Columbia telescope. (Columbia, S.C.) 1819-1821, September 19, 1826, Image 1

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AND SOUTH-CAROLINA STATE JOURNAL. ?, ?- ,?i IV . * ^ fMO. 98. - r v ? * rmirrso Airn rvm.iiHKn kvkki tvmdat, b* Printtrtt Uu Ihmt ?/ %knnM<?u ^ riM8: ~Th*?? MUm?i imiicmmt, or K?o* 0<M.LS*?>i$?bl? ?* th? .f in. tUMUMm. ?r? inwrted nt (Im rnto of Hr*** T>HK? for ?? try iwoul jr linot, ?ra MMbw, A*lM- %ttUM?ni?Mi.?nJ forty, > fay wufcrimiiwufcw.-rTho? from now criUm awl W (KMBpiiiWJijf tl* tiuh, of ? r?tjiiMiU*r<ftnnc?i or ihty will r?c?iv? ? no ?MliwW. ... - - ? i ; r?? i? | Oy Wo-'orc authorised fo state that HI CI MI ID B. flAltniSON h m o?nxJI<lM<r?Jr. Hid afflco of Shfflf ofVmrfteitl UUtrlct, altlw ?|> |irffnch)ti? election. Jon Mt . Om. ' OCT* We are umimri?'d to stule tbai Col WILLIA^l MKjREtalf l will M ? r?.,Ji(|*tr for tit* ofttre of 9ll*rlff of Pairflefct lUrtriaf, m| the ?piT"ac.hl(ig?toettoa. ' April II f ^ ? * 15 tJan. 7* I * '(ET" *ro iiHtliorizc.'rt to tUtotkat Mni. THOMAS J. CO#K, will he n ciinilidxtn forJho oir^n of shedirol FuirAeld dli. Irtvl y. t)i? ii|>}?7o?ch1iig?Wft|lou.' * 30. ^ ^ ^ rttn t > 07" We aw uylliorixcd to state tkit ftDMUNfl IIKVNOLII8 W n cnii4Mnt?> for I lie nitre ol Bheriff of Fairflald dittilcl, ?l thu ap? pmnoh n% election. June 13. t 24?tf. liranch of the Haidt Of the State qf South-Carolina. OlH'tuftt fl'/t S>V. IU?it. ONK tenth of tho principal will Im> teiplred on nit note* renewed n? tlii? Uank nfler tint fifteenth day of Novctnhor nev, .fl each ritrniwul, gf whfch all concerned will tako due not In*. lij ordtrof Ih* lloar.l ?/ Dtfrngori. ? J A DLVCr; C..S itr. f?*pt.12 . 37 8 MonGy Wanted. ALL thnae In'lM^d to the Him of CORBV.T U M'PLUWIUTK, era notilint ih?t ?inV?-?? the> ro?ntf forward and wttli up their r?wpertiv* not.-? ami ftrtwmlt IHfow nest r???ifn d?y. n? will ciftnpel Ihfctnln pnrvw * U ? .1 ct?ilr*e to force ?attention*. Holhlwit but *??v?!-if-: nrceWi ?iiy compel* tn tn 1m i1mj? OHpl cil: ourr# |,nv? demand* umlnat us, and \* lib<>trt. i*nliw.'lnn? \v? ? , aball Im? o'llt/td to ?ay to them (trttlek it to* /?"?? y * lb* emit) cam. *?*(#; frj 8?p'i>??W 12. 3T~3? Dancing Academy*. M UIG inliMnlm rrtunU lift ?lncrre ittank* '.1. and grateful a<:kn>>\\lt J^em'tiir, to (In In. ^e? nod ftn tinmen of Cohtm'dS, for tiio life rnl i nr uirit'.emeu! h? limlvirrwflfin. rw niyt J in ilmi ptn-e, nml r??;?ctfol1y inform* tlu-n ilmt h'? Mitonl will Im opened ?;<i!u aitoiM th? lO'lt of ? Or.tot er, previou* In wki?li tiaio he will Iw there and*. n mom in 1011)0 geutael h.hI r?nv?n Iwl p?rt of iho town. J. I.K? I.IK. jw-if Situation Wanted PV n yoitnx 'Hid Mflm l?"?' had 7. or ? f ?uNiriv:c?*n n m?ie?ntil% biniiidi^vritpV >(>?1 hand, nn I lia< a f* n >ral .icqitvhdnnva in h anil country. Kuf|?>v*uf tll? Pr.?t?r. rptamher 12. ^tra^ed or IStqiHfa FUOM Coluiuhm 'i few weoka ?hn"^. n hnrre h Die ?ulw rber. tt.od Ih*i^ i? a Uark, a'-out nine yoaia old, fonrteeu and a %#lia'f hand* liiuli, liind fcrt ^fhtlo, Mini wIkmi r 1114 at) pld ?!n?o on U;? iiR^it for< foot Whoei tfill it>'urt >?id linrwi an-J rrlnra Itlm In tha nwnoi, or kIvc infiwuiaii.M wlirVt ho inay he loundf thali !?