Columbia telescope. (Columbia, S.C.) 1819-1821, May 30, 1826, Image 2

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B BLOCK ADES m \ hf MiMk mi if fiM Tkj|W SISSSSStS SSSSSSre (MoT csccptlng the English, to see lion of mdoul fawtW.tlilt ??tar In kit netfcme, not Vw?nlfi|tai. H fntH* Mrifci?icoi?tr?* to tko enbearvleuiy af Um Brttlab ageola ud ?i\rtl MMudttivMk k highly eritlofced, and even th? rrawban observed to ne? ? mot* daMmta* ?d Im* than they, iMIlWtM kftty tit a wore ?f hnving given Um preeodeat, and, OS thoy *x |HM thfrnwlvea, being BOW boatnn with their own irjM. TbtrtMMM a natioo Wbiefc one* ?nebeothedttoswwd to vindicate the *?nr principle now MinUiMd by Mr. Forine MiUw Iho most powerful ntioa of Um world, will not tamely aabmk to iwcoad edition of si milar optmliB .from ? much weak*r aource, trow e Ceeble imkator and inventor of tynmcp.? Tko ofea of Europe Moat hopefully Ixed on that mUw. In WJT l?Uer? from various correspon dent* on tk* continent an opinion b?spressed <? thai America will not submit to tbk blockade; tho lawleaanote of which appear* to have been uiiticipat+d from the nature of Uftao water*. All iho alioMa of tbktrivor areaa good n port or har bor a* tb? ooter or inner" roode of Baenoa Ayre?, and it tho river ia to be blockaded it ought to be dona from capo to capo, a thing iapoesible with nil tho Braaitian navy." from thr Humes Jiyrtt Mtreaniilt Oattlh,F*b 17. The following important document* have been remittal to ua for publication from the depart* moat of foreign relatione. legation of tlie U. S. of America, > Buenos Ayres, Feb. I3U>, 1846. ( The undersigned, charge d'affaires of the Unit *1 Slate* of Amorica, having communication* of high international luterest to make to Admiral Lobo, oommauding the Braxilian Mocludmg squadron, moat respectfully request* hit excel lency general do la Crui, minister of foreign re* lation*, to grant him a flax of truce according to the usages of war, to guarantee toe safety of such an intercourse. la order to manifest to this government that , sincere confluence which ou-lu to exist between ' litter republics, the undersigned ha* the ,hooor to communicate a copy of tbo note which he wishes to transmit to the Brazilian admiral? This note has for its object au humble effort to vindicafo riglits in the pr.ncipte* and rules whkh ought to be observed in case* of Itiocicade; and it it. to be hoped that this attempt will not be misconttrund into any. the slightest, deviation from the ?tral;?ht tine of motl scrupu lous aud delicate neutrnlitv between tho bellirer cat parties, which it is tfie policy of the Uuited btafes to observe uuder present circumstances. The uudersigned prays his eicvilency general de la Crux, minister of foreign relation-, to ac cept the a?Mirauccs of bis highest cnn?i<lerHtion a id rc?psrt. JOHN M KOHHKS. 'fr his eseelkncy geuTuI don Francuco do la Croc, miuiitcr of forf iga relations, Uc. kc. Legation df the U. 8. of America, ) lluenos Ayres, Feb. 13, IUO. | Tit the official note whkh the und<>riinguud, charge d'affaires of the United States of America, had the honor to address to his excellency adnii Ml Lobo, commander of tho itupcrkl Brazilian cquadrou blockading the eoa?t* and ports of Bu? ooe Ayres, under date of 1st of January last, it ww reserved by the undersigned to i*escnt oo a 1 future occasion tbo vi*w? and (arinclple* profess ed and pqt forth by the government of the Unit ud'States On the law of blockade. In cooformi ty to that Reservation the undersigned addn-sied bi< eicelleney odialrel Lobo, and, if deemed worthy of .