The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, January 07, 1909, Image 2

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4WJn!(m th« U*hlM» ffoiift i*»nnot CoMlbly bw m mUghlovou* «• th« oe- ♦ajintit fur >ffW fmr* b«» br«nr "to him tbnt bsth •hui) b« tlven *nd rfifrfn HIM ctixl hrtth »iot ufoaH be Uk«n even bath.’* t ftw a^cthjna «»f Htdtlf and Italy wrt'CkoU by t)i«;«rrlb!e earthouake r.f tlx iWth ult. Wfd lnHabilcd tiy lb* t<n»nMt fwnptv <»f ttXfto eontitrlaa, but life waa a» ttveet to 'hem n« to iheover >k*h. . ■> . !■ ■■ K. Good* y n Kbett, Mayor of Chart*»ton, uomet out of Lho hoiidavH W|t,h'll rfrord that honitra iiU head, hand and boa it. During the Chrlat Hiaa week ho gave on three aeparate nighu (^hrlvtuiaa tree* to the ahook hand* »wlth ft,000 pcoplo on New Vear’e Day; r trf thrw >wrw wimwed with ttm tteh Gx olllee, an allmetrt tbat To jfaii not e»totFH*». ' 'y _Alkeu guv cot oo^tlMMaanaf/hrrr for i *(>eii»r» ihlx vfar. Thla economy la made pnaalhle by the liberal patronage extended by Georgiana to tlx North Augoata diapenaary. Knwa. II. J. W<M»d«rard and J. E. Mo Mimawnr. .State erangellata of the Raptl.t rhnrrh have reeaor to be grate- ful tor the good remit* of. their work during Item, aa at the maninga held by iItem a th<ma««Hl additlona were made to .oh it rch mein borahlp. The Sta^a of Alahaum anti North Cerollna fumed over new leavea on Nhw Vear’a dev, ihcfr State prhhl- bltloi/Uwa going Into effert In Wo Ml p/I JO aaloona were eloaed at mid- nlglit <*f the KNt ult and their I .'kxj emplfijra have hed to hunt bther woHt. dike or i ide. :: r Mulett—The t.o^gh ahead class that kccp.‘ the jilowmnn busy mid mak e jmyiiigcrnps. of the three orphanage* rxlatlug In the old city by the »e*. Bvaiih* toya every father lee* or uiotherle!* little wait received a good »ha re of awfejjt and Dulu—, The Miyor ha* put aouic treaaurc l>.»voud (he reach of hualnoia thieve* who break in and ateal. JlOBniXG 1’Kl'KH TO PAY PAl.G. The Hpartanhurg bank* and mllla dc- ularcd Kaml-anmial dividend* on new year day amounting to f;io4 tilf. pi. Sut whera dtd that big money t*oine from and where hva it gone? The biinka profit* cm me we premme from tlM'lr Interest, rrlwnunt and cx- change payer*, all probably able to take care of themaelve*. hut (be cotton ufill money, wa* It not rokbed fronrtbr bard up farmer* who had to eell tlielr cotton for two hunt* a pound lea* than it cu»t to make U, and from the prDoned labor of weary mother* and unhappy daughter* and aunablue. Inatead of spinning tlndr etreugth and hojie Into cloth* fur the tKotbet* and daiiglitera anil chlhlien nl Aaia, Africa and the barbaric Dlunds of the far off *ea»y And did not the lion’* *hare of the profit go to thu capita Hat* and pro mote re that control the iui l-y :,..r TUIIN A NEW I.hAF. Fanner II. of the Hnnthanle told u* last week that he had about three ahouaaml buaiiela of home made com arf the crop of IWIS in hi* bartu. llm be Added, la t.ocarh »ule for it at w dollar a byahei. aj^JJUdLitgJtire he towld* It. Tne hlgbc*t |irlce In money t—<i po*ed (.O' ■ bhti wa« klVty cent* a. bUahi'l. - Kvidentiy thoee offetlng that llgure intended to hohl the corny* If bought, for next Mimmer pr[ce* r l}ot Farmer W’b barn* are locked agahot such a Mcriliue and the keva In bl» *afe keep ing. goto? of hia neigh bora who made too much cotton and too little grain would like to buy »oni'e of tiie big II corn hut lack the caah. Probably they will borrow when the bank* la-gin lending. Yet a great many people are buying and pav lug ca*b every week day for corn product*—nn-al and grbt. The. mnncT that they pay for their (dally bread and hominy g..e» far away to en rich atranger farmfra, an<l never comer back- The merchant* from whom they buy may keep a little profit, hut the *0 or f>.