The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, June 25, 1925, Image 2

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-* ~T ■ I. ■ 1 ■ % 'S' * <•(' rAGE TWO. THE BARNWELL PEOPLE-SENTINEL, BARNWELL, SOl’TH CAROLINA I- > > Beautiful Addition to University of Michigan THURSDAY. JUNE 2r*TII. J»2.' / I lie lifiiuihijl l'nlv«*rsUv of .Miflii^nn i.iiXwors ilnh, Mif #l.soo,oon Wlllixm W. <’o<ik <>r \f\v \ Hrk, uUioh was <lfdirnUMl «>a—J-um* l.'k 'i hf structure Is rlre“1lrst «>f fotrr units, wlik-li, wh**n fotniiloied, uill roinprise the new Mkhiiiun law lampus, all of whirli .Mr. Cook Is tinunclng with the royalties on several Ifual volumes of which he Is he nutliVir Wm. McNAB Representing FIRE. HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES.. <3>. . Personal attention given all business Office tn Harrison Block, Main St BARNWELL. 8. C. 666 > ■*' is a prescription for Malaria. Chills and Fever, Dengue or Billions Fever. It kills-the germs. SI MMONS FOR RELIEF. (Complaint Served.) Local and Personal News from VVilliston in * State of South Carolina, Cqpnty of Barnwell. In the Court of Common Pleas. 'Mnttfc Bell Besinger. * * Plaintiff, vs. Elizabeth Mims. Cecil Mims and Verlee Register, .' . JJefendbnts. YOU ARE MKRKliVsUMMONKn r anti requjred to answer the com plaint in this attion, of which a toffy is h' je'vi-Jf served upon you, and to .serve a copy of your answer to said complaint on (he -subscribers at their office in the town of Barnwell,. S. C., within twenty days after the service 'hereof, exclusive of the day iof such service; and if you fail to answer the ’complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the tomplaint. HARLEY & BLATT. Plaintiff’s Attorneys? ■Dated June A. D. 19‘J. r ‘. State of South Carolina^ _ t • County of Barnwell. In the Court of Common Pleas. Mattie Bell Besingei, 7 ” Plaintiff, vs. i' ' Cecil Minis »)ml \\ rlec Elizahctfi Mine Register, ' i I h'fe id. nts. TO THE I>E1 ENll.AX I . 7 CECIL M IMS: .( / ^0^ WILL. I’LEASE TAKE NO TICE that the complaint in-thc ahove •'•lit it ted action was.itn the d day of I^, i'.I‘Jo, I^L'^ in th.- office of the Will iton, Juno L’d. Billy i’attei'sop is 'visdti'io hisAtunt. Mis. Gill Charlotte, Miss Annie League .Merritt* is visit ing relatives in Woodrulf. M i-^X MariP Wise of Aiken is vi? ing relatives here. Mrs. J. H. White has returned from a few davs in Columbia. ,« Miss Eloise t/uattlehaum is attend ing the Winthrop Summer Schmd. Mrs. Ben Lewis of North Augusta spent Sunday with her mother at the home of Mrs. G M. Toole. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sykes ; id chil dren of Augusta were week-end visi tors of Mr. apd Mrs. W. C. Bell. Mr. T. B. Qua*tlebairrrrvisit d relti- tives here this week. ^ Laura Smith spent Ttiesjbf with Miss Elnise Corley: ./ “ Miss Louise PrCfliro has had as her house g'ue. t Neal 'Reames and Miss Louise Salley of Columbia tind Misses Christine and Evelyn Faust of Kitchings Mill, ynd Miss Cora Pro. thro oT Springfield. ^Leonard Mellichanip of Cha leston was- a week-end visitor of Mr. and Mrs. !..• S. Melliehamp, Misses Louis'* Kennedy a id Sara Trotti are spending This, week with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Trotti. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Black left latiLjweek for Miami, Florida, whe e Mr. Black lias accepted a. position in one of the- banks 9 * Mr. and Mrs. Chester Page were the. guests of Col. And Mrs. R. M. Mixon Friday evening. Mr. and Mr^'-VY. R. Kennedy <nid Hamilton OvVens spent Sunday in Allendale. -• Mrs. W. T, Willis, Jr. has icturneil from a vi>it to relatives hi RoweT- * ilk*. Mr. "aml Mrs. Q. A. Kennedy. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. •). A. Kennedy, Sr. and Q. A. III. left this week for Saluda. v- f, Smith Puivi< iv 'pending ^oine time iii' I’eteTsburg, Fla. ' Mis. and Mis. T. M. Willis and Mr. and Mr>. W. C. Smith. Jr. \ver< visi- tors iu Jidrtisto'i Sunday. Mrs. illis remained yheie for a visit. Mi: and M■ 11. M, Thomp on and cj,.,, cliihlren..Were visitors in Auousta h . i were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. G Greene. , Misses Mattie Lee Bennett Mayo Rountree are visiting Norman Snelling in Atlanta. Prof. Marion Willis has returned ^Newark, Delaware, where he is on the facuty of the•ilTiiversity (if Delaware, and is spending the summer t^ith his inothetj, Mrs. W. T. Willis, Sr. 'Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Weath^rsbee Mrs. Rosa Matthews a ml Mis. Bessie Greene motored to Hickory, N. ]C. After visitiny: in Choraw for two weeks, Nlrs. W. (V Smith has-return ed home accompanied by her neices Naomi and Marv Loitise Pe- -gues. Misses Helen 1 Pegues, Bessie Pe- gUes. Lucia Pegues of Mt. Pleasant, and Alesiey McCellan of Me Cellan- vitfe are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.? W. C. Smith. Mrs. Wage mu - and little daughter, Misses Louise and Julia Ray of Den mark were guests last week of Mr; an Mrs. S. B. Ray,, Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Kennedy, Jr. attended the commencement' of the University of South Carolina where the brother of the latter, Dubose Boy- leston, graduated in law. , Mrs.Marvin Boone, son, Mr. Boone anH daughter. Mrs. Kerr were week end' visitors of Mrs, Q. A. Kennedy, Sr. tir. Boone and Mrs. Kerr ren dered beautiful vocal selections at j-— ^ the services of the WiUiston Baptist Church last Surday- > Mrs. H. E. Raines of Charleston is visiting Mrs. G. W. Greene. Hart’s Battery Chapter.. U. D. C. met h riday, "June Pith, with Mes- dames; W. 11. Manning and J. W. Od- iorne ju- joint hostessed (p the Ifome of Mrs. Manning. * There was quite a full attendant’• as t''e iher- members .arc home for tip* At.i.i nu*r. Announcing a New Type The BROUGHAM $ 1595 7-Pass. Sedan H795 Freight andTax Extra. T- * for the, HUDSON COACH The world’s* largest production of G-cylinder cars permits the lowest prices in Hudson /history.* Amd for the .finest Hudsons ever built. Thus Hudson is more than ever the “World’s Greatest Buy.’’ / Hudsonttissex Non' World’s Largest Selling 6'Cylinder Cars * 1 W D. HARLEY MOTOR CO- Barnwell, S. C. . . * ' k of Cour *nt h ( ;iro!ina. ,i- .Barnwej! ('ouiiLv. by Rev. W. M> Jones, .Mr. James M. Ryan, R. A. Eilis. Miss Kate Sinims ami Mr. Jithn K. Snelling. Mr. .Snel- ling was also 'the gefieralynalinger. Fire destrovedithe building in which 1 ' 1 The.Sentinel was printed while it was under the management of Mr. Brown and its files <>4L papers, from lSf>2. fori nearly 50 years, were consumed, an irreparable loss {historical!#. In the earlV seventies, Mr.. Jo^n S. Shuck started a paper callei wards moved tjr .\|ken. This paper is-Miow knoyvti as (The Journal and Review and edited ami published by A. K. Lorenz. At-one,time Jam(*s F. Byrnes was 'Editot; of the same. Mr. Shuck also tssued a small daily - T" paper in Barnwell years afterwards in the nineties but f that venture in Barnwell '1’he Journal.’’^ which be'after- sing out amounted to nothing, pas after a week of two. ,f~ — With the exception of,nige months during the War Between The States, The Sentinel has made weeklv visits *■ % to many of this section, some- of whom were Mr. Bronson’s subscri bers. Many will be saddened l;y the thought that so valuable a land mark as The Barnwell Sentinel has passed. Mr. Bronson was able to save from Sherman’s raid in 1X65 onl^, bis ty]>e which he buried in the ground. When , the South Carolina Press Association was formed in 1875, Ed ward A. Bronson was elected one of .its vice presidents jjnd served in this capacity for years. Upon his death, he. was the oldest editor in South Carolina.—“Old Timer’’ in The- Wil- liston Way.- ’ Cllwuys usc^ ClanSsmS Bread , has more food values History ;of TKe Barnwell Sentinel * <r I II A Plolnlt ill day. Di . and Mr \ - hlcy W cat ller.s.bee i > f - B It * *i: vi'it<*(| their parciit'-. Mr. and Mrs. M. 1 . W Tat hi’isliee'last Sun- d ry. , ' 7 . T, — * Sidcp S ('Itcii. and two ••.,(>.' ami M >s Hazel Shelton of Wauchula. 