(nMMMwkn. to that of hk imperial Majesty s ministry, the following observations. If the subject of blockade, so slmpk in iU ori ginal application, now uivolves the most cowpli-1 rated questions of ma rati ate law among nations, i is to be ascribed to abuses of power on one side, too mtaeh condescension oo tho other, and to tbo niulflttfrk of incidental cases which have arisen ?i precedents, establishing arbitrary and epheme ral doctrines, sfoc* the breaking down of the original bounds and land mark* ol mutual and tinirenal rights. Although the commerce of the Uuited States be* been to n greater extent than any other, the victim of those gigantic abuses of power, it hat never suffered withont just complaints, Inin-i vidnal caaos, and government of the said states, against the principle and practice of every thing ijkeanlmaginaiy blockade, the hydra of lawks* o*>pr*eseion. Thus M baa over bean Maintained by the Unit ed States that a proclamation or ordeal blnektide vt an extoasive const, not iup|?orted by th* actaal i Kasence of a naral power eoin|?tent to enforce | simulteneons, constant and effectko oparatioo en every point of such coatt, is Illegal through out Ha whole rxtrut, even for the ports which way be in actual blockade; otherwise every I capture under a notified blockade would be legal; i because the capture itself would bo proof of tbo blockading fbree. This k, In general terms, one , of the fundamental rules of tho law of blockade, as professed and practised by the government of the United States, And if this principle k to derive strength froug the enormity of consequen ces resulting ft on a contrary practice, it could not bo bettor sustain*! (ban by the terun of the original decleralion of the existing Brsxilian blockade, combined with its subsequent practical The manifesto of bis eiccllency admiral Lobo, dated 9ld Deeembrr tart, declare* that "ell llie port* ?n4 fMid of th? republic of Bueuo* Ayrea, ?nd all tbo?e on the oriantal at*, (of I.a |?|ata) whkfe may be occupied by tb? troop* of Bueoo* Ayrer, ere, from tbot date, subject to the mmrt riffnrouI blotkadt." Tbi* declaration of blockade tnilirMM on evteot of int?retime coait of mote than twenty degree* of tetkudei ou winch va?t watt H to not pretended that kit imperial majesty ru>iniaina any fone beyond a ainzla corvette, the '? Ma/la do Gloria." K therefore, there can e*. u Hoy thing like an imaglncry blockade, tbto to. ?0?t wneqiiifocally, one of that deaorlptioa; end M eneh, In conformity wHh the prieciplea before laid down, H onlle for tbe mbtant* of the gov-1 erument of the United State*. If we tnra oor at-! tent ten to the ma oner In wbieh tho blockade bat boon enforced In tho immediate water* of Igenvt Ayrea, abundant matter of dritMem preeenta itaetf. Bioae the eitebltohmeat of the blot hade el* foreign voaeole, according to the anneaed hat, bare inhwd the tuner roode of Bn?no* Ayree, end three have gone into (ho port of Eoeanoade. Among the former, wa* carried Into Montevl. deo, detAhead nearly ? nreob, and then enibrod t* take ? new dedication, withont any eodorae fgant of tho notion of blockade on tbe prlnelpei fo;>?reol tberoaeel. o* kpmcUoedin almllar ftaa Oe by other maritime nattona. Another, Hat*. Wrgahlp " Dephoe," paaaed within gnn ahotof (ho BreaUUn eqttadr?i>, a?%-' under tho proteo Him ml A very to*?ior force, ^rvooedod op tho dtohorega oC tho Inner ronde. By tbeoe a jdoa, oooarrlny in a fine aoneon of the year, there fielnga) Solent ftormy weather to Jntftfr M* ft felHirc to ooforoe the bfeokedo, eon-1 SSSsc.W' Ul US* (Ml I#mj mimitmllobo, 4? ckW ^ M; imperial BratUien OM^ly't force*; tke said' Moekade Uiag, to Its xiMril tlnrMttr, a? well as la4t?practical application ttamped with !????. etoncy, supported by a naval poWer wholly In competent to ewloiie u In its whole eatenl, and COosMoeatty illegal; prostrating neutral rights,' ??d wholly iaadoitsaablc on tho port- of tho go*- > WUMAl of tke United State*. ? I Having tho* remonstrated and peotetted a|?lmt, Ikeeaid blockade, the tind?til(a?1 mirrw to tho] Kvermneut of the United States tho rljchtol con- i iahij(, aa may bo deemed expedient, tho far therdi*cu?*ion of niliooal and individual intar est* luvolved in thia very im|K>rtMut subject. Pie undersigned take* thia occasion to ronow to . W* excellency admiral "Loho, tba assurance of his highest consideration aod reepoet. JOHN M. FORRK3. To hh eioeltcncy Quo llodri^o Joee Kerr* ire Loho, v?c?*.admiral of tha tquadron of hit ma jesty the emperor of Brssll, fee. be. On board Uia Corvette, Liberal.