Columbia telescope. (Columbia, S.C.) 1819-1821, September 09, 1825, Image 1

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v Qi ^ *73p;; i * . ?> '*? *?* tarn Tr art* IkM* dottalv ptr wm mfti, U?4Ur? |?*y*bl# *i ..f a iupomMi irfww% or iWy wM wwfcr> . attcnUo&S Last ?Notice. \StkM laMrti'd lo Ik J bi? Im <f ir. J. WILL IAMSON k Ct). burr (mco repoUt dJy uU> iu well by (nqMat ?dvrrtbenae>.U o? by {tcfmonal application, tu uwki- a Boat wHhn-iil of (heir aaebaata, and u 14 umsilfia kive i lapar il i4jico the dfcratatiou of Mid In, itooc 04a rtl lotiably complain wiiHi we iuf^rat litem I bat all arcoinU, fee. rent lining on;* Id itonl ratumday, I ball be placed la tba band* of an nttornry for wi ! ctton. JA.\1KSH0K\fcC6 ' Sept. I, IftK. -? ?Notice. '** 4 u> peraoo* indebted to the estate of \\w -!sL Linnosrox, dre'd. a.U*.- by a-te *?r opan aeeaant,?rare<)UA<t<>d to eo?eforwa?)&Pti ba a 10 ivWom tbo eaUte U ia lrblod an- iv ^<#*d ta r+n ?Ser bi tbelr ttc mnti, pmiiedy autiientieited, for eatlieairnt, before tiie tbova.netrtiourd tnuo, or tbey uritl be debarred payment M. A. LIVINGSTON. Aucutl 8. 182.} :y> 4 D issolutioa. 'ri^HEenjvirtimnMin'nrHofore rx-ating txrtween JL WATTS - asaO.N. i? tbi. day A!i j>er?on? iw uiea<n ?itlwr by band, nolf, or o|>?u accouu., urn car.i<**lly requested to colt mi J fitle tha Miuie, end nil J?w*uU* ftj(a n?l H urn r*u uHcUodio be UaaJjd la fur Mtaiaiil, to aiihcr .fen. Wins. A.CIBSOIt. rr Tbe 9T(V"K OK (iOOI>5 i. taken by my. jolt and bit bu?lw*?<. vvill Im> dune ?? (be old stand iMMil the U' O. i" ><?! ???*!, and ???? r Hint nt the tore at prepeat occupied by Moocr*. jlmima fy iitins, ALLEN GltHON ] June 24 "JA?? tt' Ac$eacy. Charlatan Fire and ilarine Insurantt < 8. PBBOIVaL, jtpjl. "7 D Fencing. Sl'I.l.lV \ > rcs^t Litally Inform* the jjciiUf .1.1 <*'jl'4>nbia und ii? v.rimty. htu 4 Ufor?'?l<i u,i;?ortu-ii:y ucw |Mr?-ot* itfll to Ikuku' hc<:u*i:it??d w?t!i tais UrIKK.NrJIVK at*! '.XI ?. *'iV.iiT with the Hm id or S.aali Sword 11?> t-aW-''? u rr.iin *? the W*?hlal'ou tlutrl, v.-hrrv lie nwy be t'uu^d at at! limes. \ujiart S " 31?tf Dr. tVilliam Ley, 1 J.\s IociIikIIimi -if in *-??! i mJ will b*> I 3 tijijiy to vr?v huy .?t ?.?? iu<iauit?iiU of ?|ir t i'v.i CMiitry In Im viv .? iM W o. bit {trminMon II.* hit* uIuhi lua rn??:n formerly oceuptad *?y >. W HrtM**, *? ? law >?h ? here b?- umy ho found oral Clark'* U-ici J-Jl) SB Painting. MEttSH*. JlAKCaOf ATKIN V?.' dttor lit Mr. J iirict't S'itt Site*, m l oppo "Hit. (? M>. J. It .irlhuf 'i 0#t RK&PECI'Kl l.l.V i?u'??rm ilmir fri?no> *n<i the inltAhiliinl^ ot C\ilun!>u ?fH it* vici lity l int Ihcy mil a i? i? i in i.i? i?ttowing i L~aocb?? of ttjcirprnf tiim tt (ho s'.tort^tl >ioltcv, ?i.tli r in town ??r couo'ry: IIoI'mK. tiUi - aun OilSAMKNTM. l?\fNf.! J.NCiS: HfANlMHOa, irid ill kin ? of t'.