Columbia telescope. (Columbia, S.C.) 1819-1821, January 19, 1826, Image 1

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?" irtr '?AT1A irwTrr^T, ? J~*" ...v V.' AND jSOUTH-CARailNil STATE JOURNAT. XII. fl'Vlc'if.-fJ lfii VI ? ?\v"': ?? '? w,vV r" ???, .f. uW'.,T.111 .1 ^?pMpaapnaMi COLUMBIA, (3, fi) THCRapA* EVENING, JANUARY IB, 1890. .! W?w* yy inie r \woo?s. 5 "St ?? "? fluit fm rtttifd, . . 1> , JV ?jj(j " <> >>Xi m {? <i S ftj')? ?<!?*- "!rf$W$S$ ' r* Coafcei, V? Co at i and ?:w MSSMs&^fr SUk, ValtritU, T6Uttwfitnd JjWunidovn <ft? 4* Cord PtnUlooni n?1 Frock* of rtp?rtor aqttWy and ntko am'Sa!" Atdo, A largo Assortment of v*r!ou? kinds ol NEGRO CLOTHING. Together with ?up?rtor Henvtrafed Rofim ?Hati% Booty Shoes, &c. OCQl^rW. ' ?-? j Removal. I. t* L. HHEIlMAiV, Ihn r*mtt JiUirSAnnuwY w'arkiiowse AP NO H,ni(KMX STOHKS Where they offer fur *alc IVfoletalo and AW glTfttfMVB A??0*YMK!U or lU-lMTAIIY ?nil IMaln Saddfc*, Bridle* and Maitlngak*. in*nnf?*;Jnri?d of (ho bett material*, and In tho most approved modern ttyle, /Couch Mil Gig damn *,of every deecri} lion, Trunk*, Whip*. and 8pur?, tfaddleTree*, Platedand Tln'd Saddlery-Ware, CqKcbiiuvl Uig Furniture. Morocco Sealing and Facing Skln?? ?"?. be. ... Mm,Jutt rtrttui afor** nmrlmtut at feeavcr,Bornm, Youth * aod Children'* II ATS, Udte'enndae&tlamnn'e BOOTS aridSIIOKS, complete, and to tell to triarchanl* and other* ? l0w a* can be wld in tfc* rtaie, Qftahfr ttl. 4|^ A; Card. . Hffil9. M. NUTTINO ra?pfctfully Inform* tlio JLVJL I.*H}e* of Columbia that *h<i ha* jnit re turned from Clwrtertoq. where ?he |rt?roha?ed frdai tt)i neire*t and Idlest Importation*, a choice QMortmcnt of article* It* .tho Mll.f.BNART and UAOTV AM AIMAO LLVRj amouj which are tlip Wain 8tS*. Satin Straw, Silk and Satin Hat* Until and Silver ornamented Garland* OoM and Silver Flowm Silver Wheat* Gold and Silver Mutli** Silver Bell Dreee Trimming Black and whtte w*l Ottrlch Flume* Bilvar Lm* for Belt* jtadiea' Drtii Cap*, and work'd Motn Cant a,brio ditto ?vi o I^ghom Hut* bleached ond cut in the late it lUblo*, (o look equal to now ... <?J* All persons indebted to Mra N, either by not* or book account" for I}* year 1881 and ??, erd enrac?|ly requeued to coma loi'vurTand *etilo tho*ame.a* flrgent nrsmlty TvJll compel har t# retort t<k dlmgreeabla mean*, tjknaa wh > do not avail th*m*elv#*,of thp ALLEN GIBSON. tn addition fa his Amir tUtk Aa* iuiI ftaeired Af* Mw^trlft ' AW SITKRIIVI AtttiRTMKMT OV SEASONABLE GOODS, cMiiirmo ?r CJCPKIlFlNE Bolivar, London and Fancy kJ Print*, and Kumftvre Chl?U, Calico of |u? natvrti and t?o*t laablonabl* piHeru* ? 