The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, January 07, 1909, Image 1

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ry-A. Sr ; ^ *\ c ~~rr, • Jt atfSjSB&s&ae- -V : / ;- > '. ?^,"r • l 'jr '■ ' • • • ' l - .'4-a. - , 4 - -'4: »■ ' - 1 •*< "' t ; ■ • -^; : ^V-' - - ^ v • c; •'.•’■ ' v W' . •Wf M'% • .«■?> w' yf 1 A* 1 tr- f/ ' ^'.J- t-e* 1 .»iiltfiiiin.|. ‘-fc -^: -m: 3W1 '■ *?!&*•'.■ t >•'• i -A-. .; I — ^—■■■ Wl^llll II III >1lll | II 1 - V- . y, .grr 9. C., •A ■• • -.v OF LIFE stt: j s& "■ »v' - ; »'‘ - -■• •> - ^ TWELVE DEAD AW0 MAN¥ IM- And Property by 6rtat Eirtli- quake te Southern Italy. TIDAL WAVE W&} _ -v- ' -4»- .Exact Number of Casualties Not Yet - Ifaaw ■ ■D^Hi af Rescue Begun at Once. Bluefleld. W. Va., Dec. 29—Twelve men are known to "be dead ant! prob ably 25 more were entombed ’as the result of an explosion which occurr ed in the Lick Branch colliery, own ed by the Pocahontas Consolidated Wrought Destruction in Messina aad Other Cities- and Towns—Inde scribable Scenes Enacted Daring and Following the Catastrophe, Which is Greatest in Many Years. Coal company, the largest coal mln- ' Rome, Dec. 28—The three pro*:'*** concern in southern West Vir- incee of Cosenza, Catanzaro and Reg gio di Calabria, comprising the de partment of Calabria, which forms the southwestern extremity of Italy, or “the toe of the boot,.” were devas tated today by an earthquake, the far reaching effects of which were felt almost throughout the entire^ country. The town of Messina, Jn g*-* e miq. Sicily, waa partially destroyed, and Oatanta was tuunduted by a huge tidal wave. The tidal wave which followed the earth shocks pn the eastern coast of Sicily swamped vessels and inun dated the lower part of Catania. It is known that a number of people were killed at that place, but the rushing waters carried everything before them and caused such Inde scrlbable confusion that H will be 1m possible for some time to estimate the damage and the lives lost. The city of Messina has suffered probably more than any omer place, the latest Information coming ind • rectiy from 4h»t quarter stating that two-thirds of the town was destroyed and several thousnad persons killed. The steamers Washington and Monte bello, which were in that harbor, later proceeded to Cttanla loaded with injured, who were so sluplflel by terror that they seemed unable to realise what had happened, simply Mvlnr that it looked as though th* end of the world had come. five steam »rs left Catanta fni; Messina to assist In removing tb* injured from that plapf, wno are *e ported to number thousands/ At, Catania the panic-stricken , people absolutely refused to re-enter their houses and are camping/ on the squares, which are free from water, nnd the surrounding jountry. Thf tod at wave sank five hundred boats there and did great damage to a luge number of vessels and steam era, including the Austrian steamer Buda. Not only did Catania suffer fro i effens *tJf a ttdal wove, but a the similar body of water Inundated the handsome streets of Messina which flank the harbor, covering th/m with a thick layer of mud, which render ed more difficulty the removal of the wounded, many of whom could be seen lying under the wreckage It is reported that the villages of Faro and Ganzlrrj. adjoining Mes sina. have disappeared: The effects of the earthquake were aggravated by fire through an explosion of gas. the flames of which swept along several of the streets, adding terror upon terror. Extraordinary scenes are reported t Catania. Following a vloleui earth shock at 5:20 a. m.. the tea rose In a tremendous wave, which wrecked manv smacks. It then sud denly retired from the shore and re turned as qulcklv. causing further great damage and wreckage. Awak ening by the shock, the inhabitant? fled panic-stricken from their hom-.r into the greets and squares. Pre cessions #eVe organized and soon ail the churches were fttbul with weep ing crowds Imploring Divine mere.' _Cjyr<linai Nava,at Archbishop