\SC\ '.'A I Nil NO. W..IU or Oilingt Mostly COloHfci) ?.? I)tMaoipcr ur Oi' All of tvlueb will be ciecut . J on Iho mup< r<iu?onuMc t'-rUM. M4/27 21?? BUiNCOMBK Turnpike Company. %T OTICKU <iv?a lh?l lb? wkolaumnl ' ^ "fopttwl In ?*mI coapaiy, not having li??ti s ilixrihutl mknhiM the firu <ky of Mnrcli, 1826, i to tl<? jiMV'toliMii of ?n ?| nf I've rai of ibt a*i>- of (^truiiim, ?ntilN HI ???! It. MutiioriKr tlir making of* runi|iikt ?r.nn ij.- HjIihU dm county of ll?ncjm)K' 'i; *?? m M irrnyjvill*, A.hvi'l?\ mid Vt4i? .S|?riw.r?. to titrTfiii?fi?fi> line"?Ttint liook* <rr n (uin <h?mh?i1 ntitlerlhr di.v>?n oflhr ?imlvxi^Hi'il coi?Mi?i<M.>iirr? ap|iointrd <>y ?nid?ct, ??? |!>? ( id under ttir ilircdiot. .>1 Ct?l. \lmtn. llUn4iii?,HUil l>unirl .\!or/mt, K?>q. at Co litiititix. M t, (wlto imv: l^Pit r^ulnriy mithorl*. . I l?y lilf Ml?J?T Itfiu-.J \f? (IJ.fll t'lr wmf) ta> n-eciyr ) .i<ik-,.rl|iliuii for tlii.t llw t..,Mial <iuok jr?i i/ yuubkcritu' i. J\MK? PKTXOJi, > *"> * vmi r.i. ihit.nn i Hl'jltH??f. M\ AI.V ) a* * hrlllr, N ?' M?Kii di, Krt. | f ? (??T ?!??? ??!?????? JHO'IHH# HI* Ifl'IIMl 4%. ? i*. time of l> >l?iu. *'?? mi (V>im?Ui? A IH.4NOIV1, i? M?m?\n. Marl.JA 1?-? Kor >alo. Tlir pl?n1?it; .o wifH ??jf'hw ?ii'*rnSrr .mi |!i# <Nm,;?rr* r<*?'r, < ?HtfalMiwi llltlaer** .j. tn.i' ?! ( ..I ll?>ii;itON'? n*i| (f>? ??!'?. T i* ?!*?*? if not i* ?ikwmH ?.f i^r?ti>|?, ???. *l?i:i u, lUe 4'?i in <M??twr rfitl k ?tfW ?t n< -mh bliiafm ?W? Oir IIium- ?? ? ?in nli'a at 12 tf't spa fit r. t ?tv?? * ?rn-? :$ 44 \1 WifcMiM/4 m. U. JX _? *?#?.?? Tkmmmt Uy ? P. M. k?UAer,to W?lk?r*. F^-Ou*., ?| mUm. LH*? MTmHou ovary Wederwdey ?l 6 A M ?M?.viw it. WaiM^t'iy y ? W U-v? Walked mmy W?lu??l?y by 1 P. M ?"?f.r'r * vj-uriTSwiTir ?wwtajl tad Ootdui C r j,?, to umOVtUi ^lL ? WMI NOT&L 1. The fu?martcr U-atnl My ctpcdka the ouiU mu tJur U? tiaMi tor wnvn Nhii deiMr tur?, at auy tiate tfarmg the cuuwu?mih? ol iu? cuntt?ct,Uo paying w AdraiuL- cuMMMlltin >ur any extra ei|ie?se UMt any ue wwi.tiiid there toy. And to* reserves the right loalmdf* *mj tun uaet ma Jo under tbi? ud\ ertbrai-nt when ur la i ait* 4 ,.ropcr, *n J to dftduct I root tfee ???,??? ?ation al tUc ratio paid under tr?? contract, lor the dutlc* .?t I do contractor. 2. feu iaatej shall L?c tuie*cyt tor opening <tad Uoeut* Uiu mail, lit all uAeej uacru uu >>arti cuUrtiiao is speviAid. a. k'ur a*try thirty laiautes delay (aaaflftMu. ble aceideuta accc-plt-d,) ia arming aiter the lluie liwmOwd ia ? uy ooaiflM, lue contractor snail ioitut Ive differs; and, it the delay contieue until ihe departure of May dopen ding mail, wbaruhy a trip is lo.t, a forfeiture <4 djuUu MM atduual al lowed lor Marrying the mail una trip, shall he ia cwrrod, milm H shall he made to appear thai the daiay was occasioned by uuuvoldaii.o accident, in which case iheamountufpejf fort trip mil oo lor 1 Persons making proposal*, aia required ?? state their pricw by tha ye Those mm c?m tract will receive (hair pay aairtarly?tu lift ^ra^/ny * - bare the prupuaer ia convey lua *?r*d to state ft ?? bis pmpo**!