The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, December 11, 1884, Image 1

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V, . g u ■ ' i k 7xg0 r rr^T Halrini $ ai^v C v r r^. - •' > ..^ , - •: '• Js v'••: , - A » :. , , 1 J 4 t+> ■I U ryviww^t jsw^»' -f' .•'•■—, 3»~ - «HWO •“MtjnKi'' ■ , "£i.\4' t iu i £'<• *• 1 ,TH>.;ir. cW. •"•i-rHaMi. r * • >r; 'C* yW<l; -ir.i COHFETrrXOft t *t*-c*^- w . * *«•« t »iji ixi s«4i* w*>a ui < u%n 9 'rslU : w fiTt.'a IUt* >1 •• »1 ,vni^*la.» i ^W 11 "* '" •»«•;: >J ud *■ IV W«dt nu» * ■114 I’M ifin > m • bo I!4B-J'X'’■ '•"'Tf" ''•' • “ Vmwm> — f <.U* t*./ i a rwi>i X - » iA, PADGETT LI)ADS .pX' r^tHEI S’! ^ ^ uOBtKUJP^^fw U4fr, mm*4*m**m** 3.H,mjW*kM*n ijmmmwwM: fi'pi <’ilj~ .i t A. . U.; X a. ;l>it4l « •4 •> H . K« mial »>Trr. rliHt In a fteM of ' /on. awl fon a*rt i . {laUaSfaklcs hnxl ..!» v- v>«na| ^ A* i#oa to t » aiU MMMli • * < ■**#• V 'Ijj ' -toMV IjAh, ’M — VW !\1r l^Atte fctWbM. 1, ! t .! h •• Mt Uatwiit’ -I (M.B | .!/ A", Albai id fe «r . V >1 »^f)wrflrrxr«<T' ; w^,. w-j ^« . jj j •i> •• i > -o« t - ■V A .31 w;iu.NUTi^:btidoii si|t E ^ , ! l< '"W8C5S, $41^ :p) , w 'A tniR BEpRO.OM. SUITE 4l84)o . rr EYERf KIK» *gaStwsyga i s^i «MM «l«r>r eluaipo avo M beck I p Union tary romarka, .Xj to .UJWiJStK ?UA1X. «UW>o hKo^M ‘ tyrn YASUSTT OF tmcxRvnfym vce,rt ^ urrtZiZZsu.— m, r " - >• BooHm ItaaK to Olaoo wMin m*lo*> A— In I am *or- oi aup- IkoYnby Up* •»!'• if on M1060ml tho Mbo» day. T 1 •^wtoohnltknl^ 1 ’ mMhk mpa 4 k* 1 an« 1 I ^ J 'PADbEf&g lllrtttnd TlHintriAD STRE COOIU^G STOVEE fi* AbL ivrusji ax, >*(1* ,»**,.,! ,~* ' 4f4a> j}3 iy Refer >0 tolhe Editor of tlK» mouse. xijjBuaxv***- ^'hA U> fHtr. ^gV: BaoHar ttaaK «o Woon wM* ta my too< 'eonioa or Wxoahn «o BattM bM‘f 1. »onal . , ii.n^ Oar xmt r» aalroo *4 Mmoo iblo faO lin4»»«ib- to bo ■10 ttkiiff hiomm mno^ai ko*. *»i ■j! 1*4 A BE FORGOT. It* M>«ar boom wMh no t npir UitDiurbl Inporter of nnd Wholesale and Retarrpcaj|r fn ^e^Cl^art^SmokUig and. At. mna*. if It nib yoo 4lU. at myeraOo UmrM.Wf lodkoA loooljf Chewing* Tobacco, WlntHf,; ^ 637 and 63'J BROAD STREET - AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, nr Country order* aceomjiantod tfltk dhe 'ciofr^Bt)tn{ATy attm»4e<Itt). rl»J Bm aon.enmniftiinp* dto nf./M* a rrooO, Die lor tlie nr.y'.i J«o* B«W Doybnd taotl re- cti. * 1 i “I ■ 1 itAi •wranraitaetkrr boro antbey oaodl • y C\ MM A FIT or TrtB BliVEgL FINt! CLoTHp<ffe, HATS ANt) 1 GENtS^TURN^SH- f U t. t e . * 8 r:,rlMG GOODS, BUT 1. L. STANSELL, 746 BROAD STREET, UNDER GLOBE HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEOlGIA, Can get away wfrli tliem^ll in the wa.v of FINE CLOTHING, HATBAND CENTS’ EURNISHtNG GOODS for this Fall and Winter in the rery ^atci Styles and at Pi ircK tliat astonish everybody that looks at"them. He mean^ to outsell ttiem all. Give him a trial and yon will go home the best pleased man in the State. CF" Don’t forgel^the place. % I. X_j. R T -£l 1ST S IE Xj Hi, 40 BROAD STREET. UNDER GLOBE HOTEL AUGUSTA, GBOIG1A'. PLEASURE AND PROFIT TO ALL. watch AND JEWELRY REPAIRING AND FULL LINE OF COODS^ TOTTISr Ti. Dealer in