Columbia telescope. (Columbia, S.C.) 1819-1821, December 15, 1829, Image 3

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oil lo leader ? of the uttoe circuit; und lo of th? <?(? of cir I WM yesterday i loo t tb the Semite, r.-r ieUttKulshcd vllence <if confi donc<V- Id* oply loel tlie n?| ; bilityv'Mch this important office iioi and sh*J| etnlea? or, by n di i?ent ami con soientioun dischuree of- it* duties. to prov . myself worthy of the <oi|>M>n of th legislature, "fYt ?ced b? ? >* tUtterii manner in >1 ' I In tlw honor to H- tu \>t obedient v atil. .V:?2S*r IQMAII I ttVfllMU . ?K tv*>. . On. ui U 'u < l UJ: Vfll was dent t%> V Imoso of DroDoeimt. .<?. o'clock to i Ix&llot L aoUd&W thJj) 'l'lic senate took up for com . bill to loan the crtdit of the statu to tho south Carolina canal and rail toad company, und for other purposes. \ Mr. Black was then hoard at the baV.of the vuuato, purHuant tu the ord?r o| ymtof. terday. Tho NU was then laid on the ta-|< bU. 1 Mr. Wilton, from the judiciary commit tee, to whom was referral tho presentment frooi Hu tutor, on tlio subject of the (rial o slaves and frco penwn> of color. reported a bill to alter andamendtho law in relation to the trial of *lavos and free persons ofOo lor, who mar Ho accused of ciines; which was tvad first time, and ?nlured to a se cond reading on Monday neat Mir,. Wilson, from tho same committee, "reported, without amendment, a bill to punish the receivers of stolen goods; orde red loa second ro .ding ou monday noat. Mr. WiUou from tho sstne eomm.Uee. to qrhich had been recommitted their fonuc: report, submitted a repori^ipon the rej. rt of tho house of repM?cntat wen upon a re solution to nay a certain sum\to the stock holder* of the winvaw an d *anlo canal company j ordered for consideration on monday next. \ A message, No. 3, wa? ved from the governor; referred to the committee oir Uie college. j T?he house of representatives sent to *e nato for ooncurronco, a resolution requiring certain field orticer* to report to tin- next legislature on tho proper military division of Pendletou ; a resolution directing the sup rintendent of public works to report the mode of correcting nconvenie ces muu opening Elliott's cut ; a resolution direct ing the comptroller general to collect ba lance* due by certain public officers; also reports on tin; several petitions of Arthur Davis, T. L Sh.iw, John Parkor. Robert West, James Goodson, Martha M'Clure,j James M'('i.tcken, Jesse Granthan. James Br 'wo, Richard Wilhauk*. James Martin, Wm. Richardson, G. BW, Foster, (ieo Oswalt, .lame* S. Guignard, George Mor*i phy, K. W. & A. 8. Johnston, John llright. Win. Farrow, and Meredith llnnnicut, al so on tho petitions from Gruonvilfr and Laurens, for additiqpal places of election, on the petitions of the Edisto Inland h.ip-' tist church, Eutau baptist church, and l'? ter Ludlow, on tho re|>ort of the comptrol ler general, ou the petition of the commis sioners of fret! schools lor St. Andrew's mid Mart ?>n; and on the memorial of Hie town council of Columbia to have certain lots leased ; all ordered for consideration on monday next. The iw > house-; tlien join ed in a ballot for solicitor of tho i.'jrtnem circuit. On motion of mr Wilson, the senate read a m cond time, a bill to increase the powers of the commissioners in equity. The first clause coining under considera tion, as follows : Be it enacted, that cither party to any suit in equity, shall have the right, noon giving tho adverse pa>tv, hi:*, hi, or their j solicitor or agent, ten fiys notice thereof, to examine any witness or witnesses before i the master or commissioner inequity, of' the district in which such cause is to be tried; and it shall be the duty of the master: or commissioner, upc. ? Mis application ofj tho party, his, her, or their solicitor ori agent, desiring such examination, to issue a writ of Kuhprona for such witnesses, and upon their coming liefore him, to coiuinit to writing the testimony thev givs upon oath ; each jwrty having all tne rights ot cross-examination and exception to the admissibility of testimony now allowed by j law ; ami it shall lie the duty of the maater or commissioner to certify such examina- j tion and testimony to the court, to In* read . in