The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, November 06, 1884, Image 2

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4*;. * JSAX'IH KOYEMBER 6,1884 - : - 1 - ; -4P»'lnp«i to pjf» lb tbtotoiM a full . ~ NMft of At dtotwn, bat eircnmstnoc«a .■r. ■ii J*3- Wtood tl» eooltvlj cf tile tdl'ur b»ve fltvtotol.tlM totttt. .• ■ ■Ul Ar# !»««>•>« *111- r fciiboi iCoiftM) (• « .t • €v1 ■ j(?wap30x-«if i* t d? * ■ n U ' 'M. . i { sy, is/n-: y* % \ t •i i ■*S4 « ■ -.-M. Oar eoadtrjr tchool boato to flntohe<l •ad Wt art proad. The teacher has ItoM fatotoUtd and the ofaildrra are ^aUMriot la. That •ohoal booaa may f ba btocorto to tlmeto come, for aome ^ om<^ ttoraof tbe aeboUca may wake op tba world about aomethlog.— Ibera to a heap to learn yet. Tbe tojatortaa art not all unfolded. That •ebodt booaa may be the alma mater o( aoma wonderful getitu*, and then w# wbo bane atoea lo lt wi(l ba proud. It It ad I of aabto ao| aardlna but- a food, larfa, atyltob' academy. ^We wera{aU poor lo^mooey^ tbougii rlob la obUdrao, and ao wa foraged around for help and we got to. There to noth • teg like strategy abont^doing these things. #e ftnlned oqraelTea^flrst, and tbea wa foraged oa the town and got ajittle bare and a little there, and tteoabted op. f used to lire la a town aod the country foraged on ree aodao I am Just playing for even. Judge Underwood,e«y that be had stock In all tbe condtry cburchea aodeoootry acbooto.froixi Tugalc river aa tba Tallapoosa. Well, It la bread .tsaat opoa tba water*, I reckon, mid to will raturo to as after many day*. I .don't kaow bow many, but after many days. 1 don't mind begging for a cborch or a school Jhouae..f When we foood wa couldeot make up the money -wa aat down aod wrote* letter to Oov- armor Brown and flattered him up aboothlagreat i«al In educating the people, aod we laid It on pretty.fhlck, bat delicate—very delicate—and I mentfooed bis Iron mines that be la operating dose by r an<l bow he whs Building up a thriving settlement and we looked to blm for aid In tbe good enterprise, aod f told blm what we taekad, and aure rnougb he wrote back forthwith aod thanked ua fur our roaplimenta and legretted that be conld not help no. andfsald he lad al toady contributed all ho could to such < things, and wasstlll^ reel tin? Just em-b letters every day from all paita of ti e coontry and he bad’to put them In the * waste basket unanswered or else hire aa extra clerk to answer them.! and It - was trla adglca for oe to cut down the . house to tb« money, and h's observe tloo was that those people who depea - dvd upon IhemaHvee got along tbe Beat, aodao be wound up hto letter i With ao aseuraoce of hie peraonal re ■^gard, ete., eta, sad signed bis a«tnt. 1 But after ba had elgoed It I reckon he : read ever tbe oomplimeats agslo, for -a-man will do that, and tbeo Ue addvd 41 *poatacilpt saying: On r» flection I r*Bave oooduded to send you fifty dol- ; tora.’ I thought we would get him, ‘•and so wo dident mind about bl« lee > tura and bleed vice. Tbe scboci house '■■waa wbat we were after. Well, wa wanted a good, large heat- teg stove and aome pip**, and while 1 wm la Atlanta, tbe other day, I visit ed those great end good men, Hunnl- outt ft BelUograth, and opened up to their generous minds distant views of «•broad phllanthrophy aod whata lux- wry It was to make thCee Investments (bAt.eootrfbute do much to the comfort 4ft <Mttle children, and hew fu ture generations would rise up and <C«1I them btoosed, and so they surren dered It It waa a quick way of get ting lid of me, and so they gave us tbe •tow, and they did it gracefully and cheer full/, and our people are grate ful and will make returne after many days—yea, many days. I was amused ■ta good, Christian lady, who, not long ago, looked up over her specta cles *t me and said, 'Major, wbat kind of a naan is Mr. Jay Q >uld ?’ I told her I dident know blm, but I reckoned be was a right clever man ; and aba then told me she had written • fttoa a letter more than a month ago Making blm to give the oburck ten dol lars foe a chandelier aud a carpet, and, aays aba, aa aba laid her kuiulog In bar lap, 'Mej^r, ha baseot even ao- •wared my letter. Do you reckon h« aver got If, Governor Brown sent ua ten dollars, aod they say Mr. Gould to richer than be to.