*» per cent of cost goea to the nttbiida that bthig the good* and the Weatern furmfr* who grow the corn wnd the * tea in mill* that grind and hhraeh the grain. If, luatead, they were to bjry Trom Farmer II aiid other corn Surplus f wlilug f>r.n >r* thyir maaLA < mowey- Would 4 >tayTn their e«<Hfmiutltle# aiid The panic of HkiT, 190d, Ac. wa* no re*pecter of bitain««* For |aat year t¥a protlmnion of gold «nd ailver in the United State* fell about live million low the out pm ot 1W7. The aoaivlty of mouey Uc‘crea»ed the dig ging up and wavhlng out of tbe preoion* metal*. The South Carolina I,eg|*1 itjirc w ill meet next Tueadnv. . The Scaabm will la>t forty pay daya, und with frequent adjournment* It* work-w ill not he tin- I, hed until olo*e to corn planting time. According to the Spartanburg Her ald. w hich I* publlVhed near *tute pro- hlhition ht-adquartfl'’*. the Anti Saloon League, of w hlch Hev. J. G Harley I* Superintendent, w ill make a a.ienuou* elfort to *ecure the pa**age of iv atat.e wide prohibition law. Kepreaenlative* t;h.m A Smith, John (i. Hichanl* and M. L. SfidtU ate now preparing u bill which I* to be anbtnltted tomorrow, to the cxevMitive committee of the Anti- Saloon l.eagnc fur fcvUlon. The Hoo*e of Repre*eutatlve* I* elaimeil a* *alo for prohibition, while toe .Senate 1* considered <3lo*e. Senator J. Sl, Ott* of Cherokee will lead the tight in the upper house. The Anti Haloou League and relig ion* denomination* will bavo atrong men in Goluniblit through the aeaaion In wrc*tle In argument with the law maker*. John Barleycorn’* disciple* will nt*o be there. SOME MORE SUGGESTIONS. torkiiig pilf ttlCir^'Ttb TTre Tarnier* and Irving the nPgro huU the mule begin work tor the next cotton crop. Judge Taft appear* to be having a good time over Ito- Georgia, phrvlug golf, practlalng politic* and cabinet making. Next week the climax will come when he will go to Atlanta .and be chief gue*t at the table o:i which will be 100 po*H<im* and potateea In propor tion. He ha* never before eaten ol that real Houtbcin Democratic culinary coinhinathHi, Judge Tail liaa apparentlr. had op portunity to get well acquainted with Southern city and town people, but hai not made the acquaiutauco ot country folk* vet." He would he a bet- Icr FrcslthitU-if he would quit oil high living a week and *pend the time In tj. A, BEjf JfBttY’S X-jtr-t \ ./ . Sage Stables. rrr.-:c^r,TT._ A rr;Tri - - WfLUSTON, «, C, 1 lorKCH— r rivt‘ SitIV. Sound 1 Sort that it is a pleasure to w* T ® Tl " Tb« (HfdeNdg* form* d i tica of law under J ft Peeplaa. Ott#?....— Houaa S^nare. at tbe. "ierly tktf fat« frwi of liarU 4k Deft w here are win be pleaa- ed to awrve tbe many friend* of the JM-Mter member «f tbe bvte fTrm, and all ffUtflC lutruMlng famine** te our care. ' . At* January 4th IttW. FIIiAL DISGH ARGE N'U ITGK. TAJ Nutfc* Ix herebyTIvehlhat tbe nn- ,W.awbaaxa»aa (lerAiiciifttl will on «at. UWJ, tile with ITon. John K. SueT Ung. Judge ef I'mimte for Bafdvvall County, hi* dual return aa Guardian of Keoale Martin Bronker and Shelly Jacob Martin and applv for l.ettcr* Dlauiiaaory. W. 1L Martin.- Guardian. December 28th I IK'S. Personally sclented by Q. — NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND eM». % '• I A. Kennedy,, who knows what Barnwell, Aiken, and Oranirchntg county people want. Prices all riuht. iTORS. TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CGUNTT of baunwelu In the l*robotc Conn. By J. K. Fnclliog, Eaq., Judge <*f Piol<ate In Baruweh County. Whcrea* <h»bn II. Ucwlrtt made *uit tome t<> graut to her Ltiitei-iof AdmuiiiUrathHi on the estate of and effect* of T. M. Hewlett, doceam.