Cheraw gazette. [volume] (Cheraw, S.C.) 1835-1838, November 08, 1837, Image 3

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>i " ^1 . mmmmmZ r.iair, ^mHiSSSmm CHERAW GAZETTE j JVEDXESDAl', XCVESBEK 8,. 1S3T. j fc The rumors in regard to tho Susquehanna are (< t contradictory; It is not yet ccrlaiu whether she j r has been liken by pirates or not. f ELECTION RETtilXS. j*. Pennsylvania.?Tin. Senate lias a \\ lag j "v majority ofo; the House an Administration j ' ; ' majority of 12; leaving the admibistra:ion | V majority, on joint ballot, 7. j Ohio.?Whig majority in the Senate 4: { }t in the House S; on join ballot 12. j a Tennessee.?'The Legislature of this J State has elected Ephraim II. Foster to the , v United States Senate in the room of Felix ! " , ? j rti-iinjlf u l.ncn fprm of service will extiire ; I " ?? ? ? , . ^ in March 1839. The vole stool for Foster ! S Go; for Gen. Carroll 33. c Georgia.?This Sato has elected Mr. Gilmer, the opposition candidate, for Gov. cnor, over Governor Schley; but a majority # m ' ' ^ of both brandies of the Legislature, chosen fi at the same time, is tor the Administration. P Mr. King, of this State, has resigned his vscat in the U. S. Senate. The reason 0 "assigned by him :s that some of l?:s friends ? v are dissatisfied with the course which .-e v has pursued in the Senate during the late a extra session. The following is part of a s letter addressed by him to the Georgia 1 *" v " Constitutionalist, announcing his determina- j lion, aud the reasons for il: h "In what have I "recently taken a stand 5 fa in opposition to the great principles of the t democratic party?. Is it my opposition toj fa the self willed follies of the Executive, n minuted and nersevered in against the almost | c * unantnlous resistance of the legislative au o thorny of all parties? The act which I c most condemned was opposed .in the body -i p. of whicfi I am a member, by a unefiimoifs t vote with the exception of one. It hud ;.o . >./ support in the cabinet before it vv as adopted, p and was afterwards, on trial, con lemued a by the people; and again, condi ninod with _ *. great unanimity by the whole legislative > V authority. \Vnat change" is theco here? ( T I, with my other democratic friends, resisted a "' ; this measure from the beginning; arid step t by step, foretold most of the mischievous j, consequences that would flow By n unnecessarily ftnd unn Rurally embarrassing ? . . J't die European money market and manufuc- Jl lures, it struck down the exports- of o;.r r Southern plauters 3D ij -id per cent.; i: / did this as plainly as lite sun uflbrds iu u; {, light?m the oilier mis- Q /X?/chiefs it produce J. \\ ith t .. sTtriu resting upon my mind, u .ot.ue JL *1? i not *p " join someothers in applauding this Execui n "/ . live triumph over the legislative an horit\; ? or obstqtiiously estimate the glories o. ; Executive violence by the misery and mis. a <- chief it produced. I did not know that "the ^ ? ?lxi ilaniAnml ?i? ruirtV ' great principles ui lilW UVUiVViUk.v j? ?, .j ^ required inc to do this; or to consider one . v 7iian the parly, and another man the gov% crnmeutNor did I know that my consta ^ tnents required mo to lick the hand thai had plundered them?and applaud the very ^ - . measures that I know to have mkon fro.u tbe?r mouths the bread-which th ir hones. \ industry nad earned. If I have mis aken the great principles of * the party in this particul ir it is obvious tlia; | am not a fit represen aiive lor ?t. 1 shuH 1 therefore return home in a few weeks am. v- "surrender a trust, you say i canno: honora- < .hold. 1 have from our friends many 1 > . written evidences, that the^icstill considei 1 democracy to mean the will of the people.? ' But it is enough forme to know, sir. that , some of my friends are dissatisfied: and 1 wish it understood, that I shall not cmbar1 rass them by being a candidate for re dec. tion. By the kindness of my friends, I came into office, without trouble to myself : I in.end to go out without trouble to them I - "TT? I We copy from the.N. \ork Merc an ile Advertiser the following notice of the. American Institute and its