The Beaufort tribune and Port Royal commercial. [volume] (Beaufort, S.C.) 1877-1879, January 04, 1877, Image 3

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* r r ? ?- I I k "L()C AL ITEMS [ H _ 1 t&r Mr. Carleton has delivered up the ke^s and booksofthc office of Judge J; P of Pifbftte to Mr. A. B. Addison, his sucB ccssof. fijr Gen. Hampton has issued an < P adlr??to the people ealhug upon them i r to pay tax equal to one tenth that paid I last Jftftr- He will appoint tax Collectors r in e^ery Coantv to receive the contribu- ' I tions called for. ' I 1 1 ^ fgf At a meeting o: the Cabinet on j - - i - j:.?. I . r Tuesday it was decided to let tne unpu- j P ted Southern States alone. The recogoi- j I tioa of the contending Governors will be i L avoided, if possible, and the people al- < lowed to settle their own differences, i I I. MT? he treasurer of Orangeburg j i * County has surrendered his office to a newly appointed man without a word as ( to pho is Governor. ( m- It ia funny how a man who failed ' to get reelected or re-appointed refuses { to recognize Mr. Chamberlain as Govern- * or while his successor, be he Republican 1 or Democrat, if he holds a commission ' from Mr^jbamberlain, contends that it f is good. Owing to the scarcity of money j they pmpose to holdAno court in Camden , County in January. If Beaufort county J 4 could get along with only two terms of ( court in a year iurors aud witnesses ( might gt their pay. It is the third term tnit runs us in debt every year and increase! the ind btcdness about as fast t as the tfo mill tax pays it off. , ( k P?" ly a bill recently introduced in ( * Coo grep The grade of Port Royal is pnt } ' down as* aaval station of the* fourth 1 ckss aad is to be commanded by a Com- 6 I modore. In the same class are New .London Newport, Key West and New T brleaD# w j|?- A.bram P. Jenkins was before the t ft Congrefrional committee in Charleston ' W last weofc and told his experience as a | democratic candidate. He produced a I I letter,^tfcich he said he received before ? L the elation, threatening vengeance on c r him if be persisted in advocating Hamp- i K ton. j , ^ ^ |1 ft WtT The Democratic County Execu- i tive committee met hereon Tuesday eve- I E niog last, but we are not informed as to ^ I any important action taken by it s kltt> Cfar partuer went down to Hilton \ Head last week in quest of game and j j showed his good marksmanship by kill-J , in* two tfcer, by what is called a 44 right j ^ B and left 4^' that is. ho shot the.n both j . W ' without gauging hit? position, the two | as quickly as he could torn aroi d. ividuals having any old scores Wf ith the editorwitt be referred to h ffr Mr. Wa ce who is as good a shot to-day j 6 I as he wj Last week; 11 L (lngre*>man Smails left for r; I W&shlnmn la-t Friday. He has been \ p lor scvea days in attendance upon the .J B (Jongrespnal committees before whom j ] H he was jummoned to testify as to his d knowlejeof intimidation and fraud iu 0 this regiu. j t B ; <? |? BB ?r. Paul Crippen. for several years a |sidant of St. Helena, has left ^ ^B for the ^orth, where he thinks he can ^B engage a more profitable and agreeable ! ^ ^^7 pursuit jaa raising Sea Wand cotton. ^ * l&'fhe members of the Washington ( H Engine Company who have been on duty I B at Port lloya! for the past few days have * K spjered severely from the cold, and from , B eJMosure have become pretty well 's hijnzed, sad might be mistaken for regu- a 11 Dyspeps'a is said to be the remorso of? guilty stomaaji- -j > ? leuiy person who have been re- v ceiving (lis paper free will find that (by o omissiottofcourse) their paper will fail to ? reach them this week. To prevent any 1 mistakesiu the future they can send in 1 their sul|criptions. If the paper is not c worth p^ing for it certainly is not worth j giving awy. j f ^ the United States Court in * Charleston Tuesday in ;he case of h F. W. Stfeper and Charles Stevens, versus the schooner Meta, her tackle, ap- g pwrel an^fcmiture, libel for salvage, an ^ order w* signed on motion on Wm. Elli- j ^ ott and Buist& Buist, ordering the sale c^f the schooner Meta at Beaufort, on the 16th January.' The coroners jury on the body of young Walter, who was killed in tne Charleston * riots, which has been in session ever : since November 9th rendered a verdict on hJ Saturday last that 44 the deceased, E. FI. " Walter, came to his death on the 8th of j November, 1876, in Meeting street near! J Broad, by a shot fired from a rifle in the < hands of a colored policeman to the jury i ? unKDOwa. W "The plantation with an. elegant; nian.