0 pi..tted ami corded Jaoppett* , /'roe de,N*plf *i|d Lavantiiia flgnred Sill* Trial* Linen *nipe very loe, I.or?g !?*(?? <'loth|ii Ci**taare* and Batinett* J White and red flannel* A vKo1nl? Duflll and lto*o Blanket* . "Id and Canjhlet Cloak* Vesting*, Glove*, Jfonery, fee. ?. .. ? An a**ortment of pOMKStlC GOOD* of ill fclud*? NBGIIO CI.QTtlH, B \t>nr.KHY, lie. Which he otf*r* for*nl* on the mu?t returnable term*, at ifcetfore lately oeeiioled by M???r*. An* jSg.rf ay If For Me. Ajusm"^'* lK"'r "T? JfOTCIIMlSOff U 8TBW %HT. IVnftft. -i_ -,'s <>dS Valuable Property in camdKn. nr>ll i ?nh?? rlher Hfere for*aleon aeaommodet >m In* trrm*, that ?v*dl e*uMI*h*J *tand rveeatly K&SSiSS n*a***yy Ot*t4NH^w>l w*8fadaptedlar m ai<*n*|va.>l>ri??HI thdrfwi f to 4>rllM. , v f V . 4 , T . ? r- > ?? v" x* ,'P 51^ IftPtfCk, MoiSb NewGcxxfr. Ktlgc ?olil low Cor Cbh January 12th, 1090. < 3 ? ! ? ? I ? ^1 II ? ) ?? Warranted Garden Seed*, Lyons'* Store,-, rtlllB wWriber rofpec.tfeHy Inform* the miblie, X llmt he hi* r?f iv?d n fr??l? ?upply ot DKN 8BKD9, PKA9, IIKAN8, and BKfcl> ONIONS, whlcji lie will ifll low for oa?h. Jartrtify 8. , I 3 For Sale. TIIRRt: TBACTS ot I.AND, In Loftiogtoti District, welindnptedtn the culture of Ot. Inn nml I'fovWon*. They e?ch comUt of nbom Ihree hundred itcrce On one of them la n Dwell. Ing Ifoutn umt other Improvement*. For termt, <0m1 otlicr pnrttculnri, oppty to pa nr. s if. f.r.p.. No. 2 J Droail-rln (4. November 21 *17 t? Valuable Properly. FOR SALE. Till! Subscriber Intmdln* to le'eve Colum'tli, offcr* tor mIo tils IIOUSK mid f.OT, on Iticli nrdion street opposite Mivn, I'urvU' iiiom The dwelling flonae Is built of Brick llirvo tt^rlci. kith; on tlie|?rnmltesnrr, nnew tw?\ (lory lirick Kilqhen, a BrteU Bmako Honur, njtli n lar^c Sin Lie, C(. toll Home,fce Lr. The l.ot It comnl?to. ty enclosed by ? ip?nd Brick well. (t is n tloilra Me tHuntlun u>r h TAvrrannd Dry tloojj fctoro. Powrulou c?ii bo |iv?M hi snnn m required. Thumb. One liflf cult, the remainder u credit ot4 year*, well secured, wlUi interrst from (Into. Appiy on t!tt premlm* to P. UKl.CllKR, ? Oetob*r M. , tf T Store Removed, HR 8tihaer)be?-t rstpeHfuliV Infiirnt their Country Krieudr uu I lb* public, th.,1 thoy mAv?<l i? tlw ituiittr norm or AWrt. IA w, Rlliion end AOxer, tnyl opiate llJ?ri. C It I). UreuunV, vyhero tlwy carry on tU?