Lighthouse and informer. (Charleston, S.C.) 1941-1954, October 19, 1941, Image 2

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-4^7*#' " " ? ' ~ ; f- - . ^ ^ . ... ^ i- .. ' ? i\.y, . ? I' fl I ^ _. H p. ' : "~~w" ' *" * ^ r J ?:" ' ;r ~v| wm recently partly destroyed wfc Brilliant Re-Opening '*;/<?;>*' ' -A.'^, .. . ., ?,. ??1?.???2^zm --^? ... - :.;~V.'-- m P, y. m f I " 1 fiWI . ^^^^KSmlSiiffi :*m>3w THE REMODELED CHURCH SUMTER, Oct. 15?Mt. Pfsrab ??AME CHnrcti had' a veiy dwHllant re-opening on last Sunday. In ad* -?dttlitn in theregular members, many proplc^f other denomination* from j. In ?af out of the city came to add Imprc?ivencas to the services. Bis* Hop A; I. Allen preached an elo* quent sermon, taking -as his subject "The Ohuroh". -In the evening?he lectured on tye condition of the 1,000 See Corn nXXMSBtk, 8. C.^TSpeeigii-Mpre rTTfln i ,0OO persons saw toe " corner stone laying of the new? library building:?the Joseph 8lme* UB HMHWi Liberty Alton University last Wednesday. Ad * B^ard^ SpeclaT musio T Vf the- Allen. sinters was a Hie . hAfd. key tote speaker for the occasion.. H<|:?pok7! on The Subject,?T^TT Brotherly Love Continue," paying ?.? , : ' \ . " . *i *? : : v 1 ?? freedoms To |CU OH? &e Of , Hope" ? V " .' '-. ..* ' ' . . . ' . ' i _l ree (<( ,J| f?mout mm **&* *?. H. en hil by a car, Mayor, Vitl R ;0f Mt Pisgah AME * : :j: r.,' -i -- ^ ij^f,. 11m Negxp and the church in' the^Wep Indies.^which form 4 part of hi On iMniuluy he addresse the students of Lincoln High Sctior and on Tuesday he lectured a Morris College. Dr. and. Mrs. J. I Benbow entertained him at dinnc on Tuesday evening; atyd he left fo Charleston on Wednesday liiornlu to Attend _ Die Palmetto Annua 1 Conference. erstone Laid ew Library I tributp to Airrn's .rtra tonra a t trustees nrrti Bishop DiCKrrson. k?Threo presiding^ elders ha< i-cHawe of opening the eeliffyki seivlctw. The speakers -were- In troduced by Piesldenl s.11. Hig . "*i The laying of the coiner-stop Was *Icf>e by the We^y?.--WffT$on under .the direction rff the Mos Worshiping Ornnd Master; Dr. j g, Stanback of Roekhill. Th (Continued on Buck-^ge) .1 ' -i* . ?^ t . f w.y , I J /nr?y. V -, yv*?r -Color Line, " ^ 1 < ' ' i ' - T g| ^^B>y-^^B4^B H *i wvm .. - vpr ?.*-^ Hr y i*. ,*'1,1 ?~ ' 11 11 ??- . T ? Is Reset : v| obinaon. kiaaea it.?(ACME). _ . * -U-. /( Bishop King Crowns Queen ORANGEBURG, S P.? Blsh L. JM. King, resident bishpo of * lanta Coast Area. > Method e-hurch. ci owned Miss Gtc Blackwe li. "^"Bennettsville distrl Miss South Carolina fconf^encc ceremonies held during anni Clrtflin College expansion rally a Methodist Youth Fellowship pi cram in the colleg0 chapel. Claf C^ll^ge, Orangeburg, last Wediu .} day, Cct obdr?1 ! Miss Gloria Alack well was t f vTrnrei In a contest . to raise J thousand dollars bj the Method 1 Youth Fellowship of the Sou Carolina Conference She w r given" by President J. B. Rnndolt "a -fifty dollar srholaT.sljtp as Hi place winner "and along "With f _ second nnff'-f Irtrrl- ptnnr-ainnnrs w presented n radio lamp. Miss Marion Gregg j?presenti . *he Orangeburg District was si ond place winner MKs Naomi Simmons represei ? fng"the Charleston District w r. third nlaee winner- ? Professor John P F-urgess. Sou Carolina Conference Director ? the Moth. dIM?TmTTTi?Follows! who explained thP .significance (Continued on Back Pag*.) I^dfrofTsTII Editor John H. McCray of t Lighthouse-and Informer ha.? bei it- confined" at his Irving ,Aven lti home in Unip" H?'Urioc . Fi'idny, with what his attend^ physician. Dr. C. T. rfollcwt '' j exptenn an an Abscess on eat ^ -tonsil. Though still _jji tjie 'dnngerot r stage We<lncRd iy, tlie. young edit r was rapidly improving and hop * to" be back at his desk by this v^ei it end i ? -? [Rev. Mills Gets U/\o 4 \jmij;viuyTii 1 ?f? . . OfU<;inlly confirmed now Beaufdrt and Georgetown is M ^ . fact that young Rev, Thomas < Mills, paster ct Ftrsi African Bfd cj tint church tn fhnufart, wTtt" tel over the pastorate of B^theeS Baptist rhurch In Or org e town was rumored last week " Rev Mills was ill Chariest* * 8atunday but nr-de no ststeme Hhnnt Jrik hrw chftfAy. it; 4k- hM* o stood, however, that Mr, Mill s who Is now teaching In Beaufo: t county. will gimpend her tqacl ? ~hrg dntlps so that shtr and tl p three children may Join the pa ~ tor as he launches hjs hew chftrg i one ror the finest in the state. i i . i ?i?? i . $ T ... t". ' ^ ' - -v. ' ' i H ' ; ! ?~r"3?j^ - ~-'3^\":M&Si '"-dS^^K H I J_. / ' -r>v? -1***^- ? ; jflj ~ VULUMETTNtrHBEiraB '-f? ? - -, ?? ' *- - - , ~~~ "y. ~*~ * M Weaver. !tion Management j^ddK't o tli ago, listing _ on Negroes and^t the'samfe. viously listed Jfrr^|MiAve gn 1 Leads Defense . Fund Campaign i Move to Serve (QCJ isi Assault-Battery K rtf*-j 1 ' ' : 9 '?1 ct ! Warrants Abides : . -3 in] - nd I ATLANTA, Ga. ?. ( SNS) ? o- ' Developments In the Ruth TnornUn | ton "streetcar persecution" case is- i rp.ichorl n nmv lil<rV> 'T'liesrf'iv nll/flt " Ji 1. ,T. M. Alexander, president of thP Atlanta branch of the National J}| Association for the Advancement ol lt^ 1 Colored People,"told a group% of ^ | NAACP members that, a SJLp.OOC i dimage suit had been served E.V. McCoy, white.- . ? 1. Mf.s Ruby Blackburn, well IUI known club Woman* artd civic work j-w=7?was?appointed chairman of a "g 1 defense fuhd campaign. . ?c- | 3. Efforts to appeal the $27 fine ittJ Mrs. ^Thornton-received recently in as | Recorder's Court were reported wp I ttrwayT I ;? . * th of | 4 Steps were reported being ttp (ukrn to lutve two assault and balo'f tfl-y warrants served E.V. McCoy. MONEY BEING GIVEN continued to give and pledge moriev . - ?{ ? * ? I (Continued mi Bitlt P*i<0 Z1 Presents $1,000 >?t | ' 1 .... Tgn y 1 Eg - r-yjn- RK rte "? ' j- PP^V^J I ma nt ?t? ~?/ [ ~ .,*\ * r' <' /; ~ ' ' rd Br. Samuel Richard Biggins,, i- President, presented the trustees tH <* AH?? University fl,00Oiin coW* s- cash for Allen's library fnnd last ?7*4 Week whentbe bearA holdingthe fall meeting In Colui obia.? ! ? * ' *- * >. IL.Lf*' - * ' , . . , I rv-^? - . - \J ?i k- i ''' * ' ' ' * ' '"' ' Kr-??/r sr *';' _ . | - - ..7r~ -. ' Toward IPS r.:-^~ S Reveals *&?*}.v.* - .- *: -\V%*:-' - X-' . . - * ' / 4 V^?