evidence on the trial of the cause ; and ?or this service the said master or commis sioner shall lie paid by the copy sheet. The question, on agreeing to the clause, was taken bv ayes and noes, as follows: A YES?lion. Henry Deas. president?, mtssrs. Bnnhow, Black, Connor, Davis, J. | S. Deas, Ifcxld, DuIhjsc, Ervin, Evans, | Flagg. Graham, Grayson, (Jregg.finmke, llaig, Hampton. Hart, I'On, Jerman John ston, J.?yner, Roger l.ehre, Moore, Pat terson, regit es. Keahrook, Sloane, Smart, Verdier, Wilton, snd Willtar?p?ion?33. NOES?Messrs. Cbndinen, Glover,; Griflin, Rice, Richardson and Stone- 6. ; So the clause was agreed to. : The Clausen of the bill having been all read, mr. Richardson moved the following additional clause : An I Ik* it lurthhr en acted that no solicitor shall receive above ] half costs now allowed bv law in the courts of equity, masters or commis ioners courts. The question on agreeing thereto, was taken by aves and noes, as follows : AYEH-'M ssr* Colvm. Do-Id. Graham, Gregg, (iriffin. .loym-r. Rice. Richardson. Smart, Stewart, Sione-II NOES?Hon Henry Deas. president ? Messrs. Benlmw, Clcndinen.( onner l>a vis, J. S Deas. Dulwse, Ervm i. his. Flagg, Glover, Grayson, Grimke, H"MC> Ilait. I'on Jerman, Johnston. Kogcr. Leii re, \loon-, Patterson, Pegues. Seahrook, Sloan. Smith, Verdier. Wilson. Wither snoon?21*. , . So the said cl use was not agreii d to. The bill was then agreed to, and ord? rc?l to lie sent to the house of representatives Reports wen- submitted; by mr. J S Dens, on the petition of Edward ^trough ton; by mr. Richardson, on the ?<ver. petition* of Benjamin Bowen. J>aniH Beam and Edward Prince ; also on a rrso lotion relating to the arrears of pension of David Shipes. and by "?ir f.n ?*?. '??? ?'??? petiHonof Wm. A Hrickell; nI ordered fbr consideration on Monday next A favorable report on the petition of Wm. Owens, was agreed to, snd ordered to lie sent to the housrfof repreaentatiyi-. ; and an unfavorable report on ^e i^i.tioii of Win. M'f'reight and James M Creujlit. administrators ?? A? Dawson, wasconssle Stand agreed to. The report on the petition of John I cay was referred to the committee on reads; awl tho UNnlntion. from the other liouse, comnuaguoaora to ten* and | . the Saluda mountain rixwi, ?M|V Uftho committee m internal U< following hUl?. ffljtbo houoo of f lunMUvea, w^rt rA? tliird time, ml to be wNIW A bill to pip-| lighting luHui on u part of kinjr-l i Cbarlv?tonn5ek ; a bill comtninioiifl iuf pour qtn It to MKueialA loto foe the or building of iXoor hooae.anda ilidate tne twrf heat companice town. ' following hill* *irc K?d a firutive, fler*d to a M-crtitl read In* on Monday, a bill concerning fiah trapa| a bill to the title of the atate in errtaiu es ? tn Catharine Btbby and Collin*} tf bill nutWialtM title* to V to pui^-lfoacrftof lota hi the villus rain and Pirkenat dnd a biltto nfcu. o colleriion of military fine*; n bill to If for the dl%i?inn of beat comi of the 15th reftimerit of a. C. mil torrcd to the military committee; tt bll^neemiiig the public works wni re4d id titpv* and ordered to be ?ent to tk? ?f reprenentatleea.^ /? ' nou?e of repreaenyitlvea concu-ijed returned to aenate, a report on da* Ml ot the town council "f Columbia, fori veto Ifitae certain Uka?and * lepbrt '??? of Abram Felder, J. Krtni* l?Kv?m the houae nf repreaentatife*, auppJlea for the year UPK^ waa fead . Jmc, uqil ordered to a afccoml rnd* ing yl omlayliykt^, ..Ai^Oarny, ' . XZ H<4?R OP KB?RRHfcNTATIV|S. A| Santrduy \% 1899. ? | Ttyouno mot ugr?y*ably to adjourn Th(|>eaker laid beforeWlw? house a lat ter Iniloaiah J Kvann, Emu. signifying hi* acitanro of tlio oiBoe urlkulro of tho courts common, pleaa and *e*a*on* and roingn| th? offlee of SoticitorVf the i NitrlltlCircuit: ordered to lie on th<t<a ble. 1 ? * '-^P Mr- j , prouitted tho petition of the naber* of the lower Long Cain Hiurclihrayitig incorporation ; referred to couiiitee on incorporation!!. Mr. | Walker, presented tlio memorial <>f the jmmiMioneni of publie *?uil<lii?icf* fur Gr? villi*; referred to committee on public I Ming*. Mr. ?rguaon, from the military com mittor, I'lo a report on a bill toencour ?ff tht*i rination of volunteer ??orpa of ar tiiWrr tiliery Thebaic, into nn erfi cin LV^. tion, m.i<%i the villa consider.! Mr W the conni Ahhovill on public Bead n concentfn crease the equity ; a to, by mesaajre, proposed to go ?tion of Holicitor tor the nortu ?T (in the place of Josiah J. *2vans, Bj?. eh td Judge) this day at 1*2 o'clock ; which > i concurred in and an amtwer ?out to it eflect. Mr. rl rniend, from the comuiitteo on inloruul mprovement, made reports ru eonimei ng a concurrence in the report* oi naid uuiittoc on the memorial of (he town co vi| of Columbia; and the petition* of A F? L?r, J. Bvan* and other* ; which were age,I to. the r?'