The crescent. [volume] (Beaufort, S.C.) 1879-1881, September 11, 1879, Image 1

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; - - - |T * -V j ff j ; ' ^ 4 YfJ'J] OKBSOENT :mo"uiB> i ; a j - . " ? . \ L X- ?H-r/tnM ' - - . t y ^... \ j , **^1 Ooasolidatad 1879. ~>J*r . ' {""Hs* to thrLine; Lot tfic Onipa Fall Wh#i? fit I V^VJIViI ^ ^ BEAUFORT, S. c;>^p;]r"p 11^1879 - - - ? Na4fl V . L And Port Royal' ft ' ^ I SttWmshipu I-ine, B^ ^ THE STEAMF.rtS HI W8STBRN T |Mb v ;V iSJ .. IB CAPT. CHWTKR. I Will faff Cr*? New Yorknud >orV Royal alter ^9Sf nately w?;TFriday. " ** *?m! ., >* Fare'fad amio?nfafak>n* unsurpassed. Freight rati* lover than any other rtouthrt-a tlnox Throhn'H Itllh iJrlii^Kiren Md < W . Kxrttrsion Tieketa' l>y-'^falk>ry's 1.1 tie of 8 W front 4'ort R../W t?'jt.V T%lc?hd? relUm 8tK>y good frf two months. . ,r :?n*' r ;* n For fail faiMMtfirtr mrfr ? t * "* * /"* * JOHN RICTf, A?1.. . - ^?rt Royal, J*. C. ' ? ? inltl' t ?,. ?. U II. .1 1, a w? **8 i i 3 f: S-jr. #Mfc B?st Ifclvcr,, New Yin-k. ^ For 'CRwlMton. -VIA v ,51 Kdisto* New .Cut, Enterprise, Martin's Point, PiftiQn*j^fo6jtw * ami War Landing < f A , 7?^THM 9TMAXTTT tvri HBUg^fc-k rBWH1 {?Mcm/**srfw, rM('UhrV4vif>iv^??U.-' ^ ??*? Iwm1. r afv !. 1 y*- ?" " " TW *5A,i " *; I, ~r's "V ^i\^i*??^BKnSr\:JK^r C\MTJUK WNVXSKND Will ru? reu^irly,'lntiTlhkir ikf aklk&to* tVery Th ur.-dayJ0at*Uini U K*r*a*T Friday. 1 Kehimivg vSlkTr BidiU'NMT .H>iiybyi?. " . Firfrfcf ttWrf M lo^r^ttrrtunl.yrLs rthtr route*.'-'Ubi -?x*!* : at !? *. . ia?. -m- ,fr t"i 9m &6fk . . V -tU ';f ;lislu. ?^KtiHwcne will be lefl~nrr tlKLl'tarf >* woeni ritk , -P1*-* ? * -*' . /<'Mi'iIm'-wit r^tl.V,, _ . ' ? r>n..j? J C T .'. '* lh\ <*- h i % - 'BHRTH4.," ' CATT. KfyWhVETT, M'JH make repiitr (Hyi totwc?<i the ibuvr points. Mupain? at ?4yJ?^iML?<H>M?ciinK iu S*vanh?Ti Hew T i>rk iMBfe ?wlwi Steaashins, c.:: uT: *"2"V r* i*ari?f Wtmfbrt *?iy W??r<lar, and iwasBtzi rou(<ja?d < ?i|WM6km> tun-full v execut?*d. ? 'for M?t-ni buard. _ ' in^EKE^HB^^BMF II t y' 5?'^ l s Bull aud Goosaw Rivers a' * >* f ^ PO.RT ^pYA^. - Will be supplied witn * L' *? KIM W*ll? From the celebrated * Club Hoy^e Springs, ?tcain or sa||ing vessels. 4Jdr-Order? seat to our office in Beaufort will r? j*jv?!nimediuf<wli?,??'itt<on. ? U'uKKINUMKN. f\K.VI> TlIK 1'HKSrKNI Vto; Press pf^Soirtfe-'Carolina } baroliSl ^a^fi?nr '. 1* Hi a * J * * * ! #2 ' ^r-rrn. Iv a1?y.' i. A. (From the Abbeville?Modiuth.J 4' ' ;.? ?. I confess to a feeling of mdigtiation in y -feejng forced tdr acknowledge the truth ,9!, your remark that,4 'this State is eafpn .^p with idolatry afic? changed iuto a cornnqunity df hero worshipptes. <1 That ever since the cuinnaigir Of 1876 service,to j Hampton had been the measure of a m^n's fldclit^ to paffyand J^wte^and., so it(Ijs now,'' though allow me to fW,; thank God and a few bwpfe tnen, not to so grea1 a degree as heretofore. , , (J. , That our people are enthusiastic and 1 hero worshippers, to a, certain extent, is true w ^PTth alhSptttberp people, Imfc the . true cawse.ofwfcift ubliod idghtry .' Jfes at i ,/hp door,of,.the pre*., of $QpthNC|rolina ; whichiwith poblp ,?xrapfojQ8,;has , become, under the Jead ^ the Knew (yid l 6Wr?r,aiSetol ^ouipe&uglisb. flunky,i bowing to ana bootlicking tjbe man in pdw+ *r and -Jwursbippuig the ml 'pojfcatter yheifc it. .rises,'.' whether in Soott or This flunk cyistn is cafl^ eqpservatww, but ha* it