*; and lira stage must he of *ii(HeJwnt tin vuWw i?tliof.*Uo vkjircMod, tu onvnnieiillv couviy Mjvtu iNMnuitrt. 7. Every jirofiotur may oiler ia hu bid, la make ini|?rov?>n> ol iu the tran.iiurialiMa ol luc u>?it, iroai llM wmt invtlt'd, rilW u tu tb? uiihIs uf i reimporting it, tue speed n ^uirrd, or t<ia cy oflbc trips par-week- which s.iatt rccotra due >.??t*idei allow. CIm Humlnir of the |?o?t rojtu ib?ll be k'.nli d in ?tvery bi*t, *nd lit a |>ru|H>?.il muit bo oml U.reeled lo lb j i*va*:rai l'jit-OJi. e, uud cndoitcd - i'rty let attention must be givco to the eniWsc ?nenl, ?? il b not intended to break the ?'wl ??.' i.njr ,*?*>until the tbcc tor recshuij bi?l? shall :<?vcet|.ir?'d. H. TlUt i*?Mtuu*ti'rUrnrrai reitrre* tu b'.(it?r!|' |H* rmbt ol ik*?Uriai nnv contract at an end, ?vlMMMivmr om failur?uap;)cn?, which aiuuuu.s tu the lo* ol a trip. K. Tii?< JUtHnn t >U(ih) uru ??c!i u? liit ?Miuiuu?iHMtfe?i to litis olfic*, auil wuu of l .Vm u*y (m inconvtl: Ou liiu wlijtct tbr coat r?c lor imuM iniurm biniMiif?tlm Jej>urtrouut will uwl tic ???*? r<tbla foriiiv labulr lo S % bid <ball be wrtiilrawn after the liuie fw<* rrceivin; Md> ?ltall oave injured, mi l abituM ?ny jnrwn rrfiN* to Ilk* liw c*mlr?cl at bU MH, *??? ?nail Ih* ,i?|d rAsjwmiMe to the D*jaKtn??Ml fui lit* ditfsrvno- imiwi ?ti bid, and dial urblrii tlir contract ahall Hi flid'*. No ttrciugm on biJ* ?Ml l?- made known before tbn I7tb of Outuncr. The ???ijnnieru of any contract without the Con tent of the Po?tn>a?trr General, shall forieil U? antt in all cmm where ap,<Uutl<iii to make a transfer b made, the torus uieat l? milv utatisl. II. The contracts are to be in operation on tba Ar<t duy ot ianuary ??it,Mil continue on#? year. JOHN M'i?KAN, Patl-maMltr Qtncrmi. (JEXWUL POST-OFFICK, ff?Min#*n CUg July 14, l?tt. July <2 89 II Sta.c of South Carolina. 1 John .>tLmrci, 1 rt, '? AMaclunant John Hittnltn ) 2^IIE IMauitin in lhl? (?m Itailnf l!?tl liia dr I. cUMmim in lb*! oflc? of t^ie Clifk ol III* Cuiirt of Cummon I'lww tor AMtrtiN* IXtirlrl, will tlw lh*fr.M|ii?l ImvI?k wHIwr wH? nor attur iwy knou >1? itnin til* limits ol thU fMalr. Order uJ tkM jir d? |4?ad or ifomur to lb ? umr, w lib um yror Hmi u ..ay, or judgment nilt Iwi t terad Oxtail him b> dfftauH. JAA. W AttDLAIV, C. C. P Oii'i OfBac Aim il ?i. iKiift .! M P In hquity. Sunt* Henri, Chert it Htmtk, aui Hugh ) Itu mMt \9. .Y?wjf H?mrk, Jem* H~rk, J. .trmitring, tt mx, trriU, ri. mi. i'.. IMJwin,*l. hs It Twrw, *i tu Lntkwim* Itorri, I? h?tt? AhH, ?*<?* Hmtrk, M*ri* Hmmrt. .4th n n I'mrkin, M*r* .1hrtkmnl, mnd ?i , .i tan rINI. ^ ^ p f T ?f?<v ?riM iMrt Jam** R<?rfc, Mm MwcbM* 1 ?m AMmih li lt, M-iih?u ia ttiH ciw ??? 