-d. Theae are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, live kindred ami creditors of the said T. M. Hewlett, deceased, thul they la; and api>car before me, In the Court -of Probate to la: held xt Barnwell on Mon day January eighteenth |W-0. aft< r publica tion then-.of at It o'clock In the forenoon to show cause. If any they have why the said administration should not be gran'ed. Ulrni under my hand this 4th day of January Anno Domini, 1!>08. J. K. SNELI.INH, , Probate Judge. Pul dished In The Baiikweli. Peopi.b Jan uary 7th. Ifl08. All pcr*oilf< Indebted to the estate of D . J.*H*lr, Sr., decraaed, or to the es tate of Mr* KehtHtca Heir, deceased, an; reqnested to make prompt payment to mo and any person* having claims against either of the said/estate* will ..plrnse present tln-m properly attested I t tire undcraigned. I! J flair, t^ualitt*‘d Executor. Elko, R. F. I). No. 2 December, 17th Hm. .. . ... 1Y0W 11^ V v. H.L.6ILM0RE&eO NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND ITORS. RED- THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF BAItXWF.I.L. Court of Common Flea*. ■Canfield Oil O. Tatum. Company and William PlaintUr*, All persona Indebted to the estate of Pv W. Fararll. deceased, or to toe es tate of Mr* C. C. F.arrell, deceased, are requested to rmrke prompt payment to me and any person* having claim* jkganm either or ihe said estate* will ‘ pleaa| present them properly attested to the undersigned. J. M FarrelL Administrator. Blackvllle, 8. C., December I7 h HKbi. NOTICE TO DEB TORS AND CREDITORS. Any and all persons Indebted to the estate of f. It. Walker, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment to the uidci-lgiied and any p--i>on< having demands" against the *akl estate will ptetse present the same properly attested to us. Leather Walker, Admlnistntt lx. A. B Burge**, AdmlnUtrator. December I2t.h IMS. against SUMMONS TO ABSENT DEFEN- DAN IS. - stale of South ('afo:inn | ) County of ^Barnwell. | Court of CootmonFleaa. . Mary K. Langford. Lula M. Barr, 1‘Uintiif*. ngilnat Mrs Billie Jonkln*. Llla, Mm nie Jenkins, Samuel Jenkins, vioorge Young, T. \V Ham*, H. F, Thuma*, Z >e r eogfn anuId I Jenkins. Estelle Wil- 'iTioina*, George Oohagmn, D^udant*. To the Defendant* above named : You are hereby summoned and rc quiml to answer tin; complaint In lid* action of winch a copy I* herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy ■d your answer lb Hie said complaint on thtMfiihsofiber lit hi* ottic? in Barn well,' So. < a , within twenty days alter ybe H-rvlee here<d ; exclusive <>f Die day ot such service; autHF you fail to ans wer the compliant within tho Umw o- foresal.l, the plaluritf in ihi* action' will api^^to the Court lor Die reliel d>iii*ui||Bmii thu cnmplatnt. ^ B. T. Rii-e, FlalniiU’* Aumiiey. Dated May JJrd DHJ7. To the absent delendant, Samuel .fei<kin»; Take notice that the com- piaint in (hi* action (ogetner wilK the Mimiuon* (of w hich the foregoing is a cOpv) whs illud in tbe .plfko of me Cleik of the Court of Common P.ea- lor the Coiinty of Bamwep, State al- lorc».,iid, on tne Jtli dav of oauuary A. D. IHOl. B T. Rice. riaintiU’o Attorney. -, mm W®,! Farmer II and Co. woldd keep it mov ing, buying fronvljome inerchant* and ftealei* the gondl they desiie but ate going without. There 1* a furlher ■ WMiVuleration of»gre*tcr moment 'i'fie ^toeal and gtlst that the non farmer* are using come front u slwn t *;mimer section where the corn crop is planted late and cut early to escape the fall 1 roat*. Tba- grain hasn’t time to