The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, July 20, 1911, Image 1

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Sm. i, , VOL.XXXIV BARNWELL. S. (J.. THURSDAY. JULY ‘20.1911 ¥046 '• L. WHAT HE SAYS Swearinger Dies Nil Meet Cinparisns Made by the Board PEOPLE MUST DECIDE Claims That he Was 1 uni red by Oth er Members of the Board, by Not Havinj' Chance to K v press His Opinion When Adoption of the Books Were Made. VOTE BAILEY DOWN GOAT HELD BY HORNS THE SENATE KILLS HIS FREE IN A FENCE BEFORE HE WAS RE LIST AMENDMENT. LEASED FROM IT. Train Crew on the Augusta Southern Railroad Stopped tire Train ami Loosed Him. RAGING FLAMES! REAl ST0RY T0LD i-- WENT DOWN BANK Hiadreds if People Boroed !• Death in the Pircnpioe District. mWFCTED AtVOINT OF FIRE LADY CUE ST AND OWNER ARE SWEPT DISTRICT. Heyburn Says the Republican Party Is on Its Death Bed Because Of its Divided Itanks. Senator Hailey’s fno/fist amend ment to the Canadian recirocity bilr was defeated in the.Senate late Wed- are telling quite a funny but pathet- day by a large majority. So evident! ie little story about a goat who butted was the margin against it that Mr. into a fence and stayed until the Hailey did ndt ask for a roll call, crew of No. 4 4 caine to his assistance Pursuing the policy of forcing the ! Col. Henry S. Jones, of Hephizs' opponents'of reciprocity to proceed ; bah, while returning home from his without delay, Senator Penrose urg. office in Aumsta Thursday afternoon, ! ed Sehator Hailey to introduce his^noticed a goat patiently standing by wool tarig amendment a tonce. The a wire fence on Mr. W. W. Hack s latter did so. ( place at DeHruce, a small station jus! “Semi-Democrats" "borrowed beyond the old Richmond Factory Democrats" and like terms were ap-j pond, and remembered that he had [died to ttie Republican Senators sup-j seen it there for the third day stand-! j>orting the bill, by Senator Hey-j ing sentinel-like with its eyes stead- THREE TOWNS BURNED Two Cilies Wife Wiped Out by t Flumes and Many Were DroKneil INSTANTLY KILLED. The Augusta Herald says the trav- Entl . e<1 Safety h, e.ers on th > Augusta Southern road ami tm tint!, w to Avoid Awful Death. The Dig Touring Car Turned Over t , When Hie Rood l iuler R. Shafts Perish in Flam<*s. Streets ies and Dead Carcasses of Animal that Perished. A special dispatch from Henderson ville. N. C..-to the CiiimublA Record says: in an automobile accident Wednes- tuirn, of Id»ho, in a si>eech against, fastiy fi^d upon the Augusta South- aeks which are only a few feet don all efforts to gtaln his freedom. time conies'to buy new books. "I hay* 1 not counted the words in the primer or in any other book, but the /hew btsil r< ader contain 1Ti9 pages and sells f r cents. The pfew basal fifth reader contains IDfS pa,ires and sells for if.', merits. The diffrence is interesting.. “Of tlie old tiasal first reader, 1 if 1 ,- Omi rnidf's were sold from Tfmti to 1 !* 1 1, and tills hook has tieen dis- 1 placed. Twelve tli'usand copies of the physical g. ngraphies were sold, and this book lias been retained. As far as the titles on the list tire eon- cerned these two books are equal. b. J'ftow .can we educate thej^^pf 4 TJie jioor goat .s.t.t3i?d 1} JJc.the one tL^ a -. 0l i L '’ ia0 ’ U . U0 " ilican princi-: for three days and nights, lonely and ' ,om Uorcupipe give vagQ6 eta(6- State Superintendent of Education Swearingen returned to Columbia Tuesday night from Hock Hill, where he had gone Friday to attend the Conference of County Superinteo- of Education, He declared that/'he had no intention or desire to prolong ttie controversey regarding the text book adoptions made by/the State! (he measure. He declared that when j ern track board of education. / a vote on the bill is taken, all r«*«j away. "If the people of rmuth Carolina Republicans in the Senate will be op-! He looked carefully and saw that are willing to te lieve/* lie s.iid, "that posed to it. wtien the "Semi-Demo- the goat had fastened himself in thv they ctni now e\ch;yrige old text books C rats" will vote for it, along with the, wire fence and had seemed to aban for newVnes at afi additional cost of fee-simple Democrats, only^ 2-:'. cents'per child each-year, i T ‘ they w ill undeecivef* when the | tp e p ar ty back to Republican pies," asked Senato rNelson, of Min nesota. ^ "Who is the leader of the Repub lican party?" asked Heyburn. Senator Dailey declared that the Republicans were in a state of muti ny and did not know their leader. Mr. Heyburn declared that the rec iprocity bill came-to Congress wrap ped in the flag of a pirate. "H.