Columbia telescope. (Columbia, S.C.) 1819-1821, April 19, 1827, Image 1

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'? > I, ? M B ".?TV^r.*7~- -9Rj^Q SWWp pc AND SOUTH-CAROLINA STATE jSfft\ VL. xml COLUMBIA, (8. C.) THUK80AY MOKN1NG, APKIL 19, 1887. (NO. ,? < l_-__ ? : ; & -???^ ????-?.:., ? ? ' ??'.n-iTF. ^rc: vmmsm 5 hi eoiumtif* Seimoye; , * FMVTBO AffD, niliUlltb ITKU TtttMAAV SI JK'S-, Notibi, TS.W.Ta^'rssr.:^'^ "ottbc 1Mb laatby muiImmm C. T. SCAIPE, 4g A. WILES. .>. Ckmar liMi(t HinIi IB la tf B. W. ?* A. 8. JOHNSTON, HAVE KBNOVKO THKIR STORK TO * OH* DttLfiDN'8 BHICK HOUSE, Cferit'a M JVbaca they aia now foaatviaf Hum New-Tork, ? ..*i > > > v ; atoft? ?rf kawWW?vT..- . iyc M an: ? A PINE a**orta?ent id CeUkoe* of aWfaMt pat. A |?M and Iaat ??Jo4K*? A great varlef id atagkeaMb plain endGriped, flalu and Figured Book, Swie*, Mall and mODII MadUb, > Hair Cord and Cheeked Cans brie and Muslim, Jtefdlft worked Swi*? and Maallo Robe*, Levantine, Italian and India Silk*, of difforent colour*. Tfntered end >'i|UT*d Orm He Naple*, White, Black,Straw, Blue, Roae, rink, Dora and Brown Stiln, BiripftI *u?J Figured Silk*for Summer Draasa*, Bliin?d and Kieuied Barigea Black and Colorad, BaUue and Cole Philli*. plain Plaid and Striped, BommerColoara Plaid w?ih Silk, An a*?or>meat ol Eng'tab I'hread Lace* aad Edging* of many qualltle*, Im* auJ Embroidered Mu*lin Handkerchief* point* and collar*, WhMr mid Black Bobbmett Lace ?ell*,. #>lk, Oeute a?d Barege, F.mcy Mantle* aad Handkcrckielf, a larye aad very handaouie - attornment, ? Crane U*ae< andPrencli Crape*, aborted colour*, BoNdnelt, Tulle aad Silk Uca*, .**aorted, Ponadafl.-n Laee, Black and White Brown Cambric and Batlata tor Mat*, Frrnch Friaetl^a and Carle, Cresy J?oa aud Cbrildren'a Bohblnal Cap, M?lf Comb*, plain, lftur?d, and turned back, tWp Side, Neck am! Long ditto. ?Bk. Cotton and Throad Hoae.and Half Ho*e, ladiea lfor*.ekla, Kid, Beaver and Silk Uiove*, A variety of plain, shaded and Plaid Watered Bell itibtxim, Aa naaortment of Fashionable Garniture Bibhona, A few Steel and (Hit BelU aud Bracelet* with ' antique bead*, TH*h Llatn, Lawn*, Diaper* and Sheeting*, *P'?mnalk Plaid*. Check*, Sheeting*, Shi.ting*,Itr. Vary be*t Black ami <Mive French Bombasine (or CoMta, Wide Circawlan, very hravy plain Silk*. Merino Cloth*, Pirjconla Caulmeiv*, Ruaiia and French Brown and White Ortl< Una*, Satteen*, Jean*, Twilled Naukeeni, Coloured and White Mersaile*. Toother with oilier article* (ot gentlemen * anin i .r wear. Th**a with their former stock, and the further Mppliaa which (bay will be ot'l tn reoleln*, form, (key are neraaaded, a Mock evenr way worthy of Ike attention of tbo*e who will do them the favor (? ?ivntn? and compare. Tbay hav.i taken the VtaviM pain* tn procure article* of the be?t qua lity, and uff^r them at plcee which for cbeapue** ?annot be exceeded. IB ' u a Dj\ Wells <1^IN 1)9 it n*e*m>ry, for the accommodation of JC hWirtand#, m ?MH foe hi* own conreni once, to M( apart n particular hour for seeing pa tient*, who any ehooaa to call at hi* oftce