>? rewarded for hia troiihlo and ra reive th? tb?nk? of tno ?ulHerihr-r < I) MALLARY ? H??l All Spri?KS iwar Aliuarv^flll". Beptemln-r 7. 37?3t For fcmle . A Light running Qltt nearly new; With ? R'?o?l J\ Family f|nr*a and iw?nie?a cnmplrla. Lik"* Yr'itm a nowDray h*rl*M romping, wlileh ?iy ? b? had low fof r.ndi, nr to an aiinrovcri pnr <*.|ia?or at ??hort.r.redlf. Apidy lotnlt ^ . JoSn (iardnar the aorner of Taylor and 'Sumter ?tr<??t?. . v, ^Ri<int 18. ? ' mi I N. p. Any perinn widilng Ioporc1tft?a *uoh *tr? ticli-lean have them t^paratuly. Wanted to Purchase. AN r.OKO UIKt?of K'xhI r*niini?ii>n,jfrnm 14 ) lol<* jT?nr* of ?(( ?nl |I?M oflirr. I ? ^ HMVKHHi rY OK"?K.NH*\I,VAN I a. " fTHB MBDICAL LKCfUttH? will l?-*io, ?? J nmiil, on Um? Or it Monday oi Nowml.r r ANi'IOMV l.v S I'- *? M- ?> ANATOMY, by 1 w ||oriMir, M ? ?WX.$HS!<<X\ *??*??? -" MiDwirr.av, } SftfcSSftR CHEMISTRY, HointfI Hurr, M I) eUHOKfiY. ? Win. C.iU..... Ml) CUXU.Kl, LECTtmFJI will I* d.|lv?r?.l M ffct Ainu IIuhw |nfirm?ry, on ?v*ry \V? .in,-.?T. x Mid Halnrdiiy tlurmft !???? conm of tl?? IJnlvrr.ily, l?y bn. r.bftfMMw awCMwm. iwr W. ?. IIOHNKR, M I). Ihai, No 8<M, C'luMinH??iff"!. u+iL'L ?n?J Ntw-Oflrnn. '?hnwjwlw ? ili? njWr,f Ni T Mrs. Edmonds' ? Fvnale B&urdiag 111; Wlnl?r Somkip of this StaiM^ wi|l ? cwibiwco on th^ Ant Monday In Oetobor. TUe aittetitivo patcwaf* tk?- InMHUtion h?? r? eelyod tlntejls conwrilncentent, Iiu influent ihf Uiierfor to rmMoy Mmadf Ibe fnoM atiieaiul oiiwritneed Tr*clj*r? that eotkld Irf jiTOcnrrd m ?Hh country; he hl? alto engaged a i*df odttftef a<I in om of tli? IN (mMlnebooli in Ireland, whoitopfwntati-in tteetmher. - <?* - ?>? Mr ftnntacl MTlhtMliMi HilH?*?rii MnihimiBiinn If*.. TrtrttonUw nttniftHia wUi In> iM to Ailllimctifll iM?t ?it'y In trectiinjt (In wmi coniln ?nd i^truv'tJ mriUoda ?ft cnli.i?lMion, b?t also in to explaining these me1tn?4>, jthnHlie |MI|Nl i tliief the ornaintnlftf d*|Mi1mpnt. Should the umiiltrr of r*ipN? In thh rnnaMal defrtvimanl ?** util u< t I vf, a* ImllHtt fillMfman will I* ?n|a> ti ll to glh linmtqn the P*d?l Harp aad Muni*. Tim yftanM*??inWr who board with the ivaeli ?n, rtjidldHy lain their nnli wHli ilia family, are iM oonataM' companion** are regarded with (inrcntnt tandarneaa and caie, #nd nvniy Mirtlind ralcnlatcd to (tolislt Ibe nwnuro, and eultivi\|c the mind Uearefully porim-d. ? < Tim linlitNtion U >U|>plied flepgl (Jlnl^i, Mam and Geufral Allmni; to ih?o will Im a?l deoanOm-'v, l>V t!i<? nae of which lb? ptiNdnry motions i. >>o brnnght before the eye, aha the licnullfoT ttiHImn ?tndy of Agronomy rwn dvrud ea-? ?nd funriliar.' ?? ? * Terms' por Quarter. * % MINOH CUW. nulling, KcndhiR. Writing mid Marking, $3 GO ' ftKGUKD CLAM. Th" nltovp, wtlli Arithmetic, KtijliMi <?rnm mar mid plain?ruin*, . . ? ? oo Tin* aliovc, with Ill?t?TV-y. fleogniptiy, ? llli* tlm *il Map* and <?lob*?, /kilrmiomy, ConiptiriOott, Hlirlnric,f.o,;i<tl Mythology? Moral mill Na'nml r>iHo??pliy, pin in n i'i ? I ornamental .tec die Work, ?. . 