nat,AQcqrj*d. to jp acrvatismJiaa.of late too. often becoipe jmother nanaiu -tor wwar$ee?i Have we not . a peifeat right la criticise our public men - who are to a certain degree public property i and what but a.timid, weak-kneed press - prevents Wt?attlrapi<jr\,y,nd prtblic measures /niji, being a*. JHflcu^ed as those or Georgia; .for wjin tpegret, as wen a^a de-.ire justice, I acknowledge , *' thatth* Augusta . <jkronkxt and Cbn*tj-V | tntioHalisty. with its large cireulatiptf ,id .hijSute, ! has done and is doing more for our true gmaocipctuw . in this apd other - respects- tftah our own, kadiug daily journals. The highest sense of duty and am ottion wun a targg. nrv m our wuuwj prem seero* to be to. have ? act of "local heroes ' whom they jmf aod wpush but nevsr enticioe^WHi m mq*t ioip in the grstad chorus of! ? 36)1for Jtopton'^4 or 'Hah for Simpson" oy bo dam oca and excommunicated, Kht tjiis is the _ most contemptible kindof flunkeyism and 'It would be well for the timbers of tie press to remember that they me depreciating themselves, their own power mk^ ' tHguity, that columns of fulsome flattpry do not have haif.tbo effect or command 1 half the respect given to ten lines of just ' 'criticism. v 1 sweat) llcwfdtijt whh such degenerate into ''^ntp.jn^Je. atkTue ohjttr^eer/' for do you pi* %mm $hat the ? P*ty htsh. the power ,pf toyW's ' 'nairne nod wuvnee of jth#,;plmiTMspu??on were twed u? ctHitroUhchr^l eta^ns '> {1^.78 and to jwek .the,. legislature ou the boikl and other questions. , . . ..i * * * It is >aio that "rerohttinos purify the i social and political world slorius t|Vi|be , atmospheric," bat whether this l>y true ?; not it is rcrtaitutbfltvhy.-them-these atr t flMt families are of prov* *t>U. dMexra their exalted potions m*i an opportunity is iirufched for new oku au<l new families to pro\0 themselves: he peers of t hose-who inherited woaJtk aqvLp^auoi. from heroic tn*1 dtsston. ,< v ; ?.?.. . n < o r^*if *?* -**;.?-These remarks brings us to a standpoiut l*tjp|,|jdiieh.we cartrntelligoqly $#- - cmm trvB.^riieg UiWlor Tnisotaie i r y-,iu.| gpds wi^m our bowlers," and in doiniso. , we cw^aeiy appropriately adept the efcxsificatfdp of great wen made by Shales- ; ^ pearo* whew he says a. '&; jgomt mem1 'iiV fttfnf ?rea t, s^t'?/ aehi^e Jti&wrt-T < ib<rQ; a?4f?<kc-r> have grvatovs thrust ujwn nmi." Hampton, Butler, ;Jtfgr*haw aculflagtxnl may well represent tUfa hrs| cfatss,1 or those who inheritod^pwition, tp wljich they have adder! icltieventetilk .thereby maintainit g their ancient name atidfatne. Gary, Connor, JVaHaee, Brattou aud a large number of others ma? well represent those who have uchiflfced greatness wit It out any appreciable liV^Wfi ft*1' | dthei*. ... . *'u,*z>. For the third class oirThese who have I tad 'greatness thrust upon then;' such. 1 wen as W illiard, Cook and Mackey will do as representative#, though I might pdd , sonic of the present Stat&oSfli4ss ;iud#eis,; i . <fcc., but that I hate toiintion geatle1 men, (Governor Simpson fur instance,) i%. the saute class with these political tfon. terte. - ??? u .1 cr ... . , i.v # * ' I am perfectly willing ffe acknowledge Hampton inherited ami achi?xe^^t,t?;, {tiess, though, (without alluding to ?the, whisperings.about Hardy SolcmoA or the Orangeburg dining,) L.tnink his admin* istratiou iu. this State, ia wide , open to criticism, partieulnrly the endorsement of Iflyfc* and pardon before. fiuwmUpa or. Chamberlain nod the rest of the thieves and the surrender of- thn.St?te, j.thr^gh a sin of omissinn tand couituissiou., pito the hands of the fraudulcntnbondhuldcrs.