1’Ta Local ad- c.l in the Mervurv*- and i The town of Barnwell was survey ed and divided i"to lots and streets for a c((Uit hous( f ’ town in 181T. From that date to 1852> Barnwell County was without a local paper, vertisenu nts vvere publi-h ■ ton papers, th the Courier. ‘ \ jif or about* t hat year. 1852. a pro-.'' minerrt 'niemh.T of the i»gf. t cl. W il- j. Ham Aiken Owens. induced . Mr. j Edward’ Btiiimon of (’amden. to move | from town to Barnwell, to es- tablisfi a panel 1 , and the Seirtinel was the j esult.' M .• Bronsdn received T • *■ i from ('ol Owe is not only .encourage- rn<*nt ami moral support but t naticia! aid. Mr Bi'ins.on was a | laetical printer and the Barnwell Sentinel Now Packard Presents- Neu 1 ease, of routine care . Qreater motoring comforts T7 VERY five years or so it has been Packard’s privilege to JL/ make some revolutionary advaneje ffir others to follow. Now, having exhausted present possibilities in power and smoothness, Packard presents, improvements of > . 1 ' ■ i * papou —^'f 1 as hereafter ; entirely new nature: I—Ne« cose of .routine ctire 2 — Greater motoring comforts Hv- ^•| and i ou Need Good Tires Whether tor everyday service round home dr for trips to distant pointsyour safety and comfort demand tires of sturdy, construe- -x tion. _ , was issuV*d as', tlie (inly Barnwell Di>trict .except stilted, until- anmit thy fdate- : article .m at'i’iixitimtte i *yeni when Mi Jam -> M.'Ilyan .giV.d tit her- latincned T.iu* B aril well pie. \ *m nv two Ve^u.-s, Ryan parted with his interest Major John XV. H'dtne- •lequired\£a.' part ■ of Hit- t‘ulit*le int(’rest fn iHe.a '’People” ami published it utrtil his ; death in 1!) 1 '2. . j After the death, of Mr. Edward A. Bri'ti^oH. abou’ InsT, Air. (‘larence •:* 1 T.i r «.wn. who inarried. Mr. Edward i BronsoliT dnughtd'. and w.i- him- . self a practical |upitei, owned and. edited tin* pap" until In* dmunsed irf j it to Me si'<. Mar shall Moori* uuiit. R. ; Bovd ('die. I .a v were at tic* .hmiiTi TJie thousands wbt> base taken deliv ery of new Packard Six*and Eight cars during the past few weeks have found the Motor Oil Rectifierand theChafisis Pressure Lubricator,, a combination noUto be had in any other motor car in all the world. ( They have found that motor oil life has been multiplied bv hve; that they need to change oil hut four or Hve j ' time* a year. 'They' have found that they may lubricate the chassis in 1e*s than one second of time, the pull of W a plunger forcing oil to the 45 points requiring regular attention. i These new Packard owners have also found greater motoring comforts; notably an ease of steering and wider and*even more luxurious enclosed bodies. For example, the enclosed models of the Packard Fight have the widest and roomiest bodies offered on anyi motor car. They have found that the utmost in beauty, distinction and comfort is now combined with an easv ability at least to double the mileage life of their Packard cars. " And Packard has found that now. more than ever, Packard should say^- i 4 < A J \ I 4 .j T a . f \ i '’''I i ? j i ‘if Barnwell Filing Station V- ; Barnwell,' $. C. ^ i . i —- ❖ •j. i- V • • % ¥ X of t he Rjirhw "M (ii iulcd' S tiof.l m the-time. Moorg syon dispo «*d of his iut'-.i'cst in it. ;|iv<l afiurw ii'nl' had something ‘lo with the (-stablish- nu*m of the Greenville Piedjmint. K. •Boyd Colt* was s'ok* owner a'i4-»*d1T(?i' ut_the. time of his acceptance of a Captain’s commission in the army on the outbreak rlf the World War when he sold out toThe New Sentinel Pf)h- lishing Company, about tlv* 4 year 1916. During jtp ownership by the company, it was successfully .edited Ask the man who owns one Packard Six and Packard Eight both ate fur* nishcd in ten body types. Packard Sjx enclosed cart hat e been reduced by an m erage of $750 — and uoie sell at the same level us the open cars. W. D. HARLEY MOTOR COMPANY Barnwell, South Carolina \ (3 M0! v-T |