oL ENTOMBED. ^~ PRISONED. ginia, this afternoon at three o’clock. It Is not known exactly how many men smto in the mine at the time. The men leave the mine after what is known at the ’’run” and as many as 52 who were at work today were not in the pit when the explosion Inspectors Philips, Henry, Werner end Grady, who were In the Tug River Held, came to The scene of the explosion and took charge of the work of exploring tho mine. ^ The management of this property, It la claimed, had provided every device known to mining experience and science to insure safety and K U thought that! the trouble originated in an abandoned connected working in the western division of the mine. The little town of Switchback, in which all of the miners who work in the colliery live, was wild with excitement when the news spread that an explosion had taken place, 'nd from ail of the neighboring col- leries men hurried to the scene to aid in the work of rescue. A special train bearing the offl- •ials of the company was sent from Pocahontas to the scene of the ac cident MANY MURDER CASES. Thirteen People to be Their Lives. Tried for WALLS TAKES QUEER VIEW SEVERE SHOCKS tate tii« PuoplQ at Masslna Who Fled to Die SHOOTING UP BROWNSVILLE GOOD THING, -1 Continue Making Campiata the Ruin of Oaci Fair Citiia.- 1 LACK OF INTEREST IN EDUCA TIONAL atATnan. . Wowatf Cry af Lakawood, $ IN FIRE AND FLOOD Catania, exhorted the people to b< calm. promised that the body of St. Agatha should be carried round In procession. 9t. Agathi is regarded a? the special delivcCAT from all acourges. and, according tr history, the pious Inhabitants of Catania diverted the course cf tb ( lava stream In 1669, when a fearful eruption of Mount Aetna took place b3 extending the veil of St. Agatha toward It. thus having the city, a' _ Ihe lava was tmred aside near th- Benedictine monap!e r y and descend ed Into the sea. Thousands of peonle abandoned their homes, although a terrific ra'n storm prevailed, and filled the air with lamentations and prayers In rome places, such as Brlzxo, Cotrone. 9anta Severlna and Piseoplo, the people entered the churches almost while they were falling and carry out the saints. They bore theve In procession throtkgh the open coun try, Invoking the mercy of God Ih - the mountainous .regions inland the Greenville, Dec. 21.—The first drcult court for the year 1909 wl*l be the court of general seuirn which eottvanes on the third Hond In January. Judge S. W. G. Shlpi vill preside and tbia will l>e his first Appearance in Greenville. Solicitor Bonham will also make his first ap pearance In his official capacity this, term and the new sheriff and clerk of court will make their de but There are on the docket for trial it this term of court 13 murde-- cases. The murder record of tbn county for the past three month/ ias been alarming, those who will tand trial for their lives are: Bud Gamhrell, colored, who is barged with killing a negro by tbc name of Jackson; Posy Barton, vhite, who Is charged with the mur der of Al>e Dill, white; Jess Har- Ison, who Is charged with the mur- ler of Fred Ruble, white; Tad Fos ter, colored, who Is charged with the murder of Cootie Hill: Cu-. Brown, colored, who is changed with he murder of John Swinger; Mill Britton, white, who is charged With he murder of Jim ourgiss, whit ; gam Burnside, colored, who is barged with the murder of Arch :jock, colored; Will Evans and Earle Wilson, colored, who are charged *-ith the murder of Jim Miller, col ored; Alec. Chapman, . Doc. Chap- nan, Lee PerKina and Wlss Su!’-.- van, colored, who are charged w!*h the murder of Jo.n McGedana. white: =►0fireman Herdriz Reetcnv charged lib killing a negro, burglar; a ne- man j bv—fhe—name -of BosU-y Awful Scenes Witnessed by Few Sur- vlvers of Earthquake Who Are Rational to Tell of Their Evinl- ences—^Thousands of People Liter ally Tumbled Out of Homes. Catania, Dec. 29.