|H?rt concurred in, and orn<|d to be returned to the Rcnate. Tint Itjv considered an I agreed to an unfarnr;|e report of the committee nn in ternal ii*rt)veinent, m the petition of John ChappeUind diKagrccd to u report from the *>-nnjnn *aid petition. \lr. Tj nor, from tlio judiciary commit tee. uiadkvportN on the petition* of Win A. Itrirll, and the assignee* of N. (J. Cleary. 1 Mr. Lfry, from tho committee on mo ' accAits. made reports on the account* of (J K1 f Foster and \ imiham Duleon. Mr. I'< i, from the committee on pen ?ion*, iiu report* on the petition* of Tho mas Wi* (in), Bennett, Capt. A. Hud gen* and >hn I*. Bradford. Mr. I)i can. from Hih Barnwell deloga r?.|H?rt on a hill to incorporate of Barnwell, all ordered for n on Monday next. Haw, presented the report of 'inner* of publi'- building* for l*trict; referred to committee lilding*. ?t time from the senate, a hill unjway slaves; a bill to in uwer* of the commisRioncrs in . , . a bill concerning the public work* ; oi red for a second reading on Monday n t. Mr Bull ailed up an amendment to the ?lie 13th m previously submitted by him and hid oiftfie table ; alio, a resolution that thin bMature do adjourn nn Friday next the 1M inst. j both nf which were agreed to, Id ordered to Sejiaf fnr eon currenre. I Me>?igc k .1 was reVeivcd from his excellency tl governor hv his private sec retary ; rcailnd ordered to he laid on the table. I Senate attcfcd and voted with the house for solicitor iklie Northern circuit. M?. I'mck* called up a bill to raise supplies fur tl yrar 1830; read the bill a sccoiid timclrdcrid that it be sent to ?enstc. 1 W bile the lave lull was under conside ration, mr. IVkney gave notice that *t the third reaitg thereof he will aslc leave to introduce Indry amendment* to the* j and miF.ltiott that on the third reading oe wiLntroduco a clause to in crease the pciintugc now allowed to tax collectors. . 1 A Mil to mar appropriation* for the -ve ic IH29 8c< Ivm^acen called up was la <1 on the tabid I'he senate Burned to the house thr following lolls ai )i li id received three rea'lini?s in e .cliou*- . ?i* i. an art to pin * id?- f>r li^litingkni|.s mia part of King . ?n t ? ??? t'h iilrim nr< Ic ; an art toautho ? ?.?? me nuii'ii.. Iners ?.f ...fir on Cliatles on net k ? >e^.|Mt' a lo in for the pur . n ?'sv - a hmldui^f a pom house ; ^,nd an ait loconsoltdatithe two lieat companies ? >f (ieoi^etowu ; efericd to the engrossing i committer. j The senate setfo this .imise for concur* ! rente, a p i oil in thr petition r,f Wm. Owens: oi del ed ir consideration on .\loii ? ! iv next. j M'. Pre-ton fr<^ fte special committee to ?hmn was re fifed that nirt of the y,n , verii'-r't mes?Hgv t 1 relating to the gene , ral government, teportrd ; onlcred for I coiikideratinn on >4nd*y next,and that it br piintcd. ? 1^ Mr, <?lo?cr fronkje committee nn ronds I m ole a report on 4||| from senate entitled a bill to rstahlish ?t.iin rn.ul* hridges ant4 f 11 ics ; ordered bvmisideiation on Moo dav next. He <d a second till) a b'dl for the n r<i 'ation of HM?;istrat?-iand const ihles in tli p irislusn| St. I'li1likn<| Hi. Mi< hael ; or di ied to he sent to ?Ailj' Urned. Kine gla** l>ottb>?jpofitaining olive* in giNal prcservalion, ^rafraind in the ovarii ation of Pompeii aKKttnauum ?oksd \ I A rvaoiutnju to ?tdj<Mir i o? ilu- 18tu io?t. ka? puxtl hfctH liou* jn of ?h?