Columbia telescope. (Columbia, S.C.) 1819-1821, December 08, 1829, Image 1

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?* ?.<5. 3 I '3 ????_ ,11 | , I I I.I. . . I I ,?????? IIY D. W. 81M8, iTAT*S PRIPfTEH. , \, ^ / $J* COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA, DECEMBKH #, 18S9. ^ v ^ 1 VOLUME XV..-NUMJMUI 41. ^ * mmmmm ' -. ?- .*? '.? %,/> ?** ?Bi!B^OKVKKYlJltllMV MOHM.'u TEUMS~Ttir*$ tHUmr$jttr iMnttmtpmgalile i* EaJcanct, ?r fWttr Doltnr,IHtrnd'j Ikt ft?r. Jfc; ' ? AD I'EH TlSLMtWTs Iht %umnlrmln GENEUAL vOUimi9r lltiAJ) ttVAMSU. ? i *t*,;Lin Xor 17/AI829 THF. S3nl. Refitted W iofUoU T it ordet?il t? parade for review and inspection ou I be iTlti DHHilMr.' * " V >'\. ?"* The lioe will bo formed eMt o'clock for Re ? TICW. ' . * * ? ?*" Major Omcrnl and Kif, Divitloo ami Brigade ?tiftunt directed loaltiwl. lly order ?f lite Commander in Chief. < AVM i TAYLOR, Aid de (^np. No* JO lB'ja v ^ r 47 If UENEUAL OKDKRS. Hkau QuAiiirl|tt?. ? CvltmbU fin. Mik, 1tt>. FRKittRICg \VKN'i'VVOHT|l RK.R8, ? been rumml*?loued Brifad* l??|??rior, ?.ili tfce r*uk of Major, aud will be rfip^ctwl ai. f obeyed uccordlnjly. By order ol (lie Commander in Chief JAMES C. COMOK8KAI.L. Aill do C'nuil' ? i ? ' | - ' ?W ' 11 ' tfegiinental Orders. C'otumOiH. AWmkr, H7. IW9. PURSU ANT ??? 0? n*ral Order* from III- K* reltoncy thf Commander inChk(, ti* -SM ntRimout. H Carolina Militia will parade beforr (he Cotfrt ?l"U?a inthie Town, on Thuradey lha 17th of IVcemUer n?*t, at 10 o'clock, 4 M. erm*d end equipped for ln?|irr.ilon, 'Unit ?nd Onflow Tlir Oflcrr* end Non'Comtni?el?ned Offi'cN Sill parade on tlio ?'ev i<?'?l?n el ? I o'clock, A u lor ln?p?milon und Drill. <1 winch time each Captain will furnldi a Return of Ihe effective *ienj(lh. *rm?end equipment* of hu Company. Oftcnrr commanding Companies will riUotl fk? order. ? J. URKGO c?/ as/ R*it. *. r .if Attention (avalrj! AN election will he hold at the Market Hon** in Crumble, on Tuesilsy the I7<h l)*rem b?[, for Irtl of Um HI?I?I?i>?1 Urhi OrtxnoM. The Po|l? will b* opfntd |1 II, A U. mid closed.*! 8, P. M Proper persons will he b?r?* lAir Mlikd to annate the election WM C ?'MFTON,rllp, " ?o* 20. 47 &t E. l. kochjs, Merchant Tailor and Men't Mercer, ^ o .Ml Hho?d if** M INFORMS hi* filend* In- hat i .-reived hh Fail supply of KOOD3, of every description and of the LnteM Fnshwiii* Alio, two wilt* if Clothe* from the cidrhrat'it l(i?u?? of tium, Lmiloii, imported e*ptti-*|y '*y h?in t?? ?nit *et? flemen of ta*te an t fathom, no t to hev* ih. Jr gaifnenl* mado ar.ratdiu^ly?together wnk , hhorttqent of Fancy Articles tf mil., men wishing to hi- arn?uiaiod*ted, by. hating their flMMure* taken from Wuivm's Cerd, Mill be attended to at the <horteM notic*, with |?onc tuality and de*|?ateh rhi?t??tor? Dei- J. IH 1 4,tj :? SUUG.yN DfcJN'iIsr. PMKI.VIN I'OllKN, Sar|WM O.UIM. r? ? sneclfully tender* hit professional ?er* vices to Hie citizens of Columbia ynd it* vicinity He may be found at all time* at lua oflee in ti?e llriclc Range ovar the ttore of Mcmm Oracy Si Co. REFERENCES IN COLUMBIA. e DR. THOK COOPER?Prc?'t ot S. C. College. DR. M. II. DeLEON.and Il.J McCORD In ti->tiwoiiy of hUqusliffcatfen* he refer* to the follow in? certificate* . " Cmarikstor,27th No? 1820 Doctor P. Melvio I'ohrn having jiur*u-d the >tudy of Meduinc and 3ur;eiy for two year* a? ? private pupil under the direction of John Wan nor, M. D. and nttemled l.e.-turc* in the M<-<l?iral College of Ho. (.'* : lia< fur ?o<ne time n?t hero n |iiipd >n my office in AVir York >iwi in Ihn eity where be ha* received instruction* that ?|untily bun t" practice in the v?ri?m? deimrtiueuti ot Denial Stir/try, and I rt*?nm"i'l lum to my frieod* end the putdio divutiiirj to their confidence in lti? pfofe eioti " C. hi Al'.lt BHKWSTKR, Surgttn Uinliit <? It afford* u* groat |>le*?uie to tay llml .w < oncnr in the aVxtve, and rommcml DrCuhm iik being fully qnnlifled to perform ull tho dutie of a SUr^on l>?