The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, November 01, 1923, Image 1
« fc.
Barnwell People.
W* 9*j
EaUblUhed ia 1877.
M Ju»t Llk« a Mambar of (ha Family’ 9
LarfMt County Circulation.
It la Possible, However, for Olar to
• Annex to Barnwell County.
W. J. Root, of McColl, Succeeds Jack
Reynolds as Manager.
Last week The People published a
story froin Denmark telling of the
possibility of a part of Bamberg
County annexing to the mdther
county—Barnwell. This story, which
is of vital interest to the people of
Barnwell County, appeared in no
other newspaper—just another rea
son why every family in the county
should be a subscriber to this paper.
The proposed territory takes in the
towns of Olar, Govan, Denmark and
Lees. Without wishing to dampen
the ardor of the people in this terri
tory to join the best ccsmty in South
Carolina, we believe that the consti
tution would prohibit the annexa
tion of any of the land except that
part in and around Olar, for the rea
son that the proposed new county
line would run too cloee to Bamberg,
the county seat. Our understanding
of the constitution ie that in the for-
f tten of a new county or the annex-
m of new territory, the line can-
i run within eight miles ef the
■tf eeoi. TV» limit, however,
aid allow the eaauaallaw of Olar,
tegvther with eeveml aguere miles ef
teitHsi | In thet immediate section,
and The People, ligethir with every-
B County, would
ee people lute
hue lawg been
Mr. W. J. Root, of McColl, today
succeeds Mr. Jack Reynolds as man-
9 *
ager of J-he Hotel Diamond in this
city.. This announcement will .ome
as quite a surprise to the many
friends of Mr. Reynolds, who had
come to be regarded as quite a fix
ture in the business life of Barnwell,
and they will legro with a great deal
of regret that he and his ( wife have
decided to cast their lot elsewhere.
Mr. Root, who came to Barnwell
several weeks ago in the interest of
the American Agricultural CHemicdl
Co n has been connected with hotels
in Chicago. 111., and Benson, N. C. He
will be assisted by his wife. Bern-
well welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Root and
the third member of the family, an
It is understood that Mr. and Mrs.
Reynolds will return to their old
home ia McCormick for the preeent
and that later they mey locate ia
< ►
I net have
sew euuuty
, addNuuni
mad frum
mid nrebu
Route Owi Newa,
WtHUtoa. Route I. Ort 9—Mr
A w
W L Kit*hinge is emeag the first ef
the fanners In tfcm aartten who hairs
daubed rutting ratten einfea. al
though all of the farmers, tartudtog
M sears.. A. P. Gtwwa, L. N. Gtvoue.
W, B Jahasotk. V. E KMriuuga. ami
•thera. who are Uabusg furuasd to
That blue ring around the label on the papers of delinquent
subscribers has a most peculiar significance—several of them, in
fact. First and
pired. Second,
tar.ce is sent
the subscriber hadn’t already renewed for the coming year.
We believe that a large number of subscribers have failed to
put themselves in good standing because of oversight. The amount
probably seems small and the subscriber reasons that we won”!
miss his $1.50. Quite so, but multiply that amount by 100, or 200,
or 500, if you please, and see where we are “at” if all who are in
arrears have the gar .a “dope.”
Seriously we need the money that is due is on subscriptions.
During the period of “hard times” we did not press our subscribers
for a settlement, believing that when prosperity returned they
would pay us. Many have dose so and have expressed their appre
ciation to us for our courtesy in extending them credit. It has cost
us real money to print and mail Hie People week after week. Is
it unreasonable to aak that you bow pay up the old debt and, if
possible, renew for another year? We don't think that It W.
We are once more reminding delinquent* of their obHgnUens
to us by putting a bine ring aroun# the label ef every —becriber
who ie ia arreera. If yen happen te be one ef them, pteaee eeeutd-
er it an levitation to come ia aad see ns.