ripen to tbe miUurity that i» reached iu onr long summer tiwe. It lack* tlyc.jfnod Yulua that Barnwvll corn Iih*. Every faraibr who Ua* bought il know* that vaeslern corn does not do work stin k the good that iho heme raiaed . sound «»ar <It*% And Jvvtly. f he 1Le*terj) >»rodiwTa' ave bleached by ^chctiiicala that are not helpful to their healthful- ■ne**or Dutrltire value. Every town 4* Barnwell cou»ty. Bamberg * too, ahould begin with the now- year lo -fcttlW itaclf up by building up the - wountry around it. * We to wile of the good I U 1 l , Ut r r ‘ - Youaghload . ai'J Mary M. Bamberg and G. Frank Bamberg, a* executor* of the eatato of F. M. Bamberg, deoervacd. Bamberg Spoke and Handle Mann factoring Company, J. K Lowry, agent oi tbe Spoke and''-Handle Lotu|*auv of Yorgvil'e. South Curollnn, niul Mr* Emm* Bamberg, wife of (Jcorge I Bamnerg. and John May, J D. Felder W. J. Murray. L. T: Levin, L. G Wood*, G. C . Va«n and H. C. Folk. Defendant* 8pmMox» to Rkskw Kxkcptiox. TO William O. Tatttm, plaintiff shove nanied. *nd John May, J D Felder, ynd G. C. Vnrn, defendant* above named. WHEREAS. Judgment was ren dered on The rhlrtenth day of Novem ber A. D/1898 in un action In the Court of Crmimon Fleas for Barnwel! Coun ty between the plaiutilTs above named -amf the defeirrtanr* atKive - T7awit-<r in favor of Raid J. K/ Lowry, defendant for the *um of Eleven hundred atwf seventeen it 80 100 Dollar*, against William O. Tatum plaintltf and John May. J D. Felder and G. C. Yam. de fendant*, a* appear* by thu j-idgmen roll Hied In the otiteff of the Clerk of the Court of Common Flea*. County of Barnwell. / AND WHEREAS, The said Judg ment wa* docketed on the fourth day of September A . D. 1907 and • xecutlon wa* duty f**ued thereon, but the active energy thereof ha* now expired: AND WHEREAS, There is now actually due and remaining • unpaid unonThe »:ild Judgment, the sum yf THTTv four IS to have. Bare gi\en, ^ Kow, dear reader, U [» up to you to jtefxipt of-Efce'oM mt Th'lb Tt.e^gboir road that lead* toward tetter health, Impplr.e** and prospenrv. SCATTF.K YOUR SUNSHINE. rusnKt^“ NOTICE TO FROVETM.ATM8- Mta'e of Soujtlt Carolina, County of Barnwell, In the Frobate Court. In He C. B. Dunbar, in bin'own behalf and In bi'hulf of all tbk creditors of the estate of John Brlster, deceaMd, and a* administrator of «4id estate, -. I’Jalntlir. * - T*. Defendant*. Any and all person* hayingelalm* nr demand* agalnat the ««tate ot- John Krister decea*ed. art hereby eumm mod and required to be and appear IBS Frotnite'^ourt for Barnwell ty on Friday the twenty aoeend day of - January A. D. ItftB to prore and es- lar.Jiih their said ctftta*. Given under my hand and the teal of the Frobut* Court Htl* Mpood day of Jituuary A. D. JieT John lC.'Br»elllng, real. TTtnetecTT hundred and Hk* <h*Hars; and it Is desired the execution thereop renewed. NOW, THEREFORE, you are *um moned to upnear at the next term nl the Circuit Court to he held for «witl County at the place <>f holding the same, ami then and there show cause, ifanrvou can, whv said execution • hould not be renewed according to law Dated. Columbia, S. C, November 1 at, A. D. I bus W. IT. Townten.l. *- Attorney for J E l.owrv, Defen dant. Judgment cretlitrrr. NOTICE ToG.C. Yarn and J dm May Dyfeoduots-: Take- pot ice rhyt the abme summon* was llled In the of- Ih e of the '.'erk of Court for Barnwell county no the 24th day of N ivemher 1908. W. II. Town«ond, attorney for J. E Lowry, Defendant, Judgment creditor. ON HAND, FOR SALE ('ll K A F. A LO T OF STALK CUTTERS. VJJ EACH. They are great labor savers and leave easy AUDITOR’S NOTICE. The AmHthr will he at the following place* on