The Beaufort tribune and Port Royal commercial. [volume] (Beaufort, S.C.) 1877-1879, October 18, 1877, Image 3

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LOCAL ITEMS Btaatart, S. 0(T. IS, IS77. Mr. Edwin S. Stuart is authorized to receive subscriptions for the Tribune at Brunson. The Rev. A. Wad Jell informs us that he has collected from his congregation, 1st African Baptist church, the sum of Si0.43 lor the sick and suffer iug at Port Royal. | We direct attention to the official notice published elsewhere by which the term of Court which would have begun last postponed until Wednesday December 5th. . j The city of Augusta having had three! deaths from yellow fever within its limits, has at length removed its restrictions upon communication with Beaufort. 0 ^ t Judge Wiggin returned from Kiugstree 011 Thursday last and will rerun infin Town until he goes to hold Court in Georgetow a which begins on the 21)th inst. I C * Spontaneous Combustion?One day last week Mr. Pollitzer had a coating of boiled linseed oil applied to a duck rarpatliug and jiut it iu the sun to dry. At night it placed in the cotton house * * * a tnban ann nf vllc unci rne next morumg, hucu vu^ v. help went to unroll it, it was found to be intensely hot and in some places charred an'cTahnost rcad? to burst into flames. 1 o > A new order issued by the Adjutant "General modifies the former one in that the inspection ordered at Early Branch for October20th. is postpoued until November 26th., and the one ordered for Beaufort on the 19th. of October is postpoued until the 27th. of November. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Odell will sorrow with them over the loss they have sustained in the deatlPof their youngest son. Having left his home in Beanfortrfor a short visit at the North, the fatal disease, diphtheria, claimed him as a victim a few days after his arrival in Brooklyn. To Our Friend'*. / AVc hope Ihnt those" subscribers who remain in arrears wil! now come manfully to the front and pay their dues for this paper. We have listened to the plea oi hard times and accepted the promise that payment would be u;ade when the crop wa* fathered, and now wo hope to see that promise redeemed. U pa'n&tjLihUy to unuouugj doathof Arthur M. Hamilton at Port Ro)-; J of ycltoir fe\'6r. Daring his too brie* career he bad won thercs?>eot and ad mint! OH of all who knew him, by his noble.; generous nature. Upon the break: g out ufthe epidemic, he chose to renta n at biV-f^f, aft cm ling to the interest* of the Port lloyal Railroad Company an caring for the sick and fid I a martyr ,;o the cause of Date. The property of Robert Smalls 0:1 Ift St consisting of the building in whi'h Tiik Titici-NK is publish ;-! an I th > lot on which it stands, was b >ught%by M v-K A * * < ? ?a ? I . 4. r|* ?> ti 'per i >r r ?, iast week i ?i. o ouosuWiiKy lower va ue th u? w.- placed . upon the projierty by MSwim- a u lie riio 1 to get (lie L'ni e i Sta'cs - > "t? t it fo gave uiucfit purposes an I juy':*vue 3-0.0vKJ for it. . ? ??> - - ? * The Ptcamcr City o( Austin'came from Brum wick ou Thursday !o-t hegai to load with cotton at the P ut Royr.ldock. The crew insisted upon leaving that unhealthy locality before uiirht came on. threatening to take the boat down themselves when the captain wished tliom to run the lhk of contagion, and l:c a cordjngly acquiesced ard the sUanit dropjtad oown towards Bay f\)int i'r.d re turned <m Priday morning to take more cotton, to again take the same precaution that afternoon. The schooner Ralph Carle ton, of Cam den Mc., came into St. Helena Sound on the Tth instant bound for Boston. She had come from Matanzas where hei captain and three of her crew had died and on the 5th instant the ican who had succeeded to command died at sea. Thschooner came to anchor bel w what the Health Officer considered the proper Quarantine anchorage and at a point where he did not cousider it his duty to burl hor. bat ncvcrthileis did visit her ail thore was no sickness on board and the deaths that had occurred were not from any contagious or infectious disease. Capt. Daniel Grant has come in the meantime from Cauiden, Me. and assumed charge of her and it is to be hoped she may reach her port of destination without further casualty " When the fast train which left here last Wednesday evening the 10th inst.