>ion on gf Helena Island lately occu- . P'e(^ ^r- P. Crippen is offered in un- ( I other column for rent. Naval officers might avail themselves of this opportunity to -ecu re abmxls0Uie aud convenient resi-1 dance. c friend Kingman, late pro?fMea Island Hotel, 1 ln market business in Washaodfmm the wide awake circular ' El"' r y^*We observe the energy and JT *hi?h he was noted while here, i however, when.we read ft good things he advertises 1 I _cannot give him a . Ha^ Our better half awoke u* at ar C3rly hour yesterday ntorniug to inforn us that she hail invented a pun. It wa. as follows: " We are to have a new Prcsideut next March, not Til-den." 0 course we .-aid it was splendid, anc smiled and pulled the covers over ou ears and dreamed that we were to havi i fair count. I # - A daring robbery was committee last Saturday evening at the store of Mr r.o v TWop Mr. Rovee had iust mad< ip his cash account and placed his monej in a tin box, which he keeps lor the pur pose, wheu he was called into the bad part of the store, when a man, who liac 10 doubt been watching, stepped ove' md seized the box and escaped. A boj o the store had seen the theft committee ind gave the alarm and called Josepf Robinson, policeman, who had seen the nan cross the street and started in pur uit and after a long run >aptured the thief and recovered over $90 of the mon jy, a small amount being still missing. The thiet was brought before trial justice Darleton and committed to jail. He h from Colleton county and seemed to be icnown to none of our citizens. Burglars Arrested. The men who engineered the Comba' tiee riots have organized themselves into i band of burglars and have been preyng on the country stores in the same vicinity that was disturbed by their opera -ions last fall. Among the stores robbed ire Bowman and Nebcinias, B. C. ? ' j tt rv.ii in *aams ana nenry in. runcr. ?? ueu he store of Adams was robbed the hieves first fired on the watchman who ired back but he was driven away and h* door being too strong the house ras broken open by cutting a hole in the tide when the place was sacked and goods forth $250 stolen. Some of the goods rere afterward recovered by {Sheriff Wilton and returned to Mr. Adams. The chief of the gang is Peter Holmes, he murderer of Matthews at Coosaw, rho has been reported dead for some ime. His confederates are three of his >rothcrs auu two cousins, six in all. The Sheriff got on their track and last Friday aptured all but Holmes and lodged them u jail. In searching the houses of the en arrested a large lot of stolen goods rere recovered and when the goods were ndentified were returned to the owners, n one of the houses was found a Parker :un the property of Holmes which was apposed to have been stolen and is now n the possession of the Sheriff who will leliver it to any one proving ownership, le thinks that it was likely stolen in Chareston as Hoimes has been living in thai ity for some time. Bowman's loss by he robl?ery was about $JOO, the most of rhieh was recovered. Sheriff's Sales. On Tuesday last the sheriff sold the inds of R. G. Holmes consisting of about .500 acres, together with the steam saw iil! and fixtures at A'tneda. :>lr. Luck" rood made a bid of ?6.000 which was aised to $7,000 at which figure the whole roperty was sold to E. P. Fitts and S. . Holuics. There is a mortgage of $2,". 