn. ' W/* Holley. parents of Mr. J. P. _ Holley motored to New York and Teturned to Columbia with the fecent graduate and wife. '9 . I Ofthimhla is vpW nrniiS houo with "hor very young; efficient lawyer Harold R. Bowlwarc. Attorney Bowlware is a graduate of Johrtson C. Smith. Wliilo there no his undergraduate work; his xradu-. ate work wtis completed at Howard University.' ' . . The South Carolina Examination Board for Em ha tm inn Tnet Oct. 8. ft, at" the Columbia 'i'owiTHhio Audl torium. ^>nr of ilir examination were -as follows; Miss Rosabel Moultrie, ChaVlestojf- Mi' _ Walter ^. Mitchell.- Chan.estony and Mrs. George I. Wiltshire CharlesIon. Mr, Josiah J. Manlgault.Wlrmsboro, Mr. Oscar F. .Howard Florence-. Mr. Mike Washington Mullfns, and Mf. Thomas James. Aiklh. The Gamecock City - No charge Is made for'-, the. publication of,, sbctal -notes and I news of general interest..' Notes and | news must reach thf*- Sumter Bu- i reau. 714 North Main Street, not | later thnn the Monday afternoon ] of the week publication hi desired j Please be briefj - - i <? ~ ' j - vl The Lighthouse Ac. Informer Is] on sale at Moses Grocery North Main. Street near Morris College, and at the Sumter Bureau. The fol-^ I lowing agent* will Fe pleased. to 'serve you every week: James W. s Jennings, 213 Bartlette/ St.. Way-man C. Eraser, 108 Bartlette' St., Alvin Strong. 22 West Liberty St., , ftobert Gray. 10 West Bee St., and i Ralph rhnndlnr ri17 V. Piiiuilju Jtl I Coporal pajltl Plnsou was - in town this week end; visiting his family and friends. ' Among the out of town visitors seen at t+ie Morris-Payne "ToolbalT I game'were: Mr. John "Tie". Wllj liams. Mr. Joe Counts and Pfof and Mrs. Edmond "Buck" McDonald, all of Columbia. 1 Elder A. P. Spears has improved r considerably. He stated "that he he Iteves lie is on the r<iad to complete 2 recovery. Last Sunday he "was.Jeet? * -ing-welLcnough to lutroducC"6ishon Allen as the principal speaker for t the re-opening of Mt. Pisgah A"ME - church. ... The Better Citizens Association. Prdf. James T. McCain. President, met on Sunday afternoon at the 1 Community Center and udoptcd the ? Constitution and Bylaws. B , ..v. t THE GAMECOCK CltY A \\7 n !m> 1 imr/i fhnt 4* .1 _J -. i ?tw mcucvc iimi ii/ wuuiu wu vei> l oj>{>OFti.Hve- -for?oth*?pastors nrrtt t fparhpn tn Inform' IIH'inL)fl"s r [and pupils concerning 'the Jinit Crow governing passenger. trahsf ! portation in South Carolina. In ! using the busses, we have nntippri ' main colored passengers who sat on j the -Tlrst ~fro?o seats and. invari j Jply". they have been requqsted to 1 ! sit on' the hack seats. They could - ! have avoided this trouble apd hut ; mlliation, had they seated thein1 | selves?on?the back seats rnT1 is 1 required by law." Whether we like n certain' law -or not we must obey p ( itr'fr our'"dislike is strong enough. . ' we should try to change -it. but ; until it. Is changed, obey it . *A, tittle tart will enable us to avoid--much rTI<^gr*>???rhlftmisfr - p. The Washington Street (Joinmuni ty Center is still badly ih nurd of y all sorts of toys and chairs. Used, j unwedcd , playthings. plates, sauI ^ ccr?.