10 00 rnrncli, ., ? . . ? * ? io qu l^illnmid Greek, * . In no Mo?I?i ? ? ? ? ? I i 00 Kill m iter- to tlrt* Department, ** Aim* Oriiivingmiil IVt'|i<xlivi>. ' . - -7 1(0 Palming on velvet, vellum or Mtln, ? 7 50 Bonrd, . - . * . . . 07 50 <'oi)|ln^rtici(5, ? |V(> Til? Teaclieri nrr reVnU'm! t!mt Ihrro fliallOe tin cmivvof ntin|.U(nl of ritrn nml nniS jicrlcd cliar gf?i h? tin ilnlit ?fiall lie CotitmVti*! l?y tljr iwipll without llir kniKvlnder of III? purr til or Riiardimi. IIOUKIU L. KDMOMW, A Mt ?? "* * * * ? ' " " " nirttUr. O* No-popil wUl?lx> admitted for a ?hnifrr(into than our quarts, nml nil ilyt?? mutt ho paid when n scholar Iruirct ?(?? tcliilnnry.' S?|M. Ill ? SW If ... !H Coluinlriji MjuJc Academy." II. ftAMUtX ai-Ar.1l.KV, (lain prlnr.ipil of .the I'Ull H|irliiKt Ar.ailcniy.^iljl Ink? of i!if Alniiiciii 'lliMl. lfc-pmlmenl, on the fir?t Minul.* in Oltolrnr. Dr. Wallace, |'rofc?*ot #?(, ^i'llliHtiMllw rfld Nn'nnil I'hlkmopliy In llwi SmU'i Carolina Collrfce, ?taler,t'iiat Mr. M'AI'tfify to w?dl i(ii"l.rt'.d loiH?r.liKr^c the dnlli-tof tht? drpiiiiinMii. 'flu* hi?|ituiM>i emlirwceit mnmijr lt*ohj"rt#,lh? fitrmMion ?| u ilinrfm^h ftrq>tMtit.iiir.n willi tii" CImmc*. a f'lilhfiil pri |>:in?linn tif pujiUi f?i, ? 'lim ing Hi? Junior t"l<M?*ki lln? Houtli Carolina Col lege, nnd a ctilUvulio* of nil IIioim liranuhe* of knowledge, \\, ju iy qualify youn? gentlemen, m Iio limit tlieir i.dunation lo Acadt-'iilral ?tndiea, foi* entering wl li cnxlil upon cither mi ncliveor ? learned profusion ? n r.. F.DMOND9, PrMipnt. 0*7* Tuition paid quarterly. 12. ? .17 'Iff A CARD r|mir.^k m* respectfully i-IVtnrd.llint the JL regular itiiiln of the IVmnlr .Academy,, for merly emidutieil liy llio Mow* Itliuklnirii, will ,Im? ri'Mtrni'd op Ih^ FtHbT MONDAY Oc'nlifr ?ett| mptfcinindcd l?y tlio Urv. 51 r, ti M??. tVu. ?o?( niidrr clrcum?imirM wliicli tt.ry lie^M will NUM ponnmifnry nnil rlTuslrnrf? 'flirir ty?1rtp nil ?li#? IminrliiK of n eoniptcle KnglUR, I'laiilwil mid Orutmonlal edurnlloft. Tliey liopn, itietr nnlled ?IT.?t1r. ^idertliy emmif lent M<iMmi<?, mil iffitrn * roolliimnic^nf tlinl lilMml palrunage, limetoforo raloitdttd to llil? Aeadomy Ortliogrnpliy nwd U^ndiit/, (p*r qifftrttr) $ * 00 Ofllio*mMty, ll'ndlnz, Writing, Uram- ) 0 mirnnd ArtthmMlc, \ ' 800 l1w tibovt, wllji Orthorpy, 0nrlvn1ton?t Antlont At\1 Modern Ufcngrnphy, f >0 M Klfim nfnry A troitomy, Mo of > Olitltvf und M?|*S, Th> ?0k>v? Wl'h (l)i*4orio, Com |Mr||inn, flnffcr*! nnd Mortal PWIo- f ^ *oflhy. LHtr*f, Amirnt and ' Mmdorn IIMory, Mndr. Ir, art Knlrmti it?? Movie l)rn?i(menf, * ?*? French, - 'Ift ?) iMrtii ? It Oo IttflWi Vflb . ' >. ' 14 00 Mlln, lOW InMrtit.llgiHAn Ihf OiiHnp, 15 "0 !'? M* p trlmonl, 6 id ttnttfr roWi, If) Itynting on Vrlvet. [ttt wiumc, ? IX? I'lnln pint Fitnry Nenilo WorV taught if flf atftrt d n->?riV|?i!f ninim, % ' OOj B#'?rd |mt ' W '*> T*rin?,nttjftibh in p-t'<!*"?? - Is K fowyoong f??*(!!? ? can Wc fiT<>mtm??Ul?d ?? ?MftlML ''' * fkj.t. ft. s W 4f The Slate ofSouth ('awlma, fs.iinfftnn fhtirirl. i AK N Hp Uy Chmnrif Mil. tin, In lW Tuft of ISro?d ntid Huludi Hv?r?, in tim dWiiict xfti^Mhl, ii tlirmut mrtH I MAHK;l?? twenty -14, ..wdxtno Inch hUh; hM *l?4 w??n H?r IWV, r^?'