fair. Fair of the American Institute.? This great annual exhibition continued, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather yesterday, to attract great crowds, -which were aontinuallv coming and going. * ? ooo Rising 1250 exhibitors had deposited their I articles yesterday at 1*2 o'clock, exceeding I the number who exhibited last year more I than four hundred. The excess of articles I beyond last year was equal to the whole I number at some of our first exhibitions. Some single exhibitors have displayed in the saloon and appurtences two hundred and fifty articles. If they average twelve articles each, the amount with equal six. teen thousand two hundred. Articles are still continually coming in. The number of exhibitors is greater than at the great * Boston fair at its close by more than one hundred.* The qualities of the articles are surpassing fine. There is an acknowledged superiority in finish and perfection over any that lias ever gone before. We do not hesitate to say, and shall not be contradicted by any one whose obscr ration has been extended to our American Fairs, that the tenth annual Fair of the Araericen Institute has outstripped all that has gone before. We ask why is it so ? Great exertions have been made by others. Boston and all the country around exerted themselves. It is attributable to the long standing and influence the American Institute, and the commanding position of New York, that queen of cities, r abounding with skill and enterprise and industry within herself and surrounded with t populous villages and cities where genius and art abound, and whose citizens are kready to compete for an\ prize that may be offered. The managers of this Fair have exerted themselves to make an exhibition honourable, not onlv to the city, but to the state and nation. ?* .v .T ... r . jr - J - -m." inirihM?111 I r I MTnarmirmifiiK Let New York and the surrounding I it ountrv to one iialT for their thai lias: thi icmjii done for the Boston, nn^Pi will be j nilv and altogether sustainet^y receipts j thi hat will more tiian equal those of Doston. ; ,ie 'very press in that part of the State was' 'm nit in requisition. On the morning of the * . c econd day after the opening, it uas cal- ul nlated that more that one thousand has j an isited it from Lowell, 30 miles distant. | '^( On Thursday evening the annual ad- j re.?s we delivered before tlie society and hl large audience, bv the Itev. Mr. I)ewev. 1:1 t was full of sound political economy, .1- _' istrated by the plainest and simplest ex- a" mples ami explanations. It gave the ighest satisfaction to the hearess. As it j rill he published we shall not attempt even i rrj isketch. Among the hearers we observ- j q, d Governor Murcy, Mr. Webster, Judge] rp. * ? r t T * ? i % 11 r ^ I * ' i iklwin, Judge Jones, ivir. ueii, lonn-T i | speaker, and a number of members off Amgress. An ode was sung, composed jr the occasion. str After the address the officers of the In- re) li ute, a number of invited guests, and a en real number of others, members and at rlends of the Insti ute, set down to a sup- by ier prepared by Mr. Adams. Knickerbock* ne r Hall No. 19Chatiwin Row. This was tin ne of the most pleasant entertainments to re ever witnessed. Speeches and toas s wc rcre given bv Mr. Webster, Judge B Id- Id rin, Mr. Cashing, Mr. Boy-ken, of Aiab ma. Judge Duel, Messrs. Fletcher, Haley, Pennington, and the Boston delega- ' ion. ihi Mr. Webster gave in his lucid, disrrim- Tl nating, and eloquent manner, one of the pa >est expositions of labour we have ever hd teard, and the difference between this 111 f-rm as used in former fini^s whon manna! ca tbor only was kno vncand now, when so e(j ouch is accomplished by labor-saving ma- > bines. The remarks made by him and i i r i I * J n titers win oe nereniier pumisnpfi. c?en. i ral Tallmadge prt-side I with his usual ibilitv, and was fqitun.te in eliciting the j .ilent that was preset)'. ? Our limits will not permit us to he more articular. We hope every body will go nil patronize this fair. " . Tiik American Institute.?Nihlos' "J' Jarden continues to increas in its j^, (tractions. Specimens of skill and