-re's the bill: now you pass it w it limit any change," said Mr. Hey burn. He declared that he opposed all amendments to ttie bill as well as \ —the bill itself, because hut as ns fur us the pupils and Pa- mrIlt isii slllilUor ofr tho Republican flag staff of protective i>oli. y." "That can’t be," interacted Semi- tor Clapp; “the flag staff has tieen broken and the flag pulled down." "1-11 bet you 7,000.000 Republican votes that is not true," said Hey burn. He added that he believed 'hat the Repuhlimns would ultimate ly copie together again on protective principles. / Asked by Senator Bailev how/he Eugene A. Thomson, business man ho Wednesday night brought a party of refugees to De troit from the burned towns of Au Strewn With Charred Human Rod- c'ablo and Oscoda furnished the first day night about two o’clock, two peo- connected story which bias come from pie were killed when the powerful Hie fire swepr district. j Rambler machine of Mr? H. W. Det- ' The i'ort serious fire on the out-jtis went over an embankment on the skirts oF the town was discovered Asheville road, wrout two niile« from Sunday and a crew fought it until it Hendersonville. was ybiider control," lie said. Monday! The dead are: Miss Lemie How- no/hing was dmie and on Tuesday. 1 man, of Sumter, S. C , daughter of ded liy high winds, it iiurst out Mr P. (i. Howman and Mr. H. \V. ag-iin with great fury. j Rettis of Trenton. S. C., who was "Tiie first alarm in Osceodu came ■ drhvln^ the oar. in at :i o’clork from a private house.! There were eight people in the car, President Cowley and myself pro-;t fl kl n K a ride while returning from A Toronto Canada, dispatch says the loss of life in Porcupine distrb t, from Wednesday's fire is known to tie several hundred ,-111(1 the property loss will reach several millions of dollars. Only three of th“ eigli four empoyeee of the West Dhine Mine have been accounted f<>r and 200 miners, muckers, etc., in/the var STARTJ0-F1GBT rkirty-TWee lilM ia Pkck4 Battk ii SlrwU if PaeUa. mmm ions other mines are niissf cured pails from the Loud Company’s, Lake View Hotel after a dance Miss office to fight the llames that had Among the dead are libbert Y oiss, s .p 1 . t ,, u j to (j,,, ('atliolic cemetery. The rn a nigger of the West Dome, and liis Iie xt alarm came in from Au Sable township slali piles. Just aiiout the time the host was working well we wife and child. The West Dome Mim Company, of Philadelphia, sustained cared for by no one. He was almost! statements of the loss of life and dead of starvation. ! property. The property loss will Col. Jones, taking pity on the goat, probablyFtqtial millions, asked Mr. M. S. Hridgers, chie.f train 1 Mabel Howman and Miss Lemie Bow man with Mr. B. W. Bettis occupied the front seat. Those in the back seat were: Mrs . P. G. Bowman, Miss Mary Pitts, Mr W. Jlammond, Newman, Miss.^AaaaUe Heius^tflxlflea So mb lo«s of life is also report'd dispatcher of the Augusta Southern, * f r0I V'Porcupine and Eldorado, who w as on the train Thursday af- 1 At West Dome and Big Dome, the en- ternoon with him, to have the next Crapped miners, cut off from escape, train stopped and some of the tralp! "ere forced to take to the shafts for men get off and relieve the animal i safety, and penned in by flames, per- from its serious and uncomfortable condition. / This Mr. Hridgers did. Xlo noti fied pasenger train No. Incoming to Augusta Thursday night to the Richmond stop near ished. This was notably true at Dome and west Dome mines* The