^a^r2SS!tg A? g*%\ THqgf*tUOTD,tyj South Carolina nriHR teaH;^ STanM* Cm*frn/*ll?<*n JL f>?U?r? It WoeMeryilnrnio* fofflM loten rM of lit* i?>iitutian, than nf'thft t|l?N nod Uuardlane of the ywai>| men who ?n ? Jcm1v* notice, that at tlw opening ot U ?rnriou, no Mtxloot will b? nJmltUxV, I privileges who doee'nol produce In tfe receipt lor ell .collng? <fne? of evsryjl foe wlil.-lt lie i? In.).Ir. to IM College TJ as Ssfess: :rpa.tes: ?I I lie entultf? awtten. Perftnt* eodXifciidUni,' jnny transmit to Mrt BUck, theTraetnftt of Ihe Ooit?^fe, ntiy torn tfctoihink * In ftp* Iwlw itiifMH, tf H InMn cooveoeml . "Ihi faculty nlto deore with greet no* atgnWw Hsrent* end OunrdUnt,.ihnalnd MMily of refuting to yotfitf dtetl wWllnftli thn iimmw of tpeiMJb* money neftdlo^V, and of tunning in doht,.nttfcr?lw??qf Columbia TliU W it n pivettco roaitently gnintng force, to the tnanifeM Uninioe.-f of the nahifii nod ft* r?l* of the alndenU, and In*many finally lollie iticouvr nlenee of Abeir FarenU, whose lade * PKOSPECtto;! ?or *? *'Ws I Lccturcs on PoliUcnl J&onbmy. nv r no jr. is cooricn, M. u . TtHlft courae ?if?f.rctare* hiivbctrp <Jclivt-red to Jim Student* of lite Senior Clpit of y>n Kontlt Carolina Cullejy: 4*d line oinm nra*b on ??uu ? virw oi irnrfrrinji tlifl ^1*% # J'O' , KCONt'MV. plain mid IrttrUURri A(< ft.ittlra A ho have IimiI no |.r<<vlonii|tiimvtfed^4*TiriliU fcranrhof ?tndy. It- ?\ill comprise tliw lolla?lng vim * . - , History of tho sclt<nre of Polillenl Kronomy. Definitions nml Momentary notions. Oo property. On VVcnlili.or Hiclittf. Um Valtsr. Ingredients of Vulm*. I'trlintiscniliVi Vnluc. Measure ef On I'roGt. t*o Market I'cir.r, On J^cmnntl miit Supply. On Uvvrnue, Inrouip,?*iipUn| ' 'On ! On nml W'nzrt. On I^*l>??r nnn K*|?'iuli Inrr productive nut) ?nt|>m<|iic!ii'r O ?lhtcr?*l oi .\|<in?y hihI Usnry. On ^jpr't culture, Mi?nnfa? (tires and Citmnu'it*1 generally. *Oi? Colonic mil Alt. wnters. Oh I to (tins Cpin, M.i??y; Clicutntlni Medium, Standned of V.diie On "(tank*, Bank Note*, Hunk CmNh, iVjvr M>>n*y, Rill* ??f K> Inland iMid (omIidi * On Coiiiip?Ki>, Iloipe Trad*, Forf>ljpiTa?4e, frnny.uf; Trad*. . On B?l anr.o of 'fri(lr^lM(Ml of .ystional Wealth. On MnnnTi?tlucrs mid Machinery On (Snvcrmivnlil Lyryiira^rnrnU, ItesCttalVws, mid PioMUllow, ri*t|Hictl|i( ronimorcu *und innnofnctures. On ?oiintirtnii'iI UnH'wrkf. On Incorporated Com 'panVs, Conttnf.rcbil Privllcgr*, Monopolies. On !>*<??, direct soft Itidimrf. On poinHatlon **?o* I^ttre, #av?ng B*ntr, rntd Mriaienv. l^*?,7elating to Instruction mid'Kdw.nllnn, to I'uUllr. Ilmltli, lo SimImIhI ftisnT ,J04JPWwHr WiWlx "On ttlw-Fn/Ul* - moirtnl IVIiteljilifl flfOnvrrMMHt aatHtoe YlMory of t'olitirnl CiMniuuuitlet. ?* -, * In* till'ivo. work *vlll confnln-*fi?irt 3o0 p??ts jn 4 vo Jlnd flicprfc* *ilM?*?3',i-',fMr1'* II'#* A 5-'nb?jr'|itii'i? l.lst I* lei) a^ tills office. STATISTIC#^ . /"VF ?!'?? StMn of 8<><illi-?ruilui*,4n<-li?dinf a \V vl?M n( In Knliirol,Civil mid Uililniy ry, (?itnrrnl i?ud |Mrtteul<ir-liv Koaitt.r My.i t, "f f. A KngincM n>d 'Archil*?]