Diamonds, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, 729 Broad Street, Opposite Central Hotel, Augusta, Ga. * > OR ANDYS & ZORN-mst a luudorfy, gci •TfoW. If ihere’l one another I enjov. It U * race—of oonm I mean a boat race, not the rana nto- man, for llm latter baa cauaed mnan many di*nppp,ntmaat* that I Han’t uiio lake to iu mem her a, exoaptkig a toiler portion of It—the fair aaz-^- ets their pretty bnaata—UmB la, when they have yot any—ahem!” * Thia waa utaauheuince of a aotUnqmr one bright August morniag, about ■▼» a, m., at wbiah time the clooda waaa laadeo-kuad and the weatheriaellnad to be spitefully unpropitioua. A knock at the door. “Come In.” says L and Mary Swivel entered, with a delicate phiknole, tkj. ing: -Please, sir. this wns left lain task [’’Bight, wish instructions to deliver onoe; bui fa yon had rone to kept it till this morning. How mjt heart ptJpitale<b.Bt. i might of tfe* elugaat missive, and ho longed toR s—not Mary—but it—bo- rause mr adorable Adela Poynter -bad written ik • Alfright, Mary,” I said, assuming an air of nonchalance I was far from feeling; ‘‘Its from Smith, 1 suppooa. A eup of chooolate, please, and a lew bia> wCUllS.” When Mary left I kbsed ihd kjblAtt doux rapturously, exclaiming: -My darling! I bold you to my Ups. Mv own precious!” So elated was I that I danogd around Us# room in an insane wmif tnaklng tbn glasses chink on the sMV boarA and nearly dislodging the pio- to the wajl being made of ‘.2S ^ ,, ••dguoiv* , mplbd. 'O . 'US , ’ 1 •o' >1, » iv Age by DyeUig Ttielr Batr \ g>- b aodiT s • .-.1. ,, «>r, i .jEkwe U g»iy mwnm who caa compel a*, much attafat n..-....-1 .as.... I sJk^yr m i jWL. A »-- . a* w w sTfr Tiffu TTTTTu TTiOsO TyT7T> JTO ut>» WJXtJW Hllll as nfnaa wbaufoararib wig. bnd that roams be Wisktm intarutt lyoka at him; everyt# him; many talk about him. i ' Tbt nid gvnkrtrattktrttoa h« reoeir^ aiioulthnuB W bhmrguHwy tr nftWr hla eftHW mk. JMtotWftMfr m wei Gladatono," Jay^ D rA:: *<*■ n Mhiffir! tw«fi .iryWilt* «*14» tka ijnm- aftpod i umt thou cr his little secret, ftw float life on dowfigxjtoda ©C blits. cierbaiwB *ht com pis mm. ' • ^ if kb own oolnloo he has bafUed hi", ever td 'Ulee,^ «ald . *** ln tHt5 n,Mt ttinM: , tbB'WMMn tnodesHy^ »ktr a; ‘'Unlit if allow, i but Jka ain’t very pop- Taboo t^en^’ ayoch a*. Jkeo’k seem to cam I’t heF’^ba afehly taoufrad n fT'nnMbh*’ - i'Vy ' n , > what to Hus n^eeif wiH> m# gw nenf m tk90qto#fM9)M ’kinti fM. ^ at oouTm, not tbn enid—spobsen know.. Loonld k*^*. U*i 6ou most WIMlliaethn apf< has hi* UMrti’W'Un MBneriiC s mini Mw dge 4, m,V>»kbiiaf *pbnr>t’Hs*M im tWnL Hillntnai iML. r - ’r ’ , ™ " yellow form ionMd for the eyee todsmilnam. rr: tmiidfi kmd. Mm ebme owsr a«4 *r rc*-.* i-wli - ,...»( .