4-U will*.hi) Orlfd, th?l ?InMf |>Im< ?????? mt or 4mmor whMn (*??? w???|fc? fatal ??? iuMMfMA, or tha bill will b* ? pr.? coKftnu a% t . ? wm choice, c s e n iiif?wW?, C U J nmt4 14 9n -V. 1JMaEF ? 10 0(1, __ IV^VIKr Amfffi r*.? ou - i*. RIME BjiCUtffi? ~U % i?'.?RlL'- 111 I fill III II HI ?J55_ klwAlti NOW OP] ajcd rot, J. P. MARSHALL'S. [ ? *?aitxiivK MLKiMr tub IIm* LmhIm t*ri?t?, iMMri l%j| I? CAZXI COJCSmdUli wirm a uc?iul iMoMpn or StmnmuabU Goodt, M?r? E. ^eck* HAS reoolveu ? ciMnJ ii?i?lwiil of tbo nwH tin .1?* Yonk, conmttnx of ?t| I NGftfor |MaUl?.?a<, and ? VI Good* from LK MULL Mis. L. MF. MILLLYKRfyM. maKDiA<jpit ruoM hr INFORMS (he ly, thai lite tturc ul ilr. Ci : 1??t ?* t: where dote t lir iii wiUl Ics*. patt.-ru. April 22 ?dtority o/t^rtSu^y IfeitowW*../*.. >?0h ??xi?urc ? toman ^Tatixflic ktuirclj ln far: town bf coBnusu. rFlBhT CLASS 1 J!HlC !* r1'000 " 6,000 1 I'm* be 13,000 i* 4,000 r~U ftU I 2,000 ? xs~ fme? ur 20 Prues of JO i'rjtti i.r *7400 l'racs of 74?-i Priiec, . $50,000 20000 Ticketi, $2J each, CO.OOO ?JtfXl Print* ?/ tilth, lo bt t*HUd /? I if k tit iAl'u Stead ClmM, tubjtrU? k? Jtdur/iou t'tftl drawn mumbtr *n tkr krtlCnyj,y:ni af ?|(NX* Z.C.U drawn numbtr ok the [ml du>j, f. izt of ^<K)gii SECOND CLASH. I Pri*u of 20,000 i* 20,000 1 Pm? of 15,000 s 15,000 2 Priies of 10,000 fs 20,000 2 Prm.'? of 5,000 3 Pritcs of 1,000 ii 4 Pri*e* of 600 5 Prise* of 100 ps 1900 Prixct of 5 1919 I?ri*c?. ? $80,000 16000 TickcU at $ 5, JjO.OOO PRIZES only to b? drawn, tubpct to ? dedur tioa ?if Ift ppr ceat, and to Im til /lofting fr%m Hot rrnmmtmmmunt, eicept the fol?? in-. ORDERS FOR TICKETS frooimy port of |Im United Uatet (ft *ad enektiu* the c *??, ?djf??nd lo J H. Artmv*, M L*t<?nio, or D. I). Plant, will meat wiUrpromn attention. TIm fulln wlajj geat leme a hare kadty volunteer rd their ttrvieM to act m laanair., via-. Mo*. Jos. R. Aariifa, D.J. M*Caau, T. Uimuaiji, W B. Watt*, and M. AxTuaiu. 1J* TIm adltora of the CUg OmJflt, CharleMon; PitHttr, YorfcriMa; CkrtnUle, Avttiia, KtuuLli rmm, Havanaali; PmlrtM, Nah hints; and V KntrrnU, New-Tort, era reqaeitjd to publ'idt the abova weekly, (for oaa month) lud remit tbeii account! to (Mi place for payinmj Juac 17 04?tf For Sale A VALUABLE tract of I. %M , lying on l.ittk Rlvw, in PuliM I. C. two mil?t iMtow WMtaftlon?eoaUMnn I J lit llnndivrt mm4 Sevnnty-flv* Vtft*, wall h atari |. TWrr i< ua I ho iwwtmuBwl IrtdKorjf (rni m DUT.LLItXO IIOUSV., willi f?H?r Ar# ptMm? to ? ?ooJ om ?lory iram*d Kitchcn whh two lr# plan**, ?! oul novae*. The ptuuiMlon l? i< t<4cr?M? g*i rrjxtir lor makini a crop. Th?n n within on* lb* d??l?in| bona* i jmh! Saw uUrmi mm. From III# |.r??rnt proaftort* <f the WUIWiglon Se?4?fy. wht?*li U r>ni<lnrlrd hi M?. 1. P. Wad It#, it AimM W r.M???*n H ? tril worth tlM at lenlMMi mi m? |M*r*oM. TwimUill In ?? modnlln^ > or furl lor (Mrticalifra, nppif ?r? thn ImmVm- i ' JAMMf ?. CHBF.HT I H fT *n?? City OwrtU OmHwIu*! Mkl IhwUn ?.??