<r huduers at fnrmety, H. * J. ftillVIB. January 13 , Q ?f Pay your Debit and I will pay mnt% TIIK Subscriber is compelled* ft* W"Vl ?f Mooey? to inlornt ell those tjint ?r? luuobte'l to hltn by pate, bond, 6r book account. mu?t cvie forwent by tho 1st day of IViruery no?l tellletVe Mme.or they iriit be put in the handi of ail At-* toraeyfpr collection, without nny reipect to per\ mm whatsoever. Cotton. Cum, i'en*. or Ottlr, will be Uken (ot payment, at mnrM pricci. JOJI.V bi.ACK. 1)m. 23. ____ M ? . Notice. LT III# requMt Of mjr Urolhfrf, I tubn^lt llto fob lowing wlhBwWic? 7 ^ 'JAMEB COUTV, SOUTII CAROLINA During tlteyeart 1840,1031 and 1821, wlulo I AIM tlic ttUm of acting ewnmMontr al lb* Hoard of ruWI# Work*, of Boalh Carotin*, and duriiiR the year* 18411 and I Oil, Wbllo I nctod n? ?oleattperlntrndeitt of (hot* workt. J oho Couty, Fa<\. wm eihjdoydd ii clyil engineer; HI* ?kill end Judgment hi bk profmionj received my *6. tiro ?wroUlinn. tlo wa? for (It* accuracy of HVi plan*, ??tl?M*?, nnd calcula tloof, end hl? Integrity urtd itcal, for the tervlce In which w*a*o*ijt?d, commanded my oonH deuce. A? lh? JUghUture of thU state ti?? not ordered any new work i for thU year, Mr. C'ouly un And no riq|dnyinent lie re,?od I have no heil. tatlon lq film to ?{!/ appointment, where akill, correct ji^Jfinnht, and actlrlty, tin wanted. . . * A Bf,ANDIN?, Sujjt. Pub. IVvb. January IA, 16U. I eulffcrllw lo the attorn fully, ar Pre?ldnnt of the Bourd of I'nWio Wori.1, in th? elate of Booth Carottanj htviftg held ttii? office In the wars 182) "ill,, Ml,.. . (? Itttt, the only year I eerved therein , W. J. MVDDLCfON. During thenerlod that l|ierv?da? 1'reeldcnt of the Hoard of Public Work* In the 84nte of Booth Carolina, Mr. John Couly waa firet axMnnt Kn glitter, and afterward* Ktyrlneer to the Hoard, and in both eepaeltiee wa/ lUulntoUhrd for hie ?*hI, ?hlll, and correct judgment, Uth In laying out the work to be doqv, a/id In the ?uperinten> dene* of lU execution. J ft. POINSFJT. January 13. ? w ? fj* The Editor of the Yorkrllle l?Wm^r, will l-leaic ln?*rl tha ehov* Ave time*, and forward thtdi ar count# to thh pMee. TAMKH WKt.DKN toll* before m? r?n*#*t??J <J COW, tolerable Urge, with e red ee Mnd1?# Hand end neeb. WMb e rt*r in her forehead, h r whit,, with the eioeirflW *fM,?i#r*J aftwa,ber lege aj|M> b*f left ear appeer* te be either eut or tern, on the eely abb i?ip ti i Ami A 4|Maiy ,ii Uook whtcli coruUt __ i QQODS. i Umi itofi ntqiyjil by Jinn Buroet, at iltJeylh?ccy^pfo?v)f>jt of a M*eon eem,to make* fall v/r>t of (heir former hutineWfthey ?ollcitall thoM w!*o have mado ec* count# M-Hh tlifM indivbiwiliy. eottle them with Jatn** Burncj, wrbo U'lirilv i>itlinrt*ed toeetlle the txiiM. W jAlkH'.H IIUBNBT, sjfibl* \8 ItOPKHO^. _ -Tannery 13 ? ?