ex- rj raordinary agnictdttiral growth are potir-j rig in to the Fair from all quarters* The j r, lumber of visitors, too, Inve been far ,n renter during this Fair than at any of its ar redecessors, and all agree that a more c<) xtensive variety or a prou ler triumph of American entorpiHse and skill has never 3 men offered to the public in this or any or 1?her city. gb Wo observed ycslerdnv an uncommon- sa . v fiue paper of the w nost gigantic proportions, the sheets being cv pwards of84 inches by GO, which exceeds I ;ir n width (as we wrrp informed by the label) h mvthing.ofthe kind ever before manu* n, acturcd ; and, as regards the length, that ul nay he mad*1 of any given dimension, as, ndeed, in another part of the exhibition we M aw one sheet between seventy and eighty PI eet in length, on which ten entire copies G >f De Foe's admirable talc of Robinson j vi Crusoe has b?en printed. The ftrsr spe. , T :i?rten is from the manufactory of Henry t< V. Butler, Esq., of Paferson, N. J.; the ffc )ther from a mill at Utica. fv Amongst the mammoth growths of vog. |>t ables, our Yankee staple, i. e. pumpkins, jcreminently worthy of notice; one ^ >mong m,my big.wis is marked l641bs?.j*K1 >ome corn stalks raised in a garden in Bar- ^ ow street are upwards of 1G feci 10 inch { ?slonj. "Boat that who can ! We would advise all our friends who \, have not already availed themselves'of this rare treat to embraco the opportunity ?c now presented, and examine for-themsel. ^ ves this wonderful exhibition and admirabio collection of the result of American genius^ invention, skill, and preecrvance. ^ 'pg Piracy.1?There is now no longer any doul)t about the fate of the Packet Ship ?* Snsqitrhannci. She has been captured by lho notorious Pirate Mitchell, and the scarcely less notorious Brennun% (not Brenner as the Philadelphia papers say.) I* Mitchell and Brenmn arc both well known i in Charleston, as 'h" projectors and leaders I of a piratical expedition organized ir that city j B in November, 1832; i^id which would have ' l': been carried into ( fFcil but for the timely ! r'discoveiy and exposurfcof their plans. We j will merely mention sounofthe leading facts, ^ wc know are fresh in thA memory of many ; citizens of Charles on. h October, 1632. jj MA hell in company with ^rennan, arrived ed at that port from Kev Wesr:MAcAe// imme-, diately commenced shipprnga crew, backed 1^ with money by a man nam'd Hatcher, for i the purpose of going in soireh ot raoneyf# * which he said was hurried on one of the of West India Islands. It wty ascertained, G; however, that his designs \\pre piratical; that lie I'.ad succeeded in getting together a IS crew of desperate characters in\hc citv, nnJj 15 i ii r? ii r i 1 procureu u suiuu acuooucr icbj uu his purposes. The schooner yas to b| be cleared ai the Custom House traddtyhe ndm GO of his accomplice, Brcnnan as carnnanddi (MilcheWs name being too notorious,) fri 'a. Key West, wish passengers, that bring t]j D( plan and style for passing the vessdWit PI ou\ Iiiform\ io:i li:iviiitr been laid Wo i de t* e In endent Hairy L l'incknnj, pn?i; j tin measures were taken and the expedflA ! tin stopped. No positive proof, however; >f any overt act could be brought against tlv ; though no one doubted their design. 1 go Mitchell lias been notorious asa P r ite r ex the last 20 or 30 years, although no s Hi tin cicnt proof coul J ever be adduced to con etybr him. It is said lie never left any vvi uesse ! I vie That after a successful piratical cxptHi in W he would run his vessel jnto the neiab r- ^ hood of some coast, take out his u\ -7 i and bury i:; then invite his crow to foe ' v, } with him. and poison them all,'? >f !e ! confidant whose aid was necessai if 2 h ! him to get ashore and to secure ti- f - t; ' after scu'tling the vestcl. Tlrs * a is said, generally shared alike fate with; 3 crew, a short time afer! ! ! We deal), from what we nave heard ofj s bloody villan, that (he annuls of crime ver knew his equal. We liave s'cij n in our boyhood; about the streets of iltiinore, and horn I tales were fu n loitf him. The file of the u..lbnu:iate crew! d passengers of the Susquhannah