***. iff rfyiij to iwrt at??v* A4vf i imtm ?< mmmiOi <?.r fmtrl ????< furw?r<f ?>'4r n*mhni* t? (kit elk*| f.M MrWNl Jol* IB ? i ?MtMdakfcft duk rail, Ealiml IWlinjliiii mImi ahm Ma||liry Tlatt l^amfr? whiahae IravlHr rat? _ 'evaa I* Iky At*,?the |imM| sepbyr agfca, Blw la thy >?1, my treMbtof lip NpliM *T^m jTMUrdifr-tad m Ujr ebatkf M A Mi m wA m ifihjr path ?m atraw'd, Willi jiImWiiwmM k?V-kat, bow- be Thy Awki are pala, thy lip* v* sad ookb < l'he heod of death ta placed ?paa thy trow, And what mi fcir it fallSi end ImM uow. So, many a Inw'r thai now u> *im|4e pnde, I)i|N it* wttpitdim tlM Ml vary tide, <?f Itle.thall droop and dk>, and on Iba wind, S?Uw its leara% ?n Ueva mm trana htkl For then h a wirataK wMipuM Hrw> Oie '? Prepare fur death. the trying hour will come: MuSlmt ? (trade whin otwlwi race u run. Before he know* it* |4ea*ure* hare bejao'." Mary! fart well!?the lyre that aoaaJaUiy |>rane li bat an humble ooe; yet lofty laya. Are not lor heart* that feel; linger* iwrrp Athwart Hit chord*;?Ur Inller^liey should deep. Mute M tlia crave, than Itrealuc u ?traio to iltow. The MMitrii'igtuivMiut hit boKim'i woe. (?recu l?e the jraw that piwitborr (by head Aud let no hand remove the (lower* that *l;cd, Tlie.r pearly Jew* u(*on thy lowly bed A ?i?tei-? '-are lh?* laurel pl~ut uj?re?rs, A 'uUr'a rye (till water? u with lean; \nd at gmy evtoiug ?te*l? ulouf the Lunr on It.y-rare a tender inter lie*. falling thy name, aud finding u?> a prayer To btav'n, to raach thy iputlrn ?pir?t Uwre! 0! who weultl fear t' obey the dttml aall, do much tteluv d,?to much revered by all? ALLLN-A-IMLE. Gr?i'iii!!r dalrici, 9? C. umtuar, r??-TTTT- i - ' n J UrUf SktUh ?/ UU frtrnmi tlaJt ?/ Unraiure in m sert of prrdilec are; anil iu U?U . , . Oewuny, Prance, their l?est won* m Wi Imi mwmmmf mrre found translators in Europe. Tliey have also a tnsta fur theatrical performance, and a gr%at Kn>; lnh actor lia? acknowledged to receive more eu coura^mneut durin{ bis Stav iu four or Ave of llieir princi|M?l cities, in Ibe miust of a |?> isolation ?>l' -tOM.trJO i.liaUlants, then ho ever experienced in Ignition. la book* of education, history, and po lit cs, they are not inferior to the ponciple Luru pean nation*' and it h their own uurki that they use in their school* and, ?,?) which i rru? tb^ir legidators, juris cubmiIIi, ami |4iysi> . iana. B?.?i Jr?their ncral history of the??mied ?? rati on, tliey liu\e the histories of the eight een ?tatcs of the union, comiK>?ed by national writer*, and all of these are veridical and rich in fart*; tin l?io<r?pliy Uo of their great men is tar from U;in? ne sleeted Iu uialhsmutlcs and chemistry, tbev are net on a level with Kurupe; hut in w??r|u of Cotawy, met allurgy, oruithol^y, atlrouomy, and navigation, they can support a competition Their ?mm at im! enquiries re*pectlit? the lasniwwjs of their eonn ;ry have opened a mk field In the philohrgers of France and Cermany. The American maps are copied by tlia jteoj(ra|ihrrs of lUroje Tim atlas of M tAwur, displays In this r?punt, great prrfee lion; they have Inpirtsni imtiilM awn ilia Iiyilr..