—The following graphic story is told by a woman who arrived here from Messina this morning, badly injured: “ ‘Infernal’ is the only word that will adequately describe the fearful anl terrifying scene," she said. “When the first shock came, most oT the city was fast asleep. I was awakened by the rocking of the house. Windows swayed and rattled and crockery and glass crashed to the floor. The next moment l war. violently thrown out of my bed to the floor. I was half stunned but knew that the only thing to do was to make my way out doors. The streets were filled. Everybody had rushed out In their night cloHV-.n, heedless of the rain falling in tor rents. Terrified shrieks arose from all sides, and we heard heartrending appeals for help from the unfor tunate pinned beneath the ruins. “Walls were tottering all afo md us, and not one of our party exp< ct- ed to escape alive. My brothers an 1 sisters were with me, and In a frenzy of terror we groped our way through 'he streets, holding our oWn against the panic-stricken people, clatnb‘ring over plies of ruins, until we finally reached a place of comparative saf ety^ But this was not done before I was struck down and badly injuerd by a piece of furniture that feu out of the upper story of a house. “All along the road we were jv>s- tled by fleeing people half clad lii:e ourselves. Tho houses seem -d to be crashing to the ground In what ever direction we turned. _ “Suddenly the sea began to pour into the town. Ft seemed that *his must mean the end of everything, e on-coming waters rolled In n U?e wave, accompanied by a terri fying roar. “The sky was aglow with the re flection of burning palaces and otlwr buildings, and as If this was not enough, there suddenly shot up Into the sky a huge burst of flame, fol- lowed by a crash that seejned to Hays a Georgia Man Who Now Lives Out In. the Shot Up Town In the State of Texas. . Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 28.—Prof. I. L. Candler, a native Georgian but now a citizen of Brownsville, Tex., Is In Atlanta for the first time in ■ V ' 6 many yeart. He Is a brother of for mer Governor Allen D. Candler, and he Is here to attend the educational convention which begins tomorrow. “Yes, I was at Brownsville on tho UPARI GROUP SUNK Volcanic Group Near glcllj Report ed to Have Disappeared With the Entire Population—List of C'ale nities Now Estimated as 300,000 —Hind Murder and Steal. Rot e, Dec. XI.—The Vita at'-Jes that y wireicss messag* 1 from ihe night of the 'shooting up,” Mr: g( r;i i[ 0 f reports that—the Show That Superintendents Are *“"■ »• -—' ••• *-p '• ~ : “ Not Working for Helf-Improvenwnt The State says Prof. W. fL Hand of the University of South Carolina at the meeting of the State Teach ers’ Association Thursday morning, scored the county superintendents for falling to give his committee sufficient data upon which to bare a report upon the County Teach ers’ Association and bemoaned lack of interest in tbe work. Prof. Hand said in part: " 'V.Vai i. a*, ffilfa pid T>o rst nug' population has taken refuge in grot toes and caves, where peasants and priests, soldier* and persons of gen tle hearth ai* IMng Jn common Thelg bed »« the ground and Art? burn to kep off wild animals. In Aibl alone 2,000 people are homeless There is no doubt that a large por -tion of Messina has been destroyed To add to the terrible effects cf th^ (.1 saater thieves were soon aj work setting fires at various points and stealing everything they conld lay their hands on. even robbing the Injured as they lay helpless OTlt the settle the question, dead. Stores were broken into vnd great disorder and even terrorlom prevailed for a tln^a. Tha authori ties, however,'*’promptly took tha most stringent order, and (Ugwe whw NHriT'csught In acts-of Incendiarlgm find robbery Trr charged with killing hts wife. an4 he case against Rowley will prub- ibly be called at thin term. shake the whole town. This proual)- ly was the gas works blowing up. “Eventually we reached the prin cipal square cf Messina. Here we found two or three thousand utterly terrified people