* Well, we are all right now and the leoavtlto aoademy la open to the com- IBMity. Our teachers are going to teach rudiment* and good behavloi and good manners and music and base ball, tod, I rseken. They ara not yet prepared to traefc evolution sad high -yn •-?r Beotta Id Bare broke out In a new place I* .fMr ■ ; s-jg tf.r •clenca, That evolution totoocaa :;«J w .. ’ I . . . i *: t- -2 '!« i I* ;*■ . l&i "* •■}'. . .'US ujlfee viijff} H t .. t ■ *4 . ■' t « • i ' .. > > a . - •- Witr . . .-T ' ow wise ■ten mlgbtfly. Ateoee to a good thing, sad I feel a tateceat ta knowing aU about AMP, tor X rockoo be la my ancestor, tap lb to of more Importance Bow Me daoaddapta BeBaea thramaleea to tBIa world. Wa pava * big foteg on bore, aod I beard a , 'Wall, fm not going, fr# •oaoetdeMs to tbaas prteeben. Iwaht to know dm of all to la «w« sk ta-»m, tteto anybody But I think tba aarw/footrina of evo hiUCn Cimt bse got into the church to a right fklrjoumpromlae, for K losta- ulaitbat while oldfatberfAdam evo- hitad audiebaae ffrora tolmonkey old mother Jtoe dident. She waa made all of aauddeo andaHat once, pure end beaotlfitljand lively, and mon key aboeetors, aod i reckon that to tbe reason «by womeu to to Uito day so muob.betiar than (man. Thera ‘to no gorilla blood in her—no taint of the brute or the beast to crop out like It does In a man. What a pity that she was yoked on to such a feller aa Adam. What a,splendid acock woul'J have flu id the world If Adambadentcvoluted, aud bud been Created fresh like ‘Ere. Aa It to we have got a graded .stork thatJs a|sort of a cross between an gels aod monkeys, and it ksepa up |a powerful commotion. But the trouble about tbe whole business Is that we can't help it and wbst troubles me more Ibsn ail IS (but I am one of 'em. I al ways knew there was soon* devilment lu me, some original tdu that made me meaner than I want to be, (md now I know Just where It com* from. . That apple eailog business had nothing to do «Ub It, but It is in the stock—tbe habooi |: prosa-f-aod erer k und anon. It crops'6ur. Alt my good desires and acble aspirations, nil my amiability and tenderness coutes trim mother Eve, and my meanness from Adam. The ofd rascal. I wteb ebo badent have married him, and then rn ty be I wojild have been a better man. 13 it still, notwithstanding and nev ertheless. I would like to km w. j let aa a matter of curiosity, wbat became of old Adam’s brothers and slaters and all the rest of the old monkey stock that eroluted, for I reckon he dident just evoluU by himself. May be they dident marry angels, but jnn kept on In the pure monkey breed, and that accounts for the other races—the Ho - tenets and Indians and such Ilk . There Is a dlff rence, a great diff.-r- eno*, and It had a beginning some where. Science has a power of work to do In unraveling thea^ queeilone, and I hope she will do It, but she tins not, done lt|y*t to my satisfaction, and I’m going to wait patiently.^rrix Aitr. IffssElizi Lldd of Keene. Ky, to ooty twenty year* of age, bin aha baa immnrtaltxed herself by finishing a' Crssy quilt camalng (13 841 pieces. MV 807 BtUrbee, 'Spoeto of thread and thirty yard* of doth. A young man who has recently taken Bolwitbstnndlrg tba depression In th« cotton goods trade of the world the Booth to steadily pushing oa in the building of new cotton mills. Apoilfthe enterprto'S of thto kind Mpw"W *** twenty-three mills, luilloti C'vwrls-.'Vo. 0. Arbitration courts arc rather ehnmc- teristio of a republican form of govern ment, though they have flourished in monarchies and despotisms. They have proven satisfactory wherever tried. Their jurisdiction hug generally been limited to disputes abont chattels, or personal inju ries. In Holland nnd Danuiaik they ap ply miinly to certain' mercantile enges. The rour df^conciliation, ol France sod the Fabrik urrichtc <if (Jerthany are em inently Lselul in adjusting differencos be tween employers and feftfpldyed in tho va rious industrie*. In