|>r4|4ty of Ibeir"*d th?ir author* i?vr jmiUi?Ivb?I ilrtportal* U?ra(tM ditCoVcrWt: mImUi |Im? learned world b IdMhmI to IIm n? i nunnriHat uf llieir Congress, for (In> brti uud u>?t profound of nil lb* iwUcal collection* ct lant. The pr*M of Cambridge and Philadelphia, of (be UlMtjf toclttjr of New-York, and of tba Philo opbicnl boctoty, m well m dsat uf tba Confre* and oitnn, Mug to ligb every mr very intereat ing literary prodneiiun*. Um of tbair |n|)triiloar ba? imumcud mmr than IIM) American work*, afl new, and counting of nnvtli, |?oeio?, Irtnwb, lrwrtW> u|hmi moral |ibilo*upliy, mineral ogy? |Jiv*ieal and political geography, hUtory, hi ugrapby, philology, oratory, agriculture, garden ing, and mechanic*; their olftrial * riling! upon pJ*Uc afair*, and the rcnorti of their ehicf ttcrcta ? y of afate, <r?i very diatinguiafced work*. Tba Unltril Statra are alao lb* Arme?t oippnit era <>( the lllierty uf the mm, and of agriculture in relation with commcire. Tbcy were (he Ar?t In prohibit the atava trade, and declare il a piracy. Their doctrine of government and tlie flnanrr*. ha? rvfii found followers m tome |i*r?? Printing ?*Hh them i* carried ..n i?ft?-r a i.i,.rr eMenaire wale, and to greater advantage tttmi with m; ?n<1 it U In their own ?dttk>n?, tit*l lUy moat ;jenendly irad foreign work?. Our lxM>k<', whan iinpnrted to their country, itcmw tnurh Wtd for typographical harveat. They etpvud yearly, in |iuMtahingf from two to Hum million* <>f dollar*. I tut (bay want a law to imled thU liin.t nf iiropcity.?They have |ialill?bci! iiu?f Ihm three laM years, 7,fc*? coj?ira of 5tf?r?U't fhilotophy, and a ?a|ii*al u( juii.KW iMI*o to enptajred lot the reprinting IU? Knryrlopadln. They hare al ?o printed SOM/lOOcvpW of the novel* hy the an Ikorof Wererly, which make* la all ttN^IMIO vol ?in; a ad there W alway* no their paldu; m*<K two hundred ntuoM loaded with hnoh* K da d? ankle, the Lira of Washington, hy M. W rriw, ?a* a ma #f more than a hundred ihmmntl an nt*f They pnat im?t mtinwr o4 jmmMh ?rv? ifc?r*ry rmin. iWH. AarfitM IU?i?* (??? ? mW of 4000 Mplft, m4 tfc?y r*-|Viul kit ?<|?al mimbrrof ?ar Umhw|A uJ TKovgh tliM have only llw mttliou* -?f tnlwM NM?, lK*y Nn port tlMti !??*? p?rW?<tlc?l pa Ml, Of eWI wmi ^oNHtal |mMM^ ???)? ?*T ?>??<*?> ??m mmmy ttio-Hantf eeherribw*. B?i ik*ir *r??i ndrntff V <rtf f!b*rty ?f tfc* pf??? ?Nrli S??? rthipfWiM? abaae, bmt mmmi c.rzizz fMM, a?d a?M aattee CaabaaftaaUiMZmfUimt'STC jatnukwkmtlmpl ; tbapabbc d?j??laa lo . *bla it lb TMr % nifirifli #Moy ^ (1^1 um( libuly r v T^Mck yo?i should aruayoaraall wltb Jaiirlary labor* for tba end ?4* iintio?ln( o? ciwMil;, or mK la tba aid of bJu RMijr aad lahmiy, yoa ?aljr atitt iacreaae th? atrll. Tba Aiwhini haw la etarvlac forty-four Utoa. ?aaiai>i?loa? for iaMW?g|?