^ 1 am williug to admit that he is a ?tipd, square}' brave mam.of ordinary sound . judgment-but without aualyiical. powers. > of mind-or originality of.any kind or any of the marks of genius, as , a .soldier ,or statesman us his war and political records and speoohea abundantly prove. Uump-. ton is: great, but;.the. caioiuiigo ofctlfc}76 was conceived -a**! iuauguated by,others who ^^cut>^tbo:* Uordian . (Chamberlain) lcuot,'" won the great ..decisive., political buttle, sot theiState' in a blazeof enthusiasm, plaodtl the Democrat*: banner in ! Hampton's hands, arid he and it were | beroetupon the shoulders of an 'eatluisiy I ostio; disciplined people to a victorious end. That he* bra rely executed cih is mis- j sion none will deny, and for this he has , greatness thrust upon him. hut that lie Kra.? tlie g?xi who interpreted the situauh|). conceived and inaugurate?! * ftfe moheuienj h'v which? onder the guidance or l ruviacuctfl.^'he peopte" freed' thctuselte^no'oiH? cat prove.;' " ' " ^ A .The aJjmijDulmiticrn of hi* ftoctesajP (Jovernoa^oiiiipuon, has fiothing marked abbutfot&ofti jhd timitj following in the path beAftd T/y TTampSrti#, for, in trfltn, PftapsJori'iV6t a "marked tilan,'I hating nev6r displi^ed-stftoy of the indfr1 vidugUty, strength ty herois^h of'ft leader statesman e.yen iir his1 ctounty whftre he failed to boldly confront the yer, a nice son tie man, a politician of fair dmaty.Oot^rtioi for %,the#'pi'piffc<4?te& of peace." .. ' * ' ?*\ t- ' .> ; 1 ** n*' **i&fc* ' % Of Senator Butler il can be said that whilst he has fully met the expectations of his most sanguine friends .arrd has rtot that application iiiApifwtffo OCfneentration necessity to utilize Lis cxtfaominary talents. "" * , -1 - . *.lf fii i| ? /, u4i \ i . 4 'ti "? < .r There 1* lunch ^cuuine modesty and traegreatncas both inherited and achieved in (JeneriflKetohiiw, t<he West cohsertative leader of the State. in 'war and in <pe4?e,' Has wort hy fend 1iifhftlfl|r$nd uritomplainnqly'served h^f. tic k loo much of a gentleman for the polirihd arena and shouhl have been and still should be placed oh the Sannfcue Beach where hw. presence woolff place it'va, whole qtrutanhere above sttspicioh, onihe bond aJM atia ot Kef questions. ; GenmJ ItmmJSfmSrwtfirh make* a ! neelfy chiten W ife pursuit of his own interests bat r&My to" respond iu great emergencies. Too cokl and distant to ever touch the hearts ol' our neopFe and with the tfdditfcfrffI Hffefofttrwr'of leaning too niuetf to *4htii-ion"' principles 'Us'-fe*preased 'fajji is'speeches by spying of the na wfco Sm n-'-rtHly Id pM hurried-1 sketch to'devote some spnet ? those mentioned iS4 Kbfihg *%Mt*4V- their notice Generate Gary and Connor, fart'a wfciiljr dhat eccentric geotus, Gen. Gary, the wo* feared and admired and the least understood of iaH Otit leading wen. . In ante of fh'clong cdntinnod opjnj.xTtion cjfj I;rtffr^'WUi'W^ristoctne I iht IviiSo^Sr^otilu hod yet too orbini mk! luairlv'to ia&fvffM ftdtftfaffge of the great he hasTouJht' h jsjffcr 4o- kU p*W ! nt cxaftcd porition. Tnmt has lauhs Cttninit'T^^ejjfcif,' ba( th^^lfq {.atei.t, ?* heint 1 ' I - %9 to %VV VMwir?a|,v v ^ ^ ee^trk-fflh^if Mmr mhj^A, Tree pan who'WUI rj^t ?fid Bitttiot .by the bhafcW^iii'^"imrruwprt'1 u 4tc?