Prussia, perhsps more than elsewhere, is recourse to them where they have aigualiy diminished the amount and expense* of litigation Cases iovnlvlng hundreds of thousands of dol lars have been taken out of ths regular courts of kiw and re'tlod in tho e courts. Ix'rd Brougham made strenuous efforts to introduce them into Enghind. It is tine oar law, and that of Eng. land, admits of arbitration ; but the te- quL-i'c conditions to be fulfilled differ in ctfeol from having established mbitruti vo coutU, which, b s'des having j^wer at alt aimoe to sit nnd take reference*, may also compel tile attendance of witnesses and the execution of their awards.— While isolated courts—as for instance th# ( Inrleston Exchange and. it might be, the Barnwell Fair Association, should the Act incorpora'ing it be amended— doubtless renier great local Service, a system embracing such courts in every Oommuuily, agricultural and manufac turing, as well as commercial, so that disputauts may In-ve a choice' of their judges, would redound incalculibly to the pub'tc good. Such n system adopted throughout our State, while not necessa rily conflicting with the present trial jus tice’s courts—an experimental system not free from material objections— might, with suitub'e provisions, wholly mpercede them—the otfluiul umpire be ing empowered to issue ctiminal process bard i*fet owriied as Ue did to get i. pMti .furultui^. «b, try cases small and mean, Ac., as ♦vial justices are now empowered—os well as greatly reduce the business and expenses cf our circuit courts. E. T. J. Tbe International Time Commission, which met in Washlngton^on lost Mon day week, deeMed by resolution to abolish the pfesent rystem of number ing the hour* of the day, fund substi tute a system beginning with zero, at midnight, and running up to twenty- four at midnight again. This system wMI aboltob aU difference between a. ra. and p. m. time, nnd will alter all hours after 1‘2 meridian, so that one will be thirteen, two fourteen, and so on to twelve at night, which will be twenty-four o’clock. This system will now. In all probability, be rapidly adop ted all over the world, stid the change will be very desirable. The Mexican sliver mine, owned In part by tbe late CXI. Polk, Tennessee s defaulting Treasurer, to said to be something of a bonanza. It to now said that Ool. Polk's interest In the mine will not only pay cot Ms total Indebtedness to the State, bat will toave a handeome residue for bto heirs. The Baptist State Convention meets atttedoQ oo Thursday the 20th of The gslfows during the present year i has filled mote graves than any other ° H* 1 batur wjmj Uuehr, and ntrry zeffer dis ttrrwd .Ul'tf serene aliens. I sot will K v Ai»e on the fence of her fnthei’e previous year In tbe history of tbe United States. -v Jonh Billings says : X look upon all prophets In these days as eranks, who believe four times as much as they can prove, and wbo can prove four times as much as any one else believes. No man bus any right to be a prophet un less he is m good gness^r. Prophesy ing dont pay. If you get It rfghr, no one remembers it; If you get It wrong, no one forgets It. Col. Cash, Is said to have at hto fln- gere ends all sons of odd points about' duelling. One of his queer assettloc.s Is that In every regular duel fought lu tbe United States tbe man with the fewer syllables In his name killed bis antagonist. He adds, moreover, that it has been so in all history from the time of D&vld and Qollah to that of Burr and Humllston, Young man. do not blush and fed A flUP Id Tutous county, Florida, ktltod sixty-eight slUgatois to one wook. By » mother-in-law: Too cod de ceive your guitoteoa little wife, young IMS, bat bar tabors wife—never l Lookout tor aa Advuoce la tbb price •Bo dtotre to bo ■Sa ■wsas good, because the girl you meet on the street seemH to be gnz'ng with rapture on your nob)» countenance ; she to on ly hokiog ut your pretty eravut and thinking how nice It would look in her erny quilt. That to all. ft A touchli g incident connected with Errkelne college is the daily visits of young Mr. Boyd, of Newberry County. God bus