Columbia telescope. (Columbia, S.C.) 1819-1821, May 16, 1826, Image 1

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; ' ? ; ' . ' f*M. cQI.VMSU, (S. ^ : T. ; ' :- ^ COLUMBIA 'i'ELESC* . BY?kvlLJBJH Htrtmi... Printim* 1KRM?;?Dattkiup Um-l?nit, or r?iw0wui ,ood of rt>* JfW, \l?W KHn?lt*KKT4, Mr* ?evculy-Ava BWbfa , P | ..P I?m unmlitr. Cor Ihl fNf uwerlton, Md Mjr ?Mfc fcWIIaiwx*.?Tbeao fron nor. ?ot WILLIAM M?Cni:iOWT will be a candidate for the oWrC'of fthefUf of Fairfield district, at the flfi?ctid6. J. ; 15 t Jen. 7 > v ' Ag&hvy rpHP. MHCOAftlCSVKiKE INSURANCE X COMPANY, Now Jervov, incurpO' rated December ?Hh, ISM, witb /capital of $ zoo ,ooo. . CERTIFICATE. ^ STATK Ba?K N?WAftf J '/ ISlA ftftrtor*. IBUA. i ? There it now tlnndinjj to tli? crodit of the Me r^uulc4* t'iro IiKUfttiKf </*oinjv.\ny on llju Book* ol ibi?,0?nk,lho ?um of una hundred thoutend dol Ocpoiit 100,000 dollar*. C.i C.RAIIAM, Cathitr. Thenulwcrlbtfr U author ixedtotake ri?k? agaiott Tire ou Building*, Onofh, and Furniture. BEN/. W. Mlf.LEIt, , Columbia Out. 7. tf u.? Agency. Charleston Fire atid Marine Insurance ' ? Company. THE Subscriber if authored In Uki> IHtk* Fki, on BUILUliXU*. liOOOSmid furniture. ' <?S. PEIICIVaI., .1tnt , Columbia, M?y *7 U I t f . J\ew and Cheap. THE *ub*erib?r* havo recently no<-?ved ?i ten?ive*?pnii***of t"*' Aew and Seasonable GOODS, bought At Auction in Ncw-Yorfc, nmrli below former price*, ill ol which they?ledge the mudve* ?ball be ?old at * very *mal| advance. KYLE |r PONSONBY. i<l? i }? 11 A CARD. MRS. 8 Alt AII T. SMITH, will accomodate a ?aw yonnn Ladie* with board, wIki mav vWkto attewd eay of tbe public School* hi toe place. April M 17 tf Law Office. rpilE undesigned have entarcd Into copart ..JL nefehin la tb? Low Court* for Union, for one Veer. Mr. Johuiton nay bo con*all*d at Newberry, and Mr. Spencer at Union. i hey *>ay He addr**?ed at cither plAcc by letter, direct ed to Sptuctt V J******* ? . JOB JOHNSTON, ROBERT II. SPENCER March 21 12 ?f t'oiniftittcd io jail COMMITTfiD lo tfca jail of Darlington on the Wl Mit/eli four MfRMt, to wit:?A dark completed nn^ro m?n,*qu?ro ahouldcra and *tout built, apparently aboul 18 or ttO jfcwi uf agas i light romplectad mm, wtio Myi ho wat ??r*?irf a harbor, fury intalligont aod n*rt apoken, ami a 'wtyro wrach and an infant child. Banl ntgrott ky that tliny btlutf to a Mr. Ruiliii and waa brought by him from llulifai< otin'y, Virginia. Theowoaf Ufrq^Hod to coma forward provn vroiKjitr, V*T nhargw *o?t <ak* th?-ni away * * WM AUDllLWH, Jniltr. jPnrlington. C. If. April 4. 14 If Poor Tax for 1826. Tha Conr ?iHioner? of ih?< F' or fr>t rtt. Bur ? holomaw? ParUh io conformity w *.h * lat? act ?>f tha l?rgi?luturo,^^brroliy ^Wr n<>ti<a to all , jteraooa wlio pay in Mar collaciiuti ilUtrnu. tha ; general Stat# Ta*, on pro|terty in thit, that if the ' poor Tax lor thW year (twenty p?r oant. on Hit amount of tfct general Tm) l? not paid to tha Tail CoNattar of tab] P?rt?h by tbn #r?t day of JnlV nabl, axaeutioua will U?uc agaln.t all da lamtB/t. Bv order of tha Cotnaawilonara of the poor for yt. Barthotbmaw* rftrfalk. , A CAMPBELL, .Very * 7Vaawr*r April 1, littd. 14 ||| ? Lost. , inhwiber travailing from W?n?hor??*b | li Colombia, lo?t m ?m.*ll re.l POCKIM* tlOOK, containing aOvroty Ave d?