The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, June 25, 1925, Image 6

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V §'" M-.-f I >fc’ y n T Coal Operators Advised by Cassatt K. I'hllailAlphfi^ hankfr, prwjcrlljed for the Ills of the MtomlDouA coal Industry at the eighth annual meeting of the National Coal apftoclatlon in Chicago re<-ently. Ses- ^eral thousapd coal operators and 700,- OftO miners are directly concerned with what this financial expert say. way. And? as she twined her nrm^ about his ntvk, he hent and kissed her. It was the kiss of Judas.* Hut Estelle, happy again to feel her love returned, only lifted her tips to his in a touch that made him wince at hli own treachery. “Then" I'll go and «tay with that poor girl tonight. Jim, dear,” she said, “and tell her that there’s nothing to he afraid of.” ' ■> Itathwa.v, takep' by surprise, man aged, to keep Ids .countenance but when Estelle had departed for the-hut, he broke into almost nniniaeal ' ijt-es. I>- n her ! She had tricked him with *her very innfx-ence ! "And ome again he found hjmseflT in the old predh ament : lie cofjld take the gold and leave-the girl, wr he could wait till the opportunity arose to t.ak» -Jojce, certain that meanwhile his m< would demand their snares. Eight of them ; He fell into h gnashing fury.-. He had risked so iiiluIi. and tliis fool of J a woman had halken iiii.n tit the end! | Hour after hour that night Jlstelle sat beside Joyce in the hut autotig the i feeds, soothing her. mothering her, 1 coaxing her to eat, and- trying to re- * store her tottering mind* to sanity. .Hour V er hour. Joyce at Iut side, !,ak«4-4- men 1 The men were fools anyway, but trebly so when thir cupidity, was aroused. Ttathway Imagined th^ rreeil leaping into their eyes, and lattglie.i. He was reckless now. The hooch devil' rode ffirn at last. And in,his tpind’s eye he saw Jhe fdcture. " Ami, wiiat a holocaust ftir Jovcel No one could prove auvijiing, e ! ther, even if they caught him. And the bodies of Lee .and I'elly would never j he found. There vvtxs Lstelle, of course. | but whatever ha|g)* ned, she would never give him away. i LtiriOusly,, Lstelle. vvh4 had loomed so prominently as his chief difliculty, now assumed an insignificant part in the proldeni. He didn’t even consider .what disposition be was going to make of her. “Yon get hack, Pierre, and say ''met ifle going over to-Use-neck,” he sat'd, ‘And hold ’em twenty minutes." I'lcrre departed. Jiathwav and Beware of Alco;iol darkness, and 1 The Free Traders •By. Uictor Rousseau WNU 8KRV1CB Copyright by W. G. Chapman. -AT a* CHAPTER XIX Flimsy Bars Rathway confrofit^s^ Lstelle with bitter hate lb hla U»«*k-^»-Khe came up to him. “Well, where have you been?" he de manded roughly. * “What's that to you?’’ Lstelle re torted., "See here! You think I'm-going to have you prowling all round the cotin try, doing flod knows what, when I’m keeping you here?” His eyes roamed over her He saw that her clothes were’splashed with muddy snow. He •aw the fatigue In her hearing eHv <Jod, you followed me!” he cried. He seized her fiercely by the Wrists Estelle looked into his face, laughing contemptuously, (tathway's eyes fell He swore tinder his breath. “You think you can frighten me hv violence, Jim? You oitgltl to him learned hy, now thaCYbut doesn't pay. vMiten did you nring hack, ilie-g'iii or I he gold ?” Kathfviiv writhed tiiidcr the sling of hen contempt. “You were eim-.drop ping outside the houw, d n you!’’ ilSuddenly he changed Jus tone. “Both !” he crlj-d exultantly. Vi ve got the girl, and I've niched the gold t! here, w he tie no one eatl filTmT.' His rage| broke out again. “I've lutil enough of tour tongue!" he cried ‘I’ll hu-ve n<f^jiies in my camp. You «oitld put a rope around my neck with wlmt, you know Hv Hod. 