><4 a '; 2 3^ NatiofC T1IE 8nl^CfVf>fr UiU <Iivv tnVeu into ro> partnmMp, lahlkitore M ralrfleld Dlitrlrt, Wjreon DASlKf, <111, and tho hgtl. new them will lie Varrfed on ??? tlio name o('t M'Oui.toiau It Son. , ? a*p ir In Columbia ha lihi tekrii ? '? on.nartneraliip Mr. JAMBS R. CALDWI*l v) ,4 Fmrftfld dii. trlct, nod DANIF.r, M'CUM.<" Oil, Jr. and thn hiiiinrttthrr* will tie carried pit tn the name of T. M-Ci'M-OBoii, CAtowr.* ? ?* . Co. where lit* highvtt price will 1k> glvi-n; ? ill kind* of Pro* duca, and wlirm Qroceiirji 'K>. !?? told on the lutvc* t tornu for cadi or prwl ? THOMAS CI.'l.r.OIH(ll. Jiinnnry M 2 4 ~ra?o7 T 31IALL atloivl at thn follnvin/ pUcft tuul JL time# (<? n yeive AX ItCTt.'llNH tor yvar, A. IU!\?, vie At Mi.irrvuylllf, Fehrimry ti?o 1.1th. At W??UV? old idnf0.tlio l-t'.li At r.pmor * i?Ml, tha ; I.V.Ii . At Wutklii** Mill, lit* UHU At M'? Dinkhit* thn : i?tH At Ihrmnii KintW* t\ir? l'.Un Atlliu ('??Ui t.JIni^iy it^OoluinMii, i at Mob liny mid Tuotdny In 4 >rch. All return^ u ll1, lio r#<pilri?l on <>i?th i? .lie law direct*. HKNJ.VMJX TilMWVi*;. I., t r. n.i? Jiiminry |:l ? ?< 3 TNoiick v h??, nrehfr? liy notified that ttiry iitii?l modnr in tindr ru?pi'i?ivO ctnhpi to nithi-r <>( Ihu ?ul>?ciil*H, Oij or hofnM the Opt day of Muroh nail, at which thna thn.mnitry and n?ct? under Mid awignnient, wj(?liedlv?J*it njidthepbdrnMifthonew'hoiiatflrr.l to?vailthentte!fc?ofthr? iifttir/Mvill l*e thereby bar'U I) F.W\IH\ J .NO. IUIVCPm ' J!,nl)nr>' ^ ^ TIIB fiutofllior Will ?ttm>I At hUotnrr, In (lie Town Hull, on thi? fir?t duyof FKllHUARV un*l, fv ihn pur)H>vi of rotclvlpg Kxemptlod from l*?t? r<JJ Duty for tho proM*nt ynar. It. HARRISON. Jt. CUtk. jm. io \ ; s _ Notice. ?flOl'l, <1*1 i ltrol,prh (PktnU h) MM IIIAku A- i?f< <t?maniU oxaintl tlm ri(n|o ? llin Ijte J\. WlM.I AM CfjAlfKfUhN ?.r C|mi muni, ?l?. ciioted, rcw|ue*cd let I hi roorirrtd I . |>ruj*rly (UUnlodi nftrf ?i( p?r?oit? Imlc.Mivl la Mi F rkirit by l?ond, not*, ?ir ?|ion account, will taymeot lo Ch# wbwriUr?. KMtf ARi'.tlf A. CI.ARK8Q I, Ex'tnx. i>avh>bkm? - WIM.IAM KWNIIARUT, Clinrkyon, Nov^JfP, r.r If, ?.xtruion. 47 10 OllCO. 'rilE tthteriher hti eK?!?1Utic?f * (ommtrrlal I. llomo |pfhWciljrton Vitxjlmos* Wharf, for Ihn tranwptlon ot Cotton Yhctopw Mod Coin. inU?lcy? UiitliioM. From hi* Ion* eMrloneo n lli? Aoovo tirnncbci. %n?l h?lnjj ho ay nmvldod with flrf |*oo| ttoriif* for tlio reecjAIn ofCottnn, ho with confldonco offtrt hW mfieH to his frl**i.U Mini tho public. I. C. VHTIMAW. <'liiul#Mnit. ifoe. 13 otl ft mt 105. . vTfMi mat* ?l both build ?ndjoll for Mild d^trii rlnli to bo ftirnlOied by toe Contract 1 inntoboof b4k*ir. ? i. RICKB|*I?AK MlCMmn. '?