date* name ] below for the ptirpO*e of taking returns for taxes of l!K»9: BaiuweM from January 1st LuUttrH Dunhai toil Ashleigh’s 8'nre Brabham’s “ Fur*e’* *• Bvldo'k Barnwell Appleton Mouda-V Jan 'Tuesday ** Wednesday “ TTiiMsday *• Friday Saturday Monday' Duncan Sams Store Tuesday Barton Fairfax Allendale Barnwell Mine Syeamorw U.mer Klauk vifle- 11 12 i: ic }s 19 20 21 2: Wiialev 'Bari ItaniweM Harn well Elko Willlston Meicatu* Sin lling Baruw ell Hilda Barnwell The Auditor’# Wednesday Thu rsilay Friday Saturday ** 2J Monday “ 'Tuesday “ Wednesday •• - 'Thursday' •' Friday “ Saturday •* Monday F< b Tuesday “ Wednesday “ Thursday •* Friday •* ' r> Snnirday *■ c Mooiiav “ 8 to *J() ofllije will t>o closed while 1 am out taking returns All re ¥ before turn* sent in by mail must h/ properh probated before they can igued and be accepted. The law dirjects Dint . r gi per cent shall he added after Feb 20 . J. C/KeeT. ^Auditor, , Hr ru wt 11 Co. ../_.-,// TREASURER’S NOTICE. the land in hc«t condition for working and large production, AngteLnulck to J . D. Mri.Ittle, w It rfckvllle, 8. C STATIC 01- SOUTH CARO LINA. COUNTY OK BARNWELL, In the Prol ate Com t. By J. K. Snelling, Erq . Judge of Probate In Barn well County. Wiirrea* Mrs. Isahrlla A. Briggs made suit to im to grant to Dr. j). K. Brl—». Iwt- ler* oT Administration on the estate of aud t g<et* of Henry Wf Biiggs, deceased. 7* UteTTfore,. to dtAAPd tlmooWi SB and shigtilar, th- kindred ami creditor* of the said Henry W they Im and appear before me, Id the Court, of Probate to tie held at Barnwell on the Dth day of Jonoiry 1900, after {mblkation there- The TreaRiir^rs ollicn will be open for tbe collection of taxes levied foi the tlscal year coinmenclng .faiiuary l-t IWIS, from the loth day of riefobet- MKW to the Lilli of March 1909 in- clusjve. / Krony the 1st to the Jl*t day o lanuiyry ;9f)'.< inc iisive a penaly o* one per <^nt will be Udded. F/orn the |*t tp the 2^(1, ,| HV - 0 f rua. v inclusive a penalty of two (»er •ent will be added to ail taxes paid In February. 0 F-jmrr t/e l s t to t he T-TdO-Ttny of At* reTi 1909 inelu*lve a penalty of seven per cut will be added to all unpaid taxe-. LEVY. For .State-pnrprwe* .’ij mil!*. Tor Ordinary County pur|)<i»es mills For Reindexing RecArds mill . For t diiRiiiuiioiiul Scliooi Jt mills. ’D>r-el levy 12 mills There will be an extraXleyy of iw<> mills in Hlackville townslljp l<ir road ta x ' Commutation tax wiW liOUaod »lll be received Don* October V> JIioh .March ls< IlMf.i inclusive. Bpecial Local Seined Le>\ Cedar Grove (l) mill, Allendale, Uatbary Hratich, Cnlvarv, Double Fond, Elko, Kdiato. Friendship, Georges Creek, Healing Springs Kline. Mortis, New Fore*t. Oak Grove, Old Columbia. Reedy Branch, Seiglf vllle. Seven Fine* and Tinker's (‘r«Vek of Neiv York to be converted into cash in 10 days to pay the indebtedness of this firm, as per following agreement: /L Wil listen, S. C., dan. 3rd, 1000. . * AGREEMENT. I the undersigned, do hereby agree to, and do, retain, employ and designate H. L. Gilmor^ / ' ‘ S & Co. agent, representative and attorney in fact, and do turn over unto them all my stock of Goods, Wares, MerchiThdise contained in my 29 «' 1 2 /I store in Williston, S. C., for the purpose of con- _. 