* I.egUlature. YettctcU), Jet* Afty'un jr. w*? elected fptlcltor far the Northern Circuit. The Legislature 4 tliU Hute, on FrkUy li*-.!, made the following eltetkmt, visi Judge of the Co^rt of fl^meriU Bcukwi ?ltd Common Ple^-JotktMy. Evnt. ComiA?ioner in Equity tor Kerehaw? nuimmTOtQ KvgUter of tleiae Conveyances for Georgetown?Mr*. Af 8. Af, Nardwick. k I K *?o ?uOifcra*dtp *nnoua??? HOUCR1 f f U I'LlilSfiN m a Nwii Ul? (or lh? ?Mo* of Clark "? lite t #uri of C?m? m Plea*, lor Pair Ceki pinrlct tVe.h / At *.4/ Kaiaauiijur^vOtuaNiioMc* W P PKAIt V T SON, a f * w Ji.lalc (<>r (hr i>Aci> f cIm k of out i ol Pa^fl<*>'l ' The Wrist villi Keverecd. flllft ?aH?rib*rf, pri>pri<>t<in oj thi* i-atftpt I right* for the R?r?|fHil (InM .AMI and ?rro ?JHrllir?x, mMhino tor Iho &U(? of Somih* Carolina, wmt of HknIm Hirer, m4 agents lor ip paUntada for South Carolina, ?a?l of lb* iu# rlvfr, *od for il? K?lt of Ororgfo, ofw (or |? u|>oa Mnwiwblr (?m?, Ik* patent rights for ? Mid Biythl?e?, limited In circuit eourt dl*. its, ?o that th? pt?i?hMcra may bare full {i?m r to m*kL au l the Mid uimmmi within the [imi(?of Uio d:'(riot for which ba ahall purchase tieh |?(ant ri*ht?. The mI vantages of (lie re ,'i>rtrd rtlll orar lha ordinary mill* nr# -ominr I .lly wore evidt nt from experi?ta(> . .ration, in id bids folr to rnmmassd 4 ha general attention . t tilaniera and (armors. It fo adapted to all Ihe !tirpo??sof f'ir.2ToK lnor, meal and leauln^ rle*. ht w*Ur or bjr hoi** r???r I\y raler power it t? capable of gi Indlnx lea bushel* Iff Vif |?rr hoar) oitehor?a will grind not* and a half. l wu h"iaa? three, and lour horaea tit bu?h I* of good meal |?r hour, or nearly double (he quantity ?l grin; and hulling of rlra about twenty ?r thirty hu?heU per hour The correri uettof lite ?\>ovc atHtenient it ninj>ly prorod by the praetie-tl operation, fw a considerable time, ?>f c.e Mill* tit the different put* of the atale, lie' Infbr* pnrchnMd Iroru the tubtcriber*, and daily m?d< manifeat by the mill now in operation willi ntwu bum power, before lha .Slate Montr, '.VH?n the re*!.?alu? add advantiwea of this n, II are'known and underetood, u la tM-lirvrd no plunle? or farmer Mould wiih to be without one. *ny perron, or companv wiahing to purchate ? he patent rifthW for a district, may obtain any fniiher Information by a^dying lo Ilia aabMri <*l Edgar** tun, during the ?>ttion of the i.-rt'l'lurf, and aflcrwatd* *1 WuintborouKh, K*irA?ld dUfricI, where mill*.ni lha altove dl? ' Million, 10 lie attarlied to cotton gin tear by ?wnt|, mnd? and deliw?*rrd at our ?hop, and win* milled, may I mi had at *l*ly~flve dollar* for the ''imuiiin (irnnilr Hon*' and Wooden trundle* 'i-mI i iml *even' v five dollar* lor thw (!olopi? ?tone and iron trundle hcad?. .Villa made In ?uil WDM gear Will l?e something more. W.M M't'RMOIIT it SON Him l...r-.u<>>, U"> !?"? ? .VI Luiiiiou initials, tor 1830. i^Hlfc 'llnislP'S DKKBRI.Nfl. * l.ilerary A| uiii aird Annual ReHirinljrancer, for ?iiUiuiug n grent variety of literary contri'm iitiir. prose and veiw, liy tj|?iy ?( tin* un?? ilulin^uiiln'J writer* of tin* day. XIII hen.itiluf rngmviu^, gilt leave*, Hnd fnirly tuiind in nn? r <?eo. ! ),?, Waiter's Wreath, for 1830?a collection i?f ? vMiiritMillnni, in prose nml verw, 13 ui|lily flnalied engravings by the first living ?Mists, b.usdin crimson silk Now dofli old Hy? mi f arlands wear. Ami, for lie heard *ad girl* coutplain, TIihI em hi* brow was rough and bare, H<? hind*, (o pleasure llicm, a chain Ot rose? un lil? frosty Imlr - r.kv liath lie learned to pipe, and tries Q ixinl mask* and tales, Hint preiiy eye*. May welcome liim In ghdsome wi*c. The Forget mo-not?a riiri?tai<?t,,Netv Year'* and Birth-day present, for 1830; edited by Freda, rk: isfioharl, 14 very fine engravings, and in an ? rnbelliriied ens*. Al?'i Ihn following hi natiful Present Hook*, London and I'aris Kditions t Diooisedi Xlccolo Machiavelli, soprn In prima dren iti Tito I.Ms, S vols 48 mo. I.e Morii- liorentine da Niccolo Macchiav 3 vol?. 48 mo. Sceltn di I'm'* Italian, 3 vols. 48 mo These are very beautiful miniature editions, egquisitely hound. I/Oilando Kiirion.di Ludovlco Arln.lo,8 vol*. 4H uio like the afmve, hut in silk covers A variety o! ''rencli Souvenir'*, with engra* ?in*- and mudc, and in ornamental cases Beautiful Kditioo* of 8hak?|?eare, Milton, rinencor, Drylen, Pope, Thompson, Beattie, Young. Byron, Moore, Campbell, Scott, end o'h. i r Kngtish l'o<ts, id highly ornamented binding. The above jast received nod lor sale by K. W Si A. S. JOHNSTON IVvember |."? 