streets of South Porcupine are strewn with dead persons, horses, dotgp, and cattle. Along the mine everv am. nd- 1 r!l ° unfortunate yoaj' was being held and to have some bf the crew get off trqns of the State are concerned., there is a difference of nearly 1 1 to 1. oi* .more than l.uuo per cent II- luStrattons mi ht be ihultiplied in definitely:. for readers, arithmetics, and g-ogrtipliies form the most id- jwirtnnt par\of a text book adoption, and these thhp" series show that 7'’. per cent of ttie mere titles even were thrown out "If the members had made up their minds as to t\o ties! and most d- sira'-le books, I am\it a loss to un derstand why thov w erV^ unw illing to point out the poor books now in use aor ife aniniul loose. The was saved bv the Fact orb x^ud where! roads are the charred bodies of those overcome trying to escape . Of the staff of three hundred at tho Dome but a few were saved, and at ttie West Dome but three out of s| < m- ployees are km ivn to lie aiiie. Early Wednesday the miners saw dense clouds of smoke to the south west, where the fires were ragin:. Rbal Tragedy <'aught on Film of They gave small toed It was not and let the poo billy goat's Ij crew of No. 14. MADE HIS LAST LEAP. / Moving Pictures. ■ / would classify the insurgents/ Mr. Hevburn said thev were "tiavericks" ” ’ / waitint to tie branded. "If they can 1-e rounded up in tlm White House lot. I kno\y / they will be branded." said Mr. Haflev. Senator Heyburn ch.iracterized some of the progressives as "pro- It ts riaino-d tha' ample iRmliminarv discusst 'n of Text i-noks was iiad in pie K'oks had tieen made T^iis ad mission is hi.lilv cratifying to me. because tlm absence of su< h discus sion and (otnparison -it the board meet i c. c s bsl me to sut'pose and hop\ for tiiis condition Timv, therefore seem to admit the fact tiiat th" real discussion of text U oks was had ine .leromt' Hotel I do not presume to set my opinion a. '.inst the pinion of se\eti distinguished educators, but being tiie secre'arv of the board and member directly re-potisibie to the people. 1 tho'ieh! 'here simuld t>e a frank, full ami op- ti discussion in the nieet'n -v; bf the '-oard its. if. Tils a ii mission prmc.s that the (’tiargis 1 With Fsing (tie Mails A roil tragedy was recorded on the film of a moving picture machine at New York late Wednesday. As Albert Hreytnn. actor and expert swimmer and diver, louped from a boat in a btateu Island pond, tlm machine was set in motion, its lens focused on the bubbling surface of 'in' pond where he had disappeared, to pirture iiis aquatic feats as tie pressing as a crab: you can't tell that l1 < Ill e t° surface. 1 lie moments pass- thev're going.W "This is the deathlieil of ttie Ue- Cuhlican party," M.iid Sen itor Hey- ’'Hrn, referring to ttie split in ttie R Kub/Hca ranks, "l"it it will tie ttie death, bed of may of the men who are supporting tiiis reciprocity bill, wtien the people realize that it means put ting dowh of the protective system." until noon that tiie smoke cl aids be gan to roll over ttie I’orenpine di.-- trict Then the miners berunu 1 alarmed Mossen .ers were S' nt out and soon returned with the w rd that the fire was traieiling tin forest rapidly and was l:i-k:u.’ up nitiuy towns. Stior'iy after no n tlm fir* had cov ered ott area of Iwonly-live miles length and two miles in w idi It, and was lick in ■ up 'ttie base Him nf 'IPs dale sweeping over tlm Stand trd am! ed and the wideiiins circles from the impact of iris di\t> tuiielied tlm stiores. Tiie diver’s feat had been caught on tiie film. He did not appear and is sui jKised to have boon tm!d fast ti\ the soft mud it the lettom Tlm tiody was :rai'p!ed for and recovered. nUSONED BV INSEtT’S.’ CHARGE LEWIS WITH FRAFD. I’rohatile Ciuise of Death In NeuheiT\ < ’minty. llL. on tu fore the of EdWation adiipt i' n w is decided State Superintendent was given a <h.anc" to express an opinion H must not be forgotten,, also, that inv request for a record of tliese rbatiges was promptly refused. I was prepvretl t" re. (imnmnd sever a! cliau 'es and to support tliese ree- Otitnieinl itions with arguments The board made sweeping changes, but d c lined to indicate tiie necessity for these rhatms. fie poin'in: out Die in- fer : /r ami undesirable liooks now In use. Tim assertion Mint better hooks fiave adopted does not suffice.' but slinuM be sup|«artcd by evidence. Every cliange of text lu'oks is unnec essary uptess a logictil reason can !>• assigned therefor. "I tiave not questionod the integ rity or imeutimd (lie motives of a majority of tiie board, booms" posi tive proof of improper influence ean- n6t lie adduc' d. Tim private ehurae- ter of everv man belongs to himself, alone, but his public acts tmlnng to his constituents. The new policies of tiie tioard were expensive, unexplain ed, and wtfTiUut record,: an'd a,gainst these three charaiteristies I protest ed "There are other points inviting Interesting ronrment, hut I leave this to lie made by others. Tiie determi nation of tho issue rests with the peo ple." At False Story Renounced. :a meeting of several Coiffbcler Ih'fraud People. A dispatch 'rom St. Louis says E t; Lewis, until recent 1% publish er of ia. numlict of magazines and promoter of enterprises, was indict cd 1 -v a special graml jury in the i'n- ited States district court on charges f frauduleljit use of tlm mails The indictment. Containing twelve courts, covers four points in which Lewis 1 is alleged to have obtained several million by niisloiding statements cir culated through the mails. it is charged tie sold unsecured notes on ttie Woman's .Magazine ' Building and the Woman's Daily building in tint Fniversity City, ot which Lewis is Mayor, unseeure>» notes of the Fniversity Heights Real ty Development Company, operated i "debenture scheme," and that he misrepresented tiie condition of the Lewis Publishing Company in selling s nrk in the concern. ' Lewis recently put his corporations, into the hands of trustees power to handle them for fivjt years. CY ditors have asked that a receiver lie appointed. Lewis was indicted in lito.'i on charges of conducting a scheme tn defnnd through his oper ation of the People'^ Fnitod Slates Hank, one of his corporations. Oth er indictments charged him with do- tranding the, government of postal funds. He was acquitted on several of tliese charges and all were dis missed Lifer by the government. The sudden death of four irngr es. three of them in one familv and in tm house near Shelton, in Fairfield Oountv. is supposed to have been i aiised ’> poisonous inserts on biack- berrii».s, which the tm ro* s had pick Imperial mines at Du! r<\ the Phila delphia, Inshiw, T! lurado ami I’ni'y mim-.s Will’ti the seriousness of tiie sana tion was apparent the tip call was son mled wi'h tiie Dome Mine wh;- Oe In haif liour the tlumes were ragin'.' on tiie spot. Thev swept over Die Foley o lirien mine, then jumj' ed to the I’rest. n East Dome m l fel low ed over tho Du me and \\ </• I >omo. Hundreds fh'd from tiie tla.111es_. hj11 low ( v or Die land difficult Minv coda Ttie first to go was the Oscoda and Au Sable canning factory and in a few minutes the fire was general, breaking out north, east, south and west . il at nm e. "Our equipment of three hose carts and thirty-six volunteers fought for an hour and a half with a good sup ply of water. "Then tho flames reached the pumping station and it went out of commission. A few inhabitants among them myself and my father and mother, went to the steamer Ni- ko, Captain Meyers, which was lying at my own door. "When we left the dqck between 20fl and 2<Mi people were on it, 30 of Diem were nursing children, cut off from shore, with Die tramway over head a lire There was no osi-ape for Diem unless they jumped into Die wa- I r I saw Peter Duval struggle down tiie tram wav with his aged father in-law rn his hack, hut the flaim s forced him b"'k md I cannot ((tl! whether ho was saved. I s i v a woman with two children in tier arms rush out on Die dock ('tie of the children fell into tho wa- ■'•r and a v ung man leaped in after it and U l V ed it. "When tin; fire started the wind was blowing about 7)11 miles an irour '"‘from ttie souftieast. Then it shifted ,o the wes'w ard and Die flames cotn- ph-ti iy swept Dio towns. Two hours afterward it shifted to Die northeast iii'l swept the blaze b ick over tho ground i' already had travelled, lick ing up tiie whole of Oscoda and Au Sable city and township for a radius f t it !'