67 on the property with iuterest uc for four years. This is the largest sale f lands made by the sheriff *in a long hue and ilie friends of Mr. Holmes will e glad to know that he will lemain in ossession of it. The next sale was 1600 cres known as the il Black Creek lace, sold to A. and L. Youmans for 6vK). The house and lot in Branson ras bought by the sauie parties for $345. 0 acres of land on Por^ Royal island bemging to Charles Talbird were sold to lichard Washington tor $15. The 'Woodward Place" and "Pigeon Iwamp' were sold to J. G. Barnwell, tt'y. for $100. The other pieces adverised were not offered. Thursday night last, the steaiu saw nd grist mill and cotton gin of Sheriff 'iodall, at Privateer, Sumter County, ras burned with the contents, consisting f a small quantity of cotton, and the eed from eighty-seven bales of cotton, 'lie loss is estimated at about $2,300. 'he fire is thought to have been of inendiary origin. A ladv possessing two canaries named espectively Wheeler and Wilson, being sked why she chose such names, replied? iecause neither was a Singer. Last Thursday the gin of Mr. Win. II. Steinroeyer, iu Sumter County, took fire iy accident while in operation, and was lestroyed. Marine Intelligence. CLEARED. ST. HELENA SOUND. Dec. 27th.?Br. Bk Devon, Walton, master foi Newcastle, Eng. with 584 tons phosphate rock from io-tsaw mines. Dec. 28. Br. Rk. Magdala, Lowrie master for Lon? ion with 625 tons of phosphate rock from Pacini nines. ENTERED. )ec. 27th. Rr. Bg. Tawe, George master, 16 clay? rom Georgetown, Rritish Guiana, in ballast ti 'ampbell Wyllie and Co. Schr. I>ora B. French from this port for Boston rith lumber, put into Nassau, December, 18, leak' ng, with loss of ma in boom and sails. The following vessel were at the ports namei muml for Bui! and Coosaw Rivers. Ship Syskomer. Ryde, Eng., Dec. 10. Irais, Eastbourne. Eng,, Pec. 9. Iris, Hun, Eugland, Dec. 13. The following vessels from Bull and Coosaw riv :rs are reported to have arrived at the destination :i?en. Nellie, at Shields, Eng., Dec. 9. Sidwell Jane at Ipswich, Eng., Dec. 12. Blanche, at Plymouth; Eng., Pec. 13. W. S. Tucker, at Plymouth, Eng., Dec. 13. Vesper, at Belfast, Eng., Dec. 12. PORT ROYAL. Arrived Die. 25th?Schr. Mair Cranmcr, Capl rom Philadelphia, gurao to Railroad. w Dec. 2.5th?Schr Eiwood D<>ran,Capt. Warrento r'th guano from Philadelphia. ?" Pec. 2Stl? Schr. J. II. DeWolff, Capt. Thatche 'foni Boston with guano to Rrilroad. J_j ii " - .'.ill1** ^7 ^ ?V ) 1 PORT ROYAL NEWS. i i! _ 5 ? The Railroad company have erected 7 lamps on the dock to guide night pedesf trains in the right track. * ? During the present season 12,000 r tous of guano^have been received at Port 3 Royal. There are now in store about 8.000 tons. j ? One hundred feet of dock room is being built, extending North. Messrs. ? Duncan and 'Devlin are the contractors. .. It is intended to extend the wharf still _ farther as fast as it can he built until ac. commodation.s are provided for the shipj ping. r ? Mr. 0. F. Duke eame'up to BeauT fort on Tuesday evening in a buggy and \ on arriving at the junction of the shell j road his horse became unmanageable and ? after kicking the buggy to pieces ran . away making a wreck of the establisli> ment. Mr. Duke received a kick in the . back which hurt him severely, and a lady who was with him was considerably > bruised. ? ?Mr.,Wilkins is making arrangements ; to resume business and will soon be found ready again to serve his customers. ? The laundry is not now running. A good man might find a profitable business in starting this establishment and atteuding to it properly. ? The Railroad company have erected . several more sheds to accomodate the im. mense quantities of phosphate and guano bought to this port, and have been obliged to refuse^several cargoes because I of tlie r want of room for its storage. I Another season Jwill find theui prepared , tor all that comes along. ? Port.lloyal might'propcrly be called the " Guano Port " Everything lis fail sheds, houses, ears, r noses and some of the citizens even say