|' AV Offli ooaavcntiutialiliMMp tyrannies of w^^/'while his bdicr nature, hi;: tie^fafcyijts patcw^i i yujhw genius in .h6rt,*,Tfrc o?dy snuwty -Hikefhudies of eTectnt^j^-oo ^reat up *W? jUWjP. the \fid _wb?Q the fteuj&^.banlf, igaiiHt the aristocrats and"^pitrikt^*eA tobfrjoii^^juti the fimim,'or ^Rtiuhc aroh-ipiJ^TiaiL6eriau^ to joapj:,(lowed juJ who' "was at la^MfiUrJ doned, is to be cowed agd drivon.awwjg, make room fjjf o^r'6tiv $X&t ihttiijioq. wihotio. biittlcs our (ftirj s-Nauu >opj Hairs 'w,wo fttlltrht It "tiT* 'ijtiwUy bw,,v"'?v ??3? - ? , ? 4KB tnut "Gunr x is mill tfuVigeroasA jjm^ iu Cfpt hfccaase, Forsooth, he IiM boKUy steered hj^ gallant ship out upOiA thfaocfcin of life ana coofrouted fhe ltcveima..Cottar , ("Chamberlain") and\the ship pton." If he is mad, "there is method in his maduess," rts? shown by the coolness, skill aud biavcry .witjbjrhich he handled his troops in war, thfciraojjjense with which lie has rnair agodlys owii a#air$? aqd the ^euius displayed in his byilliant cared ras a statesaitJm,..* The^conception and inauguration of the canfj^ 187B, tW great political wotopjf on trre f2th oF August, '76, or^r C hayjberlaiij and Mac key, the purging and purification of the Logkdirurc andaipg Jtididgry in 1$77, (in spite, of the opposij^pn of Haiknton,) the passage of the usury law, the advocacy of a much needed system of education ' for the ?s!L,a:&cJrst z^UhSsn?>ai Hampton, will all stand as nfttfthmfats x..* , ? 1 m*li. Li.. t0JW?,.U?etpoetical maaness. iiioruuginj educated and well read, a constitutional, lawyer, political eooddi)ist, dp statesman w? can say of this gfekt1 "Commoner1' of Sooth Carolina, surely G?j? J learning hath made thee T^&ving" asserted my "right^'to "free thought and free^peech" frhich you fay we need in this State, 1 will clpge under a de pliupw* knowing tHat tfi'e truth, ej^en "wheor fitly spoken" is not always relished in South Carolina. Baying ventured also 'to: "<ifit>cisc ; .^he crici&," i,,C, tbp ftress, .as well as some of the ijiofe in Scju^ Carolina I may expect' to lj$ criticwe^an return, and therefore yol1^ information, "to ad w bo hi it may concern,^' that I am to toe manner | born, a native; like your senior, a veteran ! of the late war. Freeman. A policeman, seeing a yellow dog near two. handsomely dressed ladies, approaches resractfullj { apd says: "Does this beautiful fittlp crcaehtore belong to you. ladies?" "Meiicy? nol'j' Polict; man (liftinir his -"/let out o' hvrc^ i you b?,ast.v .... j( i^Z?Yrr.scent_ Correspondence ^ ; f-ADKKSS NEWS. ' r'Ut'KH Edgk LaurbnsCo.. Sept. $4., Dedi (frncent* J *i t vJ J? "T }'. ! I If ipcn^gc with our county paper,' ruc W|li acejby the time this reaches you tjaj ffiy rettdr to yoii, tfnder date ?of 22diiugnst, has been reviewed and criticised I ?y the writers of that journal, and thai Jwytiiiuk my views About things in Latuen* jQcrauty ?r? the icwDiratioo of the dtwil^d they ooapiuenUy, pious wmunity, don | U|e aay saclhpouitounfeaitn^ ><, Hoa^veir, I thought I worfC cptitiriCi ft' agreeable, to give you ' tewtfiine my observations of ".ilittr -finMiV/ itrom the ton of the hieh moutitt'froiH which .perfiaps, if I had 'BfehflvillinfNto ''dash ju foot against a atona l-might have had oia^e ai#i mftr,er as smoe now have who, bent the fcflee lb1 thai,'"Iread your article en. "The OHginat Thirteen, just a baber's dctfetaw" , and