. ITji* 8lHntri|illftltllrt Ihh vptiin|?tn \J'ork wflfltr reeflvf-i) nl lh? !?rlr?'|i.?l linob 9lor?Vnf?l'*t th?# fUnirl oi ?*nrh of i!i?* Afli ?rry>liofi p^s'r* k111 ?m?n !>o f??nvrWWl % The Wtiirli every indtv in^lrtt Stnta, !m? the ?iil4<?rt?otn!?rtir>iMi3rl<itf\vo?fc,lfiil*pfii V to hop* llim oar eiiiaenf will vary g?>iiewdt)' givr (t their |M<iK>nnr.? It cnnot !??> W?? wltkdy ?rlrniilnl??l ii^nJI oiffctil In In- f'miliar-Vtllk '.hp in foruinlHiii I" r'nitrfliii, uln> diMln; Hf firmd Ggotv. ledjo of thttlr r.otihti). urhethi r eon?Wlorcd in (it l-nl, jtoliticid ilr inlltlnry elirirprtfer, or in if* ?iv?l rolnlton?lind rn|??elllr? !<? preserve Hi c?l hi?itlnti<i:i<. A'c.oi.?ider*1?hi ?uim'n-rof i?Wfc unmet of irtdlvi'l<mt?, n??ldinjf"fti trScry part iff llio fitiif*, (j.rnriJfcit d.i.i??;f tlia m?Hiwfc rtf- the now Fend tlw ^ulirrrliMlnn iM, 4ko Work i? pot el n yrev ni^lrnil<n?re%t???ttUe?i?* rtf, miller lit.* Arm k<>p?' ihal mi e?frw*lv* itftiwV wjt? * i!S be p'vun it. It will I* enmpi {????! In one volume t ocIhvo, neatly Uiittd,cMUinlv lnl'.ti*# 4 <Mivl AW (*%lln ? >f??p of ?|mi W'de nlUrb* n?l)?Si! ^Oi-Hcit copy Sh.mld ifce itnmbar of ?ulHcriber* werrefti lite r.?|>gn*e, 4 Mag 6fVu Cfc tu w(|l Im iiHdrif: Hit e.oule? kavlhg tlifc Map 1 will w ratn!?ifi'3 il ^ ' * TliO Work lo Im? piflilWhfd diHajr ?urnrtt%r, printed with** new tyj*, ?*? jjood paper, aaH bo ready for d^liv<*ry the ? ? imumuTit i.Lovi). Jt# IVW*. ft * * ' BOUTH-C AKOfalN MUnllc UUliie& Henry Q Walker ??d ?*W? ?M?t?w?nt? nnfiut Jamci K Bnirrf nml Kam Cnrttt-. Uurrrll ttoykln, ati>l Jrrrtiii'.h W?!lw, John II. Willie* tt and Karfc C. IV'nlker, I*** aod rrrKeunta live* of ItHllrc Willi ifeMMrit d'-fi'nrUnf*. j'V ap-M-Hnto* (?> my witudiirrirtn tlw?t Hfl (Ih> fruinrtU rv?UJt w iihnnt >Ml tfato, It !? th*rrf'?r? nrdprad,'thal tli?y do ?p|M?4c Mud oljJ^n to th? ?livl-W.n or wlo of fir i?*l ???inta of l^tlrc Wl?i? dawawiloa or ittlitf* Hw 15th day of Oeto tier next, ?rih*lr con tent (? tha tame will beau tarad of twaord -* t . MOfcRH T AGO ART. ? i Or?!?r?:iry AlibrvUtr 'lidrlct. r ^ ^ >??i>a. '?'fittf |V The fttnle of Alfctfciria, ' Jrffertnn County. f CV?? Circuit (ourt, Afutv/i Trrm 1826. IN fllAM HIV. i Mmy Brown, >?? ? u. j Hill fit? firart*. (^aSk llw r??miM?in*nt l?jr Mr'solicitor, and J OH motion of kar ?olir.ll?ir, IrW otdarrd Wy Iho Chancellor, Ihut nuMkathip h* mVd* In Ihij <'otufttl?l* Teli'Miodr fjf on* month, requiring ilir <l< fm<l?nt to arwnrr or #MMr ?k%??t to* n*?t lorm of InU flow*. oihaiwta fWi rnt will Im tokoh or#. ran/V##*, and a <I??N ordered ?*? < ?rdiiiKly, " HfnrtW ord*f?-d, that U fh* moon. llwUlpii* W ffivao t? tali* *?|K?l1lon?. A tnM eftpy. Tul. r. N. WlbflON, Vtrrk ml Mmtm to Ckm o<wjr; *|*f f3* 6> To* Rent. Ill AT aaat-lhreo Mortal BRICK BUILDIPQl and M?t door io o|?|K>?l(o Col. ChVM'f, f.f ?ior?i ooo ?f the lower tnne< i.h designed for a Mom. a?d.w*U calculated ?iteiuftoftfalotM, either In the eouu.ry Z town inHt,. buini a bUelr M?*a of TO f?M In lengitt, cbmrnunirMirnx by A arch wm? lh?J front, together with a largo 67 cellar, and other eAar**leao?