assembled. None of ua knew what to do. We waited in agony of fear. Men and women prayed, groan, d and shrieked. I saw one of the big hulIdlngSL fronting on the square collapse. It seemed to me that scores of persons were burled benea-h the ruins. Tl.en I lost consfciousTifis and I remember no more.” A woundeci soldier from Messina said: “The spectacle was terrifying be yond words. Dante's ‘Inferno’ gives you but a faint Idea as to what hap pened yester^iy .morning at Messina. The first shock came before tbe sun had risen. It shook the city to ils very foundations. Immediately the houses began to crumble. Those of us who were not killed nt once made our W’ay over undulating floors to the at recta Beams were crashing Jew n through the rooms nnd the stairs were equally unaatn. Candler said today. “My opinion Is that it la the best thing that ever happened to Brownsville. The unfortunate features were the kill ing of one man and the serious In juring of a policeman. But the oc currence advertised the town to the world, and made its existance known to all the people of this country, Better rtSil. II brought about the elimination of the greatest nuisance we ever had In that vicinity. I re fer to the army barracks, where negroes often garrisoned. The rt Brown garrison, where the ne- es who did the shooting were artered, has been abandoned by the war department and is now used by the department of agriculture as an experiment station for cattle dis eases. “The riot there has been greatly exaggerated, as such occurrences usually are,” he went on. “It was not so pretentious or so serious as one would think from the national controversies it has caused. 11 amounted to very little more than a drunken row and the ‘shooting up’ was Confined to a very small section. Ninety per cent of the residents Knew nothing of it until after It oc curred. “My private opinion is that the white officers were In secret sympa thy with the men, and their conduct, in my judgment, was more respon sible than that of the soldiers. “There Is doubt of the shooting having been done by members of Ihe twenty-fifth infantry, that is looked upon as a settled fact in Brownsville. Private, non-partici pating members of the battalion would admit that their companions were guilty. Only a small percen tage of tho troopers were Involved, but they made such* threats that the others were afraid to talk. "The battalion was made up in large part of Georgia negroes. I tnew several of them before I left this State and some wercTReputable, reliable negroes." TWO COMMITTED SUICIDE. Llparl Islands, a group of voTeunlc Island?, in the Mediterranean, near the coart of, have disappeared. The total population of the group numbers 2S,oOO, mid mast "1 revr- tably have jierished. ^ Estimates n r the death roll of the earthquake nov cease- to concerp the Italian people It Is enough to And Great Excitement !» Created as People Ran in Every DfaVe* / / 7 - •• • ar tk>n—At Least Forty Shots Were y . a A . Fired in the Chase at the Deapht rado, Who Was Caught. . Lakewood, N. J., Dec. 30.^—Follotlr- _ . ing a cry of pickpockets at the M»n- "The student of educational hattan auditorium, where Mtsa Bet- dttlons in South Carolina can not ■'frt.ffiSK m ' ' but be Impressed with the profound | ty Hammond’s play #aa being pro- indifference manifested towards I dueed by Lakewood Boclety~ $dopfy, school matters by. men supposed to Frank Jamkowskl, a local hotel man, give their thought, time and atten- mjin( wa# , hot tnd ijr a rfftt- tlon to education, j 5 ive men consti tuted the committee appointed to make this report. Nearly two ln k ton avenue last night, monts ago the chairman of the com-1 Patrolmen Mathews and Curtis ■M know that the catastrophe la over-1 mlttee aaked each of bis tour asso-1 were slightly wounded and manv whelming—figures would add noth ing to the grief of the stricken na- fion, nor move to greater ■effort? (hose upon whom the work of re lief and rescue has fallen. men and boys had narrow from