really murt say ikakp &r as Todd is f cOixwned he has boen-tneionly thoroughly' otutistent and uncompromisingly htraij&tout in ocfr county. \$ to Gptr.. Siiujiiori, it Was hard tp t?H^wbere he, letoodduring all the dart, and ftorniy years of Radical carnival in our county, when old Joe Orews held nightly orgie over die lives, the liberties and tne.vwryi health of our citizens. Occupying i tho i positioi of one of our leading attorney^in the county, and regarded as possessing "ponsijiexahle influence oner a large circle j of re^-tives and,connection, it was utterly impossible during thoe times that mens souls" in down*truddeu, hacked and' thofongWy. demoralized i^jurens, whence torch ot the incendiary lighten the ordnight devastation, and the murderous assmsan was rampant fhJm hiding placeSnd fb>to ambush. Und the voices of Joe Crews ami V. dbdKjiw Owens defied outraged law and order, it was impossible 1aa>vto procure from the two8inip*oo> attorneys* ? wow Governor the aftghteafi 'cipicmMthf what was to be doue,, or what wsjwet^ibr the public weak: t?^ "matfiiy flsscwjattfd in most ot the pubbk aflinas tbed Bled by Radical appointee* ot> UuiibnHnid wore ijhe^DeM tnd.deat^T mites as employees, and mftk foufeal aduanstimipn* their firthcr, their Circles npd their# trad* mm.fnceiviu^.daihrj w??rk. What could thev do under such.) circumstances to sav? themselves fnou^ huffing worej t?i^ii>cw ii* pensioners upon, their kwnfcy thap J6^e!pjt1wrr moiitha shutaml. to wait their^tiuie ]?atietftty, 'Ttyx. tiipe, has 6om? daj,' tmW the ?Utiw? the lewawhi ofc -the ratiotaffon that old Mart fiary started ? P?t what data Uwctt' kai'? There were many titbea ; #M ?We had had such a spirit'as Uarj\ hi our nridst fcki Jhure^MHfcr wotskf have ?drtfcrod as <T$ TSne whs priestrhfc$fi.<i? H'utF ftytft respect for *kip^aoe ,li^r ciureiy Inur dctvd ntrratnawurj* pillared, hor homed, burflt dvr;?, her citizens tr ?ddetj*)iMWW ami insulted lot:.the want .of a leadef^ my J4up boys accent, tljpni! ' while ifios kudmjr attorneys y^r<* t?jp and counsellors of the..locals prat. derc . . ^..^,2, AT inakigr an uic ucvuiii^p^cav.u^ wiih others of onr proroinentt offichtJ^'Tliere is H. W.Ball, fawiliarpiy ?ifll' Hud Ha/I" oar present solicitor. He is a YQjfcgo^d fellow, Nil he too. mm alternately 60 Bailed up witprajMli-. caik and rbe? partisan dC the Jtauecracv*h?t itrffhe Uaif h<? had to res ?tiae-rtto thi- uountq|,UBj[eji He -wtaa Jm Xrew'a attorneys,, lawyer, fricijf uad Uart at a.<im^rwh^.Qld.Joe wasj-oK di}gt'he county with *b iron . rod ana hi> wwthcr T. B. Crews, the 1>4f^^c lle',Uuitg^ ?a4 stftceraly or apparently ut dagger's point with ;his brother, the black sheep of; the Crews dock, .and was abasing him nghfcand left in the Wunins of his paper, twin an exceedingly w^nfcly ;ournal . . .?. ...i. . ' Ktopfc don't forget these, things ajll truly and conscientiously B. P. Todinvax the only outrighL stniiglit-througfil decp dyed, uncompromising" Democrat among the leaders in the county. The masses have ftlwuys'been one and the same, out 1 4 Ttia /] i fTftrpnw he aiJU PUI/ B\iui{(iuuwii inv ? .tweeh Todd and others was that hie has always been well off and independent, whjk^t&fcothers may hare had to sue* cuuh[ pinchings of want and H?ty havebftd- toeaeriffce a 'Sttfe oftheir principle tor daily bread. Howtfer these thing* nay betorgiven bnt forgotten aev err^B m ' . I rtally do not underetand the phosphate question sufficiently to expreat any opinion of its'men MP i on*-arguments upon the subject arc certainhr very plaair ibta" Our representatives. Wash Watts | tflj(f1!