for ad. vice?from 10 lo II o'clock in the morning will be devoted to *u?sh.. Patient* in Indicant cireom*tanc<* will receWe advice and Medicine, or Snrgteal tieatmeot, frca OiT"|f CLL9 would alto Rive notice, that lie ha* made Arrangement* for tba accommodation of patient* from Ilia country, who may Ind It ne oeiaary to remain In town for the purpoie of *ob twitting to Surgical operation*. H? tie* been iudneed to make the*e arrange mania, and to give tbie not Joe, from a eouvictlnn (hat a great many individual* through tha coun try ara laboring undar ?H*aaxn. which, if laft to take their ooutae, tanti, eventually, prove dettrnc five of life, or auma important organ, bat which might ha readily cared by n wall timed, and jodi. eiou* operation, toother with pru|*r medical <r? atmcDt. Of *uch a character ara all caneerou* infection*, doni In the Madder, and mutt of the of the aye and the ear. The latter iwniw if Ihttft mid ?flht mr,) will, a* they nay* done for *ev?nd year* past, receive hi* par ftruUr ittiiitibi ('.?tumble, 8. C Marah to, IM7. 13 ll O IWEKV E THIS. THE *nt??rriher one* more Inform* tha inha l?n?? of Itif bland DWtriet, ? unt ha will attend at tliet.'omt llotM* I* Columbia, on the flr?t Vfon day and I'uetdey In Me* nait,lo receive TAXK* All ?*ho do nol make tbair rattam* by that tlin-, will be tie Me to n double Tai.end all who do not ?Hike their letnm* and pay their due* by that WM hMI ha I laid* to p?y one dollar and taven <*iit*cO*t, before they *rt their receipt* . > . VKNJ TMPKWELI., f C R. O. H, <* *?? non retidanti are pertirvlaHy re ?MM ted to au*h?.riM *<>??? agent, or friend,* ? poor fa? for the lour pa?t year r?ent ll?o. hy the feat M ?nday In ?rTTilt And tSelr account* fo the SeV IT A RicbUnd dfetriot for " A valuable Tract of liumi for S)tle. tIHE Sabecrlber Mm dwtr?i of f ovl*t tn the VMttra eoMUjr, U Mtk? to Mil k? trMt of Land, situated la IdiiMd District !?? mUm from C?mlKtJf? immediately no th? roed leading from that plaeito ?dg?ll?ld L'oort Houm, >1X1ooetaio* about ?M IIimmiiiI acres, ?boot few hundred of which it dMtfd and iu a Am MM* of cultivation. This i* om of Mm mott valuable tracts ol l?rvl in (.he up country ? TMIkftaNHMli ooaafotin au elegant two story dwelling house lu eioeilent repair, ? parrel ol ?PM^awlygood nbo hmak m atwflklwiw, liKtiMlloni Mill, an excellent framed Bam Ml ? parcel of good St a Mm. Any ptlMi wHi tog tn purchase *uch a tra. t of land will do w. l to call on the subscriber I a? roed lately. as ho (? dot ami nod to Mil owl will glto u excellent bat MM.- * ALSO,?Another tract of good Uad adjoin in tbo abort, containing nbont 700 acree, about W Mmof which It #"^dial ill |twidKat? ? repair. Thie tract bat M Ho vonconvenbnt dwelling Hoom and all neeaamry ont'baildlii. * which will alto be sold on very enooMModatii.: tense. For taraM apply to tbo rabeeriber livif\. on tbo premlseee. JAMES BULLOCK March ?. I Mi. 18 t f 4497 Acres of Land FOR SALE. rllB enhecrtbar otT-rs for sale 1000 a err* ol LAND lying on bevnnrah rivar and wi-H improved at 17 |?ar ?crr,??7 acree on Little rtf?v pari of which is good low (round, and part rood ?n Savannah rivar, pail of which la low ground*, ?t ?9 6M nor aer*. 