-**? >'-? * I ' ' Notice "j" A trlct, aro r*qu<*?t?d to render IbMln Imawdlato Iy? tiroperly ki titled uoordtojj t?llw fn (ho ?!' mlmilraterf ijml Hit thoto who artlkbtfd (0 (bo ?mo w|| mako imm?4btto poymatjoi tadatgeftoo Mnnot be nllowotV J. II. IIOttXL, Mm V m . WtmL ice. mnF, fl.ih?orl?llon PH* JL monoy wtidoM lo p |'rp?hjt?rl?n Of>owl?, MM meni ?U?? onnfomoMy lo Iho In told mim. rmmf> li iLSSmmt gSf!T&wijToi taka payment by tba 8r?l day of without f.l.Vlo (fill ami Clark, who I to reocWa (ho tamo. Alio, all idebted (9 ln? ngeiiU of (he Into Arm of , Clark, nra raqueited to make rayment Jd nfont? respectively without Jet ay, n? . , , Hill andC'tar^are datlroua to eettla wltli sir t\gCDt? n?tJon a* po?*lbte. ? GEORGE HILL, LEONARD HILL, JOHN CLARK, flpnrtnnhurgh. l)iit,(8.C. Ike.O. 64 Ot $fi Notice. THE mbicrlbeit hereby inform thetr frKindi .and I ha public, that they nave formed n coitaao tlon'in butlnei*. under Ilia flrtn of HHI apd Clartc, I hey occupy In? raetorv recently occupied by ililW and Clark, where they inanulketura Cotton Yam of different elm; nl*o,thirtlnn find timet* lnK?of different number*, nil of which, they cnl oulato to keep an assortment ton hand of a good qunllty for tale. They will recelvn good cotton in payment for the nhovaartlelei, for whleh they will allow a generou* price. Thmo who will punctata to a. considerable amount end pny u? ea^ dnWn for tlto tame, we will ntake n Itaud tome dlaoouut from oar retail prler. LEONARD IIILL, 401 IN CLARK. 4partnuburgh,(S C.) I>#o. I. 64 Ot T Npticc. HEoo-parinerslilplieretoforeealftlngbelYfeen ui. under the (Irm of \V*>r? k OimoKi war dluolved on tho flr*t of July Intl. All perrtm owing book nreneutu, aro requested to call 011 A nr.* <1?bso* for settlement, be a/one being an thorlxed to collect the Mine. WM. ?. WATTS. ? . ALLEN OIRSON. October 14. _ -t I?tf Dissolution. > J till;coprirtiieniYiiiheretoforeevsltngtc.ween 1 W VIT8 u 'ilrtltON. It this day di,solve j All penon?ln arrears either by bond, note, or open account, ?r? Mrriptlly.feuiteated to cnll and Kill* the Mine* l\iiujdl demapas aguinrt It are re* quested to bo handed in for jmytnmeiit, to eitlirr of ui. W/b? WA'P1S A.(,IUS<>N. KT Tho STOCK OV GOODS 1? tnkeu l?y ray. tolf nnd uiy tiufliiu?i will Ihi done nt the old stnmi unlit the 1st October r.e?t, and niter flint at the ftom at proient occupied by Messrs, .huhttrt 4 4I.I.RN GlllfON June 21 9V?tf Caution. rflltK I'uliUe are rautionM agalnil rraJWiy f?