%\ *- mTUL ' * '" *. . . ? c a in V) ?on tin u mg the breaKpdustry,. tha Off Producle 'report submitted two weeks organization^ loiiich have taken iltjy increased their Negro perL - pg. jtobert C . Weaver said the Curttttc. Wright-company at Beavjr PST, jo#t about Thirty, taught in tire schools and the same policy : wilt be followed as Is in effect in the plants at Buffalo, Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio. The tJnion Switch and Signal compuny of Pittsburgh, has 90 Negroes, - employed as moulders . helpers, assistants, flretften, truckers genariutv The company plans to "up-grade"' these men and a definite need here for skilled Jjnen for foundry work. 7' TRAINED IN SHOPS The Ifartscolc Machine company in Cleveland, has employed two - Nefjroes ns machine ^bop trainees, , and the. Taylor Chemical ccmpany of the' same city lias also, two - Negro im-ehine shop tmfaeea. Both of these are rather small com. panies. The Ford Instrument company of Brooklyn, has increased its .Negro employes .from 7 to 17. They are engaged in skilled and The!'"Republican Aviation com-' ! puny. Lbng?Liiant^ has * Ne&ro - electrician who i.?r also a tool and die maker NcftrO trainees are in the Republic school, training fqr aircraft work. The Remington Anns ^'.company at, Bridgeport / Conn.T has 40 Negroes a.s machtne operators and stern i-ski Lied workers. They IV) rmerly had two 'Negroes employed ns janitor*; j 250 OIVENf JOBS a At tlie Seneca Amniuniypjv de? potr-Nrw TToTk", 250 Necroes, or about 20 percent of the whole staff^ afe engaged in construction work and many-will ire hired upon com . pletion t?f the plant. The CurtisS Wright plant at Columbus. Ohio, has 120 Negroes - -as msfchllie tOOT operator-, fabrica-tors, sheet metal workeri and 20 more arc b^in# tralne^f to go into the factory immediately upon cont-~tp the Thornton defense furid. 6. President Alexander announced that fyrs. Tliornton and her husband remain fearless and anxious U fight the case "to the last ditch." . ^ ' ' * . 7. It Is definitely stated that Attorney George W. Wllllngham had been secured by the NAAGr to rep- i .resent Mrs Thornton in tills ..fight ] for' Justice.'r7~~ - ~ ] J .. ? Thf^-e?^ book-to October 1 t . _wii?UL JMi jw . Thornton. who reside* J - at 346 Oliver Street, "was Klefeed i the mouth by McCoy while both ' engaged in a scuffle to see who; ' " fCorrfinueH^ort R?cl Page) Notice rtjusic will present -,jthe Initial { Vesper Mustcale SundkyT October i 19 .at 5:30 P. M. at White HnlL J The college choir, <the male quart tot. the mixed quartet and piano 4 selections Will be rendered by ^ students of tne department Prof. ' Joist. ! t * ? - > - \ . . . ' y j .. t, - - *- - ? w . ., j|fc -~ - . V > . ? . _ * * * > * v ' t. i ? . i mmm ? ' * ., .' >'- ^V-;'; ' C "~r~~? ! ' " ' ggg t\, SUNDAY/OCTOBER 19, I 1 - - ? ?:?: r~?~ g' ' * - ' i ' "'f' I " - . -j- | j. \ Job Op Still Ul ? Co-eds of the Wert Virginia St following their team around this ye a-way?to do it, if the above picture r the school's publicity department is t : Five Promoted At - " I Fort Benning, Ga.?~ FT. BENNING, Ga.?'S N ? I Headquarters ji tlie 24th Infantry, FOr- Benning, OTr>*. announced T^jursdaj,- the promotion of five Georgia'and Alabama enlisted men fiurn the r.niK of private?to? I corporal.j? > ! Tlie ^nkiier*-rrhrrt/SFfr"aTr"self?ctpes rind members of- the 24th'c Antlj TanK Company, ;tre: ?Pvt. C?fcdr&r>' M." Smith,. TallaI T^in ; , pfr John H. Carter. . I RFD No. ), Dawaon, GnPfc. Melvin J Head. Route 1, Rutlod?e OB.: -Pft?rmU't 't"IT ueII. ISPS West Savannah Avenue, Valdosta, Oa.i! ] and Pfc. Willie Wright, Swains- j , boro, Ga.V What Js V With 0ehi r / EDITOR."" " 4-" J jn Lighthouse and informer . ? ~t (Charleston, South Carolina ~~T Wp h?vP read your verv splendid a papei hei> for r-orrte time. Among ? the South Carolina Items, which t have been noted r.specially.we have r -always lookea lor nbgwf .Benedict College, my alma mater. ( Just last night a group "di\cussloir|^ aro.