laid upon this young man a sore Bfflictlon. He bad a severe spell of meningitis In his lufanuy, and It set tled In his |ower Drabs, rendering; Lira unable tj walk. He hhH a fancy goat and little wagon which he drives with great esse whither he llstcth. Thto animal Is very doei'e and comes at his masters bidding nnd places himself between the ahatts when desired. Mr. Boyd Is a good looking. Intelligent young man, an I very bright lu his studies. Ho is prosecuting his studies with a view ty the ministry. What should th« hand of Providence make him a minister kit renowned us Mill- burn ? Mr. Runaround waa rut late the oth er night, and the next morning at breakfast, In order to Justify} himself, he remarked to his wif* : Pet, we have been matrled twenty years, und yeu look almost ua young UH you did then. . . . Y >u havej not changed a paptide, she responded, sweetly. * ’ If >t Changed ! be answered in sur prise, remembering his gray locks and ruby nose. - i. : Why, how can you say that? likcausi things preserved Itr nicltt'- hol never change, sire-answered. Mr. R. buttered his napkin tiug, un der tbe Impreselou tba* it was a- rnuf- Qo, and th<j meal progtessedln silence. Franklin J. Moses, incarcerated for awlnr'llng in the Detroit, Michigan Jail attempted suicide by (lunging on the 31'h ult. He wiM be scut to the House of Correction for three months. Weather Prophet Do Voe predicts that this fall the eky will be redder even than last year. With the 8 >utbern cotton crop and the Western grain crop In the control of giant mouopollee, tho farmer who raises a big cotton crop and a little gtaln crop Is at tho mercy of the gam ollng speculators. His only remedy, and Ids only chance for independence and prosperity, is to raise his own hog and hominy, and make his cotton his surplus cr« p. Thto doctrine may he coustdi red stale, but it is true; aud we shall continue to preach it.—New- berfy Observer. The remains of an English traveler bad been ixhumed h r Interment lu the faintly vault. When the Oofflu was opened tbs spectators started back in affright. r Why, these appear to be the lemalna-of a lion,’ ‘Yes,’re plied a nephew of the deceased,‘that’s the lion that uteLim op: uncle’s in side of blm.’ He had been taking too much fire water, and was leaning against a fence on Main street tbe other night when a friend—a pious fellow came alonur, and after lecturing him on trie lile be was leading,asked him wbeie he ex pected to go when liedled. Tfl'can’t (hie) get slung any b-1 er than now,' said he,’I (hh) can’t go nowhere.’ Farmers can kill all the rats about their barns by placing a wash pot half full of water with a few cotton seed sprinkled on top. The rats can not get out after they get In. • The Spsrtanburg Herald speaks of a cow that gave her weight in milk in 21 days. Ills presimed that tbe Kentucky negroes lately imported to Ohio will now be allowed to return to their na tive 8tate. It will sour on tbe aver age Republican .stomach- to keep these negroee there f«>r tbe time Inter vening betw^n this and the November election. Our Northern brethren love the negro—only for a few days before the election. We’d been rompin’ thru th- woods,.’bullln fl-mrs ami drivfntr thi woodchuck from bto Native Ltor (soto speak) with stUks. Wall, wo s- t tltoxoo.ilre frlnac, a-owlngtng our fee to aftd fro, blushing as red as the Bal !- winsvllle skool-house when it was painted, aud looking very simple, i make no doubt. My left arm was oce- pled In balanslB myself on tbe fence, while my itobl was lavishly round her wAste.’ I cleared mv throat, and tremb lingly said, ‘Betsy, you’re a GHZ-|!e.’ I thought .that .air whs putty tine. I wanted to see what effect it w..uld have upon b«r. It evidently didn't fetch her, for she tip nod said, ‘You’re a sheep I’ 8 z I, ‘Betsy, I think v«ry muchly of you/ T don't believe a word you say—so thrre, now cum!’ With which obset vashun shw hitched away from me. ‘I wish I bar was wlndeia to nty sole/ sou I, ‘so that you could see some of my fot-lihj. There’s fire enufif In here,’, sed I, strikirur mv bi zzi m with my tl*t,'to bile all tbe corned i-cef and turnips in the imboibood. Vei- eoovlu* and tbe Critter ain’t a circuai- I’ She bowed her bed 'town and cummeuat chawing the strings of her sub-bonnet. *Ah, could you know the sleep!Is nkes I wotry thiew on your Hccoynt, how vittals has adzed to he attractive to me, and how my limbs has shrunk up, you wouldn’t dout me. Case on this wastin’ form and the-e 'ere sunken cheeks — ’ I should have continue!ed ou this strane pn-bly !< r some time, hut I unfortnitly lost my baliuse and fell over into the pastur ker erowsh, tearing my close, ami se verely da mag (ok myself glm-rally. - Betsy Jane sprung to my assistance in double quk-k time, aod dragged me 4 h. Then, drawtag herself up to her full bite, she sed:. *1 won’t listen to your uonceuts no longer. Ji s say rife strata out what you’re driving at. If you meau getting hitched. I’m lu !’ I considered that air enufT fur all piao- tlcal purposee, and wo proceeded im- ru-jitely to the parsou’s uud was made 1 that very uile. HamweU Eailrosd- J) # BentSOlllier M'V & ‘l On and ilflfr Monifajr, October fltb, tr»lu* wtU run u foWcwtttH-fcirtbsr notice: 214 KIHO STBEET, CHARLESTON, S. C [DUly—Except Sunday*. I good two-horse fur j 3 aiits from W-l- Itoton." /»Ut-nt three horse turm ."3 fpHV.Dilii-ton. Moth places are healthy au<l well imiirov- e<l and produce f ne ct -ps ot corn m.d cot- .■Utft.. For lei ins uidre^* >. ??. nni'Ev." ■ c ' C3South Itrond t-t. Ail mia, Ga. - ecfl ft ;• •, - " irtiiul For sale. Did you rea l those horrible stories of tht Arctic sufferers Bring off each other?’ asked Mrs. Lumpley of her husband. ‘Yes. I read all tbe particu lars.’ ‘Dreadful, Isn’t it?’ Oh, iHto nothing when you once get used to having people live off of you. I used to kick when your mother and your sister and all tbe rest of them came to live off of me, but I have got ao used to It Dow that I never complaftb Jefferson Davts, In hto fight after tbe collapse of the Confederacy, aban doned hto horse a few miles from Ma- ooo sod took to tbs woods. On the bora* waa a sflver-m-moted saddle, such sa the heroes of Berios axe woor to bestride. The saddle I notice:- To the’ns of HarntrtU County : We are now located in the Town of Dl ick- Title.-tJ. C., on (’lark utieet. (- ne door flora Kedmond a store) fir the purpose of innim firSturjng the American Artificial Tornbstone which m compose I of Hand nnd c<-menf. All who wiah work of the. kind can have it done o'* reasonable notice n ad fair terms We re spectfully sohcit yoar ordi-ri. Como one. come nil, and pive m ytmr work an you will “Well, old friend, which way?’’ aaid a Finn individual to Iim fat friend at a railway station uot long since. “I utu off for a little trip to see what has been going on in the world since I have been in bondage ’’ -What do you mean by being ic bon dage?” “Well, just this: “You and I traded for many years with the game firm, paid the same ruinous prices and were al* ways in debt. Timt’b what I meau by being in bondage.” “How did you manage to get out ?” ‘T sold off all tbe fcurplus stock, &e., that I con’d spsre, economized ut every point und traded this year on a ca.-h ba sis with Ben Davies in Barnwell. You have no idea wli it a difference it m kes — some merchants doir’t seem to realize that tho war is over, and think riicy have a government contract to keep the farmers poor. When 1 fir.-t commenced trading with Ben Davies I presented the fame “fhudowy” appearance that you do at [resent; hut look at my proportions now — and I am the leanest one of the family. It is not always good feeding that makes a man fat; peace and con tentment, the satisfaction tint you will reap the benefits of your lubnr and no fears of the sheriff’s levy to disturb your peaceful siumheis. I am fat, healthy and happy, owe nn man a dollar and am go ing on a :ittle free excursion of my own as a compliment to myrelf. 1 fear that the March winds will cany you hence if you don’t make n chcnge. Ben Davies keeps everything you need—Dry Goods, Boots. Shoes, Fue-h Groceries, Hard ware, Tinware, ('arinoJ Goods, in luet anything you need, and-for the cash he will astonish you. Take my word ior it. trad- with him next year and i;i the winter we II enjoy a trip out West on our t-urphis cash. sep2.». be dealt with fairly. A F. MORRIS A CO. TO KIlNT- KOR TfilS l^aSI Trade, Largest Stock W K'wiT WA1?.1>. 