>lltr? In ea?b; nbloh nnd. w han h*t,W?. T. In wirr v? ritti-a in it. Any |H?r?'>? Andinz th? tame, * III I* reward ed by returning K to tha owner, nrgiving iucli m. fprmatbm at wdi eiialda him lo obtain it JAMKtfC. BOVD. X. B Tha nombara of aoma of the bill* are known C??luro??U,ft. C. follega Marrb ??* |:| tf Lost, ; OK Mooday tha :hl iuMant. at or no?r tha Mar kat iMiu r, about tha lima of tha SbarUT* Bale, a pair of Bdvar moimtad ft PRC/ ACLKH; onr gl??a damaged. Tha Sudor will vnnJat a fa . vour i>y returning Ihaoi to C. BAltltlLLON. April II If ?f PINO rflOSadWpoaadof, mada by Timed wood Lo*. f,Mtm Him fWmfha SnUm GomM*. TdVGAT Ltnrwr w TII& DAOf on KOI At 110**." Two lWUeew* (m ?idyra wonhlea tHi) Jelled on nnnthar lady?raaj the bell~ Bo) thla te v?t tbn Mm. Tk Miff Mr Chfmtuinttomi tWJekt Ilea there. Said ab? !? ?*lly? ftbofa the widtln< moid. Who told ? fcinooJ dumper, ?ou*ht ein?k>) Slid ate toStlly, ??an* to Mr*. Lee, I'm na# tfjbM. bot bar* gone out to u?." TfeNtMMlM to Mm pMlrt u much at ?ih wfctlt^tf&taN HtHlJbKM. (though Ii?m9 for tb? t*k) am V go w (imtch'd on a nu:l Tliua matter* hchkI, ?? '?n>a'4M,(wltli aamilv) But Walk io M?Vm and re?t your#elf ? while'" Mra. (Miw within?" m; mng uiii. So far eo good. 'noma'4 "Why, yr?, I h'U.>y?>| will?(ha weather"* warn, Anil I bate eralk'daofcr't would done berni To ait. La, but four o'elueki and pray, h Mr*, fell* 40u? out to epead tb? day?" "Vaa ma'am," r*pond*d ??lljr.?nd rctlrad? SetfMn. In, *iny 4a<r Mi* J?m? I'm tired Of railing htm to for Sin KM laifwayaonMiay! wh&ell 8bd i(>nd the fatal flounce. ?Upou my word, lla, ha, who'd thought it! Wall, I're caught I be ,, Mrd*. j Color forth, dt'ar Mn. ahu eriod. The door flaw open. ?*'You've ?erred <n? aa before,'' Lk^aim'd Ma (Art. "That'i trua," Mld Mr* Lee, "Bdt tiflVur ?ai I caught, you agree, fu <ueh n downright (craye. Well, after all, It'# t?e?i tobli at home, wlieo friend- du oil." MY???, Mra. Leu?hot than, ymtll own, Uta ?iii, Instead ul bvitij vul, i? lu??g in." AFFECTATION AND VAMITY ItEBUKKD. Said Ana to her mother Utfvrtmg to |>out) *? Ttut Imprudent uihQ I ili-toM! I can't abow toy l?c>*. within door* or without, Bui I.iaeci ilu fut* v*e ?' that p**t " Don't you think my ?kar urn, Hint u ft w hour* ?go. Altar [Hull):? blot (wodld you l?el??vr ?t') lla tum'd hiuuvlf round, ami hr rtxr'd at ton to ? So ataaJlly?node can cuncierc it," '?Ba ciMitiou* my child?iW? l? company bora? And ybn tnay for imprudence be blamed; Wliii tuld you of all tint liu,"-rtin?nco dmirf" " Why, I anw it. and we? *o ashamed!*' '? Beware, affectation and vanity too," TIih mother replied wliii n ?iuile? Whrn yon ?aw hint ao ?t*itdily look lor; at you, lNny. win ce did you (te/k all tint while." ' ^ .v cpnt jut A oiifU hi ekwtAttn intend. To filling up 4m wink* in lb* tied ?w, and repairingtbfd*iu.tjt:*on'Uurou'? I t. H. bo?t? l'? O O To a new tlik-f 60 th* rrow, 6 0 O To cleaning ?!? of tho apo?tle?, and lull ing a nbw Judu lacariot, 10 0 0 To ? mw pair nf hatvlt f?r Danirl in thi lino*' d<i),iod i new ??t of l?ul!i tor tb? ltutioM, ?