^arrd"spoohS wjll be most wrl, , --crimed. Balls can be bought at the {ten cent store for 5 and 10s cents each; if 20 men would forego 1 . . battle*?of?betu 101 aj_ wrcjt thru I cmilil btly ehouRh balls to last the [ tots for 6 months. We have agreed toebir partwhRt. abduTyou? j We have received the" following I list of enmHrnrntK for 194l for the NAACP. in South Carolina; Aiken i ; 35; Charleston 19&; Churaw m. Ooliimbia 522; Floi'encc 96: Oeorpe. j town 8R: Greenville Summer* Ii ville 21 and Bumterjh^ (ntmrr^k. j City, NONE. NO c'diunient needed Wc still. peed ^ few more school ; boy agents to?sell the Lighthouse i ?fc Informer. Apply to 714 North Main .Street ~~~Ro~Ro~ 25c T " i CHILLS. FEVER anH COLDS 1 -- fUlllc "*" DUFFY'S PHARMACY | 2.11 King Struct Dial 2-2;47? ,? i . Brockifiirton Dry Cleiu^ri^L HrttJUXS^Sf^ 83 CALHOUN s r. 47 CqLUMB^S ST.- \ -f_J 1 Robinson Shoe RspiJr y Hipfh Offtcfe Warkrrianphjp Shoes Rebuilt Like~tMe?c?j 1 ATT Work' GuaihihTeefl 4! CANNON 'STREET I ffffVf7ftn?ftfft 1 . ... ^ : 1. ; LIGHTHOUSte AN? " * . * ' * - ' " ; fiom Miami rj H EL_ | | i ! WKM Sf .. .Lk \ . H m lyiiF . K a?ua? ?' ,,:y '^1 Lovely Miss Ella Lucille Clay,to j Maj??c City from "Tlie City of Atife L desire* Womf a revltty. - Miss C I spent an enjoyable time _whiL?.Jai_J i Rur*it of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wil jyiTu.Williams is a well known neighboring towns. " She also spent a shrfrt 4ime in 1 Returning -she stopped briefly in Fla. * * ... -'Miss < lav.torr is > well linoun i ea?.111er hy ilie_ Miami brane-h of thi njyjnld .fohnson is manager. - Georgetown News REV. N? C. M'AYHAMS, JkgCIli__ i GEORCtFtfoWn. s or- Miss ! Julia C. Smalls of Charleston, a | recent graduate of Howard passed j the week-end with Iter in^thTT. Mrs. Martha Smalls. Mi?s SmsfiLi rWft for Charlesteji on Friday. Mr. ArtliPi - du.ishot) Harvol iytmr~Tori Bragg. jgpent' on^ \vee^; The Finest Foods in Suniteri 'Are Served At ... . . 4' \ Groen Leaf f!afp CHARLIE LOGAN, Prop; 22. W. LIBERTY ST. Eugene Blake'a: fT Service Station I GROCERIES AND MEATS Cor. Atl antic and Gate* Street* t" - 1 S-umicr.. ,*v to-I Di*. Edward C. Jones : . t)pn|is? Of fire: S';. W. Liberty St. Phnfte 22A Residence; " " ' S. Wa * h i n r t o n S ., Phone 107 ? Sqmlrr, S.^ C m m m 1 A I I E N T 1 O N / . . I"'Miserllanroiis, l>r"?#j llrrhs,- Nil K'itr. "TlprV unci IllnrK and White Products The South End Shop , 557 SOL | if MAIN ST SI'MTER, S. C. ; Crescent Cleaners ' IHI Spring St. Dial 45JVA Suit*, f} jk P. 50; Dritwes 50* up Alterations ^nd pressing while r f ?i ., Joe Robertson, Mgr. fi iiiiflr? SUNSET INN . v . - - INVITBS YHII TO ???iw.Trvy I'l ft'" > - Tfisf v tl,un<'tie.s, Refreshing IM+wKm, flnrWini Tlricd^ Chicken anrl "MM"vice with Smiles" - Most f'omforiaMf^FMact' in Town >* , _ IKVPRfrStnKNT ? N^xi Dnoy"' to Prnjpfi h|omPt ? t > ' ' r' % ? ' _ ? * .1? rFORMEKTcHA RLESTON\ *S. 3Fo California v llll * SSBRffiasz^ tiWfl LIS. ^L^-" 'WW,fc,*^**^,'?^fc-l?,,,,''^e,?