-, had passed Oweu's mills ami had just reached the top of a rise, the figure of a man wasd scovered on the track and the whistle sounded to warn hiui of his dan ger. He took no notice of tin alarm and as the train was on t he down grade it was impossible to s*?p, and the engine struck him on one side throw'ng him in such a position that the wheels of the cars crush cd both his legs. When the train came to a stop the mangled form was raised and put aboard the train and carried to Yarns viile here he died i hree hours afterwards without any return of consciousness. The man proved to be Edward F. WaUh, a resident of Aliueda, formerly in the cuiployment of >lr. Holmes. When picked up on the track a bottle o* whiskey by his side ?hewed the cause of his inability to move with death ru-htug down upon him WaEli had been saved twice before bv the conductors' stopping the train* and liftingjhim from the track. Henry U net he, trial justice, held an impicst on the remains but thoiverdiet censured ij ?:?'> lv. S. E. Uaiilard, the colored lladieal, Senator from Charleston county has sent J in his resignation. * i It is currently reported that Say my i ireen lias cone and done the same for ; | this county. Ai:Ut>TA AND (JRKENWOOP.?Work on the Creenwood branch of the propos' ed Augusta and Knoxvillc Ihtilroad is I /i ll IT i I progressing satn a'toruy. uen i. n. j ' Bradley writes that he has graded in J length about 460 feet per day since he J commenced on the 24th ultimo. Major l 1 VV. K. Bradley spent two weeks recently f among the people on the line of the valley branch from Dora's Mine to Anderson. Subscriptions to the amount of $60,(XX) were obtained in aid of the road between | the points last mentioned.?Any rata Chronicle I. No more'important connections into | the interior for the benefit of Augusta ! and stcondaiily to Port Royal and Beaufort can possibly be made, and we look with great interest to the success of an enterprise so auspiciously begun. The Port Royal Railroad would give by the connection here referred to a short link J which brings the great W est at least 76 miles nearer to the ocean than by any other route. Let the good work be pushed with alacrity. Beaufort S. C. Oct. 16th. 1ST". Mr. Editor, Have you thought of the ease with j which the Port Royal Railroad Company j could have ko| t up their connection with the New York steamers, and avoided the danger of yellow fever ? The Kail road was offered Hie free use of the wharf at the Atlantic Saw Mills, from there ; 3000 ft. of track would have reached the Port Royal Railroad, and it could have j been laid upon the surface of the ground j by leveling the "cotton rows' as the ' ground is almost a level plain. Asit was not done, the supposition is, j that the Railroad Company had not the; means of laying 3000 ft. of tempoiary track, or ehc that the business which the I steamers would have furnished them at j this time is notv>f much account. * * * I ? The women connected with the various Temperance Unions of the country are to | hold a National Convention at Chi'ago October 24 to 27, to deliberate i:i regard to this gigantic evil, and to take ?* ior earning on the Temperance*crusade. _ <>> 4 ENTfcH+DfcT. HEIJ:NA S^^D. Oct. Sih, HE t?ri? l;!\. I'iwi.Li-, S > Stom F uichal, in Imiiuat lo Wylii*., 'i'vaclute. a Co. *;?r,I'1 it'?h Vrt. Harry, M. si rl.ivs from Fnnihal. in ballast to Wy-Ji.