* 10 0 0 To a new alteration Jn the belief, au 1 mending the commandment*, * irt 0 l> To repairing N*b'ic.h*d?e? t<r'i heard, o o J To mendhtg til* pitcher of Jimv 1>'? - daughter, 3 0 0 To cleaning the vrliale'* tally, varnWM'i.; Joea'? fw?, and meitd'ug hi* lift arm, ft 0 0 'l'??new?kl?l lo'> garment, J 00 To a ahcet andtor. a jury iua*t, and a long boat for If?ali'? trk, 6 0 0 To waking a oe*a bead for lloMfereite*, and eiaaiwiug Judith'* band*. 3 0 0 To giving a bbi'hto UiefUeek of Cv#,oo prompting Ilia apyl" to Alant, 3 0 0 To meuding tho out iu Ibt cniraculom draught nf fi?he?, 6 0 0 To a nenpeetive gta? for David viewing Batmhfha, an-1 inondiiig hi* tight ryr, 6 0 0 To painting a new city iu the laud ol Nod, 3 0 0 To cleaning tho garden of Ed*n after A>!nin'??tpui (on, 3 0 0 To Aotthing the tower of Battel, and fur.thing nivit of tbe Biuret with new h?'ad< 10 0 0 To |>alo(ing a ?h?ulder of mntton and a ihtn of boaf in Ion nioutli of the two ruveu* feuding Ll j .li, 6 0 0 K'opcnt.-ut exfriordi arj/.?W'o have to ivcnid the mod unnatural traduction that ever came to nnr knowledge. it ia the elopement of :i hoftbund from hi* wili* uml aeven children; tod ol' a wife from her husband, her child of two year* old, and frqm her fdfatrt at the breast. The affair IM>k place ttt Alexandria, opposite this town, one night last week- It ap |MMrn (hat on the night of the elopement, the huftbtiud of the Nbscondiug wife retire" to bed with her and Ms children, nod thnt m> soon its alte fotirxl hint secured by sleep, she arose mid drestod herself, took all lie* clothing, ami immediately joining her to ducer, they took to their boat which wu* |in readiness, and went down the river.?* What in most remarkable relative to tbi? transaction, the woman hna heretofore a Rood rharitr.ler, ie of a respec.ta* bU family, was affectionate to her hus band, kind to her thildren, and in genor* al esteemed by ber acquaintances Among, the numerous ncls of human depravity which Have been recorded in ne?v*p*per?, we do not recollect ever before to have ?een nu instance of a mother deserting her infant. The name of the wretch *?.ho?e artfnl villainy hae Ohm deprived n fond hatband M the companion of hb? bosom, and helpless children of n mother** cam ?eay, involved a simple woman in raise ry nod wo, <le??rvee that pMc iodigoa. tion should forever rent upon it. It is JOHK8LANTMMO. ^ mmr* Ttm*?K jp\l 19. UtUr ft tht Biiktif <** Dm Dcah Si*?I Wm just < to write in you wb?u JWr 13th WM, received* It it no f hate time ir inclination to witneta Ihe tilt gutting tcenet that arelhiily ?i?:?ctv?l At our cipUel; but lt?l evening obfjrvW the ring over the tenet* chamber t^tt dying* afler I hml got up from cumwity led me to go and mqoire^/hal w*t going on i?t ?o lute an hour e?Mf ptwt five. I found Kandotph on i He fte*r,e?M vnw totdthalta hud comini!need hi* tpefeft d one o'cjock. At the moment of uiy entrance he wni reeding n letter from one of Ma frinudt to himself. which purported to detail a con* vernation which the writer bad held with "Karuter GiW come *efe?year* ago, in nflMtimi to Mr. Adamt' comttrxlun, u he w?? pleated to term ii, to democracy. At he rend the loiter he commented upon it <<oinetinK-4 tenlence by tentenoe. and ?omatimr* word by word. In the courte of thete comment*, he introduced, bv way of epinode, m thoutand noecdotet of iudi vkluiU, dead and sdive. who hud been :on?picuout on. the great atage of life. *om? of them very amuting; m my of