\iTnbertx?frc"ttofh infivor.jof the mono)K>ly. ' I used to be opposed taseoa| iiig la^ydhl^rapnwot Un people in the I'idgiaiatiire bat I-do declare,! don t (hiplt it taako* nra6b" difference to ecrvL porr fanners who are- oner head-and, eanun? debtto their laden and who ?o to Colombia and fed ?owj. ?h* /wfawor engaging their atteoftioff and* agjfhe way power fn Charleston ire interested in k?, pretty hard to expect justice to be done their ^mioicuenoiea hr* matter that can otflV Se f-bowii remote t4. affect them and, tut which plausible ereiimh can be given fur 'votrogy and sapportiog contrary to thoir interest. I do not think that thej old Oelencl could be bribed, but he ap* ?*-*-?? -i ^ weMJS otner rep resent* arcs are owo^i by their nptdrs sua tfopy we iqfei> OS ted hi the phosphate trade. h I purpose fre? the miiubcr otthein I hegrd as being in* Column* as lobbyists. iw,tbat interest dkrW the last feeaaiOu, %pd blood is thidter you koov thap water. I withdraw iny objectioaa in iwtwre to lawyers tin lea?'independent, well-to-do repreeewttive farmers are select edin fbiph ewe py r preference as a grander for a Mjuuer to represent i\u agricultural comI thought that in Cnv. Siqipson the agriculture] tomitiunity would hive found i gtfclrdiari rff the people's rights ybitf he, like the rest that gets place, kicks Ahc ladder away, and is borne 60 the k_Y_.l J i ,U? S yiuuyiuci 3 Ul I IIV vi^tiicfiuu imwwD. Our court is to rncpt on the 15th pro*., Judge. Thomson to presiae. Our docket is said to be encumbered- with- many an old case that should be^raposed-of. Sfele da}' in our town last, Monday Witnessed a great number of country people, in town, althougji the day was devoid or intereit. A drunken row. between twoyoung men caused L lock up in the rxw guard house. 7x3wis Bramlettc, W aged and reapeptad citizen of the County: died oa the 3d, in the ninety-sixth Vear of his age. -The .grain crop. throUgwhji the couoty Jias threshed out heavier tbad at first antijnpakfd. , Moft of our o*rchants hare gone to northern markets to purchase their fall in spitdipf the cheap fates to CbarfeWtctth* The}' sdjh that thev not only buy cheaper in Northern markets bui ibn procure more advait; tapeou* nccomuiddtifioai. The Pall term of )nr Fcinal$ cottage ppbp^, &pt 16th, and it Li to he fcowjjl will be with Aprishing prospects. fVKev. F. Jacobs atakea a moat admirable Mesfideai of a Wf Thorough institution. It it iwlkfil that the sptaodicl wwter pawen of I*wreaa hare wot vet attracted the attentioa of capitafista for the dfeeri? of manufWtaring an Ik In my i nexti. propose to gaye you some of the advantages of oar situation in this regards ,v?- ? ' -t.* . Nemo. ' .... ? **, ' .1 FROM VAJfXVUJjE. I ; ' Busineas is bctah and cation Wring in rapidly. The merchants here TVay the cash lor,produce of aM kinds aad lei parties buy goods where they plefcse. It ia ptaasgpt to sec so much hard moacy. m, circulation it hot to can^r it tftwiit. .j Mr Tiliinghaat viattdf oar town fcwt - l. ?? - -? mgni aim pamcu un ire srciin. i Mr. Chapman, <>f iAnna of Warren, Wallace & Ctt.i $!H u* a rtmt. Ha i* the (Hall's) aUft man. J . MrjlF. Duke, of PurtBiyal, Quantities of Hecf, good, bad differeuc,hf^ been *old hare. v J *'A The com, city i? ray abort erety faction of the comity. . Mr. Qyupjea, who RvotBanr 1'ufofcfa, Bridge* saya thataome people sar tne 'latfof an alligator U o<i to cat. but if j*bu wdhl toaf'gbbl oatine try the lakh dling or Ham ff'f#1?.flHjrator. Thw I' mention tW yo*r tectim otf-tHc country, ? Mtefx: Uha^raatv>'M4<KiBurd,Jci led au-IUtv d^r^?