53 if www wmmss* I.N thf Hiirk Sl?ff of J. NeuflVrp, flr?t door nltovi. (.'lark'* llolnl, mid corner of Wnlnut -ii n J Mi in ?Irtoli, IIih ??ilMCrilwi* h?v? opened n Inr^c fend gi'itrml na.nrtnieir of MERCHANDIZE tvhieh Will Im? ? <hl |u\t lor ea?li, or i>iv?n in ekch-tiigf for country produce. J W.KI7.K LCo \? lit* Ini-inrt* of th> roftrern will tie <:? iiiluH ? il entirely ??> niv?elf, ^n<l receive my tmn prr ?onnl nit' ulioti, I v.lieii the t?m11.innc? of ill)' f.i'cnrr rutliimm ind the |ittlilir g<neritlly, |lleilt!io> m> V'lf to at*' every eii!ilf?n?Mil III ||I?||(I' lIloM) tvi.o will fnvor II Willi Iheir calls ? KMX MKKI 7.V. ?_r I-, M If I |rl7* I KKS hiii) oih<> |? rton- iinviti? H- '-k* io ih<-ir |?OM??<ion lielonxni't to (lie H. C <'ol|.-i:w|?il?rnry, will ideate return lliein imme diately, or tltey *111 Iw rhiri'il \miIi the lull |iric- of iu?ff book?, ot th.-ir **?. JOS. A. BLACK. LibmrUo llereinln-r Ift, 1829 ' fci 2 Furniture for Snlc. rllK r??ld?if .<1 Furniture at'aehed to tha Y1ami?ii II<>um will he told mI private Bale?eontMing of ono < ley.uit Mile Hoard. wi'h Mining lal?!?t, Huieaii. kr. to match, one lnrKi I'l>ri?lil ami Vlmttle flint*, one *<i|>erior |?rinl <?! jilif Oerlaralion ..f lnH<|?en<l<nc?\ a few Beit. tieaiU, Bed*, and Matrat?e?, unit one eight d?y ' l.w.k. n|?4t m variety of other article. tuite.l In pnMto or (ifitate me The alnive will In? told on acrommndntiiTK ?.ffnt ?id deliver- fan he mad?* ? n Monday n> ?t, ? ?? ui ij s u inAi>. Stutethurg, Nwrmhrr 28, 1829. I1IIK l.iiwi r -qt|< droit o| th Us . Re Irnnit r?j <^?alry It hereby nrderad to parade, |?ro? |M-r|y armed and nerontred, at CMnlnlii", on 'I'liitmlay thn ITtli llfcemher ne*t, at V o'clock * ?t. IfVMOHA*. I ATTENTION RltfLEM&N!j p Company Orders. I . I'uwaiUt D*?. 5i int. URSUAIIT to fUfiNWrtiil Ordri* *4 lha *7lh N?v?ml*r l??l th? tllrblaiMt Volun teer Rita I 'nwiMky will (wrwl*ll lb* SonWlMM nwiwr ?if Wiihluflwi (Ml lUdnrdina ilwli, cm TIWItSD IYlh* 17|h n??n?t?i. Ml hlHtrt 9 o'l iiwk A. M. luaeiMljr, iraMtl *o?l t^ul|>p*d mi- lt'fiM?iiUl Riri*ff. Th? Oflb?n and NouhCmbuImImmiI OAc?r? will Mr?l? mi Ili? day jrtvinna, ?t II wVJmk A. M., he for* Ihr C'uttrt 11 out* ia thU towa, for Imlniclion nu>I Drill. Uy order of Cunt NUicn . W A. HtUNTHWAtTF.. 0 Columbia Volunteers, T^UBSUANTlo Regimental order*, you will I MUMtl? b*(>n the Afarket House, on Thtn? duy lw 11th inlint, il hall |wtl 9 o?mI( A/AT properly equipped for la*p*ctlo?, Drill mid 1U* view. . t ? Ib-OflWrr* and N >o*Cnmml'Mow I Officers ?vilt imrndo on the day previous at 11 o'clpek ?V' M. tielore III* C-urt Mouse, for liMtranllon nnd Drill Ojr older of Cant.f '..lien, ? WM. GIBSON, O. 8. Per 15 liufTalo Shoal School. 4 N rnieohlnd conMiiutlon, rend*r? it iinpos*i? i,'\ blo lor m? to take an ettenaive e.rcuW in Ilia practice of uiy prole*?i?u n* a Lawyer ; and I the relor* |?ru|i<tH, exited by my brother, to open ? ?li*M at my house in Lincoln r<mnly,on the I'alawtu river, nine mile* fr??m Hla'*;?vill*, ?nd iwvuty four from Llocolntou, on the flr?t Monday ill March nfffcli by which time my build.iik* will Incompleted. My homo I* lar^e and roomy ; and I have begun lo erect ?mall but condor taLMe cabins, similar to tilo*o at the Wlnn*bor? ugh and Plait Sprin< Academies ol South i'alulina. The situation is * handsome one?1> kuowu to be perfectly healthy, and ha* ih? advantage < I being entirely removed lr?m all place* of di*>i|>atiun No scholar will be taken who rannot hoard with me ai a mpmbcr of oiy family. I will leach tlir Latin ami Crock Language* the MalheiuatUsand the Kle i.eiits ol the other Sc.iriicoj ; and iilvi, il rrqmrod bjr parent* or guanlianv I will lea.h Willi great <; .re the ele i?i"itlaary iiraiiche* ol an Kn*lt*h edtflUtion ? Iuhmm, and hoarding. including caii\llc?, wiwh nig, ice. in: will he Uirni>hed lor one hundred ollar* |H r annuo, twenty five of -which muit Imi |wi<J in ndvaiiri*. >'?> (cliolar will lie taken l..r u Imi Irrm than one qumter ; bill entrance uiay be litid lor one or more quarter* at any Iiiii* alt> f the opcnio* of the *ehool. I now have mm fsur nnd am nntioin lo g?t a few uiore; lo Hhiwi etammalion and illtirucliun I Mould devote n ? tltTi--i* nl pniliuii .1 ii .i? to enable thrrn to proceed with murh (rmttr eat* lliao they g?n?rally do lu lawyer*' ??irices, id ai quinoir n know lolgn of their protr** ??..? j lol it i, u ooloriou* fuet, thai practising lawyer* have neither Shoe n'or inclination to direct lb* fttudu * of then ?Indent*' and that lh*y ?liiiibinamiw ih?in *??