tlieui ludicrout; but m|I of them evincing a malignity of heart which neither time nor circuin?taucea had been able to toOcn or allay. lift voice wa* clear and ?trnng to the hmt, l?i* enunciation diatict, and hit manner *o deliberate and ?low, that even a very common reporter might have readily followed him vtrbaliiu ft punclualiM. Tho following ?ketch, which u altogether from memory, will give you tome idea of thin graudton of PoouhouU*; tlii? human non-detcript: "The Koy.d George! ye*! I've n *t.?ry (o tell yoii about tlm Koy.d George. You remember the Uoyal George, mi f Hut no! It ivat tK'fuiu your tim?,'*ir. (Tim* giv.> mo fome Porter ) 1 i?i>7. Gib'* ?ayt D<ctiult> i, but tkirrf he i? mistaken. I Auy J.timuty, yet, January. I remember it a* 'veil a* if it wa* yetterday. I did not baptue? it, ?ir; no! though I wat reputed godfather. air; ?* Gitot wat the real god father to J. <4 Adam*. The RoyalGeorge, #ir, a huge unwieldly *t,tge, in which Crawford o*rtt to tend the me*ke?^iti*t boarded at hi* lioutc to the capitol. We uted tn meet Adroit, tir, trudging through the mud, with Im umbrella over hit hea?l; I he mould not ridu with un, tir; no; he nouM not rule. Hot Giles ut Inst coaxed him into hit* carnage, sir. Aye, lt?cr? it wan sir. that the "billing nnd cooing" be ann. Wfcy, sir, it could not ba Otherwise. (Tuns sotue porter.) . Throw nny two intriguers, air, into auch n situation, anil they mutt become as intimate, aye and ih -ontidontial as mui ami ?vif.?; bo matter how great a acoandel tho oue fir; but here were two ncnuudrtl* together, *irx the intriguer and intrigui'r; both alike, ?ir I have always auid that Giles had uo priori pie, sir; I said it twenty yearn ago, utid I nay it now, air. Adam ami Eve would have coine together :f either or both ImiI been us ugly as sin, air?in Paradiae?or m Purgatory. Ye?! sir, take my word for it, old a hukspoare knew what he wa# about ?ir. If Ferdinand hud not airived us lie lid upon Proaperoa island, Miranda nnd Caliban must have been man nnd Wife, sir; 'tis human nature, air, if I know *ny thiojs about it. ,You know, Mr. President; I nay, air, you know (Tims some more porter) I told you to your farair; yen! a* we rode together to Gnillard's funeral, that you nnd I could never be friend*, air; that we did not think idike upon nny subject, ?ir: end yet the gentleman?I beg your pardon, air?lhe*##uit?r from annus statn in the east, said I w.ia your political?the note taker says lie added confidebe hove the note taker, air; ye<d lie mid your political and confidential friend*! I tuf lor no fo >t to make friendships lor me, eir*, fool Swinny; or any -ther fool,sir fl.ook* in| and pointing ut Mr. Holmes, of Maine] Fo >/, did I any air; more Irnav* than fool too, air. .//<r knrw it, ?ir, knew that I wua no friend of youra, air; but he had a motive for it, sir; e purpose to answer, air; yea, more knw* than fool, <dr. Poor Craw lord! I pity liitn. NN here are all hia friends, mr? Uought up, ?ir. ? But let ua toth* letter again; thia paper is worth money, air; (reading) *Gile<t naid that Mr. \dams wm at fir*t r< loctant to call on Mr. Jefferson;'?coy; aye, elittle coy, ?ir, reluctant to call on Mr. Jeflforsont? My life for it, air, he did not 40 in the open day; no, no air; 1 mean no Irreverence when I aay it, air; but, my lile for it, he ?vent like Nicodemus, in the dark; in the 'atk\ air; vill iny always seeks the dark, air; [reading] 1 and when Oils* laid thia. he added, wit thin / Httr.'