^ l'iT-i?ru?tft1dyrafcwjto>r *fco, %h M ' V ' I A d&rkoyf i* the -rafccooL-?-tl*Buftxttbgr hementio Mr. H. ' iCVkrwS'MnTl" Kwk nl?n Wt tue h.tve a 3*i5uHrviJit'\ritt? sa"I - Mr. jtl "i sfa&w& v&t y?* wf my <*><4 wa,ifra3pi? .#5^ ? l There att yigfc. Seappernoug gmpeb mi the eoamwc *V$?Pt? ?? rcl lent fa?t growing t^gteTj Wfcict ip< few y^jjrrlf.?u?l AIee.. k- 1 prw.ptM^yci* .were rdc?ea^?leriiay through lawyer ,U? sapyirejudice prevented die acceptance. #r the san^ehood which was offered befef* ..i .The longer tiie world last* the greater Jtx?d there is, oj[ dpciai^w of.chuatoter eo uhegart of men. Thp ,?an ;>?ho 14 ? neither side cannot be dependedjupo* at 4nf^^' There is.iH* jp*re >?* at ti<j,#rw?nt day: 'A man W W* lose ' a) at owe than reek justice ut the hands gotth? jfrdetptionV *+ [ l,,.i " "n'mxKK NKWA' f : Walhalla ?. C.. Sept. 6, 1879& 111 ike Editor of the Creteeet: My heart i? oi^dc pM on the arrival o -.the mail.jhc days that the ,U*KscK,vr ii dne. Am .pleased to hear from the cacoast, and, although delightfully situated* in fhiw plptfwwi*- ttftpHf, 1 long Jot fin oc6asidrtiV! wtftfof tfid sea brceru. The Climate<ff this to\wi is.deligK'tfttl and even now* coo|"enough to sleep under blanket*. Xo mo^uitoes^apd.-delirious water. Goefffefyj;ud\rt^uable board. The people up n'cr?, arc very clcTer rml hospitable, aud my niipftanoas of W?lnallairt} mdst favorable. Stilt, like a erabri would rdVeft to the e?wwt. I freqiio?tiy alter the words at XedUb, thai: ain't tbalatta f I W ^ j s_? 1^ A . j jwr ammg weomtmm ny fl upkj iwr nopbliats I hope will tag their due cflect. It used' tfeoecwr to me when reading ihe Arabian-tlalc of Aladdin that the slave of the nag who appeared to him in the $avera was just as powerful as the slate ol the lamp, tpd could dbeomplish as much gbodtofr evn Ps rtUf 'latter genie upon Whorn Afdddin luarrtlv relied. So, speaking of ''ringer* it hail been in-this State iu th<js6 latt'dr dAys. "The*selfish workers iii thqif ofcii1 iotcreitf'have1 made them; ^Prc opulent at fhs drawn-of {h* micas, and have been aided ilmraCijy by Radical legislators, awd* whew ihgf foiled, bj these of the Dacoectie party, "art there is no heahMa *st'' , v I observe that you jhafw several mbonnKara tn rmir nanfir hit* W Politics aredutl with us. ^eopEpnfre pretty, well rcjftjfecd with their cropa. Th? is a fine farmrajjf'&juhfry, and tnete seems to ho an abundance of farm produee raised, judging front the number of wagon* daifr arriving laden with butter, eggtn .Chiekeps and fruit. I am your* etc. tiRAV S iilLL. ?t* ?| t t 1 FROM LAWTONVMAK. , .in i Many changes in this place since last I wrote you. . Fodder has "been pulled, some' com gathered, cotton picking general, and sqme cotton sent to market and sold at -111 cents. Stores arc being built, and prices for goods are lower than the lowest. ahd here j lc* nn' say I hat this enterprising little town can bout of tbc largest Vfemtqr store in oar "betor" county, ???, if it ? measured correctly, we thutk it is tnetfF 4he~largest in the state. The< Hgh tpiug ^ rod man who says he e&tpe in a zigaaff * "route from Walterboro, decferts it to be tne largest store. It is full of good foods and cheap goods, and thev must'fee,soli* One of our ministers calk it thf *p>t* ' > moth store.. . / ..