'Lstelle. a little common sense 1 should tell yon vou’re playing with fire when you try to cross me. I've never treated you mean with money. YoiHi, have enough to live-in ( omfort on for the rest of your life if ’’ 0 “What have tou done with Ander- nori?” asked Lstelle ijuie’lv. “Anderson's vvnere he'll 'cause no ftirl4,iei troutile.'’ - “You mean you you killed him, after after * your agreement.?"' " “-I u you. you heanptlfat. did.ton ?“ ahouted Hathway, lut.iiijig livid with fear. “No, | didn't ki:l him. if v-oti want to know,. He met with an a< cldent. “-See here, Lstelle,". he loniimied,, “you and me've got to w-eik toghtlier 1 on this game and nof try to cross one another. Play fair with me and I'll Itla”^ fair with you. I want .yyi to make that girl act sensible, she's, like a tlgrt'ssv N.ovv you’re, an intejligent woman. You know how I feel aim it her, and quarrelling wont help mat ters. H won't last, and then HI come back to you—■" ^ Rabfdle drew her hands out of Itath- » grasp and placed them on hi* •boulders, looking «earchlngly Into his Uct.. , “Now, Jim, I want yon Just to Ms ten to me,” she said. "You know you've never gone wrong when you’ve followed my advice. And 1 guess you know I’m the only friebd you've g.ot In the world, don't you, Jim?” “Well, what If that'* so?” he mut tered. “I told you you'd“made a mistake In bringing that gii'l here befdhe.” “Aye.’T he sneered, "and" you told me old Felly’s mine didn’t exist. And I’ve got the gold! I've got the gold, I ’ell you!” he cried exultantly. “I was wrong, then, but that was a mutter of fact ttnd not of‘ Judgment.' Jim, you know thN is nothing hut an Infatuation of vmjrs As you said. It • /* y* ' * » won’t last And what to do with, her afterward? ” You know what It'IJ mean to you ” Lstelle ?vas pleading now. ‘‘You know when Mc- Hrath learns the truth, he’ll raise the wpole, court fry agaltrst you. Let tier go, Jim. What do you mean to do?” •'You know what I mean to do!” snarled Rath wiry; hut he could not nusd her gaze Lstelle laid- her hand on It is aym. “Jim. did. you ever have pity on any one in your Ljfe?" she asked. “Oh, maybe, when I vyas young and foolish." “Old you ever fi-el respect for any woman, Jim?.' “Ah, cut out that line of-talk. *Ls- j telle! Hon’t, try to ride ^the moral horse when If-s lust plain Jealousy— one female jealous of another. That's all it Is." "It's not, Jlni. And you'll regret what you're planning to <Jo. Jim I—I feel you're slipping your neck into a noose—-” ~ j He leaped hack and swore Violently at her. 'Tut out that talk. 1 ft-M you!” he shouted, almost beside hitjisrlf. ‘‘.Ilui, listen Just listen T guess I'm not what anyone would call a good woman, hut I was like that girl once, and- I can't hear it. Jim. Jim, I II do anything In the world for you.If you’ll .have pity on her. . It may h*f there’s Jealousy, too. hut it's much’ more much more for her sake— and for yours.” " , Lstelle was working herself into one of her hys'erlcal .frenzies. Itath.vvay- grevv crafty. It i? not easy for a man id fool-a woman, except ’ whim she is in love with,him. Then It isn t very- hard. Atjd Lstelle w as ' desperately eager to l»e*deceived. "See here. Lstelle.” said Rathway gently, ‘you know if 1 let her go what would happen. I've got to keep her here till J know there's going to he no come hack. I've got to see this thing ‘through. She’ll come to no narin nt my hands. " Lstelle looked at him eagerly. ''Jim, you* mean that?’’ she cried. "Yon swear that you tnean it?” “I mean more than that. You know me and you arc partners, ihrough'tjjlck iiiidJ Idn, fora good while now. though we'ye had our . quarrels. Well, 1 won't deny what yon Said about an infatuation Rut I’iU getting sat staring ouf inti/ thi did not utter a vyord. And hour afti-r hour Ikathway sat drinking in his hut on jjie