?lie eeav it, did he??Yea the aee-rr and the aee-et; if I nny be alio wed to make a word; were both alike, air, e precious pair of eeoondrela, sir?But, Aoiodtd he see?? Weahe behind a acreetil?.Did he peep threneh n key* holr ??VN as he hid in a rloterf*?(Tims, some MTe porter;) [readtog again] 1 When 1 a|fo{e te you efllr. Afletni twenty jf(Hn ago, wd expressed my bebef Ijw fc ?M an honest Am^vjUiIT would nuthfully support (he administration.? Aye, ?r, he ??** a W. (ben; the writer of thia letter w?? boy, air; just returned from mi extern college} Uluted, air, as all our southern JroUng Men must be, who are tent to thAaat to be educated.?Sir, I would not let it ton of mine go to any col* lege north ot the JUomee, air; I bad rather he should not know how to read and write sir.--Reading and writing, youknow, sir, aa Degbarry says, cornea by nature; b^t'jeed ?enae; by education. No, air, I Would have no young man educated ut an eastern college; it corrupt* them, air; (wbere'a that porter?)?[reading] *?ou replied;* that'* ?w, sir; I replied; 1 had forgotten the words, air; they had eecaped my memory; no; thay ware in tny laeiaory, air, but not in tny rreoiUdi-tH] [reading] * you replied, you ure mistaken in hitn, sir;' why, sir, this very word' Sir,* sir, is worth a thou* huimI dollars; [reading] ? you are mistaken in him, sir; ht 1$ a hypocrite, and will betray his country, it he can have u chance.* 1 know him, sir; never was de ceived in my life; do 1 say I never was da ceivcd??yes; why do I say I never was da eeived??BacHUse I never act upon ?unpi~ c<ori,?ir; I always look for (he proof*, nir; why, 1 hail n ne^ro, sir, whom I suspected lor three Jears.- -I never hiuied my sus picien, sir; I waited for proof sir; it came at Inst, sir; I caught him in the fact; and 1 Said to hitu; Cuffee, or Mingo, or whatever his nnmu Whs; did I ever tell you that I suspected you; no hit*; did you ev?r see any tiling tn my conduct toward* you to make yon think that 1 suspected you'* No sir.-?No *ir, 1 never act upon *u*pi eiom; I knew him, uir, I watched this J. Q, Vd-iun?, sir; I new he whs n hypocrite, sir;] ho wus then, is Hour; and will be, to thu d.iy of this death, sir; hear; O Israel; listen ye gentlemen of flotion; what thin; wlut shall 1 call him, ?iputiutel? ? Yes; this, apwtatu John tyiiucy Adams says of you. ?Ho says you conspired to divide the union; the eastern stutes to Canada.?-Mr President, you remember the fimous plot: yes; you and I were on the committee before whom the famous Count Critlon ap peared, ,and" before whom the e^'isly lamous U-nry did not appear.?Why, sir. there never was so villainous a plot ?iucc the wirld wns made; I do not spade offen sively of my friend from ftoston; I bog hi* pinion; wie senator iroiu QostOh; no not to die federal among whom nre some Very honest men; but I say to you gentle* men, if you can support this hypocrite, thi* traitor, this upo*tute, after what he hint said of you, why; you deserve it, thut*s all; I'll put him down, sir; I'A put him down, ?ir; or if 1 dont; I'll leave the country, sir; 1*11 go to Kurope, iiir, mid console tuyself maong the slaves and corf* of the other con tinent.?Virginia u up in arms, sir.?Up in uriiH, <lid I say; sir.?