•Vb-1 wtoh TOO would.” ' •The maiker looked cad and fora*, ana gat up and went ooMpaokHi propoea, 0 a* both to Mart to itood an kged ddn ly, only a row p* bnrkt into a hated « told Me tdnddodt “Say. old i u ' blot bp <msr land iaid, J fellow, you'vo got her * you tp come over and dea^. She’* ma*bed on you the wprtk i E * seder ee thntHnf In tkJ 14oa)Uy«. ban ff* t ‘kl w ft that *1^ qpfiid tho other, Mth who kfokmie<rhim over to a her. an<f then he wrdt over «■«>«• Ms am nNUMdlMr. awl when' lh» onmlntor unmu along -ha pointed 4 thoqi mu** hint, and began to tail Inn* : y a mask the other fellow b^d rbhtt the dondbetor nailed y, nod 1 told Mm to go and soak that that wns tho other drum- ( lul-. limplalena, Jiapo- eoon oothiqg*-, ^ Look at tho face of the mh& with tbu dyed hW as he *IG in happy ttodof. scions rtees of tiio fact that we is’lfenoy. neeure^X ail eyes, iin exprenwop U ope of sancUiicnUoru He It nt pc ■ce with the world and bliml tn the amtirdity ef hi* anpearmade. u, tif ~>at brver dfenmwthdt bis MMle dOdfo *■* be detected elear aoroee Use alrenU ms . muiuai atuediness has got out of the* wny of tho amcll (ft sulphur, and kepps obt of the way. He aerer bodies that when- hnwiflU at the homes of hit jfe-ieBtl* MMP Wp« a4 the wjudowa It Phtfr occur* M him when liylies who sit next to hla lui street ears fkta vigbronsiy tMk &!• bau dye is respoambhe. A groat lonrlkh of perfumed handkerolHefa wben bet df>* pepra never alarms him. It take* • m iQ of a very trrfstful nature to dyo his httfr and go through life with undisturbed mlod. Uuieooior Uo Lured h%i looks to take on at all resembled anything it ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. gently I undid the en velope—Aohxiag it open—not tearing ft ruthlessly across as if it were a Trom a d too mg tailor. Contractors ami BuiUlcis, Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of Lum-‘ 'n,u ran thuas ‘ her and Building Material. We are prepared to take contracts or give esth ‘ “1*kar3D|i>-As <K>>n ss the <hope ta 8k mates Bu alt kiixtl of buUdiugs. Our Saw and Flailing Mill* are at ‘‘Grand' s,'’ S. ^,>4>flc» Windsor, S. C* Wc ius<> k r c?p fn stooc a! 6ur yard on corner of Watkins and Twiggs Sta., Augusta, (..»,, a.l kinds of material as above slated. All orders sent to either place will be promptly attended to. of the laokil "Vn.SMV^rt*^\ r k „ T LT*;:;' »-■ -i*. with a frelybetrah*. aud went ttie-ba 4 twenty-thgeBWhP tsrouty wbrg of 91 •umamA twui namui u^liba luckily paying om mim in advanaa. At the first hak I had to prooummy dathnf^omenbmry, she wae gpBtmw wit- Wc are, resjiectfully. GRANDYS A ZOltN. Jas. W. Turley’s SEASOXAJILK Vl GOeSTTOXS TO SENSIBLE PEOPLE. Q TDRY - 0-00X)S. Kfiowiug full well that our people in general arc economising, yet desiring First Clan' Dry Goods, and ftocing thdv detennined to give them the full benefit of my extrao dispose of my Stock of Good* at-Utfi gjuiljeft! pspflt*. now how to anpreeiat rainary purchase*, and e them, I have GRAND DISPLA Y OF FA OF DR U^irpirn; RE8S GOOD TEMJMPbR TAT JONS Sit Embracing the very Late*t Novelties in Fabric Colors, and intermixtures of colorings of the most pronounced and ^ RELIABLE STYLES AT POPULAR PRICES, lu Fluids, tirocades, and Solid Colors, trom 10 cent* per yard up to the fiueat. tarTHE NEWfeST SHADES IN SILKS AND SATINS.