the rain of bullets incident to the man hunt. The man who did/ the shootlngwas dragged to tbe town | hOJL by police reserves, who fought » mob that attempted to lynch hi a elates to take eight specified counties and assigned himself to 10 coun ties. as the fields for -gathering data. A questlonalre with specific ’ ques tions was sent to each county with Every channel open to the rov-j the request that It be filled out and eminent has been utilized to this returned promptly to a certain mei j while a poese was formed to feeareh t nd, and other nations have b'-'-n ber of the committee. The chair- >),e woods for an accomplice. ~ quick to come to Us assistance, even man received a few prompt repllej; J least forty shots were fired In before the cry for aid wen; up. a second request brought one morj the chase. When the entire village Shiploads of fugitives have been car- while three counties have disregard-1 {, a( j around, th* desperado lied out of the stricken sone to ed even the third request. The whPn } atPI . rrf , 1SPd to g j ye h|ji na|M> Vaples, Palermo, Catania and o*hcr chairman presumes that the other |^ ag cornered on the grounds rf ports and according to the minis- members had similar experience, ter of marine, rescue vessels to the since one has reported Six counties, number of 36 are now centered In another on three counties, another he Strait of Messina and 5,000 sol- on one county, while the fourth mero- dlers are being landed on the coasts, ber has made no report at all. In Most important of all now b the all we can report on 17 counties, question of the living, i housands <>f These are: Abbevllls, Aiken, Bam- those who escaped the falling walls berg, Beaufort, Calhoun, Chester, and the sweep of the tide-are starv- Colleton, ing and without clothes or shelter. | Hampton, ,..i /v Howard Applegatd, a wealthy real- dent. Here n. last desperate staii! was taken by the assassin. Point ing two 4 4 calibre revolvers at tjl! crowd, he held them at bay, tlnr>> llce having -mplled their weapons. Then bqgan a fusllade from bath guns, but all except three bnllyti Dorchester. Greenwood. I wpft , w , 1(| j ftm(WB k|, who had Join- Laurens, Lee, Newberry, | ed the chase, attempted to rdah They can scarcely longer survival Orangeburg. Richland, Saiuda an-M rt , nn> an d as he grappled with (heir Sufferings. The first thought j Sumter. Of these 17 counties only I the gun was iunied to his has-been to carry food and covet- 10 have active associations—Abhe^K g j] B the trigger Was pulled, ttd ing for these helpless people and It vllle, Colleton, Dorchester, Green- ; an , OWB ki was fatally Wounded. Be- bas now been decided by the govciu-. wood, Laurens, Lee, Newberry, Or-|f 0re the mob could eios* 111 ment to send a fleet of emt«‘ant angeburg, Richland and Saluda, nsn, bo emptied tht last chamber steamers to transport them to ollmr Only four of .these give the actual his revolver. places. membership of their respective as-J jhen he fought with th« strength The latest reports received at sociatlons — Greenwood, Laurens, I n f a maniac, but the beating he re- Rome state there have been «runny Richland and Saluda—aggregating CB | ve( j goon subdued him, and ha wgl Intermittent shocks, following the 74 men and 108 women, or a total dra g ge( i to the town hall. JaflOQ- flrst, to which the greater part of membership of 182. wUkl, who la popular, waa carried the destruction Is attributed. The One county, Newberry, reports » o a physician’s office, whera.he died British warship Minerva reported by continuous existance of Its associii-j within a few minutes, — ^ /.■ wireless to Malta that two severe Hon of 20 yearr; Laurens comes next shocks ocourred at- Messina last with eight years; one county fou. night. vears; the others two years and lest The horror of the situation at | The number of meetings each yesr The shooting caused Intense ex- H-ment in Lakewood, and at_mW- ilght Prosecutor Brown and Coroner Hagermsn, with Public Commlsslofi* Messina and Reggto grows with J ranges from fire tir nine Only oncKy Hoff. KWOfe In ipeclal deputies every fresh despatch. One o' the I county has an organized systemat'c I 7U ard the town hall'from Death of Daughter of a Caused Deed. Professor New York, Dec. 21.