it gets into .their hash. The following vessels are now at the Railroad wharves*:' Schr. A. G. Bentlv, for BaIt'inorc loading with lumber from R. P. Rundle. Schr. Pan'l Britain, for Baltimore, loading with lumber by R. P. Rundle. Schr. C. F. I Iyer,, for New York loading with lumber by R. P. Rundle. Schr. [Klward Doran, discharging guano to Railroad company. Schr. Olive Crosby, from Nevassa, W. I. discharging guano to Railroad company. Br. Bark Kate, with machiucry fr >m Middleborouch England for South Pittsburg Tenu. Discharging. Schr. Mair and Crantner with guauoJYom Philadelphia to Railroad company discharging. Sehr. J. H. DeWolf, with guano from Bjston to Railroad Co., dischar ging. Ship Ilarvev Mills, on fire. ? Mr. H. \V. Wiikins has given us the following card for publication : " 1 ?Mo tn pvtpnil L lil M/~ lino vypvituuivj vu my thanks :o the citizens of Tori Royal for their hearty and willing assistance in saving and preserving the goods that es, caped the flames, and hope soon to be able to show my appreciation. I hope to receive the continued patronage so valuable in the past. H. \V. WlLKINS." ?The cargo of the Harvey Mills was i in-ured in the Atlantic Mutual, British ! and Foreign and North American Insurance Co. of Philadelphia. 150 bales belonging to a Manchester spinner is not known to be insured. ?Dr. Brisbane lias removed his printing establishment from [Bruuson to Port Royal and threatens to issue a paper. It will no doubt be a weakly. ?The water boat of Messrs. Dick and * Small, the Agnes, has done noble service in throwing water ou the Harvey Mills. The pumps have been going ever since ' last Thursday moruing without a rest, 1 and although the danger now seems to be 1 all over, she is still at work, The owners I have been constantly on hand and will no doubt be well rewarded in the shape of , j salvage for their services. ?Mr. A. F. Hall, mail agent on the railroad, has opened a store at Port Roy- I al with a very creditable stock. lie will no doubt find it to his interest to advertise. ?In the burning of Wiikins' store Dr. Thompson,health officer, lost a large part of his bachelor fixings, as he had a room 1 in the building. ?The Port Royal compressing compaty represented by the genial Rogers, has ; had a profitable season but the machinery 1 refused to work during the holidays and : is taking a rest till next week. ?The Pilot Boy was engaged on the i ' fire on the Harvey Mills, and rendered j valuable assistance with her powerful uia* . chiuery in throwing water as well as assisting to tow the vessel up to the wharf. ?The business offering to the Railroad <' company is now far beyond their capacity ' although several new cars and one engine have been purchased and trains are kept j running night and day. New purchases will soon enable them to meet all dei mands. ma t?t. /* ivrn j News & Stationary Depot- j J The undersigned takes pleasure in an I nouncing to the citizens ol Beaufort aud ; the Fleet at Fort Royal, that they are j prepared to furnish all the DAILY and WEEKLY PAPERS J | t that are published, and all monthly azines and novels at the shortesy^fMH We guarantee satisfaction may favor us Just Received. ! i By steamer from NEW YORK A select stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBERS; Ac. Together with a fine assortment of the latest styles GENTS' READY MADE clothing, for sale at bottom prices at D. R. HUTCHINSON; Port Royal. For Sale. A handsome Bay Stud colt, from th best breed, as a racer, seven months old; price only one hundred dollars. Apply to I). II. Hutciiixson, nov9.2m. Port Royal. ~ TO ZFL^HNTT, Two desirable st >rt'J in the basement of the STEVENS HOUSE, Frice $10 and $15 respectively, Apply to W. J. VERPIER. Agent. WINTER SCHEDULE FOR SAVANNAH And Intermediate L'dgs From and after Friday November 25th., 1S76, the favorite Steamer PILOT BOY, "yT7 ILL-make regular tripa to and from BKAIFORT AM) SAVANNAH Leave Beaufort every Friday at 10 a. m. Leave Savannah every Monday at 8 a. m. For Freight