^J A handsome line of Velvet* and Velveteenfe, comprising all the new and pretty sbatfrs frfBTfiO rwtite tu the finest Silk Velvet. Aa olegkiit UunAt lilahbnnd Cnlored Groe Grain Sitka from M cent* per yard up to the finest quality; also a complete Hock of Black and Colored R. I). Cashmeres, a celebrated make. Jacket*, Ulftterettea, 1*discs, New ktarketa. Circulars, Jerseys. Handsome Jackets from |2.26 up to #16.00. Shoulder Shawls, fi6c, 35c, 50c, 75c. Laige Shawl*, 2 yards square, 91 and $1.50 each. Large Wool Shawls, l^pek gqd colored, #2, #3, 98.60. Ladies’ Cloth and Flaunel Skirts, 50c. to 92 each. White Blankets, fl.50, 92.00, 93.00, 94.00 to 910.00 per pair 1 at the 1 Water extra good in all id Blue nnel* (Vera the In our Woolen Department best assortments of KentiuSky Froofs, Diagonals, Broadclotfc Plain Red ami White Mamie quality in Red Twilled at 25c, shades; also Basket Flannels, Gray Skirt Fionncls. BioacItecTaiid Unbleacl lownit price, up to the verr heaviest quality, .• / / ‘ Thousands of dozens Lndicl’, Misses’ and Children’s Fancy Hose at 10c. op to the finest, and fresh sfock The South *’»■—■«« rose ids©. . ' ii desired. No trooblb M sbdw 4eods. fDt* »4 JilmiW. TUWLEY, 808 BrwtolBk., Aug^i TT A UK ' ‘lyf; 1 UI 1-IUa.L IMI AJMkJIC'V | iuIoWB 661 Ivt v-'llilkliVIl ■ JT •HCj' AAVOv tol IvL* kljr and frcslt stock, r * 11; . i rr < f ' T f T Carolina'Seanf1aB|4Jqflefjkii V^n’a Hw And, bk* Fall Mlt- Mics^ifUHMf|nnd Children’s, in Fall colors. “FrarXbi>- ■f'aul cl.uirn i)|>eii. 1 waul yJu to gut me wnin* Mvlit-btnc i iiixjn. aad a bouquet fnun Covciit ^anlcn, "tUi pleatjr of forge* uie-not lu it. ‘Of oiursti. your stcaai I ttmcli will be waiting at Putrwy, 1 can hud my way ofl boaiiL "My cousin—Ragir O GarJy—will eteer- onr me. ‘‘M iml, i narUculariy waul the* color. Whatever you do. don’t make a ftaeoo of lite cny (as you Sul at Hie lee* Derby) or I’ll never foraive you. Youra ewer, Adkla." Soiuehow I didn't like the allusion to tho gallnut major, and heartily wished that she had not deputed me te atuler- take I no i oak steo Uas aeeigeed nan But wkat waa 1 to duf If Adela bad oeu fault it was hnperioneneee; int- plicii oi'odicnco to lier -afigbteet was w* hc <pi * non and no oue than 1 kiuw this, as I had snubbed ripcord y by her for com lags in that rbeceec wish been •'Thank goedneaeP’ 1 tonmured. "he's only a cousin—I’m net afraid fit him cutting me on*. lie’s a rSgnlar ▼steran, no doubt, wtob oofy one eye, half a leg. and a stomp of sin am. I don’t fear klm as a rival—no* no* L” Hereupon I began bnamlng. in a sarcastic war. “Let me like a soldier fall,” and, sotuebow, toy band clentffl Itself mecbanicallr, a* if to rail the e person ofi lb# Uselr mechamcailv, aa l {Sraj-y 0 ***** “Yxaaocv indeedl”. I grunted, neS Ukisg the allusion to U« Is*t Derby, eeially a* Adela might In one of >iayfnl mood* relate . it to ffi —new I began to hate all mUitmf It waa a roadside push my wax threngk a 4 I got what Iwdqfihed. and oat by degrees, as lawyers are said In WJt^ea. SH MP Ultod a not M mf NaSntaUy 1 palmy band np to nayn my dear stalker with ite green vat and 016 little tosar an, wham I 1 will adventure*. a pen, gentle am wkh asy farther leak smart, and myssH tn me that far the everything waa of Adela. That Patney Bridge way to Bt Panl’s ehaanhyard. eatreaaely “Vetr isrry, tost sal* an entremel polUwssnpmnm "bn* sre haven’t