-nti*t ? JOHN WAONF.II. M D. l'rufe:?or of P.i'!i"toi(K'i<t and Hur(in#l Anatomy Medical CoWe'iy of H. C. SAMI IIENHY IWKHON. M i?. Profeftor of Practice of Medicine, Medical Col l^fiofl.f.' II EN KY It FI108T. M l? Profe*?nrof M*;*rm ,.t< lo-n, Medical College ?C rilOMAflti I'^IOI.KMJ. d D PrologMir ?n O',mo., I< hcjl? ollrge,8. l'J EDMUND It \VE.NEL, M l>. Profe??or of Chemistry. \|? Sirai ? 'nil* -e, 9. (' J E. IIOLBR'iOK. M l>. Profe*aorof Xnatomy. M<-titi?l f'ol!ej{?g < JAMBS RAMMY, *1 i) Profrwor of 4tir?ery, M? 'Ii? hI ( 'oliegs H I THOMAS Y AldO.NS. M l>. . l're?ideot of Mrdi<>al .Society of.*. C. , J. I>K LA MO IT A, M D. .Secretary of Medical .Society r.f 8 C E DEDDINU^, M. D. Dee 4 ;;4 /V0 tf MtJHItaKMWiNM, HM. AN ^. HIM^^ill five Marie L?*son?r>n the Piano Forte, to young Mrfies, at #10 a*.? M per quarter, eo?Munchtg on the ftj^V*f Octot ar ;? ^ j,.. ' ' V,tumbia. JJept. 11, t?S>? K? tf COLUMBIA (8. C.) RACES I** J*! Jiuuarg N4rf;tand con limit, fair day? Firat U??yv * bentt > - - ? _ Second " 8 ?? ? < Ftt9 f?' ?" Third " S '< m Ffaa for Collt ?ml Pilfiaa under 6 years old: .* Knurtb, n Handicap Race, for tlin (>?l? Money, bt??l IhrcMtn Ave, utile heal*. Ircvonljr for ?ur1 hoihare baa* rufwloroiie of llie |'ur?<-?. Tlrt\. auw already tuh?crlba4 toil! wnrcont (lie belief 1 lint lh? Flrtl day* Purta ?III bo, ''. f&W ' Herotid, ... ?' 80<?' Third, - 204? Fourth, the collection* at ?ho fata . duriug the weak. - \%n\ Iturae* will carry ' >26 II11. <1 jr?n old 1-jO * ' 5 *? " -? < ?I?Y * 4 ? 4i . 102 ?? * f *? " (Ml * " *>' a'l-athar Mtin mid tiehlinca Hlloarfril tf IIm. . JA.MKS >:aiuin, ' RKKJ F TAYLOR, JAMM II TAYLOR, f. RUBl". PIJUVlS, JOKLA TLMKKH, . Steward*. Bjr order af Ilia f'lul>, JO W M. I>WIS. Ser'ry Or* Vi 4.1 The Rlr<ini>>ntl Enquirer. Prtfr*bur#l. Intel!) center, R-ili*ixH Star, AutiMt.i Ohronlele nml Charleston Mereu'y will eaCh, five tha abn?? f?Mir weekly iui?rfiMl> mil forward their nc r (<> if... Ddlw Winiiaboro Ftniule Academy and ? Boarding School. r|',Hli ???ntinnnii.n Ki>tinii>?tiiui ?l the V<-ut> * L*d"*'in'bUtouuiuary. will .commence mi Tuciday, llie hi Decfinlmi, ?inl cln?e on \V? ?.'? ne?l?y. I In- 2uil. Pan nt? u ml (>ii'irdin..t, ,.n ?|l ?*liti feel au inlirrtl in the ?ilvniic>'tn?ui <>l MetH'Ure, ere r<-?iMMl'illy invited lo alletul Tbk ' will rowmed <>u the A. .1 Monday 11 Jeouury n.-tt K<ard, W ?**uii?K 4i,;. |i0 OJ MINOR CI.AHI, Spelling, Rrn'linc, W ii iw ?i"l Marking, 10 Kl VHP IL*M Theii'iovfjwltl. arithnii'tii ,Eugllsh(Siaai> mat, ait.l plain sewinr, 14 <MI l?T C14II. 1 he above, wi?b history. Ke.inrnphy, us* ul filohes and ^lap?, Vilroit .iii) ,Cooi IMteiliiiii, Rhetoric, L?i?ic. Muiheutal lc?, Natural I'hilosopli} Ik . *io <0 Latin nnd Greek, iiiMai P-encit 1*t S|tuinsh, euch, 11} W MlMIC, 16 u" DmuIhk end Pei ?pertive, 16 0t? Palming <*o velvet, vellum ?m4 talis 16 <K> Lace wmk 10 (>" Wiit work in Fruit and I loware ? IN) HIiMl v urk, *? Reivl work In ell it. ? <rietie?, 10 tm FhDcv <v 1% i.f ife'enl drfuri|4ioa?, 10 *i0 B.7' Fivi-etninaul T*?>-iH-r? ere t-n^?n?d In h? veriuti* ><<nun)t<M ??' Imlrnc'lnn M ?v. ?A I85IO ?? ?0',M'ZK?N VCADt.MV fYintuboro 8. C. ROItKftT U hl> ill'., i, A. M. Tfincipul 'IHIK tlcrciM< tit ih.* Ivrtiiutioa will t>e ? rr>Uuicd ?ii thn lit/' Mi'flditjr in Jauunry no*'. W<ti 4 .itifcd At?i?tauti> arc engaged in i-wy l><'i>Mrlui?tii, ?inl lhi? m h?nl will tit found uiit mlcfK-r ti> ?uy id the SutV i.i ??i. u ?liiri|>liiie, ? ikI ?"?>noinjr, ami in th? utorarjr aJtanURo nflirmltd loth* P*;nU. Th? r *!?*??*?a l'U(>il for a ???