* ij. who lust recently returned to the Is" thus having one of her eherlshed taytQh expressed herself as having -?o* Angles where she was the house Hams. . r-^phoiographer of th^t city and the t Hollywood, the city of movie, stars New Orleans, La., and Jacksonville I dgtunaiin reader aiHI Is employed as s Central Life Ins. Co., of which Mr. with Ids parol ts, dRnart<nB or ""Sunday IVIi s Fdnrt Krlk or Ctadixiurlfp N C-. war-a vveek-cpd vlsltoe witl her" daughter. Mrs. Ruth comer; arri son-in-law. Mr Eddie Conyers at the homo ot Mrs. -Sarah Bherreid, Taylor ^t^get. " jnip I).?nU lrw^i-?rrT -VTi -Pirn Blake of tiic Helens will do; lighted learn of Ids return iron 'the Veteran Hospital in Columbia where he hucf. been' confined tea two months Floth Mr and Mrs J l-hiko-^j-re regujne- readers- of ttic I IiH and I and we wish tor him a j ompletp return to health. ' Tlie "cte'i an<; are looking. forward j to their Armistice f>a\ p'ogiam November 11 They arc wondering 'if they can got th? services of I.t. Tl. "o. McKainc of Stirnter for this - SuperferHFunera4 Service . PALMER ambulances Tel. 777 :\>2 S. MAIN STREET SUMTER, S C. \ ^ ~ ' Eyes Examtijed - f (.lapses Filler! " ?-"V **' "* "* Kroken Lenses OuplirHted I)t. j\kj3L_DeScMtt& - King St i . i uiirii'Mon, ,s. i;. ' BIG APPLE CAFE _ Ti rir.n ir; -r.Kr i., - Hexirfcrr Mral* ?< AFf Houri KOlTIIERN IKIED v CHICKEN ISA N I) WH.'IfF.S ? BAl AH? <'ockt.iiU - Rr?r - WW? Cannon Slrrrt . J BLUE PALACE ! TEA SHOPPE C. C. Williams, prop, j Drliciou* Hf>nif-Cookcd Mrnlt ( ,frre*h F'i*h Chicken Dinner* ? j. rr lh* 5?uth?r? ! ? J : fTm TI K;" ?n..8?le' i il<n'. ?VV?Tir Copy! ' 4 - IWL W*?Mn? Ion ' . Columbia, S. C. kit / UKUWIN S MMP . ( hoiee \Veslern Meats . j. i * . n*-i o l %AA SPRING & ^RESIDENT 1 . w i SI:I:\ i, yi AliTV w^AT " *i ~u KA^qnaih A; -PRW E-S.* t "TTsn. OVRTRKS. AND ANY ?' PA jits OF < I nr KEN. m+m+mmm?m?mmmm?m?mmmrnfmmm?mmm it " . ' \ ... _ ' ? - ' ' *t{ ' \ K \g ? . .. s.f , C ' mflipiiP Hag is lining. up on the High School Dames who read the earlier part ol the4, night and meet other _ women's husbands in the weo wee hours r-.. L_ . ? 1 . 'i' 1 . Certain C-8treet sLster la?some popular sinci C-?ireei papa is ! back and holler- "Y^g; Indeed"! Certain -sister was "so high the otjier night she ' did not kndw 11 when- Twbby walked up on?tier and- boy friend: Fellow turnedthe fan, but hubby sang, "When I cfctch you yqu - will- holler. Yes, Indeed'4. 1 When ?the 1crtg7~ tail gadfly ran" "Ctov/qfonrthe"First Street mama Tuesday nitc, he had her begging _ 'Pleas? keen still in the Dark". _ A certain, guy oaFlw r Mite | ? goes around bragging, but when" --thafmattw catrnwi v?u, yn?, ^pwart ? scop singing. 2 - On Five Mile IN Acoaber Rov tliere is ? certain cterne says shris a church sister, but' you should see her on the week end with Mr. _ stay out of the dark. . | Certain up to. date, woman on the Height when she has poi?k chofx;' cats on the porch, but when she has butts she cats on her ] inner spring' mattress Carri Of Thant? Mr. and Mrs. Edward of 20 Bcggrd, Street wish to thnnk their relatives and friends for | their kind expressions of sympathy 't and their toesutirur TI^raT offerings V extended them -during their rc"^cent< bereHvement ; ' GET# APPOINTMENT ' } DETROIT. ?fANPi ? Mrs. Beu-'' j lah. Whitby, prominent social worker,. received 'an unusual appointJ-hient last wefek when she was pro- j j moted to the position of superln- ! .. I tpndnnt .of Alfii'd Welfare Sta' tion. at Wllklns and Orleahs Streets | i here. ' - ' , > j BIBLE THOUGHT LI GOI) IS UNIVERSAL AND NOt PARTISAN: For the word o( the I Lord right; aM all his works j j are done fn truth.?Psalm 31:4. ' I dole. Watch the EH and I for our 1 j news, ; The Allen University alee Club ) | appeared" at Bethel AME church ,1.Monday rvehlng before a large au, i dlence with soloists, trios and al k | conductor who sttll hav% the town 1 f I alklnr. " I U..Erof Roswell N.Beck, formerly k J a t?achei- at Howard High. ls this I ycaY studying medicine at Nashirillr, Tern, Mr Beck taught the I I ninth grade Biology, the eleventh i grad<* i\nd one of the football . Icoaches | * > yi ofe.i sor G - W Howard.' prln* i rt/Tal cf Howard High School, has '-een ill fui a week, blit he is im| nypvlng arid is able'to- be out and 'rttTchool I ~ I ? 'I'lu; many irlonris of Mr. Marie 'James.will be delighted to know 'hat she i* back home again after i spending 15 days ?n the hospital. Flv? is improving nicely. The NAACP and' fhe I Ighthouse and Informer wish /fei' Mrs James a | .'"perdy recovery( | .! -V <V T I f T f ? Walch 'his paper next week for out Arpiistict Day announcement t "for the program to he jendeeed-ab -TrFth^sdfT Baptist church, featurti.g a iidTrd """speaker. combined with local talents, solos. duets.nunrand readings The program i committee is- laboring hard to give J you thr talents that can bp secur? Veterans call Sunday,. October I 10 at 4 1r> P. M at th*> Hall on Puke Street The Green's Hall ! Bi Dig .1 HIUUU?: _i ? Flower Town Notes* BY KM'HARIt II. I'FRKV - . SUMMT:RvTl!0!, .S . C. - Mrs." Mal>el Greene president of the 'VHFM Society was a visitor in the city last week ~RT^r->cI"Airtat>o-of-- Columbia. Uortnerlo of SummervllIF is the house guest of her cousins, Mr. i Miss Alvinia ' Cooket R. N was -r-a--vtsitor iTTTlT^ eity on Tuesday. Alston High School was defeated | last Friday by Camden by .a score i ut, r\rt^? cucst up AW | ton. ?-?r ? ? J?""" Mr Thomas-.. Walter's car *?s. Nirily rtam*-sed- Thijirsday_;&hcn?h* fm- int-p Ji wwTfr ~matp, itucukliuj "Mhr entire main up Another oar was bWnved tor the incident- Mr. j '.Salter la a member of the First j Baptist church . ... 1 Mr. and Mrs Fauth, Mr. ^oomoi1 awt?Mw Conadtrt ?<-. i lldtlv inTl. wf-re the house encsi 1-of Mr. nnd Mrs. l^Wrewe OlQvor: Miss Carrie jGrcgg has none ?? ={ New York for i.Ti Indefinite stay | Tlie' World War . Veternns nt 1 SnrnmerrvlTIe have orRanizcd tn*mj selves Into a_poat;-tf*l# i* the first I club of tts kind. Mr. Washington { . Is Post Commanderz Nathan Wit- I j soil, round-up trfrrnt. rmtT Frank j Frazlrr, secretary. ^ -.j? > - _ *'* 1 t S-* ' **** I . >v ' MCJiarges"^ * icr oupporterg Rally to Cause, Promise Battle BfAlVJN E. WHITE WA8HINOTON?