Yea rent afford to be without The People It ie the OFFICIAL
net tree, each as the Treasurer's annual nut we. lb
tk—. the Treasurer's end Cuaaty Dtreciure* qanrfim
eppeer la Okie paper EXCLUSIVELY. We daaY
to those whe fail la pay fur IL
< • Young Dunbarton Man Lost Fingers
in a Recent Gin Accident.
ill I MIMiS*
pot UL ri
• •ee<
4 roltuu crep,
la the dnotrurl
Mr m
• ■ *
m as peso
fh to tube
saurb. even , ^wter
praMbM It | Mr aad Maa L B
psapAs la I vlnHurv la ibm suraam I
gto I Mrs. Claataa Murvto
Jr. fla««aaab. ware tea
remdi sod i '> ' • Mrtftua
to tl
a* eg that
H to from I
«tos county
hue aheuyt
County in
the asatlev i
$mt^ got behind tb
end see if
we ruenoi a
Olar to an
aea to Barwi
least lads
waB Coastj
frsrtae m Bamasll.
I tour ^
assay fkmads of Dr. A.
Mrs. Cm E Batborford aad ebildraa
base boaa * ten mg la Cabmabta.
Wo aura fktd la oaa aa maay at tbo
baa party at Haw Freest. The of
fset ass qaMs a •asaaaa, sesaa ef tbo
hoaao brtagtag aver ML Tbsy
eottwoed eff by Ht A Wrt Cool
ef tbm sorttoa. Yho rube erolb
•ea by Mr Uapd Jebaoua. Mum* b|
Mms FlaMs Batoe added greatly to
the eajermwat ef the eoetoag QaMs
e uere earn ef awaay was roaltssd
wtarb ertR bs assd fee scbesl par
dauday srbool every Baaday at 9
eVlock Beery body is iaetted.
Mr. W. E. KMrbtnge end
Ueeabse tfieotoag of U D C.*s Mstd
Wab Mrs. A Lea to tmith
Wdtoeeou. Out. VT Mrs l» B Met
labamp has arlaraad from s etofl ta
Mrs. Jaba M Wbeto la C*
Mrs Whas rosaruod wttb Mrs M<
ebamp far a vtaM hero
T W Bruit. W M Cngbsa. L
Martoy. T
It as tosoe
• !
uoaof soar UJ
R Feodor aad Dr
Mb toft tbto aoob fUr s door baafi
r Cbartosbsa.
oooior amt Mrs A. M Eaasady,
A Lutimsr. Maa Loams Fvetbre
stale fate
to a *e-
aad oibors ottoudod tl
I ia Cabmabta tbm
M tag
M M Thompson bus rstarusd from
bamnsas trip la Cbartoma.
Mrs fhartis Matt* aad daagbtare|
sd Mrs. Martm sf Blurb* die wore |
uMare la W illmtau Monday
A Mart Hair of Cbarlsstaa a etmt-
i our mu. Mr aad Mrs. Motor
30.—Mr. Ralph
the loss
wotk in a
local gin a short time ago, war taken
to a hospital in Augusta foy treat
ment and hie many friends will be
glad to know that he is doing nicely.
Mr. John C. Hutson, of Aiken, was
In town Monday on business.
Messrs W. L. Baxley and W. T.
Still, of Snelling, were in Dunberton
the early part of the week to
about working the roads leading into
Dr. J. Allen Patterson, of
spent a while In town Monday.
Miss Louise Davis, who ig
ing a businesa college la
■pent the week-end here with relv
Is breaming pane a
r. a large quantity ef
Machine Turned Turtle
Morning Near This City.
Messrs. Solomon Blatt, Fallot, W.
D. Harley, J. E. Harley and the lat-
ter'a little son, Hummel, had a nar
row escape from serious injury and
possible death early Thursday man*
ing when Mr. Blatt's Essex Ceadi
turned turtle a few miles from Ban-
well while the party was cn route ta
Columbia. The accident occurred so
the Barn well-Elko highway shout
5:15 o'clock. A buggy aaaapied by
Mr. Ellie Hair aad a negro was ea
the left hand, side of tbs read, it ia
said, end when Mr. BUtt found that
be did not have enough room ta pass
oa thet sidb. be turned bto car te tbe
paafi« ef tbs bugry alee paled te tbo
ef tbo
Mr L V.
W %
m *<
wfB ia east
aap Mu &,
r Am
ucmcE or
'WPW'V , l!Tory rw*r VUko Sand* > «!
