The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, December 28, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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I Santa Makes Them Happy 1j < I With But a Single Thought 1" I mmim <&in*errr*e/M/; i j Things That Old Kris Brought j | \The Christmas Dolly \ ! Herald Book Store. NOTICE OF MASTER'S SALE. Pursuant to a decree of the Court n the case of J. \\\ Stokes vs. H. C. 'rum, et al., the undersigned, a9 Maser for Bamberg County, will sell at mbl'ic auction to the highest bidder, :t the Court House, Bamberg, S. C., -n the first'Monday in January. 1923, >etween the legal hours of sale on aid day, the following described ands: "All of that certain tract of land j ituate in the County of Bamberg, ; hate of South Carolina, containing! wo hundred, seventy-four and one- j lalf (274 1-2) acres being the same; nore or less, and being bounded on j he north by right of way of the; Southern Railway Company and; ands of E. X. Brodie; east by lands j if J. H. Hadwin, E. X. Brodie, and Villie Bessinger; south by lands of i. J. Hightower; and west by lands if E. C. Hays; said tract of land beng the same formerly owned by W. J. Brabham, and by him conveyed to J. C. Crum and A. P. Guess, less orty-eight (48) acres sold by said I. C. Crum and A. P. Guess to E. X. Brodie." Terms of sale, cash; purchaser to >ay for papers and revenue stamps. J. J. BRABHAM. JR.. i Master for Bamberg County. December 11, 1922. NOTICE OF MASTER'S SALE. Pursuant to a decree of the Court n the case of 'Mrs. Laura F. Roberts, Cxecutrix vs. R. C. Roberts, et al., lie undersigned, as Master for Bamterg County, will sell at public aucion to the highest bidder, at the Jourt House, Bamberg, S. C., on the irst Monday in January, 1923, beween the legal hours of sale on said lay, the following described lands: "That certain lot of land, with >uilding9 thereon, situate in the 'own of Ehrhardt, County and State .foresaid, fronting on Broadway street, and extending along said treet from lot of J. F. Chassereau to [itch which separates said lot from >ther lot of the said J. H. Roberts, nd having a depth of two hundred nd ten (210) feet, and bounded as olows: north by lot of J. F. Chasereau, east by Broad street; south ind west by other property of the aid J. H. Roberts, said lot of land ?eing the same conveyed to the said 5. M. Roberts by the said J. H. Robrts." Terms of sale, cash; purchaser to iay for papers and revenue stamps. J. J. BRABHAM, JR., Master for Bamberg County. December 11, 1922. ^ ???????? RUSTEE'S SALE IX BANKRUPTCY X THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES ^OR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In The Matter of S. W. COPELAND, Bankrupt Pursuant to Order of P. L. Felder, r., Referee in Bankruptcy, made in 1 Plan F? * * * > I Farmers Are Urgi I Definite * * A * t | Eecommendati I and scientific farm | Gov. Harvey, are i | 1. Destroy th< | cotton and corn st; I other trash on the i * 2. Prepare la] | proved varieties. I press, Cleveland E | Dixie Triumph. I 3. Use fertiliz | ton per acre in an; | vil. This will var | soda early, before 1 f 4. Plant as so< I munity should be ] | the middle of Apri I 5. Practice fr< | Practice thick spa< * 6. Practice ea | This must be done t order to be effectiv *> * 7. Definite rec | future consideratk $ conference at Wai f: general policy to b< | 8. Develop a f | weevil conditions. * * ' t % ^4 ^4 4*4 ^4 ^ >|l ^ lift the case of S. W. Copeland, Bankrupt, I will offer for sale, at public outcry, for cash, to the highest bidder sub-! ject to the approval of this Court, in ' front of the Court House at Bamberg South Carolina, in t!be County of! bamberg, State of South Carolina, be- j ginning at eleven (11) o'clock A. M. j on the Sth day of January A. D., ;ii23, the following real estate: Tract No. 1 566 acres, more or less, farm lands,: in Three .Mile Township, Bamberg County. S. C., this tract being bound-; ed on the North by lands of I. D. Copeland, lands of .M. \V. Rentz and lands of Mrs. U. A. Hughes; East by lands of J. C. Rentz, lands of M. W. | Rentz and lands of J. W. Goodson; j South by lands of A. W. Kinard and ; lands of F. E. Copeland, and on the' West by lands of F. E. Copeland and j lands of Mrs. U. A. Hughes. Tract Xo. 2. 51 acres, more or less, farm lands, in Fish Pond Township, Bamberg County, S. C., known as the Hattie C arter Tract, bounded on the North by lands of D. B. Rhoad; east by lands of D. B. Rhoad; and estate lands of J. H. Smith; South by lands of L. J. Kinsey, and \Ve9t by lands of G. W. Carter and lands of S. L. Davis. Tract No. 3. 