an toft. We have nadwad assaa rlbboa though, and snasfi meet. Fleam taka a t 4 toem ribbon, Ik in every mo ths very bearing fbrfisar i Especially a* Adela might In one her playful moods relate it to tae i ’major—new 1 began to hato ail mUitmg f mant^-wbe* of aonraa, being my rival— 1 felt a pmaaodment that he was— would twit me about tom nntortsasle contretemps. ' Hdtosg taken you, gentle reader. Into my confidence so far, it Is only right-1 ehnuld open ssy heart to you. nodaHow yaa to fudge afkhe little la- cidnat to whleb my stonaaJds Adeia re ferred. I waa ifi the seventh heaven of de- _ he/d . Te save ties*, bower an 1 ImUed 6 hansom and dmva to Corant Garden Market, where I enrehaeed ona of the the ehlsf featnsein it - . R Wfie very Into whs* Ifotipokto Putney, only to ted that no one wae allowed to peea over the bridge, ba the race was a verr importaat regettyy#- Ip egtaV^raod^^k* ^0 tonitssmaa ming a l^fht wslgH tae atrugfr aeeo'uf the way as live boeL—Through Tke Wat toy Fontave Him. nOow xys; i»Jr mS ▲ btaek waiter ta a down-down res- SMrenwhsu ag untamed his long forefinger high, e Ms bond and mowed majeetlfialry between the table* ta ndvaom of a crusty old gsnUoman totth fleroe wkita whlskeas and a large boss which looked like a campaign exagger ation. The prinOe stagred cm a obak for klsgnast tn an ebeeme Oowisa, tonnnnsd him into it and shoved nearly hag of him under the table. Thee^be poprod out for the old gentleman an elghl lh of a glass of water and stood up a bill of fare and a napkin against tbs old gen toranm’i shirt bosom. Havinpwrran^ ed tbfee ILbe mattora to his own fiatls* facdod, ha tnenned Rls ear haaghttf to eatch nnj suggestion the old gentle man might muw regarding what be would Uks for dinner. ''Walter,” gasped the phase’ ta great iaddjgaatlea, "what mean by yetirwonfennded reuah meat of meP” • •• “Yea, sah, worry nice reae* beef to day,” replied the prince in a cold, die- iSefT ’^•u.ubd.. the prince, kindly, ns yen Uks,” roas’ beef,”.said i* as wetf done light when she eoneented to go to the Derby -with me, thlnktag, of course^ mmm is 4 * '' ^ ‘ ! ‘ ’ 7 -i BUT WE LEAD^Ujtt- puRivri'rvfXaE: ? me, thlnktag, 'that we wwrfi to have < UU-ihUU drips? sod talk of tore, and so forth, like all lovep do. or fit \aest aboaki under But labagl Bailed, Into my d her My diagusi i4ben aha r room, asoonrannlod fawn mum# I exprpased «ay delight at unexpected hrfnix to our party, and Aonnting the bon of my drag, gar* a ailenk *lgn to Adala. unob- aerryd, X hoped, to take a sent by My * (\11. ALVV' OU R MOTTO, like bis. U ‘‘ Re form "-Old High Prfcfit must g«t otto of the way and give way to (lie Now Imh Pclcfla...Hn bnntonfim^^nnsnnre able to gtf IholBQttdfn, as opi^lVicfis SO • TMfihJrl filtiug up tw the factories HT All WAtlTUT MA ASHSTJND, TEN to toko a mm aide,. Xhahoraeajmna a Hula some, and requested my ntmoet at ton matin of p tody’s dress, tooktog areund-with n fnll of the light of tor* wpat was my to ted ftoat it was toe ancient to J. L. BOWLES & CO., 840 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. goggles, and pet my darling Adela. How long the road appeased