—Prof. J. F. Oordy, of New York university, ami his wife today committed suicide few hours after thedeath of the;: daughter, eigntecn years old, who died this morning of pneumonia. The parents retired to their apart ments and. getting into bed swal lowed the cor tent s of three bottle* of Chloroform. Two hours lat-r Prof. James E. Lough, of New York University, who occupies apartiuen's irrespondents places the deat.’ roll throughout the entire territory as high as 300,000 but thU appears to he extreme. Others make the es timate 200.000, but the offlchl Umate as made by the mini ter marine still holds to 115,000. Relief expeditions which have programme running from month to | | a n delivery onth perhaps, throughout the year. The others report s miscellaneous programme. “Here are some of the comments made by those reporting for the as- ocbvtlons,,, tho county superinten- lents: Not In a very flourishing WOULD BE POISONER :.'Xh3| Failed by the Death of • Com wye House Fly. 5 been making tnetr way to Reggio 1 rendition; little Interest taken.’ ‘‘tho have p.ncountered tremendous ob structions all along the route. TP *v report 18 provincKl villages l>esi<k* 'hose already mentioned in Clair- ria as having been compb tely ruined This would Indicate that ihe earthquake did not confliie Us work of havoc to the coast. Wha*. has become of the Inhabitants of the villages is not known. Those that ^rere left alive after the de Los Angeles, Dec. 29.—A wholT' extermlnAto too roomers in a boarding house of 620 East First street yesterday because a fly was iosLautly when it fell into a five gallon of poisoned milk. Two ffign are held In the- city an suspicion of having carefully, t ranged to poison the 20 poll NEGROES WAR OYER TAFT (n Is 't ne Atlanta. Ga., Where He Address Them. Atlanta, Ga., Dec 31.—The *roes In Atlanta are st war ove: the 'mtertainment of .Hidge Taft. The president-elect has made at rangemetUs to speak to the nc-rot' of the city during his visit to Allan 'a. Bishop Gaines, who is the lead er of thf swell negroes, made a< rangements for Mr. Taft to speak a Big Bethel church, which will aold about 1,000 people, and the rim became prevalent that be intended to arrange-the attendance so that only negro professors, lawyers, doc tors and, in fact, the best of the ne gro society, couM, attend the mde‘- X ftiftdo H. L. Johnson, a lawyer, arrauf^ements for Mr. Taft to spe-ok at Turner’s Tabernacle, which will seal about f.000, thus. giving tho poor negroes of Atlanta a fTHUJc'C to heir the president-elect;^-. Committees were appointed b r the two parties and they have beyn ne- gottuting for the pxat tour or five days, the fsSlteC growing more aid more Intense with each «y. FT al- lv the negroes of both fsetiona de cided to sabmlt the matter US the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce ,t<» Nine KlUed. Great Falls, Uont., Dec. 28.—As the result of a collision J^oday be tween a freight train asCa work train on the Great Northern railroad were killed and a of others tajarsgL \ “I found the strecta UJockadi-d hy fallen houses. BalcofUex, chir'n»>s bel! towrrs, entire walls had ivcu ‘hrown down. From every side of ne arose the scrcamlngs and mo;m- ings of the wounded The p opl vere half mad with exciteineni and 'ear. Most of them had rushed out ! n Ihelr night clothes In a litth while we were all shivering urn! r a orrential downpour of rain b vr-ry- where there were dead tjodles. nud lisflgiired and mutilated. in the ruins T could see arms and legs mov ing helplessly. •From every qur.rter ame piteous appeals for aid. “The portion of the town down near the water was inundated by the idal wave. The water reached to he shoulders of the fugitives and swept them away. “The city hall, the