*. - ' . Thb other lower teltotnent, U wall efclralMed for* (OMll Dry Good* nr Fancy tfnre, bavins.a cellar, and atsn a back room rtlapbed tb M. ?*u|A* Ma for a ohnmber, eoontlon room, or otban% lw,at 7 . ? Xba appqr pvtof the btilldin*, r.ogtUt^of two ?torch and a comfortable (carrel, the win le dly.M* dai-lnto Mduibla^pAHiueitl), ami well witciileteif cither for aYrlvfl* Boarding Houwi,. or a family, bJdrlnra roomy Kitchen emTothfcr itcaat wry oal Imttump. " * The whole pf (ba abovr premise*, will he rt#f ad wftmltlv or together, all mo^retb tfrmi nnd ponmlon Rteen ? (ho 12th of October or earlier b dfulred. Any |t*noni wishing sneh n situation, ?an apply loP.^rV Bryrt, corner of ll'iUwi qnd MMiM'itMa(l> - ? k , JOHN BittCE. Sept. p . ^ ? ? ? GCiti Smith. S. L?8 TRIMFELWIV HAS ^UblUlwdlilumlt in Mr If. H n*fW%, Iiiiiimi, iH?^l lo tin- I'lHiColf on U'?>klu|rton ?Irect, Coliimtiln. B. C, ivlierr lm citrrlim on Ibe . .wfi SMITHS? IWSIJYLS8+ In nil lla v?rioH? limnrtM**, nnd uvcry otUcr JjHti* IIFM lltMt CMtl ill Mi l.iJ; ? . I Walking Cum-*. n\o)tnl*d wflli gold,silver itr , ivory, and- nitrnvod in llin nistieM tiylorCarriagit j Iron* ptntra wiili gold, iilv(rur l)m<t(uUllffi of rnlil or ?Jlv?r inlnld. in mrtril; Lightning ItotU li|*d in Hiiy ciylfi Silver I'lnti* mrnilnd h:i I rlcwnrd; Hnord blade* nliri fJcMi1?r?l?N*nolitlicif' or Imriililiftl in tlir in oil ri'iyml Door Ltcki r.^in-d, nndKry* nifii led; flMfMtnt'In Mrttmintotaado or reunited; Bill forTonlh UnM?-, dm made ninny kind. ?ALSO? I ITT" I???# Tttlh mute inn I if I in Willi go lit n>rin%?; Xuriiiuif of tttry i!t*rtJpli?n in mtlal or' '' ?/> . 1 Unvc no ncrjl lo yiy nny .lMn<? more; for *ny IUIok yiiu \v..nt annf ritll uii me, nr:il if I do not ?li? ll to tiiif you, I w ill clmrcu you nothing. Sr|.t?nlK? 1?, Jfl-JtV .17?if KAGS WANTEi). " ? Till* Bqluoriltert are ubout to ercrt n PAPER .Mil,!, Ti? lli? vicinity of tUW* place, and iU "iwfu dipfNib ip n fcrant uifMurt upon lliu niil of | IV. Miil r\ < i >? peaton m the nommunliu In i . i ?< i v - itg ilm ohly inntoriol Uinl can Iw n??:?vin tin* man imfurlory of |liu lutX'il nrtli lCi Iioumi keeper#, nud nilflfhiTi.drt lliCMfin c rprtMUlvfolIrllrd 16 ml lc?^'nnd nfc'Wivo iiirftofiS produced In theirt^. milk*. Iliriol* noln hoiiiil lint will Afford mn> ny Mt Ihr yenr If attention l>? paid lo ?a? Infcttarm. It will nir.ird.fa> til* nnnr ml""1 ' Ntrira w itiwi wMIittitlirrw lH: iff lo?l to Minn: nnd <!)?? rir.ti, l/y fHlonlux(Itemnun |-?rquWite tosunn liivurilo ffrvnHl. \vi1Wr< ??I.t um-iiIIiI |tr\'iri> to lliit lafutiljnrui^olurv. ol'mjf own stale; nnilM* (1 *H?;r onpslvc* lliowiio ?i?t 6f tl.c rominmi?ty.ln lltli r<?pr*?j ujll citt?!iI?; n?ln jh rfi nt iy t. tfint pirnm kirft it* uircM^ition. ??? onr own *tnt<\ kikI mnrxi^nll iff)'large ?tfni? Ormnn?V l(ml nrr \vnrly Vnrrli'tl ?<ul nl It hrllefV* ?it pn|HT. Ttlifro l? no mc orlntnnlly roni pOH*'t of mifonj Wilt ivlitrl* will mu tt ?T flir tAnn* kind ofj?ft|wY. * Tin- fhlloMin< |?rW?i wlH !?? f?i?W for nM Itai'f ?hOivrftt ut lUu Muti! of Mr. William T in 4)?i* ittirr. ?