8TATTOXS 0 8 Matt 1 Ace’ut. I.v Blv-krlllo A. >t r m. 10.-8 8.00 “ A,Mi-ls;h 10.80 818 Woodwanfs 10 40 8 30 Ar liarnwelt 10.80 its ic v ntav v rrr>. STATIONS. 4 Mail 8 Acv’m — ■ ■ 1 ■ — 1 »■-—« —— A. M p. a. hr Ram well *• WoodwrftM** 8 0) 4.48 8. til ! 4 88 “ A^hlcieh 8?0 | 8.08 Ar Biackville 848 1 8.80 B*rnw«tl Ratlroad Trains ccnaeel with SoatU Car olina Railway Trains aa follows: No. X haa aonusetion from South Carolina Rat!way from Auguata aiitf Local Slatiou* W«-»t of Mackal.!*). No. 4 coanocta with Soulh Carollnn Railway for Charleston and Local Stationa Eaat of BlackrilK- and Coluintda Dirtaian. No. 6 baa oom*action from Smith Carolina Hallway from Charteaton, f-ohimWa, Dtriaton and all laieaf Stations Last of BlackTilli-. No 6 connects with Shdth CaroHoi lUHway for Auxusia aud L-s-al Stations West of Blaclirillc. No. 7 has connection from South Caro.Uus Railway from Aufrusla aiul all iscal Staiiona. • No. Sconni-cta with ^o>1th l arollna Railway for Charleston, Cobiwibla snd all points East. Ou Court day of each mouib a Train will lenre Rl.icl.v1lioat J A. M„ and arrive at Barnwell at 7.4A A. M. D. C. ALLEN.O. PAT. Agent JOIIN R. PECK, (iencral ManagiT. Are now receiving h tore* hdiI well nssorted Of Toiith* and Buy* Clothing an>t f.irntobimr Good* A fine line of Bats constantly Pi hand, , . . “HOW 10 SAVE MONEY." 815 fur am $‘20 for $13. 8*5 for $15. WATCHESf Etoin nr WaHImm Watches In Bolbl stiver double caaes at above [nlcesb-r 60 DATS ONLY. Every watch warranted. Gents’ solid gold watebe* from f‘25 upward. Fnr partfentor* write McELREE’H JEWELRY PALACE Cbarlestou, B. C. FOR SAl/E. S Mitli Carolina Kailway. Ampcent for T. H. Wiiliojchsm I offer 1 mIw 1701 nerw. of wood*.! laud in Bonn, Np. ingi Tow n>hip in tracts of 60 acre* a upwanls. Term* easy. Apply to ^ R. A. ELMS, Allendale, S. C. srpl-fitn -AND- Lowest Prices, A Wo ! iiDpfoved. wTTt wUrreii nnd heal- thrfarm in f.Cnoett Fprnti-s Township, six n»Hes'frotn Martin s Stmcm. The place contama htA ncrva, IWc’earcd, b.ilsnce la original forest. Terms—Oue fillli ca«b Ba’snceon f nr yeara-credit,- with inivfost at X per cent., payable nnnualiy. Apply nt ’ TUB PEOPLE Office. oclltl — / AUGUSTA HOTEL- IJROA O NX. U4) T 7NT.A . ( j A railroad or^-w.ino. Bar and Biliinrd Boonii in the Rear. Pkoice Wmea and I iquofs alwas on b tnd. Table Supplied in Beat Style on furopenn Plan. Attentive Scryauts, Large and well Ventilated Rooms. ft^ELEiTRIC BELLS-©a LEWIS & DOffLT r ' r LE. pit-nuKronn Uni.ed Slates Muskal’s Sale. United Stales of America. District of South Carolina, in ibo Circuit Court. GEORGIA CHEMICAL WORKS. P.alntiff, S 8. FUR9E. Defendant. By yiflue of an execution in the nbore stated cnee to me directed and delivered I will proceet to sell at pub ic outcry before the Court Honsvat Barnwell, Stale of South Carolina, to thre highest bidder on Monday, the 1st day of December, 1SS4, between the hours of 11 o’clock in the forenoon and 5 o’clock in the afternoon, all the right, title hnd interest of ike Defendant in aud to the tollowing described properly, to wit; All that plantation or tract of land ic Barnwell eouniy in the State of Smith Caro lina, near Martin's on the Port Royal Bail Road, in the possession of the said S. S. Furee and said to contain eleven hundred (11(X>) acres, more ur less. Also, the following personal property now on naid plantation, to wit : One (1) viauonary Engine of Tm (10) Horav-power, One (1) Bober of Twelve (12) Horse-po>/er, aud oce (I) Cotton Gin nnd Preen. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay U. S. Mar shal for papers. T. J, TUOMEY, United Staten Marshal * District of S. C. act30-6w CITATION. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, BARNWELL COUNTY. • III THE COURT or PROBATE. By B. T. Rice, E.