or passage apply to ( W. HARBISON, Agt. Beaufort. S. C. J. M. Ml'KBAY, Agt Savannvh, Ga. " BANKING HOUSE, ! ' i Win. If. Lockwood, i BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE New, York Charleston & Savannah Pought and Sold, Collections made on anr point in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. ap.27.Gtn. GRIND UllIC AT "THE STORE OF E. A. Sciiepcr, The Leader in Low Prices' :<v * Havingju<?t arrived from NEW YORK, where I fiavc purcliao <1 one of theiarg. at and most complete stock of Fall A Whiter Goods Ever before offered to the Beaufort public. Consisting of DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, HATS. AND CAPS, ( BOOTS AND SHOES, CARPETS Ac ] I offer an entirely fresh stock of first-class PRITS, ' so tLt celebrated ORIENTAL 7-8 CAMBRICS AT 10c. iielerted in New York with special view to their * 1 .A?An JL* adaptability to prcseui ai-nawij, I?v. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS \ will be offVml in all departments, as I am deter- ' mined to make this one of the most attractive ostablishmentsin town. Call before purchasing elsewhere and examine the stock of goods at E. A. SCHEPEB. W. H. DEVLIN, , Carpenter I Builder o All kinds of BOAT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING. o OFFICE AND SHOP COR.BAY and CHARLES STREET, BEAUFORT, S.C. PORT ROYAL Saw A Planing If ill BEAUFORT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN YELLOW PISS mil A SB LESSEE AND Cyprosr? Slilziglos, ALSO Builders fiq Contractors PLASTER LATHES, M^Ainds of JOB SAWING promptly done. ^J 'toAi.diti^er bj th ; ^.. ,H Li4a Charleston ^dmltscnunts. I>. O'XEILX & SOXS, WIIOT.KSAI.E PKAIF.KS IX BOOTS, SHOES, | TRUNKS AND VALISES, ivTz-w oo * " *??? ?J?-? * jr ' 1 J .?? a,A v v i Charleston S. O aprl.Myr. 9 *t>oa I ozis aue jo aopjo o] jno ssi?jr) pn? , sjntTul Saixirn oj aoAiii nouuonw punodg miKaaaax axv aval HJJIIM <wITO pu? 'S8Blf) aovanoo axv s:i\*ri iisij 'SKHVA Itf\T 'S3KIAV 'SHO.ltin ifaP o 'S 'iJQitit?opr 'OAVW *S SILVER PLATED WARE. Electro-Plated Silver Ware AND Ornamental Art Work, IN GREAT VARIETY. MANUFACTURED BY THE MERIDIAN BRITANNIA COMPANY, 550 BROADWAY NEW YORK. ! 1 The best Plated SPOONS and FORKS arc those ] Silver Piated heaviest on the parts where necessarily the most wear comes, and bearing the Trade Mark. 1874?ROGER* BROTHERS?XII. N. B. ?This great improvement in Silver - Plated Spoons and Forks is applitki alike to each grade of Plate, A 1,8 and 12 or., as ordered. The Process and Mwjhinery for manufacturing these goods are Patented. The Extra or ''Standard Plate" made by this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 20 per cent, heavier than the ordianary market standard. j Ci* First Preraeuras awarded at all Fairs where . exhibited, from World,s Fair of 1852 to American Institute Fair, 1674. inclusive, mar 9-6 m. ?/? tfl C?0fl P "r ^a*' at home. Samples worth 81 jpD lU tree. Stixson A Co., Portland' Maine BEND25e. to G. P. ROWELL A CO., New YorkOfor Pamphlet of loo pages, containing list of 3W0 newspapers, and estimates allowing cost of advertising. (pin a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and term's free TRUE A CO., Augusta, Maine. tnar9-ly. W. H. CALVERT. 1 '*' PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worker DEALER IN Japanned and Stamped Tin Wares. Censtantlyon J hand, Cooking Parlor and Box Stoves. TERMS CASH. <gent for the Celebrated Charter Cak Cooking Stoves. W.H.CALVERT, , Bay St. between 8th A 9th sta. Beaufort.S.C J MRS. E. KOLZACHr DREAD. PAKE! CANCY OAKERY, II ALL V KINDS I OF 0 FRESH CONFECTIONARY" ( >u hand and sold at the lowest prices for cash. For the convenience of my up- town customers and j ;he public generally, I have fitted up a neat and commodious STORE at the N. E. Corner of ( WEST & CRAVEN ST8., Where I will he happy to receive orders, and furnish at short notice, ail articles in ray line at price insurpassed in town. a?g3. ^ ICE! ICE! CONANT &EMMONS, ARE NOW PREPARED TO FUR A Nisil Ice in any quantity