>il?o a* one* a mnntik Under *uch aiicumstanc*!, a young man most purtue lu* siudie, to great disadvantages. aud obtain license lo pmelico without a competent luud of practical inforniatiou. I do not propose to deliver law lecture* ; Imi | will point out til* author*, or the part* of them, which ought to b? ri'^d | t a eniae the youuit men daily iijton I hem, cmivirm .villi them up in the change* which liavu been nude iii the Knx*i*li Law *?> the con ?Million aud law* of the U. S the constitution ami laws of this Male, aud by Ih* decivion of the supreme r.ourt. 1 have a vary good library ofclemeulary law book*; lor the use of which, lor tuslrtiel<oii, and for boarding, including cam dies and wa*lno<, I will nbrage each student oiie hundred dollars per annum, twenty five of i which mutt be paid in advance. All application* must t?e mad* to me in peison, 'or by letter, directed lo Thtmai t'tiry, Irtdell county, or to Ptatesvill* For particular* a* to my qualification*. I refer InJndg* Badger of llaleigh, orlo Major llendcr* ton of Lincoloton KICIIAKDT. BRUMBY. Dec. 1.5 A3 2m Leather, (Hue, and Shoe Manufactory. ' CMIK*ub*ciilH*i?liegleavetoiufortnlht-irtown 1 ?nd country Irieud*, that they have on hand a p*n?-ral ***ortuieiit nlLKATHf.R oftbrir owi mauufarturi*. Also a Uige*upply oftlLUK oflhe i l?e?t quality j both ?l which can be lud on the, most reasonable l?rm*. llnvipg employed a oumberof workmen, their ?tore iii future will becoiitfnually lurnhhed with I thoe*, ?w suitable fojr planters, nnd their usual nstomer*- { Ordtr? Irom the eountrv shall be earetully at-1 ? undeil to. Jt?HN MX', L Co Co'omhia Mnreh IM. Iff.M*. II if For Sale, \ FAMILY of 16iNi/fta'a. coihUIiosi of?? fH? low Hlmul bS oi<:. an I ill* wife !M? oar wrommi 'JV?, will -ix rliililirn, olilrit 11; ?nr nertl 25, Willi four children. I hr olHr?i 0; one ' M4*.l '.'0 wilh lie flr?i i-liitd ***d <>ni* yrm; n 1 jjrini" y?>unt> lfllm?,.i flnld hand, mfrnl sKI mid j another ft ft"?d Hnrnl?y?r mid plnlttcrtr. for, Ilt? ? i>q?'r' rt' ll>" !>!????" Offlcir 1 '? M ft sn/iv "woods JOHN l.GHACLY&Co. COLUMBIA: JUfl f rrrm??l fro i Nrw York in ftdilitinn to ihoir lnl?* *ii|>|>ly * Ki-nernl n<?Ttiiicnl of LnglMi noilKrrivh ?ilk good* unions; which are ? Hl?ck Hem-haw* ami *?t>i?net?, HUck nirl Mu? l.lark llnlmn l.uteitringr, lllnrk awl f?l"w"*<l I'lniti Murk mi?l fi^nn il lluri>Nlltii,i, B|m k mnl tntotired (?r?> Nap, I'laln and fripa <?f? 'It' N*p, Hlnck noil ro|i?nri"?l (iro Hun, I'lmif'SitdMripe ln>ly?<ifcii ? n nmv article, I'laln iin?l loured ynliiMr?iiN I'lniti ?n?l fmn ^1 Htrtgc, ( olollred llnte*r, t 4 Mini ft-4 plain and figured H"*>inrt, I t and ft 4 IiIhpV ?nil ,?l'.il? ll?<Mn?-t Vellf, ??ilk and (imixo Scurf'. lUch figured timite BiMiand*, Rleh *lrli>?i do - nii-tnd Bell ItiMnnd*, S 'It Frlii,;?< and from Bntton*, l/(hnni '?niintiw BuitMlf, \ riiflt inl Flower*. AI.*C>, A t?*al variety ol lanry *ood? in the millenary lit.#, whieh w II b? *old at lh? loweM ptlr.e* fiM . .?h. nw d. iry V> 1?*t KKMAoK INSTITUTE. (liTVAVIO AT MA IIII A M VI I.I, i:, TWO NIIM KRON CULVNIU.) . U d-> thr dirtCtiVH ?'/ Ur. l Ji?* .?/?? L . MiJsummcf 8e??k>o)eommeocitif oe Mon day, (Hh July. ;Jfc' 1. Hm fotiolMlk. y?*r it dirMitd into ?!*?<> mmUxu of (Is iMonlU*aaalj 'In 4r?l t**4oii c<nn roenclitx on Ihn IM day o# January. and ?tiding on the tecnnB \ve?k iu June, lha pirUi of Ivtam iaation; lha wcoad m>*Ioh noimncncloK on lha l?t day nfJajjf, and terminating on III* ltlnf Jan nary allotting at lliU tliua, a vautlLn of otie month. ?k NoKipMililur* shall b? incurred by lha pu|dl, anlr?# n written oidar lo llial nffact, ???? Mivnd (ma tha patent a?d xmmlinn, aHh*r at ilia limn of placing tha |wpil iu iWm lutlMotr, or al n subsequent period Au oidar book will kt presented lo tbo |Murnt or patron, autaring n ?cliolar) (wr tb? |iur|Mi?? of receiving thn'tptibiOa tractions in writing, ol tha parson, by urboin icliolai la nnlartd tC AarnaablV In n regulation, long ?lnoa adop ted by fb? Principal, tbc imnil will bn rcnuirad l<?addr?ubor parents or guirJUtw, by latter, on lb* Ant of each moiitb. Ou lb? Ant of eneb u?iart*r, n |irioted voucher will hr f..rt? aided to lb? parent or guardian,coutnluln* art eiblbil ol ?Indie*, coodacI, lie. fur tb? prteediugtbroa months ROUTINE OF DUTIES. (See Bqtton Journal of Education for Octo ber, 1838.; c *?