- Ta!i\r .4 Co. OnUi Liil. 'i~J ? / u.>rtle Lou 0? ?" vr si j ax'tT silir. IVtfa of New York with for masi tin rtui away*. <h i. 1 Jt!i. Uri;itk ijf V. sj^ r, Ikiruv it> Jay> r.o:;i .>t. Thomas ill liul'iisf to W., \ Co. llili, iO s vu I'.irk H r;ro an t-ltlir-i Iron Ffllndl, in k il ;>l lo W., "i.,\ Co. ?jjU'-t.- liri.isli I?k:. Wiili mi lV?w. n, s.'im l- ;i, 14 | ay?, l.oiii s:. 1 kiu\\ ..1. 1:1 M.jlasi to i\., 1*., A ci.KAnr:r? fimm ?t. \ s< r\o Ool, lurk. I a.Uva, Ciarjow-ti for 11.? Unit <1 Kin t l >.ii .viiii jo.M of [>!iosj?!i .to roc! r in \> -cur iui::t% lttli Hr. brijOuconl, Uv.-si, for lln- loin. Kinjilo'ii with 410 H>m of pliosjih-ttj ro.k fron >ak IViut mill v. ? * oi>! i r.iKv. i n vViatliroj., Cmni., oil Sa!> loon.iiir r 7&f ! if. M.lTilJ-K. tp-lS*; >i 'i .. tt. C. It at ? f t bis pla :v. Mr. .M.tii. wa w .l-t-.ul fa a-.jJ !y known h?r- in Bu .!*??.! w*hero for ?oTii? yfar* h'* was ertgnged i-i t > i a:i<l visited >jh? pluc ?ia>: winter for hi> health. >1had 1 >ng snQlr.-d from whirl eruiiiatol in death. Mr. M it her was a g u ill an<. lug yum; 'mas. who hail 'acquired man; ( frien Is here, who with r.gret this sad ia'el 1 Kuow'st thou Mother, how it happi n<, That lh<- dear ones die? t Gui walks daily in his gulden While the sun shines high ; In that garden there are ro>es Beautiful and bright, And lie gazes roatjd delighted With th lev. Iy sVht, If lie marks one gaily bioouiin-j, Than the rest more fair, Ho will pause and look upon it j Full of tend ;r care, And th l?eaateous rose lie gathers In his bosom lies; , Put on earth are tears and sorrows For a dear one dies. , died" Ohell.?Tn Brooklyn N. Y. Gtt Sun day Oct. 14tli, at 8. a. in. Joint J ante. Odd!, aged 4 years and 25 days, younirest child of James and Alice F. 0 loll ol ' Beaufort S. C. Notice of funeral at some future day. FOUND Adrift at Coffins Point a small light r marked M. If. P. A M. Co. The owner can recover the same upon paying the charge s. Apply to Titos. 15. i it u'ttx, Oct. ISth. St. Hel na IslandJUST OPENED!! i mi m mim stom! I i ALL kS! & SlSiSikii JiWil AT E. A. Scheper's The Leader in Low Prices I . ?0? IH.W I*i the pleasure of nnnouix iny < my tvierrlsan 1 the pubiic ?re!n.?r !! .' I that I uiii i off receiving my Kail am! ' Winter st v?-k of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, embracing the ehniccst and cheapest s i- tio:i <u' DRESS GOODS.! Noti<?ns, Embroideries, HOOTS AND SHOES| ' Lae'v, Hosiery, tilnvrs, Handkerchiefs, <'a?i- j meres, Jeans, Tweeds, Flannels, Homespuns, | Shirtings. Sheetitiirs, Prints, ('ambries, Limns, 1 Towels. Table 1 'amasks. Napkins, White (mods, ( enis* Furni-hiiia (ionds. Ace.; ever exhibited in | iteauiort. My nssortm-nt ofiaxds has <?ii!y to lie j s-en to he appreciated. 1 have sehvted them with i the grates! ?.ire. ALL AIIK Tit ESI I AND NLW and <Lfy competition. ceding i*LLanl WINTKIl supplies for iieir I'ainili s would SAVK "M(>NLY by looking at my stock a.el purchasing what tliev iv?|;iirc. *A well lighted start', with polite an I agreeable -aksiiien, to a; tend to e(is!outers. E . A. S G H E PE R. " r'.yjp'ii ? *?* jpm<Lmgyf/qgy^aaq I J CwRA VD : | I at The largest an,I best selected slock of Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes &c is n->v.* on exhibition at the Store of IBS I APPLE. tfi-i i )ur stock is com]>letc in every iv>]),et. We resjKictfully incite tlie public to "call on us iil l examine for themselves. Ilemeiiibertlie v ':;ts ?Id Heliable, :iiul don't purchase elsewhere, before examining our o COMPLETESTOCK Dont Forget the Gri'aiid Opening, / i AT ! /ov Sale or lUnt. For Sale. Four Rlack Walnut COUNTERS and STANDS, 10 ft. long by 3 ft. wide each. Apply at this office. To Rent. A Bakery and Shop Advantageously situated on Bay Street, with many conveniences and neccssar}' utensils Ac. None but reliable , persons need apply to Joiix Franz. TO RSNT, rT",wo desirable stores in Hie basement of tho 1 STEVENS HOUSE, Price 310 anil Sl > respectively. ? . Apply to W. J.VERDIEPv, Agent. FOR SALE. ~ AN EIGHT HORSE rOWER STATIONARY STEAM ENGINE, (iri.