>r JL lit*) following l?l|l? which were tremniitlrd mo by m til <? tl|?t ibl Qotol'cr |nkt, hut lipvv o?wrr cnmo to bond, onnlt 40. dollar*, on the State Dank of North npypMnm their Dank lit New. In rn; llifl (hip lnUiTi-il A, Nk. 727. to Vine Allen, tinted tttli Jnw?, HU3, ent'orted op back, "l,i?wry Maichttitt IH22;" niio Htatnllnnfi Nurth Cnrob* rti), llmtivU Omiknt Newbeni.toViiitt Al(en,dateit "2/Mli l)?;cotnbcr l8l5|VNo. II7J, lettered A, and enHonet)" J. f|. $ 8ei?tr?aber 07th U U,31?t IJvr.Mmbr-r 1H2I." Tbonbovu bill* wrre ?ncto?*<l nnd nifilfenvil In me Mt Murrnjrtvllln, N. C, on tly> tint* libtlve Anv information will bn glmlly re'relvfttl and If frqulr C?1 n ?<iit?Mo reward riald by the lubtrfiW living in Columbia, South Carolina. II.W.M'NAP.Y. Til# Edltori of Ihr Raleigh Slfir, will |?l?vie In ?ert'the above advertisemeat In their pwinr font tlroei, and forwaid thalr arcount to lltu ode* ft* Jfoqary <t. I 4 Journeymen Boat-Makers WANTED. v Turku or ffat ipi rate work men will ibid consent emi>toyement and aibigljiwagei 9$ given In th? itat*, by calling at JOHN BftirpE, it CQ'S. Deo.$>. ,f prin|i, iq i?? ivuuffii9 ii?fi ?inn (ain opened under the direction of the ?3raris,&&tf'a Book* are again tmdemigned <aoi at Umi i?U?e, i?, Alivtm blending, a lumbie.S. C. (who ed by the undfirtl ?nbierlption for, ? C M.tcA nwi^T ' |s?5j prfl lasSli s$4tfSK W If f A I I jfcl mm- To Kent, TL-lWlfta.'' ti.tmvi !St. Lici "r November 24. 4,, Wr'^ "Jo Kent of to Sell. ?K>*t. Apply to " ? u,,,no " Orntvohiifghj Nqv. C8,^?^E^ *' For Sale ?Sws?MSfi? IW.CO, 18*>.? M'CMjj^. . . .!?.'< Foi Sale or Rent. /HM,r OtlHEend I.OT, Wchr <K*ti M Mr. John Button, dirf^tlv ironlUg Injj'*. Apply el ' OLAKK'S To Kent. I/mM ',y^' lulongint lo <Hm niV Aoguif is. ! ' apr w .,. - . i .**m To Kent,. % J. , Tin: Sooth stoue *a mil recently occnp'pil |?y Mr. Bron*.*, OHetftn Allh dhtrlvr?,f?U?Mc for ? pRV ?Ov08 or 0R0 CEKY 8TOWJ,: ? *5 rW a ? g AI.Sp, (SWft TIIK II01J 8 F, ree?nt!y 0??Qpied Vff !??L M.C. Slmffor W thereof l!*fo?onl? Unit, iV.??t?>n)5 on lUthlend iiirwt, mlUtfc for ft ?mwll l*inlly n*adir?|!'.njr. ro$v?k*n ftWe*!#* mediately. For pertl.^lare *M>ly to llrahl Matey, OU ?n, or Wade. * -J-l:Fh? An* 14. 9p JM TjW .a?Wor Kent ' ? TUK mb*cHb*r will oltr hh' Latinthey Ultt*ofAbbifll JSIaftfe unto tW ftiit MONDAY In f flrxt? *wd K not ?old, it wilt then h? fl pMlillo r',10 In tl'? hWh*M tiitl '. r. lit* Urtti mill cniiveid?mt. on i'. $ p bit* irp?u aflfcivrti* of ?b? !"?????. W'h ? uki endknpi atiihf* wtJo^hfrwiv nl^iftottt-l A crtiM of four nrllve yramwill Iw rivltn wired, on wfetirin* ih?' payment* anO-riyft t?re?t. If not M 'bit *111 IA i far t#? or three y#a??. A'tmAt Utm he! (n,i,h.,W.?.-lllb.a37?^.^ January fl "'*" " 1 ' ' * ' "OJJl l.J.J.OU* SeET every oilier i " 1IIPP For 8stje, . THAT SPLENDIDBSTABLMHM1 KAGI^K IIOT6X, -X ti&Xfa -A. vi''if