*' LATUFHOM mSSh. Xoc.Ytrk, May 16.?,Ttw pocket shipyard Que*m-I, captain Hawkins, arrived )eetrrti?y from M?m, having tailed on the 4th ult. OurJ*ari* pepet* which are to the 8l*t of March, cootaim ao new* of importance. Coptaln 11. iuforns that general-LafeyeUe wa? to unwell as to bo confin ed to lti?bou?e. The cotton market at Havre, wai a little lower, Tbe tlock <>n hand, wu* 17 671 bale*. Quotation* April 1st Louisiana*, 28 to 29 *ou?, for uplands, Alabama, tic. 9D to 32. ?Sale* April lot, "7 bale* of Georgia cttton^free 1 8 3-4; 60 do, 1, 10} 10 cn*e* Havana bruwn *agar, in entrepot, 44,60; 2 ceroona Uueliuiala indigo, free 19,26. 136 Is. Mioo do. 3If: It n ti reported that the Turk* made a general attack upon Miwotonghi on the 2d of March, by M>a and land, ami that they were repuUed, with the lot* of several thon*and men. It wa* also said that colonel Serve*, who wa* in the imperial guard* under Najmloon, and I* now tu Mie service of tbe pacha of L^ypt, be* surrendered at divert tionat Tripoliiiw The health of tbt emperor of A<rstria was im proving. It i? taid the urchdnke Charles, eldest >ou ol the emperor, ha* beforehand lenouucod the throne, from attachment to private life. Affair* at l.isbou were nnsetlled. The queen had refused to welter daughter since her appoint ment to power. T'16 L jndori paper tuyi, the 1>re?eiit rv^ency will be supjiorud '#y IViiitiM ami ^ncl.iud. 'liio French jpivernmeut w/n endeavoring to eflrrt a reconciliation between Spain and Algiers. Ureek uew>p4u?sr> arc treety circulated al 0?it> ?tavtinople, whilst tbey oic prohibited in the Russian dominions. The duke of Montgomery, fe!| down drad M'hil" at church in P<?ri?, on tho '2 lib March. Hi* funeral was celebrated with great pomp. The number of private carriage* iu the truiu, exceed ed 00O. The bi*hop of Djrhero, died in London on the 2&?h M ?rch, at tbe a*e ol 92. Hi* immeo*e wealth descend* tu his tie|>bew, Lurd Harrington. It waa repotted that kiug Ferdinand had escap ed from a conspiracy formed by tbe Apostolical party to carry liiui off to Aranluui. The Havtien government Gas incited that its territory shall Imi dittingnuhed by tbe name of Hayti, instead of St. Domingo. Freuce lie* com plie<l wltli tbb demnud. Enlistments were publicly making ib France for the viceroy of F.tfypt. A number of French oik cer* recently engaged for bis tervice, were about to Mil from Marseille*. Sis armed ve?*el* were fitting out at tho tame plsw for the viceroy. A corvette for tbe same government, wna aunk in launching on the SJd March. Iu tho French chamber of deputies, March 85tb Ktitlons were pre*euted Irom Paris and float avrc, for a more effectual prohibition of the slave trade. A member stated that more than 80 vetreb had fitted out for tbi* trade from Nanls witlun a year and that French slave veteel* when pursued, threw their slave* ev4H*oard! In the same teuton, general Sebastian asserted that the ministry encouraged enlistments for the pacha of L^ypt, that at the time of Ibrablm pa cha's expeuilioo to tbe Moren, hi* treature wa* conveyed in a French veseelt and that it Wat by parmis^n ofthe government that veteela of war were fitting out at Mar*eille* fur the pacha. The minister of finance repl.nd, that, at to the tram Kt of tketreaaare,.tlm commander of tbe ttalion I been reoalled for allowing 111 and at to the eonttruction of vtu*I* in French ports, there wai no law to |w*veut it, but they were not allowed to arm The duke of Orleans h?;? contributed 5000 francs for a fund to purchase provltione for ibo Ureekt at Missolonglii. Isilni /'rem Vtrm Crui.?By Iht scboouer Yel lot,<%t|)luiu Curtis, we have a Ale of Vera Crns papers to tbs Mb April, which we have placed iu the Mud* of a translator; they pwbliM tb? president's message (o tba Ih-ttM of reprrseot stives relative to tbc Panama mission, with ??tM?n comments, and are principally filled with extracts from American |upers. The Yellol mad* her voyage out and borne in CO days. Paper* and let ter# III at she took out reached the city of Magico in,three weeks after their date In Baltimore, wblnh U stated to l*a unprecedented in despatch. Wa learn thai our uiiakter, Mr. Poinsett, expected to rooclude a treaty before the adjooiaaseat af the Meitcan coogreM, l?ut not la saaaoa Id have it reach Washington before Our coogrets closes its present session. Captain CnrtW, confirms the aoconats heretofore pobtbbad relative to the destructive Are at Vera Crun end says the lo?s was estimated at a million and a half of dollar*. The public stores In whiah the Rood* were deposited were burnt, but not the ottrfom bouse. Bit. Pal. ItlTiaotl. Mav 1A ?Lalt frmm Para Crvw.