600 acra* upland lylof be [?>*? -un >evennah and l.iltlr river*, at gH par ncre yil?cm of uplendatf liftprr ncr*, anddAO acres i?l land on Little river npor which them It a <ood wcreliam milt, with a toll bridge acroM the river Hnrf a good Other) al ffiOOO The almva land*, are all situated In Ahbavill* diatn?'t S. C and in tba fork of Savannah audX.f ? tie rivera near Bari*dale's ferry. One fourth ol tha purchase money mast Im paid at the time of tale, and for the balanc.a credit of 10 year* will l>e allowed, the purebn?-r paying intere*t, or saleable roodsal a fair vabi? lion will he received In payment Any part nt the above ptorfrty Mill Ue told at the above rat by the subscriber who lists in Abbeville distrii' near Birksdale't ferry en Savannah ilrer J011N MORAGNF.. April 5 16 il 4 7" The Augusta Chroiiiela and the I'eopK' Advocate, are requested to in*ert the alMive advertisement three time* and forward thrir counts to tbia ofliee I'oe laywnt _ For Sale ON aaconimndatinf term* and at * very In* l*be, ? IIOUBB and LOT in Columbia, I . ? wlrilptrtofilw town* Tkt b?HMf runtmiii* i'i&lit tooat Mfifk IrrplicM In four, and thern an1 all ne<?fc?w?ry oal building* or the prwmitea IK <? illalto ?nlfonthn Mine term* hi* PI,A> fATIO.N no crane c?*?k, containing two hundred and f<? iy acre*. Slaty ??:?* of wbicli U cleared and ?i?? a good ftnea around it, liter* b n comfortable ln>m* on lit* pUce.with negro hnnaeaandall otb *r urteuMty out building* tollable for ? farm Thn land produce well of tum or cotton, an ?<nne of the be*t U not cleared. For further lt> l?nuatlou eminire of I be ?nbtcriber livinx in Co luniMa. JOHN M. MILLER February I tt For Sale or Rent JMIE *aU.ribur* HOUsE and U?T, ?itttata o. Camden *trre|, nnar lb* hui(d?ng of Mn Hall, conveniently tiluated for a privaU' fatnilj having eight room* with *ii (Ire placet with M good well of water and all nacemary out hnuaer lot contain* one quarter of an were. For teruM *p |dy to til* tubicriber or at this office rlltirr ft. renlorpurchato OLAUS NoHMAN February 2i ' H if For or Sale Itcut. Col. ('.mion'i two Uru Brick .Store*, with commodion* dwelling apartment* to each, at the corner of Richardson and Wnli|?i ttreeti. Apply to J ORK(i(i KortmlMi 28 47 To Kent, 1W. South STORE of the Muonle Hall. re r.ently occupied by M*mr?. Miller and Tay lor. For pnrttcular* apply to tVM. M1LLEAKY March I 0 l( To lient. A convenient HOUSE for a ?mall i<l|gl family, with a garden, and all nece?*ary out-building*-, eoiiticqou* to tha bu?lne?* pert ol the town. Andy to T. WELLS. February 3 a > tf A Druggist Stock for Sale. Th* lubltriii r mlm'hvn 19 If art Columbia, orraaa ron ?*ta nh t.armn ?mi <?r Drugs, Patent and Family Medicintt, Surgeon*$ In truments, Paints, Paint Hrutfiet, CI oath and I lair do. AMD A VARIKHV OF MISCK' ANROUS ARTICLES, With a pretty general aMortment of all such article* utually kept in a DU IIUOIH TfB H II O I*. IMt'l.UDINU ALL THE (Unit Furniture, Draws, Counters, tyc. And all the nevea*ary atentel* belonging to the mor. For further hartleulnre fitra* ahhtu to FUANCmOOIKH, i soil*A?ia, i. e. 1 March ?. IftiT. JO tl 25 LIKELY HOUSES FOR SALE, fc T Mf LIVEBV a raim.. : ?. ??