proiniu.tory, and '♦ eking that intoxication that jier- sisted in eluding him, witlunit which he could hot shake off the uncertain going l 1 ties that oppressed him. *1 He iinisl get Lstelle out of the way. The thought of Joyce was unbearable -/Joyce, whom he had caught a second time, only to find himself enmeshed in a weh of unfbreset-n things, flimsy, and yet like iron bars between them If he attacked L-sieile s|,e would shrink from nothing. She carried a pistol, too Me dared not .stain Ids hands w ith-another murder He was afraid of her trust in him. which had disarmed -Mm; and, to be fair with him, he.shrank, from iuch a finale to his assocliMon with b'i#.*»t*' The face of Lee, upturned and white and ghastly in the current, stared at him, fcrom the walls, as Felly's used to do. He' shook his fist at it. It drove lym out, to pace 1 the promon tory;: then he would re/urn tyid hurl himself into ’Ids- chair savagely, and drink again And again he Would fling liiniself from the hut ; and all the w hile the conflict raged in hi'?'soul. He . could hear his men miitfei ing about the fire. -They \vere dnmk. no ifoubt. but They, had never ru ted that way itt drunkenness before He must vyas brewing Me must act sunn, wild cat. Lstelle. And the face ofjl fofe Ids i ves agal’h Something act that night. must gag that rose uj» VV l“Ut Shotty'went.,si+ftly out. >>f /the- hut Htnqng the pines. RaWhvvit.v -TetKNv^re enough of his, i-omjianijen t< ^vvalk in front of him. They heard the-voi«-es nf fh.d"inen ** . V' • fthour (hr* tire rise in’U loud dei-latUH- Mon ;is Pierre riMurned; then .the Sounds were cut off as they turned along the track through the morass. Presently the came it\to sjght above the rt-i/Js, and tbe hut beyond, with a light In it. Ruthwav could sm* the silhouetted figures of the two women. Joyce in a chair.-motionless, and Lstelle upon the bed beside low. He swore through his teeth as he watched them. “I guess- tlys place will do,” he said to Shorty. They squinted among, the reeds, their pistols in their hands.- 1 ' If had been , smffving* intermittently throttgdi the night, and it was an eerie watch, even for the uni miegina.ti ve, in the blitcf cold and blackness. /The night wind rustled t.he dead stalks of the reeds; the inn's keg. more treacherous _ for the surface ice that concealed, hut could never bind it. stirred and heaved imperceptibly, like,a vast. sea. Across the neck of land the flames of the ramp fire flickered against the rocks. , Suddenly.»after what -seemed like an eternitv of film*. Shorty vvhjsnered hoarsvly in Rat liw ay's ear, pulled at the -sleeve of ; his 'mackinaw, and pointed; % - l-'rom where th**y lurked they could s'ce figures oioving agntifist the hack- ground of fire in the iiirectioh of the neck. •* nriptiingytheir fdstol.s thev crouclied fnoflonlesyt tense w it It excitement. Hut up^ii (Cildden dtlier figures ap- pettred. moving toward the an til infers. They heard a sharp “Hands tip!” Any man or wbm'an whd suffers w ith kidney trougie should not take medi cines that contain alcohol. Thm^-is an herb balm called Hobo Kidney and Bladder Remedy famous through the Southeast for it - heai- , ing properties—it is made from an (herb plant tlvu. gro\<s in parts of j Last TeXas and Louisana. It con tains no alcohol, op'iates, or ha! ’.- i forming drug- , hut does carry a pt '-v- j • ei ful mirifyifig property that Iq'ts bee!; •{♦ used for years in the treatment of I serious organic ailments. It gives relief when other remedies ;fail. A treatment of six bottles costs ;utr/--rTTsuarantee(l to give satis- ^most serious cases. If your dtujggist docs not have it write HoIV. Medicine Company. Beau mont, Texas. • FOR OVER 40 YEARS used successfully m Catarrh. f . CAtARHII MEPI< INK ‘ sists of an Ointment which L'uwk'/ Relieves bv local aprUc.aioii and t i< Internal Medicine a Tome, wnlrn through the- Blood .on the Mucous fa es. thus reducing the intkinvnn.tion.V, Sold by all druggists. K. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. act. Sul !# j h. A AKUOK<>i<«H 1>!1. 4 » •I V you mi faction ever^in •% I % ! V V*f‘ Veterinary Surgeon , Peoples Fharinacy, Night 82 - S. C. Office Day Phone hh Penmark, */ hfv hark, , dra'ined Jos glass, put otit his light. He wnit**d a minute till the liquor be gan to race through his veins, plan ning what lfe~'shou!.d dt^— "Jlirij!’' - ‘ v - i , And you're to things teas ilial.ile my old, partner, St.-lia.” . What a fool the—\vomiiti was’ till \vomm vvet*''’ She wax clinging- to him. looking up at him with tha'I ab surd t J v pt : *'s,|on on her face-'that" had ome -ct his litutrl leaping How he hated her! ■ - ^ "Jin, ' 'Jim, d.-ar HM—c+niff* -dare .. ” f’- ' to believe what you're JkityitlL — ' “< til 1 gUCSS.yoll eatl' tV'liev <‘_iue, Stella, ' Rathway' at><vvrivi| ■''"easily. I’ll have to keepjliei here a week nr so. Just to »how AlfdCi aih I'm not run nlng away You./See, there's. Xnder- sott’s iieiiibn'. Ilq fell down the cliff killed at on, e. of course; and if I xvas to go away now they ij tliink there'll been foul play or something." "You ydti swear it-vvHs'an accident, Jim?" '■ "Sure it was! So you see, Stella, I’ve gofto keep her here s little wiiilU. .Then we[l get away from here for-, ever, yon ahd me ami tfie gold.” ’ t >h Jim. yott ve made me happier tliHRj’ve been since sln«> yarn seemed to vesse to care ^'^rtl do care for m*' a little. Jim?' • gainst hint. “A s in m h as «*v er, site asked, nestling^' gnd Lstelle too. J coining back. He startied. His hands leaped to h'« pistol as t vu> shadow s glided in thryugii | the' (Tooi w’Tfyt.‘ Shorty and Pierre ad vanced openly toward him. "Stop ’flu re!" he 'growled. "Hell?” : What ij/fou want?” .They shifted uneasily- In front 'of •him. “Hell, there's ben some gniin- liHn' about that gold, 'Jim.'' Shorty ■* vouchsafed. -"The boys kinder seem to think you ,-rtn t planniit' to jdav fair Wit h ein. 'I hey ’v e jiiiit' Ki aun r on guard to watch fclosTlyotor boat In ease you might he aimin' fa git away 'with her ' > i “Whjits that?" snarled Rathway. >• He .sprang to liis feet. From the door of the hut lie could discern a shadowy tigure ne;tr the parapet. For , ! an instant he was about to nisli at it In his rage. Hut then hi' cunning came to his aid. He turned hack into 1- the huf; | '’What's their game—and yours?" .SlLurt y hesitated HVVdl, ya see, Jim. life gnd Pierre's alius stood hy ya, and we kinder thought we'd let ya know -ih<* hoys has been lalkiti things' over among Ihemselves- Rathwav 'inib-d sotirlv. He knew file pair of thc*i> would noj’ have hesi tated to --.ide >w ith t lm iiuit ir.cers# jf they had l-houglit, there was any chance ' of oijiyvijfing hqn I’icriT* and. Shorty ■ knew Ratlivjay s vigilaie-e, his iu|ku^te resource ; ■ "isptl? it ’" I ".Weif, Jim I guhss they .re g-t./tn’ reatly It' rush,you. novv~yoj| y e’ptit cat yntir light They're aiming to tie you up and git away with |he gold in the motoj-'TioaI. , "Just to tie me? They wouldn't | I liurt me -'' Ratlivvay snickered, and tiie pair shufUed their feet pneomfortuhly. < He lasrghe’d^ And his plans to meet this situation leaped into Ids mind. ; lie must let the men attack, and then, ! when he had finished with them, he'd! 1 make short work of Pierre aud Shorty, | His confidence was ALL is not On thatoozsLS I V /■ r N0TBY A qyiARJTia Anybody can make an oil that will lubri cate, but it takes years of experience to refine an oil that will stand heat, % , ' V - speed, pressure, narrow clearances, ft and still do a thor ough job of lubri cating your motor. “STANDARD Jalaiias.MOTOR OILS ‘•Based on over ' 50 reprs' experience Moray bark v/itlyout