~ ly the fast sailing schooner Yellott, captaio Cm* tW, arrived at this port ye?te?day, the editor of the ?eastte baa received from a frioad who resides In Vara Orni, a letter dated April Mtb, In wMcb he ?aye, "The matters af Interest here at present are, the recall of Mr. Orrsjpaa, minietar ta the go veramant of the United fitataa, aad an expected aavby extraordinary la Kngtnad A Kreach M (Ma of 44 gu at arrived hero a lew days mM, ?od br*ugbteommlrtleaers ar a commtessoner, hat aotwithataadlag thia, the eat bark las af Vera Craa |am|| H'SaL ^ |La m?wa*maals |Vw ? 8 IwV M"TomwWI Pranea. A? M|ild> sloop of arar la likewise here{ wbiob broogbt oat general* Dash woody it MVtN aaasral af his Brttonnie majesty. Ha k accom panied by bis family." g?ww ^l*IM ^ / # * trss of discontent, unapt what arose from a trt lu'-yutfr sit#* s Typ**'* New York, oar tbeem tmm . Am to hi tWl tbaUOebaata oftealtbe mm before Beojamhi E4%?td W<SmST 3 HIBBr i3nk teaa war* apprehended lo U?a noesesaion of J. k wil.lfflMnU,?4 lUliwt aatlHbpropsrtj. Tba 4nBK ef tha com* to csotalnsrt in tbetoilowiag concluding pirimph. "I bee* auw mM all thai 1 tboaght n oa (be points presented for my eonsideraUoe. U Imartcbt intbe viewaiharretalceeoftbee?tyect> (btufOuJi nn^ bo otadMMl) VI u wrong hi 11m opulent I beve imuki*, upoa |?l??jr, tbe principle*, and the various owfcW? ot the collection lawj if goo* ere not liable tONim* end forfiilarr for being found to circulation bofora HmHiiiInu* paid or seeored; if (bo importer^ geoeral bond mart be eonsidersd es security for U>e duties; af tha ordinary certificates of iMpmio tfon mutt be rvceivad, as itVIimo that thedutiee on tba nods (bay deacrlbe, baro baan paid or aa eoretl t if tba lien of Uia fivinaaot to eatlngulah ? ad by a fraudulent <to|iMwaio?! If <ba property can ba eealgaed before tba dutlee ara paid or h?* thing, bad a taw 00a meat be paMtu. There a?f franca Of ovary aort upon tba reveaoe ba nommit led. and arary kind ol illicit'commerce be proae itad wKh impunity. (1 treat'tha council in tbia rata will not fail to entar an eitpeel. It is important that tba quea* liona I barf Jeoided should ba reviewed, t?a J tba true cooatru'otion of tba law, ascertained and act* llad by an authority wa muat all obey. Lei a decree of coadaamrtion be entered." P+ilmitlphia, A/ay 11.?An interesting cireum atancatook place in tbe oyer and tnrniiner on Tueeday la at. A countryman waa arraigned for highway tobbery. It appeared in evidence that in tbe month of February, aa the principal witness was going into Kcoalarion lete et night, he waa stopped by a foot pea, who presented a pistol made u?e of threats and robbed him of what taouay he hadatiout bis perK>n. The succeeding night about the tame hour, the parson robbed-repaired whb two friends to theacene of action 4n hopaa that the lootned might egain be upon duty. They discovered tha countryman standing In a rery tutpiciona atti*u da, and Immediately apprehended him. lie waa charged with tha robbary; hiaatory waa confuted wxi contradictory, for in truth he waa aa much alarmed as (he man who waa robbed had been tha night pracediog, and whan a man b frightened out tM his wits, it is not reasonable to , eapeot much reasoa from him He was accord ingly baund ovnr lo answer to the chsrge, for the l>?i'?