-v aftha M*ik?t V lltHiw, Columbia. . ? Land tor ft tig roes. T"???^s?s?..,n& will Im (lias ghra? In ?illli|?ti? mUnMiIm purchaser. This LmJ 14 le the State of Miaaie* slppl, M|h< autifel little river, tbat afford* it? Moat iMMliUy au4 advantagoos wttlesasnts hi the ftaioi ntid il U first r?i? Coiloti Land, and c uly aboei aUhveu mile* (roeijb* bank ot tbe MU> , <i??ip|M H V.., where we eofcstder the brad of <km?> rnerr^end pIhhU forty mile# above Matches. Onj IbU land a<e several beaallfo] sHeatknu, bavlnr. xood springs convenient It attend* op aad ? ilown the I It (la river aboai foor oiilri, iacleding mim.tii8K &?* <1: . I The THIf ia iiidisfwtfebl*, M ell baring been purchased of .Liberal price* ?U< !??? *1 limed for Negro*** and Ih* lend rated el a low prkr. Il itd^eavd M*dk>*?to ?av, tbet the price of toad, In e few year*, wW gieatly iacrees* hi this sectioa of country, as H Is so * ??II known ihat comrteree will contle#* to increase on lb* Mtwi?l|if>i. and Ihe good lea da adjaceat to II, b* K(iuen?ll> cultivated '*&>. Aay person wishing lo nek* nwb en escbangr will |4ea?e wrte in the SabWitber. at Fonclh*oti Stale of Mnst**ippl, wbkb will b* attended to Immediately. - WM. W. GRANT April ft, 1627 14 ? " ?? *ew aadtllery Wire House. Smith <y {E? leave to iiifona their friamii and the no.. lio. that thf.y bave again established them ?e|ves in the Saddlery bwdam. at th?ir old aland, ?n Ibe comerol Kinxand Georges Sheets Charles ?on, one d.w>r hI?ov?? Mr.C Chbolm'sllniel, when itiey have constantly on band a complete an. -enerel assortment of all klAas ef raddle*, bridle*, 'i.irueM, whip*, and trunks; also iHlnghridleand tame** leather, n><>rorco skies, sh?-?p and calf d< ? ettier witb a romjilel* asenrta)*nl of plated gill. hi j.<pnnn?i< ?N<ldler\ .% are I coach laca anii coacb trunmints of .ill kind#. As ihey'are. con nected win mi ??ti"usiv?* laaatdtaoryat the north, they f?el roi.fl.l. nl in ewaniig'the politic that tliey can fnrnlsh Roods ill their line of a superhn slil?\ and on ?><oud terais as can ha procured ni inv similar v?MWhm> m lit Ihe VnHed Stales. 411 orders wiM tit- thankfully received, and ? ?roo^Mly atieiidrrf lo, Ui<v respectfully solicit a "i ire of tin public pationage. el 24. 43 tf AC AND. i FEW genilf nrn aia\ Im* ecrnnunodeted % uii:i UO AUDI NO ami LOOKING at Mr. tills' o|rt?*>sili- inn College stpwre. Jno'ia/y aft 48 Dr. D. H. Trezevant tins returned lo C'o'uuiiU, end will aii'nd to all l?of?:isiunal all* In town or eouatry. February 22* t IS in J.-., A^eiicj. karlaton Fire nnd Atari** fniurana Company. i IIE Subscriber is authorised to take MM* I egeforf fVrt, od BlJILI)INi?9, GOODS ant* flWKITt KE .9. PF.RCIVAI., Jgtnt ' olumbia, May Jl7 91 K For Sale at this Office, III! *..' vuLU.Mi: 0? . 