*ton of f.l WMki, Bo*' I. ?M.ii;(, tva?hing, lu*l ran-ltf* *ii.: ''iiIk ij ill all the h#an< hooiun K.u^lU:, ( imttcal and Mitlifiiiiitk'il ?iur??, 0 76 00 ?'n nHi anil bv>nni?li, wlioo r< qni?? 1 12 M> N. H A liniitrd iium<*m if l'u|iil? will hv r>c?iv?tl a? txnir4*r?. ?*!??? will enjoy all (he *>Jvau'-ig< i ?f a liuMir and ?tnumtm oJuntiou. \V luii't'oni Nov vti Il)~?. (lock Spring Academy. Hid InstitutHm located at Mount llorrh * Chiirr.1i, in Kairfield District, continue* with InrrriMnji rritotatimi, uudcr tbn direction ol' .Mr Jaivk* I'atton, a m?n <<t|*riaa?:i>i| nnd jiractUed In the art of tearhiof Tim Tiuilce* wo'ild retpMltully at?ur? the |?iil?lit, thai tlriif attention wit Ik? jwid t? tin* moral* and hablu of youth att?-ndm< tui? ?> t?inarv. Onod board' hit ran Im? had Convenient the Aiademy ?i Iroin $ ?Oto 7J! per aoniiin RATKS Of ' t.l I I0.V Learned Language* l"'r ai.nnm (i. '?fi?;>!iy aud l.tiRlnh (irnrnmnr 10 Kutlith Itf Wll.l.l A VI BROWN, A\i il? IIAll I RAIT, HAMI'K.. UltOlV.N, TOM** MANN, I.EVI ??KKRK, Truilrei. (I 7* Th? ?cIick?I will api-n <m the lit Monday of J^'iuiry N .v 47 Vt tntrslmrj; Jockey i lub. III. i iix Itie S|a''-diii*z Jmlicy Cluti r, ill ei?ff>mrlire no the Wli Dcrenil.rr, <mtl r'tiii'iiiM* lor lnr? ?? ?!ay?, free for any bnrc , mate nr K?liht>K. |?i ilay'n |iur?e< three hundred dollai*, three heat*. 2 ! it iy|i.ii v two hundred iln'IftM, Iwu milt hni 5#d d:tV*? i !>'???,*i I>*itf of ti.a e*i ranee HtutKtynf the i * n f?**e?, arid th?i( rnlietjtiot at th?> fre f i my ftnrte, tna?e ? I'Md- .ij <vh'? hm rtot won a jitir'^nn tlir flr i?< "i nn'l \ I'll.- regulation* of the 'arr llw umr at in CliarfcMon R. J. BROWN FIELD, tor. JAMKB d. BPANN, I iiion j roLK, O ?. RKK.H J "/riturd*. JOHN M .YRANT.Jr | HKNKV vacowa*. ) Htn'#'l-urf, M . W-ti.* IMt> fiO If. IfO* BAix, \N actira h?altliv NKORO Oll(^ tw< \t ytuf old. wlm na? titan hmttfihf up In th l^ntr. ittd qwdmtawd*^|4a?n AUo, BOOTS, SHOES and HATS' VtlTt:HfcLL & HOOD, ?t TNI ?|fl|l or r*B 01)111(11 IIAT'IKD ?oot, i. VK jurt'feccivcd lltP |>riucl|Mtl |?m I qI Ihtii Witttr btop|>ty ol limit, Shtt arid aa iMutlmiul equal tunny ?v i in Cotumhfe, Mini vvhleli lh?y . m at at aery redact iirlctifor C'?m. lowing are noa?* ol IhV KedluK arllel n. aooo pr. NHUROJMiOES, M JI4W. 200 pr. tientle^eiw IYKUMKuTON BOOTH, aquar** and rouud toed. Genla. Flow Slio*?,l>rund and narrow ttrepa, l>o. '**. fq?SI>*. " ,J M " - Do. ? V BlilHH-N,"' " ?' , " Do. ** Over Suori, Boya Ooou, Boolean and Pltom, l.ndivt t*iuncl|o Booti, aud Walking 3lioen,lliiik ,, boIm. , . f . ? . ? Do. do. immp hpvlaand ?prt?ge, Do. Morocco Sliooi.mid Seal Sklu, Do LflRtlier^do Mln*m Pi unrll? and Leather 9ho?#t Chltdrrnn Cloth, Moioeco,Seal>Skln aid Leath er Boater* and fchoaf, iorvantf Slioea ol all kihdf. ' ALSO, A Jfisortmtut bf Gentlemen*, youths and Childrena HITS. Oval Ktshioiiable U*(iverHnts, I) ? Broadbrims < ?? ? D<?.. Horetri lf*tt ??f all kiads. Youth*mihI Chlldnns Hlnrk nnd Drali llatt, At l> >* Wool Mats, Bl*ck md drab, *ome ro?ml rmwni P?*tf nod LiiiuM BLACKING and Leather Varnish I'hr aliovi-iirtirlri will be sold In thosr wli<> ?urcliaw to toll again, at ? liberal reduction trojn imiinI pnrct All order* from llin Country, will In? received witii pleasure and puntli'Hlly attended in CoIuiii'.U, Hri.t M. lUW 89 tt MILLKH & POOL, itaVKJCSr HK( KlVKI) 113 PACKAGESOK BO >TS and SHOKS, I \ IIICII together Willi thoir toruier slock. * y comprises a wry general and solnndid assortment; partioulnrly made for this Murk* I mill in tiir tuntl fashionable style Also, a good ?n,Mirtrnfo* of Lieotlc men's Kine. BEAVER H.4T8 (latest lath ?mis.) tiM?i|?m-n - and Youth'* Common l>u Fine unit (limimon WOOL HATS. \ lnm? ? n|i|ily of SOLK LEA J'HER, (best kiwi) L ml/it ad Uhhg Skint, SHOE THREAD, If*. The al?o?r attlcles will Im aold wrry low fur CASH. ??? da*' north ?