cathedrrl and the barracks crumbled, and other public buildings and dwellings with out number were llterolly razed to to the ground. There wore *wo hundreif customs agents at ihe bar- racks; only 41 were saved. AX‘the railroad station only eight out of 200 employes have bean accounted for. ““Many of those Who -succeeded tn escaping wdth their lives are In capable at relating their experiences coherently. I questioned all who were in a condition to talk. Most oi! them told the same story. They said the first thin* they knew they were thrown out of bed. and arak crashing ceiPugs and falling furui tore- managed to make their way to Ike street. Then in the blankness of night and amid a pouring rain vjiat added to their horror and distress IMy rushed Mindly vamy-smld the crash of iumblinr huifdiftga end the ahrieka and groans tfi the ruins. Tishf'irBnc escape were struck down hy fgl adjoining those of Professor Gord 'letected a stron-g odor of chloro 1 1 B ^ ruc jj on Q f their homes doubtless form and traced it to the apartments of his friend. After vainly waiting for some an- wer to his persistent ringing, Pro fessor Ixiugh summoned Dr. Van ntv vord, tho ‘ Goi dy family phr- siclan. and the (wo broke in the ^oAf They fbiihd the couple in cadi »th< rs arms ohfi Tmlh dead. Professor Gordy filled the Chair cf \merican History and Pedagogies. • i ADVERTISING PAYS. issociatlon Is doing good work for j 5ale attempt to hose who attend.’ ‘Have had n hard struggle to organltq.’ ‘Hfa" been of great benefit to teachers and the schools. ‘A hard matter to ke<‘p the association alive; those who at- •.end regularly take a good deal of Interest * 'Now doing fine work.’ Attendance the very best.’ “Here are some of the yommenix-j The prisoners, who gave their n# nade by those reportlhg without an association;, ‘Am sorry to say we > joined the great army of refugees I have no association.’ ’The country J P 0,< ^ * ay ' H ve< l *t 125 Rose atreet, seeking safety or havV* fallen by the and city teachers did not mix well. I and It was there that a qiuinttty wayside. I We have no teachers’ association, ° r poison salts of yltroH, SffilHST The Calabrian coast for 30 miles I but we have a school Improvement to that fnaadJjOr Jh^jnUk has Imen torn and twisted. I roml issorlatlon which, is doing fine covered. Bagnara lo TT'ilgto. a distance or I work.’ This last comment wraa madej Mrs, Fannie Martin, thc la ° 25 miles, the country is half de- ,y two counties without a teache’s 'V. the two prisoners had molished. A distance has reach 11 iwu^i-ition and one can fail to bolilM her place, had been oroe but few of the villages and they ire I struck with the idea, as la so oft n a * a y an< ^ that they declared practically without supplies of anyl*ho case, that the men have loft I they would have revangc. kind. At Baganara surgical opor the women to do all the work. Christmas the milk was left on lions are being performed with prqn-1 “if jbe reports from these j 7 back porch In an open fiv^j-gal ing knives, but at Reggio eYeh' that eourt^les-are to l>e taken as a fair | ca fl is impossible. , f ,1 index^n^HRf self-improvement going Bands of mleves infest the cduu-1 qn - througbhout jthe State, then it try and the despair of the unaided I most be admitted^we are In a be i villages is complete. Hunger sup-J way. Our people' \take so little plies the motive for scenes of shock-I pains to get logetbei-, data qbout tt - ing violence . nd pillagers and roi ■ most Importaiit uwtttrrs that It js bers defy the few sun iving police vith the greatest difficulty that one men and soldiers. an learn anything definlta about A dispatch received here from JV the most vital Berests to ©ursetrew observatcry at Kiposto says fNe | Next, what Inforniafioii we have / r As Mrs. Martin started to ry the milk into the hods*, a flew Into the milk and almost [ stantly died. She notified the and a chemical analysis was marie | of the milk, the poison being dis covered. JTifOlJE and Two Daughters. “("Himcd” Photo Wins a Htishuntf For a Widow. New Haven, Dec. 29.