| invention mod 1??tiiaiiat ia dw am. Nakbar Kaglaad a or ?e baa ?? away; a?J ikelr eooeefvaieey a< aw banfehly itncUdu lba( bafaaclaf Co aMhar oftbeaa aaaatriaa. Tbair uuuwbetbia f??r tba ifbawncf canon,am productive of ?w WMllh tbaa 1?M apoa tliia btdaairy coald produce Tbair mill* too, art tapnior to tboaa of Earope, aad tbay bare Waatad taraaty dHhraai Wind* 4 wnviujt loom*, that in tm< by taaai. w at?r, ?rM, or aainaaU. rbair tpiaaiag machine* ara \iuericaaathat w? are really indebted tor tbe in vent ton of >(r.^m-boAt*, which ?re not lea* 1 ia por ta at (or maiutr.ialag civil and religtoaa Ubaity, than Riinpowdrr, prfjMaft or tbe cotapaaa. The United 9t?teaua alao greatly dfat>ajtaithed above other cnoatrnra, for the contraction and rrjuiptmrnt nf alil|H of enmmerct un>l ot *a?. Their merchant vtoeli, which have crew a ao frtv in nuui^'r, tpate the one third of the time which tltn ve?i t? ot ot Iter nation* employ in t.'io ? nnil it ia only tltoae of the Br tiaii na vy that can cope with them tor apeed. la tin- art ot t'oiikinictiiig a {itoujcti, a thip, 01 a honae, the American* c.m contend with the ,-oe|>le of any other nati'Mi, a itliout eire;.(U>n lu no |?*il 'iflli* world i?a* liieirbeen creatrr (irorrv**made in t!ie rational um of (he lour HinuU, ?i>d their pro* doer, thou in the United Statea, for tiioir iahubi , tawti^re bell* r led, and more comfortably c I oath ? d, iBa ihuet ot moat oilier rouulrns 'I'hrv I taal^rv better led, and more comfortably cloatb ? d, wBa tboaa ol moat oiltar r.nuulrira They have hot oa* m^ldUiift city for a capital, and ah i tltair townMofiher niarcvly couUin a million of inhabitant*; yet their LritLea. biAaaam. c?h?i. aqueduct*, and facility ul <-ofnut?uiic*&M?, cacti iiio*e of many ulher couothr*. Ju (?? jmnd|M te willbav* I?rihm?d ibmkr paal wwli by pa MMnd navi<mtioo tifJOjLXM mile* Iron Um valley* ? of Ilia *?*t to tW wmtfn of Um Hud?.u mrnd 1km * C'ti M|?r?k. IWniiMlMprtHMU Europe any rccku? IJiiO m l?o nr* tdiMleU lor pa>*ni*i?, ?umJ nltoul ItHXi ihut are given 10 tbe ilndv of tltn l??t nn J there arc more than ? 100 ?eraittario*. or i?n ry iiutilutiou*, whiih are for IU? mini >nrt cce?-?i attlcal Uitructloa It in no part a iuoo..(k>A or political butnuuenl, and tb<-y know not i Cwttyto. ?relation wbkbahowaa tewtoncy to |to****ei.l.(rr. There are ualvarvitir* where they confine iW r Ma dia*, as in tbr l ullc^r* nf Europe, to lircak, Latin, Lo^it.and Kheioric; but in allotherparWia?lrn i.ou lAo lortiiy the miuJi and procure utt-lulkitoM 1. ii;*. t'ny.ks, lite malUewalic#, natural K.eno. and lite liviuj; lao/ua^< ?. arc Ibara tbe object* ol a j..?i feranc*. teach nt-ilhcr Latin nor (irmk in military *choola. In tho?e countries wberu l.