/Ihttrftrmfr stand N. ir rt 4A South ttca Otter and Seal Skin Caps. I iHE?uhKrilwrtHiiJ??l ntiivril from New York, 40 Diwio South Baa OTTER AND SEAL SKJN* CAPS. Thuy t.vmp(lM (he lintti niorlaifiitxvet ot (tired In this place. They eoatftl ofJertllrineiit Ann South SeaOtHr, d? One l>arfc 3?-ali, do. Ceuett, Youth* Sm mil, do. Nutria, do Oe. nett. Aim M?'i and Youtli'a llnir ?eal? .1 great variety. Alto, on* ea*r of aplandhl Chin. ? hi aCap*, tollable for Children. Alio, a f*?v Children* fine Golden Seal*, trimmed with gold Uce Atl of which wlft It* dhpo*<>d of at a tihall ndvance for cash* O. N B. C*?>- *nrtd for Ml kind* of Hntter* Fur? CiihrmMt, .mv 16, WW. 4ft tf NEW GOODS. JOHN I. GKACEY, & Co. WO. ? BBZOK BAVGU. COLD M HI A, RKCKIVINd direct from New York and Philadelphia their Fall and Winter Sujn oliet which rnmprite 4 very Inrut nnd general luortmont of Knglith lrt(nrh and American DRY GOODS. Mm, a very retentive at oak ?d HARDWARE, j ''IJTI.F.RY kr among which are, Rowl<ind't | Il?'Hvy till mid Crot* Cut Sawa. fof nppcrlor ooality,) SmitVt Bellow*, Anvil*, Vlcet, bcrew Plan* Nailor J* Handerwm* Catt Hi????!, German unit Kniiith Blitter Steal, A tcetieral ttot-k of flHOCKKIKS, Cotton B?(|tinc,II:il? Rope and Twine, which will he told very lou OH 4:1 til K. PKtk, l>U Al' A.VI) TUI.OH, IN FOR Alt) lib tHeniN and thr public ventral !/, that lie ha* h< ???!? fliniWlllil frnni N? w York u itli a choice aitoMnient of ?*?lOtlS i.un. titling of BROADCLOTHS, CA8IMKRKS, ami VR8TJNCJS, ?/1 f"!/ ?"|i'nor quality. \t it it hit object to M'lt for c ?*rt u>Lt, toe ? >d? will he told uncommonly ciifnp I living in hi* employ n number of fir?4 rata workmen and havbig vMted (be North Imltum* io< r. he ha* made tu h arrangem? nt? a* **ill * n* able him tp eieente ni* work in Hie niott fa*h iouahle manner apd at the tliortp*' notice Oct IB 4 v 4? If Euphrasiaii Society. rThr Valedictory Oraltrti of Ih* F.ftphtwrtian fncieiy will tie delivered by Mr William B Crawford in the College Chapel, on Friday the llth ln?t at half pc#t rt o'clock P M fh? inhabitant* of Columbia, and the pnldia In gen*, ral, are re?pei:t(nUy invitod to att< ml r.MANVF.b, 9. F.. 8. Dm . 4 r, . W 'iiit/r! i "'tfl-'-r y .Ji. 1. ' ??lllm jAmls If oh a, f HMHttAAHlk ^ Columbia, hb 8(1,1829. , \& < ?- >* ?mnir a rrr.m " CLOTHING AND HATS. A C. SQUKIR, fc Co. ff f AVEJnit rcolved from tbelr own Mana> I 1 factory; n vorf attentive a*eortn*nt of CLoriir/ru ?n<l HAT9, ata.l? e*jH?a*lv for III,. U- l*ni' ?? # " " ?hi* )l?rk?H, in th?M?aia*t md notl /riUomUi Hale, (mil ?/ whtrh will bt ditpoHd ?/ at lh$ CblVkST PRICES.) c?nt1?tihK ol? Sopor Blfte,Bl?ik,Hitd Dr?'.vn Drni*Coat*, Coaimttt# '** k. ?" ?? ' *? ? *4 Super Blii#, MiietUnd Olive Frock Coat), *> CunMi1" ' M ? <? ??.*?? u S'wl Miaed, ORvo nod Ot*an Cnftteo*, ??????/! Miami and Blue Box (-:vw) Coat?,t Catnblel and Plaid Cloakti ' > *; B??vt BIhb l>r**t ( oataand Panlaloout, *?ip?-r Bio*. And Black Pantaloon*. Caamiun** ?? ?? ? Slerl Mi ted ? ?' I Blue, Black, and Buff, CniimernandClotb Vrttt.l Plain, FintroUiin.l Slrtind Black Bilk do. Plain, Ribhfd and FfeurAl Bilk Velvet do. Plain White, BulT, Figured and Btripad ? Valentin Jo. r<illnrlt, Wnite Buff, and Figured Mar*eile* do BUrk Bonbaxlnt! and Swantdowa do. Alto, a targe Attorlmant of Blpe and Black Miied galtini'i Coat*, KouudJbouU, Pnntn lnon? Had V??*t*, - .< t Cord Pantaloon*, (trilli and without Straps,) and t Clothing ot varioua kind*, *mtablu for ?S-ivantf ' .1 , j. \jjhs .. A *r. at tariety. of Shirt*, Draw or*. Motiary, Handkcrchiel*. Cravati, Stock*, Oluvc, Bu? (?endcra, Iw. Sral Skin and llor*r Hida Traak*, of varioutti* svi. Alto, K4,K ,? A iaru<* a?vMtinoiii of' Uenileinent Black and Prab Bravar nnd Halt, of varloli* qual* |tiv?nnd form*. Alto Youth*, Children* and Wo..| Halt. ' ' N. It Tlie^ hr?v?