'OOEIVS REPORTS OF CASES OF H|BE Yuirn I Hid and* 1836. .dcl'KAi. BOARD. - T (be but annual wnion of the Medical L Board at Columbia, Ilia following fantlrmen iirraantrd their diploma* for ?ia*Matio?, vie: l>n [no*. D ttiualatoa, Tho?. M. Dick, Robert i >itIIi?, Franklin Branch, John Tarbrtoa, Franci I. >.???-, Kob.?H K. Dur?nl,Jani'? II Gillbus, John F Itvnnii, Jowpti Ue, Au?a*a T. Park, wd li > r?f granliil to MCli. itoi. folio* in* candidate# were eiamioad to practlca MmJicine and Surgery within tha Mat*, mid admitted, vis: William L M Auatin, Jol.ii v> Ballour, Alr?. Kvtii*, Joint B. Reld, J.C.Kmn ?*rty. Jacob Kimc,Tboa U. d Slflvanann. Ojumoj Ik* HimrJ.?On. Hayneawrorth, Fraa Iili nl, Brac?y, Vic^-PrekbiHii, D. H '? raacvant, Traaaurar, K. li Fwaar Sacralary Slan'lin# i tmmiUtt?Drt J<?. IfcvU, D. H. rn-dtvaoi, M. H Deleon, t H. Filter, William Lrr Mtmbtrt Vomftint Ik* prtnnl tl**rd.?Dr? dir.hard Andaraoa, ol Caiadtn; 8 Blauding,Cam di-n; X Vraeajr, Sumter; R4I. I'. Colea, Kdgr lb-id, 1'iua. Cooimt, Columbia; Stfanaam Cob, Sumlar; Jai. Davw, Columbia; K. 8. Davit, Abb* vdb-i A. Daleoa, Camdan; M H Iferleon, C<? Daranl, Humtrr; lluth Davill, Uiii'tn; K. H. Fitbar, Colum m; J;?hn Fiaber, Co lumbia; ? - ????? Flinn, Charaw; Tboa. J. iiond wyn, Orangeburg-, Robl Cfaodwyn, Orangeburg; B?nj F Harris Columbia; Janet Haynetwoilh, Sumlri; M. M'Lean, Darlington; Wm. I?#y, Co luml?mi ? ? Labordr, KdjcliId; John Myeii, Columbia; Samuel Pncival, ( ohimbia; B KaM, ??; ?? Mcoll, Chttiar; John Smiili, Spar ianlHir?tii Tbomaa Smith, Sor-irly llill} ???? ? 8in.-Irion, Williamtburgh; Edward Bill, Cnluw bia; D U. Trunrvaut. Culumlila; Tarta* Ion, Sumter; ?? Warren, Amnlar; J. B. WHhet* ?l?'M?n, Cliaalor; RoM Tourw, dpartatihurgb. C II nailKR, Hiertlmrg April 19 15 ll Dissolution of Co-pnrtncrship. IIK |>uhlic arv Hereby informed I bat the eo parioirtbip harr mfnreetbtiiw IxtlaMR at on rler ibr* Arm of MALI. It THOMPSON, wm dia ?olvrd by mutual ron*rul, on lh?- 4th day of Jann try but t'HANcKT HALL, OOVhRNIKHM THOMPSON Newberry C. H. April IS, 1*27. Ifi a Sheriff*# Sales. OH WRITS or riBRI ncM* s i/ ILL ha Mldhaf'tf^tha C.oun-llo?wa,|a <"o 1 Imnbin, on (ba FIRST MONDAY and ?B COND Tt'KSOAY la APRIL aa?t, wbbla tba , Itcal h'ltira. 400 Mm of IwhI mart or lea? where flfrt itafaait>ir Dawjaartn Mti|lvan van now li*ae> on the lead loading to Ito Rke Crook ftiirlng* ' om aih Itmi lk? Mite ?TB. rdioa. h 9. Hartiooa mm. mm! U bouM and' lot where the defen (MUitilX klir Ml Iff MofO Of ImI toMur, Mid tt by Taylor st roots; MKMNHofJiAlMiottll Co. vi. John M. MM* ?m. The plantation where the defendant mow IMros, MiWai one hundred -err. more or les*, bounded by Ibo main rood lending from Co* lumbio to Winosborougb, N< by OniTj, froost's I Uod, K. by tbo oototo of BolMr Faust ltd 8 by ? ?ALIOi? 