()n robbed wasaa positive to hie ideality, tho* the darkness of lha night would baire bid defiance to tba beat pair of optic* in M'Alllsler'a shop. , The countryman finding tbe affair to assuase aw unfavorable aspect, cad <tne law having gone thus lar. ha ?1U not know bet what it might go rome what' further, ha therefore deeased it eapedieat wlien hi* trial came on to prove an aft*?', which wa? aalifar.iorily made out, aud his character also, which waa proved to be an'.aceptionabln, by highly respectable witnesses. When hU counsoi n*? t? apeak In HJ? defence, the judge intarrupted him, by staling that it was unnecessary, aud charge (ad tha Jury so dearly and diatinctly that aa im medMM acquittal waa tha cease^oenee. Upon this the priaoaer's face briyhleaad, and as be wae abootbavtogthe boa one of the by-stand* re touch* ed by fee bardaaaa of the caaa, alipped a piera of monat into Ida hand. Tba prabeworthy eaampl* waa pOHapUy followed by another and anntbor, and finhliy the jury called him to theia end aacb contributed hie mite lo obliterate tba remembrance oftbe Wrongs he had a attained Thus la a few minutes this simple and untutored countryman I mede mora at the bar, than many a shrewd lawyer I data ia e twelve month. We report this case aa ! we consider h uapreeedeaied. never bafora hav I ing beard of a suitor escaping from a ocurt of Jns > tica with full pockets in this or any other country. Tli? Madi?on Recorder, in aprakiog of ? let* term of (lie court of Oyer and Terminer iu ikK county iay?: 44 Tli? criminal ImuImn we? cut ibort by the etcape of ooe Green, who hid been committed sii or rijtht week* before (bo eHUegof the circuit court, for breaking open (he More of Mr. J. Clark of New TToodatock. Soon after bo was committed, be became unwell, a respectable phyiician aiteoded him, at (bo expense of (be oouuty, hot be flraw gradually worse and wotm, until a( length ll((lo bo pea ware entertained of bla recovery He became Bale and emeeloted, bad a severe cough, e furred tongue, nnd ell the ne coteary symptoms of sever* dUeaae. The hu mane feel tags of (be jailer wet* at cited, and a*H was necqaaary fur (be Invalid (o have mar* care than (be fomWy could beatow, a boy by (be nam* of Ceulhbks, confined on a conviction of petit lar* neoy, waa put ioto (be room (o a((end him, as be became apparently worm and was net expected to live many days, the door of tb* room wa* left unlocked Of this both (he prieoeere availed themselves, and (be proapect of rtnisisc bb lb berty, restoring his health. Mr. Oreen laid off his ftrer, iwal)nw*d bit cough, tor* the far from bla tongue, aid taking the jailer's new coat by way of kttf Mkt, bad* adieu to pills and potions, end deliberately mar abed off with bte nnrse, kindly hearing blm eompnny. The surprise of (be jail er at the diacovery of the triek May be Imngined, bet the dttetorS Mtonisbment waa the greatest? He had am only lost a patient, but onefied lived to run away in (be very truth of bis prediction that be me* die. "The rmii took their way to the north, stole two bofieeia Augusta, bet warn promptly pursu ed and Overtaken Mar MatiuMbnrgb, from when** they ware conducted bock, and are now saftdy lodged in their former quarters. Green will now be In confinement until the nest court I bet In reel tl?e Doetor. of Oyer a#d Terminer, te (bet te reality he lost time by fooling Daet b end " , ^ COJ?ORK*B. PfotAtngfen 15?The eeeeioni of cengree* now drews towards a eloee, one week only re ma lam# for the Jmpatrh of the mem of bmiiu lyingoa the taMeanf both houees. During the last week, both bourne have bean laboriously and MieeeerfoitT employed; meny bills, of great importane* to ledivWeaU, having pesaed one or (he ether henna, andaome of them both bouaee. l??e present ?tntffu will keen d*s*rved great crcdit, In eer opinion, If M may bo mid, after the termluetioe oTtbe e*eeien, that every,bill of a privet* nature (by which ie leant bills Cor tb* re privet* nature (by wbWb ie meant btlle lor the re lief of indlfldnale) b*e been aeted upon. The ntmhtr of tbOM Mill whkh have neeaed the kouee of Witbtaa tow days, le an great. Mil* claim l* one of *0 enltfaci* wbkh, Car want of Imm, will eleo> He over to liMitti ?Mate*'? Tbe Mil of iIm MMto rXjucthg dharhnlaaHag 4MMn iaMtK WM, NfcwHiy, ordered tu Ue on tbe table: Nch i vote*. k* thai body? taken by yea* U(l uayr, i* equivalent to a vol? of ?? TW Judiciary bill wt bang* kmpin In Iba hooto of IMNMrtlUfli TM jtMilon 1>HI> for piiblbbingtli# report of (he judiciary commit lee uu lbe*ubject. If Um bill taloat, ilwid baby a differ* Ha Irlenda ?