***? PWtWIIWT, orillBOOKS, M?N.lw. ? A DM. k Jm?. M OnrmioRAriir Book, Walker'* Dicl. Select Sentences. Murray's duoJ7clino. Do. ? small clavo. Do large do. Do exercise. CuiAmbifcs gejgr.?? l?hy,?inodini and an tient atlas Woodbiidgc's large Arrowsutilii's uimjx. Fielding Lucas's alias, Mclirli'k geography, large-octavo. Do. map ol U. 9. Vance's map ol V. 8. and ffortli America. Atlas of 8. Carolina. Carey's lar.'C (eigh lecn inch) (lobes. Mayo's eTiarl. iMilli' atlas of So Ca, | lilt Nat Pint.. J|iby I Co RtlCTOKIC. I.oma. Illll OUT. Cuinuiings'giioftraphy Do ancient atlas. Aaoirsr Geo't i' ? ancleiit geo ?jgrapby. D Ai.vllle's do. I Kicking Lucas's allot iWilkiti*' a*t onotny. l'uciity four aMrun . nnical dln^rann, pain | led for the institute. In* Blair's natural philoto ihjr. Conversations on do Jainiesun s gmuiniai o rhetoric Kauu-s' elements. Jauiiesou'sgriimmar of ' 'fie. W iielpiey's coni| QueilMiti |o do compil ed hy the Tytler'* eleinenli of X'neral history, with Dr. Mare's continuation. Goodrich's hitlory of Ilia I'niletJ Mutes Websteis' speT"book American popular les sons, compiled Irom the writings of Mr*. Bar bauld and Mis* Edge worth. History. Poetry*. Mythology, tic. lie. ? Juvenile Mentor by flckpt. Whelpley's compendi um. Tytler's history with Dr. Nate's contiuutlioii. (Goodrich's U Slalso, Jamieson's Rhntoric. do. I.ogic Cowper's lask. Young * P?i6ht Thought Thompson's Seasons. Cempbtll's Poems, Classical Reader, Uc. Blair'sgrammar of che mistry. Henry's chemical cat echism, fcc Thornton, Smith, ,>ut (all, Lv. Coohsx or Kkadixo CncMisrnv. Botamt. Whitiko Ami iiiuktic. Copy-books. L? tier bi-oks Dictation hooks. Lettsi-writing. Tike's Arithmetic. Colburo's do. Kitrin|?oran?ous ques tions. l-.risiot.AKr Crmrosmos Mustm Piano', llarv U (iniiar I)h?wi*o | Lai iff, Fn? ecu, Sr?ai?H and Italian Lakooaoko. RATES OF TUITION AND HOARD.,I mid 1 oil ion, (nieludin* all (lie above branches,except Mu Ise.k, Drawing nnd the Litngoa ???*,) ? ? ' $l76pcrann TuiHou. for Pupil*, not residing in the Institute, 40 Ink ami quilK for Pupils not resid in^ in the Institute, <t Latin, French, Spanish and tiie It alian Languagues, each, 32 .Mustek, Piano, . ,oO " ilarp or Guitar, 00 | Kutrance to Musical Department, Ft Drawing, . ft,! j Velvut I'aiutin^, for one course of , [ 11-s tons, ... 10 I Daneiug, iOperquar j Si" Text- Hooks furnisbe-l at Store prices. Paynirnts heM yearly in advance. 1 Ail letters directed to the Principal, must b? j post-paid. AT the suggestion of the patron* ami friend ol the Institute, pupil* will be received a | (he commencement of the Spria/. Mid summer I Kail, aud Mid wintei quarters, (first of April .f!*ly, October, and January,) and charged Iron tin' period of vntranee. July S. Ill.M). ly T LAV BLANKS * FOR SALE 4t tmitorrfr SUUOKON OENllS*. PMEtniJ COHEN. ? IMCllullf l?ud?r? tin imimbflil I" vtortto III* tkMM of CutiimbU and lit tidmlr llr m?jr l.o rdttwl il *11 Hmn tl hi* tflrt kllW 1 llrfelc ll?n{? urn tho Man of ICmmi Br%e< k Co. . REKF.RF.KCE8 IN COLUMBIA. DR. TttOtt COOPttK?fro**! ol 8. C. ColW. I?n M ||. IfeLKON, and D.J MeCORD K?|. lu i^inouy of kwquliicilNM bo rtftn IV llie fullnviuf ortitvalM i ^^^^^??*CMAatrrToi>.?7il?Nov 10*f. mm Doctor P. Molvln CokM having (Hirtuod tk? ilttJy of MeJi?k>? ana Borgti jr tur (wo yoara mt a prt.atc |??pil uodtr |H? d???tloo of Joba Wo^ nor, M. D. and otlMdad Uc'HiwiaU* College of do. Co. t ha* for ?>mo tin* boa* Wj ? u> my nAcoinAVo Ymk mi <o rtW* tti# whrro Inhu roroivod ia?Uoatkm? thai. qo*li(y Inn lo proctioo-talbo* vorio?