-t Mill, Saw Gin with 10 saws and one lllley's Lever power Cotton Press with shafting, pulleys and bands complete in running order. This machinery will be sold entire or separate at a reasonable price. For particulars apply to Oapt. J. G. Sipple at Grahamville or at this office. Notice. Mr. J. M. Rhett, is hereby authorized to receive all papers pertaining to the otliec of Probate. A. B. ADDISON, Judge of Probate Bft, Co. Horses and Gows. Tho Ordinances relative to horses and rows running at large on and after the 2:)th ult. will be ri: idly enforced. JOS. COHEN, Town Marshal. JOHN BKUUlt, Builder, Contractor ?AND? UNDERTAKER. Estimates and plans furnished at short notice. Opposite Express Office. Beaufort, S. C. P. M. WHITMAN Hay s treet Heaufort, S. C. Dealer in \ NEW^L^CKS. SClltl.TZ'S W.1TCH.1I EN *8 CLOCK. For the drttikin of Watchmen. Every one iiijij >ylnjj a watchman should have one of the i Clocks.-Soml for circular. New Rotary Clocks. Something new. Runs nolselssly. Requires no <ov. BLACK WALNUT VISIBLE PENDULUM 'locks. also Mai: ink, CiH'itrif, ami othei Clocks. Prices from $2 to ?11. Duo West Female College. Xexf college year opens October 1st. Faculty same a?S. last year-full. First-cbss teachers of inn->ic. drawing, and painting. Location retired and healthy. Tuition and hoard, including fuel nne washing, for college year. *177. Extras at reasonabl rates. For circular, send to J. r. BOXNKB, President, Due Wrst.S C ArorsT 1st, 1ST7. ?ort ilopt. R. P. RUNDLE, SHIPP'G & COMMISSION MERCHANT PORT ROYAL, S. C. Cotton, Naval Stores, Lumber Sic. AGENT FOR THE New York & Port Royal STEAMSHIP LINE. Mississippi and Dominion, West India and Pacific, and Liverpool and Galveston STEAMSHIP CO S. OF LIVERPOOL 1) II Hutchinson, Wholesale & Retail Urocer PORT ROVAL, S. 0. LI AS ADPKH (IRK ATI,Y to his stock ot GROCERIES, with au addition of a Meat Market, where will be found on hand at all times f. full and select supplj' of fresh Beef, Mutton & Pork, together with all kinds ot vegetables to suit the demands of the public. SHEPARD D.GILBERT NOTARY PUBLIC. Attention given to Marine Protests. Of fice in the Sea Island Hotel. H. M. STUART, M. D., Cor. Uny & Eighth Streets, Bo/iiifort, S. O. PKALKR IN DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY PEKFUMERY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Together with many other 'articles too numcrouis to mentiou. All of which will be soM at the !owc.? price for cash. Physicians prescriptions carefully cornponned ' * Grist and .t'rcd. -W. S. BLI.IOTT, Utanfort 8. C. Bjt VK.VKL, tt CO., Chart ft on 9. C. THE BEAUFORT- * STEAM MEL C0MPAN7, |_JAVING PUT UP A GRIST-MILL AT THEIR t JL uiu siuim, uik i>rr|iuiin iu UIIUHII Grist, Feed and Meal, any quantity, and at reasonable rates. " M. S. ELLIOTT, S.M.WALLACE, COTTON FACTOR AND GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer in Grain, Hominy Meal, Feed ETC., ETC., SEA ISLAND COTTON . Bought Ginned and prepared for market. ADVANCES \ i Made on consignments. Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and g; inding corn and meal, he is prepared to execute all orders on.the shortest possible no ticc The highest cash price paid for COTTON & CORN Cotton ginned on toll. S. MAYO, ^ . ! Bay St. Beaufort, S. C LIQUORS, WINES, fte. NET YARNS, FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. Gla?K, Paints nnd Oils, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing paints and Glass cut to order of any size. Dec. 6 W. H. CAIiVERT. PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worker DEALER IN Fnfannod and Stamped Tin Ware*. Constantlyor hand, Cooking Parlor and Box Stoves. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. W. II. CALVERT Bay St. between 8th A 9th ats. Beaufort. S. ( BANKING HOUSE, Win. If. Lockwood, BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. ^ GOLD AND EXCHANGE New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections uiadc on any point in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. np.27.Gm. PORT ROYAL Sa w A Planing Mill BKAUFOItT, 8 C. D. 0. WILSON & CO., MA>t'FACn'RKRS Of AND DEALERS IN YELLOW PINE TIKSE& AND LSIfrR AND Cypress Whingles, AMO Builders & Contractors PLASTER LATHES, All kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done. Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on baud Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Terms Cash. I). C. WILSON A CO. AVEBILL CHEMICAL * -w T Jf 4 l 1 . Mixed ready for use in white and over one hundred different colors, made of strictly pure WHI7E LEAD, Zinc, and Linseed Oil. Chemically combined, wa anted to last twice a* long as other paint. F. W. SCHEPER, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. ICE! ICE! mm & emmoks, A RK NOW PREPARED TO FUR A. nfsh Ice in any quantity Customers way desire, from their lee House, Sovejatb. Street. JOHN CONANT, J. A. EMMONS P. DESSESURE. BOOT And SHOE MAKER, All work entrusted to His care will receive Prompt attention. Shop Vert the ICE HOUSE, BKA I'hORT. S. C. F. W. St | FINE GROCERIES ^ Of all Grades. ^ . CANNED FRUITS. VEG And a Full Variety of otlier (hi'ng Goods Promptly Deli SEA1SLAI HAS BEEX I the patronage of the tra 31. 3r. K I N G 31 AN, Beaufort Mi Having opened a shop in Beaufort, I am Build & Repair all Both'of WOO. Particular attention given to designing am pipe and fittings constantly on hand at Ni Person1.! attention given to setting md Steam Boiler Furna Shop nest to Post Office. fT AT APPLE'S" AT AI J ATTEJ 1 iNO Wis THE TiS V ' jt j Closing out Sale ot SU3I31E ^IFALL and WI fs I Extra Induce NI FRUIT OF THE LOOM, 4-4 I SPLENDID, 4-41 ^ I FINE CAMBRIC'S 4-4 i EXTRA CAMB1UCS, 4-4 ?2 i ^ : And a discount of 23 per cent on > : 1 o^l.l nt ,.a nrnlar nl ; UL'Ull UCICCUIUKJ OUIU l?u ^ i COME ONE, ^ i To the Cheapest h ; *\ m iiS.aiddV J.V iiScUTd MANSION HOUSE. PORT ROYAL, S. C. Is beautifully situated, facing PORT ROYAL HARIIOR, Enclosed with ample yard under live oak tree the rooms are neatly finished and nicely furnished and the table is well supplied and kept. Guests from the North will tind this a raos healthful and pleasant winter resort. United states vessels are located in sight, and fishing,, bunting, and boating can be enjoyed. Contracts for board will be made for the season at reasonable rates. BENJAMIN BURR, PnOPHIKTOR. M. POLLITZER~ COTTON FACTOR AXD Commission Merchant beaufokt S. C W.P.GitAHAMr BOUNTY AND PENSION AGENT, BEAUFORT, S. C. Will attend to any business entrusted to him. Information free. niar.l5-tfTHE SEASIDE LIBRARYT Choice hooks no longer for the few only. The be.-t standard novels within the reach of every one Books usually sold from SI t? $3 Riven (unchanged and unabridged) for 10 at d 20cents. 1. East Lynnk, By Mrs. ii. Wood (double no.) 10c 2. John Halkax, Gent., By Miss Mnlock. 20c 3. JAnb Eyre, Charlotte Bruit '.(double no.)20c. 4. A WO.MAN-HATKK, CharlesIteale's new novel 20c Tiib black-indies, Jules Verne's latest. 10c 6. Last days ok roMrKit. By Buhver.^ 10c. 7. Adam beds, By Gco:ge Eliot, (double no.) 20e )*. The arcndki. motto, By Mary Cecil Hay. 10c 9. Old myddklton's money, By Mary Ilay 10e 10. The woman IN white, By Wilkie Collins. 20c 11. The mill on the floss, By Geo.-ge KIM. 20c 12. The American senator, By Antoojr-. ' Trollope. . . i, 20c 13. A. ok thixe. By William Black 20c. 14. The dead secret, By Wflkle Collins. I0r. 15. Romola, By G< orge Eliot, (double no.) 2?c 16. The english at tiik north polk and field of ice.