> large majority of the being Iwava to U In later nf ywif bill on Um eubjeet.- ' Tbara art many bill* of ooadderable coum* queue* yat on (he Ubha of bath houam; but much may be den? withintbe (it bullae** day* before tham, with Um dlapoaitiou whloh sow air peanlo pervade both boilMa.?AW. int. At 4 court ef the Unitod 8tater, bald at the Irkt of tbe hum of Raw Yolk, on Um 9tb day of1 May, IMfd, tbe grand jury met, went Into oourt, and, by their foreman. iafarnJ the judge, thai bo cam of Um viola Uona or Infraction* of tbe law* of Um (Jolted Btatea, bad bees pre Mated tu them, or coom tu thair knowledge, and were the* diacbarged. . tb. MattmehuttUi?The election tut member* of tbe bouM of repraeealarivM of tbe aUM of Maa McboKtu has just taken piaoe. There appear* to bare been very little eoaeert of actio* to Ibl* election. Out of tbe twenty number* to be dm> mu from Boeton, ten only received a majority of tbe vote*, all of wboa. were on the repuWi can ticket, to culled. Among'tUaM tan we ob* rerve the name of G. W. Anan*, the aon cf the Praaldeot-of tbe United Stele*. Another election wdl have to be buldan for the choice of the re maining ten. lb. Jfay Albtrt Omliatin. -We slated In our Imt, our bellel that Mr. Oallallu waa about 02 y*era of age. TIm accuracy of our atatement be ??*K doubted, we have refreabed our PM?aory on tbe eubleci, and And that hi* actual aga (a W yaara?being atlll Mverul year* yonogur than aome bad kuppoted him to bo. By the ri-cordtd Journal of the Moate of 'Um United btatei, lu 1794, when hi* eligibility to a Mat la that body war questioned, it appear* that be wu born ou tbe 519th oi Jandury, 1761, and teveral lima* at a volunteer in Ihe revolutionary war, ataod near r Maddai, in the ?late of Main, iu the fear* 17M0 ?udl70|. lb ' The bill (or tb? amendment of the judiciary ijrtlem bas met iu anticiputeU fate, bavicg been indefinitely postponed (rejected) yesterday, iu tbe homo of rtprtMDlitlfft; and H is ??id that had ibii vole not prevailed, Iba bill would hive been ton, by (?? ? larger majority, who wore prepared to role lor an adherence to the dita agreement to tbo senate# amendments. It I* hardly worth while to inquire very u*:rly huw it happened that such should hare been Ha fetes aeeiuf that a majority of both houMt of congress were doubtleea lavorablc 16 the principle of the bell. It cannot esccpc observation, however, that the vote of the member* from Ohio was unanimous against the bill. Their veto deoidod lu fate; and it K therefore, presumable that they considered the interest and wishee of that stale as bavins been disregarded, iu the new ar rangement ol tbe circuits proposed by tbo Mil.? It is to be regret tod that the bill has been lost through n difference of opinion as to Ms details It is yet to bo hoped, that, at nest session, the views of tbe several western states my so har monics as to couoentrate upon a bill ac?e|*table to the whole. In that eveut, tbe labor upon the defunct bill, which la supposed to have been ah* solulely lost, may yet be turned to profitable ac couut. Ik. Manufacture*.?lu addition to tbe quantities of wool famished try her native looks, England imported In tbe year 1624, no lose then ' twenty-two millions Ave hundred and fifty-eight thousand pounds of wool. And bseidee supply teg her entire population with woolen cowls, aha I exported no lose then the value of f37?12^84l. t The cotton manufacture of met Britain is Im mense. England does not ruse % single pound of cotton, and yet, according to Mr. Huskisson, a member e4 parliament, alia manufactured in the year 1884 ?o tern then tbe value of 879 mil* I ions of dollars; nod tho clear national gain, over the cost ol the raw materiel, was equal to 227,101 109 dollars. In the year 1884% Bfly millions of yards of cot ton goods were e*ported from great Britain 16 the United States. JfmitMUtku, J!frit 