-*q., Judge of Frobate Id Barnwell County. Whereas, W. fl. Sirnnsi anplies for Letters of Administration on the derelict estate of Rebecca Singleton. * * These are, therefore, tociteand admonish all. and singular the kindred and creditors •f the said deceased, to be and appear before si a Court of Probate for the said county tohoholden at Barnwell C. H. on Wedneeday the *4 day of Doeembor 1884, at 11 o’clock, A. M., to ehow sineo, it any, why tho said administration should not ho gmntod. Given nnder my hand and the leal of the Court tide ITthday af October, A. R. 1884. and ia the 100th Amerieee lade p—deneo. R. T. RICE, ssttttw. Judysaf Pmhax. CH A REES PE;’n M A NN' X’pl.‘ e nrt* In A'.u-'uuiiug to l.iw tour. .• iri- ij-l- Ihrtf hto Ht'ck la <*' tU)'l' !•* p. nil ill- irnttinvuta and that Uto ;-1.<-»-k wilt 1-,'iuj—1«* tovotat l> with lliuiii uf nn) in<i- ki-t to i he Hl»»t»-. H-. t- *« rot time or spuo« v- emurtr- n'e nil I,toetock won'/ «t)to *hi» to tho titmouriuts t-f nn it'.abtiifgvii lih-ti 'l ri' v. H[>t*i-h»l l>argHiiis in Dry Gv-(«to, Gro cortoe, Rontu, Hlioet-,-4^h-ti,i ig, Hnr I tv,i re, Crockery wn re. Tii w ire, To- bacco, Cigurs. Hngvl tr anri T.ea aud tumhing neeileii on tlie.faitn th* lunia-hol-l. 1/ yo-i don’t s-i- what you want enh for it. It ia in st U-k. Corrauy [ roiince of nil hlL'lx wanted h&4 th>- liltrliear [-rice-i allowed. B. Biiro to call on the vett r.ui hef -rr you »>ny. It will pay you aiul Unn’* you furgot, it. CHARLES PECHMANN. - »e[ 4 LK- J. II. E. MILHOUS, DENTAL SURGEON, nL.A.CH;VIL.LK. N. C. Rrgnlwr srppointmentg as follows: Rem, wet) H. frohi i bird Monday in each tiM-nlh tc Friday evening. Office at the I’nttei »vn House. Williston, 8. C. from first Monday in each month to Friday evening. Office over ( opt. Kennedy’s stere. Will be at his home office :n Biackville every Saturday and wt 1 make appointments with patients to aieel them at either of hiaoffices at any time. •OF*Cal 1 * attended in Barnwell and adja cent counliea. [nov22 Manufacturer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco, KlUUFF, l»KPKft,.£TC. No. 343 King Street, Charleston, 3. C. jan21 OTTO TIEDEMAN & SONS. •WHOLiKNALK GKOC'liItH And Provision Dealers, 02 and 104 East Bay St. Cbkrleston, 8. C Provisions a specialty.- We have always tn hand a large stock of Prim? Meets, also cheap cut. and grades of every d scription of meats and a fall assortment of Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars, Ac. oct25 ly W lint is claimed for the WAVERLY HOUSK. GHAOLTCSXON. N. C. The best k«ds and bedding ia the South. Location the best in the CBy. The table ansurpaaaed. RATES—$2.00 and $2 60 PER DAY Reduced rate* by the week or month. JOSEPH PRICE, Jr., Proprietor junelO FOR SALE. Cotnmenc'mar October (Dh 1834, train will run as follows : '4 if'iiTiVf si^] L.'stiL— ' AUGUSTA DIVISION. (Daily) 'Dally, cacep Suudaya.) Dr. X R Smitl l.oave fbnrieeton 7 00 a m 4 3l) p m Arrive at Bruuchvllle ft.42 * m 6.35 p m Leave Bruuciiviile 9 00 a m 6 50 )• in Leave Edisto H H 1 a m 7.00 p m Leave NVutway 9.20 ft m 7,i3 p m Leave l^iaiberg 9 2ft a ra 7 2- y m Leave Griham* 9. .48 » m 7.89 p ■> Le:ive Lccs 9 uO u m 7 50 p ra Leave Biackville 9 OB * m 7 6S p m Leave Kiko lt< 13 ft 0. 8.11 y rn Leave Williat n 10 19 a m ft. 18 ? m 1 Arrive al Augusta 11.40 p m 9.50 p » east. [Dftilrl iDftnr except. .S*i ndfiw. [.cave ti-«n*la 7.15 a m 4.0pm LenveA illistcn 8.51 a ra 6.24 p m Leave Klko 8 6ft ft tu 6,30 i> ia Leave Biackville S.TffTm 6.4 l p ui Leave Lccs 9 20 ft si 6.61 p at Leave frrubams 0.32 a ra 6.01 p m Leave bainbi rg 9 45 a m 6.12 p m leave Midway 9 53 a in 6.19 p bi Lca\ e Edista 10.01 a m 6 30 p * Ar. al BrancliviUe 10.16 n m 6 4«* p ni !,<-ave Brancbville 10 20 a ui 805 p ri Ar at Charleston 12 2'J p ra .9.65 p m COLUMBIA DIVISION- WEST. (Daily. Except Sunday.) Leave Pmneliville 8.56 a m C 6 A p 31 Arrive at Camden 12 .V> p in 5 p m \r- iv* al Columbia 11.IK* a m y',2 p iu tonve Colu iit.ia 7.50 • m 6.25 p m Leave t'anideo 7 15 a ni 4.00 )> »i Ar it Branchviite 10. *5 " ro 7 50 p o» F.XPIIKSS ( DAILY) W ES T.) Leave Charlorli.n 11 00 p m l eave l>»ncliville 3 04 a 10 l eave Biackville 6.00 a ni Ar. Angiiala 8 00 a m EXPRESS (DAILY) BAST) Leave Augusta 9.40 p in Ar at B ackville 1‘2 17 pm Ar. at nranchvtlle 