is bu-'| ) certain, we fear?bat we doubt not thud ough the - nergy of the hardy seam n gonej pursui', mi lj.'ie blessing of INovineuccn bloody Mitch Hand his abandoned c ew ' II. o >n meet an ig ioinious, an J in r;ted e. Old Rip Moving.?Col. Davie of Ilills.f rough, iN. C. has just imported from Liv-j pool, a number of bloo I Horses andji iltla of the approved lunglish breed.j iiey were lauded at our wharves from thug I?: _ i . ?i n , / ij) iiiumi'?na.?ronsmonrn nines. One hundred and twenty four persons! uckby Lghtning.?The Ilreslau Gaze tc lates that as 124 children with their parts w- rc assembled recently in the church lielim uisdorf, the building was struck a Hash of lightning so intense tliai arlv all present, including the priest at' t> alter, tell senseless. Medicu assis iue was iiiimediately obtained and ail ;re speedily recovered, except one giri. years of age. a The Steasi Packet Home.?A- high]/ snectable comittee was appointed by a bJic meeting in Charleston to inquire into 3 causes ot the loss of this ilifated packet. ley called before them as wifiksSes seveial ssengers who were on board, all ot* wliouf ly confirmed the statements formerly made regard to the intoxication of the captain d the defects of the boat; to .both which uses the melancholy catastrophe is ascrib. I t Factories and Morals.?A on rerpondenj tiio Bos;on Traveller- in a letter from )wc|), gives the following accoui.t ol thai re?ifthearnoun ofhusiness s'rikes idcr with suprise?the ample means for iigious and moral instruct ions will be ]>cluriy gratifying. The amount of capital invested in the inufactorics is seven mill ons six hundred 'I ^ihtr i n/1 * l/-\! I ?*?> i>ir? in flu* U llll J I * 11 VJ UUIIUIv^, V t/i . III !? *. jcks ami Canals Co 61)0,000 ; h. 0?e M rnuck,lt>4)00fja the Apple cm, 500.000 ; rlit' Tretnont, 500,000; in ine Lawrence, i,200,00.0 ; in the Middlesex, 500.000 ; ihuBoort Bolton Mills, 1,000.000. Ti?eiv e27 mills exclusive of the print works inprisiug-129.S2S spurdies, 4L377 looms, npioymg 5,517 female operii'iies, and 77 mates. Each week 103.000 pounds 732 bales of cuttoa are wrought into oth. Eight hundred aiid forty nine thound yards of cloth are manulai tuied per eek, including broadcloths, cassimeres. rpt is, rugs, &c. A pound of cot on av. ages two and " n "n fTTT**Tird> Cii ledret' peunds of co ion proJuiT-s cigUly. uu po mJs of cloth, lu addition u> the >ovo establishnx nis, tliere is the Fiaaoe, til, th-j Lowell Bicachcry, th.e Powder ills, the Card and Whip Factory, the ianeing Aiacrime, tlie Keed Machine, tiie rist and Saw Mills ; and irrthe immediate ciniry the Glass Works and Furnai c*.? to- Locks and Can tis ?d tciiin< - Sftop. lr-an e extent, variety and bean y of its in c mi ai operations, ^resenis to 'be spec a 01V e of the iposl interesting and worn irl'ul exhibitions of the place. The Texan schooner, Velasco was wrecked the 4ih October on lier passage from New deans to Galveston. i'aseengfcrs and crew vcd. According to the estimae of a cortespon ut of the Lutheran Obssrvor, the Luther. i Church in the United S ates has 6S3 >ngregn;ions, 2(31 ministers, 70,777 coinunicants, and 293 Sunday-schools, con. ining 323 teachers, and 2528 scholars. ) m At a meeting ofdie Faculty of the pvdi1 College"of Sou h Carolina, on Tuesday, i- 31st ujt. Dr. Albert G Mackuy, was. teled Demonstrate r of Anatomy. Cluir. Cour. Louisville, Cincinnati and Ckar'eston ad Road.?Messrs. Green and M Kee ivo been appointed C.defs of Brigades in ci'messee' and Kentucky, and Messrs. r.yton arid Lew is, Chiefs of LJriiades in is State. Salaries each, $2,509 per anwu.?lbid. From tho N. Y. Mercantile Advertiser. Umport of Specie from Great Brilian.? j?e puckoi ship Ontario, ilut.ieson, arrivI lust night from LonJon, brings fifteen isks sj>ccic to Messrs. Prime, Ward and ?S. , . , *. From the. Sandwich Islands.? By way the pnra'so, a file of the sandwich Isiandv izelto ;o the 1 Ith of March is received. Of 110 vessels which arrived at Oahu in 36, 71 were owned in tho United States, in Great Britain, 15 in Oahu, 4 in China, u 5 in other places. Among the namr, 52 were whale ships,.having on board (,G40 bbls. of