-Yes!??Hut wha* do 1 iiicmii by urms. nir??-Do I mean that she ha* rille* m her hand*?? No, sir, we do not take up muskets nud rides to kill Ji'M, ?ir; to shoot musquetocA, sir.?No, ire! bi uxh them off, sir, we brush them off; i poor Virginia, she had the honor of giving the Inst I'reaident; tbut thing-, yes sir; the thing James Monroe; 1 say, sir, she hud the hoH'.r but what was her profit, sir; why, like the C'obler's wife, she was the worst shod woman in the parish. " Tlie Richmond Whig, sir; yet Hint young protege oflltsnry Clay; Henry Clnyf rihst!?Tlw 1'res*!?ave, sir, ' Demo era lie Press' and all; by tho way, is this said Col- Btnn?, the same Colonel Binns?not Colortrl, though at Assize* - ? ? ? ? who was oilonsd to me bo<ly and soul, by Old M-I.nne, twenty years ago, when I quarrelled with Jefferson, to publish nny Idling and every thing I might choose lo write??I thought so; why, sir, I would not hayc him theii) I said thi-n, lie was too great a rogue lor Hie; too great n rogue then, ??r: wli it is he now? ??? who is you#-Secretary of the Treosuiy??-who was hi* father, sir!?I'll tell you sir. a federal ist in Hisgoise; a hypocritical traitor, sir; an accomplice ol that scoundrel; who was that general that fought a duel with ???1 ? ? ? hiring ihe revolutionary war? [Macon? Conway.*] aye General Conw.iy; he was an accomplice of that scoundrel, sir, in the infamous plot to put down <ien. W n*hing ton, and put up Charles Lee; a villainous plot, fir,?he was rewarded for it with the treasurvship of the mint.?( Tims, more porter.)? iM collector of Norfolk; who is he. sir?--?4ile fool, sir; and the repre sentative from Ihe Norfolk district? a poor, miserable contemptible wretch, sir; poor Virginia!?I he Secretary of the Navy??, thai thorough Mich man on tbe military bill? ? Baroo?~sir. I'll pin bint upon Ids back; I'll glue them together, sti; they ehsll stick like shoemaker** wan,; aye, sir, their shall not be able to shake each ether off; they shall sink together; sir, I feel degrad ed} I do confess myselfdiegfaced; at stand ing up bere astbeadveveery of seoh a com* temptible administration; I feet 4i*gr.ic*d, sir, at sVowlog myself It* iHhxtmrft what ahould I feeIas ?U/ri#Hut, the letter* ?I'll 9*1 thrsugh it jr#t| (rending) ? j bar# ' written this for your emueemeot, and antt begtbat yon will notefcow irto any body. ' unk** it be to oof frienii* Macon ami Tasewell ???jf?, h* ** t? _ show Ufa* any body)/ but, mto perictUa, 1 have read it to tbe lieualc; as to the name orthe writer;that, sir. is another afair; it is locked all here, sir; and let me say, Mr, Fmirint,:if any body mil* a leading uaae*, tion to me about it; if I fm't knock btae i Sigffl$SroliS ^S W?? ""IV ''y Jf. ? , ? ? <\ 1 " ? , ? This is a hiot sketch of Mr. Randolph, I have given you nothing (bat he did Not ? ?v, bat bare necessarily omitted much tliat he did aay. because it is impossible for any memory to retain sflthe uueonnee ted, disjointed g:ill,?matiaa of i mounln bank. He must have boon a little into*!