—A canrvul photograph of herself won mother husband for Mrs. Bessie Jenkins Woods, of. Richmond.. VS., who op. Christmas Day wedded John Vor'h- ington, of Holyoke, Mass., at th' _ home of the bridegrooms fister, cen ^ er G f the earthquake was In tin here leads us to-conclude that our | p a ther and Two Rons ki’ed Mother Mrs. William. E. Bailey, In this city. i n the southern part of the ymchers are not organized to do The young woman became « Strait of Messina. service to themselves and to the widow several years ago. and was signor Stancel, a distinguished children they essay to teach.. Noi Washington, Pa.. Dec. 30. compelled to earn her living. She c |tixen attached to the Florence "U county can afford to lose the oppor- w jj der j ng relationships among mem- In Richmond. Ing the weed ^ put n picture of hejVlf in one of| co j t |, e trouble was caused by a su / I v.<c» that is In mefi and women o' the packages. Worthlngtorf got the Lidfmce 0 f the Ioa'ci strata. As a rc-1 exalted purpose.” ’ box. went to Richmond and wooe»!| sll |f c f depression huge t'rac’ ? and won the widoTe^=^ ttappeared In' the form of a seml-olr-1 ■ —.-Killed by Eating -Glass. le, the ceptef of which was the New York. Dec. 30.—Samuel Van .1 point of . the disturbance, | Dorn, the 18-year-old son of Abra-1 | year ago! engaged ham Van Dgkfl, a negro, living on mo nd as his housek ROtkaway ROrflf. Jamaica, died Wed t agreed 'Oi*t “TJ» Two The last thing J Mrs. Richmond. Lucy, oj Jennie, aged 19, should earn ner living, •-'m- citizen attached to the Florence oDr county can anoro ro lose me oppor- wl]dering relationship# among n>em- ce in a tobacco shop L Prvatory lg 0 f the opinion that the 'unity of organizing its teachers In- Lers of two East Finley towdsfelj^ One day aftile pack- fatac i ysm W1B geologic rather than to a band of truth seekers and ^ families have resulted from the ! A in the tin boxer nh* vo | canlc . According to Signor Stan- workers In a cause worthy of the rlcKPB of a rat!wr an<f h i s two gong rlcges and s widow and her two daughters. The three ceremonies ed within the last two months. Henry DHHwger} •*» whose second wife died . ; Shoot lug Scrape. . Lullng, Tex.. Dec. 30.—When O N.~ Coate tnterrened during * quar-1 Anwrchy Rrlgnx in heggkv. rel between his daughter and her Reggio, via. Catania. Dec. 31.—A I neaday of peritonitis husband, Ed. Boothe, at Boothe’' state of most frightful anarchy pro he said waa: home near Luling today, the latter valla. Mobs of ruffians roam among “Dad. I ‘Jim v Smith a month I Diuinger home with the fired on and killed Coate and wound-[the" ruins giving full sway to their] ggo that fcould. eat a drinking I bjp twd'ions, i«. ed a son of Coate.^who came to tbc|ynest instincts. They are pllltglng glass. the wrecked Jewelry *Wf«r»' end not. banka, and do not heeitdte to ah?l| S pent. the blood of those opposing tnem. F /T] aid of his father. Another son shfit and killed Boothe. eft h i and masonry, te: Vi many others lort their reason^find are today wariderlng almlostly in the open fields outside the cry or up and down the ruined., streets thoy knew so well. e iQgKe^s and nie robners were n by the soldiers.” ..V' toh- It has been proposed here to re move all the survivors of Messina li ai d still * to Catania. "Tve of the PieTcee Mllaxzo, SicUjy/Eadr^l^-The sister ql Joe^h' H. Pierce, the for- mer -.American vice consul'j»t Mesr •ins, sis tod tods? tfcfit/VU.fh* os known only At* of hsr^fl killed. Th* fate of the He b^t jwdoUsr-that- I could j After Won my bet, and my doUart rldd so w^hat do I care if I do j famlll bought a ring for hij< rlth the dollar. the ^Tsa® Miss - French Conxnl’s Wife Esotjx d. Mllaxzo. 8I?H. Dec.' 31.--The wife of (he French consul si fly were jkina, tbe sola surytror Ry, reached hero this mo [094. uncertain and she entertains lidpi>|ie badly Injured, that her brother Is stUI '' | township r DH Unger, *H and contented. .;3r<JK