• c III i ie ( Home of the I «t« Rebels la Mexico Force Home Federal Bcldiers to Their Quartern Until They Ware Relieved. . ... . A dispatch from Puebla, Mexico, says fighting between faderala and Maderlsbas which began Tharaday night and lasted until daylight wu resumed Friday afternoon at Oerro San Juan^ close to Puebla. Tha hat- tie raged for three hours and {s wM tc have claimed more than forty la killed and wounded. A party of Maderlsts who Had from the bull ring Wedneaday night after a stiff fight with the faderala, oat the Interoceanlc railroad at Fabrtea de Matfento, took poaaeoalon of a train and proceeded to Saa Marlin, 25 miles to tha north, to Sumter, Miss Rosa Sharfson of Al- lenale. Coming to ia steep fill on the newly built Asheviile^Hendorsonvillo high way, Du* driver saw a vehicle in front, and gave room, going to the right. The loose dirt caved with the heavy machine and iiefore he could turn, the machine Dirtied, catching the oc cupants under the car. '.Miss Matiel Cowman, who receiv ed serious bruises will recover. Mr. Rettis’ body was shipped home Thurs day on the ''Carolina Special" of the Southern railway. Miss Sharfson Is a graduate of the College for Women at Columbia. Miss Bowman and Mr. Rettis were to have been married in a few weeks. DISAGREE WITH THE GOVERNOR. Demand That Hosiery Mill Re Abol ished Refused. Disregarding Die demands of the governor, tl.e board of directors of Die State penitentiary Thursday re fused to abolish Die hosierv mill, and ... ... ,, . . , trlven back ,by th« rerolutionlit*. the entire controversy will be left 1 1 with the general assembly for a de-• ed Intention to return and resaw tha attack. The fight, according to wltnaaaaa, was provoked by three man, one of* whom was said to be a son of Format Governor tMuclo Martinet, who paasatf the bull ring where the ICaderlatas were quartered and fired Into tha place and Into the bameke of tha Zaragosa battalion of fitata troopa oppoalte. The fight waa taken up by both sides, each thinking tha other had started the trouble. The fight was bloody and among the 40 dead wara several women and a federal lieu tenant colonel, Moiaee Breton. Tha affair is laid by the reTolntlonoata at the door of the Clentlflcoe, who are said to have arranged the detalle la advance and calculated upon the ef fect of the preliminary shooting. Ry others the clash was said to have been provoked by an attach hy 1 a drunken revolutionists upon the penitentiary with the Infeatkm to liberate the prisoners. At the first volley the State troopa came out of their quarters but were • NR MOM \\ AND MAN DROWN. the smoko tuiug uml tmulo progress foil cxhaustci! Thi of South 1‘orcupiim Twenty minutes struck the oii• sk irts 1 frame buifilin s h trnc-ii fiorcofv uftor the tlunios tiie town w i s iti cl a till o. ton a short time tioforo .ishos. All their deaths It is said Diat the no- tmulo foi groos ware about grown and two oDi of wat'r • rs were smaller The four had skiffs we "•on hiuckfiony pu king in the uftor- uncm and that, niglit. or early tiie next mornitv-’. according to tho fnfor- ination. Dicy died. It is not known what else could hive caused their death and the cause state! is gen- eralv a'cejitcd by Die coriimnnity ami ert is supported liy medical opinion. W llOl cso.i pod tin t la mi Dio water, where a!! • (II ts D.’d l craft, launctie.a ratioo-. and ii a ! t e pressed j n' O Si I \ ' i e. a-sist i and (diildr'ti were fi rat 'tl a into Dm stonll lion's and ’ in• tl 1 u fiir i'ottsv]die and to dden i' lire Wo me ll qd died st i rtod i City, wfj'Te they were t o m pora ri 1 > safe from the fli uues. Manx minors lost their lives in efforts to sum- "Di- ttid some were drowned (•iant Lake Wave Sweeps Them from Rescuing Arms. At Auburn, \ Y., a gigantic wave on (iw asco Lake swept Miss Adelaide M< t' a rt Ii v. is \ ears old, tandher cous- Mdw nd (ieorgo liurko, 22 years old. of Hhiladel^hia,'froVn’ the gras]) of n-.