od. Oahu, March 4th.?The Sandwich Isid Navy is ' looking up/' The bark in Qu'xotte, the brig Marietta, ami sclir.' ana, areas neat and trim . s the rye can sire; they speak a great deal of credit to a account of liie officers and seum?n in c service of flis Majesty. Suspected Murder.?Tlie c'tv of Chiea>, Illinois, we learn, was thrown in o great citeinent on the 24 h iff', by the discovery at a young lady had been s 'duced by h t o her-inffaw, a man nam-d Jenkins, abor in effected, under which she peris.ud, ami e body carried to Michigan city, -i disnce of half a day's sail for in '-mvut. ispicio i h- * ns I. , . . disiu.erre-!, in the teach. ug^T^hysiciaiis who attended cr?as i^us ,ie;- sister. Mrs. Jenkits, left / \ 1-gal lay Migtvtio.i is proceed, tolhe ineUnchoiy affhij. I Camden, Octf 26. I The C*t>urt of Common Pleas for tins 1 District/Commenced its >ess:oa oil M v last?Judge O'Xeal presiding. Tue most interesting case tried, was tiio State, vs. Praucis S. Bronson, who was, in A. ugjos lust, .n dieted lor ihi murder of Eld ridge Brown. The"Jury left tlm box without i tearing any argument, and was not absent more laan live minUUs bjfore tiiey return- ' ? y j ed a verdict not guilty. ' A gendeman w ho recently l*f Washing :<m C ly, informed us. tiiut most of die MemO'.is ui Co.igivss received tiieir .pay in spe tie, arnica tuny so.d u< 5 per cent, premium, anl received U. S. Bank bills (md no otln rs) in payment, which answer to liie South and West to travel with us well as gold and slver.. I: is also a fact, the bills | o. t U. 15. U .ilk, in Tennessee, Missis- . s.-pp. a iU A .a bum a, bear a premium oi'froiri j 10 o 15 per cent, to remit back to the At- < lunt.c S.aUs. iV. Y. Mer. Adv. ' | : ^ - i S. Rust's Raltnt Limp:?This is the ino?>t convenient an i b st lamp ever offered ' to tne public, as the old* can be taken j ojt, and a new one inseredpn a monvhit as i; were, without taking otit th?? .s:<>pple, or '] : making dir. or trouble?ab\i. i g tut* evil | i'.Wading other lamps. It is, also, sale, ! ci' an, and nea, as it burns witiiout the usual v nilator iu t ie top of he stopple, and pi^- ( j^uuees a soil, cl . if, and splendid light, wr,ici? 1 is easily managed by a slight touch of die regulator, aiu which is so simple as to be' used in the common small close lamps, as ; wed as fancy lamps, without rendt-ringthem unhandy or unportable. The patentee (S. Rus ) is ;im inventor, and has been an ex. teiisivo in mufiCturer, of one of the best glinting presses" ever known caOtrcJ tiie , W ssningtou IV-ss," now manufactured bv II. I Joe Co.,-ti tr- having been from 5 to 30 us d .n one office in the city of New Vork. Toe public may be assured luat the lump is no way inferior to the press. . From a full test and examination of those ..mips, w freely and confidently reeomir?e <d them to public use. They are high, v rec? ni iiendeU by the Hon^ Aaron Clark, Mas or of our ciy,.the Hon. Gideon L.'e, an o hers 01 ..g stundinir. 'Ibid*. Acmal boat, prop lied bv s cam, lias 1) eh mvenicd by Messrs. \V itkins & Co;, of JSteubenviile, Ohio. The inveii ion is . i-- r ? i - ii. o oe eniTeiy now, jiria 10 answer au-j ill purposes of canal navigation to perfecton. The \V> eeiifig G zette, ad<b> that die boat is propuii'-d by paddles fixed on chains, which are carried around pufltes or A'tu.'dis, like those of'he worker cards of 3 carding machine. Toe apparatus works ?n an opening made in the bot;orn of the boat. Two engines are us d as"with stern w a el steamboats, thus saving a fly wheel. A living Chum lion, jus *ro??> MaJvria, may i/e seen lor a lew davs, wi.u other curiosities, at Mr. L>ak rVDrng es ublishmcnt, in 1 Urea bstreot.?Char, Mcr ^agpwMHMawBMWBMQBtammM?a? Ull ohur?*^JoihOctober, ar his res.dence ' in Marion Distncr^WftC^oixDC'arm it ihel. in the 62nd year of his age. In tfar/waining j he appeared to be 111 his usual health; per- { formed family worship, and took- Lrea'-fast; I soon after which he walked out into the yard, where he seemed to faint. Upon being car* ? 