(A. N PPTherT cent export against the NYA charging IrrettplaflHp* ^ mprplv nn of. tempt to smear- NYA" said Verne Kuhne, speaking for Aubrey Williams, Thursday afiemoon In* -the NYA heiidauai tcrs tn this cltv when -questioned b? anp representative on the status of the charges ^ivnn wtde publication HT~ local llancrr. jLke previous day. '"lite first we. knew, was when wc read of It iq the papers," said Mr Kuhnci "ah(^ we are not In a position to-say anytftrnfithuch aboui It. First., we, would have to see the report and study It. The report subifalttari "fly Lindsay C. Warren of North Carolina,1 The new controller general of the United States, charges "numerous. Irregularities and questionable" transactions" touched the Negro qiies tioh wfceii it Included tn a categorical denouncement, ^13;aviati6?school for Negroes in Chicago taken over by the N. Y. A. ' g . * Mr, Kuhne said ^lie matter immediately, was deferred to the Illinois authorities for-a complete in-' vestigatlon, pending the full report and nothing was available at this time, either ^h. defense o- ienlal of the activities. Going into the matter at some iengtfirTF would seem that the whQle report was built with an idea of rousing the wrath of the southern bloc of representatives?arid senators who oppose anything representing any progress in the part of the colored citizenry of ^the country. ' Among tie charges were such a* payment of p*r diem while on aii-oual knit', dCSlftliatlon ol headquar- j ters for the convenience of employ-j pes and other simila: charges which were brought without the knowledge of-the personnel of the NYA! The whols matter seems to be a writ phrri y^rtWroHit th?. Negroes irt the NYA and an effort to curtail ttfl* "benefits they have been receiving lately as A restrti of liberal minded 'persons who see in the training program of the NYA the salvation of the young N'egrc in the United States.- N :'i The charges listed in the report which was not submitted to_ _th?NYA at the time-it wiSTEanded the conn-oner, gives them little time to prepare answers, but the offi^ cials are not perturbed arid hope within a short time to be able to completely refute all, charges laid against the NYA. CHALLENGE TO,MRS. BETHttTtE Some seem to feel that the (Continued on Back Page) charges are a direct challenge to the popularity and power of Mrs Mary McLeod Bethune ?and see In the hidden charges direct.accusations at the actions of thehead of the Negro division. But her supporters have rallied^ . lui" mnt ihofSTlt th* charges which "directly or indirectly, affect the stand she ha^ taken Tor her peoule in ttir wrimtnifttrftt.Wiand they further promise a bitter battle should the Integrity of Mrs. Bethune be questioned or asstfllec . TASTY PASTRIES! TAYCOITS Baker of tliu en iginal-jcheetr cn?eir ment. Sheet enkes?h?x cal Coffee rirtgsr - fipecint Occasion B'i Morr?? Si." Prescriptions Filled \ FREE II Conaway Di til 7 Kinq: Street POSNER'S BL/ (?uarqpteedto Give Sails! (Iharl^nn flnf V>>WC Cor. Kititf und Cannon -1 ? - Ml I. r=g~ ^ "' ":-~-'<*4er Shoe Repa We Mend the Hips i i . . Hfiild Up the Heels k ' V " WORK CALtED rO I 459Vi Cretins >t Corner of Co Posner's Hffl (itinrantrcd not fc^buj* .. ' Bfl Charleston CnUR Cw. Khtf nmt-Cannon 14*4444^1 kMaft4A*44444AA4*A44AtA44* 444A4AM4444i . i-.wj?jr;KKKBKiif.KKTOi!:i'nwTn?i - we unm Kx tends to You a Core to Visit-this Popular j Often as Your Time P* A C.rtDD sin :== LYRIC 1 - ^MTgirSPI!: * '"'" i'. A " b .