- ? cated before be eat down?utleaat be drauk enough of kruwm el out during Jhfe exhibition to bore effected the head of any common man, who had eat notbieg for ten' hours You will natoratly ask, after reading thia outline of tbe moat disorder* ly, offensive and scurrilous speech that ? was ever delivered to any legislative body ?You wdl naturally ask, T say, if tbe presiding officer of the Senate did not call him to order. No: be did not Mr. Cal- # houn, you know, as tbe only apology be could otfqr, for having to repeatedly ant* ' fereri the body'over which he pre*uies^- , or rather, whose chaii* be 611t-?te be die* ( graced by the tno?t unprecedented viola-, tions of itccoreu, and common decency, utlecU to construe the rules of tbe senate as giving hi? an appelate authority only. Did you ever hear of any tbiii^ move idi surd? Depend opoo it, sir, if the Vie* ? Prondetit bad not felt a plraw, in listen ing to the vituperative scorrillity aed o?a? lignaut brawlisgs of this half fonned piece of mortality, he would have placed a dif- ' leraut construction upon the rules:?hn would hare followed the eiemple of all nit predecessor, w*l have ordered the . iudecoroos viyl.itor of the dignitv of tbe senate, to t>?ke bis seat. Uui I hate al- ? ready extended tUk letter to un inordinate fA trssysa shall take un early opportunity of writing to you og*in. Yours truly, ?Mexican Alcentun.?Mr William . J^nc*, of New York, who bit*, for m number of year* had the agency of some" of the most important mull aud coach lines Lo?nd from New York. it on tbo point of sailing for Vera Cru&, with a* equipment ot hunw, roaches and servants, to estab lish u regular aod promo mail communica tion between the city of Mexico and Vera Cruz. His recommendations to our mis* isters at Mexico, are ample to tecure to him the notice of the Government, ami we hope they will give him a support unci Iiatronage, which will justify, aod reward ii? undertaking.?JV" Jr. Com. Jhiv, D*th, (Me. J April '21.?* rare eiao. ?A live Felican, about the sixe of a wild goose, was taken last week in the Kenne bec, about two miles above this place.? We bate n?ver before beard of this bird being found no for North. Its habits are indolent, and it doe* not tuaully migrate from it* own Southern Latitude*?It was ?lnppo<l to Uoaton, after having been pub licly exhibited in our streets. Ultrulure.-? Messrs. Camming* k Co. the respectable book-sellers of Boston, are abubt to publish a collection of the poetry of Mrs. Hemanf, this we ere glad to lenrn, but 'still mare glad are we to learn that the whole profit of tho publica tion, will be transmitted to her. Such regard for the interests of trans-atleutic author* i? quite rare in our country Let a book be published m Knglaud, aod it is instantly reprinted here with a total neg> loot of the author's claims. Jt may be mud the Hngli?ii tuuf of copy right doe< not extend to America. We know it does not, but there is a moral right; a law ol conscience* which ought to recognize the interest of the English author. The reed ing public of America is nearly as Urge as that of Great liritain, and it ought not ? to refuse a fair remuneration to tfiose wri ters who contribute to its instructiqn and delight. In the present case, the conduct of Messrs. Cummings is singularly lauda ble for Mn. Ilemans is e lady; site has t fUMifc* ?>y the magistrate. *? Are