-M iiois. to death in'the lane on \V' dtn-sday night. Burke, a good swimmer, had hat or Do' Mfe of ins companion for n hour, an fi'-r to Die hands of four men motorboat when a wave swept away, Jialf filled the boat, si-! d tiie cm .ine and set tho craft Fifteen men ware drowtud at South I’orcupine, w hen t aey were driven into the lake by the dense cl uds Of smoke niid railing' wave of flame. At',El Dorado nvo men wa-ic burned to death, and another met a similar fate at the 1'nited 1'orcujiim Mine*. nassas, \’a., 25 miles southwest of Three towns have been wiped off Washington on July 21 to speak at 'he ’nap and hundreds or reDi -'ersar" THE GRAY AND BLFE. President Taft Will Follow Hull Run Retreat. When President Taft goes to Ma- : u! r! I!. "S i \ e Die girl : o take me in,” shouted Burke w is treading water with the girl In 11 - arum \ moment later tiie wave blotted' Diem both from view. Their '•oil es '-s - ill, lie nt the botom of the lake. THEY WANT RAIN. tlie joint reunion oj' Die blue and gray armies on ttie battlefield of Hull Run, tie will travel over tiie same old turn pike Dial thousands of Fnion sol diers used ail years ago. J Tho Presi dent will motor down from Dio capi tal with Secretary Hi lies and Maj. A \V. Butt. Much of Die ride will be over the road used by* Gen. McDow ell's soldiers when the tide of battle turned against them and they fled hack toward Washington. facing starvation. A train contain ing six hundred twomen and children was rustled out of Foctiraiic for the south, us the wail of flames ndvanc ed toward Die village. The town of 2,7'i'd inhabitants was soon a mass of jiro and is entirely destroy*... South Porcupine and Hittsv'--- «re charred ruins. Golden City was surrounded by Indian Tribal Customs to Obtain It Are Being 1'sed. eislon. Ttie contract is for five years and provide* for the employment of from 20d to 350 prisoners. J. M Graham holds the contract with the Htate. A letter embracing the posi tion of Die tioard was 'addressed to the govAftior. The governor has on several occasions stated that if the hosiery mill was not abolished that he would pardon all of the 300 men ind women employed In the mill. The board finds that J. M. Graham has observed every provision of- the contract. That failure on the part of the State through its o'fieers to perform its duties toward the con victs, should not he allowed to work a hardship on J. M. Graham nor Jus tify the State in freaking the agxee- rent with him. ; That the hosiery mill Is In a thor oughly i sanitary condition and the converts therein work under more favorable circumstances than em ployes in similar industries conduct ed by parties or corporations. That deaths from, tubercrlosls In the whole penltontinrty, including the was preparing to! hosiery mill, has decreased from 58 durltiur the years between 1 900 and 1.905 to 2 2 during the yeara between 1900 and 1 M0. That a greater number of convicts j are brought to the penitentiary al- fi iiows, don’t try r o a( iy atficted with tuberculosis than w h° j those contracting the disease within tiie prison walls. '“That as soon as a convict shows ah hlchdeT bmorniartlflhSo any symptoms of tuberculosis, he or Stye 1$ placed in one of the finest Ditiorculosis hospitals in this sec tion of the country. That the tioard stands ready to make any changes in the buildings that may he necessary . to further safeigpard the health of the ronvlots, whenever fihqy ascertain through the tioard of health and their own In vestigations the same is desirable. That the hoard Invites Inspection by private citizens of the State at any time, of all the buildings within The latter kdpt up a spasmodic fir* battalion of federals waa ordered to their relief. The fighting ceased only when Got. Canete appeared with