1 *i * r ried into tfte house, Jie revivta, ana so iree was he from suffering, that he said he would accompany his family to church. Cut the Lord had determined otherwise. In a very few minutes lie ceased to breathe. Lately in Williamsburg District, the Rev. Joun Co us a r, an aged an faithful minister in the Presbyterian Church. At his residence in Jfarion District S. C. on the HHiofCct. Mr. Nfiitt Stafford, aged 80 yean. t ** . ' TRICE CURENT NOVEMBER 7. Beef in market, lb 5 7 Bueon from wagons, lb 13 i- 14 bv retail, b 14 18 Butter ? h) 20 25 Beeswax . . ' - lb 18 20 1? 25 Bale rope lb 12$ 13 Coifee lb 12$ Cotton, old, lOOlbs 6 "? 9 Cotton, new ? ' 9 10 Corn bushel 75 Flour Country, brl 600 700 Northern, * brl 10': 12$ | Feathers froiu wagnogs lb 10 4$ I Fodder, 73 j Hides green lb ; y dry . lb (111 Iron lOOIbs 5 00 650 In.ligo *]'r lb 75 250 Liiuo jyj cask 04 . 4 50 Laird r13 -14 Leather solo vlVt* -Si-*, ,_2fr it. - a Lead bar ? iu Logwood _ 10 12$ Molasses gal 40 50 Nails cut assorted lb 8$ j . 9 wjooght lb. 20 Oats bushel 37 45 Oil curriers gal 75 100. * lauip 125 sceiuld 120 137$Faints white lead keg 325 425 .Spanish brown lb 8 12$ Fork lOOIbs 800 090 Rice *.< ""V . 1 OOlbs 400 *500 Suet, Bag 225 250' ; lb 12$ Sugar lb 10 12$ Salt sack 300 325 salt bush 87$ 100 Steel American lb 10 1G ' English lb 14 German lb 12 14 Tallow ' - lb 10 12$ Tea imperial lb 125 137$ hyson lb 100 125 Tobacco manufactured lb 10 5() Window glass 8 10 50i\ 325 33 01 x 12 * 1- 350 1 5715 DEPARTED. Nov. 2d. Pole Boat Charlotte, for Geo g;town with colon for I). Malloyj J. J. Aurshill, Taylor and Punch, J. C. Wadsworth ana D. L. McKay. Felix Long, with Cotton for D. AIulloy and D. L. .M ;K ty. ARRIVED Nov. 1. ? earn Bo it Oseola Christian with Goods lor D. m . oy, Goodrich and Webb, and ; o In rs of tin int nor. j Division ilead Quarters, > :t r V Court House. y ALiiXAN .'iut ORAilAM having been appointed Deputy Adjutant General of tiie 4:h Division with tiie rank of Colonel, will bo respected and obeved as such. joiin McQueen, Mai. Gen! 4th Division. S. C. M. t UMMltfMMillfinBBMBHHHMHMHaHMBOTHHHpn * - -V^ * ' * Division Head Quarters, ) | Marlboro Court House. ) ibtto'wing appointments, hiving b-n-u ' A made by M ijor General" Met^uecn of tli.y , 4t'i Division ?S. C. M. each ofu 5?r appointed , iviit bo r./spectod and obeyed accordingly, / ^ J Don ild I>. McKiy, D'puiy QjMQ$ Mister Uom rul, with the fa hit "of M :jor. Ahxinder U. Sims, ITyiiiaster, with tho ron?. i af Major, Tboe. C. Aid-de-Gimp, wi tn^ of iVl jot John A. Itogifs. Aftf- Gofrp with the ruik of M .jor, Jjfiui M.D-vid"f Aid-de-CXunp, the rink of M jor. A LEX AN EE It G It All A Mf* D p. Adji. GcnI. 4th Division, S.-O, AI Oct. 19. 1837. - - , 51? 2t Teachers Wanted, j IN the mile and forpuc dsportments ol M'itl- J boro Academy the ensuing year, The loci. ' trorf of this inslitu'bn is in the Village of Ban- J' netsvillo aire tdy favourably known to tile pubfw , is a healthy and desirable situation iii every jo [ spect, The scholastic year will embrace eleven , ' 1"K a /aaturotiUnf lv/|ri,ri ! [IIUUU1S,?jiunjjp^ Jtw, at(4 ?#'V ** #% . i v.!; i he salaries will be liber J, and detcrmin.dby ntrit. Applicants for citlnr department must famish j unpb lesiimoai ds of character and competency. 1 Propopos.iIs will be received and any iafor/na- : Eion promptly given- if red iirgd, until thi 15th ; December next, at which the election will be held.- "l - k . " \ ' M. TOWNSEND. ; v Secretary.: BennetsviHe. S. C. Nov. 12th 1S37. 1 The Editors of ther'qyettoviJlo Observer and Columbia Telescope will insert tha above outii f tho 15th D-jc. n jtHratf forw ard their accounts. ! 'flic Bookstore ; Has-been removed, to the new building abovo j VVadsworth's and nearly fouling Jo K'jr-' yhaw'Slrcct. Negro Cloths and Blankets A large stock of tbo above articles 25 pore en cheaper thrn they wele ever on j red hi thi imrk:t. for sab by, " D. .MAXLOY. Nevember-Sth 1837... ... 52 tf. > ?. T>?' V-. .