* nl*o, jutt reealvud a tike. I atiqrluieut ot CI.OTHS, whinli ?vl|? bo made to tneatur" at the ttiorir%? -tioticr, and in a *tyb thai ennuot fnil to plcatc. Oi't 28. 42 II ^WILLIAM BAitHY~ iS |(UW ul'i;.M.N<i, al hit ato/e, nul rf*?r to ?Vr. H. Solidity's, a large and general at' * .rtmeut ot- v \ DRY GOODS, l.nndon D11&I Blanket*,fioui Hint qr*. How i dn do t> to III. :i>4 wnd .7-1 lirutm and bleached Sbirtlop, Win e. rcJ and gicru Flannel*, i>ark and ini\*td dattlncU, 4**' lri?li i.iueii. , 7?4 l?lui>; black anil brown Clotkl, 7>4->iivr and tlovl oilsc<i do B'>n - iiir^ord*. r., Voli'iicia V.-itiu(Buckniaj Faitcy Prlnlt; Funiiiuro do. Oamitkk. Pawy Oiu^liam*, Bnt'iita, BombaiCiUtr. colored and '"a?lin?orn Itnndknrr.liiala nnd fchowl?, I'rt.icy r.ilk llnndkcicbklt, H I Tatib l)i.i(?r, liiri!tty?. Diaper, AuroO Clin Plaj and Bandit una Coiionand Fancy do. ? Tottoit Half Hote, Black Morkted ' do. Sp<?ol Coltnn, Bcwinjc Silk#, ? Potcot^lircad, all color*, 4 Bt dtick, (* tupwior article,) Washington do HARDWARE h CUTLERY. ' An vita. Vicer, Sied?e nfcd Hand Haiuwicrt, and 82 inch Belluwt', rftrreiv 1'lalct, ,v Cait Bt*r??i Mill 8?wt, , , lland and PaniHill do. Ka?>b Lorkt, of all tis**, SliMrkxnd Pad L??Hct, attnited, v dlml OtuK^rom $7 to f2U, I'able Knivf* nnd Forkt, Sbgvt-l and long*, Cut Tarkt, awortad, Hoot, IVaca Chains Cbitelt, tJQUntar, Whito WatH and Scrubbing Brutbet, Horta and Slioa Brutlirt. Steelyard*, froio Bt? lo 46(?, Tea riddle*, attorird, I'aita BlackinK; Shoo Thread, Pewter Plata*, Britania Tumbler*; Halter Chaia*. HATS. A Inrjj". ni?ortment of 11*1*, olllu- Utetl fmliion* (jciilli'Mra'i Oval Ba>tvar, Do. I?r6ml brim, Do, Itorxm, of all fc*nd?, SOtio??n Mm k ?n4 drah Wool llult, GKOCKRIES. ."*) lint;* |-riin?t p^eti CoffWe, 20 hh'i*. Hu;?f, 200 <arli* Sift; M Jr in, Clir?>>n, I'?|>|k r, Kpitio, OitiRrr, indigo, ?nd Cotton lingu'iiit, Hull R i|n* niul Twine fee tw. Tin* fiwhli.* '?ro r (??))? in lull j lnv|ir?lto nainln* llu nlnvr ?clf?,tJoi?, which will l?i- ?n|il Ht a unfed mh t?i < f, lor ('n\h. Oil .<(> 44 2m ' 1 * 11f. ?iii'? ?il?#?-i'?>fiiititi> ib b?* azent* lor ilk* I * foili'Wi ijj Rrvtuw* nod port<Mji<'*N I'll'* Suuihotn ll^virw, quarterly, I'll* Aon rioan Itrvir w do. I'h" *m?iri?an (ttart'tly Ui?v5?'w, I ht Kdmhnrjr ttcviaw, I (I??n<l m) quarterly Rrvirw, be W' t;nu<t<l#r ll*vi*w, 1'Ko K*t?n?ptrttv?) Hoviaw, TN?! Foraijfn quarterly R?f lew, Tha foreign lt?vi?*w, 'llw Ivondon IMet?ry Untttl*, I'ho American Journal o| MaOical teianra, pha The North A mar lean Medical *od Surgical Jour' ? ni,'? *. 1 h?- Medico Chirttrgtal Review, Th* Journal of Health, I'kaJurift (I. of m loo,) Th* Southern Mtrf-erjr <i'a*e(t*. TK* Library of tl?afttl Knowledge, f h? Mt?r?ry of I'.rfwulntng Knowledge. It. W fc A ft JOHNSTON w 47 tt f7*OH SAl.K ?-A Cerrl-tftA Horn, r and DHtrlmn, Apftly to THOMAS f'OOrf.H, M. O. C (Hi. 1t Harare NEW GOODS. ? ubvcrilvvr i*i*ow open I n~ and receiving lM|M?d general .jeMorituvuI (rum New kl LNilUiUlplim of Dry G'eW*, /iurUwurt, SU'ti ft, C4?g (8 90 9li fow*.8erew Mai#*, Log Chain*, wr luff Chalw,'Wi Wargoo Rosr?, ?<?< Hollow Wart*, Nayler ft Etmhl^ Itowlaade Mill and Crota cat Saw*, Mend, lrao? Ml, 8mk fad 1?jm>h Saw*, Long, For*, Jack 4*4 Smoothing Ca'penJer* IWa with C?.l Sleel I rone. Flllirtere, Moving Plough*, Head*, Hollow *. and R?und*,do.6?n aod fl Ir^l. Knob Lark with tocmtard knob* and Saotah Spring*. ttyek and fad Loekiaaaorted, TaMo Knivee and i%lu m. ?prtffdt Cuiltry. Gun and Kifla rolUdAack., Hprlg*. and Cat Tack* *Morti<d,?c t-(;. DRY GOOpjFfcc London Duffln Blaa%<4MV7 8 and O.qra of a ?uperlor i|ii ili|? Ue^^iiliiili 0 Id II aud It | Brown Shirlbgf do* IIqa uud Miked, Negro Plaint. bloeknd atari mixed m peifloa IIroad Ct^h*. blue and *t??