a. white flag and pleaded for peace. A special train with Franciaco L. Madero on board arrived In the city soon after the battle began. It is alleged drunken Madertotaa made an attack upon the penitentiary with dynamite bombs In an effort to re lease the prisoners. The Baragoesa troope statlpned close by opening fir*. Maderlsbaa from the bull ring at tacked the federals and forced than back Into their quarter*. A Matter ing fire waa kept up all night. At daybreak the Twenty-ninth battalion name to the rescue of the other fed erals and used a machine gan to clear the streets. At thla attack the Mad- erlstaa fled, leaving a large nnmher of dead and wounded in the atroeta. c >■ SENATOR TILLMAN TO ftPBAIL Annual Ptdnhj of Old Hoklier* at tanto Saturday. A dispatch from Florence to Th# News and Courier says the annnal picnic for the old soldier* will be held at their picnic grbund*, at Olanta, In lower Florence County, on Saturday, July 22, at which time United States Senator Benjamin It. Tillman and others will make ad dressee, The old soldiers' picnic at Olanta la always one of the great events of the year in lower Florence, l-ast year there were more than $,- 000 people present, and from present Indications there will be not less than 10,000 people there this year. Ev erybody is Invited to these events, but the old soldiers come first. / sic veterans, members of ramp jNo 2, Armv of the Tennessee, a It is charged in the. indictment stftte- that, by the debenture plan, Lewis ment, said to have appeared ip a endeavored to recover securities in weekly magazine on June 10 lasf In which it, was asserted that a school Dun, most of which were (lue at early ers near Adna, ( Ohid, thix'te men were teacher of NYw Haven, Conti., was de- dates, amoutlng to $7,1 They Had Hot Time. ' In a free-for-all fiifcht, Jit an outing his different companies and obliga- and dance given by some] Polish niin- i4e nmled, tarred and feathered in a public square of New Orleans dur ing the civil war, was strongly de nounced as a fa’seb.ood. 1.60,000. er, although onlv the suburbs li.yve been burned. Part of Tisdale has been wiped out, ttie fire being eon- trolled only by dvnamiting a dozen houses in the middle of Die town. Two special trains have been sent to bring the 4,000 persons who are facing starvation or death by fir* In the Tisdale district. iCqimmunira- tion with stricken district^ is exceed ingly difficult. The flames swept down on South Porcupine, and Plttsville talmots wltn- A dispatch from St. Peatersburg, warninca The alarm came just The discover? Russia, says the fire that broke out (n (jme for thp p eoi , lp to ri|f;h for She had lived all her life on gation is In progress to determine ; sedt’ljjn of the city* Was extinguished abandon a ]] ' 0 f their bolorlgingb stabbed to death, three more were fatally, injured and about a score of (persons, itjeluding several women, re- CIwured Bodies Found. The 'barred bodies of Arthur Per-1 c< ^ ve< ^ knife wounds "evaL.c prominent farmer, and his \v' f e Wue found in.thf ruins of their burned farm house near Princeton, .The Creek Indians in the vicinity of Wet uuka, Owla.. are resorttng rr, im-:«-tii tribal customs in an attempt to o'.’ain a rainfall. <>:;e of their customs which has been widely f 1 lowed in the last week i the walls of the, State penitentiary, is to s'ake mud turtles on the edge o> ! » » ♦ ♦ I " a sDcain just fir enough away from! Refused Tainted Money, the water so that it cannot reach it. | r v a B |x to three vote the city flames for hours, and is sail in datj.'- is ,be Indians belief that the tur-j rounr)1 0 f "Jacksonville Florida re tie d' Spairing of their attempts !