* d?uor(Oi?UU n? . DtnJtU Hurittrg, and I rwmmivl hi* lo mf frioud? ond the 4'ubtw a* fultg otililWd lo tbol^ ouofldaaco in hi? urofotaiun * ? , C. 8TAUH DRKWSltJl, , ItilfiQ n Dm tut. *U afford* ?? jrtat tdoaaitro lo' tky Ibat *4 cooeor iu lha alxjvo, oodlreroeiwHod Dr. Cnhcu a? hoinff foliy qualified to poifom ?U Ibo dntlrt of ? burgown Denlbt. ? , JOIJN WAGNER, M. ?. Profc?or of^thoto^wUiw! Burnet.I Anatonry 8AMI.. HENRY lilCKSON, M. O. ProfcMor ?r PnociM of Mm)kilt*, Mctlical C<il I err of S. C. ^ ? , HENRYR FROST* M l>. Profmorof Materia M?Hcn, M*lkalColU?8C. . THOMAS O PRJOLEAU, M; D. ProCetvir of Olwtnicrlea, MvdicaKjolltc*, 8 CL n , KDMUNORAVEKEL.M.D. rrolcwor of Anatomy. Medical CoUff* 8. C. JAMES RAMSAY, M. D.' Pr*?kUa( of Mtdieol &?ioty of 5. C. J. DE LA MOTTA. II 1*. . ^ rotary of ModkalSoc-ioly cf i}. C. K tiKIH>INUA\M. D. ri Strayed or Stolen, FROM Newberry CourUllonw, n Chtwnt ttoirel llore,lliren v*ni? old in th? |rh;i no brand* nor niarlu tMCIk, eu*|?< on titopeeict* joint lit* hair it aomewbet rutted by llMMUrl) hit man* inclined to be rather luir. Dee II 1 to *tp GOODMAN'S HOTEL. ill E ?abtcriber. wither to Inform bit It lend* end the public in irarni, that bj tbt m ?irttnee ?if hit friend*, tine* (be lain fire, be bet heen enabled t<? rt-tomwttnce butinttt la Mr. M'VVillie't Brick Houte, fronting the public tquare, oppotite tlte Court 11 out*, wheie he ana airounoudate et inony et may favor him wii& their ? lutoui ; end plcd^u* hitmelf thai every exertion will be made to render bi? cnetlt' n? comfortable m tbey have been hereUHor*. At to thn manner in which hit houte he* been kepi, he be*t leave to refer to ihose who have petrn niied blot et bit former Hand. JOSEPH C.OODMAN. Offufce, S C. Dee. iM, 1829. 61 If. TO BE SOLD, UNDER a Decree In Equity,in Cooe%wL*f? clue, Beaufort Dittrict, the 4th January next, a Sonar of Lot t in the Town of Columbia, ?obl et the property of the rattle of Thoma* Talbinl, of Beaofort, defeated, tituate on Lady, lrfltT?on, Jervnit end I'ickeni ?trcct*, and Oppo. ?iu Mr. HerbemontY Coudilluiu Vatb, the purchtter to n?y for liUu. WM. JO* PI Ell, CammiuUner fn Equity. Cootnwhatebie. Deo R fit wtu A TEACHER WANTED. AO< mlcmaii oi uuquewloubl* moralclaraeter Mrrll qaaliferf to iottrucl in lh* various ilcpor (menu of Knfliah aac^ilh Lello.Je wanted in l be < heraw Acidia;. lib Mlary will be three bundietf dollart. Application will bo re ceived until the *3J el thia mouth, whan achoU* will be wade, ALEX. QIU1UM. Cheraw 7th Den. 1820. 6?y? The N. V. Journal will plotM gjvatfco abitrt one insertion and forward hi* ac CO tint to IfcU uAcr for payment. IW 11 43 St Attention Cavalry PURSUANT lo 8qoadron Order* from Malur , Vaoghau,lhe Richland LtebifDnigooM wilt iwroHe in Columbia on Thqrtdiy Ibi ltth l)cccmber,at nine o'clock. By order of the Captain, STARK, O. S. Dro. 4 60 m : ' HOVTH CAROLINA ? P.MALE IXSTITVTK l| H*. JUL,A **?ERPONr WARMS (lain LtL principal of thn Spat la Academy, Ooorgi n,; Mill be associated with the Inrtiloi*, from tbe 1st January entiling. - ELlAS MARKS, M. D. Principal. Oct 2. 4Q tf The editor* of the Creenvllle Mnuntaneer, (:nm<!i*n Journal. Pendleton Messenger, anil Mst-Mil Carolinian, will b? pleated lo gtva this ?i* luterbo'i* and forwaid their accounts to tMa tllftrr tor payment. MONS. GODEFROY (S now iu ( 'olnmbia ? Gentlemen anil Ladto, who with to receira instructions from him in Frkhch, will plea?e leaye their nann with Mr. M Antonio. , Dee H 61 I. BRANCH BANK, COLUMBIA,/ October 9, 1639. I ONK Tenth of (he prliMi|>al of all Notea in (hit office, will Iw required at anoh of tbn iw i ft:?t renewal* after ihn Iftth November,Mkt. P M. BUTLER, Cashier. Pel. I ft.. _________ " MITHIC L?flBON?. VfRfl. ANn SIMS will|iv? MalicLastonson ill. the Piano FoVle, to young Ladle*, at/Id Iter ?|iiaiter, commencing on the Brat of October uetl Columbia. Sept 11, IWWV, , tf __ HKKK will :>o ?o|d hI Public Aaolton f>n ! < iha tarond Monday in January nait,a(|ha I pUnlMtnn mi which ftkhanl Bullock laf*|y rati fied, In F.djafieM l>ii|rlc*., nil ihnt ratuahlap|aa. inllrfh, laleth* property off aid Bulloek, contain ing I*>5 acre* mora or Imi. Tba land la ?f ?icfllmt qnalily and fo now prapamd to ra?? hr* ir >m S" lit 30 bat??fc. Thar* am 6* K all th* improvement* common lo a wall taftnagad artatn of il>a nm? ?Ib? A)m?. n( I he aana tlma and |>tac*. trill f* told eleven likely ??un?ry bora nwoaa, which kavt i<er n ?e|teted *??' rwfi vfd from a r?n number. the term?*ifl b* a efttlH 0* I mnital i??tnlp*nU 0| 00 note* ? itrfrtrtcr* artordloi !.?Ika form* of ( (link la Columbia. r. M. KOTL1 IWrwttfr f* y