>l mixed Ca*, timer** Bad Tickiig, blu^ block and )tlg^ colour, ed F.mcy Print*, yellow, green nod Fancy CliittU, Dark MuUl ftloj{hemr,G>4 Cam* brio, nook,null, ftgurod and Jaconet Mu?lui,4*4 lrl*h Linen black Fvreooh Crape, Bombaaet*, Kan, b'.He, black and omnia colour*, Indie* tk woritad and white Col too floe*, tuperfioe fine wbita tilk do. fancy tilk liH?Jkf*,0afl*ge do Canton Crape tcarkt bordered. bluek (ilk Cra vatt, inperAne Caihotert Shawl*, figured Log lUh Crape do. La. tpiv ./ shoes, hats/ saddlery. f Ladic* and ^entlenicni flue and Coarte Lea. (tier Shoe* Morocco do. Ladiaeaod gentlemen* Saddle* and tiding Bridle* Wool and For Hat* assorted. PAINTS; kc. - 76 keg* WetWill'* No. I White Lead. 10 do Spaniel) Brown in Oil, Verdlgii*, Copal Vnrnbli Spirit* offturjietitine. rrfined and nrudc Borax, Lin??cd, Lamp anil Tannrci Oil, B 10 and 10 13 Window Glan.kc, Ice. . COTTON BAGGING BALK ROPE.ko. 140 ? end <44 in Cotton Baggiog, 900 coil* l?* in Bale Rope, 400 rack* l.ivrponl SattSW, 000 lb* Swerdhb bar lrooja**ort.8."00lb* flhrrt ibit pnod bend Iron, AO kegs cut Nill* auortcd, ??0 di?. Ilupont* Gun Phwder.all of tvblrlt will e cold for ca*b at very low |t|W? SAMUEL KWART. Columbia, Sept. IP I82t?; VCAKD ?AiuirtuinMiiien wij: |>r<,vcni my from returning n<mn t<* the ?o*lbt I wl?'? this opportunity of |>r<*??ntiiig my .-inncr^, thank* to (ho inhabitants of Columbia. tiiii iu vicinity, fur (he iMitronagv an J kiddttcM which I re ceived during my r?sidciic?. umoug lln ni. At tbe sanit* I? iiio I drum il iny duly to r<roai mondaonte *?nrtainan to III thu vacancy which toy nbscenrc wl|| occasion. a? tin* branch of l!u profession is loo often umh-rtukfii by itenerant men, who are entirety ignuranl of mniical ?ci euce. wholly una^jHalnied will* (tie di*f.uM** of 111*- teeth, 9 lid the nut influence which llittn ca ttt upou the general bonlth,cip*i'Ulty ii|Kin iii? organs of digestion! and ot course, ignomul of Ilia rrm*nii*i necamiy for their relief Tin evil-, resulting fioin unskr.llutnctu, in the practice ol d?ntiatty< are, (o iw lb* IumI,m areata* in any othar branch of the medical profession I have *i?at pleasure la beiag abl? to recooi maad-Wia. Lav M D. and do it with tba utaost confidence, having iqr some lime past rtaldcrf with him aad seea him inrturm all the operation* in Deat>0 bitrgery with great demerit*, and skill. Dr Latf'* |xrmoaent locution in Columbia will afford fretpient opportunities for tba (^semination of previous operations, add will bo a sufflriea guarantee la Iht. pubi c, to secure entire con fidence. O. C. AMBI.KR Au*mt 15. 1839. . 34 If MRS. IJKl'FF.HNAfl, bet- fronds ? i'ud I lit* public la general, that stta has last returned from Charleston, end brought wilb her * very hand*oaie assortment of goods lit Ibe Millinary and >'???/ tA*r. She ul?o cont'iues to tarry on (be Manlaumaki*z "So the rno^l fish, iooabl* manner and ou the ant reasonable terms. November ft. 45 IIJ I New Loof Bread Bakery. 1HK stibscrber has (tUMiditd hluissil in the above lino neat door to Messrs. W.J. Myd dlet<>n it co. and solicits the itetrmage of hit friends and the publio generally, aud pledget himself to give satufaetioo to all taho may favor him with their custom. JOHN OLYTirn.' Nor 90 lftW ? 47lf NEW LONDON HOOKS. t'lrlfiwmi dA JJloU, Innidalril by VV. 9. Kmc, withdrsicushy Smlfkft, 4 to. tendon, 1 gui< Milk, price $0 School of (Upltnel, tngtavlnga .nft?rtlif> mou c?? Icbral'd hfftdj In tbn<?artoous,4lo. ICM? piatci, C?rSe? 57 AO. Hocyrliijx'dln of Gardtnint, cnmpri ting all lli?- InlD'l Improvement#, itludialion with war IOOO wwid cut*, flftli ?*il|ii?n. llrAMo'f Qra?k Oriiltis or Gunk, Latin and Knx. pmtoJlid lexicon. H^ib-rici l.eilnon Manualr, citiiio novn. SKY). Dwrnm'tLetlcotiUaaccuraellmologicuM el relile 1 AOl?. fronofnn'# new f*ro?lc and KnglUh l.riinin. lll'i?(ra/{on* of Om pnsfiou of lov#, with plutts, J vol*. Joshua Iteynolds' <IiH?nr<?i?n pointing mul th? Ana arts. Hind's Veteriniity 9nu?on, on a nnv plan. Tim (irltidi Oiamn, n larg? collection. 