17.?A letter received from Nacogdoches announces that the Mesican Gov. ernment has at last tahon into consideration the situation ot tha Province of Texas. An eipress sent by Osvenior Solcedo, from Beiar, has brought tho now* that one thousand men ere on their maroh to Noeogdoahas. There hoe lately been a Poet-Office established at Necogdoehes and n poet tider appointed by the name Juan Jo* se Ibarbo, who has received $600 for Irte salary the current yeer. On the 1st April the militia of the Babtna aad Aysh Bayou districts were mustered ami made a very fine appearance. Orders have been received to eioel all tbe va* gabeods and desperadoes which infest It, and pre pa rations are making to cei ry their orders iota elT#ct A negro died suddenly on Thursday Inst at the house of correction in Boston. In uotlelng the corooee*s inqufcst the Roeton Travdlct savs, "It Is very remarkable that this men spoke five Ian* guages, correctly and fluently; could repeat Bhak* guages, correctly mm) fluently; could repeat Bhak* sneer* from beginning to end, and possessed, he* side this, an uncommon fund of drollery. During the greater part of Napoleon's wars, be wasn ser vant to different oftoer* of distinction, where he I hod an opportunity of ecqwiriug In (or motion and perfecting him*etfIn wagrishessi. faUmnerenSe was probably the eeosa of his deeth, rMulting In k general discuss and dborgsalselloa of Important Slight Uffdiiy.?It to mentleesJ ?'? us ae a fact, that a gentlemen srho has occupied,sksee the first Mny, one of -a block of three story briek houses, whfeh vent at a high prlee, In attempting to drive ?cell Inlo the well to hoof his hat upon, actually l^aoA A linlnb WXm mAitfllKrii'a ri m rl Alt H w ? 9 b ?kib iijio nie o pwriourj In the fragments ol Mr. Pickery's speech on the Missouri fNethe, a?oced to Whcaton's Li Is of that orator, Is this passage. '?Oik eendneut was fell of aboriginal Inbnbl Where ore they, or their dsseendentrf? Kit her with "years beyond the flood," or driven ufwhkb ihstkps tho vtslwe. hi order thet yo. may rail 0?o?|eM. 5?R! Aaihb fa?iiii myUi >imm ?? moat of lata, a?d will pwhUy ba son ta, ? briaraaaounlofitnmyba vUmhIo oar win, Uiti oa 1Mb ohm U tha capital of i |g| ||| ||y Am r MtaiiSo? af ^^tf^'2ds?*5 s?mi^sm MMtfllMwUir. ? r.\ OHM tha dajmt al tha riahat of IV*, Ud ttttrw IhaIII l|3tl"try Ma In ?,..., ..... ? Old Panama itNd about fiwallN Im ^ Sgd?5Ha?& tha ptumWrvra. Tho old oily ?M Ml oCmmI; i ho n??r oMcWrfy af ttaaa.oad pwttjr wrfW tlBad. Thara UUtllo donbt bot it wiW bacon ? ptaeo ofaraat Import tnaa, and banamad aaoAna CrAiMfka, at Vtrteht haa boan tiaoa 171< ia Evropt, and from a iMar nana*. hiUM b nronouoead lalkf M qiMibll braad; not to aa to rhy ma with lair, bat with tha latat jootioa mk! And ao too af Ommaa. Tlwftdlii. Indian. * Tha Muaa fn?M haa nfiriaw to tha raaa\ blanea ia tbapa lo a J*?/ ?fbrud. JftrfM, Mf "CaUaal Eortlg ha viae re?uat?d tha command af tha ArtMtary School of Fraction. at fortrom Maaroa* hat format aa cncampmtnt a tha (rooM at Bttch Ro* Firm, contiguous to that flatlou, lor tha parputa of iu. ttruetiou in icld dotW*, aad for aoonrtaof prac Ileal gunnery. Tha ranga of targot practio* lor Bald artiilary it fully praparad, a aaHo ia la??tb, aad partaetly Ural; and vra understand it ialalaa dad lo aoaiaiaaoa Bring tha prataat waaV- Thar new encampmaut it called "Camp Eiperim*?t." It wlU ao doabt ba aa object of ataoh internet t? ottoertof the militia, a* ?M| aa tajtrivaia gentlo mb to whom It may ba a ootraity, to taa camp duty regularly performed, aad to witaaw tha a&tct of ai littery Anogi and it it oaodnat to add, froax tha wail known courtesy of Col. EatUa and th? oftcart of bit aaauoaad, that thay wiU meet with a? palita i at apt loo. UtraU. Imprmrntnt ?U b pMkhrtlj (UN that capU Clevering, of H. B.m^eety's ship Redwing, iin pftwul two of the crew of |Im prig Pharoe* of Boatoa, while th? lay in the bsrbor of 8im> Lt-ooe. Captain M*r?uH, wbw cownunded Die brig, when be applied for bit awn, U nM to but been treated with |ml indignity. A Caw day# alter comaandore