B Fellerr-or
wbo-bus beau prartIHbg ku profee- j Mr« J. A. Colling and Mrs. P. 8
emu ia Columbia foe tbo past 19 j Useory are still ja tbe sick list, but
months, that be has re-opened hie the latter is tome better.
0 t here aad will mum* the prac-1 Mr. Birdeil Usaery was the recent
of medicine end surgery in Barn- j guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.
Mrs. B. C. Mullbewo evj
is Liningrlen bus returned
it ta her stater at itirkay.
l your, togettorr wt*.o
Wm rarptoud tar tbe
be asaiea la favor of
egaumt tbe baaacial
r* has returned
Bryant of An-
a fere following throe years of
lord times They wore fighting
ith tbsir barlis to tbs wall, but bar
er non a measure of ■ access they
re facing tbe future witb a mors
mfldent air.
’of mrdinne and surgery in Barn
well For the present Dr. Patterson
will be in Barnwell only a part of
the time—at week-ends—but as soon
ss he can secure a suitable physician
to put in charge cf the Columbia of
fice, he will be in Barnwell four or
five days out of every week.
In addition to a general medical
practice, Dr., Patterson uses the
Abrams Method as a valuable aux , '.i-
ary, and is prepared to apply that
Method to any of the numerous case*
of bodily ailments for which it is
adapted. Dr. Patterson tells me that
the Abrams Method is the greatest
aid to the practitioner of medicine
that has come to his notice in' 40
years of acjtiive practice. In the mat-
. ter of diagnosis he says it Ms 100 per.
cent, accurate, and when we consider
that the old method of diagnosis was
doing extraordinarily well if it made
an average of 40 per £eiit. accuracy,
. the value of* the* Abrams MeMiod
stands out like a flaming beacon.
This Method results in most excellent
effects ip the treatment of the com
mon ailments of mankind, such nj
fever, malaria, stomach trou-
)les pellagra, and as a corquercr of
tuberculosis and syphilis and. in the
early stages of cancer, it is 'mply
S. Usaery. While here he visited the
Mt. Calvary Sunday school and de
livered a good mejsage on B. Y. P. U.
Mrs. E. L. Lybrand, of Aiken, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Collins, in the Mt. Calvary section.
Saturday is Conference Day. There
will be preaching Sunday morning at
11 o'clock, Sunday school at 3 p. m.,
and preaching again at 4 p. m., by the
Rev. Mr. Miller, of Blackville. •
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Boyd, of Wag-
ener, spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Collins.
Annual Harvest Meeting.
Youngblood and s un( j
lay afterm
in the interest of
The members of Circle No. 4, Mrs.
J. E. Harley, leader, will entertain
the ladies of the Methodist Church at
the annual “Harvest Meeting” Tues
day afternoon, Nov. 6th, at the home
of Mrs. N. G. W. Walker, at 4 p. m.
At this time a “Love Offering” is
made for the extension of' mission
work in home and foreign fields. An
interesting program has been arrang
ed for this occasion and a cordial wel
come awaits you.
Mrs. Terry Richardson.
Supt. of Publicity.
•I BarwwaR fa*
wv* to Bto*kvWto FH-
to M9 Utoi totop Mv
p to a ua k
family of Vidalia, Ga., are visiting
relatives herv.
The October meeting of the Willis-
ton U. D. C. was held at the i evi
dence of Mrs. Q. A. Kennedy with
Mrs. J. Ix?wis Smith a* hostess last
Friday, October 19.
There was no literary program as
this was the month for election of
officers. The fqllowing were elected:
President, Mrs. W. D. Black; vice-
president, Mrs. W. C. Smith; record
ing secretary, Mrs. J. A. Latimer;
corresponding secretary^^Mrs. E. W.
Black; treasuref, Miss Mayo Roun
tree. ^
Delegates and alternates to both
state and national conventions of U.
D. C. were elected.
The president reported that the
need of a Confederate veteran had
been brought to her and she had
kindly assisted and had him placed
in the Confederate home in Columbia.
The chapter gladly p«id his expenses.