*;>* ? 4 1 ~ - '?? ?3 - - *' .'^v " '. T"'. ' * **?' . : | _ . ?^ ~1 Walterboi* News . ^ HAIMT1*ACY Aim* Mtsses Martha and Mftnr ~ Thr Amine nhnl* Tr"Hi church sponsored an apron party last Monday night. A vary inte* gram was rendered while ttte; * aprons werp received ' by Mr?. V r Ophelia Lewis and Mr p/ Orant. They wish to thank mat*. one that participated In making Mrs: Martha Wright who has , 'ii been lrt Ftst Wayne. Iml., " dim* - ~ last Tucdday tu attend the Itinera! of her the later Mrs Ella MWtojg; ; ,w4 Mr Clnyton Marshall,. student* , at. State college, spent' Vne week' end with pfrr?"*'? , ? % ' jtf 'T * Miss Mattle Robn.son wTjo has ===== ] been in^'New York cerme last wt?il _ tr, begin Wffllt nfi lliulllll tf! BHnir fort county. We wish to congratulate Ttm Florence Grant end Mr.* RorSBvelt ' 3* Snrfsfti? m thctr recent' marriage ' ~ They are at home Ritter, ?.<T s attenticm CLASSIFIED ./ *' "'V ' y*:?C'1 iv R?te?: (in advance'; 3c per word. "V Rerun. 2c per word. i A HELPWANTED APPRENTICE PRINTER-Wtfto ^r ! qualification* end anticipated salary let The Ideal Printiif Company, Bo* 33, Aikaa, LADY-?13 to 40, eapabl* of Mtinf M Iiecretary-Tseasurer W Motion Picture producing c?ta* ! pony forming -new corporation, j Unuanal opportunity. (Sea IM? dr?i rn n \ 'i 1 7 "Tv: MINISTER?Capable of wvtthlE Religious ideas. suitable fbr S*?- . lion Picture Productions. Also, I school teachers, dancing or mnsic tea;her.. Need SO |lfc?p|a., . iub?cribe for shares of .rtfflf % ! immediately.. Very ishsninlilb Excellent profits. Write; Ansel [ G. PootL- General DeHvary, .0Hr* le.toC. . aV:* HELP WANTED ?Anyone Interested in appearing 1? Rifill| Pictures ? Adults and ChllireSi' o: Singers. Dtnctrs, ComedtiftW Dramatic. Write; A??e| Popts, - SnmmeraiHe, 8. ' V * ?? j PASTORS?-If year choir sHen bwi and io|oitt? hate unu??al ability and a good vdc*, |tt ? use them in motion \ 7-^A Write: Anael Pope, Su mmerwfit., a i S' C- ? FOR SALE-M>?e electric rbfri. gerator. ExceQent Uiajlftia. Priced cheap. CaH at 3d ffgirt f j ' [ Slieet. - - , ' K \ MABEL B. WlVEIt% 53 NOTARY PURLIN 294 Ashley A??7Xliarle?top, g-Cr ; 1 |7 ' TO' FOOT StiFITttfP*- . -? " Why suffer wltfc your fdtt, er loear ??trnmlthi? f>? 1 awie. S. ? Porter, Chiropodist, will botH to help you. Dial 6220, 436 King I. St. - ~; ;"* ... natciffi ^fcr~F*ttgious arnT social entertainkes?Pie??Doughnuts?RoJ]a_? ? -JClovene, Rtc. ' Cakes a Specialty * . ^ Dial 20*31-^_--?? at~Reasonable Priceg' ELI VERY ug Company tcKHsfRtm:^ factory Immediate Results rJ\ va w* 'j' ? Kate L>rug Store m?i a-ifeu _ EN'S " ""'X tiring Shop "i ind Patch thP Hole* 1 anil Save Yfur Sole* 1 a AND DEUVUSD j lufnbvt Dial lilt rsttaightner -v a jijjlfc.jtiii infljjiun a |<?t" IlnuteM. - , > ^ Ate Drug Store ^v > THFATBF | i nuiiiw. ' . ' , - - ?r*; t.'fr ~i'' tW lial Welcome InvitatioA , a of Amusement M ? UTOitft', ;v. )W AtWAYS mm ra CAfiW-INA " rr