>.? ? Broad Cloths Ca-s;merco and. Natineltes. WILE b; sold very chct, . Persons wishing bargiins will please call and examine my stock. . D, MALLOY. ?. J. v.s52U: Horse Shoes and Horse Shoe Nails. Birden* patont Nt-1,-2, and 3 Horse Status w*d Horse shoe nails, cheaper and bettortiuu can bo nude by the common .operation. Fof sab by ' / : D. MALLCY; Nov. 8 1837. . . . v- - : , 52 tf. S V - I 'isli. ' > -IWACKEREL Cod )sh and Salmon, ivi - For Suit by . ' . ::r p.aiALLO?.v . ' Nov. 8,-1837. . ... ' tf. . John Evans & Co. HAVE just received Molass^, Sugar, Co? foe, Rico, Flour, Bacon, Tallow & Sperm handles, Spanish Segars and Cavendish Tobacco [best quality,] Spades, Shovels, Weeding Iloes, llollow Ware, &c which, in addition to their former stock, compjisoe almost every article ulaptcd to this market, and is now offered for s life on as good terms as pan be had at this pb?ce. Chefaw. March 1st,' ' 17:tf ' NEW'S I Oil E. " fe 111E Subscriber" has commenceubmuuess-. Jt again in the Ngw Storuialelyei^iSetfioF] him. four uoors north of Kershaw street,"being the , tirst on enier^g t.he town-on the noith side. As the stand is Considered, by so;uc, as none j of the best, I have been induced to pal-chase a VERY LARGE STOCK OFGOODS, to cna"J ble me to sell to tny friends and the Public at { such prices as to compensate them for along j walk. * Received early in the summer, and now in .^.<1 #ZQM89 &MS. PQM MiS - C3 ilhds Sugar, 20 B .gs Coffee, 10 Hhd Molasses "*. -w?. 20 BrIsN. O. Molasses, 400 Sacks Salt 5000 lbs New Bacon, 200 ps Hemp. Baggiug : -30 Coils Bale Rope, 2.) Casks Lime . I- "J.lalnn is, 11-lii^.n 1 tifinD ohnrljtf*\vn. Ill UUUiVlVU VV II IUVU M. D?<WI? , a Cu?ap. and well sclcctod Stock 'of Goods purchased a few duysmnce in New. York, jeonUiuing in part of the following articles. * .. j Swoods and English Iron Cuba, Rio, and St. Darning? CoSoc, Bale Rope Loaf and Lump Sugar, Chests And ' Caddies Tea Cheese? -Sperm and Tallow Candles, Bar Soap" j Linseed, Sperm, and Tr?uu Oil Mackerel, Salmon, and Cod.Fish . Pepper, Spice, Giitg'er, Nutmegs, Cassia and Cloves Ilavanna Pruserved Fruits* largo assortment, ( ogether witli the usual variety kept in-a grocery Blore. ' * , " ?ALSO-British, and Domestic* Dry Goods * J, Hardware, Cutlery, and fforolv Ware Ready made Clothimrf Hats and Caps Shoos, SadJery andLcathor Crockery Jj^s amLJarg "iTonTTSii .1, and Ivory ConiBr-^?% cj Smitlis Tools, and Mill Cranks j Rush, and Cane Scat Clnirs % 1 . No.tiorn Wooden Ware. \ W \Vr? P:|>:T, and Bl ink Books .\ Wallow Glass 8x10 and 10 x 12 \ Ltrugss Dfycs and Medicines ; Cotton Y am no. 8 to 12. . A. r. LACOSTJB* N Choraw, Sept .27. *' 46 ~ tl' x ? :?r ?*.' ' - Tr*-*?: Tailoring. Iwish to infi rin my friends and the public tliat I have opened my establishment at the late I'ost Oflice; and that I am prepared to execute all orders in my buc vritluieateness and dispatch.' From a long practical knowledge of my busine&e, I feel confident that I can give satisfaction to all those who favor me with their custom. All kinds of cutting scouring and repairing done at the shortest notice.: I return my thanks to the public for the liberal patronage heretofore given me. ED\V!>. D.JAKROT. Chcraw S. C. Oct. 10th, 1837. 28 tf - ? . Reduction of Freights, AT a meeting of the boat owners of Gii^raw, held this day, it was resolved that the freights from Georgetown ought to be; reduced and they accordingly roviscd tho present rate of freights and made x considerable deduction in almost every article, amounting,in the general,to an average ot twenty to twenty dive per cent. The present rates will be uniform and a Ergo quantity of them priutedand distributed through I ho country for the satisfaction of the country Merchants and others who may lie disposed to ship their goods by this place. There is now an effort making to reduce the freights and charges trom New York to Georgetown and we ti ust if we are successful that Country Merchants generally who are in reach of this place will find it to their advantage to ship tfn.i* goods this way j By order of the meeting, 1). S. IIARLLEE Chair-nan. August. Iliii I?37 40--M 1 ; ' y: *.'*;V>'.^ ^'-.y EAGLE IJOTi^^y J ?i> i^ll^t -, u'k1< r^l:i. u-> ijvVtiii'j \vji{ U": vvGiitiiiy <? ;Mrv^>eh? ?. ^ I ibX'i Wi;i b-i tu4>;;:i.-j with t!ui h.