Customers ] may desire, from their Ice House, I Seventh. Street. JOHN CONANT, J. A. EMMONS ? i &ri$t and M. 8. ELLIOTT, Btmn fort 8. V. RJ fK-VEL, tr CO., Charliaton 8. C. j THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILE COMPANY, j Having put up a mill at their j old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feed and Jleal, any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. ELLIOTT. A LEC TURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope .Price six cents. A Lecture on the ' fure, Treatment, ?fc Hndical cure of Seminai Weakness, or Sperm atorhoea induced by Self-Abuse Involuntary Emissions Importency, Nervous lability, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ac.?By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. D., author of the " tirccn Hook, " <tc. The world-renowned author, In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience i that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may he effectually removed without medicine, and with out dangerous surgical operations, bougies. Instruments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every, sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may. cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. OS~ This Lecture toiRprove a boon to thousands and k ovsandx. . ^ , Sent, under?eal, in a jdaft cnveloM^fb pjrdfcf; dress, ouwoMfrt of Ki.v cents, <'X^^^t^jSSgig0 j i? him iirr?a?ii?f? F. V. . S CHEPER, CANNED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, MEATS, 4c. |L And aJFuil Variety of other things'usuaUy kept in a first-clcK St?n? ' Goods Frcmptly Delivered free of charge. Are You Going to Paiijt? jl TIIES USE MILLER BR03.' r ->i . CHEMICAL P7A IVf jJ Ready for use in WIII1E. and over One Hundred. different cufart m+Ae fit ti priuie White Lead, Zinc and Linseed Oil, Chemically combined, warranted Handsomer and Cheaper, and to last T\V ICE . S LONG as any ether Paint. It f lias'taken the FIRST PREMIUMS at twenty of the State Fairs of the Utkns, ^ and is on MANY THOUSAND of the best houses in the country. Address; MILLER BROTH Jt&l, J-iV J09 Water Street, Cleveland, Ohio. % ; llElWWMa AT THE OLD STAND OF efacols Applets. --4m REGARDLESS OF COST of pur entire s.ock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHlUt FANCY GOODS DOMESTICS &c., we are selling Best Quality Prints 7 and Sc. Best 4-4 Bleach. 9 and 10c. Best 4-4 Bleach. 11 and 12c. Best 7-8 Bleach, 0 and 7c. H Best 4-4 Brown. 8 and 9c. Good Alpacas, 18 ^nd 20c. Best Alpacas, 40 to 60c. ?HH Linens, Muslins, Lawns* Nansooks, Cambrics, 4c., WM it an actual sacrifice. Give us a call. Thankful for past favors.?I am Resp'f/, ''^B| Say Street. JACOB APPLE, Beaufort, S. C. '/H SEAISLAND HOTEL, H HAS BEEN'RE-OPENED. . j|i THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC IS SOLICITED. j JAMES ODELL, - - ,,frj CARPI! TS. M Fall and Winter Trade, ^ 1876-7. * M JJKW and HANDSOME STYLES OF ' Ji CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, WALL PAPER and BORDERS LACE CURTAINS, CORNICES, RUGS, MATS, AND DRUGGETS, JM )peoed this week at j y FRIOES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ? "tl ?^1,000 Yards Carpets at 18 to 3.j?ecnts per yard. JAMES G. BAILIE & BRO. J lugusta, Ga., Dee. 27, 1876. " jffjjKU Beaufort Machine Shop, fl laving opened a shop in Beaufort, I am prepared with the latest improved tools to JBj lluild & Repair ail kinds of Machinery,. j| Both of WOOD AND IRON, , ||1 Particular attention given to designing and pattern making for new work flfriMf x )ipe and Stiings constantly on hand at Northern prices. Personal atteution given to setting Lud constructing . . Steam Boiler Furnaces for Saving Fuel. KaT" Shop next to Post Ufhce. jJB J. A. WHITMAN, Mechanical Engineer FAhL AND M'lNTEH' GOODS^ I have just laid in a large and complete stock of - Jj^B9 Notions, Embroideries, Corsets, Ties, Laces, Hose, etc. At prices No trouble ^ j ^ ^ r v*Wt pQ A yt ^BB ,t - * % v^" J^Stc ,c * dHKnTViit be TrfTll: FT^JiMWrtirSi^S^MSjS^^^^M