*-* v Wlilto |.in? m, flU p4r \(**lb$. (Uilion, Fin* $r Iltfnip, ?!? ;??r H*> thi. J J. FAUST 1st C.y Cohtmtil*, Jiily 11. , * ftl-Mf. VaUmbUi TJj ? '* * ' FOR SJ1L&: Till* Sulwciilir.r'tifrrtlnr ?alp, ll>nt large and (l(f?ftliHIILPiybt>vm?Hr nrcupinl u? JtnpAUi Aelf^my inthii plus, whjch it ?iMat?d on.% lot of aftqnt thirty aeraf of land, fronting llie in?lrt ?irm (, arid wltleft h Well ralcdlated frrm Ha iRm pud room f??r ? wpjrgf nnrpoem, l? v. ill ?lw m>M a iniir tract of l.iilj) of hhoql staty rrn fpilte convenient:. which 1* ?T good quality aiul well limbered, H wnntd h? a *5ry ntraawyian the nhow mr iiw tao-feld of nil I kM (on Mm. IrawiHHf. It it deem ad ?!??!(? nrtnafeea/aty io give a jimntr description ?f Jhe almve |irti|arty or lo apeak of ila value, a* H I* generally kitovvn hy all lh ?v who U?ve aean It jtr viiiled the place. A bargain .will b? given to, ?n approved tHirrba?rr BKNJAMI.N ClfAMBF.nS | yoMtvlllr.'A'Wid ^ " T~g~bo?gb heaInbssy, COACH MAKER, HAS removed h'? ihop opposite to Adam Kd. gnr*? Hr'ek Btnblea, where ho inferd- to carry mi th?? bu?lnot?nf-C,<Mf-ll' MAKI>-H, Iw in aII It* krenfdwr II.* baa dr|ernibt*d, and thai with a ?tvdflut rcaolatinp. to fav?ir kW r???ioni??r? with hie ?trlete*l attention t<> IwHlnean He, nnpfe toiereive hU ?har# of the poMie patronage, imd (r<tm lli??e who Irate heretofore (p'nred him ha nothing to fear, ?? he M determined to do, al| le In* power totfve tennral ?at?r?rttnii. lie hope, that pcr*oa*^Fii?i)(tag work will fall and take to away a* roon aa r.omjilelad Or a'f?f4int to pro ml?e, a? di?app?>intmentc are nnrarreeaMe to Mar O. II. wtfl jive tmmediiW employ meat to a Joiim^yihan Coach .Maker. '11m aUaati?n will Ho permanent. .* Jane ? 89?If. For Sale. A IIOOSKandLOrr,at tiiafUeaCraek Spring, Im latelf omnplad hy J. it T. Hob*, n Fa* particular* apply to ^ WM. M'CAULBV. f?or.??, It** v '?? tf # ' 1 Valuable Property. roR gALK. U1R Subicribor intending to leave Columbia ofer< torMle W? HOUBjfc ami LOT, oa Rich Sib good Brisk wall; It4a { if a Tar ItAtlon for a Tavern and DiyOoodKCtora _?.talon ein btRtoao ataoona MWtln<). i Vdnmp. On*balfca.K,lhn raatauidarm cr*4tt of 4 y?.ar<, well tccured, witli lntare?t front da la. A,?E:V4r^,a PBMr ~ State of &mth-C&rf Abbeeillf-DitfktL . .?? " jDnorfepidRftK Administrator. Va. aifU Abl*nl! < aldwalL Adw'ri 'J T'aMM-aring tbat Jacobtfnt*nt?rf 1. Wltyle, two of the J?l|mW|? in I stated can, rr?ide wiilifcbt (fin JtiiMa-ftf t>M?Mate* It It'Onlervd, ibat tfcey anrwar or drmga jo the C?ai|>lainaal?' Bill witbln lltrr* uuiuint (Vura tba publication li<irao& ?>? th* *a|J ndl will be Ubait pro, ronTttto Nmiii<?f.llir>m< - .? HIOWAal.lVl^GSTO., Co?i*raOnW*AM??a?ll?,f ) H C-K A />. ? Jnpr Mill, IB.'n. . \ tv Sm. ' *fStaSp"pf Sputli Carolina, *? Chtttor M-'friW ? ** Jolin ?rmlij>, :i?J% ?. MkUJlfl'on N?ber<f, Ai'lb'Qr . W??UjMaJ4nl??*'l,' l?r?Ull-' | ah S.*Davi?, deieot1*^tsSBf*Bp' .r ? , ? ? * , T I'amicari to n>y -Uliddiati X ftob?IVt?an<l ArtHnr Ynrbar^nsii, ib'lVtidanl* rnfil'-i vMh^ui- itiWMi *s :l?i tor*- oHfrtsJ that lUujr do and oljrct the dovis'nn on w lifejftt* iltr^frw ?w,'i 'JBfci iipxt, or .heir con*ctitT* Umi mute wii ??