Purlng the social hour Mrs. Smith,
assisted by little Miss Laura Smith,
Mrs. J. A. Latimer and Mrs. Q. k:
Kennedy. Jr .^served delicious ice
cream end pound cake. The young
live M the Hallowe'en season
M A Durant ef thq Cahasbia 1
UgteaJ Munery preached at Vinto-
lag Sunday mm tag and uas
Men. ed Mr. and Hre. i
the $75,000,000 campaign. Mr. Wood
ward was formerly from this section,
is related to the large Woodward
family in and around Williston and
his many friends are always glad to
have him back in thgir midst. •
Mrs. Paul Cook and son, Durwin,
of Olar spent the week-end with Miss
Bettie Matthews and F. W. Toole.
Mrs. Mary Visser of Allendale u
visiting Mrs. W. R. Kennedy. _
W. A. Cunningham left Wednesday
for Columbia and Tabor, N. C.
Mrs. Clinton Morris and Clinton,
Jr., of Savannah are visiting Mrs.
Ida Reklaw.
•e Friday. Nevher 9. 1983, for the
irpuss of detof flag
aot • spertol tea of two (tl
■I mills shall W Uvlad » the shoes
The said election shall bo conduct-
od as is providod h) law for the hold
ing of general election*. The polls
will be opened at the school house,
and the following trustees have beer
appointed managers of election: J.
R. Carroll, W. H. Baxley and J. 8
Those favoring the proposed levy
shall cast ■ ballot with the word yes
written or printed thereon, and those
opposing the proposed levy shall cast
a ballot with the word No written or
printed thereon. : —
Sec. Co. Beard of Education.
Barnwell, S. C., Oct. 30, 1923 2t.
plajrtog mt ana gf
sun mi the
Veto Mr
gains far hie t—m la Ba
of the gemc Friday more lug. The
State had the foUewiag to eay rela
tive to this young man: The firm of
Williams and Walker is a going eoa-
•em for the Tiger*. They alternated
at fullback and their plunging fea
tured. Their work was marred by a
bit of fumbling but the good far out
ranked the bad."
and Q. A, Kennedy, Jr, 0. O. Iloy.s-
Woodwani Royiston has returned
from a visit to relatives in Savannah.
Mrs. E. K. Rutherford and children
are visiting relatives in Coluntbi*.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hutson of Spar
tanburg are spending a while with
Mrs. Simple Hutson.
The Reaves Creek school near here
opened last Monday, with Mrs. Jen
nie Purvis as teacher.
D. T. Latimer has returned from
Greenville and was accompanied back
ta Williston by Mrs. Latimer and chil
dren. who have been spending several
weeks with her parents.
Mr*. Georg* Dukes aad daughter ef
Plaewood are visiting Mrs. Wilks
feu* Mr. T N Aehermua aud auk,
T. have i* tom sd «* Chart——
after »*iuag M~ 0^1 Hair
The CeAto 0—ee to—4 ao— »4-
I— MmufiL hrt. ML
to Mu
♦ •to* to ee
ton and many others fr >m this sec
tion attended the state fair this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cook, Mrs. C.
B. Parker and _ Miss Ruby Parker
have returned from a visit to Mrs.
W. S. Thomas of Ellenton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Eubanks of Au
gusta and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Greeig
and daughter of Hepzibah, Gar, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Tarranee
recently. ^
Miss Louise Holley of Aiken spent
last week-ead with Miss Margaret
Mr sad Mr*. Ralph Bolen were the
guest* Sunday of Mr. aad Mrs Hen
if Ftotar ^
Barnwell Again Defeat* WUlistoa.
Williston, Oct. 29.—By passes and
line bucks, Barnwell again defeated
Williston Wednesday afternoon, the
score being 19 to 0. The game was
hard-fought from start to finish.
BaYnwell's line held well and
back field played without a fault.
Their team is one of the best seen on
the home ground this year. Willia-
ton’s team is showing steady im
provement and the boys are playing
good ball for their first year in the
In Honor of a Visitor.
Mrs. Carter Price entertained Mon
day afternoon with see— tables mi
bridge In honor ef her houa* guest.
Mias LHla Todd, of
following afternoon Mrs.
si— eutortamud a laffs
sf Mk
• «—• As —t Mm M V
* • —*
* 4 * j—% 9 t iMI»| to w <9 tto— *
A —• A d <— • A % 1