to mn although we went ever ton ground aka ■paaking oafia. \ \ ’ ’ \ In rata 1 triad’ ter antor late son’ sation with my aagelle Adela; 6««riy twisted ttMtfce the Stnw|p are rap no danger frock He wa* inexorable, although' E icketad my haii-ofown with a i at made ms grin sav- saw toe and l by wboee side was a not at aH a veSaras making hlmseg very my *taam anc Adela. dbmay, “ean’t you'nilderslaBd that I 4efiN went iny roast beef?” * r ^ . “AU right, uV* aaid the prhtae cheerfully, 'TU bring if to jo f tight awfiy.** Aud oft he started 'carfyujg hi* bead very high. "Come bask,” welled the despairing that I’m vonr friend-’’ The prince returned and stood by tie meaain' ob folk* gu grumpy time*,” said he condescendingly, “an I ddn’t baanwe h#€ feeito’e agm y capting, 'deed I don’t” evidently ' W* nsn'fjr I at tea Surrey sid with a of n have it, eaf toe at. But a* they were all river. By diet of snadlr sign*, waring of pocket-handkerchief* nnd violent gem llculatlona, I at la*6 brought one to my aid. T lh# tyllfHl Ite 4Mfc£ bui lllrnn 18 haveawap- p«d a kingdom lor a hone, like Bm aae X to get to my bm do wearing a ftoa while 1 my face goTan rude remark* that m with somrttop. Thai npaony order drove to donkey grocer*’ vans—wave and quite of tea wha 1 stood nw toe yeu think I saw f Why another bow. and carrying The gaQanl O’Gardy held ont a' anger to Wsleama fitaf fank Ignoring to [ aaid to Adela: "My daritog. I have btoaght all yon want I totax t deoerre a msa.” And, afigek to show tee major teat I, although aa soldier, was valiant whsra SSSf&K-S and thrown overboard, with the awhu words ringtog to mytoarst “Ton sasnndrsl, how dare yon kirn my wMbr*' ’ Dear reader, can you woader whenever I am invited to anv boat You-scoundrel.” said toe victim In it vot vespeotabtfs hue under the sun that you can’t keep j our eyes o# it to save your ■ life. Tins peculiar tinge ts arrived a* ; After long AppUcakio*; and axptWfiMq. teed h&tr'e mfuaal ta abeorb any nlkfiam the sbu more poiaou. SemelUge* wh of silver i* tho article w, ’ lence to htturfi, the hair krttty teCAbtoft mcena lalsrig made'of. wanlfk be. • ’ »< «a T ^ometlme's * deep, deep black Is an*' rlv*(l at. lA> hnfr ever grew aa a white, mite’s head *s block ak It In Re ra- * vea’s wing eeuld hold a. eandinto it No Imitnu could rival U.. Tbp btackeet dog tluit ever bow led of tcoda,wjsa(dl> clrcfe would fcokifoll nhii dlto neside 1L h trts to i be he# teat gits* Ms vfotnb toe highest *UMfaeUoa. , ton to If odto'ti sible, happier than the blua Jiaired man. ilm Ji*b, or even toe Kumin- loanierred: • i aT Themis a striking and pafntel dip ert)panes between shodeop HanatoThb' fao» and ton uxirkvagaujif joqtofnh darkness of his hair wuicn he PSTWf •oes and nobody ehi can hbfp Whing. He refusse U s»e any ether InUmati ^ of old agokhan gpny bairfc Ti thtog, toat scofca him. , , tIqd.fij|a^o. Iqs heavy ^alt, bif ^d^ly to ol naive over teto totarjptegjtol. li feef y folbe krfi brer- to enjoy I toteed. ihtegh tney aril teat tea df Mr nareoteto ear to I y -ndgtanage hejwWl ten > Ffilfifi “'K&w, ufcY*. ■ter; oasses for'TOrri-.