* ed of record E. LYLKS. -June 5, I82A. , . SOUTIL-CA LlOEn* A, AbktvilU Ditiricl. Willi, mi llnll Applicant r Ruin A Rronnand Kiiin'n tli lit* v*i|r-f John Kni??t-y and Stoma* hit niff, Cwifgf Mtllir, J.iCilt Millar, irdbibtli Mill?r Htiri llolxTt MUlr>r, (Mendniifiu ITnppetrlnR "? n>y a?ii*iacfu>n itiM J. li i.KmH hy Mid Kimmr Ms wile. (ifoi*%*1ill?T. Jievb Millf t, Archibald Kliltcr unrt Ucbm%ll)l?r,$vr qf (tie defendant#, without toWHtnle. it U. therefor# ordered, that tli?y do npjKnr and object ti? thn dlvHlon or Ml* oi ?!?*? rriO oitatc i>l Jumea f<. Miller, dfdiiwri, on or Iwfnw tbe fir\i i^v of Oetob* r or their cou'??-nt tt? tl.? mi.i* 'Alii l*? entered ol rvcofd. " MOH^A TAdli 'It'l', Cr/iiftif* pj JiV+iiUt J>i?i >i?( i trC> 1 iclSon of 0rdinarie?0(Bre Anient Hi 1816. The I'Jutt Spring*' Acad*) ^ 18 now in oj.rratio* under (lie direction of Mr. JOHN F^R^lRti, ji y*niK fceiitUmnn Hf i-xccflent , ?ndtr(fM eityjMfew ? in tc.x li ii?>;; well" auMifleJ trt1 prepare young gentlemen fo "eoW the highfr ?tu?*c? of any UpivcrMty in tlioUiilUd SiHtetc il.i'r*/if T'tUi'Hf. - auI Clan f? and MathenmU.-i ^'WfaHMttar. * Kiitiidh" * C 00 Go?d board,aOl ?h>ll?r? pur ?n?>nll? KWT^iiad I rnn\cnuiit fo the fcnuleoft-. Th# Miliw-tihw l^ed^r* him*eU to paranta nwd guardian*, ?tmt ?triet attention will t-e panlto UmtJMful* o* joutli ADRAJBCWCKfl. ri*tl Spring .Vlwy I. MlUfl . Notice. ALL per*on? urr for .turned Ji*t<?* 8. (iiitftinrH, I'.m| t>rMunti ultteli oHh'T id ih<jr ir*f h*v? oi? uccoiint of l)avt?< I. Wnkely, n? the ??nl Wukely li.???. nrfe Mn -tultninent of liiii ln?ok? and ncrourt-, i . v?< v?j* ?CrllKT, W itlcllldvt Rli lind ?>V >ry 4f co<riiL m the rtMJwnkfly ??|) to ?!??? ?*' !.i* d*|.irtur?. AndHI i?r?on? li,<if!>t.-(l (o wla \Vuk<ly, en- nrti AeU Ih^t nnll? l*i?'y Ux+mal !?y Hip Oiirti of Srpicnit'iT, and liquidate Ihelr account* b>*ftota ?.r hIIitv* i?*t, they wilt find them In tfcft tutndt *f Hjivld I. M'Coid Eiq. for w.lketl.iKi'W JOrtlWjfcACKj, 'AuguMSfc wfim \g<ncy. NIC 1 HIE MRCHANtU' KICK INSURANCE ? I. COMPANY, New irk, Jcr?ey. ibeoruo retttl Deoen.ber SOtli, Iftt*.), with ? Capital of Tuo Uundrtd Vft?Wflnrf JJotlarl cKft-nncM-i:. inT'T'"^ | 11 Thnre U now ?tni*llng 16 IK* rre?m of < he Me chanic' fire loaurafcc* tTompooy ontfc of i Hie Dunk, the wn oi Om Hundred Thotnraul Ik ^ * Deiiorit 100.000 Dollar*. ^ 6 j. urahaM i'?*<#> The ?Hb*erll?er it (ake?i?lia >.i;?lft?t fir* on BoiMInet.Hooiiii. rati I'rtMar*. BENJ w CoUn.hta, Qs\1. II. V . ^ ? *? iNotice, y f { IIAV, nlv.n i. n.*#? of Hand, ilat#>d lliOo* ,JL vfnihf-r ?M4, lor two bfindw aiid'tr#*!**? dollar*, pdy<it<it> lo THOMAS DftRttY, frjX*h* riury *n?nio: I (on*0m any patfon if i^fes folding for (ht- not . a? it ?i? (fwro lor * VmtM> ?ration which t.n? ?i??<. a faded, and f ?m <!eK>rT)i?> not to pay tho fHkl uOtt, uiiieM c?>mp*tkd by \M(.L1AM SEALKY. ' March 7 10 tf ? For Hale. I1HK i'OI'SE and LOT on UflitlMrH.toa* t..ioln* t>ih> qnartar of ?w acr*, mentor Im?. will hv.vild on r?MO?aM? t?rmt. l?t or* holt Cm It. and tli* htlmc* with a Rood Hot# *?cf ap? proved iwtovwr, to b? paid in twatvr Mum ?'- ??? Applf ??> tilt Any pmoii|MN to mpretw*, tfg^rih*r,mC?l<ii?b|g. r?b. 7 M. H|LAALED^E, <-4Hp.