141a m Arrive at Charicaton 6 15a ni -CONNECTIONS " Conned ion* >11 ideal Aupuata wiili Ger-v»ia B. K. to ai-d from n 1 p <ihi!» H «-*! and Som-ib- Operrttive and IVIechantcal DFNTIST. RAJIIICKU INfU Wll.lal*X« TV ill practice at the following plteet Irme mentione-l IUvb- ho — Bo-rinnin* 'he first Monday each menrh-and -mi. 1 imnng for the folios Iwo weeks. Offirr *? ibe Marling HnSeI~ WiLUetoN—Tne ihii-d and fourth weel each mar.tb. OSice over ^mith * Drug 8f apr27-l HiCil’I). J. M01«j 118 King St. Charleston. S. C. HEATING AND COOKING STOVES AND R^NG fiB'Se d for prices and ptcMrea. THOS. McG. CARR fCAKHION AULTC Shi'v ng iind Ilnir Drcs'ing Sit 114 !ff*rkct Street, (One Door F’ast of King Street, Charleston, S. C. aeplS Grange Notice. GRAHAMS OIUNGR No ;. r i Pair I lav bar. dry treeia the lit Thur*i»y ir mor.thai JO o'clock \. >t fj'**) wcu » ittf through .■'le* ficr ti«;wi-cn t.'har- It-Uon nud At stiiaon Ex pi e-a train, tiennectiona i»:-de at'euun with Nort k- F/v*lrr i U. K. for prim* Nort b aud * ilh New Vork Simmers on S -iu'i'ayv. ('•'onrciions ni»d* al L'elumhra with Ct- lunihia mi.I tirevnville it. K. and Charlotte. Ce'urabla and Augusta R. R. to and from -nil points on bolh Koads. Connrcuons made at Blaekvihe with Barn well R. K D. T. ALLEN. 0. P. AT. Agvnt. JOHN B. firnrral Vlanager. < 1 A AT Williston, S. i T. B. REYNOLDS, S. C. K. R. Dt-nler in G^ncrul Merc handise, con sto'ing uf Clothing, Dry Goods, B-w>ts, Slua-e, Hats, Choice Oroceiles, Clears, 1'ntiscco, H-ildware, ftc , &c, Ac., ftc, &c. He can not tie undersoiii by any merchant In the county Patronize a young man in the young est town In the county. ALL GOODS FRESH. New additions constantly made to hto stock. WrCall and keep calling, sef 25 CTTA8 O. LESLIE. Wholesale and Itetnfi Commission —DBALKBIS - FISH, OYSTERS, GAME AND POULTRY'- Stalls Nos. 1 and > 2 Fish Market, Office Nos. 18 at.d 20 Miirket St. East of East Bay Charleston, S. C. Consignments of Country Prodoec are respectfully solicited. Poultry, Eggs, &c. All oidera filled with dispatch. pcpl8-6tn Pianos and Organs. BY THE BEST MAKERS. ^ New Pianos $210, $225 and upward,— New Organs $24 and npwayd. Eaeisat terms aud lowest prices ever known on stan. dard nnd reliable instrumenU. Delivered Freight Paid. Don’t fail to get our prices and term* be fore parebaeing. Remember w# pay ail freight without inereaae of pnees. Addreaa V. GMLt, 4k MOM, 213 King Streot, Charltstuo. B. C. sep4 6 m , With ih-b<-i<t sfn«k of Bot-ti Huts Gents’ Fur li-diing G--<k1i. I Cxllw*. Cofiis and Nockwe.r b CLurfeidoiy and Augn*t', nn-l the csl prices between New York an Orlaraa. All the luleet styles and from 4 Houses in the Uui'ed Ntate*. Good Unlaundried Whilst, Shirts at 55 cet^s apiece, abd eve else ia prop* r>i >n. Come and st-e that there's life terpr se in WillisB-n still: ROBT. A. WEATHERS! < W. H. Brigh 2G1 BROAD ST., AUGUST WboleMxlo and Retail <jr-o COMMISSION MKRCUA la prepared with ample me a Bticcv-esful experience t<» »< cusloniera more satisfactor than at any jin-vloua time. ▲ full stock of tbe bent p baud at all times} aod at U prices. Home grown and Texas I Pi oof Seed Oats apecialUes. aep26 • T. T. GUJ BLAi KV1LI.E, S Watchmaker, Jeweller aad fina be glad to i*e« nld and new frisndi •land opposite tbe depot. AU t ranted. W. B. BI8CUOFF. J. V mm WHOL.BMA.laK ORt And Dealorw in CAROLINA RK M Send six cents for poatags and raceivt frees costly box of goods which will help all, of oiihor sox, te more mossy right sway thas 300 BySHELS GsDuine Seletri Red ^ythl^M to thto worir Proof Oats. cts. ths wwlors sbsslutsly surs. At sabs ad- par 8'ishoL J NO. B^ H Att. i drsas Tara A Co., Aag^ta, Mato*, octl* Elko, a a I ^ * V- JNO. R HAIR Elko, A a afvIO 199 East Bay, 1 sad 2 Cumhari 64 and 6ft Statt Street, Chari (New York Office, 98 Wall If. B. Mr. J. R. KASTERLf connected wkh our bnoinosaao Salooman. Any ordan ontrastod haTO our boot atteutton. IHl 3 Application lor Final D<i Notice to hereby given that the ed will apply to the Probate Jedi well County oa Monday, the ! November, 4. D. 1881. fern Fine as Admiatotrator af the eetato of J. W \' v ;