Bullae, heving arrived, ordered tbtrileorof one of the men, beeeoaa he bad an. AmarteeB protection," but detained tba other en aa biglUMMn, for the went of omI liii. U the first ceaa o; ifnaam, we bdlw. that he* occurred ahtce the late war, aad we (ball Ibe much turprised, indeed, if it it not wet witb a resolution that it aha) I be the law. Tba Britiik, pretended "right of march* ia suetelood by cow* BuUen, aa arellin the reWaaoof one erf the m. bocawao thai be had "?aaemeCUoO/'aeJfo lataliifiag ? tba other beceuae ho bad aoae. Wo. dM.hfpe : that the practice of gnathic protectloaa had loaf klneeccased. II portlolly ailmlb the right of e%> , aminhig the wewe of oar rawala^ oblch WW aatifiB el feeling will not, at thia day, edoMeCraod which must nut be allowed: end the rataiaing of the sea- ? man, beceuee be was without o ra?sft protection, ahewa that the authorised ta aet ? i era of our people* Tkb wUl oat be peraaMUH [ IT tba ceae la aaade oat to the prwldaat aaitfo| ?stated-ia the pepera, wo CmI perfectly confident. that a poeWve under*taadiag will be demanded <m thia intereatiag subject at oaoet aad that tt Britiah oftcera yet feel themaclvao t aa lu4gee,lorow and oaccetien. lea Thia will aet bo peredttr<L?? ah la MaaU hJ?o Jrsi Greet Britain may bold out lor the ru??tKi,d will be reoulred at least, to abstain Arotf the ***< Tie*. AMMt" "** '.? - SlnYtrjf pnhibittd in LeaMetta. At tbo hto session of the legialetwre of Louitlcoe. aa oet wao waaed prohibiting the further iutroduetion ofabvee nto that atate for sale* The follow] af la en ab> street of the aet: 8m. I. No person shall, after the Aral day of Jane, IBM, l?ring into thia atate any alavt, With the latent to tell or hire the-acme, under the pe nally of belag punished by impel laawtat not at> ceedioxtwo yeera, and fined not eieeedlngono tbouiond dollars, and moreover shall forfait lb*, aaid slave or Haver. Bsc. 2. That beteefler any person Who has a less* Jide latent ion to emigrate to t Me elate, witb a view to haeoaae aa inhabitant thereof, shall be allowed to briag with them their alevea, aad em ploy the aeme witble the limita of the state* Pro vided, that aay alares so brought ha by aa eari grant jhell net be sold or eiebeagod m the tyo ef two yean from the tlwotbey wore brought Into the atate, under a peealty of o forfeiture of the slaves so sold. Sre.3. Any IimMi eWoeo of thb atate ahalt be allowed to briar that eln aad employ eay alevea ef which be may be the lawfel owaert prorlded that aay alevea broueht late thia atate by aay clti tea thereof, uader the provWeoa of thia aactio a. shell not be sold or exchanged uotH after aakf ?laroe bare bee* two yeah within tba atate ut? der the poeeHy ol ferfeHhw the efjeaaail alavea. ftae.d Aay alave or alavea brought lato I his auto in coat revealion of any of the aiwvhlena of this ad, ahall, etter due randaaaaatlna* by aay court of competent jurisdiction, bn aold efter ten day'a notioe by the sheriff of the pariah in which said alevea have boas condemned, aed the aett proceeds of aaid elave* when soli, ahall he aaM over, one fourth to the iaformar or lofcamara, exd . the other three fouribato the t recency of the male. Ml t>f th* WaWfsanala, An eeqeeletecei weeks since relotcd the (Mlewtng particulars, which are pebHahed Car the purpoae of giving o enteoaive knowledge of the featai TreWnlMne efkasa asAooo almM |m dka lataalfta g y^^vP P^B IW^BffOr wp Peeneylraeia, In company with ? young eaen in the duah of appeanablog night, hb oomnenlow waa bitten, or atroeh, l?y a raUleeoehe, In lam nleeoo near the ankle; hevief shortly before heard of ite efeeeey of tahooco eppliei I fca af ? jiartaa ^rho hel haaa atmuit ?no of (Hma md wboM Im4i a, l*? was thee relieved aed dor ed; he eppHa I at lor loboeee -the ifeat itaelf. the Ar/t dwelling tbey earn ta paMi'hir thb Ume began to mUnjAyd Maotfliiui aguilo smL| aWil wvwwwwf| flWWVVe nil* f?,,a vv^wvewa^^ the oarts near the wounds.?The tatiocco wee wet an<l applied to the wneeda, aed aeon preduoed relief aad eom|te*nre le the w.~~. lejFleBi# L - I had eweota from the hl^, nt to ther