41 ootm of load moto or loao, bounded II. ood E. by TbomM Hntcbison's Uod, on oil otbor ?Mm by Dr. Jaawo Dovio, wWnon C'hailoi Kvaus formerly lived; a! tbo Mil ot Jemee 8. Guignard, fViltMon- ?o -4 uin-m | B'tfwwIi IWIIIwr 30 acret of land toore or lew lying on Crdar Crank, o^oining lands ot Jofaa blank* ood Wm. Weston; ot tko wll of Dovid Puce ?a ^Th??rfiou?e and Lot where the dofoodom lira* on ftivbardeou-slre*!, contain log half oa acre, inore of loss; ot tbo Mvaiol ood ?eporoto aolta of tbo Preiidmit aod Directors ol tbo took of tbo Stole of Sooth CoroUna, aod Jobu Bryce, vs. Derrell Hsrrison. Will bo Mid on account oad ot lbo risk of tbo loriacr (loroboMr, one holf of tUU oorcs more or loss, on wbkb stonds o grist mill, tic.adjoin* inn landa belonging to Coh F. Micro, N. aod W. ???id S and E. by Marshall and Edmoods' land; ?%lsoj one holf ot 1A0 acres of land, mora or loss, < 'oundrd on all sides by Marshall nnd Edmonds, ' nd at the suits ot Wo. Hall, two corns, John nlack, and Wm. L M'Voy, vs Jobu Morsboll. 690 acre* of Land, more or lest on Kice cr?iek, bounded K. and N. E. by lands belonging to the ?st*t?i of Samuel Dough erty and Jocob P*rry, b and S. W. by Clifford Hrown's land, N. W. by Jacob Shirah, sen.} al Hie lull ol Abigail Mulder, vs. Moies Duke and John Crim. One hall* of a tract of land, con taining 60O acrrs, mora or, lying ?n botn tid^ol Codar crr?k, iMiundrd by lanuiol Ham uli and James Patterson, Frederick Miyer aod John Marshall} ot Ibe mil ol If*- Lykr*, vs. Tho idm Kdmonds. 41? Acres of land, more or less '?> the lurk ol tile Conitarri* ood Watr-rve rivers, bounded by the lands nl Elmlia U KlijaK F??s, and Thoinai It. Brown; ol th>-soils ?l rimith U Wright, Boyc?' Is llenrv, .tnJ W. P. Mailer vs. Frederick M< yer 126 Aer*s of land, isnn< or l?o*, biiwld liy Jonathan Mnrrell, Samuel Watkms, and C! b yl?; at tbe suit of AbigoU Muldv, adm'r.of A. Mulder, S. Nolin, and James T. Wado, vs. Daniel Buford The hnuue and lot where the defen dant now lives, oo tbo corner of Boll and plain streets* bounded north by Bull ond west by Plain Mn et.eontolnttift half on oore, more or l? So levied ?iponondtobrtooldostbojproportyof U. Frlto.ot :??e ?f|M>ratn.Mitsof Wm Hall,J. fcC. Urabum, tbe lirtt Presbyterian Church in tb? town of Colombia, Wm. Halter aneigoee, vo H Ft ita; Ahrom Nott. mta at Frit* It Hardy The back bouses and one half the lot on wkieb the Muviic llall ttiindi, containing on* batf an acre morn or lest, on Sumter street; at tbc tuft of John It. Ilowell. vs. C. Levy aud others 2 houses and Iout in the town of Co lombia, one on the south>wcst corner of Bull and Laurel streets, the other on liull street, the two Iota contain one acre more or loss; at the suits of Hellnn Waring, Win. Ifall, John Bryce, Barret k Ounlait, Walsh It Doan, aud M. Ford, vs. John H. 84 acres of land more or leu, in the fork el the Congare* and Wnter** riven, bound ed by land* belongi ?g to Eli William* and Abra ham Shcpuerd; at lh? rait of Wm. Hall vi. Green Williams. The house and lot belonging to the defendant, containing half an acre, more or lees, hounded 8, by UWIm, and E. by Richardson st reels; at tl ? suit of I. M. Wayne and 0 Ander son, surviving esecntors of R Wayne, and Wm Hall vaJamesT. Wade The house and lot where James P?ekham lives, containing half an acre more or less, adjoining Mrs. Fnnnlngs lot on Henderson ?treet, at the rait of Watts k Gibson vs. Henry Corbet. 