55 acres, more or less, farm lands, in Fish Pond and Warren Townships in Bamberg and Colleton Counties, S. C., respectively, known as the Sineth tract, bounded on the North by lands of V. E. McCormick and lands of Isham Padgett; East by lands of Isham Pad?ett and lands of W. B. Hagan; bouth by lands of H. B. and D. M. Linder, and West by lands of V. E. .McCormick. Parcel No. 4. Lot and four stores, in Town of Ehrhardt, Bamberg County, S. C., lot running 100 feet on Broadway and extending through 420 feet deep to Madison Street, bounded on the North by lot of Lyles Ehrhardt and Mrs. O. D. Richie; East by Broadway; South by lots of D. C. Copeland and J. S. and E. D. Dannelly, and West by Madison Street. ? Tract No. 1, of 566 acres, located in Three-Mile Township Bamberg Pz-kimtv Qrmth Parnlin?) "hfl.a been an praised at $11,400.00. Tract No. 2, of 52 acres, in Fish Pond Township, Bamberg County South Carolina, has been appraised at $520.00. Tract No. 3, of 55 acres, in Fish Pond and Warren Townships, Bamberg and Colleton Counties, South ,arolina, has been appraised at $550.I Buy Your Nitra | Representing Yi g Importers, in Ba S are in a position a 1 closest market pr a phone us for pric< I SHULER | Phone 647. Orangeburg v* J* % *** *** ? * t ? ? i- in ed tfy Agricultural Programme, Which E: Strongly Recommends ons of the conference of agri Lers, held in Columbia Novemb is follows: e weevil's winter quarters, 1 alks and by cleaning terracef tarm. id early and thoroughly. Pla Among the best varieties a] tig Boll, Delta Type and (on t ;er sufficient, such as would m average season without the pr y on individual farms. Make si -* ^ i i _ tiie first blooms appear. on as ground is warm. All cott Dlanted at about the same tim< i). equent shallow cultivation to sing. rly square picking if cheap I very thoroughly every five df e. ;ommendations on poisoning >n by this conference until ai shington has been held to de s recommended for 1923. ertile soil as the best asset to f * !"!' > ? * '! -I' 'I* * 4' 4 00. Parcel No. 4, being four lots and store buildings thereon in the Town of Dhrhardt, Bamberg County, South Carolina, measuring 100x420, has !;een appraised in two parcels,?lot and store now occupied as Drug Store and lot and buidling now occupied by the U. S. Government as Postoffice, appraised at $4,500.00; and two lots and one double store occupied by S. ' \W Copeland, appraised at $6,000.00. The store now occupied as Drug tore is rented for $25.00 per month, and the building occupied by the Government as a Postomce is under contract at a rental of $360.00 per year. The double store, occupied by 3. \V. Copeland, is rented at $37.50 er month. This store property is situated on the main business street in the Town of Ehrhardt. Any additional information may be obtained from the Trustee or his Attoneys, Brown & Bush, H. L. 0'Bannon or Carter, Carter & Kearse, of Barnwell and Bamberg, S. C. S. B. MOSELEY, | Trustee. Barnwell, S. C. 1-4 NOTICE OF MASTER'S SALE Pursuant to an order of the Court in the case of .Mrs. L. .M. Sledge vs J. S. Dannelly, et al., the undersigned, as Master for Bamberg County, will sell at public auction, ta the highest bidder, at the Court House, Bamberg, S. C., on the first Monday in January, 1923, between the legal hours of sale on said day, the following described tract of land: All that certain tract or plantation of land, situate in the County of Bamberg, State of South Carolina, measuring and containing five hundred and seventy-four (574) acres, more or less, and bounded, now or formerly, as follows: north by lands of H. J. Vaorco ond octato lariHa r?f Rpard ! east by lands of H. J. Kearse and Connelly; south by other lands of J. S. and E. D. Dannelly; and west by lands of the estate of Dr. James' Kearse and Connelly, the said tract of land being made up of several parcels known as the Lowden Slager tract, containing two hundred and two and one-half (202 1-2) acres, the C. Ehrhardt tract containing two hundred and seventy (270) acres, and the J. F. Kearse tract, containing one hundred and two and six-tenths (102.6) acres, more or less. >^4 Terms of sale, cash; purchaser to pay for paperg and revenue stamps. J. J. BRABHAM, JR., I Master for Bamberg County. te of Soda Now 7. R. Grace & Co., mberg county, we it all times to name ices. Write or tele- . es. & SMOAK ;, S. C. 22 S. Church street. J " '' sH _____________ f I tuiurui i * 1 9 y t I 4 :ientists to Follow f I iperience | * * * * ');< f cultural scientists ;; erl8onthecailof It ' )y plowing under s, ditch banks and ;; * <> nt best seed of ap- j re Lightning Ex- * vilt-infested land) | A * ake a bale of cot- | esence of the wee- | Lde applications of $ on in a given com- I } (from the first to f * 2 keep up fruiting. % * * abor is available. ? * tys if possible in ? are deferred for I fter the proposed - | termine upon the * arming under boll J * * f .{ 4Hf<WHN>44<MHwH> 'I1 'I'