<-p ahorHH^h^. college .TPTp^JJPF^ ^ OUI I ^ /.V 1.1 IIIIV M TV Ji|?P in fT ? J with Benedict''" That yeemed to be f exactly what the Benedict alumni { and formei studema in the Rroup c wanted to termor; There were com- j plaints about delayed transcripts { TTTTcT replies to Inquiries; references' ~ to the nfifm^cnt disinterest of the ; ,? ' '?.?'i I 3, ? ' .*? r~^~~?>?Sgw g/> ' | ? ""V." | . . , " . 941 * % * 1 - . ' ?" ^ ^ v : ^ ' . xi '" z j ... c't. uwardt ' ^ wa fcj >; ' ^ *;, - V }T? * .? ' ^.v.w, yi,,wiB I I <l|SaP| -i" P , K~ ~"/M ^jj^HMH^^ ?T-Tafcj*M^^iP* > * * ' ate College? #"> Virginia plays John ar and "finding to right are Sarah H eleased through McKinnis. Helen' T authentic. West Una Plummer. Churchill Racial Ai -' NK W YuJU K^?AcTdresaed pe Winston Churchill, a letter setti crimination'on the part of Bri.tia ber 26, by the National Associat ri . r \ _.i fc -044HUU-1 The letter, written by Wnit.f ^etmeTary, liTjfes that the British make the four freedoms apply t< five Jypes of discrimination and. ( :olor ot race he immediately, wii Vrong E . : m ilumni; and the pronounced dis- m nrrrr t nf 11 if nilmlntntriittnh In htl he .alumni. Others, wondered N ttoutJLhe rating of our alms mat- t? r,- the types of Instructors, and it he adequacy of tfie curriculum to "of nrpfc -nri-wpnt trpndUr ? - *. After a lPPStty And spirit*^ dia- le msston, "It was suggested that rr type^ot contact- pioferfrbly e? hrough the press.' be . niade _Hie- & tlumni still~in South Carolina to " >rder tcr find out what the trouble so ah be. I showed the group a copy ,4.g >f your paper which I happened to HI \hvp with me "and offered to wrlte^ of o V, v^.tn ,thr Jpnpe that you wpttM; zt (Continued on B??k P?f?) ?~? \: *?*?i1 yt - . ' ' , V . : 'V SJV: ? rr ?? v, . " 1 -^1 ^ - . ?rt??=r=r_. r '"'' . ^ . ___? - .. _ , ! . V . . l' I.l _,.L ... . . I. I . THUMBING A RIDE TO THE GAME _ ji'j a^?s| ' H BfeaJaBj I.: ~ p> - ^ - t--j i^H J^H won C. Smith this week-end. Left . ^ -i ludson, Adelaide Friend. Adrienne uppence, Natalia Tate and Carv- fl I Cste i wow I ipeai rsonally to Prime Minister A ing forth five types of dis- /' h agencies operating in this ~ i-Ami'i'li'mr Clipper ScptcmEi^S ion for the Advancement of ; >r White, N and America*? go vernmentJp m > the color; line and that the V )ther demarcations baaed on ^ 1 >ed out. ,r m Publicity on tpe letter wm with* \| 'id. until thli week because ot .? custom of not revealiftg con- " nts of coixununications to the , sad of a gnvernnaant until tha cona? unicatlon has had an opportunity be received and acted upon. v HUBAT CONCERN EXPRESSED 11 r ' si ii l ii ' - * nve nayu iui?r wie inwr wu cuaitched Ool. R. L. Bfayuai. ilitary attache of the British Em?yjh ^Washington, called the AACP^national office By tong-dla- "r and particularly ovot the caae Dr. Walter King, cited as an inance fit ?rejudi*e No copy of the * 4. trat' Mn|thft ffrnhmwy. Lai ^Red^w ?md th< BtttlaK Wa* * " ; During the conversation Mr, Ben- 7 m stated that he .would #ke to W :et to the bottom of thlnga a tie moral, and aafctd Jay a copy , ' tholgtcfc,^ ' "'J. :>' ' ' ] . ~''Wt J Antler p?*iijj|iy Hi.I (Continued en Back Page)' ' j.