* -Tile thddglft ttahee eRani bhn so gfiy at neert timt he etfbrve*oet tiouf witop into boyite fenUtemtteef msirntR’ •64^ must bin ly ipeumnatlbla w>to hia figure nnd ^ET. face. apologi: tbem mfvta «eea«egHto PM uaJtoW iviag hf* hat when he !x "hi 'lors6^ ami Batters hlteself that wotned soine- “an’ you. A Vaiianoptser Atkin pod. — I’ve hired two men ta pall ladder by fita day nnd two tn poll tor touhasdred bandies. I want to sen which to the Bat they get ml knyhow.nnd I can't kelp it If thgw .nuU-hV e 4lo|Wd»tomi seventy-five oepU a day. and If they the 100 way. make over 900 a **? '“ten/ retkon. puli by day. and sous r. and aoma ef team j. Ugu. BotHla aU 4gH 1 Tney are watabtog me and lam matdk- Ittotea when tbeyieek-uban Ha is *04 hi* ruse * retndvi oBre, think him sue*,soar taken the , my, Time, tho gtariflf fktMrc^ * Bvetybedf M Utoe-en-totir ter* tote Mte—M f Ufien- Ugbtattad n* to hla awn erotaaquaaeM, be travel* the rest of Ufe • journey tn the ufifitfmteratril blls* of IgVioranSAAt > fireatere that should move toe hardest of ns to tusyey. —Loihsetee Qmtrier- JournaL u Row Mid Cs She wa* arbjy^r^y dressed, ahd h i rdfied abo nffiidf W to a wav that man entnemetog, ing bow hekjMte weatefr maay ftdrloch* that hi that mornfhg wfre bttjflitg intone art# ml fair ewueria was warm in cbatch, ton, tog teem. capital against labor. “ trades* " to aU to a bandit, blades inn then* pay. I’ve •Id ataito— These are irtoks Ten enn eoont tee band* yon aan*t nennt the m they make hi according to the •nt by tee and they can paok its* looey a paok of bounds caa follow • right through it aad never touch n hair—BM Arp in Mlnntn Uonetitntion. ... ■>.«»* ta. i A newly-married Austin Indy doe* not know anything about housekeep- s la anxious to ‘ ing. but she bond believe that tee housekeeping not know. He nappe; the cook hare her has- there to nothing in line that she does aed to be in the cook came and said: "BmiyowptoMe gib me out de ooffee. De water Is been abilia' die las half how.” “Let the water boil Matilda,” replied lira Bigman. calmly; "the longer it boil* the stronger it will be.” —Ttxat Sifting*. worexaetlittgin ev^pry ol* of fites about, 1 her Immediate were loi ed in leopio seat* ihifr were pibasnd to notice teat ihtw Mb swens- blete nod* hovered nronnd the pretty hate nutrll menl *b deTetoftetote' tosttetf -wenfte nature baa shown nijwiha aentolly dwarfed torifiFtebiiMmiimUMhsIlMRmien Ik niji who thd’ntfte'peVteftev that ^5lro impa- by (no little poStorer* that Tfto tieurif brutebd (seta her t Bm they became jmbeyaMjr MS the conclusion pi tee as^rioe girl ahd htp escort walked on fat of the congretatlwCAba 9 man wns beerdtoSxnlatBS, "By did yon- ever sq»jiP>many file*. N and Noll replied iasmotii morseful tooes: “Did yo a notice them, FredP I declare I •hail never fry that again; 1 curled my hair wkb sagnt and i' ■< 4 i • i water tins mornmg. flics discovered their departing ite an < in the throng, and wi ig. ana wtu an exofttof buzz made for her. Ikdoesh’t do for even a pretty giri to be too Iju f>0Sf de/tce Journal. ' t . i . » Wi . ■ »- Cooperage eonsomns over $99,009,000 worth of wood aoaualiy in the pron outiou of teat business. • ■ -