>?-y eiidcnvor to ?upf>c?j? ? wi?e liberty, the Ms. i ..f revolution frnnant, end ^edition and rot oil f,?,t way into tbeir ??Oool? an<lac?d?mic*. joiningof lh.*aiud bat ei'ulfd iu North Autcrira, lot lit* voiulion it, accoatplnbed thru.- without luuoilt and maMacra. Here eran cultivator* C4mm|>.attend lbapbiio?o|tbyof politic* l?e* tar than nt?ny unm an h*. Poetry, inuik, and p-M!1"*. utay iatt,rui?h oven i? Italy, ln*t ntiMoeophy, and tbe art* mm] act enca* ahull r?-i ?n ia tbe United 4t*t?*; it ?* iruiu them thai tba ruler* of tbe old n- irld ran learn what a latfiulatton I* worth wint lt*v?? rer.-iv*d, ut | tin* |MiUUe aajtonca, and ninom* rank* all urrtui, matruation ahvay* dtrcc*. t?wtrd* urltat i* u?IU. Luroyran Alngatntt. t,J*ri?r?/.Ifrifl.?The long abated qut>*iinn of :Ue termination <>f litr Si^rwun lo I* now ?allied bayoad doubt. Toe It vputhcM* 8rat main laiaed, wa believe, by lite (Jerman neogra^n-r Kkdiard, aiWwarrie countenanced by Maltr Bruit, and ?u|?)Mirtid w it It great ingenuity and r**rarclt by Mr >|-Quauii, In a work |tuMi?hf.d a (em year* ago at lldlnltur^h, that (ha Hater* of the .Mverare dbeltareedioiolheUulph <A tiuiuea, by ibe ltl(bu of Benin and lllalra, or one of tbaae r'lannel*. U i mi id lo be tally e*u?Mtohad by the le*tiutony of Maeer*. Dmkam andClamwrton, who have lately retaroed In Kngland. we publwhed 3 or 4 yeata ago an enaly*i? of iba |Hrinripul aritwnirnt* nf Mr. M'Qutwu in ?unp??f1 of hi* hy|to'Jie*is, which veined to leave but a 4ta<low ol doulrt upon Iba quedion. Il wa* undonMrdly und< r I hi* im pre?4oo llini tbe late Mr. Mrlaotti reaulvcd to lie nutrate Africa bv wav of Hemn. whl.-h iw?lx. (toll ha ?ai uii III* point of carrying into tfiVct m Iwrn Im M??r? IWwm ??! n?|ffrlon ln>f?n tlirir vo)a<?- in the vmi l*JI,?n.i afli-r ?|tcndms (hrr* wtiol* ycai* in Iht iniwrmr nf Alrtei, afrivnl ut Tripoli in Jaiiuarv 1M. 'lKa Ka^tui Con?ut at Tripoli,mMh??leu IlirWtrrivnl by i *;>i?nd.<) trie. 1 *<i ?f Ihtir |artv, Mr Ondney ?nd Mr Twilr, dirJ In ifrlr* fli.) U( Mr. *r?rwtitl at Uwimw 1 in tlw r*|M(ily ol CoiimiI, an?l Mr M U ing <vi< left In dvwoitil I'.h* rivrr from T<>i?W i<x> to Hcnnin, ohrf il ia Uop*d Ik will tirivi! in the ?{irinj'?f IW4?IM*x DaUg .Unrhmr. .4tit if* /? Ftmalu ? Bclfhw than polithftd Jk vrr, nkm ?aiunM? ibMti I'xrurt** mrt, more pro cIimiiiIih Ike |i??rl uf lit* m??, (Kan lhi> diamond In iIm* U?wrl? uf iKr rartk, all Um ?MniMK ln? tarrt of lb? Minra of /V?f ?? rr^nWitn U> a woman. \rt lho?( hranttful a* tlir nmrntMg, arl lH?a OHnrljr M Hl? writing, <l.i itu?(nr> ?fxtak iky [inlw mi4 thy arti?MifitaiM!? \mttr Ihrh tHtwnl MMM IW yrt Iliy ?r*? U a ?imm palli. it *n which, If Ih* Mrajr^M, thmi wiM wn r mot* And M i*rt, (by will Ik iti nd into iwW an4 thy mcqf?i*iin* ??*o Ixra