qnrstT- if HUNT'S GUAR ANT FED SKIN I Hunt’s Salve and Soap p tlie treatment ot Itch. Ecrema King worm. Tetter pr other itch- irg skin dise.tstN. Ty tbs. treatment at our risk. Mase & Dcason Drug Store Barnwell, South Carolina. MONEY TO LOAN Loams fliade same da application received. No Red Tape HARLEY & BLATT Attorneys-at?Law BarnwelL S. C. | t KODAKERS! Send yoifr films to Us for develop ing and prinfiUkT. Hue day service Write lor prices, Lollar’s Studio 1123 Main Street < OH Mill \ SOI I M ( AKOLIN \ We sell Eastman Films Send Us Your Job Work. I f I v ? i LONG TEK.'l MU.MA to LliYI) ] 6 peccen^ interest on larpr amounts, Privaie funds for.small loan’s. t X LAWYERS BROWN & BlISH BARNWELL. SOUTH CAROLINA. ’> V Ik* 0 t They Heard a Sharp “Hands Up." Fol lowed by charge of an Oath, Firearms. Cries, the Dts- folioVM elm rgc And aspen "Its •tics. ■ J she dis- 1 by ;iii oath of tire arms R;1I liv’v ay, trembling like an •qf. stared iino Shorty’s face, him! He lie's come back,”^ he fmhbled in superstitious terror, (CONTINUED -NEXT WEEK.) , BOILER FLUES MILL CASTINGS AND SLFPLIES BELTING, PACKING AND LACING WOOD, IRON AND STEEL i Jtring KNtMNK HKI'AIRS in auto forqnleli work LOMBARD IRON WORKS, AUGUSTA, GA. \ A: “Say It With Flowers” • — from — CLOUD S GREEN HOUSES “Augusta's Largest Green Houses ’ ' L- Prompt Service Efey and Night 1 Block North of C hildren’s Hospital I 423 Estes St. - Phong 33 1 4 - Augusta, Ga. BEST PHARMACY, Agents, Barnwell^ 1BNC TEI INEf Farm Loans 6 per cent., large amounts, town prop erty in Barnwell, residential and business, 7 per cent. Loans, procured promptly at lowest cost. Allendale, Bamberg and Barnwell Counties. THOMA M. BOULWARE Attoi;ney-at-law - Barnwell, S. C. '*2*. answered Ratb- • •*# # JA11 Lines of Insurance $ j |Farm Coverage a Specialty| Calhoun and Co. P. A. Price, Mgr. i Bank of W. C. Bldg. | 1 1 - r “They sent me and Pierre to te** if foil'd gone to sleep here." “Well. , I ain't,’’ IHthway returned, laughing • Tigain. He knew his non chalance at once discomfited and bound them to him through fear. "I’ve gone to the hut across the neck to' say good nigli) to the girl, and maybe. Jf she presses me. I won’t be hurrying away. Get that?” he asked, as they guffawed self consciously. “You’ll go back and tell ,’em Fm gone. Pierre. Yop got your gun. Shorty? All- right. You and me’ll have a'quiet little sessibn in the swamp, waitin’ for ’em to come along ]I the trap oup by one-—eb. Shorty" . He clapped each one on Hie shoulder. “There’s gold enough in that pack to make us three millionaires, and there’ll be a d—n sight less sharing." he said. “And listen, boys. I've cached It, so. if Fu/'roaked, nobpdvji get it. See?” -** -'■ . 'f ■ <» - e. ‘ ^ The f UNit"rKSiTY of south Carolina a J J T T ? T T ? f ? f Scholarship and Entrance Examinatioi s. „ - examination for the award of vacant scholarships in the University of South Carolina and f’4 admission of new students will be held, at the County Court House Friday, July 10, PJl’5, at 9 o'clock a. m. •Applicants must not be less than 1G years of age. Scholarships are vacant in the following 23 counties: - j Charleston, Dorchester, Jasper, . Cherokee, Fairfiel'd, Laurens, Clarendon, Hampton, Lexington, Dillon, Horry, Marion, Applicants for-scholarships should write to President Melton for)scholarship application blanks. These should be filed with’ the President by July 7th. ScholarshipsJu;e worth $100310, plus free AlleTulale Barnwell, Beaufort, Berkeley, Oconee Richland, Saluda, Sumter, Union, Wiliiamshur: York: -v . fl t Y t Y Y Y v t Y ID tuition and fees. The next session will open Septembe^TGth, l!fl2o. Y Y For further information write to: 7 PRESIDENT W. D. MELTON University of South. Carolina, 1 . •--I—-- A L niversmy ui rwiuin. varouna, Columbia, S. (’, t * ,/ V- * 1 ' f Y ❖ * /