200 acres of land more or less, bounded by lands of Richard Branham, J. W. Sturgeon and Robert Curler, lying in tho fork of the Conger** and Water** Rivers ?ALSO:? 100 acres o! land more or less, boun ded by lands of Richard Brantiem, J. W Sturgeon and Robert Carter, lying in the fork of the Con garee and Water** rivers; at thn several and a*. Kit* suits of Wm 0*flTn*y. John Brye*, Joseph wliasoo, E Fawwealh*r k Co. and John Black I vs. io*e|ih Ferrln; and John D. Brown vs. Joseph Fenrin and Christian Pe.rrln ill be sold on account and at the risk of the form~r purchaser, 4fl0 acres of land nanr* or l*as, including the Muddy Sprinn. ahont eleven mMe? Irom Columbia, when- M-Cord's ferry road croaaes lb* middle mad from Colnm> bia to Camden; at the suits of W F vi*on survi ving etecntor of fl. Niton, hham Niton nnd Thomas Campbell vs Samuel M Nettlrs; and Robert Weston et, al. administrators o< Timothy Lee vs Samuel M. Nettles aad Tlios Campbell. 3ft 11 Acres of land more or less, on Broad Riv*r Itounded by lands Ix-longlng t?i the estate ofBurrill Faust anil Boatwright and Sharp's land; a*-the wits of 'fhebeulf and Brothers, Wm. Montgomery and John F. Marshall *t al. vs. John Glover 168 acres of land more or less, boun |)?d by Or?-en Williams and Al*ain Shepmrd's land; at the toil of Wm Justus vs George Finch Will be sold for the benefit of the defendants judgment, creditors by Wm Hillient, assignee, ih* House and Let belonging to the ri* (endant, containing half an a*re mom or le?s. fronting on Washington Stre*t, bo?iM W It) 0*orge Shiell, and F. bjr FMIIp O'Keife; at th" suit of Wm. Hall, two eases, vs Charles Mnllton *? 100 acres of land more or legf, Ivinji the Waters of Crane Cr**k? at tk* a*H of,Ji>;< *s Oe**<e Loektler. W MILLIARDS B it. A** I* . ? Wi The following lines art* fron\the pen of a yowif lady, only fourteen yean of ^ reading an attention, ?* that woman was void of teoaet the* the never did any good, witb? - out it was to lead to evtt." IIM?Sls?i KtntnK'iWMWomin flratlull'd thee toreat-a Remember, twaa she thetfMorer thee feaafi That thou ?i?p4 thy Irtt alaap oa a wemaa'aien* braaal, ; i>VB And thy tret Ufant accent* were eeagbt from Mft m! toegeel And la not lair woman the aweefner of Mel With nan aba divide* har enjoyment* arid Hn% , Thefrtendor the aiettr.tbr daughter Or wife, Alike in bit pleaaure oraorrow eheafaaree! - --- She la Ilka tha (air woodbiee that trr?o^he ron nd tha oak, $'&$?*,? i That darivaa iUanpport from tha tPeetl noble itaw And the' it hi* aoatn'd by llghtniag'e 4Md Mrakt. Still weave* of ita flow rata a Hth diadem." ft Tit woman rapport* and eoaaolae am*'* decline, ? She drupe o'er nit woaa tha pare pitying t??r- ;? And her lova Ilka a tendril, atill round him will twine? A tendril that time cannot wHher ot tear. yu't Th aha that wljl watch the laat life dtop depart From the cheek, where ao often her Malta baa re* . moved The dnik aloud?than will foal the laat throb of the heart, > i'-tfii' And waap o'ei the eoree of the being.aha t*e*dh