-s'. u.vjfr of -.' ^"V thc market, ana bi< st dries tiud *f-. ?nn' ^ ('(,c'' *h~1 American Farmer., OWLET# ??ets of this cxc ilicnt pcrljJi^^^ ^ '{ 'jp of gtnorai ntijity, comprising afl fotniatii.ijLnecessary to. be l.imji tare of-the Mulbertry^nd growth of,The above work* are offered ^r-eafo, {ta^PPp -' OiTice of the FARMER <Tnd %$ Nor:h-east cower of 'RaUmiore.twd C^uiK' ton-s?re^fs, BalritttortY Md. Mm - A'.ril Hih.I>:3~. t-J W' Wk RutQd J^apcr. 3 A OR drawing eiT accounts, fof sil* U nr. ?L Book*wm~. _'II ??-~?L . ABOLTToTJKlV't1 BLdSIiEl>. Wk* 4>I. K.V 8. J. CASSCtk i 1 PROVIDENCE, AND OTHt^ VfgSj^gp^U F,gl HE Pftcm, "Providence* wtif he ijf nine w _ X J2_ re^ul u !y arranged, juiU co?Umhig tiuns otspecial i;ivMUcIlUcri)oMtfur?a;jQ.i|^^^ - '% a ?T . i<v. The. other pofeftrjr'w a* ,p livn j.l wnitklp O'i Jiff; rent dtil-A :.: timpe. T!w \* orli' will I-ojaUin paper, nnH (WlbJiKlicd by Giunpk' arid PC'spfi, coti. R will aupcar'iri (fcfFeisht bl^es of ani co?t from $.1,25 to Ti~$zord<*plp -ihy < cXar|cterof^he bjnduig. . ; , l^jP is onej&f$e first efforts in our . w .sniry in tiiia kind of liberty labor,/and X?. -*- ? -- #v i, iw> iij 11 ^ lC It is wilir a bfofiiw Mr**EJitoi; th itii f^ autriOTfi^ip, aw t h a & to d<^ J^U ^ li j^ uj, vvpeiu a UWA uia v ^uvy ugiw ii? - i? a]. People here are scattered',' affti their I presume, it darned. Uuder -all t vaula*** ho\yeVer aud nutriy ru>rt l cemfirTo raeeUiuj fate, ors-oft or fct^ ^ init^eej|o prepare amj aeodfurtlfa ; tion. are to ascerlain.what has I circulation 10 me Dime; wiw u?e "Wine. tected, which Will throw" light uptfn om jwFrc: *i#': maiping destitutionst; wfiepfcr it tea t > > wifh *the Word nfLfc upo/ a^plau that which was agreed upon in yoop pgo; ami it'so, by- what mean# r?tf6y agencies the plan can Be mbst felly rOeur. thj&iw IftjL";ough'y, and jcdiciously carried hito that" our entire reading population, Lave .1 f cess to copicg of-the iiaiv Script uroe hi ^ifcir^. owh"posscssion. And ?nJly to deliberat e' any other subject couuec edvriifi !tho-^^gSMrof the BiLIo, whether at homo or abrtuti^ ' ygF Christian or in heathen lands. ' The gen,r d fact is kno\yn, that di^.Uicl^f^'^Frv country, which.have been thoroughly j&pptkri/ onejuar have contained'm:my destitute famtii'f. henejf; and what is true of oni 3i*Vri?fc is 'true, J of all the rest, as the same oausoiKiji^iat^ to crr,/: * ''M.-ate thlt Want. viz: the form ti6n of hjw t'-t rn;lit? .has b6en daderialum, iiPJf ?ij df four or five years, tlic'destitutiofi 1ms b-va found full half as great an at the period of the; ' original supply, and in some cases, greater,- from rr '" ?? / "thn causes already assi&m&tL Wc'alTtule 1o4his SJE' j fact bemuse if was one of the-priueijnj muims which induced the Minag ;rit of tlra Charleston' v Bible Society 16 propbac j convection'. I The Committee regard ifassurv rflaous toarror*' | the subject upon your coipUerition i y airy 1 ther remarks, a? .1!! tho r?Msb::t> fur a CottOTiUon; if* which conhi submit,twist be f ^ ^ wouldtttl! the attention of' ^our society to the s& proposition, th ii shouldit ^pwtWr.t, V j delegates imy be appointed tcriifprcsent, yaaittr.^&Kt ciety in the Convention." ' We haye the honor to eafocripo oaten lys,_i'V ?-i? name, and by the apjwintnumt of the Manager* ~~ of the Charleston Bible Society your tUlow T&ji boilersiii the Bible cause. B.MASLY, V. -t B. GILDERSLF.EVE. ! Committee-end Cording Secretaries of the Chir n ' leston ociety l^hte. "-r. 66 BJ?A RCHED Coffee is-ttio Tra* Uoctnuu. a but burnt is down-right hereby."'" An article can bp had at tli-? Tut Shop,by .V^Sfc whibh the process of roasting Cottheciuic-got f | at without impairing its flavor ; add with niuolv ' less trouble than by toe old method. /3BtOctobcr 18,1-637* 29?2f.; , jW W. 11. Scarborough. ' * WjORTRAIT pointer at Uirlington C. ST wiil be happy to attend to any commands . JafliLy from the neighboring districts. " October 1 ? 1637. 2D?3t 7 jp> I Factorage and Cominissiost? H Business. "Si THE Subscriber his resumed tbr FACTORAGE and COMISSH >X BUSINESS. and _ respectfully tend-:rs hi* sorvic ? to his friends | and all who may commit their interest to his | C'iarge - G EORGE f"OTCH ET, J|. " iprThe Camden Journal, Columbia Telescope, Georgetown Union and Cheraw Gazette,- wi^ggS^ publish the above ^ I