°! fused to appropriate money for the reai ii tiie water invoke the aid of the j maintenance of a Carnegie public 11- Dt' ft Spirit to send rain go that j brary. The philanthropist had of- Dm sfreilpi ^iil tie raised and brought! ?prPd }25,OfiO if Pqnjsjicola would 'o tip tn. • ' raise one-tenth of that pmotint. The Sitii o 'lie turtles were first staked : p er) p] e f ur ned dow^t tkU proposition on* several rains have fallen. The ) geveral weeks aco-. on a: referendum Indians i.elieve their prayers are be-! V q{ P -pbe argunfenf was advanced ing answered and they are fastening | th - at Carnegie’s money was "tainted.” up rni.fc turtles to prpy for a still greater ninfall. ^ ots Burn. Never Been to Town. Mrs. Polly Monk, 94 years of age X. C, Wednesday , M1 llllie .u, Is dead in North Christian county, was made by neighbors. An Invest!- a'mohK the cotton bales in the port the lal<p h t thpv wprp f orf . P/ j 8hot by tjnpid; Drowned Himself:* Ensign R. S. Yountr, of Concord. N disaippeared from the destroyer Tenn a Parm, outlived two husbands and bad never seen a train and had an Ig within two miles o/ Crofton. She had never seen a train, and had on antipathy for "new fauigled things.” *' fli ^ 1 Terrilflc Explosion. Near IFrankfort-on-the-Main, Ger many ten persons were killed and twehty others serloutBv injtred by an explosion til a dynamite factory Wed nesday. under what circumstances the couple aftef damage aggregating $500,000 met death. had never beep to town, although liv ed in the loss. 'I Clemson’a Big Income. Clemson College will this year re ceive about $260,000 ftom the sale Gasoline boats, rqwboais and even hastily improvised.rafts wjere utilized to get the refugees, many of whom were women and children, across the lake to Golden City. There all are The Greenville Daily, Piedmont ; po r ki n s, at the New York Navy yaPd, says Deputy Judge of Prftbate James i Wednesday night leaving a note staf- R. Pa'es issued a marriage license j n;? tbrirhe Intended to drown him- jf„ probably the oldest couple that 8plf / The young officer had slightly 'bus received a license since the m«i- riaze license law has been in effect in this State. The two were Henry Nix, aged 7 4, ad Mrs. Melvla V. R"Chester, 41, both of tihe American overstayed his shore leave and had been c4lled upon for an explanation. Had • Close 0*11. * When the first execution under th# new law providing for electroenttoft In place of hanging took pfne#~ia the State penitentiary at Eddyrllto, Ky., recently it came near ending to the death of two persons Instead of one. Prison phystckan VoM stepped forward to feel the pulse of the aogro who formed the first subject befor# the current had been turned off s,nd .barely missed having several th#J»f-j and volts pass through his body. 1 i . ' i V /J ' Ifitled by ChlsMm. felbert J. Baum of battery A. Third U. ^ field idrtillery, was killed lur ing target practice Thursday near San Antonio, Tex. Baum was drtvsd of a caisson. His hdnws took nt the firing and In endeavoring t# keep them from ranning away Baum fell from his seat and was run ovW. f Spinning Company's vllla| Greenville. neiar The Mob Got Him. Will McGrljff, the negro who shot attempting to beat back the flumes, of the fertilizer tags. Since the first j and killed Will Washington, a white which have consumer the outskirts of the year the sum of $242,683 ha4|inian, and wounded two colored men, | 0 f that place. There are only a few been received, as compared witlj | was arrested at Boconton Wednesday days’ provisions left In Golden City. $216,70^ on the same date of last afternoon and later killed by a mob | The laborers employed on thepOn- {ight with the flames, In which t^Jany estimated at more than five ^undrM tarlo Government’s new raflfoid^line, ‘ were badly Injured. They lost etfry- men. ^ i reached the city after a desperate thing but ths clothes they work. Convict Was Killed. Ought on Fire. A Wtashingtoir dispatch says th»« House had an exciting Representative Willis of Ohio,: from his desk, his cl Several members cams to his extinguished the iiamee. He srse i injured. A box of mstche# Is his t enught fire. 1' year. The total amotint received by tha school last year waa 1248,098 While trying to escape from the State prison at MilledgevUle, Qa. t W. H. O’Neal, a whlteYonvict, who bad served one year of a three-year sen tence, was shot to death by guards. O’Neal was sentenced for stabbing nls wife.