She will frar ly confeaa *hr la weakertbea thee; But her wealuieaa thould mere not thine aageft ; Set lova, Oli! fh-.u ai'onld'at remember tha momeat whan tha Until clirer'd tbar, and termed like a form from above To the*, for initractlon and atraagtb, aha Md clln*, For alio dnra not pretend to he wlaeaa thoa art: Hrr impuiaeaflow from atet-tion'a warmaprinp** llf r feeling* are not from the head, bat the heart* Than wltv any ah* onlv by atallee la alirrd* No; even her fellln*e Iroro klndnaa* deacend, Oli! rrv<>kR tha rude eantcnce, recal the birab word, . e. And women, bancaforlb, ahail be ev? r thy .. M A . ?W* understand it ia Intended abOrtly t? p# liah a volant* of her poem* renlied, ) Jaultt, THE TEAR OP CHARITT. Th??'i nought in nature can cotu|i?re With wooian'* melting *;?, When rapture'd mercy iparkle* there, Kurob'U in pity's *igh. The tr?r that tremble* in it* urn At mieery'* request, OuUliine* the burning star of morn On night'* e spiring breast. Ue ???? in that *wset herald there A a*es*sge from above; And a* *he give*, forget* hi* eat*. And *ofton? into love. TIME. The gay, who would be reckoned wise, Tliink all delight in peatIme lie*; Nor bead tbey what the wise condemn? Whilst they j??w time?time jmmm tk^a. Anecdote,?A physician observed to # clock maker, whose work needed mending, that if he were to make auch errors in prao? tice, it would be attended with theloss of all hia patients. The man drily r " Ah, Doctor, the ?un discover* my; the earth hidet your*." Jm/a utile.?During the Revolutionary War, General Lafayette, being In Bait** more, waa invited to a bull. He went, wie* quested, but instead of joining in the amuse ments as might be expected of a young Frenchman of 33, he addressed the ladie* thus:?" Ladies, you are very handsome* you dance very prettily* your ball is ve?T fine?but my soldiers have no smibts*? The appeal was irresistible) the ball ceasedt the ladies run home and went to work) and by the next day, a large number of shirt* were prepared by the fairest hands of Balti more for the gallant defenders of their couft* try. Anecdote.?While the Earl of Chester field was in the Cabinet, he had to walb u|H*i the King for his signature to an ap pointment which hia majesty had objected to with muoh warmth. The Rarl opened the business with, " whose name would > <*?? Majesty be uleased to have put in (ho blanks V* ?? Belxebub't!" exclaimed the So vereign with much indignation. " And will your Majesty," continued the cool and fuclH tiou* peer, " permit the instrument t<> ruo as usvnl, Our trutty and well Moved Owfc ?pt and Couner/lorrr The King, it ia aA> <led, laughed, and immediately put hb hand to the required appointment. Cologne Water.?Our female whu.are disposed to practice A little d?tne*> tic economy, will fin'l th?ypllowingprepara tion of Cologne Water, a^kry cheap tute for the Cologne Water of the for which they pay three or four h per cent more than the coat of thk. orincipal ingredients is worth " calk* at retail by the dntf ??rfumery eoats vei?. Mn I vlcfthol add 00 drops of I S^Wa^T ^