'Jvols Hv<> ^rlrrl Hriiii'i Po*t?, from Millon In Hli>o?ifi< I.I, '1 vol*, portrait* Metrical Romances of the lfldi. Mlh, ?ind I/Mil crnluii*!, published irmii ancient manuscript?, v\ Hh introduction, ihhw nicl glo* **fj. 4 Vnli. F.urly prow Romances ; n collection of ancient Knftush Fictions, edited by \V. J. Ilium*, con, laintitjf* the Lif*??' VlrglUus * 'of Robert (ho l>eoyl,' 1 ThomM of Kwdmn,'' Doctor Paui Iti*,* lit) Id Nos Ancient Metrical Tides, printed rhlflly Irom ori ginal sources, edited by tin* Hcv. C II llnrlsi horns*, M. A. Uiimke's l.awrt of South Carolina ; a tingle ry perfect copy, $ID K. W. U V ft. JOHNSTON. Dw. U Hf , 49 ioVTM WHIphtJM FPJtALh IMBtlTV'i KS. Jill.IA PIKKPOM' WAHNP. (law nf Principal of the Spnrtn Academy, Oeorgi tk,) will Ini mioclated with |!h? Institute, from the Hi January stlwind ? | KUAft marks, m. n. Principal OH 0. tf Th? editors of the <Jra#it?llle Mnstntanear. Camden Journal, IV nil let on Mr ??e?rrr, tool RdgoMd CaiolinUn, will bo nUuisrd to give iht sit Insert ions Md for waid their MtOVftU lo (Ids Otb* fnr pdy^KpM. Merchants' and Planter)' ifrmlr, 36th No?. 1829. To the Planters and Merchants qf8. C. and 0?o. CAUTION. TIIE Board of Director* <Ueni it i <l?fjr due lo tliein*?i vr* and th* b*|d?r? of Ik* bill* oi ihfo bunk, lo *fa(e lo tbe Public, < b?t m cmMl? tm bee* foimed in (hi* eommnoiiy, tbr obhet of which i* to ?bat'* pnblie confidence in (ho re*pon?il?H:,y of ilia intiiiniion, and t.y elfadW thai purpose, to loico tin- Plantar* lo *lore lltair Cotton,or toilet* deprreinfed pricein th?lowu part of the oily. The Bauk of Aegntta, haa lent the aanetioo of I i power and ifame to Ibla op |ir*nln eomtpiraejf, by pawing a r*-toluli<>ni:lfSt to roeeive tun mile* of thia Bunk In peymentftr tiopnail. An officii demand bat bwn mud*, <W tbat loatttntion, tor Ilia reavon* ofrucii ? rwolu tiun which It hiu declined giving, nnd from cir- ? cum?lance*. which hava ?ul>*?<|U?-iiliy com* to the knowled** ofIhU bo?r?r(wlileb are *u*c?ptig hie of proof,) H iiaacertaiur'Mberetolution wan formed ont of door* ?nd n majority Of I he Direc tor>, who represent bat n tmall portion of tb* ?lock, had pledjred themielvea lo Ike tnmn, through the Influence of wdivldunli connected iu tlm Waro*hou*e and Cointniation bu*tnew, in the vicinity of II e Bank. It W alao known to Ibl* hoard thai tlw oldest nnd most reapecMnle Director* of that initiation, nnd (boas individual* owning nftfgs amonnt Of ill Slock warn oppomd to (bit opptaa< *lve reioiutinn. , ' 1 ,; l'< On the**me day the resolution patted Circu lar* were Issued by *m at least, of the hou*ea referred to (engaged hi tbe Waie-Haute nnd Cetnmiftiop Builnew) to tbrir friend* in thd country, tbe purpart of which we* to yrejudMfer them against tbe hill- ol tliia iaaUtutiftn. Feeling indignant at *ueh an unheard of pane" ontion and having perfect confidence in Ihe nhtli ty of tbe Meiobant*' and Plantar*' Bank, to meat mII demand* that can be brought er.nln?t<it, the hoaid of Director* havo thought heal to edoj' IhV course to pot you on yonr guard ng ' the mnlicioua nnd yilful design* of had and to prevent tke Innoccnt end unwary of our bill* from petting with lham at a di JOSEPH WHEELED ,7 Prmrfsni, AT. Extract fiom the selnoU* of*.he > llonrd of Dirri'.loM. | . ? ? Ufa'' JOItV K. I.l.OYD Cathier* , I'?rrnlxr I fc,, |49 -?Kw$\ J o the Pubpc^ ^ iN my Circular d.tted September 28th, 18'2t)/( priM-lHUni-it, Hi At on unbound currency would ? countenuuerd m thit innrtf/(, end ?li?ul<{ any In- l|ir->tt-ii into Circulation, v<r hny IJnnk Ho lieynnd what mi^lil be /uontiih'rvd it/iidoaf,' onmedlnte notice thereof Would lie givvft, whh oul Ichi or Invor From tinea In fhuv hundred hairs Cnllmi, aie received in Ibit market daily, hiiiJ hI'oiii three fotitth* of it i* |dtiil for in Bill* ?il thu Merchantsnn.1 Planters Ujiuk oi Augusta, J<*?ph Wheeler, 1'ieiijrm. tlio sonnducM <>I lliU Hunk i* doubted, to much to, tliat Iti6 Bank ot VtiKUitu rvfutet to ratfel*13 it* blllt in payment, and t hereby k'?vi> notice, that (torn thU day, the bill* of th*t lank, will not lie received by in* la (myinent for hou*o /cut, tlorag* of Cotton, or ntberwltt. It i* neither iutarast, nor iirejadlc* that prompt) ma, tt<rr?