~ r A i protracted meeting beguh in ? this place, the pastor with other brethren '# are here. \V> humbly trust a gteat deal . of - j b 1' L The litakh of out- tu i ghfcarhedi - food ^ J generally, though aome feilfloua fMP^V?y I li wnv snn>r Iua dewtbonsfi woukl Be'move^ not in the majority. Ag*i|?? vyice frbtn rhfc wfHH Judge Kejpliaw for GoVofoa^'f ^j2r V* r-''' ' ' 'i&W&VlBLK, 8. ., Denr Editor: Ojl\A O^flX^F^.? You ?i)1 do?btlea*NM^iMtott4Ml fe ^ Iw&Ma nae^ but.yfcwJ^pfnuHj^frsurprwedat iut^Be aed ut looj: twee I haft W ?* jfalnjif, scetif you, but 1 do not aaul^^^ffEf %? your old army n8wc!a*ca bcmtfii nihil th^ % .. ignorance of'.your doing*. merc accident our oU farm bduaejWQt. made'acquainted with the fail liWn CwmcrNT waa your mor. fact, several of youjS. eojSSBgls soldier friends. will ooaiwHUi^1' , pleasure in informing rou <JjKTjlk goinz on in the "King's t?\,:).'' Squire Wallace nO|jBMy pare^yorabry .irtlb .him 2oh|>'fc Lock cut iqr jy \of treasures lisive fa 1 purchasers can be foundS^I* Hnm. I tyretl luonopol iats. Jjbae -of the ap|m*ujhins se?i<tfrrewk thlwiiet (**?? ittiponad bv.greedy eouoty boardsof eqi^fisaUiMi; reduce tha~ef?pmniT?wy?th ty at lea# one haH: irx'ii'u?iaVN| terrttoifr m the qmmv ajfipany: tmrfrifc* fu,;l. -- ? ,:r jlLLi tS^laa ;?al' 4^nte nystoBw perwnti J!SJ9l7 the txcfcuire ciuvrtors peiitwuaiBrvodtfWa. ''' ; A'fijce, oil Psaltery of tfce JMw oaf Umrur, ,ia all thy spirit of Soaud^Uy ? tEfknd, o? harp AjTfcir vid, aod abundantly de^nd, of i^tfed b? tic duncharge of his ditt/ ij Mill wy law. /rj i(j rjj -yt stand ^ue , poor jW$ J*n painter while he is at work. ; i jp i > "Some conlbmided Idiot hns jxrt'Lhat l>en where K cart'V&od?ii!,,,jibr^ded[ a man the other day as lie scwsWi a boat tho desk. "AUt urn! yea! ho exclaimed in a lower koy, as htytook the article from hcluod his ear. It, >JT |t; ?' T>*; i. ;? V He told^her laid hor head raurod "happy death." Mauig troot^a. **tghO0rin?^HBM^HH| aaleon shortjy tl^rc^ttec. /V^T* Col. ltion hju/'reqeotftr. added to hi* . % " rSj?TIj A 1 1 t. already line oonee^mi m imm large nunibpr pi rare and fdfcinbU works,,, which were a part of the law H*ary of the late Chief Jusuce Noeei. haaka are a great acouisitioa, adding Bwk In the value of dot, Riqn'g wWk. Be baa bow near!/ four ttfiauea?a tchmm . probably the beet privath law fibcaey ia ?the State.? Jh** , . A Washington young lady of tU m?ation^ancT (he fall. hfe becn'relitoSt lai suute'time, oo the tporaj.of.'it, awdflenly ibroke oat with: "Aunty, after Ada* and fivb disobeyed Gqd.wpy didu't He kill 'em and begin over again?" ' r SKN Atoa Beek beJievca that the *efcief *? iwansjit vntctm llui! mm nucnnrnw ua tnv^n? wwv ...v wilt be "the ffwgjywjwy tending of commerce. Alexander If. Stopbttis thinks the money. qfbestton is h,first. Judge (foadtcy and Sam Tildea's friends generally say jt is the Federal election laws. Mr. Blaine declares if fa the re toratinn of the Federal authority in the $owth. The California. peapfe thiulri fa ' wtjbe Chinese onestioah-OonUiop thinks it fa the shot-gun policy. Sh^ (m^gol? ' Auqtmftt Ckron. am? Go*. . *v | We think the chia^'l^Nthin will )>e , the rights of ihe podpIrT-' Ed j i ~A