4 r A ■ ' ' " ~ " verting the same into cash in such a manner and on such terms as to them shall seem tit; and I hereby agree that this authority is irrevocable until sutlieient goods, wares and merchandise have been rendered into cash to pay my out standing indebtedness. a (Signed) A. N. GARBER. Safe opens Wednesday Jan. 6th, 9 a. m H. L. GILMORE & CO. In Charge. LANDS FOR SALE. Now i* the time to buy, Land* wi!l never be cheaper, and awre to incrcn«e u value. BUY NOW. Land Township, balance r.58 Acres, Rich Barnwell County, One half in cultivation woodland. Two in lies Jrom Htmlling Station on Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Itiiilding* and iinprovement*. A bargain in tbi* place. Terms easy. O"0 Acres. Rulldihg* nn 1 Improve ment,*, Ji*) acres in cultivation, 3(X) acre* in woodland. 'Three mile* fmm.Spelling Station. A. C. L. Ji. I'<iur mile* from Dun barton A . !». Term* easy. 2<*0 Acre*. DU) in cultivation, forty acre* in Wood and Timber. Barnwell Township. live mile* from Barnwell Court Hou*e. New ke*blerice ami olhei building* In good conditions. Terms easy. 400 Acres in Barnwell Township, House* ami Improvement*. Four mile* lrom Barnwell Court House. 20" acre* in ctiliivaii.ou balance in wood and timber. Term* ©«*v. THE Bank of Barn well 1 he Oldest and 'Strongest ^ TV ' —»vWi*ynrv3(0v « dxLtnk in Barnwell County' Depository of T iv State and T Soutli ( an ilinn, I be ('<>um\ of Rani well, it town <»f Barnwell Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profit*, $60,006.00 $45,000.0# Jo «ave money i* not hard wlien once a bank account I# started for money din bank cannot burn a hole the pocket. A bank accofitit mean- pa\ing bill* by check—the only xbaolntely safe wav. Checks leave no room for argument a* to when or how a bill \\;i* paid. Em h cheek is recorded m the bank's book*. 'These togeher with your money and the cancelled cheeks are kept for you in burglar and fire proof vault*. You lime acces. to them al any rime. . ^ . Let n. tick OiD <iv< r with you the next time yon are in town ifiai- (c i - ible t<> < ai I, write u*. s* y^l^f aru rrriodt lh fbe Tbfenoon to »b7)W cause ILsuty they have why the said adaant»- raUon should not be granP.d. Given under my hand this AHh day of Pe- (2) null*. Barton, Big Fork. , „ ville. Cave, Hickory Hill, Owen* Cr »V t 460 ‘ [ rom ^rnwell Road*. Steamore, No 5| Ulmer* «n\i 1 “UT ' 00,, ‘ ;r :* ,, J n cultivation Uppei Rich Land (B) mills. Kalriax*, 1 ' wf ' t ‘ r M,,l W °” d - (Jig ) mil;-, Heicule* anil »Lee* (4)’ lerni'easv. iiiitl#, 'laynwell (4)4) mill*, 11 Uli-tyo 50 Aer^s tinee mile# from Barnwell (2'4)mlll*^ . ^ Improve-' Untfed 8T*n*a VtliffeBev Gjd.d 'D"l 1 ro acin.« in eultlyaiion balance Mlver-colv. comity and ft. hool claims ; in \ V property approved, will he received | 'T\rms eii«y ' - Ia» vne*. .. 'v— —-v-—1—- ~~c— - Chetrk# and draft* will not be received f .",IW~Acrc* a'so in one tract of Fine Brig;*, deceased, that I (or >'t the rt»k 6t tux <'vpr>A‘. Foplir, Ash and < titer bard payer*. - : woods J B. Arm.strong, Good a'yd cony en lent Jtniijoad facill Cmintv '! reasnrer, j iie*. Bhra wfilL, aeptnnbcr J 2U#»lkya r -Gome a <Wuno t oinlni. / . J. K SXELXJXG, Probalo Judg fttbBabad hj Tw Bartrwrv. P"0pr.f .-.B’sr M*:yat ♦ A DRY CHRISTMAS. STEI’ll EN S. FI R-K, JR A tirext* pmfrerttc*. ;"'^"' O. Fatleraou A rBon. 1 n BEKD RYE FOR 8ALE By order of Irtbrndant FUhbui ne the W*Burbotpdispeaaarywax closed rno i h,,. 11Up) i ^ ^ i n ,„ t last four day# 01 Chriitma* week. The ' , tl t l.'jj „u.'‘ r a i ’ J * nr arcbanra ntade record breaking sale*, j ,,ever * v d Hnr.-t-hin.* P"-, amf Fiahbunie boa been nominated for ' r ’ Kn * ^ , ottnH&r nex*. fewi". - . ! - - 1. kind EDMUND M. LAWTON. AM) LAWTON, Cotton Factors. Bagging and Ties, Fertilizers, Handlers of Upland, Sea Isiuiul and FiorudoraUottori. Libural advanot's matlc <hi conbignmunts of cotton. Personal, prompt and careful attention to all bubincfia ^ ...JO- • -r -mr-V; - - Jr-=fn ■ yx-.-X&V** ontniatcd tajaa^_, , ,< > V ^ FURSE & LAWTON, 212 Eii«t Buy St., / : Savannah, G*.