* are four banks in Angus* la, from wblch IbU market i? tirpnlied with fund*, and I bar* neither stock no. discount directly nor indirectly in tb*s* bank*, nor do I owe oaa dollar to either of them, but it it In Ofdft t hat Iht Plantar aball Mfa 06 good eaua* again to aay, that ba baa been wronged l? llnmbnrg, oat of hit twelve month* labour, in receiving untonnd ond depreciating currency, iu payment for hla property, for money of Uuilnuhted bank*, rtay bo had, and sound property ottgbt tooproduo* ? ?aund rcurancy. h'? IIRNRY 81IULTZ, Fomdir and Prumittor of Hamburg. Ilnmlmrc. 9- ('? Ih?c. l?t, Ittttf. 49 I Fellow Citizens, T i? a well known fact, that the MeirfcanU* _ and Planters' Bank of August*, hat of (at* Inundated our To*n,as wall at the country, with their bill*, n suspicion of thalr goodnon la already, before the public. and the two eontradictotjr charges mada by the board oflitat Bank agaiutt' the Auguata Bank* Ware-Hous* men and 6th*rs, now in my fywtettion.liaseonSrmtd mo in lhat suipleiun. It U tka duly of every community to ruard againtt intruder* which may prove imju rluui, and >1 tbl* bank It authorised by Uw I* it*nq bill*, II I* in Qecrgia, but not ? 8o uth Ca rol I rw*, and Ihata hill* being rejected by e*e ?T lha flr*t bank* in (U* tame atata at acknowledged by themrelvet, it ? sufficient notice to the pub* lie, of their not belog good, the tla n ding of I bat Institution mutt ha letter known at home, lham it rat* be abroad, and Ibe responsibility 6f circu lating any unto**! currency involve* on th* Ilver. not oo4be rtct'vtf, and more ?o, II bo la nowlng loth* fact, therefore land their aote* home, ami >#y t?a them ?? they would say to you, your not<Mnutt he paid or protested. " IIKNKY MUI/TA, Founder and proprietor of Hamburg. I fit mh n re, S C A'er. ?8. IB2T 60 tf Mount Zion Jintdcnnj. Winrubero' 8. C.-Hnbcrt L. Kdmondu, A M. Principal. THK followlag ?v?(fm of Sclto|a?llc Kduea* lion i? ?%l>niiltf tl 10 t<irh imrcnU a# ?rc dril< rmi? of obtaining for tlirlr childrran mtjiid Kng li.b, CI;i?OchI and MaUiotantlCal r.oiino of la murium. . Kii'jIMi Drparlmfnt, romprion;: Orlbnjyaphy, Kf 'iu)!, Writing, AriilimiMlr, Kngliili itod lliatory?H. (tre^x, A. ll.'IVadier. Hi ittuiiilu Oi-p iilmriil, comptalicndinji Alga* lira, <?>omeiry, Plain aud $tilirii< al l ilRonoaM iry, $ur?fyin(, N<ivi*Minn, tint rl'mmti of Am itkiib'U) nnd Philuioph/,tcc.?N. Sura* ou r, A. H Teacher Department, including Ilia f<at!nv Clrerk au'l ?l( fcrcw J.MiinapM, l'ro*ody. Mytho lo*y, Aacient aad M nit-m OeAfp aptiy, Altaian ami Mn-loro llUtory, Au1i(]?lll(i, Oralory, Ice.? K. L. Kdnoad*, A, M Modern Language?? Mow* Clodefroy,T?ar|ier* Tlio flrklett attention W devoted to th? Kng litli, C'laMloal, and Mathvmallral Department!, **hllo instruction In !? reach mid SpanUh l? m tircljr optional with thn parent* <>f tlie papiU, charge* in ula accordingly. Tlio appro!>ftlion Mr.'p?ipJl?ha*? ra nelvml from the Faculty of Ilia South <:*rntiaa Collaje, It lb* ?or*?? criterion Ibat ln? ?y?Un? w.irk* well and it ? ffirlant. No vacation. Win...boio'. Il'rafcfft. IMt in * latw Grape Vim*. rpUK i?bicriWi w ill M*ll tirnpe tint rvttfng* i ? at the following ffilnrnl prices s ; For nntilvmn awnUd $0 tl; AO willing# do t M 100 do do 4 09 f/*l do do Nt.HR' luOO da do , JjJ 00 X IIRiinKMONT. Novt4 wS/Mi