-In one 1*>ok By .Biles Verne 10c. 17. Hidden perils, By Mnry Cecil Hay. " inc 18. Barbaras history, By Amelia B.Ed wards 20c 19. A terrible temptation, By Chas. Ucade. 10c 20. Old ctriosity shop, Charles Dickens. 20. 21. Foul play, By Charles Kcnde. 10e 22. Man and wife, By Wilkie Collins 20. 2:1. The squire's legacy,By Mary Cecil Hay. 20r For sale by all Booksellers and Newsdealers, or sent, postage prepaid, on receipt of price by GEORGE MUXRO, Publisher. P.O.Box .3657. 21,23, and 2.3 VanderwaterS t. X. Y AH tlic above bo ks together with all the numbers of the "Lakeside.'' "Fireside,'' "Sunnyside," "New York Library'' and other publications for sale at publishers' prices (postage added) at the NEWS AND STATIONERY DEPOT OF W. A. (Jordan, Dean fort, S.V. * : t " - -?-? HE PER, ^ v yv w^iytatl?> ' scr.vcikn coffees', ' Sl'JCKSitc *7 v; . . # Bull and Coosaw Rivers ... , ?_oR ' ' > r PORT ROYAL. \V111 be supplied vltth' FRESH. WATER,' . From th^cejebrattd ? ' . \ *?. * ' 1? 4 *' ? ? *- J Club House Springs, By Steam or sailing vessels. , . (> I 4^-Ordcrs sent to our office in Beaufort wiM re* ccive immediate attention. -/Mi DICK A SMALL, FroprWore. KIMiSFORPS. Oswego Starch, b the best and most ccon?ml?fd in tit* world. . , ' { Is perfectly PtfRE?free from arlds pod other foreign substances that injure Linen.' * Is STRONGER thai} any other?requiting much less quantity in using. . Is L'NIFORM?stiffens and finLdy* work always the same. KIJiGSFORD'S OSWEGO STUtCB, Is tlio most delicious of all preparations for * Puddings, Blanc-Mange, fake, Etc*' "morning news" Prize Stories The Weekly News' * WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th, > Will contain the first chapter of an i'nteuaefy interesting and well written story, . THE MARABLE FAMILY. BY 8. (}. HiLLYKR, JR., Of Cuthliert, Ga., To which was awsnled the First Prirc of thn* Hundred Dollars, offered for the best story founded on incidents of the late war _ . The Wetkly News, In addition fothe Agrt? v*??? ??? - ? awn rwuiij introduced: still maintains ita distinctive features as a medium for State, Political and General Sew<, and every cffort^rill his deyoftd to 'making t it a comprt hensivc"medium of information for the' people. Its market Reports are. complete and, reliable. . , . Price*.?Weekly News, 6 months *1.06; 1 year' $2.00: postage free. I>aily, 6 mouths 85.00; 1 yesf $10. postage free. Remittances can be tuadc by Post Office Order Registered Letter,"or Express, at toy risk, Letter should be addressed, ' J. If. KKTtLL, '' _ Savannah (Ja. _ A. B. ADDISON, . 'i : i' " . Judge of Probate. FOR RKAUFORT COUNTY.' Will be in Beaufort on the first Monday la etrery i month and remain until ail business is attended to In the interim he will be in Brun?en. where,he., will be prepared to attend to the duties of hi# office ' snd any other business that maybe plscfj I his hands. , * f /fruits. ETA.BLES, WEATS, &V. ; f m<. s usually kept in a first-class Store, vered free of charge. VI) HOTEL, ' ' . v . i .- * . ;777 (T HE-OPENED.' '' * YELLING PUBLIC IS SOLICITED. .. ?># . - , ' - . Manager. achine ShopJ o?? . . . * prepared with the latest improved tools to kinds of Machinery, D AND IRON,.. ,..1 \ pattern making for new work. Steam nthern prices. constructing i * * ,ces for Saving Fuel. . . v >. . > .A. WHITMAN. McclwimJ Kntiiwr. >PLE'S!! AT APPLE'S!! - iTION! ii i: tor initialw: 2 R GOODS, to mate room for i ^ N'TER GOOD S!ll h 0 ! t*J ments Offered. i &> o j S;, lloach, 12c. { 3leach, k* 10c. \ " 10c. \ # x " 12c l . I all SUMMER GOODS, that have :: Z : A, ces during the season. I OOMEALL, p*!? i 'i?i Store in Town. ! ^ - , 5 i &> rs. M. | * [ti i- "!.r dV iLV iiS.aiddV iV '?;? ; * V E SSELS